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May 24, 1954
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Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDP64-00014A000100010019-1
' (11 May 1954; S1X:R1RT)
Put-st:ant to the provtakma of paragraph 6. NSCID No. 1, and parairra,ih
10.h (1 - of NBC 162 2, approved by the President on 3o October Itif . the
lullowing terms of ral&ence fur the Committee ut the LA( a: t
tic iebv established
The Soviet Communist bloc, as a potential aggressor li;L.? ?1.t
capability to initiate suddeli!y at any timt and in a place hi I
by methods of its own choosing, hostile action* ui stmt. , i
as to gravely threaten the security of the Uicited Statt?s 1'.t-
ruiasiou of p oviding earliest pl).S.slble warning of ht tistile a( Li is
will be u:tdt:rtaken by the LAC Agencies, within th.? scope 0:
their reaporialbillties, ar of the highest priority. Tl.t iii,,L,v
discharge of this mission depends upon the carrying out ,,
complementary watch an=1 t'stimattn.g functions
B. M.sston
T,., provide earliest hussible i andng to tlit' United States (3tn i,(
t,t !lobule action by the USSR, or its allies, which endmigeis tiit st?t - i ?,11
,,t the United States
C Fvnctions
t lu tievelol> anti opt rate on a curie-it and rtt-,tit,wr.g buslr .t
genc?e plan fur tie levying ulx,n IAC members. +tnti the reeue.t;r g '1-1
t,tht ! US agenclt c through ,pproprtate channels. of the citt'Ilrgt
teq irements necessary to provide the maximum degret of ad', a, WC ,t . ,
ing and for recommendinb the collection priorities of these reywteu:t i.:.:..
To anal vze and evaluate informatkwi and Intelligence both eur *-r t
and cumtilativt' on an all-source basis, furnished by 1!ie IAl i oti it?-
rtlating tit tht tmrninenct of hostilities, and to develop t1-erttrun, rr,,
cunt lusitxis ets w it(dications of.
a Soviet 'C'ommunist intentions to ttutMte t',i('a aga nst
I the continental United States. U.ti priaw-lions or T18 it rec,
2 U.S. 411es or their forces,
3 areas peripheral to the Soviet Orbit
Atgretatttte set by armed forces. or by oronrsagonx nr Intli^:dattl. -n -(;
part of rnllitary strategy
Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDP64-00014A000100010019-1
Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDP64-00014A000100010019-1
b, any other development, actual or potential, susceptible of direct
exploitation by Soviet, Communist hostte action which would isop-
ardize the security of the United States.
3 'ro report promptly their eoneluelons, together with significant in-
licHtions, to the principab of the IAC sad other appropriate recipients
1 n the event of an impending critical situation, IAC principals will be
immediately advised after which the provlsioes of paragraph 6, NSCID
No 1, will apply.
4 To make recommendations to the IAC, or member no a(eneiss Hereof,
including such divergent views as may be recorded. -
5 The Watch Committee shall avo-i duplicating IAC estimative
D. Composition Orgsnisodsn
1 The Watch Committee will be componed of a Senior OAleer repre-
senting each IAC member organisation, ace of whom will be designated
by the DCI, after consultation with the IAC, as Chairman for a specified
period The Conwittee will be supported by a? Indications Center,
headed by a DireAb( to be provided by CIA and awMing of an admin-
istrative Secretariat and an Indications Ororp.
I A C ~
I I O I C A T t a r s CINTAA
Director of Indications Crater
Indications Group $sretariat
iOperatioas and Analysis Arisietratira sad Clrrteal
2 The' Watch Committee will meet on a regular eebsdule so determined
by the Committee and on special oecedons when requested 'by one or
more of its membe[s or their prln tpsln
E. Duties and Respsntibill"m
The Watch Committee shall discharge, or direct the Indications Center
in the discharge of, the below-listed duals and
I Develop and operate on a current and eanUa a g basso the Watch
Committee Intelligence Plan for systeenatis , energising. sad ooordi-
rnating through appropriate chancels the world-wide collection by U.B.
agencies of information and Intelligence pertftftt to the Watch Com-
mittee mission.
2. Arrange through the LAC or the appropriate MVMMbor thereat for
l.xploitation of every domestic and foreign source of h dartmsMom and
Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDP64-00014A000100010019-1
Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDP64-00014A000100010019-1
intelligence pertinent to the Watch Committee miadon and, among
other actions, arrange, at appropriate times, that representatives of IA('
field intelligence activities confer with the IAC and the Watch Committee
iii oreiel efTectively to coordinate, but not direct, field Intelligence activi-
ties with the activities of the Watch Committee.
3 Arrange with the IAC agencies for a systematic screening of all
information and intelligence received by them by any means for the
purpose of immediately extractine and forwarding to the Indications
('inter all items which may cont. in ir.dicationg of Soviet Commt.nlst
intents rs As set forrh in C, 2 above 3 A, yrucedure is in addition to the
action - a'It (t roe in paragraph 6 of N' t);to. 1), an agency evaluation,
ti'hr re appropriate, will be forwarded as soon as possible
4 Members will maintain close and intimate lialvon with their respec-
tivt parent ageneie, to assist then in ensuring that all per tincrit infor
niation am ntelligence is being made available to the Indications Center
:e Continuousl' screen all pertinent information and intelligence
received from all IAC agencies for indications relating to the Wdt,eli
Comimittee mission.
(i Devcjop promptly an early evaluation and analysis e;i each hide( a
ti,~i in c-Porditiatioir with the intelligence agency e)r agencies best geiaii
:eNd ' (seal with the fit Id of intelligence to which the indication belongs
7 t (k,rdinate with the individual members of the Watch ('ommittee
t re .scIt, ti en of indications for consideration by the Committee in regular
a?iu ii'cia; 'neetings
8 Prepare material for use by the Watch Committee to assist in its
do liberations and the formulation of its conclusions.
4 eooordinate the reproduction and dissemination of approved Watch
Committee reports
It) Maintain in readily usable form a complete and Integrated file of
all available information and intelligence pertinent to the Watch Com-
mitter' mission.
11 Maintain wall maps, charts and other display material which will
;nost effectively assist in illustrating and interpreting graphically the
e:urient and cumulative indications.
12 Concurrently. but not as a substitute for current methods of
analysis and tvaluatie-n, develop aid teat (with outside assistance if de-
su ahh t the application of mechaa sal aids and techniques to the prob-
lem on an experimental basis with re view to their eventual use In assist-
ing effectively the Watch Comiiitt* In the accomplishment of its
13 Perform such additional taslLs as shall be required by the UC in
the discharge of the Watch Committee silselan.
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Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDP64-00014A000100010019-1
24 May 1954
MEMORANDUM FOR: All recip. nts of DCID's
SUBJECT: UCID 1/2, "Terms of Reference,
Watch Committee of the IAC"
1. The attached DCID was issued by the DCI
on 13 May 1954.
2. You will note that tb'ls Directive provides
for the activation of a National Indications Center
(RIC) and a reconstitution of the Watch Committee.
TheFe actions are intended to be effected as early
as practicable but in no event later than 1 July 1954
(see paragraph 2G, IAC-M-150, 4 May 1954).
Intelligence Advisory Cowsittee
Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDP64-00014A000100010019-1