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Amount of property
d use of property
Consideration given as result
of formula
Bill No.
Training the National (Iuard__
50 percent of the appraised fair
S. 2959
A roximate
market value.
Senate receded from its own
Approximately 11acres_____
Road ---------------- ..__________
amendment in conference (H.
pt. 7, pp. 9063, 9689.
Rept. 2496).
50 percent of the appraised fair
MR. 3368
A toximately17.76acres___
liatchingfish--------- _---------
market value.
raised fair market value-----
pt. 1, p. 488. C
ILR. 7317
Approximately 263 acres ----
llriiling of water wells and
general town expansion-
Amendment rejected by Senate
pt 7, p
II.R. 4808
Approximately 150 acres----
Easement for a public road--.---
on floor.
ercent of the appraised fair
pt. 10, pp. 13541-1.3542.
Approximately 0.143acre____
City use- ______.-_______--_-__---
market value.
pt. 4, p. 5348.
H.R. 4569
Approximately 640 acres----
Nt0mporary hous g. veterans
a (II. Rept 3098)
` foren
ercent of the appraised fair
pt. 11. pp. 14708-147 0
ILR. 164
Approximately 10.11 acres-
School purposes _______________ -
market value.
pt. 4, p. 4254.
H.R. 3751
Steel fire tower
n~mati ion tower r foOarde. r the In-
f llg3)in
e Re
ercent of the fair market
~ 8013
H.R. 6230
Approximately 0.18 of an
I street construction______________
ercent of
S. 2676
University expansion ------------
te recede
pt. 6,p
I3.R. 5734
Approximately 430.91 acres--
, Public park and golf course ---
am r.
endment on the oo
t of the appraised fair
pt. 7, pp. 8718-8710, 9011.
H .R. 6448
Approximately 32acres
Fairgrounds an
Mr. MORSE. Mr. President, I think
my record on the Morse formula, as
shown by the foregoing, needs no fur-
ther clarification or elaboration at this
time, I am very proud to stand on this
record of a one-man economy" drive in
the U.S. Senate, a record which I be-
lieve has resulted in a saving of at least
$900 million in 14 years. But, more im-
portant,. I am proud to stand on the
record of the formula, because, in my
judgment, it also has involved a matter
of political ethics, for I have felt that
turning surplus property into a political
grab bag cannot be very well reconciled
with good political ethics. So I have pro-
posed the formula and have fought for it
because I felt it would also make a con-
tribution to cleaner government. I am
perfectly willing to be judged on whether
that has been accomplished by my in-
sistence upon the formula.
Mr. President, I yield the floor.
Mr. PROXMIRE. Mr. President, in a
few days the Senate will consider the
foreign aid appropriation bill. One of
the very controversial aspects of the bill
involves the efforts by the House to pro-
vide limitations on foreign aid to coun-
tries whose ships are used to transport
goods and materials-particularly war
materials-to Cuba.
I believe this question deserves very
thoughtful and careful inquiry before the
Senate rejects those amendments.
__ _ __ ___..._,........
les indicate that
it is assumed that the Senate will act On September Iii, it was po..-,,u uuL, -- not only to those which give aid to Cuba,
quickly to reject those amendments or to an article published in the New York but also to those whose nationals trade
replace them with language to make such Times that- with Cuba. I think we should give every
action discretionary, with the result that The use of allied ships for ordinary goods- consideration to such a proposal.
our Government will take no action to which I have before me
di Mo. Prest'ens trade: releases Communist-bloc shipping for muni- shot that has trade with Cuba by some of
Press" ident, program,` the yesterday, Chon the ance Wincellor r of "Meet a, continued in 1962, as com-
the Mr.
the Exchequer of Great Britain, Reginald This is true; and, of course, it is also pared with 1961. Unfortunately, the
Maudling was asked by Mr. Spivak why obvious that any kind of goods which go State Department and the Department
Britain continues to trade with Cuba. to Cuba-whether war goods or other of Commerce cannot provide the com-
Approved t e 6WA/p0W iCRDgP W#46R000200140044-1 19349
The Morse formula amendments and enactments between 1946 and 1952, inclusive
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s To be fixed by the Secretary of the Inter
4 Private law.
Mr. Maudling's answer was the very
logical one that he recognized the harm-
ful effects on freedom and the benefits
to communism that the Cuban situation
now represents; but he said that they
feel that trade with Cuba should depend
on the initiative of the United States of
America. He said they feel they have
the responsibility in some areas of Africa
and Asia, and that they hope the United
States would respond to their initiative,
but they do not have any knowledge or
understanding that the United States
wishes them to desist and cease in their
trade with Cuba. industrial raw materials from Canada,
Mr. President, ever since February 3 diesel motors and chemicals from West
of this year, we have had an embargo Germany, and machinery and chemicals
on all trade with Cuba. It has been at from Britain. The Netherlands and
considerable expense to American buse, France have also exported goods to Cuba.
nece but, I think it has been a wise, The title of the article is "United
economic and
effect on the desirable embargo. Communist satel- The States Fails To Halt Supplies to Cuba
economic in Allied Vessels."
lite in Cuba has been clear; but, unfor-
tunately, the economic effect has not SHOULD VVE a AID
been nearly as strong as it would be if we
obtained cooperation from our Allies. Mr. President, I feel that it is perfectly
Judging from Mr. Maudling's statement appropriate for Congress to consider ty-
of yesterday to the panel on the "Meet ing strings to our foreign-aid program
the Press" program, it seems that this is and relating the foreign aid that we give
because the British Government has not to our allies to their willingness to co-
been informed, or, at least, requested to operate with us in the struggle against
reduce or eliminate their trade with communism, especially against commu-
Cuba. nism in this hemisphere. This is a far
Mr. President, this is not simply a mat- cry from asking for a military embargo
ter of allied ships transporting arms to on Cuba. It is a far cry from calling
Cuba. Obviously, we are . opposed to for an invasion of Cuba. It seems to
that, but the fact is that any trade with me it is a modest and defensible pro-
Cuba assists the Communists and con- posal, and I believe we might seriously
stitutes a growing threat to freedom in consider including in the foreign-aid bill
this hemisphere. a proviso to the effect that foreign aid
-h co ntries--
_._,_, ___
t be g
goods-are beneficial to a buildup of
the Communist economy and of the
Communist strength in this hemisphere.
The article also points out that fully
one-third of the Soviet deliveries to Cuba
are said to be in ships chartered to allied
At a recent press conference, President
Kennedy is quoted as saying that-
Our friends in NATO must realize the im-
plications of their engaging in the Cuban
Nevertheless, according to the article,
Cuba has been getting machinery and
19350 Approved For ReleVM ? gLA P&B003ti~pQ E 0140044-1 Septem be~% 24.
poete figures. However, it is interesting It is expected that Japan will buy less 3. And further, I do hereby direct the
to note that during the entire year 1961 than 200,000 tons of sugar from Cuba Secretary of Commerce, under the provisions
the United Kingdom exported $13 million this year. of the Export Control Act of 1949, as
worth of goods to Cuba; and in the first Japan's central bank export-Import amend.ed. (50 U.S.C. App. 2021-2032), tobon-
4 months of 1962 the United Kingdom statistics deviate from the Commerce pints to carry out the States tes to ion Cua, of all and I I
exported to Cuba $3,170,000 worth of Department information we have; they herbyr~authorize nhimsun.derthat act, to
goods, or at an annual rate of approxi- show Japan exporting $12 million to continue, make, modify or revoke exceptions
mately $9 million--a reduction, it is true, Cuba in 1961, while importing $21 mil- from such prohibition.
but not really a very substantial reduc- lion, over 90 percent of this in sugar. In witne,s, whereof, I have hereunto set my
tion, in view of the fact that since Feb- My source is the Japanese Embassy: hand and caucad the seal of the United
ruary 3, 1962, we have had an embargo Washington; New York. States of the to be a Wash.
on trade with Cuba. Furthermore, the Incidentally, in 1961 Mexico had sub- day Done at the city of Washington this of d-
United Kingdom has increased her im- stantial trade with Cuba, but this was ence of 'then'Unit d 2States o of the
America ethe
ports from Cuba, when considered on an because of transshipment of American 186th.
annual adjusted basis. For the fill' year goods
>__ gdo~~~ Rua- eluting iron, steel, and pump replace- Secretary of state.
Ported $5,560,000 worth of goods from merit parts.
Cuba. On an adjusted annual basis, There were other substantial ship- Mr. PRO:ln. Mr. President, I ask
that means that the United Kingdom merits from South American countries- unanimous consent that the entire text
was importing in early 1962 more than for example, $3,400,000 worth from Chile, Of an article entitled "United States Faris
$16,500,000 worth of goods from Cuba- and' there was additional trade. sel Halt Supplies to Cuba in Allied Ves-
or an increase in her imports from Cuba. I ask unanimous consent that a co fls, from the Sunday New York Times
West Germany in 1961 imported of the proclamation by the President of of t hi e r 16, 1962, be printed at this
$1,900,000 worth of goods and products the United States on February 3, 1962, la~m r':e the RECORD.
from Cuba. But in the first 4 months of declaring an embargo on trade with was There bei'.ng be printed in, the ECORD,
1962 alone she imported more than Cuba, be printed in the RECORD at this ordered to be prnted in the 7RE R
that-$2,150,000. This represents a point. as follows:
threefold increase. West Germany im- There being no objection, the procla UNITED
ported three times as much in the first 4 mation was ordered to be printed in the CHARTERING OF SHIps CARRYING CARGOES
months of 1962, at an annual rate, as she RECORD, as follows: PROM REPS ARE LAGGING
imported in 1961. A PROCLAMATION-EMBARGO ON ALL TRADE WASHINOToN, September 15-The United
It is true that West Germany has WITH CUBA BY THE PRESIDENT Op THE States has had little success thus far In
sharply reduced her exports to Cuba, but UNITED STATES or AMERICA efforts to perr;:uade Its allies to do less busi-
she still exported in the first 4 months Whereas the eighth meeting of consul- Hess with Cuba and withhold ships being
of this year $1,650,000 worth, which, on tatiol of Ministers of Foreign Affairs, serving chartered to carry Soviet supplies to Cuba.
an annual basis, wouldamount to $5 mil- ' as organ of consultation in application of Moreover, U.S. officials do not expect much
ter-American Treaty of Reciprocal are not especially worried
to Cuba for the full yeaP 1961. Assistance, in its final act resolved that the at present. A high-ranking Government offi-
UnfortunateIy, with respect to the present Government of Cuba Is incompatible cial expressed the administration feeling that
COUnfo unite traded most respect tol a with The principles and objectives of the the Cuba problem Is less threatening this
y inter-American system; and, In light of the year those It was last year.
1961 with Cuba,-Canada-the Com- subversive offensive of Sino-Soviet com-
merce Department and the State Depart- munislu with which the Government of Cuba critti 1 ca attention to the incrn ubcal econ onoEconomic situation reported in C Cubaa.
ment have made no figures available. is publicly alined, urged the member states He also mentioned reports of an increasing
These figures would be very interesting, to take those steps that they may consider loss of popular support by the government
indeed, if they were completed. appropriate for their individual and collet- The Premier Fidel Castro.
On the basis of information acquired tive Self-defense; e Governments
were Britain, West bGer e-
during the basis of n of Sep- Whereas the Congress of the United States, many, and Norway were reported to have be-quir -tember 21, 1962, On telephone with the Department section 620(a) of the Forei gun eir couns Into the chartering of -bloc
of Ac of (75 445) as an Assistance In their countries to deliver Communist-bloc
Commerce, American Republics Division, aut o zed the Pres. esident , to amended, has supplies to C'utba.
I am informed that the Canadians are maintain an embargo upon all trade lb tween
willing to deal with Cuba, but they have the United States and Cuba; and However, therinquiries were regarded here
arrested the transshipment of American Whereas the United States, In accordance as polite responses to diplomatic pressure
goods. Canadian disposition to trade has with its international obligations, is pre- from the United States. There was little
been quenched by Cuban bankruptcy, pared to take all necessary actions to pro- expectation that they would result in any
For example, Canada has closed the com- mote national and hemispheric security by serious prohibitions.
mercial section of its Embassy in Cuba. Isolating the present Government of Cuba The inquiries were believed to be centered
Mr. President, so far as trade with and thereby reducing the threat posed by its chiefly oil the question whether allied. ships
Japan ea so the trade With alinement with Communist powers; are engaged in delivering arms to Cuba dur-
Japan is has informed Co o that the Now; therefore, I, John F. Kennedy, Presi- ing the current military buildup there.
United States has acquired a
me dent nd relayed Foreign athiorty oftse ctiof America, on 620(a) pftthe United States sources have said that they
the Japanese a has acgn document show- unreign the a Assistance of 1961 c io (2 Stat. f the not alhEd ships. arms are being troted
the hod ships. However, i i was not ing that sugar production in the imme- as amended, do- that the use of allied ships for ng or
diate future will be insufficient to meet y proclaim an embargo upon trade' releases Communist-bloc shipping foryaun s
Cuba's commitments to the Communist 1. Hereby
the United States and Cuba in ac- trees deliveries to Cuba.
bloc. This, coupled with U.S. efforts to cordanbe with paragraphs 2 and 3 of this According to one highly placed Govern-
divert Japan's sugar purchases, indicates proclamation. meat thofficial, en Co .,he fact thaoccountries Union
have mun that Japanese-Cuban trade will b 2. Hereby and other id to resort ce use of allied
prohibit, effective , 12:01 the been compelled to resort ve the use of allied
sharply off the .volume reached in 1961. eastern standard time, February 7 7, 1962, the shi
Although ply off Cuba has sent a sugar in 1961. importation into the United States of all to pp the gCommun sts. sFully cone- hirdloof
lion to Japan, the Japanese are securing from orrthrobugh origin
and andlhe hereby authorize ships charte:'edsIn all edacountries. be in
an increasing part of their sugar from and direct the Secretary of the Treasury to President Kennedy declared at his news
India, Thailand, Natal, the Philippines, carry out such prohibition, to make such ex- conference this week that the United States
and Formosa. . eeptions thereto, by license or otherwise, as was disturbed, by allied commerce with
Cuba is attempting to buy back its he determines to be consistent with the effec- Cuba. "Our friends in NATO must realize
sugar-futures-from the bloc in order tive operation of the embargo hereby pro- the implications of their engaging in the
claimed; and to promulgate such rules and Cuban trade," he said.
to meet its offer to sell Japan 400,000 regulations as may be necessary to perform United States officials indicated that they
tons during 1962. such fup.ctions;
would like to see further reductions in allied
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trade with Cuba, although it has dropped
When the Castro regime took power in
January of 1959, 80 percent of its trade was
with the United States- Today 80 percent
of its trade is with Communist-bloc coun-
Nevertheless, Cuba has been getting ma-
chinery and industrial raw materials from
Canada, diesel, motors aid chemicals from
West Germany,, and machinery and chemi-
cals from Britain. The Netherlands and
France also have exported goods to Cuba.
According to figures available here, North
Atlantic Treaty Organization countries sold
Cuba about $138 million, worth of goods in
1959 and purchased goods amounting to $79
million. In 1951, NATO exports dropped to
$86 million and imports from Cuba to $32
In addition, Japan conducted a $16 million
annual trade with Cuba, exchanging light
machinery for sugar. Chile was the only
country in Latin America reported to have
an appreciable trade with Cuba bartering
various foodstuffs for sugar.
Two allied countries increased their trade
with Cuba during the 2-year period, 1959--61,
contrary to the general trend. Canada was
the biggest allied trader with Cuba in 1961,
exporting $31,800,000 worth of goods, slightly
more than double her 1959 exports. The
Netherlands increased her trade total with
Cuba from $8,275,000 to $10,920,000.
The United States, which ended all im-
ports from Cuba and limited sales to food
and medical supplies, is now sending less
than $50,000 worth of such supplies to Cuba
each month.
Moscow, September 15.-..The Soviet Union
asserted today that the United States had
failed to persuade its allies to bar their ships
from carrying Communist goods to Cuba.
Moscow. maintained that the United States
had sought, within the framework of the
North Atlantic Treaty Organization, to com-
pel NATO members, to withdraw their mer-
chant ships from chartered service In trade
between the Soviet Union and Cuba.
Viktor G. Bakayev, Minister of Sea Trans-
port, said that shipowners fix many countries
were eagerly seeking the lucrative contracts
for carrying goods on a charter basis. He
"Lately the Government of the United
States has been using NATO to bring crude
pressure to bear an Britain, Norway, France,
Italy, Greece, and other countries to force
them to stop carrying goods to Cuba."
"But Washington has been,unable to im-
pose its will on its 'allies,'" the Minister said
in an interview published by Tass, the So-
viet press agency.
President Kennedy said at his news con-
ference on August 28 that the United States
was consulting its NATO allies on the ques-
tion of the use of their ships in the Cuba
trade. His remarks followed after the pub-
lication of a Tass report that five ships of
West German, Norwegian, Greek, and Italian
registry had been chartered to carry Soviet
commercial cargoes to Cuba.
During Mr. PROxMIRC's speech on trade
with Cuba,.
Mr. SPARKMAN. Mr. President, will
the Senator yield for an insertion in the
Mr. PROXMIRE. Mr. President, I ask
unanimous consent that I may yield to
the Senator from Alabama with the un-
derstanding that I will not lose the floor
and that his remarks will appear else-
where in the RECORD.
objection, it is so ordered.
Mr. SPARKMAN. Mr. President,
earlier today the dist iguished and very
able chairman of the Senate Banking
and Currency Committee, the junior
Senator from Virginia [Mr. ROBERTSON]
made a speech before the National Bank
Division of the American Bankers As-
sociation at Atlantic City, N.J. As every-
one knows, the Senator from Virginia
has been a member of the Senate Bank-
ing and Currency Committee ever since
he came to the Senate. He was put on
the committee in January 1947; About
3 years or so ago, he became chairman of
the committee. He is a very able and
fair chairman. He is forthright in his
In his speech to the National Bank
Division of the American Bankers As-
sociation he set forth many points in
which the bankers and the banking in-
dustry are interested. I commend the
address to the reading of fellow Sena-
tors, and I ask unanimous consent that
it may appear at this point in the
There being no objection, the address
was ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
as follows:
(Remarks of Senator A. WILLIS ROBERTSON,
of Virginia, Before the National Bank Di-
vision of the American Bankers Associa-
tion, Atlantic City, N.J., Sept. 24, 1962)
It is a coveted honor to appear before this
distinguished group of financial leaders here
in Atlantic City. It is also a personal
pleasure to be on the same program with a
Comptroller of the Currency who is unusually
able and energetic, and who is dedicated to
improving the somewhat antiquated laws
under which our national banks operate.
If I am expected to tell you today what
the present administration is planning to do
for-or to-the Nation's financial institu-
tions, I would have to beg of for lack of a
proper New Frontier crystal ball. Perhaps
the officials of the administration who will
appear later on this program can be more
helpful. But future actions by the execu-
tive branch will depend in part upon the
course of yet unrevealed future events as
well as the decisions of the legislative branch,
So, too, future actions by the legislative
branch will be subject to similar degrees of
I would like to take this opportunity to
say that I think highly of the job that the
Secretary of the Treasury, Mr. Douglas Dil-
lon, has been doing. His staff-including
Robert V. Roosa, Under Secretary of the
Treasury for Monetary Affairs, who is an
outstanding expert in his field-merits our
respect, If such men had full charge of the
administration's economic policies, I feel
that we could rest better assured that our
dollars would remain as good as gold and
our economy as sound as our dollars.
Unlike these dedicated public servants,
there are some extreme economic planners
in Washington who would like to Influence
the administration to follow the mood of
the Persian poet, Omar Khayyam, who wrote:
"Ali love, could you and I with Him conspire
To grasp this Sorry Scheme of Things en-
Would not we shatter It to bits-and then
Remould it nearer to the Heart's desire."
I, for one, would prefer to take the counsel
given by President Woodrow Wilson in his
first inaugural address, when he said:
"We shall deal with our economic system
as it is and as it may be modified, not as it
might be if we had a clean sheet of paper
to write upon."
You will recall that some of the admin-
istration's financial experts predicted that
our national economy would be operating
this year at an average rate of some $570
billion, with the slogan of "upward and on-
ward" flying from the masthead of every
business establishment. It is true that we
are now turning out goods and services at
an unprecedented rate. Our national in-
come has reached an all-time high. Yet our
gross national product-which registered a
record seasonally adjusted annual rate of
$552 billion in the second quarter of this
year-was well below the $570 billion antici-
As a result, some of our more extreme eco-
nomic planners are dissatisfied. They claim
that we are on an economic plateau, al-
though many indicators point upward.
These economic planners cannot point with
pride even to a plateau which, if it exists,
would be the highest one in history.
The varied prescriptions of these planners
may leave many bankers and other business-
men in a quandary about what may happen
next. Most Americans may, indeed, find
themselves in the fix of the English poet,
Matthew Arnold, who wrote of wandering be-
tween two worlds, one dead, and the other
as yet unborn.
As a Virginian, I cherish the thought that
my colonial ancestors helped to cradle and
defend the infancy of a nation dedicated to
the principles of private enterprise and con-
stitutional liberty. I would be the last to
repudiate the philosophy of Patrick Henry,
who said that "I have but one lamp by which
my feet are guided, and that is the lamp of
Many other nations have experimented
first with one government and then another.
Meanwhile, we have maintained our allegi-
ance to what Benjamin Franklin said the
framers of the Constitution in Philadelphia
in 1787 had given us-" a Republic if you
can preserve it."
We have enjoyed the same form of
government for a longer period than almost
any other nation. Under our Government
we have been the freest, happiest, and most
prosperous country in the world. It has
been no coincidence, I believe, that we have
made our remarkable record while operating
under a written Constitution which created
a Federal Government of strictly limited and
delegated powers, and which left all other
powers to the States and the people thereof.
Those of us who believe with Patrick
Henry that experience Is the only lamp unto
our feet agree with Thomas Jefferson, an-
other great Virginian, who said:
"In questions of power, then, let no more
be heard of confidence in man, but bind him
down from mischief by the chains of the
We who share that philosophy frankly
admit that in return for a system of private
enterprise implicit in the Constitution is the
willingness to accept a poor reward for an
inadequate performance.
But some of our more extreme economic
planners feel otherwise. Although more
workers are now gainfully employed than
ever before, these planners are disturbed by
the fact that some unemployment persists.
Yet they fail to recognize that our method
of keeping unemployment statistics tends to
overstate the problem by including persons
looking only for parttime employment, per-
sons transferring from one job to another,
and persons content to be on relief and only
casually looking for work.
The measures that these planners have In
mind for the future remain uncertain, but
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Approved .For Release 2004/03/31 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000200140044-1
they may well involve some further departure
from constitutional principles and some
further step toward socialism. In that event,
I shall oppose them in the spirit of Robert
Louis Stevenson, who said: "To travel hope-
fully is a better thing than to arrive."
Whatever the case, let us look forward to
next year as a time of significant banking
anniversaries and of significant action in be-
half of modernizing banking laws: 1963 will
mark the 100th anniversary of the permanent
dual system of American banking. I applaud
the American Bankers Association for its
leadership in establishing a centennial com-
mission to celebrate this event. I under-
stand that the centennial, with the theme
of a century of banking "Progress Through
Service" under the National Bank Act, will
include both State and National banks in
the celebration.
I believe that it is particularly appropriate
to recognize State as well as federally char-
tered institutions in this way. The intent
of the National Bank Act of 1863, of course,
was to bring all bank charters under Federal
authority so that State banks would he
superseded by National banks. But experi-
ence did not justify that plan. Today, State
banks outnumber National banks by about
two to-one, and many State banks predate
National banks.
The year 1963 will represent the 50th
anniversary of the Federal Reserve Act, and
the 50th anniversary of the Senate Bank-
ing and Currency Committee. The Federal
Reserve Act was signed December 23, 1913,
by a great President, Woodrow Wilson, whom
we in Virginia are proud to claim as a na-
tive son. Earlier in the same year, the
Senate Committee on Banking and Cur-
rency was itself established for the pur-
pose of considering the proposed Federal
Reserve Act. This act had been sponsored
In the House of Representatives by another
great Virginian, Carter Glass, who was my
predecessor in the Senate. The Senate
Banking and Currency Committee is now
studying a number of suggestions for mark-
ing its 50th anniversary in an appropriate
Next year will witness the 30th anniver-
sary of the Banking Act of 1933, in which
Carter Glass also played a notable part,
This act, among other things, established
the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation,
It is fitting that the new headquarters office
building of the FDIC is scheduled for oc-
eupancy in time to mark its 30th anniver-
The year 1963, in other words, will be an
occasion for commemorating a number of
events which have helped to shape the bank-
ing world we know today. Next year will
also be an occasion for reexamining today's
banking world in the light of important
reports recently completed or soon to be
The last time the American Bankers As-
sociation met here in Atlantic City, I had
the privilege of addressing the State bank
division. I referred to my Financial In-
stitutions Act, which had passed the senate
in March of 1957 and was then pending on
the House Bide. The bill passed the Senate
unanimously. If it had been brought to
a vote in the House, I believe that it would
have been passed easily by that body. But
the bill was strangled in committee. Even
so, many of the banking reports and most
of the significant banking laws since that
time have been the outgrowth of the studies
and recommendations embodied in my
Financial Institutions Act of 1957.
In February of this year, our distinguished
Comptroller of the Currency, Mr. Saxon, ap-
pointed a splendid advisory committee to
help him make a comprehensive study of the
functioning of the national banking system.
This study was completed only recently. I
am sure that any recommendations for
amendments to the National Bank Act and
related. statutes that may be submitted by monetary policy from undue control by other
Mr. Saxon will receive careful attention by governmental agencies or by the Congress.
the Congress. Being a creature of the Congress, the Fed-
In March of this year, President Kennedy eras Reserve should continue to operate ulti-
appointed a Special Intragovernmental Com- mutely 'under congressional direction. Yet
mittee on Financial Institutions. This Com- the System was deliberately established to be
mittee was charged with studying the pro- less subject to political influence that the
posals of the Commission on Money and usual independent Federal body. In fact,
Credit as a starting-point for a complete re- the report of the House Committee on
view of legislation and administrative prac- Banking: and Currency, submitted by Carter
tices relating to the operations of our finan- Glass in 1.913 on the proposed Federal Re-
cial intermediaries. The Committee was di- serve Act, emphasized that "it cannot be too
rested to report to the President by Novem- emphat.icaily stated that the committee re-
ber 30, 1962, what changes, if any, in Gov- garde the Federal Reserve Board as a dis-
ernment policy toward private financial in- stinctly nonpartisan organization whose
stitutions could contribute to economic eta- functions are to be wholly divorced from
bility, growth, and efficiency. politics."
Besides these reports, the Securities and The independence of the Board stems from
Exchange Commission has underway a' study a number of legislative provisions. It re-
and :investigation of the adequacy of the ports annually to the Congress rather than
rules of the nationional securities exchanges to the executive branch of the Government.
and national securities associations. The The Secretary of the Treasury and the Comp-
final SEC report :to the Congress on its study troller of the Currency--both representa-
of the stock market, together with recom- tives of the executive branch-no longer are
menclations for legislation, must be sub- ex officio members of the Federal Reserve
mitted to the Congress by April 3, 1983. The Board as the act originally provided. The
SEC report may well contain a number of seven members of the Board of Governors
recommendations affecting banks.' There are now all appointed for 14-year 'terms by
may be some consideration, for example, of the President with the advice and consent of
over-the-counter trading in bank and other the Senate, and can be removed from office
stocks, including the question of financial re- only by impeachment.
ports. There may also be some consideration I believe that bank supervision, examine-
of whether regulation U-dealing with re- tion, chartering, and regulation should be
quirements on loans by banks for the pur- undertaken by banking experts rather than
pose of buying or carrying listed stocks- by nonbanking agencies or departments.
might be extended to cover other designated Bankers as well as the public have a right
financial institutions, or to cover unlisted to expect a, uniform banking policy to be fol-
securities. lowed on mergers, branches, holding com-
I should like to take this opportunity to panics, and other important supervisory
pledge my cooperation during the 88th Con- matters, They also have a right to a speedy
gress to appropriate legislative recommen- decision on matters submitted to the discre-
dations forthcoming from each of these tion of the banking agencies and in all anti-
studies and reports. trust proceedings.
I hope that all proposals to create a bet- As the Financial Institutions Act of 1957
ter financial world will be proposals within proposed, many Federal banking statutes
the framework of our Constitution and cal- should be modernized if banks are to meet
dilated to improve the working of a system today's Industrial and commercial needs.
of free competitive enterprise. Preservation Similarly, a great deal needs to be done to
of the soundness of the dollar should be the simplify some of the voluminous banking
keynote of our banking and fiscal program. regulations and to bring them up to date.
The record of the Federal Government in Under present conditions, the banking
that behalf in recent years has not been good. system continues to,. evidence its ability to
We closed the last fiscal year with a deficit fulfill changing credit needs and new credit
of more than $8 billion. We are now con- requirements. Our exports are being stim-
fronted with a substantial deficit for the ulated by widening bank lending under the
current fiscal year. Its ultimate size will new export credit insurance and guarantee
be'' determined first by whether or not the program of the Foreign Credit Insurance
the President spends all of the emergency Association. This program has been de-
funds made available to him, and second, veloped. under legislation (Public Law 87-311,
by whether or not the Congress passes a bill S. 2825) reported to the Senate last year by
to cut taxes. If the President uses all of the :Banking and Currency Committee. Our
his spending power and 'if we have a tax cut small businesses are being benefited by the
of as much as $10 billion, we could possibly new joint program recently announced by
run up the largest peacetime deficit in. our the Small Business Administration and the
Nation's history. In that event, great pres- American Bankers Association to provide
sure might be brought to bear on the Fed- terra loans for small businesses through the
eral Reserve Board to hold down interest cooperation of both Government and banks.
rates by creating easy money to hide from The recent upsurge in savings deposits in
the public the inflationary results of deficit banks has given rise to renewed interest in
financing. However, it is my belief as well real estate and other higher yielding invest-
as hope that the Federal Reserve Board will meats. According to the Office of the ,Comp-
not yield to that type of political pressure. troller of the Currency, real estate lending
By next year, as I have said, our dual sys- by national banks increased significantly
term of National and State banks will embody during; the first half of. 1962, as time de-
the results of 100 years of uninterrupted posits of national banks rose 13 percent
experience under the National Bank Act of while demand deposits declined 8 percent.
1863, and 40 years of earlier experience under Only recently, a bill, which I supported,
the First and Second Banks of the United was considered by the Senate Banking and
States. This dual system will also repre- Currency Committee (H.R. 7798) to provide
sent the outcome of 60 years of experience national banks with greater encouragement
under the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. to meet real estate credit needs for real
That tested dual system, with Its freedom. estate and construction loans.
of choice for the public and for bankers, Banks a.s well as the public have bene-
should remain free of Government regula- fited greatly from the adoption of Federal
tion to the greatest degree consistent with deposit insurance. By the end of last year,
sound banking and the protection of deposi- deposits in insurance banks totaled $281 bil-
tors. We must work not only to preserve lion. Of this total, an estimated $164 bil-
that dual system of banking, but to improve lion was insured under the limit of $10,000
it. for each depositor.
It is also essential to maintain the free- To preserve the integrity of this insurance
dom of the Federal Reserve in its conduct of program as well as to maintain public con-
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The net cost after allowing for net
Commodity Credit Corporation stock re-
ductions of 425 million bushels, for which
there would be compensation, would be
reduced to about $595 million. That is
why I say the program is working well.
The cost is moderate in terms of costs in
the past. The program is reducing the
Under the 1963 provisions with partici-
pation in the program and acreage diver-
sion payments as estimated above, acre-
age diversion payments would be $550
million, price support payments would be
$573 million, resulting in total payments
of $1,123 million, or $103 million higher
than the total estimated cost of the 1962
But that would be only the beginning.
With 9 million additional acres planted
to corn and grain sorghums an additional
400 to 500 million bushels of feed grains
might be produced compared to the re-
sult if the 1962 provision had been con-
If yields in 1963 are as high as in
1961-62, there would be no net reduction
in CCC stocks of feed grains, and the net
cost of the program would approximate
$1,123 million, or almost double the net
cost of the 1962 program, more than half
a billion dollars higher.
The farmers would be no better off,
and the taxpayers would be $600 million
worse off. The pressure would be on us
next year, when the Congress considered
the bill,`both in the Committee on Agri-
culture and Forestry and in the Senate,
to proceed with a mandatory program,
Which the farmers do not want and which
probably "they would vote down. The
pressure would be on us to adopt that
kind of program, and it would be a very
heavy pressure Indeed.
Mr. President, the difficulty is that the
farmer under the conference proposal
would get almost as much payment for
diverting 20 percent of his land under
the new proposal as he was paid for di-
verting 40 percent under the old propo-
sal. With thi- kind of payment, we
would not get the reduction in acreage
needed to reduce production.
Now the payment this year under pres-
ent law is $1.20 a bushel for cooperators,
for those who divert acres, plus 50 per-
cent of $1.20 on normal production of
the first 20 percent of diverted acres,
or 60 cents. Then, in addition, it is 60
percent of $1.20 on normal production of
the next 20 percent of diverted acres, or
72 cents. Therefore, the farmer now
has an incentive to divert not 20 per-
cent but 40 percent of the acres, because
he gets 72 cents per bushel for produc-
tion on the second 20 percent of acres
Furthermore, thesniall farmer could
divert his entire production. Many of
them have done so. The statistics which
I have put into the RECORD show a result
with respect to corn of more than 45
percent of the base acreage diverted.
That, Is a tremendous diversion. The
program has been a gl'eat success.
Under the new program these incen-
tives vanish. The confplier who diverted
only 20 percent of the acreage still would
get an effective $1.20 a bushel-including
an 18-cent cash payment-while the
noncomplier would get $1.02 a bushel.
There would be a difference, though.
There would be no extra payment over
the 50 percent for diverting more than
20 percent of the acreage.
In addition, the base upon which the
50 percent would be figured would be
$1.02, and not $1.20, so the payment
would be 51 cents, half of $1.02, and not
72 cents.
Furthermore, after the reduction of 20
percent, the cooperators would get 18
cents a bushel on all production; hence,
there would be only a 33 cent incentive
for not producing, compared to a 72 cent
incentive under the old program. That
is why I think my estimate that there
would be a 25-percent diversion instead
of a 45-percent diversion is realistic.
Under the new plan the total payments
would be almost as good-benefits over
90 percent as high-for diverting 20 per-
cent of the acreage, as under the old plan
for a40-percent diversion of acreage.
Mr. President, I must say that this is
an exceedingly difficult vote for me to
cast, because I think that one can make
some argument that the conference re-
port possibly would provide a better in-
come for feed grain farmers, for one
year, but the situation in 1963 would be
almost impossible for those of us who
want to represent the dairy farmers
honestly and well in the U.S. Senate.
We would be placed in the position that
if we did not act the farmers would get
50-percent price supports for feed grains
with no controls voluntary or mandatory.
This would result in a terrific overpro-
duction of milk and a terrific overpro-
duction of hogs at very low prices, per-
haps 9 or 10 cents-but if we do act the
administration would be in a position,
with a veto power, to require that we
take the mandatory controls the admin-
istration wants.
Mr. MORSE. Mr. President, early this
year, I asked the Department of State
to prepare for me a chronology of U.S.
relations with Cuba from the time we
suspended arms shipments to its Fascist
government to the time when the Com-
munist government of Cuba openly em-
braced the Sino-Soviet bloc and became
an ally of it.
I had asked the Department of State
to prepare this chronology because I have
often been disturbed by the misguided
opinion frequently heard in this country
that Fidel Castro turned to communism
because, in effect, the United States
was not nice enough to him.
For myself, I think it would be hard
to find any new government which has
come to power in the Western Hemi-
sphere in this century with more interest,
support, and sympathy from the United
States than which the Castro govern-
ment enjoyed. In my opinion, there
was at the time an enthusiasm for Cas-
tro in the United States that was itself
totally blind to the excesses the revolu-
tion committed against its own people.
I well recall the abuse I received myself
from segments of the press when I called
September 24
for an end to the bloodbath of mass
executions that marked the early months
of that new government.
How anyone could find more to admire
in summary execution and murder per-
petrated by Castro and his cohorts than
the same crimes committed by Batista
and his cohorts is beyond my under-
Nonetheless, we offered the hand of
friendship to Castro from the beginning,
including the offer of financial assist-
ance. Moreover, our purchases of Cuban
sugar were continued for some time after
"Che" Guevara declared that American
purchases of Cuban sugar have meant
slavery for the people of Cuba.
I am pleased to place this chronology
as testimony of the good faith effort the
United States put forth for many months
to maintain friendly relations with Cas-
tro even in the face of many provoca-
tions. I ask unanimous consent to have
this chronology, with its covering letter
and memorandum, printed at this point
There being no objection, the chronol-
ogy, letter, and memorandum were or-
dered to be printed in the RECORD, as
Washington, D.C., June 20, 1962.
U.S. Senate.
DEAR SENATOR MORSE: I refer to your let-
ter of February 20, 1962, and to my interim
reply of March 6, 1962, concerning a chro-
nology of the important events in our rela-
tions with Cuba since 1957.
Enclosed Is a "Chronolgy of Important
Events in United States-Cuban Relations,
1957-1962," which responds to the points
raised in your letter.
With regard to your inquiry as to the pres-
ent whereabouts of two Cuban citizens, Mr.
Manuel Antonio de Verona is now located at
1034 Michigan Avenue, Miami, Fla., and
Mr. Ramon Prendes is at 624 SW. 14th Ave-
nue, Apt. 11, Miami, Fla. Both are now in
opposition to the present Communist regime
in Cuba.
Please let me know if I can be of fur-
ther assistance to you.
Sincerely yours,
Assistant Secretary.
Enclosure: Chronology of United States-
Cuban relations.
The attached chronology for the period
1957-62 records, on the one hand, U.S. Gov-
ernment attempts to get along with the
Castro regime in Cuba, and on the other,
that regime's hostility toward the United
States and betrayal of the Cuban revolution
to international communism.
As early as 1957 the U.S. Government ex-
pressed its concern over political unrest in
Cuba. In 1958 we suspended arms ship-
ments to the Batista government which, in
disregard of an agreement with the United
States, had used them to combat the revo-
lutionary movement headed by Fidel Castro.
When the Castro regime came to power in
1959, the United States looked upon it with
sympathy, recognized it almost immediately,
and welcomed its promises of political free-
dom and social justice for the Cuban people.
We made clear our willingness to discuss
Cuba's economic needs, Despite our concern
at the Cuban regime's mounting hostility to-
ward the United States and its growing Corn-
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Needless to say, I am upset by these de-
velopments. I had hoped that we could
lower the cost of the voluntary program
and that after 1 more year feed grain
stocks would be down to desirable levels.
Now, unless the weather is unfavorable
next year, carryover stocks will continue
to be excessive.
Mr. President, I hope a number of the
Members of the Senate will join with me
in urging the Secretary of Agriculture
to undertake wide-ranging studies of al-
ternative feed grain programs for the
years following 19,63. As our distin-
guished chairman knows, I am unhappy
with the provisions in this conference re-
port for feed grains after .1963. The
Secretary of Agriculture is given author-
ity toset feed grain price supports within
the range of 50 to 90 percent of parity,
but at such a level as will not result in
a buildup in stocks. This is entirely in-
adequate. It is my understanding, how-
ever, that the Secretary of Agriculture
willmake recommendations to the next
Congress for a long-term feed grains
program to be effective beginning in 1964.
Next year our feet will be to the fire.
Those of us who want to maintain in-
come for dairy, beef, and hog farmers
will be in a far different position than
we were this year, because the alterna-
tive to doing nothing will be 50-percent
price supports, which means a further
cruel income drop for our farmers. It
means .50 percent of parity price sup-
ports without controls, which means
devastation, not only for the feed grain
farmers, but for the dairy and beef
farmers, too.
As a basis for these recommendations
I want to urge that careful studies be
undertaken of a wide range of modifica-
tions in the 1961-62 voluntary feed grain
programs as well as studies of modiflca-
tions in the provisions for 1963.
I have heard nothing from the staffs,
or the experts, except that the admin-
istration will insist on putting into effect
mandatory controls for 1964. It is go-
ing to use the provisions in the bill to
get them, and we will not be able to
fight for the maintenance of the present
program on any basis, regardless of the
merits of the voluntary program.
We must all recognize the very great
difference between the cotton program,
or the tobacco program, or the wheat
program., on the one hand, and the feed
grain program on the other. Eighty to
eighty-five percent of the farmers who
grow feed grains feed them on the farm.
For that reason, controls are extremely
difficult to establish and maintain.
In my view, a long-term feed grains
program should have as its goal the
balancing of supplies with disappear-
once at prevailing or moderately higher
market prices and at no greater cost to
the Government than the 1961-62 pro-
I think we were in sight of achieving
that end. I think if the bill which passed
the Senate this year had been accepted
in conference, we would have had a sur-
plus so low that balanced production and
consumption would be possible. We
would not have had to worry about man-
datory controls. We would not have had
to worry about 50-percent price supports.
But the conference report changed the
situation drastically, and the result
means that we are not going to get the
kind of 'diversion we had last year and
this year. As a result, next year, those
who favor mandatory controls will have
a great advantage.
Mr. President, somehow there seems to
be a phobia on the part of some power-
ful people that, merely because there
are mandatory programs for cotton and
for tobacco, therefore everyone must be
put under exactly the same kind of pro-
gram, regardless of how inapplicable it
may be. This is a most unfortunate situ-
ation. This attitude In the administra-
tion has caused it great difficulty this
year. Those who have reflected upon
it have recognized that we who oppose
the mandatory controls for the feed
grain farmers have been proved correct
on the basis of what happened in the tur-
key referendum and in the wheat ref-
erendum. It is mortally certain that if
a mandatory feed grain control program
had passed the Congress this year the
farmers would have rejected it by a ma-
jority vote, whereas it would have re-
quired a two-thirds vote to accept it.
The result of this rejection would have
been chaos on the farms.
I should like to document this point a
little bit more before I conclude.
Total base acreage, base acreage on
participating farms and intended acre-
age to be diverted in 1962 for corn, grain
sorghums, and barley are shown in tables
13, 14, and 15 of the feed situation,
USDA, May 1962, which I ask unanimous
consent to have printed in the RECORD
at this point.
There being no objection, the table
was ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
as follows:
Total base acreage
(million acres) -----
Base acreage on par-
ticipating farms
(percent) __________
Percent of base Orr
Participating '..
farms to be di-
verted -------- _____
Total acres to be, di-
verted (million;)----
Mr. PROXMIRE. Mr. President, one
of the reasons for the high percentage
diversion on the participating farms is
the provision that small producers may
divert their entire acreage, up to a maxi-
mum of 25 acres.
The conference report provides that
for 1963 feed grain producers who divert
at least 20 Percent of their base feed
grain acres may receive an acreage di-
version payment equal to 50 percent of
the value of the crops produced with the
loan level at $1.02 per bushel for corn
and corresponding loan levels for other
feed grains. Participating producers
would also receive 18 cents a bushel for
corn, about 15 cents a bushel for grain
sorghum and 13 cents a bushel for barley
on the normal production on the remain-
ing base acreage. Although producers
would receive diversion payments at the
50-percent rate for diverting up to 50
percent of the base acreages, there would
be no economic incentive to divert more
than the minimum 20 percent required
to be eligible for the price support loans,
price support payments and acreage di-
version paylrients.
There are several reasons why the di-
version sought will not be achieved by
the conference proposal.
The small farmer, the farmer with 25
acres, will have far less Incentive to re-
duce acreage below 50 percent, whereas
it was feasible to take out of production
the entire acreage under the provision
passed by Congress last year.
Since the economic incentives for di-
vertingg a minimum of 20 percent of the
feed grain base acres is substantially
higher under the :1963 provisions, a rea-
sonable estimate Is that 75 percent of
the corn and barley and 85 percent of
the grain sorghum base acreage would
participate in the 1963 program. Allow-
ing for the diversion of a substantial
number of entire base acreages of less
than 25 acres it is estimated that 25
percent of the base acreage on all par-
ticipating farms would be diverted. If
this occurs--I think it is optimistic--
acreage diversions in 1963 would com-
pare with intended diversions in 1962.
Mr. President, I ask unanimous con-
sent that the table showing the com-
parison may be printed in the RECORD
at this point.
There being no objection, the table
was ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
as follows:
ed di-
C7om___.... ..___million acres__
-6. 7
Grain sorghum-____ _..-._do____
Barley---------------_- co-.___
3. 1
Total ------------ do____
Mr. PROXMIRE. Mr. President, I
wish to show why I think the conference
report on the bill would result in a cost
twice as high for the taxpayers as the
cost would have been under the bill which
previously was passed by the Senate.
The cost of acreage diversion pay-
ments under the 1962 program have been
estimated by USDA at $900 million. In
addition, the Commodity Credit Corpora-
tion may take over 600 million bushels-
corn equivalent;---of 1962 feed grains at
$1.20 per bushel while selling an equal
amount at $1 per bushel, resulting in a
net additional cost of $120 million. The
combined acreage diversion payments
and CCC losses on loans at $1.20 per
bushel for corn for the 1962 program will
approximate $1,020 million.
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munist tendencies, we attempted patiently
and consistently from early 1959 until late
1960 to negotiate differences with the regime.
Elements in the Castro movement engaged
in anti-American activities during the revo-
lution against Batista. Soon after it came
to power in 1959, the Castro government
turned away from its previous promises, per-
mitted Communist influence to grow, at-
tacked and persecuted its own supporters In
Cuba who expressed opposition to commu-
nism, arbitrarily seized U.S. properties, and
made a series of baseless charges against the
United States. It ignored, rejected, or im-
posed impossible conditions on repeated U.S.
overtures to cooperate and negotiate. In
1960 Cuba established close political, eco-
nomic, and military relationships with the
Sino-Soviet bloc, while increasing the pace
and vehemence of measures and attacks
against the United States. We did not take
defensive measures until the last half of
The United States terminated relations
with the Cuban Government in January 1961
because of Cuban demands which placed
crippling limitations on our ability to carry
out diplomatic and consular functions in
Cuba. The adoption by the present Cuban
Government of a totalitarian Communist
system and its alinement with the interna-
tional Communist movement, which were al-
ready clear at that time, have become more
complete since then. These developments
culminated in December 1961, when Castro
openly espoused Marxism-Leninism.
July 25, 1957: U.S. Ambassador Earl T.
Smith, upon presentation of credentials,
states that the American people are sad-
dened and concerned over the political un-
rest which has led to bloodshed in Cuba.
March 14, 1958: U.S. suspends arms
arms deliveries to Cuba.
June 22, 1958: Raul Castro, rebel com-
mander in northern Oriente Province, issues
a military order for the detention, effective
June 27, of all U.S. male citizens for the pur-
pose of "stopping U.S. military shipments to
the Batista government." Pursuant to this
order, starting June 26 Cuban rebels kidnap
43 U.S. citizens, including 30 sailors and
marines, from the U.S. Naval Base at Guan-
tanamo Bay, Cuba. The last of those kid-
naped are released July 18.
September-October 1958: Cuban rebels set
up a system for levying taxes on both Cuban
and United States enterprises operating in
rebel-occupied territory in eastern Cuba, and
harass several U.S. companies in an attempt
to collect funds and acquire supplies and
October 20, 1958: Cuban rebels kidnap two
Americans employed by the Texas Oil Co.,
and release them 3 days later.
1959: President Batista flees
1959: Fidel Castro proclaims
government headed by Manuel
Urrutia as President.
January 5, 1959: President Urrutia ap-
points Jose Mirb Cardona as Prime Minister.
January 7, 1959: The United States recog-
nizes the Cuban Government, noting with
satisfaction the assurances given of the Cu-
ban Intention to comply with international
obligations and agreements, and expresses
the sincere good will of the Government and
people of the United States toward the new
government and the people of Cuba.
January 7, 1959: The Communist Party
daily Ploy ' appears in Havana for the first
time since 1953.
January 9, 1959: Ernesto Guevara, com-
mander of La Cabafia fortress in Havana,
says that many members of the Communist
Party lost their lives fighting Batista while
the Batista government was receiving weap-
ons from the U.S. Government, and that the
Communists have earned the right to be just
another party In Cuba.
January 13, 1969: by this date, almost 200
persons have been "tried" by revolutionary
tribunals, found guilty and summarily shot.
By the end of 1969, the count is over 600.
January 27, 1959: Nine U.S. companies op-
erating In Cuba have made advance payments
of $2,560,000 on taxes which are not due until
March 30.
February 16, 1959: Fidel Castro succeeds
Miro Cardona as Prime Minister.
March 2, 1959: U.S. Ambassador Philip W.
Bonsai presents credentials. He brings cor-
dial greetings and heartfelt good wishes from
President Eisenhower for the happiness, pros-
perity and progress of Cuba. He states to
President Urrutia: "We wish you every suc-
cess in your announced objective of raising
the standard of living of your country. I
shall devote particular attention to all op-
portunities of increased cooperation in the
economic field which may present them-
March 4, 1959: the Cuban Government In-
tervenes the Cuban Telephone Co., the first
intervention of a U.S.-owned firm.
March 18, 1959: Cuban Ambassador Ernesto
Dibigo presents credentials. President Eisen-
hower expresses hope and desire for ever
closer relationship between Cuba and the
United States.
March 22, 1959: Prime Minister Castro
charges that U.S. authorities were lax in
keeping track of arms purchases and other
activities in the United States directed
against Cuba. United States denies charge
on March 23.
April 13, 1959: Ambassador Bonsai tells
Prime Minister Castro that the United States
considers Castro's forthcoming visit to the
United States very important, and offers to
help in any way required.
April 16, 1959: During lunch given by See-
retnary of State Christian Herter for Prime
Minister Castro in Washington, Assistant
Secretary of State Roy R. Rubottom, Jr., in
conversation with the president of the Cuban
National Bank, FelipePazos, arranges further
conversations for the following day with
Cuban officials.
April 17, 1959: Assistant Secretary Rubot-
tom gives Minister of Economy Regino Boti,
Minister of Treasury Rufo Lopez Fresquet,
and Pazos friendly welcome and invites them
to indicate Cuba's needs. He says the U.S.
Government desires to be helpful. The
Cubans rebuff offer.
Later the same day Prime Minister Castro,
In a speech to the American Society of News-
paper Editors, says he has not come to the
United States to ask for money.
May 17, 1959: Cuban Government approves
agrarian reform law, providing for taking
of agricultural properties, payment to be in
20-year bonds, at 4?/2-percent interest,
May 27, 1959: Assistant Secretary Rubot-
torn tells Ambassador Dihigo that the
United States understands that the Cuban
revolution is deep and meaningful for the
Cuban people, that its eventual course is
matter for their decision, and that we un-
derstand the desire and need for land
June 1, 1959: Ambassador Bonsai, in in-
formal conversation with Minister of State
Roberto Agramonte, states that the United
States supports sound land reform, and rec-
ognizes Cuba's right to expropriate private
property, provided just and prompt compen-
sation is made. He states that it is in the In-
terest of both Cuba and the United States to
work together, to get along amicably, and to
afford each other a full hearing before tak-
ing actions materially affecting the other.
June 11, 1959: Commenting on Cuban
agrarian reform law, United States expresses
sympathy for the objectives of agrarian re-
form; recognizes the right of a state to take
property for public purposes, coupled with
an obligation to pay prompt, adequate and
effective compensation; expresses concern as
to the adequacy of the law's provisions for
compensation to U.S. citizens whose prop-
erty may be expropriated; and expresses hope
for further exchanges of views.
June 12, 1959: Ambassador Bonsai urges
on Prime Minister Castro the importance
of close relations between Cuba and the
United States because of the interrelated
economies and the proximity of the two
June 20, 1959: In Washington, Assistant
Secretary Rubottom offers Cuban Minister
of State Raul Roa full cooperation in re-
turning problems of United States-Cuban
relations to normal, nonpublic diplomatic
channels, as advocated by Roa.
June 22, 1959: In Washington, Under Sec-
retary of State C. Douglas Dillon tells Min-
ister of State Roa of the sincere desire of
the United States that Cuba grow and pros-
per, and expresses the hope that the mutually
beneficial traditional relationship between
the United States and Cuba continue.
June 25, 1959: Cuban Government seizes
three U.S.-owned cattle ranches in Cama-
guey Province, first such seizures subsequent
to the agrarian reform law.
June 27, 1959: Cuban Government seizes
U.S.-owned cattle ranch in Oriente Province,
July 1, 1959: Maj. Pedro Luis Diaz Lanz
resigns as head of the Cuban Air Force,
charging Communist infiltration of the
armed forces and Government.
July 12, 1959: Prime Minister Castro de-
scribes reported appearance of Major Diaz
Lanz before the Senate Internal Security
Subcommittee in executive session as an un-
friendly act and as U.S. interference in the
internal affairs of Cuba.
July 13, 1959: President Urrutia, appear-
ing on television, states that communism is
not really concerned with the welfare of the
people, and that it constitutes a danger for
the Cuban revolution.
July 14, 1959: Major Diaz Lanz testifies
publicly before the Senate Internal Security
Subcommittee on communism in Cuba.
July 14, 1959: Acting Minister of State
Armando Hart denounces Diaz Lanz appear-
ance before Senate Internal Security Sub-
committee as blatant intervention in Cuban
Internal affairs.
July 17, 1959: In television appearance,
Fidel Castro resigns as Prime Minister and
accuses President Urrutia of treason because
of July 13 speech. Urrutia resigns.
July 23, 1959: Ambassador Bonsai expresses
to Minister of State Roa the general sym-
pathy of the United States for the objectives
of the Cuban revolution and our support for
agrarian reform programs of a sound nature.
States that in connection with the Diaz Lanz
case, U.S. policy has been correct and faith-
ful to our highest principles. Expresses con-
cern over the deterioration in Cuba-United
States relations as a result of anti-American
statements of principal Cuban Government
leaders. Expresses wish of U.S. Government
to cooperate in any way in obtaining infor-
mation on various incidents.
July 26, 1959: Fidel Castro announces that
he will resume position of Prime Minister.
July 31, 1959: On at least six occasions
during the month, Cuban Government offi-
cials seize or place cattle on land owned by
U.S. citizens.
August 15, 1959: Prime Minister Castro
charges complicity of U.S. officials in permit-
ting planes participating in counterrevo-
lutionary activities against Cuba to take off
from the United States.
August 21, 1959: Assistant Secretary Ru-
bottom emphasizes to Ambassador Dihigo
that he believes that the United States and
Cuba urgently need to sit down together and
talk over various problems to arrive at an
August 31, 1959: On at least three occa-
sions during the month, Cuban Government
officials seize or harvest land owned by U.S.
September 2, 1959: Deputy Assistant Sec-
retary of State William P. Snow, in conver-
sation with Ambassador Dihigo, expresses re-
gret at the continuing attacks on the United
States by Cuban Government officials, con-
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cern at the failure of. the. Cuban Govern- or strafing, and that deaths and injuries January 26, 1960: President Eisenhower re-
merrt to hear the views of U.S. business in- from the incident must have resulted from affirms the adherence of the United States to
terests before the passage of laws affecting Cuban antiaircraft fire or bombs thrown by the policy of nonintervention in the domestic
them, and the hope that the Cuban Govern- terrorists. Rejects implication that the affairs of other countries, including Cuba;
ment might arrive at a better understanding United States approved the flight or was in explicitly recognizes the right of the Cuban
of the U.S. position in defense of democracy any way responsible.
against the world Communist conspiracy. October 27, 1959: Ambassador Rnn. i f n~ G?vernmen.t and people to undertake social,
s -J- -5 by
Prime Minister Castro our general sympathy
with the objectives of the revolution, con-
cern at anti-American statements made by
Cuban officials and at insinuations by Cuban
officials that our relations have not been
straightforward and correct, at the treat-
ment received by American Interests in
Cuba, and at the failure of the Cuban Gov-
ernment to see the implications of interna-
tional communism,
September 10, 1959: Assistant Secretary
Rubottom tells Cuban representative on
Inter-American Economic and Social Coun-
cil, Enrique Perez Cisneros, that the United
States is still disposed to carry out a policy
of friendship and fairness toward Cuba de-
spite considerable provocation during the
past 9 months.
September 21, 1959: Ambassador Dihigo
informs Assistant Secretary Rubottom that
President Osvaldo Dorticos and Minister of
State Roa are completely receptive to the
Idea that Cuba and the United States begin
Immediately to discuss their problems and
endeavor to arrive at mutually acceptable
solutions. He requests that the United
States compile a list of the general and
.specific problems now troubling the United
States in its relations with Cuba, and pre-
sent the list to the Cuban Government.
Rubottom indicates his pleasure at this re-
quest and says that we will immediately give
consideration as how best to meet it.
September 30, 1959: On at least eight oc-
casions during the month, Cuban Govern-
ment officials seize water system, forest and
other lands, and place cattle on land owned
by U.S. citizens.
October 6, 1959: Ambassador Bonsal tells
Minister of State Roa that the United States
is generally in sympathy with the stated
democratic social objectives of the Cuban
revolution, but also is perplexed and in
doubt about Cuban attitudes toward the
United States and the free world.
October 12, 1959: United States presents
note to Cuban Government reaffirming our
understanding and sympathy for the goals
which the Cuban Government has declared
to be the purpose of its agrarian reform.
October 19, 1959: Maj. Huber Matos, a
rebel army leader during the revolution,
resigns as military chief of Camaguey Prov-
ince, charging Communist penetration of
the Government. Matos is arrested and on
December 15 is sentenced to 20 years in
prison for conspiracy, sedition, and treason.
October 21, 1959: Major Diaz Lanz makes
an Illegal flight from the United States over
Havana. Prime Minister Castro charges that
the plane bombed and strafed Havana re-
sulting in deaths and injuries.
October 26, 1959: Prime Minister Castro
accuses the United States of tolerating air
incursions against Cuba and of threatening
Cuba with economic strangulation.
October 26, 1959: Cuban Government
passes law imposing confiscatory taxes upon
the Nicaro nickel facility, owned by the U.S.
Government, in violation of a binding in-
ternational agreement. Subsequently the
Cuban Government intermittently embar-
goes the export of the product and contin-
ually harasses the operation by delaying or
failing to approve the exportation of the
product and the importation of critically
needed supplies and replacement parts.
October 27, 1959: Referring to October 21
incident, United States states that the plane
distributed leaflets over Havana, that it was
impossible for the plane to bomb or strafe,
that the Cuban police reported no bombing
States awaits a resolution by the Cuban V11?' s w, i,uey may timnlc desirable; and
of the issues involved on a basis expresses the sympathy of the American people.
Government f friendship and observance of Internation- ple e for es for the 27 tpirati0ns of the Cuban ple.
al law which have traditionally characterized Eisenhower's Januarystatement President of January 26, Pr Presi-
negoti tions between Cuba and the United dent Dor-iicos states that the Cuban Govern-
States.' Bonsai also expresses the hope that ment is fully disposed to discuss differences
normal negotiations will not be distorted to between Cuba and the United States through
obscure the deep sympathy with which the diplomatic negotiations, and will hear and
entire United States views the efforts of the consider complaints and claims regarding in-
Cuban people to achieve their social, eco- dividual cases raised by U.S. citizens, in ac-
nomie, and political aspirations, cordance with Cuban and international law.
October 31, 1959: On at least 12 occasions January 51, 1960: On at least 11 occasions
during the month, Cuban Government ofli- during the month, Cuban Government offi-
cials seize lands, cattle and equipment, order cials seize a marine dredge, land, stores, cat-
cattle moved, deny access to pastures, order tie and horses? and brand cattle owned by
cutting of timber, open fences and plow up U.S. citizens.
land, and place cattle on land owned by U.S. February 4, 1960: Soviet First Deputy Pre-
citizens. mien Anartas I. Mikoyan arrives to open a
November 6, 1959: Cuban Ministry of State Soviet exhibit Lan.
distributes brochure entitled "Cuba De- February 4, 1960: Charge d'Affaires Brad-
nounces Before the World." Brochure re- dock states to Minister of State Roa that
peats allegations about October 21 plane in- the United States is disposed to take Pres-
cident and charges that the United States is ident Dorticos' statement at face value and
providing political asylum to Cuban fugi- is prepared to return to diplomatic norms.
tives from justice. Braddock mentions the desirability of lead-
November 9, 1959: United States protests ing officials of both Cuba and the United
November 6 brochure as disregarding facts States working within the traditional spirit
on plane incident. Also states that Cuban of United states-Cuban friendship, main-
Goverment has never requested extradition taining an atmosphere free of public re-
of alleged fugitives from justice under ex- criminations, and observing standards of in-
tradition, treaty with United States. ternational and domestic laws applicable to
November 24, 1959: Daniel M. Braddock, each other's nationals.
Minister.-Counselor of American Embassy, February 10, 1960: United States states
Havana, states to Minister of Economy Boti that it considers the January 27 statement
that although various individual matters of President Dorticos consistent with a de-
have been discussed between Cuba and the sire for a return to normal diplomatic chan-
United States, little or no progress has been nels and welcomes the readiness of the
made on them. Braddock says that some Cuban Government to negotiate pending
American companies in Cuba fear that the problems.
Ultimate intention of the Cuban Govern- February 13, 1960: Prime Minister Castro
ment is to take them over. and Deputy Premier Mikoyan sign joint
November 30, 1959: On at least nine occa- Soviet-Cuban, communique describing their
sions during the month, Cuban Government conversations as "carried out In an atmos-
ofiicials seize land, cattle and equipment, and phere of frank cordiality."
place cattle on land owned by U.S. citizens. February 13, 1960: Cuba and Soviet Union
December 4, 1959: Ambassador Bonsai re- sign trade and economic aid agreements.
views for Minister of Economy Boti the prin- Soviet Union to buy 1 million tons of Cuban
cipal events in United States-Cuban relations sugar in each of ensuing 5 years. Soviet
since October 12, noting the deterioration Union extends $100 million credit for pur-
that has' occurred in the meantime. He re- chase of equipment.
fers to the Cuban offer of November 13 to February 15, 1960: Replying to U.S. pro-
continue negotiations on pending questions, test of January 11, Cuban Government slates
and asks if Boti is disposed to resume these that no property has been confiscated under
discussions. Boti indicates assent. the agrarian reform law; that where agrarian
December 31, 1959: Cuba and Communist reform officals have occupied property, steps
China sign trade agreement under which are being taken for their fair appraisal; and
Cuba is to sell Peiping 50,000 tons of sugar. that if the 'United States considers that Cu-
December 31, 1959: On at least seven occa- ban Iaws have been
ed, U.S. nationals
sions during the month, Cuban Government have the right to appeal through appropriate
officials seize land, equipment, property, re- channels.
move timber, borrow equipment (most of February 15, 1960: Commerce Minister
which is not returned) and use repair shops Cepero Bonilla, states that the United States
owned by U.S. citizens. pays a, premium price for sugar in order to
January 11, 1960: United States protests bolster "inefficient and expensive" domestic
seizure of U.S. property in recent weeks by sugar producers who cannot compete With
Cuban officials in violation of agrarian reform "efficient and cheap producers such as Cuba."
law. States that without court order or any February 20, 1960: Cuba signs trade and
written authorization, lands and buildings payments agreement with East Germany.
have been seized and occupied; equipment February 122,1960: Cuban Government an-
has been confiscated and removed; cattle nounces that it has decided to name a com-
have been taken; wood has been cut and sold; mission to begin negotiations in Washing-
productive pastures have been plowed under ton, under the condition that the legislative
without the consent of their owners; and and executive branches of the U.S. Govern-
fences and boundaries have been arbitrarily ment will adopt no measure considered pre-
moved. judicial to the Cuban economy and people
January 21, 1960: Prime Minister Castro while the negotiations are in progress.
says that notes from the U.S. State Depart- February 14, 1960: Armed ForcesMinister
ment and statements by U.S. officials en- Raul Castro blaxnes the United States for
courage counterrevolutionary activities exploitation of Cuba since the beginning of
against Cuba and indicate that a policy of the century.
hostility against Cuba is more evident every February 29? 1960:. United States tells
day. He implies that the United States ex- Cuban Government that it wishes to seek a
plotted Cuba for 50 years. solution of outstanding problems through
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19330 a"ENONAL RECORD S4NATE September" 24
Cuban Government lass takeal disori
to mina- nounces United States intervention in Latin 1960 and that Soviet bloc arms provided to
rt' actions against the property of U.S. America, accepts offer of assistance from the Cuba amount to at least 28,000 tons.
citizens in Cuba valued at ovex-3850,million, Soviet Union, and denies that the Soviet
and that no, effort has been ,ln ,de_by the December 2,1960: Cuba and North Vietnam
Union or Communist China have inerven- establishecemberdiplo9ma1960tic Cuba relations. and Outer Mon-
Cuban Government to assur, thelu any- tionist intentions In the Western Hemisphere. D,
thing approaching adequate compensation, States Cuba will establish relations with the golia establish diplomatic relations.
August 6, 1960: Under authority of the Chinese People's Republic. December 11, 1960: National Bank Presi-
nationalization law,- Cuba nationalizes September 12, 1960: United States offers dent Guevara expresses wholehearted sup-
through forced expropriation the properties to present its charges for examination by the port for the December 6 statement of the
of 26 companies wholly or partially owned by good offices committee created August 29, Congress of 81 Communist Parties which met
U.S. citizens. The United States protests this and express the hope that the Cuban gov- in Moscow, and states that Cuba "should
action on August 8. ernment will cooperate. follow the exam le of
August 6, 1960: Armed Forces Minister September 15, 1960: Cuba and Hun ar p peaceful development
Raul Castro says Cuba is grateful for Soviet sign trade and payments agreements. y set Dec by ."
the Soviet Union ember support, and that U.S. aid always has strings September 17, 1960: Under r authority of the establish diplomatic om,plomatis c relations Cunand Albania
attached, while aid from the Soviet Union nationalization law, Cuba nationalizes 3 December 16, 1960: President Eisenhower
is disinterested. U.S.-owned 'banks through forced expropria- fixes the Cuban s
August 7, 1960: Prime Minister Castro tion. United States protests on Septem- first quarter of 1981 quota at zero for the
justifies the confiscation of the investments ber 29, December 17, 1960: Cuba and Hungary es-
of U.S. citizens In Cpba by accusing the September 18, 1960: National Bank Presi- tablish diplomatic relations,
United States of "economic aggression" in dent Guevara accuses the United States of December 19, 1980: Cuba and the Soviet
reducing Cuba's sugar quota. aggression and genocide. Says that Cuba has Union sign joint communique through which
August 10, 1960: UiVted States issues 23- received arms from Czechoslovakia and Is Cuba openly alines itself with the domestic
page document containing evidence of the expecting many more from any power that and foreign policies of the Soviet Union and
aggressive intent of the Cuban government will sell them. indicates its solidarity with the Sino-Soviet
in its discriminatory trade and financial September 23, 1960: Cuba and North bloc.
policies, and its confiacption of the property Korea establish diplomatic relations. January 2, 1961: Cuba holds military
of U.S, citizens. Estimates the value of con- September 26, 1960: Prime Minister Castro parade. Many Soviet and bloc arms dis-
fiscated U.S. property at about $1 billion. makes series of untrue and distorted allega- played, including tanks, assault guns and
States that the backlog of payments due to tions against the United States at the U.N. field guns. Prime Minister Castro says this
U.S. exporters because of the failure of Cuban General Assembly.
authorities to make the. necessary foreign September 30, 1960: Communist Prime which represents Cuba only has a "small received all partfroM" th hf the arms
exchange available is. over $100 million. Minister Chou En-Iai states that "in the e bloc.
States that about one-half of U.S. Invest- event of necessity the Chinese government demands January demands t 1 the he U P,Srime Minister avana
ments had been seized before any change and people will give all possible support and d to U.S. Embassy in Houa
r 48 hours.
was made in the Cuban sugar quota. be reduced d 3, to 196111: officials United t States within terminates
aid to the Cuban people." January Document states that property seized under October 7, 1960: Cuba and Bulgaria sign diplomatic and consular relations with Cuba
nationalization law of July 6 covers only the trade and payments agreements.
most recent cases of tla arbitrary taking of October 12, 1960: United States submits win of 's mand 2,
hich view a dastipp inng lim of January the
such property without prompt, adequate, and document to the U.N. Secretary General ability placed Unit States tt o ons carry out
arry out
effective compensation. , In prior cases, start- entitled "Facts Concerning Relaions Be- normal of the tic an Scoter consular cfunctions.
hug in June 19?9, the Cuban government has tween Cuba and the United States," reply- Cuba tuba t diplomatic and
p m tic consular
shown little or no consideration for the ing to Prime Minister Castro's allegations of rns over its diplomatic and Czechoslovakia rights guaranteed property owners under the September ae. affairs to the Embassy of Czechoslovakia in
laws of Cuba,, It has,selzed and occupied October 13, 1960: Unidentified men raid Washington.
Fey , 1961:
lands and buildings of U.S. citizens, confis~ the Cuban consulate general in Miami. R u
lbCastro2declares t h tetheoChinesenPen-
cated and removed equipment, confiscated Cuban Government states that the attack pie's Republic has sent Cuba hundreds of
and removed cattle frpm the pastures of was permitted with the "suspicious indiffer- machineguns.
owners, seized ,timberlapd resources, plowed ence" and the "manifest collusion of the March 31, 1961: President Kennedy fixes
under productive pastures without the con- American authorities" and that the identi- the Cuban sugar quota at zero for 1981.
sent of, owners, and arbitrarily moved fences ties of those responsible are known to the April 3, 1961: The United States issues
and boundaries. In many cases no inventory authorities.
was taken at tie time of seizure nor receipt October 19, 1960: United States prohibits "Cuba" pamphlet, expressing determination
provided, nor indicationgiven that any pay- exports to Cuba except for nonsubsidized a support future democratic governments ment would be made. The value of American foodstuffs, medicines and medical supplies, freedom, Cuto help the and Cuban
Social al jus ce, and
owned property affected by such acts is esti- to defend the legitimate economic interests alling democracy,
Castro s, oa to see, and
mated at $350 Million, of the people of the United States against links with the regime to rover ist
h the international Communist
August 13, 1960: Commerce Minister the discrriminatorY aggressive, and injurious movement.
Pero Bonilla declares that for .the coming economic , g
Cepero policies of the Castro regime, April 3, 1961:
that sine mid-states ore year "it would be much, more advantageous October 24, 1960: Under authority of the
to Cuba if the United States did not buy a nationalization law, Cuba nationalizes 30pamphlet tf arms, since mian es more value
single grain of sugar." through forced expropriation 166 properties ,000 tons of awith ve estimated value
August 16, 1960: Cuban press reports on wholly or partially owned by U.S. citizens. of $50 million, have arrived in Cuba from
message from . Prime Minister Castro to United States protests on November 19. armed beyond r ohs Iron Curtain; that the Cuban
Premier Khrushchev, expressing thanks "for. October 26, 1960: Cuba and Rumania rces ma dependent on the Soviet
the support of the Soviet people, which is establish diplomatic relations and sign trade power; bloc for that the m Soviet and of their armed
irrefutable proof that the peoples fighting and technical assistance agreements. and Czech military ode v1sers for their independence are not alone in their October 27, 1960: United States rejects flow and technicians have accompanied the
of arms; that Cubans have gone or
"emphatically and categorically" the Cuban Czechoslovakia
August 24, 1960: Prime Minister Castro protest of October 13. States that the United training as jet pad the Soviet nten for
charges the United States with supporting States does not condone the violation of its crews, a d , ground maintenance
counterrevolutionaries and states that Cuba laws by anyone, that It makes every effort xe and artillerymen; Sad that Cuba has,
will be friends, with the Soviets and the to prevent such violations, that an investiga- except
d for the United misph the la least
Chinese People's Republic. tion into the incident is continuing and that 10otim forces large the hemsphere, n least
August 29, 1960: The Foreign Ministers the United States has told the Mimi police 10 times us I G as most maintained by
of the American Republics, meeting at San of the need for special police protection for previous Cuban Governments, including that
Jose, Costa Rica, approve Declaration of San the consulate general of Batista.
Jose, stating that the acceptance by an October 28, 1960: United States reiterates April 16, 1961: Prime Minister Castro de-
America.n state of extracontinental interven- September. 12 offer to cooperate with good scribes his regime as socialist.
tion endangers American solidarity and se- offices committee and expresses hope that April 17-19, 1961: Cuban patriots fail in
curity, They also create an ad hoe good committee will carry out its mission attempt to redeem the independence of their
officea?committee to help. settle controversies promptly. homeland.
between governments in the Americas. November 14, 1960: Cuban Government re- April 20, 1961: President Kennedy states
August 29, 196': Prime,Vinister Castro re- jects the United States statements of Octo- that any unilateral American intervention
peaty charges of United States aggression her 27 as "mendacious and detrimental" and would have been contrary to our traditions
against. Cuba anti says he will not renounce refers to an "alli
between the execu- and to our international obligations, but that
Soviet support. tioners of the Cuban people and the United we do not intend to abandon Cuba.
September 2: In reply to the Declaration of States Government.
San Jose. Prime Minister Castro April 21, 1961: Cuba votes with the Soviet t
ovember 18, 1960: United States states bloc on almost every major international
"Decimation of P
Iiabana," which bitterly at- that at least 12 Soviet ships have delivered issue during the 15th General Assembly of
ks ?
a United States and the OAS, de- arms and ammunition to r?bo
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negotiations, but cannot accept the condition May 17, 1960: National Bank of Cuba in- July 3, 1960: Agrarian Reform Director
proposed by the Cuban Government that no forms U.S. oil companies in Cuba that each of Nufi.ez Jimenez states, in East Berlin that
measure of a unilateral character he adopted them will be required to purchase 300,000 Cuba desires relations not only with the So-all Soci by the legislative or executive branch of the tons of Russian petroleum during the bal- vi et gni but U.S. itCo ngrcialist countries
U.S. Government, and wishes to explore the ance of 1960. Ju 3, 1960: .s
subjects to be discussed before initiating May 17, 1960: Minister-Counselor Brad- authority to reduce, import quota on Cuban
negotiations. dock reminds Cuban Under Secretary of State sugar.
March 2, 1960: National Bank President Fernandez Pont that Minister' of State Roa July 3, 1960: Jose Mira Cardona, Arnbassa-
Ernesto Guevara states that the 3 million told Ambassador:BOnsal that Roa would be dor-designate to the 'United States, resigns,
tons of sugar which Cuba sells annually to soon getting in touch with Bonsai to resume stating that "the ideological differences be-
the United States "at supposedly preferen- discussions on the possibility of negotiations tween
mtheopla s of t eeeGove smbn to ref
tial prices" have meant and mean slavery on pending problems. and for the people of Cuba. June 4, 1960: 'United States reviews the solve." He takes asylum in the Argentine
March 4, 1960: French munitions ship record of the Cuban Government's campaign Embassy.
La Coubre explodes in Habana harbor. On of slander against the United States, and the July 5, 1960: United States protests seizure
March 5 Prime Minister Castro identifies the efforts of the United States to maintain its of U.S.-owned ad contrary il efriie es as Cuban axi law and
United States as the responsible agent of traditionally friendly relations with the peo- expresses equitable, tan a toe Cuban Govern-
the explosion. ple of Cuba. The record includes Cuban con- p
March 7, 1960: The United States cate- fiscation and expropriation of U.S. property, meat will rescind these .actions,
gorically and emphatically denies the charge failure of the Cuban Government to com- July 6, 1960: Cuban Government passes na-
by Prime Minister Castro implying involve- pensate U.S. property owners, payments due tionalization law, avithorizing nationaliza-
ment of the U.S. Government in the La Cou- to American exporters, Cuban attacks on V.S. tion of U.S.-owned property through expro-
bre disaster. sugar premium, air incursions, and the La priation. Authorizes payment to be made March 1960: Secretary of State Herter Coubre and Sea Poacher 3ncidenty, from fund to be derived from receipts from
states at press conference that "we have been June 7, 1960; United States objects to annual purchases of Cuban sugar r over cents 3 mil
5 a
hopeful throughout that the atmosphere of "fallacious" and "offense" Cuban Govern- lion t Pa eri to be to a tye 7 bonds
our relationship with Cuba would allow us ment pamphlet containing thinly veiled pound. ay et rest.
to settle through diplomatic means such dif- charges implying U.S. Government involve- 2-percent
6, i ter President Eisenhower, "with
ferences as we may have with Cuba". ment in La Coubre disaster. July March 15, 1960: United States expresses June 8, 1960: Antonio Nufiez Jiminez, Di- the most genuine regret," orders a cut of
shock and dismay at Prime Minister Castro's rector of the Agrarian Reform Institute, says 700,000 tons in Cuba's .960 msugar en g qut ,for
attributing responsibility for La Coubre dis- in Moscow that of all the Latin American grounds
aster to United States; rejects Castro's sug- countries, Cuba Is "the Soviet Union's great- So ious et goods with Cuban sug r have raised
Prime Minister Castro, refer- States can depend on Cuba as a source of
Cuba gestion that the
June 9, 1960: loyal
oppress to Cukeep ba; uba;
defenseless In United order States wants
states that t it it is prepared to various ring to the United States, says that powerful sugar.
Cuba d to discuss cus
1960: Prime Minister Castro says
on Castro interests Which anted to destroy the which. through has normal been lution provoked:: he La Coubre Incident Te He that t e United States acted in a "frenzy of
critical other matters,
t the sugaad qin fit des es rage"
and continues calls this type of disaster "criminally con- impotence
communication; through
channels s of the United
to hope that the United States and Cuba ceived and executed." in cutting and says quota, ta his revolution
fies can settle their differences through diplo- June 10, 1960: Cuban Government seizes Unite t triumph States te
matic means. four U.S.-owned hotels in Habana. will .
March 20, 1960: National Bank President June 10, 1960: Cuba signs 5-year trade July 9, 1960: Soviet Premier Khrushchev
Guevara states "Our war < < * is against the and payment agreements with Czechoslo- states that the U.S.S.R. Is "raising its voice
vakia. and extending a helpful hand to the people
great March 2 power of the north:" June 10, 1960:: Prime Minister Castro states of Cuba * * '. Speaking figuratively, in
dam- that U.S. officials participated in a plot to case of necessity, Soviet artillerymen can
March leaves Fort LaudsPlane from and the is dam- United
States Cub u it lands an invasion attempt in Cuba against support the Cuban people with rocket fire."
high- Nicaragua under the leadership of a Nica- July 9, 1960: President Eisenhower says
way aged in n Cub Cuba an gunfire
the u next nfire as
day. . la U.S. grand on a jury
later indicts William J. Shergalis, a U.S.S. citi- raguan exile, for the purpose of embarrassing that Khrushchev's statement underscores the
zen, and Hector Garcia Soto, both of whom the Cuban Government. United States al- close ties that have developed between the
arranged for the flight, for acting agents legations are false. Soviet and Cuban Governments.
of the Cuban Government without filing the June 10, 1960: Cuban Minister of State July 10, 1960: Prime Minister Castro de-
registration statement required by law. Roa says in Montevideo that Cuba decided votes an entire speech to expressing satisfac-
March 31, 1960: Cuba signs trade and pay- "to break the structure of its commercial tion at the support offered Cuba by the So-
relations with the United States." viet Union and to attaching what he de-
ments agreement with Poland. June 15, 1960: Cuba and Poland establish scribes as the e,ggressive policies of the
Apr 11, 19 if United States ews Cuban diplomatic relations. United States.
Bank ent r the March 2 views sugar rep- Na - June 18, 196;0: Joint Cuban-Soviet com- July 10, 1960: National Bank President
reseal the official President Cuban position. on sga reply munique in Moscow notes the fruitful de- Guevara states that Cuba is defended by the
ever received oven. ntreply velopment of trade, economic, and cultural Soviet Union, "the greatest military power,
ever from Cuban Government. ties between the Soviet Union and Cuba. in history."
that the e9, .1960: Prime S. Government takes Minister Castro states June 18, 1960: Agrarian Reform Director July 10, 1960: President Dorticos hails "the
that the Uor Govern confusion with advantage Nunez Jiminez states "The Communist Party message of solidarity spoken by the Prime
of every opportunity St create ban relations. of Cuba is the party whose members Minister of the Soviet Union and coming to
respect to United U.S. GCuan fit seare receiving the benefits of the revolution." us in our most difficult hour."
to aveeathat the U policy used seems June 27, 1960: United States explains the July 16, 1960: U.S. protests nationaliza-
hvo adopted the policy used in the past unusual precautions it has taken against il- tion law of July 6 as discriminatory, arbitrary
to encourage fascism. legal air incursions from U.S. territory af- and confiscatory.
Sov of Soviet
April la
crude oil arrives Soviet tanker fecting Cuba. !States that the Cuban Gov- July 21, 1960: Cuban press reports Armed
arrives in The Cuba first on the n shipment
Vishinsky, ernment has sIhown no recognition of these Forces Minister Raul Castro stating in Mos-
May 6, 1960: Cuban Coast Guard patrol efforts, has continued to picture the United cow that Cuba "is grateful for political and
vessel fires without warning upon U.S. sub- States as permitting and encouraging these moral support from the Soviet Union."
marine Sea Poacher on the high seas 11 miles incursions, and has never provided the July 23, 1960: Cuba signs a 5-year trade
United States (with data which would aid in and payment agreement with Communist
from the Cuban coast. investigating the incursions. China, calling for Chinese Communist pur-
Mby 8, 1iplo aric Cuba and the Soviet Union June 27,1960: United States submits mein- chase of 500,000 tons of Cuban sugar in each
estaaysh 1960: Prime Minister orandum to the Inter-American Peace Com- of the next 5 years.
May 13, 1960: her Incident Castro, states mittee on provocative actions of the Cuban July 30, 1960: National Bank President
ring to Std Poacher inciGuard cutter Oriente' of May 6, states Memorandum mentions La Guevara states that the U.S.S.R., Communist
that ed a Cuban Coast ns the incident, Sea Poacher incident, air in- China, and other Socialist. countries are
Cuban coast. submarine 5 miles off fro cursions, and false Cuban allegations of U.S. Cuba's friends.
states that 3 mIniles is the the same limit speech of Cuban ter- Castro complicity in plot to invade Nicaragua. August 1, 1960: United States submits doc-
ritoriitori tal waters. June 29, 1960: Cuban Government seizes ument to the Inter-.American Peace Com-
May 14, 1960: United States expresses as- Texaco and Esso refineries, on grounds that mittee entitled "Responsibility of Cuban
tonishment and protest to Cuban Govern- they had violated Cuban law in refusing to Government for Increased International
ment over Sea Poacher incident and requests refine Soviet cirude oil. As of this date, the Tensions in the Hemisphere." Document
explanation. On June 11 Prime Minister oil companies' had voluntarily financed over deals principally with the relations between
Castro says that no explanation will be given. $50 million worth of crude oil imports for Cuba and. the Sino-Soviet bloc, and the emergen May 16, 1960: Cuba and Czechoslovakia which the Cuban Government had refused to cent of ce Cubdict triiaall pattern
t states political that
establish diplomatic relations. release dollars. In .
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surplus mijitary equipment that was left
over, from World War II. The War As-
sets Administration estimated that the
property requested ranged in value be-
tween $275 and $300 million.
The chairman acted promptly and in-
troduced Senate Concurrent Resolution
31 of the 80th Congress, requesting the
military departments and the War As-
sets Administration to delay the disposal
of surplus lands and permanent struc-
tures and to report their locations, de-
scription, and fair market value to the
Armed Services Committees of the U.S.
As a result, the chairman set up an
investigating committee composed of
myself, senator Robertson, of Wyoming,
and Senator BYRD of Virginia. We held
hearings on February 16 and 17 and
March 2, 3, and 8, of 1948, and after we
had heard the evidence, wrote a report
and made recommendations to the Sen-
Our report recommended, on the basis
of our study, that the Surplus Property
Act of 1944 be amended to require the
following :
First. That conveyances to States and
local governments for public parks and
recreational areas shall be at at 50 per-
cent of fair market value.
Second. That conveyances for histori-
cal monuments of Federal property shall
be without monetary consideration.
Third. That the United States reserve
valuable rights in connection with this
property, such as reversionary and other
interests as conditions upon any trans-
Our recommendations were in the
farm of a bill, S. 2277, which became
Public Law 616 of the 80th Congress
on June 10, 1948. This legislative for-
mula became accepted and was extended
in 1949, to the General Property and Ad-
ministrative Services Act, section 602 (a)
of Public, Law 152, 81st Congress.
Therefore, this formula which was de-
vised by our committee, was enacted
into law and applies to every transfer
of property which is undertaken by the
General Services Administration, or any
related agency concerned with either the
Surplus Property Acts, relating to mili-
tary property, or the General Property
and Administrative Services Act, relating
to Government property generally.
From time to time since 1948, ques-
tions have arisen as to why it is neces-
sary for the Senator from Oregon to
take the floor and apply or insist on
compliance with this formula, if it is
already part of legislation and has the
force of law.
The answer to this is that every piece
of special legislation relating to the con-
veyance of land stands on an equal foot-
ing legally with the original legislation.
No Congress can bind its sucessor and
therefore a bill to provide for the con-
veyance of land would and does override
the General Property Act or any other
legislation that can be put on the books.
In addition to the estimate that in
round numbers the Morse formula has
made a saving of $500 million for the
taxpayers, in respect to 888 square miles
of land, or 568,811 acres, plus the esti-
mate of an additional $150 million al-
ready refered to by the senior Senator
from Oregon, many more millions of
dollars have been saved to the taxpayers
as a result of the fact that the principle
of the Morse formula became a part of
the Federal Property and Administra-
trative Services Act and is binding, as
far as departmental action is concerned,
on the General Services Administration
in carrying out the Federal Property and
Administrative Services Act.
We have no way of knowing how many
millions of dollars of savings have re-
sulted from the adoption of the amend-
ment to the General Property Act which
I authored and which was supported by
former Senator Robertson of Wyoming
and the Senator from Virginia [Mr.
BYRD]. It was added as an amendment
to the Surplus Property Act and was
adopted in 1948. However, my estimate
is that well over a total of $900 million
has been saved to the taxpayers of this
country as a result of my insistance upon
the application of the Morse formula
to so-called special legislation and the
application of the formula now as a part
of the General Property Act by the agen-
cies of Government that have the admin-
istrative responsibility of carrying out
the provisions of legislation over which
they have jurisdiction.
Also, I may say for the benefit of the
Library of Congress and Its Legislative
Reference Service, and for the benefit of
the Senator from California [Mr. Kucs-
EL] and my other colleagues in the Sen-
ate, that there has never been a bill
passed by the Senate while the senior
Senator from Oregon has been on the
floor of the Senate, that violated the
Morse formula to which I did not ob-
j ect.
I have already referred to the 11 bills
that the Library of Congress reported to
the Senator from California [Mr. KUCH-
ELl as allegedly having passed the Sen-
ate, as not including the Morse formula,
when the principle of the Morse formula
was, in fact, involved. I have already
stated that the Library of Congress was
dead wrong and it listed six of those bills
as having passed the Senate without the
Morse formula, when in fact the Morse
formula was involved.
The RECORD and the September 1962
memorandum by the Legislative Ref-
erence Service shows that in the case
of six of the bills there was a discussion
of the Morse formula, in which the senior
Senator from Oregon made clear that
the Federal Government was getting
value equal to the 50 percent of the ap-
praised market value in connection with
each one of those bills.
As to the other bills, it is not the fault
of the Senator from Oregon if he is away
from the Senate on official business when
a bill which violates the Morse formula
is called up, and the Senator from Ore-
gon is not even aware of either the bill
or the fact that it will be called up. I
merely say that, in my judgment, the
leadership of the Senate, knowing of the
recor4 that the senior Senator from
Oregon has made on this very important
principle of protecting the economic in-
terests of the taxpayers, should not al-
low a bill to come up if it knows that
the bill violates the Morse formula.
I repeat, for the benefit of the Library
of Congress, the senior Senator from
September 24
California [Mr. KUCHELI, and other Sen-
ators, that I have never knowingly or in-
tentionally permitted a bill to pass the
Senate on the Unanimous Consent Cal-
endar or on motion, in violation of the
Morse formula without arguing against
the passage of such a bill.
When a special bill which violates the
Morse formula is called up, it becomes
necessary for me to take the floor of
the Senate when such a bill makes its
appearance and take action to make
certain that the formula created by our
committee is written into each of the
special bills. During the 80th Congress
there developed more or less of an un-
derstanding among us that the then
junior Senator from Oregon would fight
this battle on the floor of the Senate,
and I have been doing it ever since, for
14 years now.
During this decade and a half, the
formula has developed and been refined.
Its basic tenets have been expanded so
that now in addition to the provision
for the free conveyance of property for
historical monuments and the provision
for payment of 50 percent of fair market
value by the State and local govern-
ments for public parks and recreational
areas, there is added a provision that
conveyances to Government units for
commercial operations or any convey-
ance to private individuals or organi-
zations for profitable purposes, shall re-
quire a payment to the Treasury of the
full 100 percent market value, of the
property at the time of the conveyance.
In addition, provision for such inter-
ests as mineral rights, rights of concur-
rent use and other valuable legal inter-
ests have become part of the formula.
It has not always been easy to stand
up in the Senate and oppose bills em-
bodying projects which have a great deal
of interest for the residents of a partic-
ular State or locality and the sponsor-
ship of esteemed colleagues in the Sen-
ate. These measures are often extreme-
ly popular within the State or locality,
since there might be exceedingly valu-
able property which would be enjoyed
free of compensation if one of these bills
became law.
However, the Senator from Oregon is
one person who believes that the prop-
erty belonging to the U.S. taxpayer
wherever he is situated is deserving of
protection. It does not matter that in
many of these bills the amount of prop-
erty involved is quite small. In the
words of Robbie Burns, "many a mickle
makes a muckle." As we have seen the
"mickles" have added up over the past
14 years to an area more than two-thirds
the size of Rhode Island.
If this property had been transferred
away from Federal ownership without
compensation, it is quite likely that there
would be even more legislation intro-
duced to confer similar benefits on other
localities, and the amount of the tax-
payers which would. be given away in
this fashion, might soon reach dizzying
In recognition of this, a good many
Members of this body have extended the
utmost cooperation in introducing legis-
lation with the Morse formula already
written in. In other cases, after the
applicability of the formula is brought
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tember 20 to December 20, 1960, and March
7 to April 21, 1861.
April 30, 1961: Minister of Industries
Ernesto Guevara declares that the Castro
movement was "the first socialist revolution
in Latin America."
May 1, 1961: Prime Minister Castro speaks
of "our socialist revolution" and says that
a new "socialist constitution" will be pre-
pared for Cuba.
July 26, 1961: Prime Minister Castro an-
nounces formation of Integrated Revolu-
tionary Organizations (ORI) as the precursor
of the United Party of the Socialist Revolu-
tion, to be the only party in Cuba.
September 20, 1961: Soviet-Cuban com-
munique proclaims "identity of positions of
the Soviet Union and Cuba on all the in-
ternational questions that were discussed."
October 2, 1961: Chinese-Cuban commu-
nique proclaims complete agreement between
the Cuban and Chinese Communist regimes
on "the current international situation and
the question of further developing friend-
ship and cooperation."
December 2, 1961: Prime Minister Castro
states: "I believe absolutely in Marxism
? * * I am a Marxist-Leninist and will be
a Marxist-Leninist until the last day of
my life." He admits that he hid his true
political ideology during his revoluntionary
struggle because he felt that "if we, when
we began to have strength, had been known
as people of very radical ideas, unquestion-
ably all the social classes that are making
war on us would have been doing so from
that time on."
December 6, 1961: United States submits
document to the Inter-American Peace Com-
mittee entitled "The Castro Regime In
Cuba," containing information on Cuba's ties
with the Sino-Soviet bloc and her threat
to independent governments in the Western
December 20, 1961: Cuba votes with Soviet
bloc on 83 out of 37 major issues in 16th
session of U.N. General Assembly.
January 14, 1962: The Inter-American
Peace Committee reports that Cuba's con-
nections with the Sino-Soviet bloc are in-
compatible with inter-American treaties,
principles, and standards.
. January 31, 1962: The Foreign Ministers of
the American Republics, meeting at Punta
del Este, declare that as a consequence of its
public alinement with the international
Communist movement, the present Marxist-
Leninist government of Cuba is excluded
from participation in the inter-American
March 27, 1962: United States states that
Sino-Soviet bloc has furnished about $100
million worth of military equipment and
technical services to Cuba and that several
hundred Cuban military personnel have re-
ceived training, including pilot training, in
the bloc. Arms include 5 to 75 Mig jet fight-
ers; 150 to 250 tanks; 50 to 100 assault guns;
500 to 1,000 field artillery; 500 to 1,000 anti-
aircraft artillery; 500 mortars; 200,000 small
arms; and some patrol vessels and torpedo
boats. No evidence of missiles, missile
bases, or bombers.
Mr. MORSE, Mr. President, as many
of my colleagues in the Senate know, I
have, since my first term in the Senate
during the 80th Congress, steadfastly at-
tempted to protect the public interest in
the disposition of surplus Government
property through adding to proposed leg-
islation what is generally termed "the
Morse formula" amendment.
I am frank to say that I have not al-
ways been successful in my efforts, but
I think the record will show that I have
tried hard to achieve success.
On August 9, 1: engaged in friendly col-
loquy and debate with the distinguished
senior Senator: from California [Mr.
KucnE1.7 about, the Morse formula in
connection with its application to a bill
he was then pressing to have adopted.
During that discussion he cited certain
bills which passed the Senate without
having had attached to them this provi-
sion. He had 'obtained his Information
from the Legislative Reference Service
of the Library of Congress, as is per-
fectly proper. That is the reason why
the Service was established. The tabu-
lation showed' 11 bills approved in the
Senate without the Morse formula. The
full summaries of these bills prepared
by the Reference Service on September
4, 1962, further indicate that as to 6 of
these bills, I took the floor to announce
my judgment that the legislation fully
complied with the Morse formula, and
that the Government and the taxpayer
received fair value for the property which
the bills sought to convey.
It is regrettable that the Legislative
Reference Service did not see fit ap-
parently in Its August 9, 1962, report to
take note of what the record and its
own September 4, 1962, report fully
showed in regard to those 6 bills, name-
ly that in 6 of the 11 cases there was a
floor discussion and explanation of the
fact that the Morse formula require-
ments were achieved.
I have also used the Legislative Ref-
erence Service to obtain information
many times in the past and I hope to
do so often in the future. But, since I
believe that for the sake of future dis-
cussions in the Senate when this question
may again arise it will be helpful to have
available a full compilation of Morse
formula legislation, I asked the Legisla,.
tive Reference Service of the Library to
compile for me a memorandum of all
legislation from the 80th through the
86th Congress to which the Morse for-
mula would be applicable.
This tabulation indicates that since
1947, the Morse formula has been ap-
plied to 436 pieces of legislation which
sought to convey real estate or personal
property belonging to the Government
and the: taxpayers of the United States.
The history of these 436 bills does not
tell the whole story, however, since they
are only the bills which eventually were
enacted Into law. The Library of Con-
gress memorandum does not go into the
area of bills which were withdrawn or
were never offered because of the pres-
ence and potential application of the
Morseiormula. At any rate, it is inter-
esting'to do a little arithmetic with re-
gard to these 436 bills.
As to real estate alone, these bills
sought to convey real property of the
United States estimated at approximate-
ly 564,811 acres. This amounts to about
888 square miles or more than two-thirds
of the total area of the State of Rhode
Island. Included within this 888-square-
mile area has been land of modest value-
such as 462 acres of Alaskan land valued
at $1.25 an acre. There has also been
some extremely valuable land, such as
.86 acres of land at Palm Beach, Fla.,
which was valued at $18,750. Some
of this land has contained valuable
Improvements such as observation tow-
ers, lighthouses, and 'pumping stations.
In 1960, during the 86th Congress, it was
necessary to apply the Morse formula
to a bill which would have granted 41/2
acres in the most expensive section of
Washington, D.C., opposite the British
Embassy, to the Congressional Wives
Club for a clubhouse of their own. After
I .Insisted, on the :Floor. of the Senate that
the Congress should require payments of
the full rental value to the U.S. Treasury,
this bill was withdrawn. Consequently,
this 41/2 acres remains part of a beautiful
Federal park which all the taxpayers
of the United States can enjoy when
they come to Washington, D.C.
The so-called Morse formula, pus it has
evolved, has come to apply to all prop-
erty interests, real, personal, and mixed,
which belong to the Federal Government
and the taxpayers of this Nation. Re-
cent application of it has even extended
to a fishing vessel which is the property
of the U. Government.
Getting out my pencil and doing a
little calculating on the basis of this
Legislative Reference Service memoran-
dum, it appears that averaging on the
basis of the stated value of acreage in the
memorandum, the Morse formula has
resulted in a return to the U.S. Treasury
of at least $439,706,000.
Again this does not tell the whole
story. In 98 cases in this memorandum,
neither the value nor the acreage of the
property involved is stated, so Interpola-
tion is required. Further, there is no
accounting of the: legislation which has
been rejected, or not offered because of
the possibility applying the formula. If I
were pressed for an estimate of the addi-
tional amount involved, I might, on the
basis of my '[8 years of experience in this
body, estimate it to be in the neighbor-
hood of $159 million, although this can-
not be stated with exactness.
Scores of these bills have been intro-
duced in Congress every year. They pro-
pose to give away Federal land, or in
some cases Federal buildings, Federal
equipment and Federal property. Near-
ly always, the property in question is not
being used at the time by the Federal
Government. But this does not make it
'any the less valuable.
If the Government has no need for it,
and the local community or State agency
or private organization does have a need
for it, then I am perfectly favorable to
its transfer, but certainly not for no price
at all. We do not expect owners of valu-
able private property to give what they
have away for nothing. Why in the
world anyone expects the American tax-
payers to give away their property for
nothing is hard to understand.
The origin of applying the so-called
Morse iorniula is quite illuminating.
Back in 1947, the chairman of the Sen-
ate Armed Services Committee received
word from the War Assets Administra-
tion that that agency had received more
than 100 requests for the free transfer of
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1962 Approved For gg29"AV I 64 000200140044-1 19405
terest in strict compliance ],with safety A~ nupbgr of Government. agencies each violation" for both the motor car-
regulations. have r in this case involy- rier:and the driver.
I ant concerned about tlljs evidence, ing the evidence of falsification of re- Watkins said:
indicating as it does, a broad pattern of ports by Western Transport Co. drivers. E.1lective at once, your logs must be made
violations of the ICC regulations by These drivers have been diligent. out properly.
Western Transportation Co. ,and Its em- They have called the problem to the at-
ployees. Griggs illustrated the violations:
I am concerned over reports tention of the National Labor Relations GGri copy of the Western Transporta-
firm indicate this z ay not be the only Board, the Chicago regional office of the ion payroll o the Western
involved in a rather massive dis- ICC, and the Justice Department. Lli sheet for last September paid on that day be-
regard for safety regulations. The FBI is the only agency that has 18 showed ay Chicago p id Davenport, Clin-
However, I am even more concerned given the matter any more than routine driving from h from to
over d y for
the lack of a fast and ificient fol- attention. FBI attention. did exhibit an ton, ttal Ottumwa, Newton, and Des s Moines,
lowthrough by the ICC after the corn- inte of 485 miles.
fol- a
plaints were called to the attention of extensivelyand . est, Hodidwequestion the drivers
$ yet, the FBI has fol- That trip took about 17%2 hours-
officials of that Government agency.M lowed its basic procedure of referring the Said Griggs-
It was as early as last spring that some matter to the responsible regulatory and 11 %2 of it was driving time
ficials to explain that agency' regulations
were being flagrantly violated.
The drivers state that at that time
they produced books and records to doc-
ument their statements on, the wide-
spread violations. With this official
declined to accept the books and records
which were offered to him and no state-
ments were taken from the drivers at
that time. The drivers were, Simply told
that the complaints would be called to
the attentionof proper ICC officials; that
there would-be an investigation at a later
At the time the drivers called on me,
about 6 months later, they had not been
contacted by the ICC investigators.
These men are asking now if. the ICC is
interested in following up clear evidence
of violation of ICC safety regulations.
As they repeated their story to me, it
raised serious questions in. my mind
about the efficiency and the effectiveness
of the ICC in these matters.
Is not this Government agency in-
terested In obtaining evidence indicating
such violations of important regulations
of the ICC?
The Congress is often told by Govern-
meat agencies of the difficulty of obtain-
ing evidence of violations of rules, and
this is given as the reason--or excuse-
for not doing a proper job of administra-
tion or enforcement.
Here we have a case in which a num-
ber of Iowa truckdrivers have disre-
garded the personal Problem for them-
selves in producing evidence that their should coincide.
employer has directed them,, to violate They don't come close time after time
ICC regulations and,to make false re- because the men responsible for the com-
ports to a Government agency. pany's filings at ICC don't want the log books
To me It Is always a serious matter to show the excessive miles actually driven,
when there is evidence that any bust- Ulm added:
ness, any union, or any person Is Involved When I was hired, I was told about this
in the deliberate filing of false informa- method of logging.
tion with a Government agency. The Hobbs and Shrope said they were told
Billie Sol Estes case with the false finan-
cial statements should be sufficient warn- the same Shrope thing.
estimated that he falsified the
ffagrom of the either r the many favorjtis that can come ie book "on the average of three times
gence the
such practices. isgs negli- e a week" for the 10 years he has worked
Agriculture l per Demits such s dear for at Western-until violations "dropped
repportts on the Billie Department's Sol, Estes ol, Estes s op- off late in March after word got around
FBI o our protests."
erations, and the lack of a diligent fol- of our Watkins, safety director for
lowthrpugh on the ,cotton ,,allotment Western, sent a notice to all drivers last
problem, should serve, as sufficient warn-
s it incompetence? Is it negligence? The notice -reminded drivers that con-
Is it soine.,iype of opllusion +cn favorit- con-
victions of such violaations carry maxi-
ism? Or, Is the motivation even worse? mum, penalties "as high as $5,000 for
uriggs- Luu log cooK ror that date,
however, showed he was off duty the
entire, day.
Ulm's records produce other compar-
able situations.
Example: Ulm's payroll time sheet for
last September 22 shows he was paid for
driving from Webster City to Moline and
on to Chicago, totaling 395 miles.
But the ICC log showed he was off duty
17 hours and spent 7 hours driving from
Chicago to Clinton and back-290 miles.
There was an omission of 195 miles of
actual driving on the daily log, Ulm
Uln said he got a fast initiation on his
first day of work on March 8, 1960.
There was a snowstorm that day and
the next.
Ulm said, however, that he drove 760
miles within the next 311/2 hours, starting
from Chicago at 7:30 p.m. on March 8,
1960, and returning to Chicago at 3 a.m.
March 10.
In 'between, he had driven to Newton,
Des Moines, Marshalltown, and Water-
loo, Iowa.
I'had about 3 hours sleep out of the 311/2.
He said.
Lots of Western drivers object to this
Said Hobbs-
but they fear for their jobs. They have
families and tractor payments [Western
drivers own their own tractors and lease
them to the firm] and need the work.
Our cheating is common knowledge along
the road. Others laugh at us; some are sore.
Mr. Hobbs said a newspaper Item last
May "sort of got to us."
It concerned a $1,700 fine levied
against the Wenger Truck Lines of
Beaver, Iowa, on 12 counts of failing to
require drivers to prepare daily logs
Hobbs said:
Three drivers for Wenger were fined, too.
We couldn't figure out how Western Trans-
portation could get by with it when a small
operator like Wenger couldn't.
The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Lis-
oNATI). Under -previous order of the
House,, the gentleman from New York
[Mr. Dulsxrl is recognized for 15
Mr. DULSKI. Mr. Speaker, on July
17, 1959, Congress enacted Public Law
86-90, known a$ the Captive Nations
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This is a matter in which I am vitally
interested for these reasons:
First. The public safety is involved.
Second. Laws and regulations are be-
ing violated, and complaints are being
I Intend to follow this through in a
vigorous manner to assure that all negli-
gence or favoritism is put in the public
The basis of the drivers' charges fol-
11 ICC regulations, devised to promote
driving safety, state that a man must
'have 8 hours off-duty after driving 10
There also is a rule that an employee
cannot work more than 70 hours, driving
or otherwise, in any 8 consecutive days.
The protesting drivers say these rules
have not been observed.
They support their contentions with
payroll records that show they were paid
on countless occasions for work far in
excess of that allowed by the ICC.
Hobbs said:
When drivers drive excessive hours, one
man can do a 'job that it actually takes two
men to do if the ICC rules are followed, so
frmre freight can be handled faster, with
fewer men.
Drivers have carbon copies of payroll
time sheets that *how the trips for
which they were paid, day by day. They
also have carbon copies of ICC log books
showing hours worked and trips taken
each day.
19406 Approved For Re ,~SQC~NIAL-lZt;(.~1cL7B0( 00200140044-1 September 2.4
Week declaration. That action by Con- cities of our country in the annual obser- Western Hemisphere. That pacific life
gress was both historic and far reaching vance of Captive Nations Week. Long has been the history of the Western ,
in its intent. It was based upon the his- known as the city of good neighbors, It Hemisphere, the New World-the new
toric traditions of our Nation, as the cita- has now won the accolade of "city of world of hope and promise for the suf-
del of human freedom, as the political dedicated neighbors"-dedicated to the fering masses of older worlds across the
wellspring of the national independence cause of peace with justice and freedom seven seas. The citizens of the United
movement and as the beacon of peace for all nations and peoples. The spirit States, the most blessed among the peo-
with justice for all nations and peoples. of the rugged frontier runs strong pies of this pacific hemisphere, have a
Basic to that law is official recognition among the citizens of Buffalo, a city heavy responsibility in repulsing and
that the aggressive and imperial policies blessed with the talents of immigrants finally defeating the Russian imperial-
of Russian communism seek to destroy over many generations from the lands ists who offer nothing but terror, tyr-
individual liberties and independence of now field captive by the Russians.. If anny, war, and death to the peoples of
nations everywhere in the world, and Khrushchev really believes, as he states, the word. Our people will not shirk
thereby stand as a constant threat to the that Americans are too liberal to fight for their responsibilities. They will do what
shaky peace of our times. their rights, I urgently suggest that he needs to. be done to recapture the peace
The enactment of Public Law 86-90 tune in on the feelings of the people in with justice promised to the valiant dur-
signaled an awakening to the realities of Buffalo. He will get a real earful from ing World War II, and since denied them
the dangers facing our country. In years Buffalo citizens, who are justly proud by the ambitions of imperial Russia.
past, Soviet Russia was posed, by a trick of their progressive city and equally Mr. Speaker, I invite all Members of
of history, as an ally of the United States. proud',of their record of sacrifice for free- like persuasion to join with me in my
That same trick of history described So- dom'scause. effort to amend this historic document
viet Russia as peace loving, as a friend The people of my district are right- of Justice for and among all the nations
of human freedom, and even as an advo- fully concerned about the Russian occu- of the earth.
cate of democracy. World War II intro- pation of Cuba, resting as It does some Mr. FIEIGR.AN. Mr. Speaker, will the
duced that trick of history to American 90 miles off our shores. I have received gentleman yield?
thinking. Public Law 86-90 exposed that appeals and petitions to seek recognition Mr. DULSKI. I yield to the gentle-
trick and put our Nation aright concern- of Cuba as a captive nation and to re- man.
ing the history, the objectives, and the quest Congress to take action to amend Mr. FEIGHAN. Mr. Speaker I com-
worldwide conspiracy of imperial Rus- Public Law 86-90 to declare Cuba a vic- mend the gentleman from New York for
sian communism. tim df Russian imperial communism. his stand on the Cuban crisis. I agree
Nikita Khrushchev was both shocked These appeals do not come from Cuban with him that Congress should declare
and adamant at our Government for exiles , , though the good people of Buffalo Cuba to be a, captive nation by amending
wiping away the cobwebs of Russian have Provided a haven for many of those Public haw 86-90.
propaganda from the American scene. exiles! The appeals come from an It is appropriate on this occasion to
Former Vice President Nixon was in alerted citizenry, disturbed by the Rus- recall that it was the leadership of our
Moscow at the time Congress enacted, sian probing in our vital waters, who are distinguished Speaker as sponsor of Pub-
and President Eisenhower signed into concerned about the Russian military lie Law36--90 in the 86th Congress where
law, the declaration on Captive Nations buildup in Cuba, and who are determined he served as our majority leader which
Week. It will be recalled that Khru- that the ancient dreams of Czar Nich- brought about passage of that historic
shchev asked Nixon, "How could you do olas I'for this hemisphere shall be routed freedom. declaration. There are many
. this to us?" When Nixon seemed unable and defeated in our times. monuments to freedom's cause in the
to supply the answers, Khrushchev then Mrs Speaker, I have consulted with our long and dedicated record of Speaker
challenged him In what later became distinguished chairman of the Foreign McCORMACK, but none stands higher in known as the kitchen debate. 'The edited Affairs Committee on the prospects of the acclaim of the American people than
his Captive Nations Week resolution.
version of that TV debate, shown in part amending Public. Law 86-90 during the his Ca ed and persecuted
to the American people, did not include present session of Congress to include M ll o behind nd o the oppressRedsian. and Bamboo
the full dialog on the issue of the cap- Cuba', as a captive nation. He has a peple Russian encouraged by the enact-
American tive nations. Had it been included the warm understanding of my proposal, Curt Curt ofains were the Ric Law 86-90, their the nact-
American people today would have a and is sympathetic to my purposes. We ment fuller appreciation of the importance of are in the last days of the 87th Con- for a better tomorrow were renewed.
the captive nations to our national gressj and moving rapidly toward ad- In distant lands, where the young torch
security. journ?nent. It Is doubtful that sufficient of freedom is threatened by imperial
time remains for the necessary com- Russia, our friends and allies were re-
ined a running ubarrage has mnce mittee> hearings on my proposal to amend assured of our determination to stand
against Public Law 86-90. To raise the Public captive Law 86-90 to include Cuba as a nation. However, I am submit- tions. Among our treaty allies in an-
question publicly is to touch the open ting ply amendment to Public Law 86-90 cient Europe the torch of freedom was
nerve of the Russian international con- rekindled,, In Moscow the fires of war
imperialism. spiracy-the raw nerve of colonialism now and will reintroduce it in the early and aggression were dampened by this
and impeperialism. days of the 88th Congress, when I am historic declaration. Such were the
For 1 week each year, large numbers on it' assured of early committee hearings effects of Public Law 86-90.
believe that Cuba qualifies by any Mr. Speaker, I am confident I speak
of Americans expose and trample upon I '
the open nerve of the Russian interna- and every fair measure of fact as a na- for the membership of the House when
tional - conspiracy. They do that by tion held captive by Russian imperialism. I say a proven champion of human
holding public observances as called for A Russian style government has been rights presides over this great parlia-
in Public Lazy 86-90, in which our Nation imposed upon the people of Cuba against mentary'body.
rededicates itself to the just aspirations their: -will. There have been no free elec- I again compliment my friend from
of the captive nations for a return of tions: since the Castro crowd took over. New York for calling upon Congress to
their freedom and their national rode- There are no individual liberties in Cuba recognize Cuba as a captive nation. I
pendence. It is no comfort to the men today. Freedom of speech, of the press, will support him in the amendment
in the Kremlin . that former President of assembly, of opinion, of conscience, which he will offer early In the 88th
Eisenhower issued two proclamations of roiigion-all have been throttled by Congress.
calling upon our people to support the Castro. The promised social reforms, Mr. DUCfLSKI. I thank the gentleman
just aspiration of the captive nations. It the reforms demanded by justice in the for his cont?r-ibution.
gives them less comfort to recall that social order, have been flaunted by the -
President Kennedy has issued two such Castro regime. In brief, the Castro OUR OUTMODED QUOTA
proclamations because the continuity of crowd has robbed the Cuban people of
our Government's intent was thereby the just fruits of their revolution. And The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under
established. worse:, the Castro regime has Introduced previous order of the House, the gen-
The city of Buffalo, seat of my dis- the seeds of Russian aggression, war, and tleman from New York [Mr. HAMPERN]
trict, stands foremost among the great imperialism into the pacific life of the Is recognized for 10 minutes.
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196 Approved F~ I S R AL / C~I DPj
S ft 00200140044-1 A7051
out. In today's New York Herald
Tribune Tom Lambert tells us, how much
care the doctors use pn their individual
p bents:
(By Tom Lambert)
Britain's exasperated Medical Defense
Union, which assists doctors in lawsuits,
pleaded again yesterday with hospitals and
doctors to halt mixups in which wrong
patients are operated on-or right patients
operated on for wrong ailments.
The plea seems unlikely to afford much
mental comfort to Britons awaiting surgery.
The MDU said the following mixups
occurred last year:
"Due to a mental aberration," a doctor
who had been treating an 81-year-old woman
for a fractured left femur (thigh bone) oper-
ated on her right femur.
A doctor performed a hernia operation on
a 4-year-old boy who had been admitted to
a hospital for removal of a cyst on his knee.
Because of a nurse's dereliction, a patient
who had been taken to surgery for removal
of his second left toe came out with his
second. right toe amputated.
An anesthetist injected a patient with
surgical spirit instead of a local anesthetic.
A doctor intending to swab a man's arm
with alcohol sluiced him down with formic
The MDU issued a comparable "be care-
ful" plea last year to doctors and hospitals
here, noting then that a surgical mixup can
be a "haunting reproach to the surgeon."
The plea obviously was not heeded fully.
As it did last year, the MDU called on
doctors again to visit patients in their rooms
before operating on them, and called on hos-
pitals to identify patients with discs or labels
before they are wheeled into surgery.
Doctors should summon patients to the
operating table by name and number, the
MDU said, and not call for "the patient
from such and such a ward."
Career of Director of Legal Affairs,
Organization of American States
Tuesday, September 18, 1962
Mr. O'HARA of Illinois. Mr. Speaker,
some days ago I extended my remarks in
the Appendix of the CONGRESSIONAL REC-
ORD to include an address before the
Inter-American Bar Association by F. V.
Garcia-Amador, Director, Department of
Legal Affairs, Organization of American
States. Since then I have received
numerous favorable comments., In view
of the interest in this distinguished gen-
tleman, and his important role in hemi-
spheric affairs, I know my colleagues will
be interested in the following sketch of
his background and of his career:
1. Doctor of laws and of political sciences
(University of Havana).
2. Master of arts (Columbia University).
3. Master of laws (Harvard University).
4. Doctor of philosophy (Columbia Univer-
1. Former professor of international law of
the Inter-American University (1944-46,
2. Idem of the University of Villanueva
(Havana, 1958-57).
3. Idem of the University of Havana
4. Lecturer at the Academie de Drolt In-
ternatlonal (The Hague, 1958).
5. Occasional Lectures at the Institut Uni-
versitaire cie Hautes Iltudes Internationaux
(Geneva), Escuela de Funcionarios Interna-
cionales (Madrid), Universidad de San Mar-
cos (Lima), etc.
6. Visiting scholar, international legal
studies program, Harvard Law School (1960-
"El Proceso Internacional Panamericano"
(La Habana, 1943).
"La ExplotaclOn y Conservacion de las
Riquezas del Mar" (La Habana, 1966).
"The Exploitation and Conservation of the
Resources of the Sea, a Study of Contempo-
rary International Law" (The Hague, 1959).
"IntroducciSn al Estudio del Derecho In-
ternacional Conternporaneo" (Madrid, 1959).
Other publications
Reports (6) on international responsibil-
ity, in his capacity as special rapporteur of
the United Nations International Law Com-
missions (U.N. docs., published from 1956 to
A number of articles in United States, Eu-
ropean, and Latin American legal periodicals.
Legal Official, U.N. Secretariat (1948-49),
Member of the Inter-American Judicial
Committee (Rio de Janeiro, 1949).
Member and President (1956) U.N. Inter-
national Law Commission, elected by the
General Assembly in 1953, and reelected in
1956, for a total period of 8 years.
Legal Counsel of the Cuban Foreign Min-
istry and Ambassador-at-large-from 1950 to
July 1960.
Deputy Representative of Cuba to the U.N.
Security Council, and President of its Com-
mitteeof Experts (1960).
Representative to five regular sessions of
the General Assembly, and President of Its
Legal Committee (1954).
Delegate to the X Inter-American Confer-
ence (Caracas, 1954) and the fifth meeting
of consultation, of the Foreign Ministers
(Santiago, de Chile, 1959).
Representative to the first four meetings
of the Inter-American Council of Jurists
(1950 to 1959).
Delegate to the U.N. Fishery Conservation
Conference (and Deputy President thereof,
R9me, 1966); and to the first and second
U.N. Conferences on the Law of the Sea
(Geneva, 1958, and 1960, respectively).
Adviser, Department of Legal Affairs, Or-
ganization of American States (from Octo-
ber 1961).
Director, Department of Legal Officers, Or-
ganization of American States (from Au-
Wednesday, September 12, 1962
Mr. SIKES. Mr. Speaker, I am strong-
ly impressed with a timely editorial from
the pen of Malcolm B. Johnson which
appeared in thc'$'allalassee Demo*rat of
Wednesday, September 19. I concur
wholeheartedly in his position. He has
suggested a course of action which should
prove much more effective than the pres-
ent policy of attempting to kill the heads
of the Hydra singly.
The editorial follows:
Florida's Senator GEORGE SMATHERS pro-
poses in Senate resolutions that the United
States move against Cuba by recognizing a
government-in-exile dedicated to invasion
and that we seek a NATO-type force among
Western Hemisphere nations to help free the
Island from its captors.
These proposals sound sensible to us. So
do many of the other suggestions made by
Members of Congress in response to pleas
from an angry nation discouraged by the
timidity of our national administration.
But aren't such moves, directed against
the Castro government and the island he oc-
cupies, merely sideshow action-necessary,
but preliminary? Isn't it time for us to
move into the center ring and take over?
Castro is a puppet, a yapping puppy un-
worthy of the indignation-much less the
alarms-of Americans. The real villain is
Soviet Russia. If Russia were not meddling
in this situation, we Americans wouldn't care
any more about which dictators controlled
that island than we have cared about a hun-
dred other little Latin American tyrants.
So let's go further than talk about block-
ading or invading that island, and turn our
attention directly to the primary menace-
Communist Russia.
There are ways to deal with Red Russia,
short of shooting, that, for some elusive rea-
son, we have not taken.
Let us treat Russia like the carrier of an
evil, contagious disease she is. Shun her.
Move to put her under quarantine.
From the floor of the United Nations and
through the forum of the world's free press,
let us scorn her. Every day, let us move
against her with resolution, and with action.
Every day, let us read a new indictment
against her for her countless transgressions.
Stop selling her anything. Stop buying
anything from her. Stop letting her people
and her officials come among us to spy
and to lie about us. Call on our allies and
those other nations which profess love of
freedom and morality to join us.
Move for her expulsion from the United
Nations for numerous U.N. Charter viola-
tions and lapses of obligation. (The rec-
ord is there.)
Make it known to the world, without ques-
tion, that we are ready to sever all diplo-
matic and economic relations with Russia
and her allies. Hound her out of the so-
ciety of decent nations. The Communist
world cannot stand such censure.
Oh, certainly, we will find timidity among
our allies and the neutrals we finance in
the U.N., and even in NATO.
It is far past time for us to test their pro-
fessed desires for liberty and right. Let
them decide whether to stand with us, or to
lie down with the forces of evil, blackmail,
and tyranny.
If such action results in breaking up the
United Nations, so be it. We'll save money,
and in the process avoid being caught in fur-
ther embarrassing kangaroo court proceed-
ings where we must humble ourselves to
grovel for supporting votes of upstart pigmy
Let us find out-right now, before lifting
another finger for foreign aid-where our
helpfulness has found grateful friendship.
The whole world knows this situation in
Cuba. is a test of our determination to resist
the advances of communism-a clearer test
of the will of the United States than Ber-
lin, or Laos, or Korea.
Although some of our allies would desert
us, others would stand; but we are strong
enough to stand alone, and we could stand
better without any false friends to depend
on. Russia can't, yet count on such support
from even her own satellites.
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Approved For ft~aqgg W 2~ : 64BR.fl"4200140044-1 September 24
within' the next 120 days, it is my profes-
sional opinion that such an Ordeal would
involve a serious sequel to his immediate
condition which might well result in total
future.lncapacition or a fatality.
It would appear from this evidence
that defendant McCarthy could not have
gone to trial at the date suggested by de-
fense counsel. This is, however, a mat-
So let's throw down the gauntlet. Now.
In Washington, arfd in the tllT. General
Assembly meeting in New York. '
No person, no nation, ever gained 'any-
thing worthwhile by pussyfooting and com-
promising to avoid coming to trips with an
evil, force that constantly abused good Inten-
tions to grow stronger and bolder.
ter wl}'ich the court should decide and a
Trial ofCriminal Cases matter which the court did decide.
The real basis for the court's decision
Monday, September 24, 1962
Mr. WILLIS. Mr. Speaker, recently
there have appeared in the CoNGxEs-
SIQNAL RECORD a 'number of statements
by Members of the Congress concerning
a pending criminal prosecution in the
T.T.S. District Court for the Southern Dis-
trict of Florida in which the defendants,
James R. Hoffa and Robert E. McCarthy,
are charged with fraud by mail, tele-
graph, and telephone. I have confidence
that the Federal court in Florida will set
the case down for trial and will grant to
the two defendants the speedy trial to
which they are entitled under the sixth
amendment. While I believe quite
,strongly that criminal cases should be
tried` in the courtroom, and`not in the
newspapers or in the Congress, the fol-
lowing facts concerning case No. 1282--61
Southern District of Florida, United
motes against Hoffa and McCarthy, seem
worth setting forth.
The record will disclose that the Gov-
ernment first asked for a trial date un-
der an earlier indictment ` inMarch 1961.
On June 25, 1962, the defendants argued
that they could not go to trial on Sep-
tember 10, 1962, because one of their
attorneys was involved in other litigation
on that date. Judge Lieb ordered the
defendants to be prepared for trial on
October 15, 1962.
According to record the defendants in
this case have not always appeared to be
as ready, willing and able to go to trial
as they would now seem to want to make
the people believe. Witness the fact
that the defendants have filed 40 mo-
tions in the case. The defendants have
filed appeals to the Supreme Court on
two of these motions and the Supreme
Court cannot even commence to consider
these appeals until next m?nth at the
In the most recent hearing in this
case on August 20; 1962, when the matter
of the trial date was discussed, there
was read into the record an affidavit
from the personal physician of the- de-
fendant McCarthy which read in part
as follows:
Mr. McCarthy has * * * a grave condi-
tion in any instance (which) by extension
can be fatal. In fact, it very often is. I have
continued to treat Mr. McCarthy for this
Condition to date I * * exposure to any ex-
citement or unusual situations would only
serve to worsen Mr. McCarthy's prognosis.
Assuming that Mr. McCarthy was exposed
to a trial of any protracted length involving
signal intensity at this time or any time
not to try this case on the date previ-
ously set, October 15, 1962, appears to lie
neitt}er with the defendants or the Gov-
ernment but rather with an action taken
by Congress. It is for this reason that
I as a; member of the Judiciary Commit-
tee of this House, which considered the
legislation involved feel obliged to set
the record straight.
On July 30, 1962, Public Law 87-562
became law. It created a new middle
judicial district in Florida, which had
previously been divided into a northern
and a. southern district. The new dis-
trict will come into existence on October
28. The case of United States against
Hoffaand McCarthy is now in the Tampa
division of the southern district, to which
it had been removed by order of court.
At the present time the Tampa division
is in the southern district, but after
October 28, some of its counties will be
in the new middle district, and others
will remain in the southern district.
The new middle district of Florida will
be the first new judicial district created
by the Congress in 35 years. Its crea-
tion will bring to the courts a number of
problems of transition, Including the
question of what should be done with
untried cases and cases which might, if
started before October 28, not be com-
pleted by the date that the new district
is created.
The judges of the southern district met
concerning these problems. and deter-
mined as a matter of judicial adminis-
tration that southern district cases which
fall in the new district should be re-
ealendared.in the new district October
29 if their trial could not be completed
prior to that date. This was in my opin-
ion a' wise decision, avoiding the possi-
validity of convictions in cases where the
trial was started in one district and
completed in another. U.S. against
Hoffa'l and McCarthy was but one of a
number of cases which were affected by
Monday, September 24, 1962
Mr WICKERSHAM. Mr. Speaker,
under, leave to extend my remarks in the
REcowDi, I include the following editorial
from the Ryan Leader of September 20,
1962, 10j Editor J. T. Daniel, concerning
the partisan cries on Communist Cuba:
(By J. T. Daniel)
When wars were of the conventions,, type,
rifles, cannons, tanks, airplanes, and other
weapons of destruction, they were terrifying.
But in this day of missiles, atom and hydro-
gen bombs, they are horrible and annihilat-
This being true, it would seem that men
of any sense of responsibility for the safety
of their own lives and those of their country-
men would at least try to refrain from in-
flaming the minds of the people.
The Urdted States of America is a democ-
racy. And a democracy Is much different to
a dictatorship. In a democracy, its rulers
must listen to the voice of the people, or
they will be defeated at the next election.
This is not true in a dictatorship. A dic-
tator is not subject to the whims of pleasure
groups. Public sentiment is not so 'impor-
tant in a dictatorship. Khrushchev can rave
and rant all he pleases without building a
war sentiment that will force him to start
to shooting. In the United States This is
The people of the United States are rather
suspectible to warlike propaganda. And
when po'at'rians and others try to inflame
public sentiment here about Russia's dis-
regard for the Monroe Doctrine, they should
be hones',: and tell the American people that
the Truman doctrine of 1.947' actually sup-
plaited the. Monroe Doctrine. If it hadn't,
we would not have our guns pointed at
Khrushchev's head in all the countries of
Europe surrounding him. The Monroe Doc-
trine prohibited this.
if people are given the facts they will not
become the victims of a war frenzy that will
force a big war. Heedlessly, recklessly, and
wantonly some' men seem to be so obsessed
by a desire for partisan gain they would risk
blowing themselves, the American people,
Cuba, anal the Russians off the face of the
earth, Just to try to make votes.
It is time the American people woke up
to the dangers of such a course of action.
They should tell the hotheads in and out of
Congress to keep their big mouths shut. It
is no time to become.spooky and do some-
thing foolish because a bewhiskered addle-
pated Cuban mouse happens to take a wild
run across the international stage.
A Tribute to County ASC Committeemen
Monday, September 24, 1962
Mr. R.AIrfDALL. Mr. 'Speaker, last
week th:.s body approved the farm bill as
reported by the conferees. We believe
this bill. will do much toward solving
our farm problems, but I had hoped
that we could have passed long-term
legislation which would have been effec-
tive for 1963 and thereafter, and would
have given. farmers more time to make
In an effort to ascertain what farmers
wanted in the way of farm legislation,
if any, we conducted a poll earlier in the
year. The response, in our opinion, was
excellent for out of 25,000 questionnaires
mailed out, we received back about one-
fourth completed returns. We will have
to say though, we were greatly surprised
at the many varied opinions as tc what
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farm legislation should or should not
accomplish. The majority of those who
completed the questionnaires, favored
some type of farm pr
ogram, and each of
us know that even if a program were
excellent in every particular, if there
is no one to carry out the program, it
would be worthless, or of very little
One of the questions asked tin this sur-
vey was, "Do you favor farmer-elected
committees as the best means of admin-
istering farm programs on the local
level?" After compilation had been
made of the returned competed ques-
tionnaires, we found that 84.3 farmers
favored the county elected committees,
9 percent die} not, and 6.7 percent had
no opinion.
Today, I rise to pay tribute to these
dedicated men who give of their time
and energy in behalf of their neighbors
and indirectly to the Nation as a whole.
Those consecrated men in he Fourth
Missouri District, are chosen by their
fellow farmers to make the necessary
decisions, to explain and t0 generally
supervise the administration f the farm
programs at the county level.
Our country is blessed with an over-
abundance, and each of us should give
thanks each night before we close our
eyes that we live in America where over-
abundance and not starvation is one of
our major problems. Mr. Speaker, I
repeat, regardless of what kind of farm
program is finally adopted, it will not
work-it cannot succeed, unless we en-
courage our farmers to supervise them-
selves to administer these farm programs
by those chosen from their own ranks.
I am a firm believer that the family
farm is the great symbol of freedom and
free enterprise. And I believe that we
owe the family farm a great debt of
gratitude for its contribution to our
American heritage. In curd eliberation
I say again, I hope we will not forget
the people, the individuals, the folks who
carry out or administer our,. farm pro-
grams on the county level. It is a privi-
lege to salute you, our county ASC com-
mitteemen, dedicated to the cause of
-better farming, and devoted in your
efforts for the improvement of farm In-
come and the contentment of., our people
who would perpetuate the family farm.
been involved in this traffic will follow
with like action.
Victor Riesel is one of those who can
justly take credit for this first break in
the Cuban supply line His disclosures
of those involved have been- fully docu-
mented with the names of ships and their
flags, He has pointed out time and again
that this trade could be stopped, if we
would insist that it be stopped. When
action was not forthcoming he pointed
out the facts for the American public.
In a recent article, Mr. Riesel points
out that some shipping firms are making
millions of dollars from the United States
by carrying American cargo across the
world; and yet these same ships not only
supply Cuba but Communist China as
Thus, not only do the foreign vessels
strengthen our enemies, but they weaken
the United States by depriving our sea-
fnen`of jobs and our shipping firms of
profits, as Mr. Riesel points out.
Because of the importance of the in-
formation contained in this article, I in-
clude it at this point in the RECORD:
(By Victor Riesel)
NEw YoRK.-Cuba's waterborne supply
lines can be cracked with the stroke of
a pen.
What's needed is a Presidential directive
shutting U.S. ports to vessels and ship-
chartering companies which deal with the
enemy. This means a blacklist. Why not?
There are many foreign firms now making
millions of dollars from the U.S. Government
itself by carrying heavy tonnage of Federal
cargo across the world. And yet these same
ships-lists of which any Federal agency
can get along this waterfront-not only
supply Cuba, but Communist China, Russia,
Poland, and even weird Albania. This the
foreign-flag ships often embark on imme-
diately after delivering American cargo
Thus, not only do the foreign vessels
strengthen our enemies, but they weaken
the United States by depriving our seamen
of jobs and our shipping firms of profits. .
Tankers of our NATO Allies, for example,
have been running Soviet oil to Cuba for
many, many months now-long before the
Soviet landings on the island needled some
of us Into an outcry over the current mer-
chant fleet supplied to the Soviet bloc by
nations to which we have been giving billions
of dollars.
Those tankers are chartered by the Rus-
sians because the Soviet ministry of the
maritime fleet is short of these big float-
ing fuel tanks. The tankers, owned by Greek
and British firms, or by complex companies
operating under Panamanian, Liberian, and
Honduran flags, first deliver the Russian oil
to Havana. Then the empty tankers put
into U.S. ports for profitable cargoes.
Wednesday, September 12, 1962
Mr. ROGERS of Florida. Mr. Speaker,
the recent action by the Government of
West Germany in restricting German-
flag ships from taking part in the Cuban
Russian buildup deserves the praise of
all of us who have been seekjpg the halt
to such activities by our friends in the
free world.
This may be cut down some day. The So-
viets have just completed the Bucharest.
This Is the fifth in a series of huge tankers
which they call "Peking-type vessels." They
have been built in the Leningrad "Baltic
shipyards." So desperately does Cuba need
this fuel that it has become traditional for
the Soviet ministry to put its new tankers
4rnmediately into the Cuban run. But still
,there are not enough. Yet ships of our
"friends" ,continue to_ help them.
And then Mere are the ship operators who
get business from the American Government
because of our efforts to feed a hungry non-
-_u v.,J
Communist world. There is a Federal direc-
tive which states that only 50 percent of
our shipments of surplus foods to needg
nations must be shipped in U.S. "bottoms."
So, to lend a hand and a dollar to freighters
of friendly nations, we give them the cargo
Many of these foreign-flag ships carry
-grain' to the Orient. Sometimes to India.
Sometimes to Africa or the Nei_ r East. Then
they steam into the China Sea and the
Pacific. There they shuttle back and forth
for the Peiping Communist Government. In
Hong Kong recently I talked to masters and
mates of such ships.
They discolsed that after handling some
of the "Chi-com" business they heave back
to Europe's Communist bloc ports. There
they load up with heavy cargoes for Cuba.
Of course, they carry armaments. But al-
most as vital are the vast quantities of pre-
fabricated factories and plants, machine
tools, spare parts, steel mill sections, and
electronic equipment.
These will create a Soviet-type industrial
system in Cuba. In a few years it will begin
producting for export to the South American
market-thereby undermining local pro-
ducers and therefore chances for recovery
amongst our Alliance for Progress allies.
After the NATO nation ships unload in
Cuban ports they have only one chance for a
new payload there. That is sugar. But
sabotage and sheer inefficiency have slashed
the harvesting of this crop. So there is only
enough for part of the chartered supply
fleet. The ones who get the loads then steam
to Russia and Poland or through the Panama
Canal to China. But all the other vessels
face going back light.
Thus many of them, after dropping their
Red cargoes in Cuba, head for the United
States to make certain they can pick up a
paying shipment and thus make a profit
from both sides.
There are waterfront union leaders here
who say they have evidence that the Yugo-
slav merchant fleet is running cargo for the
Communist bloc. This cargo, they say, is
mostly military. It comes from the Czech
munition-making complex built around the
famed Skoda works. Waterfront experts here
report that Yugoslav ships regularly put into
Furthermore, the union leaders assert
bluntly-sometimes in anger fully peppered
with sailor's language-that the State De-
partment has all this Information. And that
it has had it for some time.
Why then does everybody in official circles
seem so surprised these days?
Why not blacklist those ships which make
a dollar out of trading with enemies who
already are shooting at American soldiers,
sailors and airmen? Why not?
Senator Johnston Merits Reelection
Monday, September 24, 1962
Mr. HEMPHILL. Mr. Speaker, under
leave to extend my remarks, I include a
very fine editorial from the Winnsboro,
S.C., News & Herald of Thursday, Sep-
tember 20, 1962, which I commend to
every citizen of my State who is inter-
ested in the continuation of good govern-
Approved For Release 2004/03/31 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000200140044-1
Approved For~1~1 kj&WBP!~4Rffi;JQW99200140044-1 September 24
The article is as follows:
Bill Workman is among the finest journal-
ists one could meet in a day's journey be-
tween sunrise and sunset on the .21st of
June. He is a gentleman, a scholar, an au-
thor, and-to his credit--he is' probably not
a judge of good whiskey because,, like his op-
ponent, he Is & teetotaler.
The News & Herald wishes him exceed-
ingly well in every respect save one: we want
him to remain in the newspaper fraternity
and serve his people there-not in the U.S.
Senate, from a standing start. The ink rooks
good on his fingers and, as he will probably
recall., his onetime chief,. the late Dr. W. W.
Ball, longtime editor of the Charleston
News & Courier, avowed that newsmen had
no business running for public office, be-
cause, for one thing, they sacrifice their ob-
jectivity. And, in Dr. Ball's lexicon, there
was no higher profession than that of a
Senator OLIN JouNsTON, in our opinion,
has earned the right to reelection to a
fourth term, His l8 years' experience is an
asset to the people of South Carolina and
will become Increasingly so during the next
6. Patently, the Republican press in Co-
lumbia is missing no trick, either in news
or editorial columns or in cartoons, in a de-
termined effort to see that Senator JolaN-
aTose is defeated, but, we believe, this is an-
other case of a lost cause. Characteristic-
ally, the Columbia Record, in one of its too,
too clever cartoons titled. "The Little People's
Coloring Book," compares the Palmetto
State's senior Senator to "Captain Kanga-
roo," disparages his ability, acumen, deco-
rum, and voting record in this and other ex-
treme ways. Ofttimes, however, he who
laughs last, laughs longest, and our inex-
pert guess is that these self-styled big,
journals may find that much-maligned OLIN
is, after all, "the little people's man," come
election day.
One concedes that Senator JOHNSTON is no
silver-tongued orator, the likes of William
Jennings Bryan, and he is not a Woodrow
Wilson-type scholar and grammarian, either.
But, since when has this become a political
crime? Not one in a million of us have
such attributes and few people can aspire
to be as literate as those masters of the "big
word"-when a little one would serve 'em
better-who write for the GOP press to
South Carolina. On occasions too numerous
to catalog, these papers delight in down-
grading both President and Senator, when
it suits their political progaganda purposes.
Neither Is Senator JOHNSTON the ultralib-
eral that his enemies try to paint him.
Often he worked and voted against exces-
sive spending and waste in foreign and do-
mestic programs; he is, perhaps, ultracon-
'servative on the race question, but his views
here probably reflect those of a majority of
his constituents, If he can be accurately
tagged a "liberal" or "progressive" in any
field-and such labels really have little
meaning-it is in his votes and views on
labor legislation and, from our vantage point
in a minor managerial post, we cannot con-
scientiously say he L, wrong. Labor, in
South Carolina and in other parts of the
Nation, has not precisely been living high
on the hog of Iate--due to considerable un-
employment and part-time jobs-and if la-
bor has a moderate friend in Washington
whtl is aware of its needs,_ who can raise
legitimate objection? Senator JOHNSTON, in
our view, is not radical even in the labor
field and he kowtows to no overbearing, un-
scrupulous labor bosses.
It is, of course, understandable that the
rank and file likes the senior Senator and
the stands he takes because he came up
through the ranks, himself. He worked in
the mills to earn money for his education.
House Resolution 211: Special
Committee on Captive Nations
Monday, September 24, 1962
Mr. 1 LOOD. Mr. Speaker, on March
8, 1961,1, I introduced a measure calling
for the establishment of a Special Com-
mittee on Captive Nations in the House
of' Representatives. This measure is
now House Resolution 211. There are
not suf r.cient words to express my pro-
found gratitude and personal delight to
the more than 20 Members of the House
who joined with me in that most stimu-
lating and very enlightening discussion
which took place then on the subject
of the' captive nations-CONGRESSIONAL
RECORD, March 8, 1961, "Russian Colo-
nialism and the Necessity of a Special
Captive" Nations Committee," pages
3286 to 3311.
The popular response to House Reso-
lution 211 has been so enthusiastic and
impres,s:ive that I feel dutybound to dis-
close the thoughts and feelings of many
Americans who have taken the time to
write We an this subject. These citi-
zens arse cognizant of the basic reasons
underlying the necessity of the proposed
committee. They understand clearly
the vital contribution that such a com-
mittee could make to our national secu-
rity interests. In many cases, they know
that no public or private body is in exist-
ence today which is devoted to the task
of studying continuously, systematically,
and objectively all of the captive na-
tions, those in Eastern Europe and Asia,
including the numerous captive nations
in the Soviet Union itself.
Because their thoughts and sentiments
are expressive and valuable, I include the
following responses of our citizens to
House Resolution 211 in the Appendix of
August 24, 1962.
Washington, D.C.
DEAR SIR: We, the undersigned members
of We the People Study Group acknowledge
our support of House Resolution 211 for the
establishment of a Special Committee on the
Captive Nations. We feel that exposure to
the world of the captive nations situation
constitutes a. great potential weapon against
the Communist conspiracy. We therefore
urge you to do all in your power to activate
this bill, now before the House Rules Com-
mittee and to effect its adoption by the Con-
Mrs. Harold Witthoft, Mrs. Martin Mier,
Una Cole, Mrs. Ross Miller, Clarinda,
Iowa; Mrs. John Bicknese, Wheatland,
fowa; Mrs. Jessie F. Shambaugh, Mrs.
Herb J. Sunderman, Herb J. Sunder-
span, Harold Witthoft, Mrs. Floyd Wag-
oner, Floyd Wagoner, Laura Edmonds,
!1r. and Mrs. T. E. Stickelman, Mr.
and Mrs. Darrell Damewood, Mr. and
Mrs. Jake Stimson, Clarinda, Iowa.
Aueusr 28, 196'2.
tions on your efforts for Lithuania and the
other captive, colonial nations of the U.S.S.R.
Let us hope that free elections can be held
there someday.
August 27, 1962.
Senate office Building,
Washington, D.C.
DEAR SEIPATOR HRUSKA: Thank you for so
clearly pointing out, in your speech of Au-
gust 8, the startling contrast, between Presi-
dent Kennedy's proclamation of Captive Na-
tions Week. 1962, and the congressional reso-
lution of 1959.
For some time I have been following the
attempts to establish a House Committee on
Captive Nations., This would provide a sore-
ly needed encouragement to the peoples be-
hind the Iron Curtain, as well as putting their
slavernasters on, notice that we have not
abandoned these peoples to perpetual slavery.
And yet t.ae attitude of Secretary of State
Rusk. and the State Department is that we
must not do anything which might antag-
onize the Communists. This same thinking
has motivated the President's weak Captive
Nations Week, declaration.
I am thankful that we have men such as
yourself in the Senate, who realize the folly
of trying to'be :nice to the Communist,..
up the fight for a Captive Nations Commit-
Bremerton, Wash., September 3, 1062.
Re :Report of 1.962 activities in, relation to
Captive Nations Week said. House Reso-
lution 211.
1. Lectured in Seattle, Bellingham, and
Tacoma on the captive nations concept and
the working procedures of a captive nations
organization, providing guidelines for opera-
tional methods and activities.
2. At the ]icitsap County Republican
Central Committee Convention, we proposed,
from the floor, a plank stipulating support of
the establishment of a Special Committee
on Captive Nations as set forth in House
Resolution 211, now pending in the U.S.
House of Representatives. The proposed
plank was debated and adopted.
3. Participated in the public meeting at
the Seattle Chamber of Commerce building
on Monday of Captive Nations Week, at
which time we presented and read the an-
nual, proclamation by the Honorable H. C.
Dorieatad, mayor of the city of Bremerton.
4. Printed and distributed 10,000 copies of
a document entitled "The Third Week in
July." This paper included the text of
Public Law 136-90, President Eisenhower's
1959 Captive Nations Week proclamation,
and President Kennedy's 1961 proclamation.
5. At the request of the Washington State
Republican Central Committee Convention,
we suppL:ed. 50 copies of a statement ex-
plaining the proposed establishment of a
Special Committee on Captive Nations, a
sheet setting firth the elements and extent
of support for this legislation, and copies of
"The Th;.rd "Aleek in July." (The plank,
identical to that adopted in Iatsap County,
passed th r: u.gh the platform committee
without debate; and was adopted by the
convention, again without debate.)
6. At Our suggestion, the Bremerton
Chamber of Commerce studied the question
of the proposed bill, House Resolution 211,
and as a resu".t of this inquiry into the mat-
ter, did pass and forward to :Representative
FLOOD a resolution in support of the House
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,L9 6
Approved FoP60200140044-1
A 7065
Wrectly finance the aid program for this year danger they impose upon us. "The country
if other means fail. eamnot go along In this fashion and survive.
The debate brought out some Very potent Our national debt in the last 12 months in-
specific points on foreign aid which should creased by $8 billion. Our governmental
be considered by every American citizen, expenditures in the last 2 months, the first
We are now giving foreign aid to 101 of the 2 of this fiscal year, increased by $2 billion,"
113 nations of. the world. Furthermore, by Congressman TABER, of New York. "Cambo-
speeial permission
ave s
arted aid pro- dia recently bought $3.1 million of our gold;
grams in practically every British possession Lebanon purchased $21 million of our gold;
and territory in the world
The aid
grams are not limited to so-called free na-
tions. We are pouring the American tax-
payers' wealth into dictatorships, so-called
neutral nations, COmmunist-in,duenced and
Communist-dominated nations, and into
outright Communist countries. We have
been giving our wealth and -earnings for
years to people who tax themselves not at
all, or at least at far, lower rates than we.
And many of these ntions which not only
accept our gifts,. but demand more, are no
nearer now to self-support than when we
started to pay their bills. Foreign aid money
is handled so loosely that If we were to use
the same procedure in financing domestic
programs such as public works, the people
would rise in wrath to ridicule the authors
of such proposals. Agency witnesses before
the Appropriations Committee said they do
not know the projects to which they are
going to obligate funds until after they get
the money. One witness said In tact that
the United ?.tates kept these matters secret
from the recipient countries until after the
money had been made available Fantastic
as this sounds it is true.
The military phase of the foreign aid pro-
gram is not military in the sense that we
think of our own Defense Establishment.
What it is, pripaarily, is a State Department
military program through which military
equipment is being provided to from 65 to
71 nations of the world; and much of it is
given to please or appease some potentate,
or some ruler of a newly created country.
In some cases this is. causing resentment
such as Thailand's protest against our sup-
r a
on the one hand and
plying fighter planes to Cambodia.. Another then look in the other direction to see what
project in this category is the donation of Russia can do for them?" Congressman
a newly rebuilt air-conditioned, yacht for PsssxesN, of Louisiana. "With this country
the private use of Emperor Haile Selassie of having a debt of $301 billion, with the in-
Ethiopia with staterooms covered, with gold- terest on that debt desperately close to $10
leaf wallpaper. The reconditioning of the billion a year, with this country's public and
airplane tender cost $3,100,000. private debts totaling nearly $1.1 trillion,
The balance-of-payments problem and the Congress ought to regain its senses and put
outflow of gold is also the direct result of a stop to these lavish giveaways. * * * I was
foreign aid. The drain on our gold reserves, astounded by the fact that were produced
much of it. through outright purchase of by the committee * * * this Government
gold with our dollars by foreign nations is spending $6,000 a year on Iraqi students
which have received our aid, is excessive. in this country each school year, $6,000 plus
During the last 11 years the net outflow of a year. * * * I doubt if there are very many
gold from the U.S. Treasury has amounted umbers of the House of Representatives
to over $6,905 million. Our gold holdings who can afford to spend $6,000 a year on each
are currently, just above $16 billion. During of his or her children in a university or col-
the same 11 years in which we, lost gold, lege in this country," Congressman GROSS, Of
other free world countries increased their Iowa,.
holdings by $10,655 million, to just under How does the Kennedy administration get
$24 billion. We require $11.6 billion as gold approval for its foreign aid program? Look
backing for our domestic dollars by law. We at the RECORD (p. 19031, Sept. 20, 1962)
have, therefore; scarcely $5 billion in gold citing the "seven-point formula used by 1600
to meet our international obligations and Pennsylvania Avenue" to get its program
our free world friends now hold short-term through. "That formula is comprised of the
dollar assets just under $23 billion redeem- application of prestige, personality,
able in our gold. In spite of the fact that g a s , and
the executive branch is not able to spend r persuasion, power, pressure, and
all the money appropriated they have sked maybe, punishment."
for an increase in this In summary the foreign aid program .
year's foreign-aid not in the self-interest of the United States.
appropriation, In last year's session of Con- It drains our wealth, depletes our gold sup-
gress an appropriation of $3.9 billion was ply., fails to help the people in the countries
approved. The administration was only able receiving it, in many cases It actually goes to
to spend $3,198,100,000. Congresa appropri- our enemies and strengthens those govern-
ated $716,500,000 more than was spent and ments which have vowed to destroy us, it
this amount was transferred to the pipeline. does not win friends but instead creates ill-
There is enough money now in the pipeline, will, jealousy and envy, creates unfair com-
already appropriated by previous Congresses petition for American business contributing
to continue the foreign-aid program for 25 to loss of jobs by American workers, it is mis-
months without a cent of additional appro- inanaged, it is reckless, it has led to outright
waste slid in same cases dishonesty in han-
Direct quotes from the CONGRESSIONAL dling money belonging to the American tax-
RECOsp point up the dismal failures of our payers. The least vice easel do and should do,
foreign aid programs . and the increasing and I have so urged for the 8 years I
have been in. Congress, is to stop appropri-
ating any more foreign aid funds until we
have had an opportunity to restudy the whole
program and to determine where our money
should. be spent in our own interest, and
to develop adequate guidelines for protecting
the American taxpayers from being gouged
further of their hard-earned tax dollars.
Our Further Retreat i# Cuba`
Monday, September 24, 1962
Mr. DERDUNIAN, Mr. Speaker, the
President is resigned to doing nothing
but watching in Cuba.
Several disturbing observations have
been made on the subject, including that
of Ted Lewis in the New York Daily News
of September 21, and David Lawrence
and Marguerite Higgins in today's issue
of the New York Herald Tribune:
[From the New York (N.Y.) Daily News,
September 21, 19621
(By Ted Lewis)
WASHINGTON, September 20.-A most dis-
turbing aspect of the Cuban crisis was re-
vealed today. It was simply to the effect that
Secretary of State Dean Rusk, and presum-
ably President Kennedy and the military, are
not getting the information they want about
conditions inside Cuba.
This alarming fact comes from Rusk him-
self in an otherwise well-expurgated tran-
script of his closed-door testimony last Mon-
day before the Senate Armed Services and
Foreign Relations Committees.
The disclosure is astounding. One of the
chief lessons which should have been learned
from the Bay of Pigs fiasco 17 months ago
was that our intelligence reports on the
Cuban internal situation were lousy.
It had been presumed then that Kennedy,
burned up about the advice he had received
before the abortive invasion, had his mind
set on clearing up the intelligence mess.
He did name a special committee, includ-
ing his brother, Robert, the Attorney Gen-
eral, and Gen. Maxwell Taylor, to find out
what was wrong in the CIA and come up
with a revamping program. This was fol-
lowed up by naming John McCone, a man
of great administrative ability, as CIA Chief
to succeed Allen Dulles.
These actions, plus a few changes in top
CIA personnel, including the resignation of
Richard M. Bissell, were supposed to straight-
en out the intelligence mess. No longer
would the President get stuff from the
cloak-and-dagger boys that was unreliable.
No longer would our spies in Red Cuba talk
to the wrong people and pass back to Wash-
ington a prejudiced report-as before the
Bay of Pigs-about how the people were
ready to explode in revolt once their exiled
brothers were on an invasion beachhead.
Well, it is now 17 months later, and here
is what two top Cuba policymakers, Rusk
and McGeorge Bundy, the President's for-
eign affairs adviser, have to say wader ques-
tioning by Chairman RICHARD B. RUSSELL,
Democrat, of Georgia, of the Senate Armed
Service Committee.
RUSSELL (questioning Rusk). "What do
you think about the quality of the informa-
tion we have about what is really taking
Approved For Release 2004/03/31 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000200140044-1
Nigeria. bought $20 million; Saudi Arabia,
$47 million, and Spain $156.2 million. These
transactions neither enhance our gold re-
serve situation nor improve the living con-
ditions in those countries," Congressman
HARSHA, of Ohio, (They buy our gold with
dollars we give them.) "The gentleman re-
ferred to the purchase of television sets for
Africa. There were 1,000 23-inch transistor-
ized battery-operated television sets pur-
chased at a cost of $400,000. It was proposed
to use them in areas where there is no elec-
trical power supply. So how did they pro-
pose to charge the batteries? They were go-
ing to charge them with a hand crank, or
they were going to get a merry-go-round
and charge the batteries by the merry-go-
round's operation. The batteries would be
charged while the children were playing on
the merry-go-round. But in case they did
not have a merry-go-round they were going
to get one of these squirrel cages, a treadmill
affair where the squirrel runs around, to
charge the battery while he was running
around getting nowhere," Congressman
HEADER, of Michigan. "I am convinced that
we are being widely oversold as to the pros-
pective results to be obtained from our gen-
erous intervention. We give food, fuel, fer-
tilizer, seeds, clothing, raw materials, ma-
chinery, development grants and loans, tech-
nical services, military hardware, and now
even the Peace Corps. Are all these things
actually bringing old and the newly emerg-
ing nations into our camp to offset the en-
croachments of communism? I think it is
obvious that they are not. Or, do many of
them acce
t ou
Approved For CONGRESSiONAL1 RECORDP64Rff WB990200140044-1SeptemJ d
place inside Cuba? We have been deceived While 'Senator RUSSELL and other commit- Western or Eastern Hemisphere. The Mon
in that area before. We were before the men were clearly upset about this CIA situ- roe Doctrine has not been narrowed. I. has
Ouwinh wbeen eeks ago, Am ricanr policy 1945 until a few
been world-been
invasion, and I
browie proved our means sof getting our information Ration, usk's they were of the reliabil ty satisfied
on t in Cuba on which we could rest the security telligence concerning Russian arms ship- wide and has has a right tohe ep incipleihat
of this country." r:' saying he believed we had mentanptmissilesites. tion and that it is the duty of the United
Ry s information. (any s good on' Soviet missile sites). [From the New York (N.Y.) Herald Tribune, forcte sthat1ex ofWklmay invade ionly smaller
"In terms of political information, we do Sept.24.1962]
ON SdvTE'r GRAB IN CUBA: WHY DOESN'T countries but in the end will invade the
UNITED STATES SPEAK UP? larger,ones as well. Woodrow Wilson said
have as get more than we as do. We should do not
attitudes es an sheffect to Congress in 1917 that "the world must
about s much Information
abthe political ottitdes and the effect (By David Lawrence) be made safe for democracy." It is not safe
upon the they Cuban people facing he in the was when a President today for any free government.
which they have been faie the last lie- of the United States didn't hesitate to speak sILErac;E MISCONSTRUED
several months and to an increasing de- forthrightly and to act in support of the The Soviets are talking loud because they
think they c:an bluff America into inaction
grRUSSELL Principles of human freedom anywhere in
RU (now questioning
Ist) is can we determine what hhtt he (s Soviet Bundy). "How
- reats_Woodrow Wilson Band Franklin1nD. and nd silence. y speech I~'atar the MeUnitedister Nations a fe Gromyko
do w
of w
over doing? We get such scanty informs- le as they days ago, eechga this country with
tion c ing here, how can we tell whether he is madesacriices for that same people
principle sloe.,, is an. example of how readily American
waether them to build a powerl or in two world wars.
whether he is teaching fire e them missiles to against nst the engage he e . But today there is a strange silence- silence can be misinterpreted. If the U.S.
radar set so as to even a',fear that it is indiscreet or that it's Government continues to make excuses for
ever b ' little
United States?" abandoning the pin a little country 90
expected . try 90
IT'S ENOUGH TO GIVE AN AMERICAN THE REAL act loose in behalf talk to of urge that human America in speak Cuba and abmiles an or away, how can people
to lift its voice or render any aid to the peo-
arflvERS against! the cruelty of their oppressors or pies of th. captive countries an Europe and
BUNDY. "I don't think we can be sure of against the autocratic government in Mos- Asia? Te draw back into Fortress Europe and
that, Senator." cow which is giving military assistance to contend that the United States has no
RUSSELL. "Is there any truth in the news a tyrannical dictatorship in Havana. and cgaon d speak out or act in behalf of
stories that these people (the Russians) live The latest excuse or alibi now given wide the Cuban people because this might offend
in colonies?" currency by advisers of President Kennedy- theiiet Russia ple bs bigger test n-
cacu ger t et m
BUNDY. "Yes, sir. I think they do, sir." and fed out to the press here-is that the der even more eansrthae this
RUSK. "That has been a pretty general Monroe urine has been repealed because der a later on at a time when it will be more
more at a time ,and more costly more
pattern throughout the world, particularly AmeriGa entered World War I and World dome later
when they are in substantial ntunbers." War Ix. It is averred that the United States, difficult,
xrculives than a is now.
The Rusk and Bundy responses should by militarily assisting certain governments human ves vocal chords of tU.S. Govern-
scare the daylights out of some of us peas- in Europe and Asia during the cold war, has meaToday 1;he t have been chords the a stratve c-
ants, at least. They aren't even positive that forfeited her right to act in behalf of peoples fear, of hesitancy, and silenced vacillation, which
the Russians are living in guarded enclaves. in thief hemisphere who have had their free- keeps on. emphasizing Ind of the totality of the
Rusk isn't even sure whether or not Khru- doms taken from them by Communist im- world elution if this means that the
shchev's technicians are teaching the Castro- perialtsm. world
th Coos
principles sit t democracy and the means thties how to shoot missiles at the United if this concept gains strength, it cannot of peoples at pcy under due the yoke aspirations
States. but encourage the Soviets to penetrate with of sop es ae present resen have become secondary.
But Rusk is most sure about one thing- impunity North and South America as well Yet this mperia could by would
about how the Cuban masses feel about the advocates of this philosophy are saying intion evitably thwart the peoples-for zes of the that would
their furry fuehrer, Castro. And until this that this country has not right to interfere War or the threat of war isn't ghee most
information is supplied on a solid basis, with soviet conquest of Cuba because the powerful. weapon a the world today. Moral
how do you launch another invasion of ex- United. States now has, under the North force powerful economic force are even more
Iles? Or more important, how do you plan Atlantic Treaty, military bases in various force eco if cre is fear even to speak,
our own invasion without a clear idea of European countries. This can only mean then, u the end, war cfearst because the
whether the peasants will embrace you or that America must, therefore, recognize the enemy misinterprets silence for timidity and
Ten knife you? Soviet occupation not only of Cuba but of nactionior weakness
miles from the White House, on a the Baltic States, Czechoslovakia, Poland,
wooded hill overlooking the Potomac, is the Hungary, Rumania, and Bulgaria. Can the (From the New York (N.Y.) Herald 7: ribune,
home base of all our spies, master and other- Soviets point to a single example of the Sept. 24, 1982]
wise. In this 650 million structure, well grant of American military aid that has HE NEW REALISM
guarded with barbed wire from curious resulted In any political control by the T(BYHE NEW R ALISM ) iggins
Americans, the ways and means of sur- United States?
reptitiously spending $700 million annually RETREAT IN EXPEDIENCY UNITED I1,9 IONS.-Said the African diplo-
of taxpayer funds around the world are de- The whole thing is an illustration of how melt: "Berlin? Cuba? That's not our worry.
pe on. S where is the money going as expe lency leads to one retreat alter another. They are really the white man's burden-so
pertains to Cuba? For he United States has just announced, to speak."
through White House and State Department Said the Latin American; "If the! United
PEASANTS pronouncements, that America's Armed States were to do something effective
Here is a two-bit island, 90 miles from Forces will be used only to repel military checkmate Soviet intervention in Cuba, my
Key West, now fast becoming a fortress cita- attacks on this country or its neighbors. government would congratulate you pri-
del of Moscow. It has a shoreline 2,175 This) is a doctrine of isolation reminiscent of vately and lacerate you publicly."
Now t]Iee quotation, noted on a, visit to
miles long with thousands of uninhabited the days when prominent Republicans op- the UNations, not offered is any
inlets where any one of our highly paid CIA posed. American entry into either of the two pretense United tthen area sot c n any m agents, if he could swim, could Clamber Wor'4d Wars on the grounds that the Inter- Of opinion.
that Stl a they do not .deviate from
safely ashore every night in the week. rt eats of this country were not directly af- roughly similar sentiments expressed along
has a population of 6,750,000 scattered over fecte'd. It was of course, just a means of Row" in sentiments p. sed along
44,206 square miles--an area and population appealing to pacifistic sentiment. "Embwisy
even as a w" sampling they raise some
about that of Florida, Twice the dictatorship government in even s a random questions about the "new real-
our yet, 17 months after the Bay of Pigs, Berlin misconstrued this attitude as an un- ism" ixt Pert quest foreign policy that Chester
our CIA intelligence about what is going on willingness on the part of the United States Bowles, speaking, for once, with
under Castro leaves much to be desired. to tight. In the end, the deliberate attack House blessing, apparently sp ki expounded i a
Can't any secret agents talk Spanish like on American rights on the high seas forced White White speech benoun has those who wish to
native Cubans? Just what is the matter? this', country into World War I in 1917. While recent about Cuba.
One guess is as good as another, but it courd it was Japan and not Germany that attacked do
According eth to ou Mr. Bowles, the doctrine of
be that our Cuban operatives are the same Pearl Harbor in 1941, the United States ac- the new realism to is founded on the eoneef
sica did something about
old bunch that messed up the Bay of Pigs. cepted the challenge as a direct attack by tm i
would America our ii ng ab in
And what was really the matter with them the !Nazi regime as well. Indeed, the United then Cuba that
then, including our hired operatives among States made its main war effort on the Con- our the
Thus, the United States in t o World Wars United Nations, facken orfeit ourrtradit onalxclaim
t exiles? They g le in Cuba, the rich tindiat
talked to the wrong peop
white-collar workers, not the peasants hai refused in world affrs to concept thits to moral~ e Sweeping leadership victories nt the the critically
w witrt dirt In in their fingernails. participation
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,1962_ Approved Fo g?Q~?(Q /I31jiR8 P64 RPRMM200140044-1
important fields of diplomacy and politics The Ink Was Badly Faded but the
* * * and a lessening of our influence in
world affairs." Message Was Clear
If this truly represents the New Frontier's
assumptions, then the question needs ur-
gently to be put whether unwillingness to EXTENSION OF REMARKS
apply American power effectively in Cuba of
and elsewhere does ill fact save us from the HON. ROBERT W. HEMPHILL
dire consequences outlined by Mr. Bowles.
To put it another way, Does inaction, as per OF SOUTH CAROLINA
the new realism, heighten our influence in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
world affairs, whiten, our reputation in the
United Nations, and enhance cur traditional Monday, September 24, 1962
claim to moral leadership? Mr. HEMPHILL. Mr. Speaker, under
Since the New Frontier has taken to label- leave to extend my remarks in the REC-
ing its critics in foreign affairs as rash,
hotheaded, and trigger-happy, it would seem olln, I include the following editorial from
appropriate, for the purposes of perspective, the Yorkville Enquirer, York, S.C., of
to introduce some
views onp.the uses of September 20, 1962:
American power of a diplomat who has never THE INK WAS BADLY FADED BUT THE MESSAGE
been known to be anything but calm, cool- WAS CLEAR
hitherto unpublished 4ommencement address (About as apt as anybody could put it,
at Boston University, made a report on a one American, who admits he is sick, recently
visit to Latin America during and after the described how he-and many like him-are
abortive invasion of the Bay of Pigs. bribing on the downfall of, this once great
Said Mr. Mur h "I was in Brazil at the Nation. For some time, he sat in his home
p y' in San Francisco, read his newspaper, listened
time of 'the Cuban operation. I was a bit to the news over the radio and television,
startled to be told that the reaapn the United quietly. Inside, however, he felt a gnawing,
States failed to intervene openly in Cuba was a burning. Finally, of a day, he seized upon
because our Government feared at would pro- pen and paper and scribbled a letter to the
voke war between the United Socialist So- Copley newspapers. What he had to say was
viet Russia and the United States. I found soon picked up for editorials by other news-
little or no recognition of the consistent
effort our Government has loyally made Cpapers around olumbia Record and in the and the country, incline the
through the years to adhere to a policy of His letter Jetter is must reading for Greenville
this Ns N tion's
nonintervention." r g for Nation's
as "sick".)
So; If Mr. Murphy is a good reporter, the I am one of the Americans who heard Mr.
U.S. unwillingness to use Its power got the Khrushchev tell our Nation that my great-
Worst of all possible verdicts: our moral lead- grandchildren will grow up In a Communist
ership, far from being enhanced, yielded to world. For some time now that has bothered
the suspicion that we were merely motivated me. I am not a brave man-not even a big
by fear of Russia.
Mr. Murphy based his views on the uses
of American power on these observations:
"We must take at face value the threats of
world conquest * * *. We are faced with a
continuing situation of probe and thrust
and the most facile and articulate bourgeois
negotiators the West can produce will be
unable to deter the Gino-Soviet leadership
from this line. So where is our refuge? I
can only suggest power and more, especially
American- determination to use power intel-
ligently and, if necessary, ruthlessly.
"One of the principles to which we have
been firmly attached is the collective ap-
proach to international questions," Mr. Mur-
phy continued, "But ,again I feel that we
have gone too far in our pursuit of a basi-
cally sound idea in resorting to the collec-
tive approach indiscriminately. There are
situations, for example, where we are too
ready and eager to merge our national iden-
tity in the United Nations. At times I be-
lieve we do this because of reluctance to
face up to a risk on our own Rational ac-
count. Leaning on a collectivity that in-
cludes many weak, inexperienced and frank-
ly selfish nations leads us into situations
where we are reduced to the lowest common
denominator * * *. Therefore we have no
alternative to asserting our independent na-
tional will and judgment, letting our asso-
ciates as well as our opponents know that
on Issues involving our fundamental national
security we are capable of going our own
Thus, according to the old realism of
Mr. Murphy, the United States of America,
which holds in its own destiny the decline
or survival of freedom In our 'time, should
not be deterred from doing anything nec-
essary to that survival.. because other na-
tions refuse to hold its hand.
I suppose I would have to admit that I
am, among my own neighbors and in my
own culture, the typical, average, well-edu-
cated, genteel, suburbanite to whom family,
the mortgage, and security have been the all-
important items.
I am now 50, and soon my wife and I will
see the first of our three children married.
I paint my own house, repair my own car,
grub my own devil grass, and nurse a modest
savings account at the Bank of America. I
ani a law-abiding man on the quiet side,
ad dissension xxiakea me terrible nervous.
rankly, I am the kind who simply doesn't
have it in him to fight anyone ever.
My wife had me cleaning out an old trunk
in the storage room the other day, and I
ran across the huge old family Bible that
I had not thought about for years. My
great-grandmother had kept a journal of
the trip across the Great Plains with a wagon,
and oxen when she and great-grandpa were
youngsters coming out to settle in Cali-
fornia In the great migration.. Great-
grandma wrote about it as the wild, new
land, rich and abundant in mythical propor-
On the trail she wrote of sickness and
hunger, and heat and cold, and dust and
thirst, and the deaths and births like beads
strung together on a thread of hope of free-
dom and a land of plenty for their children
yet unborn. And when she viewed the new
land she wrote In simple word pictures of the
cities and farms and schools, and happiness
that would some day bloom in the great-
ness of the vast new land. She wrote of her
tomorrow and my today.
The Ink was badly faded, but the message
was clear. As I read. I began to think about
America and being an American and what
it all stands for; and I thought about our
ea?emies and wh st they intend to do to Amer-
ica, to those rich lands and farms, to the
cities and the people, to its freedom and
its hope.
And, suddenly, I realized that I am a sick
American. I mean really sick. I am sick of
panaceas and of backing up. I am sick of
reactions where there should he initiative. I
am sick of bureaucrats who tell me that my
enemy is not really my enemy, and that I
should live together with murderers and
I am sick of government that hasn't the
guts to clean traitors out of its own offices.
And I'm sick of being a nice, patient guy
about it. I am sick of placidly accepting
excuses instead of successes; of being a silent
gentleman for fear of controversy. I am
sick of my country being ridiculed all over
the world. I am sick of pink-livered politi-
cians who place personal career above the
fate of the flag.
I am sick of 40 years of relentless, creep-
ing, cancerous, communistic godlessness that
never once has wavered from its avowed pur-
pose of conquering that flag and seeing it
trampled in the mud under Russian boots.
I am sick of my genteel desire to stand pat
and pray while the enemy advances.
I am sick of educators who teach tolerance
of subversion and of clergymen who would
have me quail at the specter of battle and
turn my cheek in fear of what our enemies
might do.
In all honesty, the thing of which I am
most sick is the man who let these things
come to me-myself.
And by the living God who made me, sir.
I am a sick American who intends to get
Are there any "sick"
Thoughts on Labor Day
Monday, September 24, 1962
Mr. GREEN of Pennsylvania. Mr.
Speaker, as each new Labor Day comes
and goes on annual schedule, our
thoughts naturally turn to comparing
working conditions today against the in-
tolerable conditions that existed in long
past years.
Gone are the sweat shops and child
labor that existed before constructive
legislation was enacted to correct these
abusive evils and mercenary practices
that befell the luckless laborer.
The real drive for recognition of the
rights of labor started with the economic
depression of 1873, and Peter McGuire,
father to the inspiration that created La-
bor Day, was a forceful component of
the small group that led the way to the
many substantial gains made by organ-
ized labor during the ensuing years.
Much has been written and said about
the gains made by organized labor, which
gains are principally appreciated by
members of the joined labor groups.
Would it not be wonderful to know, how
many others outside the organized labor
groups realize and appreciate just how
much these hard-earned gains have
benefited their respective positions in
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Approved For Release 2004/03/31 : CIA-gpP64 0200140044-~e twyn'
life? We should all be grateful for the We all, I am sure, will agree with Secte- two men were in different areas of trade
would union leadership.
life struggle of Peter McGuire tary Goldberg. Yes, Peter McGuire . Thus ,f the Labor nHistorian , writing in his pioneer efforts to bring into real- most certainly be proud to be an American atHer titudes as d - policies, tells us,`: the main
in 1982.
sty the favorable labor conditions as they I am equally sure that Peter McGuire they were the ideas of a brilliant Irishman,
exist today. would be', proud in 1962 to be a member of P. McBut G .she. secetar bf the new fede a-
James B. Carey, president of the In- the American labor movement.
He than the ulsd sbe proud of trength; and its
Peter size, McGuire was ere ui;ive direction ofi the federation fell into
ternational Union of Electrical, Radio connotes
en- ahead of', his time in believing in the com- the hands Of a London-born? Dutch-Jewish
q Machine revived and focused our has
tion on the and focused Our atten- plete organization of all workers. He said, cigarmaker named Samuel Gompers"
Gamest himselfs wfrom as one of
lioon the meritorious the of this ,.The interests of the working classes are Pe We now s of e's t
ofeat man in his speech at graveside everywhere identical and we should do all
le still in their early
of Peter McGuire in Camden, N.J., in our power to organize all trades and call- time the Gttwo et while
iogra raing club
on Labor Day, September 3. I know ings in every city, town, and hamlet in the e s. how m~ers, in in his the
room at drifted Union, where he and
that Peter McGuire everlastingly sleeps country." calls
in the knowledge that his efforts were Peter McGuire would be proud of our labor McGuire attended the on, wh es and and
the bun ongthe tures. Says Gompers: "I came in contact
not in vain and that in his
annals ill be for- on vinte lal democracy binecause
evver perpetuated in the annaof organ- founded,' the carpenters, and in the Ameri- with young men, many of whom were striv-
He labor. . can Federation of Labor which he helped. to ing to learn, One of these was Peter J.
He may also rett better in the knowl- organize' in 1886, just 4 years after the first McGuire, then. an alert attractive young
dy. Irish-American hungry for information and
edge that the world of the laboring man Labor D o ortunies to discuss current problems."
today is in far better shape than when Per McGuire would be proud of our labor plater Gompers described :Bdm as "a fiery
he entered and departed this earth, and movement's militancy, because McGuire him- young orator with d big heart." In the 1.880'
that many of his dreams 'have become self was', not only a brilliant and aggressive during nationwide campaign for the
i tday, he Gompers wrote, campaign for the
a reality. strike leader; he was a two-fisted fighter for durinthe na
May I now, Mr. Speaker, under unani- the cause of justice whenever he encountered s okue almost continuously. He threw him-
injustice. The depression that started in self Into the work with all the enthusiasm
Care consent, include Mr. James 1873 was the most terrible that had ever ability that distinguished his
Carey's 1962 Labor Day speech in the e struck the United States; the unemployed and leadershi ill
Appendix of the RECORD: literally starved in Philadelphia and New In this period. the newly formed AFI:, had
ADDRESS BY JAMES B. CAREY, VICE PRESIDENT York. 'ssIcGuire headed a group' of union
AFL-CIO; PRESIDENT, INTERNATIONAL UNION leaders which met with the New York City a major problem with its affiliates, a prob-
05' ELECTRICAL, RADIO & MACHINE WORK- Board of Aldermen to demand unemploy- lem that could have proved fatal to the
ERs, AFL-CIO, AT ANNVAL LABOR DAY CERE- ment relief. There was a heated discussion. Infant AFL. Many of Its affiliates wouldn't
MONY AT GRAVE OF PETEn MCGUIRE, CAM- McGuire first begged and pleaded with the stay affiliated. They would Join and depart
from the federation almost on whimsy, on
DEN, N.J., SEPTEMBER 8, 1962 aldermen. When begging and pleading again, out again.
Four score years ago this week Peter J. failed, lie threatened (according to a his- the "Sometimes," me merest st of ofexcuxcuseses, G in in aggai was fight.
torian)"to throw them out of the window ing .nded to hold the federated asc:fi or-
marched k City dfaam came fifth Down New one by one if unemployment relief was not inganizatiort g si gle together. The only other officer
called City's fashionable FY Avenue, on a nt ." oY the federation who felt a real responr in -1882, moe bright an 30,0 September morning o en wproud- Peter! McGuire would be proud of our labor of the for the work was J. McGuire.. The
more than themselves men and women who ro movement's political action, because far mainstay of his struggling re The
men, printers, lr mith akers, railroad more than any other major labor leader of tion, he found. time for the sproblems truggling o and za-
en, pries, and blacksmiths, bricklayers, his time: McGuire believed in political action work of the a dtime for
dxBut they ironworkers. by organized anized labor. In fact, be spent most
But they also called themselves, with even Y g' If it were for no other :reason than this
and th pride, something songs g else they marched his time from 18ol is 18reand Peter McGuire should go down in American
tirelessly action, ct in , an State and nd labor his'aory as a major figure; because in
down they the sang up avenue on s and into as Union marched Square unions: himmsel self to campaigned 'Lip political
do Gompers' words, only he McGuire under-
carrying signs and placards that read: "Labor local elections on behalf of the working- stood rS importance and keeping the AFL
Will Be United," and "Eight Hours for Work, man's party. effectively to d the federated, eporeonly he and McGuire
Eight Hours for Rest, Eight Hours for What Peter McGuire would be proud of our labor the only periodic fragmentation
We Will." movement's economic gains, because he him- et st tug e American rt period of Labor.
Peter Me(iuire's dream, the Nation's first self w2a probably the most sensational or- But for McGuire it must also be said,
Labor Day, had been proposed by this Cam- ganizer and bargainer of his time. In a hin this dedication to
den labor leader, the general secretary of the single year in St. Louis, McGuire not only there the eabor were heartaches eartach During the Christmas to
Carpenters Union, at it meeting of the New organized four large local unions but was Bella or ov the . During situation 1873 i the York City Central Labor Union 4 months able tCS increase carpenter's wages by 100 became worse. Peter McGuire was probably
ers related, as
earlier. percent. r? McGuire would be proud ofour labor the outs:andhlg leader, Gomp
Tre n 't0 ayears lone later, we honor Peter that movement's internationalism, because he "th.e unemployed filled the city's streets and
Guise not alone for the inspiration that himself believed devoutly in the interne- squares and :marched to conferences with
of the Labor Day; we honor him also long and tionalism of labor and the brotherhood of aldermen and mayor at the city hall."'
b the truly great leaders in tha long and workingmen of all countries. Only 2 months The press worked itself almost into in-
brigh history of the American labor move- after be had founded the Carpenter's Union, sane rage over McGuire. "Then began
merit. e-
McGuire traveled to Europe to participate in forts to thwart the movement by trickery.
Secretary of Labor Arthur Goldberg, now International Socialist Congress. P. J. McGuire's father was employed in one
a Justice-designate of the U.S. Supreme an There is no more appropriate place than of the large departments stores. He was an
Court, at has this given Labor me a Day brief ceremony. message This s here at his grave, 110 years after his birth honest hard-working man, accustomed to
present 80 years after the first Labor Day, to yield obedience to authority. He was made
this "Peter Mee suggest that Peter McGuire has suffered at to feel that Peter was disgracing him by Idle-
man, ter red the perhaps fras :much eed the Asm aen- the hands of history. The evidence accu- ness, consorting with unemployed "'bums"
man, turned roe key that freed oppression - nulaf:es that he was a more impressive and and freethinkers. One Sunday morning he
can worker from a untiring of ativityion and stood on the steps of the Catholic Church
inspired and denounced and disowned his son. The
hardship. working his uenian a women he er- pioneer eleader of men, a more a genius
tainly hall helped w them to men be and free. women he c- of organizing, unionism, nio negotiating ating and a and strike graction city hall. politicians tried to use the incident
ak lQcC7uire's spirit. He was tender-
"I wonder, though, what Peter McGuire than history has generally acknowledged. to to brered and the tseairit. hurts but h-nt ,,
Two things, perhaps, have served to dim stood b the rouse."
the picture of his genius and the towering y
Gould have to say if century he after could his visit death today,
nearly a had-w stature of his talents and accomplishments. Certain it is that only Samuel (lompers
er would find more people he work in First; he has become known to millions played it greater, a more historically crucial
America than lived here when he was ghost solely in his role as "father of Labor 'Day." role in the Origins and early development of
lie would find them enjoying the highest ?!
standard rd of living the world rld has ever known. Secold, in his lifetime and afterward he was the AFT, thari did Peter McGuire.
And he would see every sign that the men overshadowd by his close friend and asso- - In November 1882, 2 months after the first
who run his country's affairs are determined elate Samuel Gompers. Labor I)ay but 4 years before the founding
pr of
that the future will be safe, peaceful, and portance of not Gompers to note thatt some his- McGuire, In an Federation the federation t
es and labor
prosperous. tra
unions "I think Peter McGuire would be proud tdrians but that the amajor capabilitiesoofthe tl edcreation of the AFL. called in effect for
to be an American in 1962."
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