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Approved For Release 2006/0 lA-R DP63T00245R000100170071-4 STATEMENT OF THE D ORE THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE SUB OF THE SENATE APPROPRIATIONS C IN SUPPORT OF THE CIA REQUEST FOR AP IATIpN OF FUNDS TO CONSTRUCT THE CIA UARTERS INSTALLATION, deeply appreciate the opportunity to appear before you today in support of our request for appropriations in the amount of $54, 5W, 000 to provide for the construction of a garters installation for the central Intelligence Agency. The authorization for this construction is contained in Title IV of H. R. 6829, the Military Construction Act of 1955, which is presently before the President for signature. S MORKIDIF Approved For Release 2006/06/26: CIA-RDP63T00245R000100170071-4 Approved For Release 2006/06 6 -R DP63T00245R000100170071-4 IV of the 111 M- nstruction Act authorizes the Director of Central In i ice to spend not to exceed construction tithe installation and $8, , 3nsfer to the National --'I Planning Commission and the Department of Interior uisition of land for and construction to extend the Washington Memorial Parkway from Its present t to the site of the Research Station of the Bureau of Public Roads at Langley In Fairfax County, Virginia. It CIA does not utilize the Langley site, I not be available for obligation. Title IV ruler authorizes not to exceed $1, 000,, 000 for the acquisition of the site Itself. Chapter III of H. R. 7278, the supplemental appropriations bill now before you,, appropriates $3, lam, 000 for CIA to prepare detail plans and specifications, rather than the full amount of the authorization. SECRET Approved For Release 2006/06/26: CIA-RDP63T00245R000100170071-4 Approved For Release 2006/06/26: CIA-RDP63T00245R000100170071-4 There Is no reason *dWeal the fact that we need a s headquarters Installation, or _ . we have considered several sues for Its location. It wou m to be unrealistic and a or the request for appropriations. A good deal of the testimony which we are furnishing In support of this authorization can U U11- concept security to a mph to conceal either our need nly be made a matter of your public record. Hmaer, I would appreciate the opportunity of discussing of our request on an off-the-record basis with this Committee. In particular, I would wish to have testimony ig the exact number of people employed at the headQuarters and certain security aspects of the Installation -record. For this reason I have requested that this n Executive Session following which, Mr. Chairman, It It I agreeable with you, the text can be edited for security ons prior to publication. SECRETI Approved For Release 2006/06/26: CIA-RDP63T00245R000100170071-4 Approved For Release 2006/06/26: CIA-RDP63T00245R000100170071-4 The Central Intellig Agency Is presently located in separate buildings In th+ :1ct of Columbia area. These range from the Administratib n _f~F,. Ildi ng, where my own office Is Tecate at 24th and E Stre s, 'Northwest behind the Heurich 25X1 my brewery on Rock Creek Parkway, to our Documents Division, which is housed In a temporary building of our buildings are clustered around the Administration 25X1 building, others are over by the Reflecting Pool In front of the Lincoln Memorial, others are In the Potomac Park area. Twenty of these buildings are of the so-called "Temporary' variety, and the demand for their destruction increases daily from many quarters, Including the Congress. For this reason, our authorization language contains a proviso that when CIA uples Its new Installation, GSA Is directed to demolish ter ra building space equivalent to that which we relinquish. Approved For Release 2006/06/26: CIA-RDP63T00245R000100170071-4 Approved For Release 2006/06/26 CIA-RDP63T00245R000100170071-4 4 C18rt 2 (Overlay) s Furthermore, the approaches te proposed new Potomac River bridge or tunnel wilt 4 . ough some of our tempora s, thus eliminating considerable as our permanent b M VMM our present space. The need for CIA to something about a headquarters Installation has been with us for several years now, but the tern has become Increasingly urgent since we first discussed h the Congress In 1951. During this four-year period we have made a series of attempts to find an adequate building In Washington which could house at least the bulk of our personnel. We have been unsuccessful. The General Services Administration tells us that there Is nothing adequate available, and that we must build. Aside from the lack of available facilities, we feel a centralized Installation tailored to our particular needs would pay for Itself over a reasonable period of time not only In Improved security, but In increased efficiency and economy of operations. Approved For Release 2006/06/26: CIA-RDP63T00245R000100170071-4 Approved For Release 2006/0616 : `I, P63T00245R-0001.00170071-4 n.te on the udlo OOr being sad widely separated hul ngs Is Ding when one considers the number of highly cla# papers which must Brea d bull lngs th the course of a singled ' This point fight 4 e; lest #1 #r d the fath approximately 100, 4 If led in ell/ ence f~Umen are received In o r' CollactIo Division etch month. when you vy~ add to this total the various. cla if , ra de staff studies and similar mater) ,N M ating within t we. have a daily average of approximately .5o 000 classified document,, moving from one CIA building to at least one Other CIA building in the course of an ordinary working day. Many of these documents are necessarily at the top levels of security classification. SECRET! Approved For Release 2006/06/26: CIA-R DP63T00245R000100170071-4 Approved For Release 2006/06/26: CIA-R DP63T00245R000100170071-4 low, The loss of any one of these "stile party could ie national security or to ccess of some r covert operations, and possibly could tv the cat of some of our rya and ;F .. _ Covert personnel aid agents. When l recall What we have been able to accomplish in certain major cities abroad, with the connivance of a courier ng his periodic rounds between dispersed buildings,,. and then stop to think what some foreign agent might be able to us between our uildings, my concern and a iarm about this situation increases daily, 25X1 SECRET1 Approved For Release 2006/06/26: CIA-RDP63T00245R000100170071-4 Approved For Release 2006/06/26: CIA-R DP63T00245R000100170071-4 1, A full effectiveness nc security controls on the one may e, centralized, and disci ,.mod organization allows hand, and faces the opposition, {an almost Insuperable task ntitying key personnel on ether. The risks that our national security Is asked to endure In this make-shift assortment of buildings are plainly intolerable risks, which must be eliminated at the earliest opportunity, for even If the cost of anew building were a net loss, rather than a long term saving, It would be cheap compared to the jeopardy In which we might be placed were our national Intelligence system be compromised by an enemy nation. Approved For Release 2006/06/26: CIA-RDP63T00245R000100170071-4 SE *11_~" Approved For Release 2006/06/26.: CIA-RD SEC a smaller number of entrances, hat th c 5y surveillance devices that cart 1p, f- steiled, we will be able to careful control of parking s . and certain technics quickly individu~ . might attempt to Identify rsonnel. ntiaamab#e# and even with the best of sprinkler system. It An additional security problem is the fire hazard in ng personnel and documents, including some of our mos valued tiles, In temporary buildings. These tempos.. are ble insure adequate protection against fire. I can give an example, Mr. Chairman, what we are t you will recall the very heavy rains which we had 0 ak-end. This resulted in the flooding of several areas in a building which occupy at 26th Street and Rock Creek Parkway, which you roller skating rink. old SECRETI Approved For Release 2006/06/26: CIA-RDP63T00245R000100170071-4 Approved For Release 2006/06/26 : {CIA-R DP63T00245R000100170071-4 The storm sewers were Ina to carry off the rain water. On that Friday afternoon, a dnA racked up covering the floor bur vaults which contains with two inches water In o several million IBM type cards`drr which we record and Index Intelligence documents and Information. All the bottom file drawers had to be removed from some d file cabinets. Friday evening, after some repairs, the drain backed up again, pouring water all over the floor. The water backed up high enough In the drain to cause it to overflow at the level of the vault ceiling, thereby pouring water over all the card files at one end of the vault and so weakening the ceiling that It fell down on top of the cabinets. Officials of this section were notified at 1h30 that n at had happened, and the staff of the division was mobilized and worked until 2:00 o'clock Saturday morning mopping up water and removing cards. SECRET! Approved For Release 2006/06/26: CIA-RDP63T00245R000100170071-4 Approved For Release 2006/06/26: ''CIA-R DP63T00245R000100170071-4 Portions of 100 I BNB card trays holding 300, punched cards were soaked. It Is Impossible even yet to estimate how many of these cards are completely unuseable because If they become - Machine Room and Cardunch Room were under water. At 2:00 a. m. we were assure The Public Building Service } that the situation was reme a d the drain cleared. Nevertheless It backed up a at o Saturday morning. Approximately 50 percent of moult area and parts of the pod they cannot be run through IBM machines. Every effort Is being made to dry them properly, but if they have to educed,. It will be both costly and time consuming. I can offer you no better Illustration for the need for a permanent type building. The security of our telephone system leaves much to desired when we must connbuildings through a central switchboard. Approved For Release 2006/06/26: CIA-RDP63T00245R000100170071-4 Approved For Release 2006/06/26: CIA-RDP63T00245R000100170071-4 This can low se r and tap proof under present Ions, but If we were to 1e modern equipment properly Installed In a single building uld provide a reasonably secure telephone system ate also that we could save per year, which Is out W annum mileage charge for trunk lines between our buildings and our central switchboard. I think that we'can all agree that from the standpoint of efficiency our operations will greatly Improved by being all together In one building. As you know, a great deal of our business cannot be conducted over the telephone, but must be handled face to face. If I wish to talk to my Director of Security on a matter, he must come to my office from a 25X1 ry building at the far end of the Reflecting pool. ant the translation of a document It must go to or the translator must come to 24th Street Northwest SECREM Approved For Release 2006/06/26: CIA-RDP63T00245R000100170071-4 Approved For Release 2006/06/26 ~,.CIA-R DP63T00245R000100170071-4 reference work in our library must go to a building almost a quarter of a mile away. The copies of course we can mu daily and by the hundreds. An economic intelligence an who wishes to consul would now like to comment Mr. Chairman, on some other tangible dollar savings which will accrue If we are in a art 3 single building. As you can see from this chart, we estimate 25X9 that an annual savings of almost $3, , 000 may be expected from the consolidation our headquarters activities, which In a little less than 19 years will equal the capital cost of the building. In constructing this new building, we are making plans cnart4 to r,ousi awaiting reassignment as well as a slight expansion to for those who return Washington on temporary duty or who While this Is In excess of our present -board strength In Washington, it will allow for desk space handle emergencies. SECRET, Approved For Release 2006/06/26: CIA-RDP63T00245R000100170071-4 Approved For Release 2006/06/26 : 'CIA-R DP63T00245R000100170071-4 E with the General services are working very Owl of our building requirements. Administration in the devely OR, art 6 As can be seen on this chart we Are planning on a building to contain a total o gross space. We are Ing for the highest possible ratio of net to gross space, and e to utilize a space-per-person ratio which Is appreciably e average In similar Government buildings In the circulation and.service space such as corridors, stairways, toilets, metropolitan area. I n any building there is a certain amours orth, which makes up the difference between net space and gross space. For Instance, the net to gross ratio In the Pentagon is slightly less than 6 to 1, whereas we are seeking a figure of 7 to 10. We are asking for nothing but space in which we can operate securely and efficiently under one roof, and we shall neither recommend nor accept devices or fittings that exceed our minimum requirements in this regard. SECRET Approved For Release 2006/06/26: CIA-RDP63T00245R000100170071-4 Approved For Release 2006/06/26:CIA-RDP63T00245R000100170071-4 IAW low V" tj f ~l A plan to have a simple and , _ ,fled exterior. we are work, working closely with GSA on space requirements and cost estimate wish at this time, Mr. rirman, to discuss the ocatlon of this proposed ins , We first faced the problem as to how far from the District of Columbia we should locate. eached the conclusion that In order to our work openly we must remain close to the President the members the National Security Council, the State Department and the Penton, as well as the Congress and other agencies of ment. This we felt meant that we should not more than twenty minutes from the White House under normal traffic conditions. Following Cabinet discussions of this e office of Defense .? ilization has granted u Chart8 waiver from current dispersal standards. We then undertook (Large lam) the investigation of numerous sites, both federally and privately owned. SECRET' Approved For Release 2006/06/26: CIA-RDP63T00245R000100170071-4 Approved For Release 2006/06/26: CIA-RDP63T00245R000100170071-4 E 30 have decided that Est suitable is a portion of the government-owned land at Virginia. This is a try of approximately 300 acres, a "hundred of which can ma available to us. At the time t authorization language for the Military Construction Xmas submitted to the Congress were still certain unresolved factors In connection with the site, particularly with regard to roads, water,,, sewers,, etc. However, when we appeared before the Senate Armed Services Committee, these matters with the exception of the road had been resolved and the Board of County Supervisors of Fairfax County, their Chamber of Commerce, the McLean Business Association, and the Fairfax County Planning Commission all urged that we come to the Langley site. The road is, however, a major problem in connection with utilizing Langley. SECRET Approved For Release 2006/06/26: CIA-RDP63T00245R000100170071-4 Approved For Release 2006/06/26: CIA-RDP63T00245R000100170071-4 _%W 16W has authorized, as you know, construction of the George w shington Memorial Parkway which, when completed, SEC The present road - Highway ihich passes the entrance to the site -- is only a two-lane and a very dangerous one at that it would not be adeq i handle the morning and evening traffic it we were to 1 . r.t Langley. However, Congress run from fount Vernon to the Great Falls on the Virginia si of the Potomac. Despite some recent newspaper publicity quoting opponents of our move to Ungley, and some letters which have been received members of the Congress stating that no highway was authorized on the Virginia side above Memorial Bridge, and that this land was for park purposes only, the fact remains that Public Law 284 of the list Congress approved on the 29th of May, provides that funds shall be appropriated as required -- and iquote -- SECREl?i Approved For Release 2006/06/26: CIA-RDP63T00245R000100170071-4 Approved For Release 2006/06 "for the expeditious, omical, and efficient development and *,-W of the following projects.- he Georg h i ngn Memorial Parkway, to Include the shore~W a Potomac, and adjacent lands,, from Mount : to a point above the Great Falls on the Virginia side, except within the city of Alexandria, . Ii The government has planned for a long period of time to complete this parkway from Its present terminus approximately 3-112 miles below Chain Bridge to Its eventual terminus at the Great Falls. I n order for C I A to occupy the Langley site It will be necessary to have a seven mile stretch of the George Washington Memorial Parkway from its present terminus to the Langley site completed at the same time that our own installation would be for occupancy at Langley. 26: CIA-RDP63T00245R000100170071-4 Approved For Release 2006/06/26: CIA-RDP63T00245R000100170071-4 Approved For Release 2006/06j26 :,f,CIA-R DP63T00245R000100170071-4 The Senate Armed S Committee at our request wrote a provision Into Title I ,he au orizatior legislation which would allow us to trari _ the National Capt Planning Commission the necessary sums for them to complete the acquisition of the right of way for the Parkway to the Langley site, and to transfer the necessary sums to the parkway the Interior to construct the extension of the esent terminus to the Langley site, a distance Dut seven miles. The total authorization for this purpose use Armed Services Committee was also persuaded as to the merits of this possible location, and they accepted the Senate amendment In conference. However, I could not make a e selection Involving Langley until I was assured of the authorization for the George Washington Memorial Parkway extension. SECRETI Approved For Release 2006/06/26: CIA-RDP63T00245R000100170071-4 Approved For Release 2006/06/26: CIA-RDP63T00245R000100170071-4 lef "e Congressional was completed on the Military construction bill, it was nec for me to appear before the House Appropriations omml , showed them, as I have shown you gentlemen this mo the sites which we were considering. But the House Aii4lations Committee felt that since CIA had not definitely selected a site, they would appropriate for us only the sum of $3, lam, 000 with which we were to prepare ns and specifications for the headquarters Installation. did not Include the , 000 which we need at the same for transfer to start the acquisition of rights of way and extension of the parkway, if we are to locate at Langley. Unless these funds are presently forthcoming, parkway would not be completed at the time we were ready occupy Langley,, and thus might make that site unavailable. would then be at a loss in drawing plans and specifications, because we would not know for certain what site we were going occupy and what engineering adjustments would have to C ET Approved For Release 2006/06/26: CIA-RDP63T00245R000100170071-4 Approved For Release 2006/06/26 CIA-RDP63T00245R000100170071-4 SEM- ff--- e were not to go ley we would need up to a on dollars to acquire a site -- presumably the Winkler property at Alexandria -- but . R. 7278 as reported In the House did not appropriate to uM funds for land acquisition, therefore, we not know whether the Winkler tract would ailable to us next year when additional funds could be granted. We would therefore be in a dilemma in drawing plans the Winkler tract without assurance that It would be available. It Is. my feeling that the House Appropriations Committee withheld these funds because we had not selected a site. At that time we were unable to do so, until we were assured of the authorization. I now wish to state to this Committee, Mr. Chairman, thai the Central Intelligence Agency has reached the decision that It wishes to locate its headquarters Installation at the present site of the Research Station of the Bureau of Public Roads at Langley, SECRET Virginia. Approved For Release 2006/06/26: CIA-RDP63T00245R000100170071-4 Approved For Release 2006/06/26: CIA-R DP63T00245R000100170071-4 will draw our plans and s W. ations to meet that site, but In order for us to do so, we nu ?ave assurances as to the funds for the parkway extension, so that the remaining rights can acquired and coy ction started. This Vie, I am Informed, the sane-year period of time which will be necessary to construct our headquarters installation. Ing made this decision regarding a site, I wish to urge most strongly on this Committee that In addition to the $3, 000, 000 which has been Included by the House Appropriations Committee In H. R. 7'278, that we be given an additional O OOP for the purposes which I have just described, making a total of $7 Rlations at this time. At the time that we made our presentation to the House Appropriations Committee we felt that It might be advisable to finance the cost of this construction from unobligated balances for fiscal years 1953 and 1954. Approved For Release 2006/06/26: CIA-RDP63T00245R000100170071-4 Approved For Release 2006/06/26: CIA-RDP63T00245R000100170071-4 Following general government ? - tlce, these funds are available for expenditure for a of two years after theyear of obligation, after which the riaions lapse and the emalning funds are covered Treasury. ~ *r 0 had such funds available, and you wilt note that Chapter Iii of H. R. 7279 -- the supplemental Appropriations Bill now before you -- appropriates $3, 000t 000 to be derived from unobilgated balances of appropriations made available to the Central Intelligence Agency for the fiscal years 1953 and 1954. However, I have since been Informed that the senior members the House Appropriations Subcommittee which handled this matter are unalterably opposed to the use of our unexpended for this purpose, as they feel that It will impair the security of our appropriations. Therefore, I not think that the muse Committee Is prepared to appropriate further funds for this on from unobilgated balances. Approved For Release 2006/06/26: CIA-RDP63T00245R000100170071-4 Approved For Release 2006/06/26: CIA-RDP63T00245R000100170071-4 24. I, therefore, would I request Mr. Chairman, that this subcommittee rewrite C qw III of H. R. 7278soasto make a direct appropriation f a purposes rather than to use unexpended balances. If thi ne, I believe the House free to such additional appropriations as your ake in line with my request Finally, Mr. Chairman, I am Informed that there are a fey ners In the Langley area who object to our Instal being constructed there. I wish to call your attention to this brochure which was presented to us by the Fairfax County Chamber of Commerce. S` Approved For Release 2006/06/26: CIA-RDP63T00245R000100170071-4 Approved For Release 2006/06/26: CIA-RDP63T00245R000100170071-4 On June Ist 1955, t President of the Fairfax County Chamber of Comm er~ pte us -- and I quote -- knowledge, a single "Without to the bp #, dissent among our-"" than 450 members, presenting the l tlaz 7 .r ss leadership of Fairfax County, the Fairfax County Chamber of Commerce welcomes the CIA to Fairfax County . . , We want you In Fairfax County . On 27 May, Wallace Carper, Chairman of the Board of County Supervisors of Fairfax County, wrote me extending "a cordial welcome to use the Bureau of Public Roads near Langley. " He called to my attention the action of his board assuring provisions for services which come Ithin the jurisdiction of the County of Fairfax. McLean Business Association passed a resolution In favor of our occupying the Langley site as did the Great Falls a membership of 242 members. SECRET Approved For Release 2006/06/26: CIA-RDP63T00245R000100170071-4 Approved For Release 2006/06/26: CIA-RDP63T00245R000100170071-4 The Editor and Pubii o the Providence Journal in rote me on June 1t they were pleased to learn ny miscoonceptlo.L-arding the attitude of the w residents of the McLean area Wd the location the CIA office building at Langley, e finally been cleared up, and that your organization is again seriously considering Langley site. '4 Mr. Smith stated that as editor of the Iota weekly newspaper they were confident that the majority of the residents of thearea welcomed CIA as a desirable addition to the community. The Chairman of the Fairfax County Planning Commission, Keith Price, wrote us on the 1st of June that the members of the Commission had formally voted an invitation of welcome to us. Approved For Release 2006/06/26: CIA-RDP63T00245R000100170071-4 Approved For Release 2006/0612,6, .C.IA,.RDP63T00245R000100170071-4 low `thus, gentlemen, the f _ led representatives of the REM people of this area in the forte the Board of County Supervisors, as well as the Chamber of Commerce, and the Planning ssion, and many indl reidents of the area, have extended their cordial a to us If we are to utilize the Langley site. In addition they have on their own initiative found ways and means to overcome many of the obstacles which confronted us in the beginning. With this support I have reached my determination, and I hope that you gentlemen will appropriate the $7, , .. necessary to get this project underway at Langley. 1 feet strongly that detail plans and specifications should red f o r a definite site. I f for any reason you cannot grant my request for the Parkway, then I would select the Winkler site, However, I would still need an additlo quire the site, or a total of $4, 00Q, off. Approved For Release 2006/06/26: CIA-RDP63T00245R000100170071-4