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Approved For Release 2001/03/02D14406206FIMia.....-*--Le--tite
3eseuree P,ectvietiw; ar VohAbitt, arta *J-to 'no frau CermadirtConntries
Viatif;4R4 a
from the 0
Wan eati
d alp,. ?
an (orqine,
tbitada said
5. 1J5P. this 7,jsitse g toes Oovernmesi withdrew an. trsie
ees tres pe1c,s4 by terminstlas the Trosty #,irr rrissOships
isr Vichts at 19,10 This Treaty eantaina4 the sort.
the tersiestiart or velich subdosis *AI earmwW4.1.4ts
the rates et duty pposifted in thy tariff Aet of 19304
*DOC Exempt Letter On File*
Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP64-00014A000100120017-1
Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP64-00014A000100120017-1
Rid 7aria,
Fftt.t1i thr /0. 1951
trade agreement aerosolises rr
oaranarsial apeamant of 1937, Thi*
Nation eleuess the termination
free Dalgaria, to the rates at dot, svee
Diptootle reltitiorm between the ',Initati States
paneled vino* rebruar,,- 1951.
dipleasti relatiops are tatiatalred id
agreements have been in effeet *thee the al
MI eammetittee imported from Albert la are etib,o
in the Tariff fret t)f 1930*
Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP64-00014A000100120017-1
Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : elA-RDP64-00014A000100120017-1
attend nor
netober 12, 1
certain 10 So twit
Oeneral agireesenzt
settee me* taken because
Arreement on lay 199v 4ot al/ the ooneessions initially neentiated with
Chine ware terminated at that time* Imam:inch as in Pertein eater other
mentreeting parties to the general ierement hnd a substantial intereet in
the coneessions4 4et1on nn these mereesetone vas delayed sendin een.
sultatien teen the 14 S. and those ether centraoting partiee. en
Sweater 26. 1951, after eunh 0 ru1ttn vrs completed* the Tressdent
announeed the eithdrewal ef additional oeneeepteen to be effective Jenemry
25 19524
t signed proolametiot
tially negothated with
irad o ooneluded at Omega in: _471.,
eithdrevel or natiomallet China free
On: August 1. 1951, tho :
Sections 5 and 11 of the Trade Agreement
notified the Treasury Department in woocardkarem
that* attar tegett 31* 1951* nil onseessions eximadedto moreitetatise free
eoveunist decimated earls of Chita were to be withisemet. Coesequently all
Coeds Imported into tbo 1. Se: from emenenist China are nee dutiable at the
rates of duty spesitied: in tha %riff Mt of 19504 a further totalieo the
Treasury worivont that under Seetien 11 of the ant, the entry* or vdthdriseal
trots worotkoono* far eavemption? of ermine* fox, kolinekyi'eariet* miek,
suetrat, endow:meet furs end skim* dressed end undreeeed* eriginatier in
ally part of emermistedeeinated ChtrA: owe to be prohibited after aueuet
31, 19514
laport eoetre
unser the Foreign oemete Control regulations which mere issued by the
Treasury Department on Demeter 17, 19504 The ilatIMADO of the regal-time
followed adeeleien of the national **eerily Cluneil that* in view te* the
Situation in tor*, ea& Fatten shoeld be tahen ender the Tradinewith the
Enemy Pet orateet Cessemist China and Serth emcee Ander theee rerniatioet
the importation of Chinese end north german mode is crehitited wittlout the
limns* at the Trwasory Department* end it is the polley or the nmeenory
Department not to licenee the omechouge and importation of emeh evade.
Other Comemint-Dealmated VOW
The President's sot ion under Stiv T?e A
1951* suepending the bdmenta 1r Trade sorboommte atter Anmust 31
alsowee made applieable toMiteeia, the Sovtet 4ene of eerenery and
Seater of hernia* any t,ert a Cambodia* LOA* sad Vietnam (Aosoetated ntates
of TadoeChina) under temmuaist daminetion er centre', duty part of ""tren under
communist doninati,n or control, the turtle island** Latvia* etmosunia* Iater
Vent:aim* Southern nakbalin and Tama Tuva4 vlitle the netted States has
neither a trade agreement nor direst trade with Tibet* a routiee ade
ministrative option suspended coecess.ems made in trmde agreements eith
emrd to import* from Tibet after July 13* I95P. As Indicated ender
toporte from North Xeres are Aso subject .?t- the Troacor:r neeirt-
Foreirn /meets coor4.4:14 RftruItittioner
Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP64-00014A000100120017-1
Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP64-00014A000100120017-1
Ptwnt to FA,
cretut of: on Aek
Soientity meth roods
ilermay scitheat difficulty?
flersecy sre s*beet t hc
at 19300
the .4oviet LL
vritt, that rret.
critrinstim: In Vie Soviet
iltet naki trod ngeo* in Sariot-oscl-ied
biktreliiq will be nble
it, *ell frotv 4:00610 triffingtting 714ccers
cerfircseities Imported frrvq scritivt coca lea
ts or duty specified in the leriff /1/43t
Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP64-00014A000100120017-1