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Approved For Release 2004/03/25 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000400040050-3 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE Floor Debate on the Nomination of Mr. John A. UcCone to be Director of Central Intelligence 29. 30, 31 January 1962 TAB A Synopses Under this Tab is a brief summary of what each Senator who spoke on the floor had to say on the subject of confirmation with page annotations. These are included in alphabetical order. TAB B Page Index of Senators' Statements This is a simple alphabetical index of those Senators who spoke with a listing of the pages of the RECORD where their statements can be found. TAB C Subject Index Based on review and analysis of the entire floor debate, a list of subjects covered was compiled. Under each such heading are page numbers of the RECORD and the Senator who made the statement. TAB D Verbatim Text of the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD for 29. 30 and 31 January 1962 Approved For Release 2004/03/25 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000400040050-3 Approved For Release 2004/03/25 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000400040050-3 Addressed himself to thoroughness of JCAE confirmation hearing of Mr. McCone in 1958. Senator Anderson stated that while the published record does not show all the questions which were asked, he can assure the Senators that a great many questions were asked, carefully probed, and not all that appeared ever reached the surface. He gave examples of other reviews and investigations, the published reports of which might have given the impression of a limited activity on the part of the Committee, but which, in fact, involved serious investigation and critical review. p. 942 Senator Anderson discussed Mr. McCone'ts personal pp.94Z-3 and full cooperation with the Chairman of JCAE stating how he and Mr. M one went over If r. McCone's financial statement and other members of the Joint Committee joined . Made up (1) list of securities the Chairman thought should be sold because of business dealings with AEC; (2) a list that was not black and white that the Chairman suggested be sold also - "There was no argument about it. He put a check mark next to every one of them. He said 'I will dispose of these also. "'; (3) a class of stocks he could hold openly; and (4) a class for which a. trust agrangement was suggested so that he would not have any custody of them. "Not only did he p. 943 . McCone) put them in a trust, but he submitted the trust agreement not only to the lawyers, but also to any member of the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy who wanted to look at it, to see if it was sufficient. I commended him for it, and l 11 commend him now. Senator Anderson Inserted in the Record a copy of his pp. 944-5 r to Mr. McCone transmitting the un,.cn, -ausifled extract :ripe of Mr. McCone's last meeting with the Committee as Chairman of AEC and inserted the extrac the transcript in the Record. Voted yea. Approved For Release 2004/03/25 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000400040050-3 Approved For Release 2004/03/25 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000400040050-3 nator E. L. Senator Bartlett observed that Senator McCarthy had mentioned that there has been an implication that the whole of Congress cannot be trusted with. secrets relating to the CIA and AEC. He wondered how for down, in the Senator's opinion, this information could be safely disseminated. He asked whether Senator McCarthy had any idea as to where the cutoff point might properly come and concluded this colloquy by stating, in summation, that Senator McCarthy entertain* the belief that if some members of Congress can be trusteed with the awesome secrets to atomic energy so might other members of Congress, constituting a Joint Committee, be entrusted with the secrets having to do with CIA. pp. 930 - rt address on the floor, Senator Bartlett p. 935 indicated that the points brought out by Senator McCarthy needed to be discussed and he thought in the long run would result in an improved functioning of CIA. Senator Bartlett indicated his favorable impression of the statement Mr. McCone made before the Armed Services Committee in response to questions, that be, Mr. McCune, does not believe it to be the duty of the CIA to formulate policy. Senator Bartlett's understanding of the situation I. that p. 935 foreign policy should be conducted by the president with advice and consent coming principally from the Department of State and that the contribution of the CIA is to be made in the supplying of intelligence information upon which those decisions can be properly made. "But, if there are two or sometimes, pp. 935-6 as is rumored, more organisations, especially in areas abroad where we seek to influence people and governments, setting out different policies and guidelines, only confusion and sometimes chaos will result." Considered the question p. 1126 raised by Senator Case whether Mr. McCone's business history was such as would provide the Agency the objective look needed; and with, respect to Mr. McCone's answer that Ara rae o handled relationships with Arabia and Bahrein Island in a satisfactory manner, he queried, "Satisfactory to whom"" Voted yea. Approved For Release 2004/03/25 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000400040050-3 Approved For Release 2004/03/25 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000400040050-3 Senator Prescott Bush: egrity, courage, trustworthiness and demonstrated Read Senator John Sherman Cooper's statement in support of confirmation into the Record and also read his own brief statement of support given before Armed Services. He indicated the nomination carries a heavy burden of responsibility requiring a man of great ability; that he knows of his own knowledge that Mr. McCone is a man that possesses these qualities to a marked degree and knows him to be a deeply religious man and one who understands better than most the nature of the communist menace with which we are faced. Senator Bush commented that the Agency is not a procurement agency and there is no legal requirement that Mr. McCone divest himself of any of his property. nab thinks the President did very well to select Mr. McCone to handle this very responsible Agency because of Mr. McCone's high character and integrity and responsibility. Voted yea. 63-4 Approved For Release 2004/03/25 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000400040050-3 Approved For Release 2004/03/25 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000400040050-3 Senator Robert C. Byrd: Senator Byrd associated himself with Senat Bartlett's remarks concerning Mr. McCone's answers given in the Armed Services hearings regarding Armco interference with governments of the Middle East. He also stated the hearings indicated the nominee had no experience or training in the intelligence field prior to his appointment. He indicated that it is just as important that there be no conflict of interest in this instance as it would be if he were being considered for the position of Secretary of Defense. Senator Byrd referred to the Agency regulation on conflicts of interest and indicated that until Mr. McCone divests himself of the holdings to which he had referred. he would not be willing to support sonfi rmation. In effect, Senator Byrd delivered a condensed version of Senator Clark' a views. Voted nay. pp. 1164-5 Approved For Release 2004/03/25 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000400040050-3 Approved For Release 2004/03/25 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000400040050-3 Senator Francis Case: After a somewhat lengthy address on 30 January, pp. 1123-6 in which he reviewed the issues which he had raised with Mr. McCune before the Armed Services Committee, Senator Case indicated he was still undecided as to his vote. On 31 January, Senator Case summed up his guments to the effect that one may resign from a directorship but how does he divest himself of interests in the company where sizable stock interests are retained? Senator Case stated that the Director of Central Intelligence makes decisions that involve and form the foundation of national policy. He stated that the Director of Central Intelligence will deploy the agents of CIA; he will assess the importance of a report on a revolution in far corners of the earth; he will evaluate the intelligence that is assembled; and, he may then direct cooperation or restraint from involvement in such matters. Senator Case questioned whether the vast empire built p. 1157 in the past twenty years has not cloaked Mr. McCone with a concern for overseas operations that is not one which the average or typical American would have. Senator Case p. 1125 stated, "I hope that Mr. McCone will learn of my statements on the floor of the Senate at this time." This was followed by further discussion of the point raised in the previous day's floor debate dealing with exemption from income tax of earnings of foreign-based ships and corporations. Voted nay. Approved For Release 2004/03/25 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000400040050-3 Approved For Release 2004/03/25 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000400040050-3 Senator Joseph S. Clark-. Senator Clark inserted in the Record: (1) a legal pp. 973-8 memorandum concerning conflicts of interest as it related to Mr. McCone prepared by the Senate Legislative Counsel; (2) an extract from the CIA rules on employee conduct dated 29 August 1961; (3) a legal memorandum concerning conflicts of interest with respect to Mr. McNamara, also prepared by the Senate Legislative Counsel; and (4) a statement of facts prepared by Clark's staff based on the confirmation hearings before Senate Armed Services. Later Senator Clark concluded that, as a matter of law, Mr. McCone was in violation of conflict of interest. (In fact. the legal memoranda of the Senate Legislative Counsel. in a lot more words, said precisely the same thing as Mr. Houston's opinion.) Senator Clark stated he opposed the nomination because: p. 1115 (1) no experience in the intelligence field; (2) he suspected Mr. P. 1118 McCone was not a man of a judicial temperament; (3) Clark is concerned about Mr. McCone's views towards peace in the world p. 1119 and by his apparent view that there is little immediate chance of achieving it and that solo reliance on military strength is a bettor policy; and (4) Clark concludes that Mr. McCone's holding of stock in Standard Oil of California violates the law with respect to conflict of interest. Senator Clark stated that he would be glad to support p. 1118 Mr. McCone to be Secretary of Defense, Secretary of the Army. Secretary of the Navy, or Secretary of the Air Force. Senator Clark indicated the hope that the leaders on both sides of the aisle would give some consideration to whether the jurisdiction of CIA should not be moved to the Foreign Relations Committee. Senator Clark hoped that the Government Operations Committee would undertake a very careful investigation of CIA for the purpose of assessing (1) the effectiveness of its operations; (2) the extent to which it should be reorganized, if at all; and.(3) to look very carefully into the question as to whether the "Department of Dirty Tricks, " or covert operations, should be separated from the intelligence governing functions. p. 1 Absent on official business, paired, but if present and voting, would have voted nay. Approved For Release 2004/03/25 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000400040050-3 Approved For Release 2004/03/25 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000400040050-3 Senator John Sherman Cooper. In his absence from Washington, his prepared p. 1163 statement was read into the Record by Senator Prescott Bush. In support o3' Mr. McCon 's confirmation, Senator Cooper noted non-Anise's long and distinguished record in the services of the United States which attests his ability to serve as Director of the very important CIA. He noted that the nominee was appointed and confirmed twice previously by the Senate and that he is a man of integrity and character whose loyalties are bound to the security and freedom of our country. Senator Cooper indicated he has known Mr. McCone for twelve years and from his record of service and his own observations, knows of his exceptional ability as an administrator and as a profound student of governmental affairs. -Absent, but if present would vote yea. Approved For Release 2004/03/25 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000400040050-3 Approved For Release 2004/03/25 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000400040050-3 Senator, Everett McKinley Dirksen: Senator Dirksen stated, "We are considering a very p. 941 distinguished citizen. " He pointed out the President had made a very glowing statement with respect to Mr. McCone at the time he announced the nomination in which the President expressed his confidence in Mr. McCone's capacity to discharge responsibilities as Director of Central Intelligence. Senator Diirksen summarized the high spots of Mr. McCon*'s career and stated, in part., "Sooner or later a man like that was bound to get into the Government services. I think that high talent recommends itself. It is not at all surprising that three Presidents - President Truman., President Eisenhower, and President Kennedy - have availed themselves of Mr. McCone's service. " p. 941 Senator I3irksen further indicated that the subject of p. 941 conflicts of interest is always a difficult one and that the discussion attending this nomination directs attention to the fact that without undue delay both the Mouse and the Senate now ought to direct efforts to the business of reviewing the conflict of interest statutes. He later associated himself with Senator P. U23 Mansfield's remarks concerning conflict of interest and stated his hope that the Judiciary Committee to which the conflicts of interest matter has been referred can, before too long, finish its deliberations and bring these bills to the Senate calendar. On Tuesday, 30 January, when Senator Mansfield p. 1094 proposed delaying the vote until Friday and was blocked by the objection of Senator Saltonstall, the second proposal, to delay until 2:00 p. rn. Thursday, I February, was blocked by Senator Dirksen. Voted yea. Approved For Release 2004/03/25 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000400040050-3 Approved For Release 2004/03/25 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000400040050-3 During Senator McCarthy'* address,- asked if Senator pp. 926-9 McCarthy knew of any instances in which the CI carried out, in the field, a policy directly contrary to the policy of the State Department. Senator Douglas then referred to the July 1956 speech of Nasser in Alexandria, Egypt, and the charge that the CIA regional representative inteerferreed with the mission of George E. Allen and made Nasser much more Intransigent than he otherwise would have been and d to aggravate the crisis over the Sues. He stated, he p. 927 supposed it may well have been without knowledge of the Director of Central Intelligence. Paired, but would have voted nay. Approved For Release 2004/03/25 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000400040050-3 Approved For Release 2004/03/25 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000400040050-3 Senator J. W. Fulbright: Questioned Senator McCarthy: (1) whether law p. 932 specifically requires CIA reports: to Armed Services; (2) experience of the nominee; and (3) whether in a country such as Great Britain there exists a division in the intelli- gence con=unity between the gathering of information and its analysis and operation. Pointed out that the question before the Senate is qualification* of the appointee, not whether CIA is properly constituted. In floor address, Senator Fulbright stated the office p. 1169 of the Director of Central Intelligence is unique in that the man who holds it is entrusted with direction of a vast organization engaged in worldwide activities of a most sensitive mature, not subject to the close scrutiny of appropriations and operations by Congress, the press and the public. Stated CIA exerts a powerful influence on the character and conduct of foreign relations without being subject to the processes of consultation and review of its activities by committees of Congress. Stated that neither he nor his committee had been consulted concerning the appoint- ment nor given the opportunity to ascertain the nominees views on foreign policy. "In short, I do not feel that I am suf- p. 1169 ficiently informed about the convictions of this nominee regarding the foreign policy of our Government to endorse them by an affirmative vote." In rebuttal to Senator Russell's remarks, indicated p. 1170 he would have no hesitancy in approving Mr. McCone to be Secretary of State since that position is subject to constant review and exposure to criticism and comment by nearly everybody. However, this operation being covert, he would p. 1171 much prefer that the President take full responsibility and not ask the Senate to affirm it "unless I know something about the nominee's views. " Denied that CIA does not have a very p. 1171 major influence upon policy. "To state that this is merely a factfinding organization, in my opinion, is not in accord with the facts as I know them." Indicated he had been a cosponsor p. 1171. with Senator Mansfield in trying to set up a special committee comparable to JCAE "that failed because of the vigorous opposition of the than leader or director of the Central Intelli- gence Agency. " Voted nay. Approved For Release 2004/03/25 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000400040050-3 Approved For Release 2004/03/25 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000400040050-3 Senator Albert Core Stated that as a member of JCAE had privilege p. 1168 of working closely with and sometimes in opposition to Mr. McCone. He considers him to be a capable, courageous and patriotic citizen. Stated his only regret with respect to the appointment is that Mr. Mc Cone is not twenty years younger in order that he might ontribute more of the faithful and dedicated service of which he I. capable. Voted yea. Approved For Release 2004/03/25 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000400040050-3 Approved For Release 2004/03/25 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000400040050-3 Senator Ernest Gruel The Senator delivered a long, prepared speech p. 930 rehashing all of senator Clark's points and a few more. Senator Gruening raised the query whether it would be more appropriate for the Foreign Relations Committee rather than Armed services to pass on the nomination since Mr. McCone had testified his task, as he sees it, is merely to receive reports from all over the world and evaluate .ww..a.vvw %a& tidFCia4}y{a '1 wau uuv nue shun zo oenator p. 931 all as to whether the Senator realized that in rtain countries CIA operates with complete independence the Chief of Mission and that our diplomatic representativ are not even Wormed of what the CIA agents are doing in country, according to information he had received from a responsible member of the diplomatic service in a country where this particular situation exists. Senator Gruening indicated there had been a failure pp. 1160-1 of intelligence in Cuba and a second failure in the Berlin crisis where, although we have been living with the situation for seventeen years and all kinds of information had been handed the Administration by the CIA, the one course of action which the Russians followed (scaling off of Last Berlin) was not anticipated and caught us completely flat footed. "The result was another major defeat based on faulty intelligence. 11 The Senator associated himself with senator Margaret p. 1161 Chase Smith's reservations resulting from Mr. McCone's answer of "none" when querried by her as to intelligence experience prior to his appointment. Senator Cruening also raised the question of the scientists and indicated that he pp. 1161-2-3 found nothing in the scientists' letter which recommended unilateral abandonment. Senator Gruening also felt that the past involvement of Mr. McCone in financial affairs on an p. li63 international scale could not be freed from the question of whether it will influence his judgments in the future. Voted nay. Approved For Release 2004/03/25 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000400040050-3 Approved For Release 2004/03/25 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000400040050-3 Senator Hubert H. Huxphrey: Senator Humphrey associated himself with the p. 1169 remarks of Senator ariuGskie. He stated that this (a Joint Committee to oversee the operations of the Central Intelligence Agency) was an all-important and much-hoped-for development. Stated he trusts it will be consumated at this session. Would have voted yea but paired with Senator who was absent on official business. Approved For Release 2004/03/25 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000400040050-3 Approved For Release 2004/03/25 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000400040050-3 Senator Henry M. Jackson. Senator Jackson queried Senator McCarthy as to p. 927 where he felt there was a lack of constitutional control over the head of the CIA and stated that when members of the Senate criticised specific intelligence operations in open session they themselves were guilty of lack of understanding of theproblem. He pointed out that the head of CIA is under the President and responsible to him and that the DCI reports to the National Security Council. Senator Jackson stated that whether congressional control to what it should be is another question. He emphasised again that discussing in public any specific activities of CIA may in a sense unwittingly give aid and comfort to the enemy. His noted that in order to have an authoritative p. 928 denial or statement from the Agency, the Agency would have to enter public discussion which would itself be an improper operation of the Agency. Senator Jackson commented on the arguments for p. 93 jurisdiction in the Foreign Relations Committee by stating that the other intelligence undertakings, by the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, and DOD, make up the intelligence community with the DCI as Chairman of the Intelligence Board, acting as the coordinator for all of these. There is this heavy military overtone which by tradition and custom has always been a part of the responsibility of the Armed Services Committee. Senator Jackson referred to the many statements on alleged conflict of interest stating that the allegations have been made before and were unanimously rejected by three different Committees. He pointed out that these matters are raised now as a part of a campaign which stems mainly from disagreement with the hard policy Mr. McCone has always taken with reference to difficult decisions in the area of national security affecting our relations with the Soviet Union. Senator Jackson stated, in part, "If there is an area in Government where we used man who are tough and hard and able adminis trators. rich with, good sense and good judgment, and who will indeed take a hard, tough position it is in the CIA. " Voted yea,, P. 94 Approved For Release 2004/03/25 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000400040050-3 Approved For Release 2004/03/25 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000400040050-3 Senator Jacob K. Ja.vits: d he was cosponsor with Senator McCarthy of resolution to establish a Joint Committee on Foreign Information and Intelligence. Stated that the manner of dealing with any danger that the Central Intelligence Agency may be in itself some kind of a State Department is through a Joint Committee. Indicated Central Intelli- gence must be subordinate to the foreign policy of the United States. Its duty is "to obtain and to evaluate intelligence information - period. That goes for its operations in the field as well as its operations at home." t is not necessary to deny a man confirmation of his nomination on that score, but, instead, it is necessary to have an assurance by legislative oversight in the Congress that it is intended to make our purpose felt, whoever may be the incumbent in the office as the head of Central Intelligence. Voted yea. p. 1160 Approved For Release 2004/03/25 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000400040050-3 Approved For Release 2004/03/25 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000400040050-3 or Thomas H. 7 !h tt... perhaps no citizen among all our countrymen p. 1170 brings more unique or greater qualifications to his heavy new responsibilities than does John Mc Cone. " "...it seems to me of transcendent relevance... that when the roll is called, every member of the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy who sits in the Senate will cast his vote in favor of this nominee. They know him far better than most of my colleagues here. " Senator Kuchel noted that discussion and debate have been had here as to policy decisions of the CIA. Senator Kuchel then agreed with Senator Russell that W. cCone will do that which the President of the United States asks him to do, no more no less, and that Mr. taicCone will serve a function which is indispensable to the security and the defense of this country. Voted yea. Approved For Release 2004/03/25 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000400040050-3 Approved For Release 2004/03/25 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000400040050-3 Regarding Standard Company of California p. 1167 and Standard business with Joshua iesndy Company, Senator Lausche posed a hypothetical quarry to Senator Russell, during Senator Russell's address, as to whether possible or likely that information received as Director of Central Intelligence concerning expropriation of oil interests might influence Mr. McCone in the handling of his holdings in the Standard Oil Company of California or in the Joshua Hendy Company. He also quoted the lead paragraph of President Kennedy's tent ethical standards in Government as controlling what should be expected of a public servant. Voted nay. Approved For Release 2004/03/25 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000400040050-3 Approved For Release 2004/03/25 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000400040050-3 ctor Mike Mansfteld: Recalled the very effective job Mr. McCone p. 1122 performed as Under Secretary of the Air Force - stated he knew how, in the AEC, Mr. McCone brought a good degree of order out of a difficult situation and in so doing earned the confidence of all members of the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy. Senator Mansfield responded to the p. 1123 charge that Mr. McCone has not had much acquaintance with intelligence activities by stating that as an Under Secretary of the Air Force and as Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission, certainly Mr. McCone must have gained considerable experience in intelligence laced to the security of the United States. Senator Mansfield stated he intended to vote for Mr. McCone because of personal faith and confidence and because he is the President's nominee. The President and Congress will not be disappointed in his directorship of the Central Intelligence Agency, he stated. Senator Mansfield hoped that at an appropriate time p. 1123 appropriate committees would look into the question of conflict of interest law revision and would ascertain whether they could clarify the matter and arrive at better procedures. He made no reference to Joint Committee proposals. Absent on official business, but would have voted Approved For Release 2004/03/25 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000400040050-3 Approved For Release 2004/03/25 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000400040050-3 Senator Eugene J. 142cC a rthy. Senator McCarthy repeated, in essence, the p. 925 statement he made before the Armed Services Committee and opened his statement with the premise that this is One Of the most important confirmations which the Senate ailed upon to make. He stated that CIA has great p. 926 powers which it can exercise with little or no congressional supervision; that Congress, along with the President, has responsibility for determination of foreign policy; that there was no regular or normal procedure by which p. 925 mmitteees of Congress are consulted or informed of CIA activities. He supports establishment of a Joint p. 925 Committee to exercise continuing supervision of the activities of CIA. With regard to actions such as the reported ouster p. 929 of ossadegh and the overthrow of Arbenz in Guatemala, the Senator raised the question of justification for the in terms of the juridical basis. In closing remarks p. 1169 ,rtly before the vote was taken, Senator McCarthy L- "Sooner or later this question (role of Congress in supervising CIA and its political operations) will have to be the basis for a great debate. I think this is a proper time to start that debate. We need new procedures which take into account the responsibilities of Congress in this kind of world, particularly as it is affected by the different methods of cold war as well as by prospects of total war. e" Voted nay. Approved For Release 2004/03/25 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000400040050-3 Approved For Release 2004/03/25 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000400040050-3 or Edmund S. Muskie: d he had grave questions about the exact nature of the task Mr. hicC o ne is undertaking and the operation of the Agency he will head. An important question to him was the future nature of the Central Intelligence Agency and the relationship of Congress to the Agency. Gave strong endorsement to suggestion of Senator McCarthy "that there be established a Joint ttee of Congress with the specific responsibility of overseeing the operations of the Central Intelligence Agency. I' Voted yea. p. 1169 Approved For Release 2004/03/25 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000400040050-3 Approved For Release 2004/03/25 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000400040050-3 Senator Pastore stated he had been able to observe p. 1168 Mr. McCone&s activities first hand while a member of 3CAl and supported him for four reasons: (1) believes him to be an exemplary American; (2) considers Mr. McCone a very competent individual, both in business and in Government, an excellent administrator with a proven record; (3) from personal. contacts, has always found him to be an individual of impeccable honesty and high integrity; and (4) a rejection of Mr. McCone at this time would be a rebuff to President Kennedy in his appointment of an individual in whom he has confidence. Senator Pastore indicated he knew of no man who could or head a strategic agency such as CIA.. with greater competence and understanding. He feels in his heart that the President has made an admirable choice which he, in complete confidence, can support. He stated; "With John McCone as the head of the Central Intelligence Agen y, I know that the society of free men and free women can sleep Senator Pastore repeated what he had said on 18 Janr 1961 on the occasion of Mr. McCone's retirement from the AEC. "It is with genuine regret that I see you leave public service, John McCone, and if I have my way about it, you won't have the luxury very long. I think this country needs you. I shall undertake to persuade somebody to persuade you to get back into the service of the country. " Voted yea. Approved For Release 2004/03/25 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000400040050-3 Approved For Release 2004/03/25 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000400040050-3 Senator Claiborne Pell: The Senator stated he was particularly struck by p. 1119 Senator Clark's reference to the fact that there was little doubt as to Mr. McCone's ability and that what was most Important were the plane with regard to the organization of the Central Intelligence Agency which is in very great need of reoXganization. Stated that a helpful start would be a reduction in its size. He stated, the second reor- ganization "as the Senator from Pennsylvania (Clark) has suggested, would be the separation of intelligence collection from the operations. " In the field of intelligence collection, there should be a further separation of covert collection of Intelligence from overt research and analysis. He further hoped that the watchdog committee proposed by Senator McCarthy may in fact come into being as a result of the debate on the nomination. Paired but if at liberty to vote, would vote yea. NOTE: Mentioned in his address,, with regard to the rise of the Agency., that there are 2, 500 windows In the new building, Later called for confirmation of the number (5, 670). Has since inquired as to net square footage 1, 059, 090) which he was furnished. Requested the number of employees but was advised this was classified. Approved For Release 2004/03/25 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000400040050-3 Approved For Release 2004/03/25 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000400040050-3 Senator Richard B. Russell: In a prepared address, Senator Russell stated p. 1165 the issue before the Senate to be whether the Senate will advise and consent to Mr. McCone's nomination. He stated his support for the nominee because the President is ordinarily entitled to have the man of his choice; because Mr. McCone is qualified in every respect; and because Mr. McCone is a patriotic, able, honest, forthright American who only desires to serve his country when occupying any position of trust and responsibility. Senator Russell indicated disappointment that so many extraneous matters had been dragged into the discussion and by the extent to which innuendo had been .used and developed by some of those opposed to the nomination. He was appalled on reading the Record to see the extent of misconception which exists in the minds of some Senators as to the matter of the position of the DC. ed he felt it unfortunate "that we air on the floor p. 1166 of the Senate all the things that CIA is reputed to have done or not to have done in foreign countries,:' and indicated that what is really involved in the so-called constitutional pp. 1165-6 discussion relates to the proper use of the constitutional powers of the President. He conceives of the Office of DCI as the President's r"C-2, " the man who handles the intelligence of the President, and stated his view in opposition to the DCI. being questioned on foreign policy. Senator Russell emphasized his firm belief that p. 1168 Mr. McC[ane will be fair and objective in his effort to discharge his duties in furnishing intelligence to the President of the United States. In response to Senator Fulbright, Senator Russell p. 1171 stated. "We had some six or seven hearings last year including appropriations hearings, on CIA." "The Senator's (F'uibright) complaint seemed to be it is not all under his Committee and he and his Committee do not hear the evidence. " Voted yea. Approved For Release 2004/03/25 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000400040050-3 Approved For Release 2004/03/25 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000400040050-3 Saltonastael stated the primary question P. 928 before the Senate Is whether the nominee is qualified, and inAicaated; "When a now man takes office, we can then consider the question of improving the management of the agency. " He pointed out that CIA was not up as p. 930 a follow-on of the 0S.S which conducted our intelli- gence a aactivities during the war and to a civilian agency which collaborates and cooperates with the three military services and the State Department in working out the ,ntelligencee information from various countries and it to the President. He emphasized, CIA is responsible to the Armed Services Committee and Committee on Appropriations to which past nirecto .e Agency reported at least two or three times each id stated , as a Committee member, "we have p. 931 never been refused any information of any character for which we asked. " :se to Senators McCarthy and. Fulbright Judgment, it is distinctly against the sign policy opinions of the nominee, he pp. 93?, 1170 nominee's qualifications for the position to express elf on the foreign policies of the United States. >r Saltonstall objected to the motion of the p. 1094 Majority Leader on Tuesday, 30 January, to delay vote 2:00 p. rn. on Friday, 2 Februarys, and offered to the aboant Senator (Morse). In support of Senator Russell's address, Senator p. 1166 onstall indicated the qualities of intelligence, under- ling of other people, courage, energy, patience, education, and, above all, good administrative ability, hich are required for the position, had been demonstrated a the positions Mr. McCone has held in the executive department. Voted yea. Approved For Release 2004/03/25 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000400040050-3 Approved For Release 2004/03/25 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000400040050-3 Senator George A. Smathers: "Mr. McCone r s outstanding qualifications, his p. 1120 tatted ability and unquestionable character are matched by few men in public service, There is no question in my mind but that he will carry out his responsibilities with the same degree of distinction and honor in which he has performed in past positions of high public trust. " Senator $mathers stated further that the President is to be congratulated on selecting an individual with such out- standing qualifications for this important and sensitive post. "The people of the United States are indeed fortunate to obtain his services once again." Absent on official businee ., but if present and voi would have voted yea. Approved For Release 2004/03/25 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000400040050-3 Approved For Release 2004/03/25 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000400040050-3 Senator Margaret Chase Smith: Mrs. Smith stated she would vote against confirmation p. 1160 because she did not consider Mr. McCone qualified for this very important position. She gave two reasons: Burst. He had no training or experience in the field of intelligence prior to his appointment- - while all of his predecessors had. "Second. A very serious question existed in his own mind about his qualifications; yet he did not raise this question with the President of the United States. " She then inserted in the Record her questions and Mr. McCone's answers before Armed Services Committee with respect to his experience. Voted nay. Approved For Release 2004/03/25 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000400040050-3 Approved For Release 2004/03/25 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000400040050-3 r Symington responded concerning the p. 929 ateaaalan affair that he doubted CIA took credit erthrow of Dr. Arbens because our Ambassador to Guatemala at the time told him (Symington) onally that he felt he had had the most to do with the . A* a possible solution to the question of p. 936 congressional supervision, Senator Symington recalled that a distinguished former Senator (Han rable James W. Wadsworth) introduced a bill to provide for the Vice President to be a statutory member of the NSC. "The proposal was opposed by the Administration at that time because it was considered that the Vice President was a member of the Legislative Branch not the E* cutive B rancb. " With regard to supposed Agency failures, pp. 927 he observed that the nominee should not be saddled 933 with any possible n aistakes of the past in connection with the question of confirmation. Senator Syn ngton noted that Mr. McCone bad twice p. 936 been unani ously c firmed by the Senate and indicated further, in response to questions regarding the nominee's hdings, that Mr. McCone had been willing to handle his affairs in whatever manner was desired by the Chairman and the Armed Services Committee. Senator SynAn.n emphasized for the Record that Mr.. cCon e pp. 943 974 1119 had not requested discharge of the ten scientists. p. 93.7 Speaking from a prepared memorandum, Senator stated that the memorandum submitted to Senator Clark by the Office of Legislative Counsel, Senate, was in agreement with the opinion of the CIA General Counsel, that no conflict of inte are st end eted, and, that M r. McCune had submitted his holdings for review by the Agency in conformance with CIA regulations. p. 1120 ngton bolstered Chairman Russell pp. 1167.8 as to the Senate in support of tct address as such . Voted yea. Approved For Release 2004/03/25 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000400040050-3 Approved For Release 2004/03/25 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000400040050-3 Congressle the Nomination * one to be Director of Central Intelligence 29, 30, 31 January 1962 Anderson, Clinton P. 942-5 930-1. 935-6, 1126 Bush, Prescott 1163.4 Byrd, Robert C. 1164-5 Came, Francis 1123-6, 1128, 1157 Clark, Joseph S. 973-8, 1115-9, l 1Z8 1163 lrksen, Everett McKinley 941-2, 1094, 1123, 1168 Paul 926-8 Fulbrit, J. WJ ''. 9313, 936, 1168-9, 1170-1 Gore, Albert 1168 Crueg, Ernest 930.1, 1160-3 phrey, Huber 1168-9, 1171 Jackson, Henry M. 927-8, 930, 945-6 Js its, Jacob K. 1160 Kuchel, T3 omas if. 1170-1 3,a-usche, Fr 1157. 1167 *Absenl a Record by Senator Bush. Approved For Release 2004/03/25 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000400040050-3 Approved For Release 2004/03/25 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000400040050-3 '. lfjeld, Mike McCarthy, Eugene, Muakie, store, 3a PQ1, C fborue Richard a. Leverett , 11 925-9, 930-9, 943, 1117, 1169-70 1168-9 1166, 1168 1119 , 1170.1 Z8, 930-1, 934.7, 1094, 170 George A. t Ch& 1160 927.9, 931-4, 936-8, 943, 946, 974, 1116, 1119.20, 1167-68 Approved For Release 2004/03/25 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000400040050-3 Approved For Release 2004/03/25 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000400040050-3 1126 - Bartlett 1164 Byrd (W. Va. ) Business Activities: 943 - Anderson, Symington 1123-4, 1157 - Case (S. Dak. Committee Jurisdiction: 929-31 - McCarthy, Gruening, Saltonstall, Jackson, Bartlett, Fulbright 1118 - Clark Confirmation, Senators for: 936 - Saltonstall 941 - Dirkson 946 - Jackson 1 I20 - Sxnatheers 1123 - Mansfield 1160 - Javits 1163 - Cooper, Bush 1168 - Gore, Russell, Pastore 1170 - K.uchel of Interest: 941 -. Dirksen 946 - Jackson 973-8 - Clark 1118-9 - Clark, Symington I123 - Mansfield, Dirksen 1129 - Clark, Case (S. Dak. ) 1163 Gruening 1164-5 Bush, Byrd (W. Va.) 1167 - Russ.U, Symington, Lausche 1168 - Russell Approved For Release 2004/03/25 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000400040050-3 Approved For Release 2004/03/25 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000400040050-3 Covert O rations:- 9226-8 - McCarthy, Douglas, Symington, Jackson 929 - Symington, McCarthy 931 - Gruening, 8altonstall 933-4 - McCarthy, Symington 1116-7-8 - Clark 1160 - C running 1165-6 - Russell Lei McCarthy 941 - Dirkson 946 - Jackson 1115-6 - Clark 1116 - Symington 1123 - Mansfield 1160 - Smith 1161 - Gruening 1163 - Cooper 1164 - Byrd (W. Va.) 1165 - Russell 1166 - Pastor,, Saltonstall 1168 - Pastors 1170 - Kuchel lations, Committee: 930 - Cruening, McCarthy, 1117-8 - Clark 1169 - Frulbright Joint Committee on Intelligence Jackson, Saltonstal 925, 929 - McCarthy 930 - Gruening 931 - Bartlett 932 - Fullbright 935-6 - Sy rA g on, McCarthy, Saltonstall 1116-7 - Clark, McCarthy 1119 - Poll 1160 - Javita 1169 - Muskie, Humphrey 1171 - Fuib r ig lit, Russell Approved For Release 2004/03/25 : &A-RDP64B00346R000400040050-3 Approved For Release 2004/03/25 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000400040050-3 cal Basis for Covert 4 eratiions: 929, 930, 932, 933 - McCarthy 935 - Saltonsta ll ecttvi 936-7 - McCarthy, "bright, Sy rr ng$on, Saltonstall 942 - Anderson 1125-6 .. Bartlett, Case (S. .flak. 1157 - Caese (S. flak. 1161-3 .. Grusning 1169 - Fulbrtght 1170 - ,ltonstall, Russell, Fulbriaht Office of Director -,Importance: 925 - McCarthy 1116 - Clark 1160 - Cruening O sLtiou to Nornirntion: 936-7 - McCarthy 1119 - Clark 1160 - Smith, Gruening 1169 - ''ulhright 1169-70 - McCarthy !+~licY Makin 926-8 - McCarthy, Douglas, Symington, Jackson 935 - Bartlett 937 - S' tonstall, McCarthy 1117 - Clark 1160 Davits 1161 - Oruening 1165 - SS aitonstall 1166 - Rassell 1169 - Muikie, Fulbright, McCarthy 1170 - Kuchel, Russell 1171 - Fuibright Approved For Release 2004/03/25 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000400040050-3 Approved For Release 2004/03/25 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000400040050-3 928 - Saltonstall 926-9 McCarthy 931 - Gruening, Saltonetall, McCarthy, Fulbright 936 - McCarthy 1117 - Clark 1169 - Fuibright, McCarthy 1118 - Clark 1119-Fell 937 - McCarthy, Symington 942 Anderson 1161-3 - Gruening 925-9 - McCarthy, Jackson 930-1 - :Bartlett, McCarthy, Fulbright, Salt 1117 Clark 1160-1 - Gruening 1169 - Fulbright Foreign P 1LCy :. 936-7 -McCarthy, Fulbright, Symington, Saltonstall 1169 - Fulbright 1170 ? Saltonstall, Russell, Fuibri Approved For Release 2004/03/25 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000400040050-3