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Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP64-00014A000100120016-2 *DOC Exempt Letter On File* BEST COPY AVAILABLE ExT p s Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP64-00014A000100120016-2 Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP64-00014A0001001 25X1 A9a 4691fer? Sqcurity lpformatInn 25X1 A P011 1,01Pm* Vars Gcla)X he%n clic" tag 04.6 $144-_IA,the_cbntrote ON shAwkenta of stolocio ??4,0,,,,ttof4- to the SOViek:blop.;- .In connectIon Irith propOkas for phyS,..cs1c ow^r 414m04W',..uoving in transit tr,,as through snoh parts SkIltWtc'p Botte$ne*. nitoTapte were attde ale* to.inSUOrste strictotr financti .49".020AtiPtie* Controls in order t.cs. pr'eviill% tl,.tr..r.bing by tri coun- ,..trAeiy:.4,-BArateigin trIcifle elth the Soviet h:loc. To dhte 7.7; eerrement - - -/0440he4jw G0004 itAanet 'Pr-0.00ati,axid furer dianuesion olte:':.6eferrea until Atunat. , " ? , preennOly in an effort--1,6prIstAipitete ectionCi ? 1:jnited. t"..'tal;,444 aitant4r6141.1441)".te4t 44 -'tvs-4. 2r% 1953, ?-trans-au:4mA cowlrolA (1434004ci.e c.4.,ntiorx.1 c-3.1-bq on , q'.0an4rlets IA the nlo4..; 1.14s0.14040ition/0., luv,desel "Sy 2/4140- 1040 u.11* a *Art ot' Ita lore40 ,A0e4ts::. *Intro 1 prozmim, supple- ?fiptort control 1.0011.:-,Thit.:'.-04t00t. 4oatrol lwe cover icra uoit,414 tit,8 vtrMoo, but f)rior 44041,4bm.new reg4.16.tionv;:ttl*.111#'404-/.11VNI 1r thie await 'fit0-part.tcipata? ia the'Ousx4-01Atirsicte=gic 00to r. Rp.,40antrilml a iLhird.countrVo'. order by prolithite 4 person rentainf, in, this , ?etarrttorlitt3 reit,00Avr Pew' 4:::oo.oratt Vw, , _ . 44::,PArPh.4?1,11e or s,ola.i124.: iii0H1404.***#04:* :,qoHiantiby. q?,,?., ',e,utrt opeo,t 04.t.i4 ? ' ? , i?ng Itrp.rqtk,N,ee? _ ,iJL the ''.eoriel. 'for. jilt ,Iftn eo11:14 inaon:Aii, foreAgh iat .14111$ ; ? ri" brthe aeois'e r 9,$111:41,164. ittettt. the".-Iree.O.U.ri De*, !!!..0 thre.0,141A-,_ et, el*A 'ettilt,eteel ? , , ..011,:repreeettlit t7e,.. to 4 , , Approved For Release 2001/0340 r ?. ofH*IviyL 6,4144:.0f-4-4* 1t...orr5,* titti,r.xo.. 1,0 .t4o.46?c14-14itte0r-,t4:4-t 4144::att.a.. 14,1*A6mitiohfrlIvtittwirW7-4104.i010II:k .1(!i'AtIO i.0 .thet p4Altte14:V0sp,&,101?,li.tx pf lAvow41,140, 0-1444,A1cv &th#. t.17,4"41.4 4-i4441!A4 W411 Ot A441470014 hr14,1e1v4L-tt,t,..4e ieC :i t1:64.1.wo,t.4 6,. 4-,1;;..tDen- tla* ItA**11 ),I10 ?A4....A.:.t.4*t the- ? t filft* infortilao0.4m . .toft, r4dtive, of ? C% 4 aUAlor I.tr,!,1,g0tor.D.vtprio:orc;;:q? ..:6n6-44-AileAtly,. it, ? th.740.4.**at ,4,114A, 1/4c)iu10.17,Vy-.th*i?role -:,,,rt,Illalr?rly'Dftc in. .r.kly'llm..048in fiat.eAUgoc. *0-aOrt fOrilv1,- 110:40AA/Aell klA1).4ivJA .1t104 tw-ft,T5mw,z.tilt..cm,ur.o. SECRET rrjtthjmatTptif Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP64-00014A000100120016-2 25X1 A igipRe moire& anvontrigatad 8itro1ot ./Iftions into the Vaited btates w kr?id t111. jftm/nry P$0 1951)0 On August 10 19520 this 2111014erat fitgood a bastion gpir t to gootions 5 and U a the 11.1 Atr_cm, tee Act e As rro- vided bineotion 5 or thi7fiVintWo yes ei,77.1-crarl cal atir 23p VA or 0or wish to terminate tho co. arrol,stotrt oe AuT7ust 40 Ms 10110 granted that oeustry temstwrovvrod-entlA statue In Its tmae, with t1s0 lotted Staten* Atter the lapo* or six menthe, ea prtvided bI the ubers9 acpwenest0 411 consossions attended to $mvist verehmAdiefl mte3r misting trade oproorffatit %ore althdoran offeweive Januar/ 50 M2, by noarai a * notirlimtien by the. ?r,0614ont to tioo Doprtrtommt or the treeemre, Oen,- soquottly. ell coedit tvortod into the, Ue S. frau tho Ulp104.$0. ere two 41,edakde at go, rates or duty ofetified %ha Wire Alot Or 195% engi mat Want froa may tariff'--,,,mwoistoos '41eatato4 by to ratted Soversoont to friendly atomat,ries under our roeirresil Are& ogprimasuito prows** Tho Tzrovistiors i n OLIO eiMel ttte erS'Ot iiiimunsv towatial comaelwat erka.gtlet 1 Nartsont inzo notiriod by ill* l'res ftES tto loginatioe (eau vsz3r x 3. rill poMtibitad* ohreet? Woettrs 4mmory 1it320 the J 14 Sitot*e Nutmaareitegraccol &on Polvad by *Irv:dueling (4..41-044,000 culd OtossmIsr (410ts 1931- Thin Vreety *. 'ravored...netionalmmmom the toroinatdmn of .0h1oh oub3oeta mrted from Poland te V511 rateo ar duty apeolfied in tho brew W of 1,4wlenOshtp, 1Wite 41-aareMaitteg ?*1tr t el' 1.934. Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP64-00014A000100120016-2 the W.4vIll ttta Mowry by e 1905* is tree *Web ilatjacto all dust/ in the 1951, the Oat aaneeesicas free Rowtaie byterminating aerate soreament a 19;00 Tale meravocat provided *catmint far eentreetive zi.53wtlea# Accordingly. ell Worts are aew avOcat to the ratta a doty sprained in the Tariff all trde, t- Stetea by , lattea freo tonsrde !tot rvv)?, frac Dutgarie to tNe raters er duty e a Diplenetie rotations beteroatn pleaded eines aratia elm veinteiaed with ale mad ne 0( bm ? affeet since the abase abastle MOP* ta the rates Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP64-00014A000100120016-2 ' 401'40 on ostooded to moretnedive fres be adtbdromn, Coneequwatly al/ snoromeint Men as nom dutiable at tho Alt Dr /9304 MO fUrthor adolegd the os 11 of the het, the meal% or ulthAroval ermine1 few* teatmeliwo marten. mink, dream& sad uniramasio originating is wore to he nraldbited after AkIest to Ohl sod Mora %orangeade ere emiroleed ntroa regulation, *MA mem issued by the Ater 174; 1%104 the imam? oC the reguaRtawn gat:Loma Saari* Connell that, in rains* of tho Urea. notion ehoOtd be taboo umder the Trading it thto t Coon:mist Chine and North Zeros, thhor thaw rogsuusec at Chinese and north Somme geode in prohibited without the Trokaarytic%crtsonto and it ie the petioy at the Weftemry to license timp purchase and tapertotdoo oE *Leh goods tet 4, The Pre* *lotion =de eotic 5 at the Trade Agrommat 1951* impending the hematite ot trade Agreements otter Augoet 3 oleo WA mode appiteatile to Vetealos the Soviet 2,400 of Germany and Sector et Duni*. Ray port oe Cambona, ham ond Vietnam (kasseinted State* e poomehica) under comma:Lot donleattoa or eontroa, say part at Karen cedar economist domination or central* the Airily Wands. Latvia, 1.1th outer towns* Soothers Sakhalin end Tema Tuve,' While the United States tole moithor a trade agreacant ner dirket trade with fibs% a routine ad- alnictraidlesetimaiommae,onsitadelistinidestoreatestowith 4er4 to imparts tree Mart attar "di 13. 1952. A* indlisivheil ogle, hsporte tram Nerth Norma are obweindNiewt to the Trowevelf Depart- Forsign /mete CoutrelPeCtdationse Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP64-00014A000100120016-2 Approved For Release 2001/03102 : CIA-RIDP64-00014A000100120016-2 Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP64-000141000100120016-2