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January 15, 1962
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5. If one House acted while the,other was
considering a resolution, the resolution of
the House which had acted first would be
substituted for that of the House which was
considering a resolution. If the committee
of the second House had not acted, the
resolution of the first House would be re-
ferred to committee and the procedure out-
lined above would be followed.
6. If an agreement or modification was
submitted and the Congress was preparing
to adjourn before a 60-day period elapsed,
the Congress could under its regular pro-
cedures pass a bill or joint resolution that,
notwithstanding the provisions of this pro-
posal, the agreement or modification in ques-
tion would become effective on a given date.
At the proper place insert the following:
"SEC. . Section 350 of the Tariff Act of
1930, as amended (19 U.S.C. 1351), is,
amended by adding at the end thereof the
following new subsection:
"'(g) (1) The President shall submit to
the Congress each foreign trade agreement
entered into under the authority of sub-
section (a) after June 30, 1962, and each
modification made after such date of any
foreign trade agreement entered into under
the authority of such subsection (whether
or not such agreement was entered into be-
fore, on, or after such date). Each such
agreement or modification shall bear an
identifying title, shall be delivered to both
Houses on the same day, and shall be de-
livered to each House while it is in session.
"'(2) Each foreign trade agreement en-
tered into under the authority of subsec-
tion (a) after June 30, 1962, and each
modification made after such date of any
foreign trade agreement entered into under
the authority of such subsection shall be-
come effective upon the expiration of the
the date on which such agreement or mod1- meet or modification), and debate thereon the 2d + session suigie aechslon which
fication is transmitted to it; but only if, shall be limited to not to exceed one hour, ri of the 87th Congress
between the date of transmittal and the to be equally divided between those favoring will be called upon to make is in the
expiration of such sixty-day period there and those opposing the resolution. No field of trade. We must decide whether
has not been passed by the two Houses of
the Congress, by the yeas and nays by a
two-thirds vote of each House, a concurrent
resolution stating in effect that the Senate
and House of Representatives do not ap-
prove the foreign trade agreement or the
modification, as the case may be. In the
computation of the sixty-day period there
shall be excluded the days on which either
House,is not In session because of any ad-
journment of more than three days to a
day certain or of an adjournment of the
Congress sine die.
"'(3) Any provision of a foreign trade
agreement or of a modification of a foreign
trade agreement may, under provisions con-
tained in the agreement or modification, be-
come effective at a time later than the date
on which such agreement or modification
would otherwise become effective under
paragraph (2).'
At the proper place insert the following:
"SEC. (a) The following subsections of
this section are enacted by the Congress:
"(1) As an exercise of the rulemaking
power of the Senate and the House of Rep-
resentatives, respectively, and as such they
shall be considered as part of the rules of
each House, respectively, but applicable only
with respect to the procedure to be followed
In such House in the case of resolutions (as
defined in subsection (b)); and such rules
shall supersede other rules only to the ex-
tent that they are Inconsistent therewith;
"(2) With full recognition of the. consti-
tutional right of either House to change
such. rules .(so far as relating to the proce-
dure in such House) at any time, in the
same manner and to the same extent as in ment, and all. motions to proceed to the
the case of any other rule of such House. consideration of other business, shall be de-
"(b) As used in this section, the term cided without debate.
"resolution" means only a concurrent reso- "(2) All appeals from the decisions of
lution of the two Houses of Congress, the the Chair relating to the application of the
matter after the resolving clause of which rules of the Senate or the House of Repre-
is as follows: 'That the Senate and House of' sentatives, as the case may be, to the pro-
Representatives do not approve the foreign cedure relating to a resolution with respect
trade agreement (or the modification of the to a foreign trade agreement or modifica-
foreign trade agreement) entitled " " tion of a foreign trade agreement shall be
submitted by the President to the Congress decided without debate.
on , 19 , pursuant to subsection (g) "(g) If, prior to the passage by one House
of section 350 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as of a resolution of that House with respect
amended.'; the blank spaces being appro- to a foreign trade agreement or modiflca-
priately filled; and does not include a con- tion of a foreign trade agreement, such
current resolution which specifies more than House receives from the other House a res-
one foreign trade agreement or modifica- olution with respect to the same agreement
tion, as the case may be. or modification, then-
"(c) A resolution with respect to a for- "(1) If no resolution of the first House
eign trade agreement or modification of a with respect to such agreement or modifi-
foreign trade agreement shall be referred to cation has been referred to committee, no
the Committee on Finance of the Senate or other resolution with respect to the same
to the Committee on Ways and Means of agreement or modification may be reported
the House of Representatives by the Presi- or (despite the provisions of subsection
dent of the Senate or the Speaker of the (d) (1)) be made the subject of a motion
House of Representatives, as the case may be. to discharge.
"(d) (1) If the committee to which has "(2) If a resolution of the first House
been referred a resolution with respect to with respect to such agreement or modifica
a foreign trade agreement or modification tion has been referred to committee-
of a foreign trade agreement has not re- "(A) the procedure with respect to that
ported it before the expiration of ten calen- or other resolutions of such House with re-
dar days after its introduction (or, in the spect to such agreement or modification
case of a resolution received from the other which have been referred to committee shall
House, ten calendar days after its receipt), be the same as if no resolution from the
it shall then (but not before) be in order other House with respect to such agreement
to move either to discharge the committee or modification had been received; but
from further consideration of such resolu-
tion, or to discharge the committee from ($) on any vote on final a
resolution of the first House se with th r resp pect
further consideration of any other resolu- to such agreement or modification the res-
tion with respect to such agreement or olution from the other House with respect
modification which has been referred to the to such agreement or modification shall be
committee. automatically substituted for the resolution
(2) Such motion may be made only by a of the first House,"
person favoring the resolution, shall be
highly privileged (except that it may not be Mr. KEATING. Mr. President, we
made after the committee as
+ a
+ v_
-- _. -m uuu ve in order to move to warn-ana it is not an easy decision.
reconsider the vote by which such motion "Free trade" and "protectionism" are
is agreed to or disagreed to
"(3) If the motion to discharge is agreed
to or disagreed to, such motion may not be
renewed, nor may another motion to dis-
charge the committee be made with respect
to any other resolution with respect to the
same agreement or modification.
"(e) (1) When the committee has reported,
or has been discharged from further con-
sideration of, a resolution with respect to
a foreign trade agreement or modification
of a foreign trade agreement it shall at any
time thereafter be in order (even though
a previous motion to the same effect has
been disagreed to) to move to proceed to
the consideration of such resolution. Such
motion shall be highly privileged and shall
not be debatable. No amendment to such
motion shall be in order and it shall not
be in order to move to reconsider the vote
by which such motion is agreed to or dis-
agreed to.
"(2) Debate on the resolution shall be
glib terms. They have been seriously
overworked. What we need is a sensible
program that will Permit. an orderly
progression toward wider trade con-
tacts. I stress the word "orderly" for
it is this concept of an orderly move-
ment toward wider trade contacts that
we must keep in mind.
. While expanding trade with the na-
tions of the free world, we must also
see to it that our own economy is strong
and that we permit it to continue to
grow and develop by preserving condi-
tions for it to do so. The question is not
whether we move forward, but what
kind of steps we take to get ahead.
I hope that the President will work
with the members of the Congress in
framing a trade policy that meets these
L____, - .. .
limited to not to exceed ten hours, which tireiy disregard the Congress or the
shall be equally divided between those favor- problems and needs of the domestic in-
ing and those opposing the resolution. A dustries about which many Congress-
motion further to limit debate shall not be men are rightly concerned. New trade
debatable. No amendment to, or motion to legislation must retain certain responsi-
recommit, the resolution shall be in order, bilities to the Congress and also provide
and it shall not be in order to move to re-
consider the vote by which the resolution Is an procedures to help and relieve Ameri-
agreed to or disagreed to. can employers and workers who will be
"(f) (1) All motions to postpone, made affected by changes in our trade policies.
with respect to the discharge from tom- These requirements are not easily met.
mittee, or the consideration of, a resolution We shall not have trade legislation over-
with respect to a foreign trade agreement night. It will take a great deal of
or modification of a foreign trade agree- hammering and negotiating, but I am
Approved For Release 2004/05/05 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000400030013-5
188 ' Approved For ReleasQQ (Q /,QS b~JA RF&f 0.Q346SENATE 30013-5
.confident that the job can be done and
done effectively.
It would be entirely futile and self-
defeating for the United States to stand
aside and not participate in the great
movement to bring about closer economic
and trade ties among the nations of the
free world. Our Nation has consistently
been in the forefront of the drive for
closer trade relations. We must con-
tinue in this role. The President, the
Congress, and the American people must
support this objective.
The Constitution gives the Congress
the power to regulate domestic and in-
ternational commerce. In these difficult
and complex times, we must certainly
give the President wide leeway in the
development and implementation of
trade policies. At the same time, the
Congress must have some opportunity
in exceptional cases to express its dis-
agreement with steps taken by the
Mr. KEATING. Mr. President, in ac=
cordance with the order previously en-
tered, I move that the Senate stand in
adjournment until 12 o'clock noon
The motion was agreed to; and (at
5 o'clock and 20 minutes p.m.) the Sen-
ate, under the order previously entered,
adjourned until tomorrow, Tuesday,
January 16, 1962, at 12 o'clock meridian.
Executive nominations received by the
Senate Jpnuary 15, 1962:
The following-named persons were ap-
pointed during the last recess of the Sen-
ate, to the positions indicated:
Bernard L. Boutin, of New Hampshire, to
be Administrator of General Services, vice
John Moore, resigned.
Ben David Dorfman, of the District of Co-
lumbia, to be a member of the U.S. Tariff
Commission for the term expiring June 16,
1967, vice James Weldon JonesI term expired.
Edwin T. Holland, of Virginia, to be a
member of the Advisory Board of the Na-
tional Capital Transportation Agency;, vice
F. Moran McConibe, resigned.
Joseph H. McCann, of Michigan, to be Ad-
ministrator of the St. Lawrence Seaway De-
velopment Corporation, vice Martin W. Oet-
tershagen, resigned.
John A. McCone, of California, to be Di-
rector of Central Intelligence, vice Allen
Welsh Dulles, resigned.
John L. Newbold, of the District of Colum-
bia, to be a member of the District of,Co-
lumbia Redevelopment Land Agency for the
term expiring March 3, 1965, vice John A.
Remon, term expired.
The following-named persons to be Fed-
eral Maritime Commissioners, to which
positions they were appointed during; the
last recess of the Senate:
John S. Patterson, of Maryland, for the
term expiring June 30, 1962. (New position.)
Ashton Barrett, of Mississippi, for the
term expiring June 30, 1963. (New position.)'
Thomas E. Stakem, of Virginia, for the
term expiring June 30, 1964.. (New position.)
John Harilee, of the District of Columbia,
for the term expiring June 30, 1965. (New
The following-named persons, who were
appointed during the last recess of the
Senate, to the positions indicated:
Jack N. Behrman, of Delaware, to be an
Assistant Secretary of Commerce, vice Row-
land Burnstan, resigned.
William Ruder, of New York, to be an
Assistant Secretary of Commerce, vice George
T. Moore, resigned.
Donald W. Alexander, of Florida, to _ be
Maritime Administrator. (New position.)
The following-named persons, who were
appointed during the last recess of the Sen-
ate, to the positions indicated:
James Allan Reed, of Massachusetts, to be
an Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, vice
A. Gilmore Flues, resigned.
Michael H. Sura, of Pennsylvania, to be
Superintendent of the Mint of the United
States at Philadelphia, Pa., vice Rae V. Bic-
star, resigned.
Gertrude N. Cwikla, of Connecticut, to be
collector of customs for customs collection
district No, 6, with headquarters at Bridge-
port, Conn., vice Anne A. Mitchell.
Eugene V. Atkinson, of Pennsylvania, to
be collector of customs for customs collec-
tion district No. 12, with headquarters at
Pittsburgh, Pa., vice Wilbert H. Beachy.
Minnie M. Zoller, of Texas, to be collector
of customs for customs collection district No.
21, with headquarters at Port Arthur, Tex.,
vice James L. Latimer. .
Sam D. W. Low, of Texas, to be collector of
customs for customs collection district No.
22, with headquarters at Galveston, Tex., vice
Charles J. Walker, Sr., resigned.
Charles H. Kazen, of Texas, to be collector
of customs for customs collection district No.
23, with headquarters at Laredo, Tex., vice
Frank D. Yturria.
Raymond H. Dwlgans, of Texas, to be col-
lector of customs for customs collection dis-
trict No. 24, with headquarters at El Paso,
Tex., vice Douglas Butler.
William W. Knight, of Alaska, to be col-
lector of customs for customs collection dis-
trict No. 31, with headquarters at Juneau,
Alaska, vice Walter B. Heisel, retired.
Corwin S. Snyder, of North Dakota, to be
collector of customs for customs collection
'district No. 34, with headquarters at Pem-
bina, N. Dale., vice Philip A. Hoghaug, re-
Samuel S. Wyatt, of Tennessee, to be col-
lector of customs for customs collection dis-
trict No. 43, with headquarters at Memphis,
Tenn., vice Arthur Rogers.
John A. Vaccaro, of New York, to be sur-
veyor of customs in customs collection dis-
trict No. 10, with headquarters at New York,
N.Y., vice Harry Edwards, resigned.
The following-named persons, who were
appointed during the last recess of the Sen-
ate, to the offices indicated:
William C. Foster, of the District of Co-
lumbia, to be Director of the United States
Arms Control and Disarmament Agency;
Adrian S. Fisher, of the District of Co-
lumbia, to be Deputy Director of the United
States Arms Control and Disarmament
January 15
The following-named persons, who were
appointed during the last recess of the Sen-
ate, to the offices indicated:
William S. Gaud, of Connecticut, to be As-
sistant Administrator for the Near East and
South Asia, Agency for International
Edmond C. Hutchinson, of Maryland, to
be Assistant Administrator for Africa and
Europe, Agency for International Develop-
Seymour J. Janow, of California, to be
Assistant Administrator for the Far East,
Agency for International Development;
Teodoro Moscoso, of Puerto Rico, to be
Assistant Administrator for Latin America,
Agency for International Development.
Dr. Ansley J. Coale, of New Jersey, to be
the representative of the United States of
America on the Population Commission of
the Economic and Social Council of the
United Nations, to which office he was ap-
pointed during the last recess of the Senate.
The following-named persons, who were
appointed during the last recess of the Sen-
ate, to the offices indicated:
John O. Bell, of Maryland, a Foreign Serv-
ice officer of class 1, to be Ambassador Ex-
traordinary and Plenipotentiary of the
United States of America to Guatemala.
John H. Burns, of Oklahoma, a Foreign
Service officer of class 1, to be Ambassador
Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the
United States of America to the Central Afri-
can Republic.
William A. Crawford, of the District of
Columbia, a Foreign Service officer of class 1,
to be Envoy Extraordinary and Minister
Plenipotentiary of the United States of
America to Rumania.
Parker T. Hart, of Illinois, a Foreign Serv-
ice officer of the class of career minister, now
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipoten-
tiary of the United States of America to the
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Envoy Ex-
traordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of
the United States of America to the King-
dom of Yemen, to.serve concurrently and
without additional compensation as Am-
bassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
of the United States of America to the State
of Kuwait.
William J. Handley, of Virginia, a Foreign
Service Reserve officer of class 1, to be Am-
bassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
of the United States of America to the Re-
public of Mali.
Ridgway B. Knight, of New York, a Foreign
.Service officer of class 1, to be Ambassador
Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the
United States of America to the Syrian Arab
Henry R. Labouisse, of Connecticut, to be
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipoten-
tiary of the United States of America to
Armin H. Meyer, of Illinois, a Foreign
Service officer of class 1, to be Ambassador
Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the
United States of America to the Republic
of Lebanon.
William E. Stevenson, of Colorado, to be
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipoten-
tiary of the United States of America to the
Raymond L. Thurston, of Missouri, a For-
eign Service officer of class 1, to be Ambassa-
dor Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the
United States of America to Haiti.
Chester Bowles, of Connecticut, to be the
President's Special Representative and Ad-
viser-on African, Asian, and Latin American
Affairs, and Ambassador at Large,'to which
office he was appointed during the last recess
of the Senate.
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Legislative Counsel, 221 East
17 Jan 62