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July 15, 1955
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Approved For Release 2004/08/31 :CIA-RD00245R000100160001-2
FRIDAY, JULY 15, 1955
United States Senate,
Subcommittee on Defense of the
Committee on Appropriations,
Aashington, D. C.
The subcommittee met, pursuant iD recess, at 11:flO
a.m., 1n room F--39, The Capitol, Honorable Donnie Chavez,
chairman of tro eubc:ommitt?e, presiding.
Present: Senators Chavez (chairman of the subcommittee),
Hayden, Ellender, Robertson, Magnuson, Stennis,
Saltoneta7.1, 'Young end Knowla~d .
Senator Chavez. 1[r. Fie her, will you came forward,
please. I ander~and that you represent some residents
from the Langley-Great Falls, Virginia, area.
1dr . Fisher . That iB correct .
Senator Robertson. Yr. Chair?an, before the
protesting citizens from Fairfax testify, I think it fe
only fair that they a hould know that Mr. Dulles has dust
told ua with reference to the housing program out there --
I know some of the land owners are opposed -- that he
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contemplates no housing progra? over thero at the present
time. The present employees are all housed. At least 70
per cent of them wzll find convenient aca?ss to either a
locat ien in Alexandria or a locatioa in !'airfax, and that
there is not conte~rplatsd a big government housing
project of chickencoop type houses that would deteriorate the
land values or impinge upon those who have invested money
in handsoate homes in that area.
Rr. Fisher. Thank you, Senator Robertson.
Iiy name fe Roger Fisher. I~ am a citi.Ben resident and
property own?r of the Langley-t7rr?at Falls area, living a
couple of miles beyond Langley.
I understand you are considering tho appropriation
fer the CIA construction program building. The
authorization that has passed the Congress includes $I
rnj i11on for land acquisition, $46 ?illi~ !ar the building,
and an addition al $8.5 million for roads to gsa~t# Langley
should the CIA locate in Langley.
ape are here opposed to the additional sppropriatioa
of $SI $8.3 million whid~the Langley site involves.
kith me today are some of the citi$ens of the Langley
ar?a, Mr. Anthony Lewis, ltr, and l+tre. Samuel reel. ge
'~~'rf ~g~~gr ~~~~~ed?e~/Oc8~3 ~tb~'~Qig~~~~~~01~~r oc a t i on .
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Brs. Byrd, who ie active in the Democratic organization
of the Democratic Party. There is also Betty Newman; who
is Rspublicaa precinct captain. we certainly appreciate
the opportunity to come here. lie believ?the way the
decision has bean handled to date has ffieant that a lot of
people, both in the area and the Co~ress and I
believe in CIA do not appreciate some of the proble? involved
in that site.
The first consideration, of course, is the c?t.
Tbere~is no disagreement that it will cost at least $8.5
million of federal funds. This is dust to bring the road
out to Langley fros.the present stopping poiat in Lorcua
Senator Sllender, Is tha# road to be built in any
eteat? Bas it bean authorised?
Yr, Fisher. I wool/ gay not. I would say the
Capper-Cra?pton Act authorised a partcway includi~ a
highway on the Maryland side. There ie no epecifio
au~tharization for a highway on the Virginia side. I thin
it wi21 be boil, t eventually. ltaay res idents is the area
do want it. The prieary saving in coat, to be usre, is
tie imt~diate saving.
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Appropriations Committee. The size of the building is
known. I don't believe many people realize that this
installation will be the second largest government office
building in the United States. It will be two and a halt times
as big as the Justice Department Building. It will be
six times es big as the new State Department Buflding.
It will have room for thr?e times as many people as are
w orking in the Commerce Department building.
~y figures are ass of the 31st of v?cember of last year
for net floor space and employees involved.
This is halt the size of the Pentagon. It c ould
hold by figures that have been supplied to us, If,OOO
employees . There will be of t is a space for t hey: a t the
proposed efficiency that the CIA contemplates. I believe
lir . Dulles yesterday was unaware when I spoke with him
that this was to be the second largest government building
in the United States. General Services Administration has
given me the figures on the other large government buildings.
If you like I will submit those for the record.
Mr. Dulles. Mr. Chairman, I may state that while I
sit here and don't answer, I do not cons id?r his statement
to be accurate.
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fir. Fisher. If there ie any question on the accuracy
of the figures, the proposed figures for Qro?s square
feet of office apace are 2,300,000. Y~? have been told
that this building will be ?0 per cent efficient in
terms of net to gross, which given net square feet o!
1,610,000. We are told that CIA hopes to have an average
of 100 square feet of office apace per edplogee with the
efficiency they hope to be able to obtain, not that
they eontempiate putting in 16,000 scar, but they hope to
obtain efficiency of IOO square feet per employe?. That
makes 16,100 ea~,ployees could be accoa~odated in the
building according to figures appearing 1n the House
Appropriations Committee.
Tr~gether with the installation is the of
roads. The roads are coming nut to Langley, It ie
proposed that the four lane highway be extended to
Langley and stop at the CIA installation at this t3aye,
The state has promised to increase and provide state ~und?
to improve the road from where the parkway crosses 123
out to Langley. This t?eans we will Jere a e~erhighway
stopping right at Langley. Beyond that there are two small
two later roads, one going through the village Of IicLean,
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one 18 foot wide pavement winding over the hills to Qrreat
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:'ails. It seems to me that the provision for roads le
zjewhere n?ar adequate. I t you are going to provide
reads, we n?ed more roads. ~Ie don't think Congress ~:
4~ing to give us a complete highway program hoar the area to
cave with the arobleooe generated.
gt strikes me that the .pentagon with the Sbirley
Highway built from the 14th street Bridge to th? Pentagon
with no new bridge, and that is not a highway, the roads,
water and sewage that ie provided is provided for the
building. It is not provided for the development that we
believe and the exp?rts believe will develop around the
flow we turn to what will this produce. The National
Capital Pla tming Carami~: eion has recommended to .CIA the areas
to be con?~ idered. In reonmmending the areas , the Planning limited ita~ei! to ones with existing urban
development now servec9 by utilities.
The experts who have considered this problem hav? a
statement from ltr. ~tobineon, i~irector of the Northern
vdirginia Regional Planning Commiesian, who statue,
''The utilities needed to a?rvice an installation of
this sire are not as yet aaailable, and ma~a9 highway
i'$~~~a~i~rt~e~~~tp1~~i4~08/v1~~~ 1~Pt1iTe0?~5t10r~1 ~r~a00 ev?n ii'
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the George ~lashingtan Memorial Parkway were to be extended
tc this sit?. bast of the roads in this area have 40 and ~~-
loot rights of way, which could never eonceivably
carry the traffic load t~ and from the building at rush
hours without mafor imprQVements, and the ?xpend.ture of
mare funds than ara likely to be available to all of
airla~ County for many years. The entare statement will
be sube~itted for the record.
On a plannirsg problem oY thi? kind we accept sh# the
views of the erperta that there will be an impact. The
second largest governor?nt ollice building, a super higb~-8Y
ending at the area, that regardless of where the CIA
ec~ployees live, there will be large speculation, large
scale building, in the area,/saUix#hs type buildings and
CIA has tall us that they hav? no special reason,
no secret reason far wanting Langley. Their ba?.ic
consideratians in site selectisan are convenience to the
agencies they serve and convenience to their es~ployees.
As for access to the agencies they ~serve, the v~inkler
tact in AZe~andria is about four and a half miles from
the Pentagon with vahich #iuyxe we are told two thirds
Appro~PProx-i~~~~el~Ot~~r'a~1~3RR~i~T19B~.1R~6~~-3~entagon 1s
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carried on. This tract is 7 miles Gr more over a
propped highway that is not yet built,
As for access to the employees, some 3fl per
cent of them live is Virginia already. CIA will sot say
that Langley is any mare convenient than Alexandria. T'bey
will ?ay after they get the road in it will not be much
ditferenc?. Certainly i# is more convenient now on the
t~inkier tract.
!fie fsr the other employees who live in the
District and Maryland, this building will take three years
to build and get the road to it. I assume that CIA like
other or.ganiaatians has sums turnaver of itr employees. I
do not know the figures because they have declined to tell
us about it but assuming that the average employee works
there five years, taking secretaries and things into account,
that would man s 2 ? per cent turnover every year, By the
end of three years they would have about 8B per cent or
some 48 per cent, aosuming the split is even for the ones who
stay and leave, new employees.
T/hgre do those employees live and build their hom?s?
there they decide to locate will depetad upon where CIA
locates. I submit that the site to locate in this area
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because of an assumed greater convenience to the employees in
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~~aryland and the District i? a great mistake. BY the time
Cabin John Bridg? and highway is built the employe?a would bs
rzoro c?nv?nient to a YPinkler tract lY that site id
'here has been a good deal o! discussion a? to the
al.tennative use that would be made of this land i! CIA
c?oeA not locate on it. We have a goad proposal !or that,
i~=~ say the Congress has already authorimed the
a,ab~ acquisition of a laxge part if not all of this ~ land
for parr purposes under the Capper-Crompton Act. t-m have
disauesed this with the National Capital Planning Comr?:i~sion
staff . ~Te have propc~ed to them that this property be
taken over for park purposes i! CIA does not locate an it,
and that proposal will be considered in the National Capital
:Flossing Couissian at their meeting nos scheduled !or the
Bret week in August.
I would like to let the members of the committee
Iaak at some o! the photographs o! the land which we think
i.s idealiq suited for park purpasee ae contrasted with
~1~e ~aecond largea# government office building.
This property has a mile and a hat! of live front.
~t is the only piece o~government property on the
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river above Chain Bridge on the Virginia shore that could
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be spade into a large park.
~Pe are told that po other governszent agency can bu21d
this sloes to ~Iashington without special approval o!
Arthur Flemming on the security and dispersal regulations.
If i3A does not bui]8 on this property, tber? is every rsason
to believe that all the property not currently required
by the public roads inetallatic~n there, which is small,
apd by tba small military installation which is nearby,
could be a park. ~'? think that would be a better purpose
for the land. There is no economy to use fens riverfront
property for an office building rather than a park. You
might as well use 'Park Avenue land for a warehouse rather
than for what it is properly suited.
This park could be a park for the whole Northexn
Virginia area, and a riverfront park for the There is
no comparable park currently available.
ire must recognime that there are residents in the
area who want it out there. The commercial interests,
the Chamber of Commerce want it out there. The Board
of supervisors has voted inviting CIA to come to this _eite.
There are ditferenaes within our own county. I think
that when you are appraising these dii'ferences, you must
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take into account that there is no difference of views as
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to the atteraative location now being cone idered or. the
~hiriey Highway, the ~igkler tract.
I leave a fitter trcm our Congressman to you, which
he asked rye #a del.iv?r to you. i would Iike to road trace
Cangresscaan Broyhill, and submit it for the record. He
had hoped to be here hisselt, but has not had the
"Hear Senator Chavez
"I understand that your subcommittee ie ao~sidering
tuncis !or a new headquarters tar tl~e CIA. Tact 'riro of the
sites n~ being studied by CIA are in oy district. I
have spent a good deal of tioae looking into the advantages
and disadvantages of these two sites. I have discussed
both sites with ?a~r individual citizens as le~cai public
o~ticials. chile there has been no ob3ectlo~. whatever
from air group o! citizens to the ~inklsr tract, there
are many citisersi itz th? Laagiey area who do object to
its being located there. In addition, iron the
stmipoint at tlae local taciiities and improvements, w? have
been assured by the Alexandria City Council o~ complete
cooperation in providing the same. In the Langley area mare
extensive highway ioprovem?nte will be nsc~sary which
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will require a great deal more cooperation trop the Faf rtax
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County authorities,and in particular trams the state
~zighway depsrtment of Virginia. A? you can see, th? purpa~e
t=f mq letter is to give you the benefit of local sentiment
as i see it. There are many cttimena, including the local
g~varnment authorities, who favor the Langley alto. There
Are a+any other reasons which CIA may have which would
favor one side more than the other. Nevertheless, I do urge
favorable consideration of this appropriation. Regardl?ss
di which site is selected, I believe it will b? an asset to the
l~~orthern Virginia community, and wi11 be welcomed by ama~ority
ti~v people."
I put Nr. Broyhill on the spot, and I said if it
ccamee down betty?er: these two site?' which one would you
prefer? He authorised me to tell you that it it comes to a
choice between the two, he would prefer the ilidtler site,
becaus? of the local opposition. Ke thinks the! planning
problems could be overcome by diligent effort. They are
greater in the Langley area. It it comes to a choice,
he would prefer the Winkler tract.
He does not sent it thought that he is opposed to the
appropriation. Re wants it to came to his district, and
that is his primary consideration.
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~enator tres. s there any thing further. 1Ne have
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savers 1 ottsar w itnassss .
. Fisher. Ito, sir, I would like to eubeit a
statement for the racard , and a few ].attars , and i! tlsere
ire no quaatiorya, that will be all.
senator Cbavew. Th? statement will be inserted in
the record.
(~'he state~rant referred to follows : )
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Mr. Neel. My name is Samuel E. Neel. I live
approxima tely one quarter of a mile from where this
installation may be, I think w e ought to be careful to
state to you gentlemen that we, of course, recognize the
necess ity for CIA, as they have told you, for having some
kind of a centralized installation both fr an the point of
view of saving money, and from the pointi of view of
their convenience. What we are really sailing to you
gentlemen is that while we recognize their need for a building
and, recognize the necessity for their appropriation, we '
object to the location of tie building in an area such as
Langley, and we believe that Senator Ellender, you can
save the tax payers $8.5 million this year, and still
take care of CIA's needs, and still take care of the
nature of our community by authorizing the appropriation
for the building but by not authorizing any extra so far
as roads are concernedo
I would like to tell you gentlemen a ~ic~#~$ little
bit about the area where we live. This site and my house
is approximately three miles from the Potomac River in
Fairfax County. It is 8 miles from the White House.
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There is only one highway which serves the area. We have
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no sewers in this area. W~: have our own sceptic tanks o
We have no water facilities anywhere around tl~e site.
We have our own wells. That is one of the problems of the
area, that the water table is dropping. There is
no bus service of any consequence to our area . There are
two busses in the morning that serve this area wher. e
this installation is, and two busses the other way in
the evening. There are roughly 2500 registered
voters in the entire precinct where this property is
located . In other words , you are talking about a very
rural kind of area.
I ~rould like to show you an aerial photograph of the
property at which it is proposed to put this installation.
The area owned by the Bureau of Public Roads is outlined
in red.
Mr. Fisher. Here is the area in red that/tbe Public
Roads tract, a mile and a half frontage on the river.
Senator Ellender. Where would the contemplated
road pass?
Mr. Neel. The Mtimorial Parkway would cross 123 and
wind around in this way, It would come to a dead stop at the
government property,
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Se~~ator Ellender. You mean under the present plans.
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Mr. Neel. Yes, sir.
Senator Ellender. Isn't it contemplated to have a
road go further up to Great Falls?
Mr. Noel. There are plans to have it go up to
Great Falls.
Senator Ellender. There is no objection to that, is
there, from the citiuens?
Mr . Neel . No. The idea of a road along the park
area we are all for. It is contemplated, and the CIA
states they can only go to this site. If in addition to
the money for the parkway the State of Virginia spends
whatever money is necessary to make 123, which is now a
two late highway right past where we live into a four
lane divided highway, at least from where the Memorial
Parkway would cross up to this fork, the highway
department recently stated they had no such money in t$e
foreseeable future. Thy have recently stated they could
probably find some money to do that for this part of the
road. Nothing is said about enlarging Chain Bridge or
the highway down here.
So you can see what kind of terr itory you are
dealing with.. It is a strictly residential areao There
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is not a single commercial installation from the Chain
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Bridge to 1icLean, Virgiif.ia, which is up around this
corner, except two minor filling stations located along
this highway. This is like some parts of Westchester.
County ands some parts of the peninsula south o f San
Francisco. So what we are talking about is the
installation of a Pentagon kind of facility in an area which
is strictly residential.
Senator Know land . The thing that- appeals to me
from this ma,~ you have just shown us there, if it goes
clear over to the river front,f?r a highly sensitive agency
like DIA, particularly if we got into a period of ,
imminence of wa.~, wouldn't they almost have to close off any
public access even if the highway was built to Great
Falls? They could not have the general public traipsing
through this highly sensitive agency.
Mr. Neel. I don't know. But I think it is a
perfectly good worry, and it would worry us, Senator.
Sonator Robertson. Mr. Chairman, I am soxry to
interrupt, but I made an appointment with I~avernor
Eccles in my office at 12 o`clock assuming that this
hearing would be over by then.
Before my friend from Fairfax came in, I announced
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I was not takiug airy position for or against Dither their
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site or Alexandria; I am sorry I have to leave, but I
have kept Governor Eccles waiting for 12 minutes
Senator Chavez. We have only one more witness on
CIA. That is the Mayor of Alexandria.
Mr, Neel. If I may continue, when tklis project
first became public information that CIA might possibly
locate in Virginia, this was in March of this year the
citizons association of McLoan, Virginia, and bear in
mind that McLean, Virginia, is a cross roads unincorporated
community, there is no town out there, it is simply a
group of stores around a little crossroad ~3r :a mile from
this property, that is the only shopping facility in the
entire area. Langley is simply the name for that fork
in the road. There used to be a post office many years
ago at Langley, Tt was moved upto McLean, There is no
town o.r anything like that at Langley.
When we found out that this installation which
we think will have such a tremendous impact and change
the character of our neighborhood was contemplated, we
invited all the planning organizations, and Mr. Dulles'
organization through Col, White, the Fairfax County
Board of Supervisors to come to an open meetin;; and
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oche rsaatter, Col. White said Ile would be unable
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to be present because he could not discuss this matter
Tne Board of Supervisors were not present, but the
planning organizations were present. At that meeting
we had what is for us a relatively large number of people
presen We had 400 some odd members of the citizens
association living in the area, and some 190 were present.
They voted 105 to 80 to oppose the CIA location at Langley.
In other wards, we didn't want them at Langley. We made
that Known to the CIA and to all ottE ~ agencies shortly
after that meeting. I would like to file for the record
a copy of our letters.
(The letters referred to follow:)
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1[r. Neel. Shortly thereafter the Fairfax County
Supervisors passed a resolution which invited CIA to
come to Fairfax County only if the Federal Government
would provide necessary water, sewer and road facilities.
That was imposed, and of course the GIA promptly withdrew
their decision to g~ to Langley.
Most people forgot about the matter until the Board
of Supervisors passed another resolution which in effect
said we would be glad to have you come to ?airfax County
and if Langley is the only place .in Fairfax County you
will come, we, the Supervisors, will be glad to have ~c~u~
in Langley, and we will try to take care of the incidental
costs of sewers, roads and water. How they will do it is
great conjecture. We residents who pay the taxes for the
co:~t of the.~e things wonder if we have the anoney to do it.
After that meeting and .after the Board of Supervisors
had passed that latter resolution, the interest of CIA in
this site picked up.
par point is this. If it is absolutely necessary
to put a ,junior grade pentagon in our back yards, we
as good citizens, if t~.ere was a special reason, though
it would change the character of our community, we would
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go along with it. But there is no such compelling
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We do not see why this committee or the Congress ought
to spend additional money to allow CIA to go to a place
where the local residents don't want it and where they can
get adequate sites elsewhere.
I have no brief for the YVinkler site. I am not employed
in any capacity to represent that site. It is available.
The Shirley Highway goes right by it. It is closer to the
Pentagon than this site. It is closer to the White House
than this site. The traffic pattern i~a establ fished . The
cost to purchase that ~Yinkler tract would only be $175,000.
The cos: to fix the connection up to the roadway would
be another ~ couple of hundred thousand dollars. Less
than $400,000 would set up the CIA in a site thatis
perfectly adequate.
We cannot see why this Congress ought to author izs
$8.5 million dollars to do a job that $400,000 will
do when the citizens of the local area think that the
whole character of the ~~ neighborhocrl '~vould be changed
by this kind of installation.
Senator Chavez. We want to hear as soon as possible
from the Mayor of Alexandria to tell us how good the
Winkler site is ,
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Senator Stennis. Mr. Chairman, may I interpose at
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this point that I understand some parties are here
:from the area that ~Nant this building at Langley. We did
not get a chance to hear them before the Armed Services
Committee, and I feel some obligation to them. May I ask
that they be heard briefly at this time?
Senator Chavez. They will be heard,
Senator Stennis. I thought you were going to another
Senator Chavez. We can hear fro m Mr. Townsend now
before we hear from the Mayor.
Mr. Neel. May I have the authority to put
various matters in the record, please?
Senator Chavez. Yes.
Mr. Neel. Thank you very much.
(The information ref erred to f ollows~)
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Senator Chavez. Mr. Townsend.
Mr. Townsend. Mr. Chairman, Mr. Wills, the
president of the County G}lamber , is here and is better
qualified than I to speak for the Chamber. Could
I mention L}lere in reference to the schedule of witnesses that
Lhe spokesman for the county government is here, the
county executive, who is especially authorized by the County
Board o_f Supervisors to speak for the county; That is Mr.
Carlton Massey.
There is Mr . W. C. Wills, the president of the
Fairfax County Chamber of Commerce.
There is the leadin editor and publisher of the
paper scrvin~~ the McLean area here, Mr. Richard Smith,
and Mr. O. V. Carper, a life long resident of the area.
till of these people are enthusiastic for the La~ley site
for CIA.
Senator Cilavoz. I was wondering if those gentlemen
had written statements.
Mr. Townsend. Yes, sir. Mr. Massey and Mr. Wills
and all have written statements .
Senator Chavez. We would like to have them inserted
in the record.
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Mr. Townsend, They come here on their own account.
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You called for Mr. Wills, and I should explain that he is
speaking in my stead, I believe Mr, Massey was planning
to speak first, and then Mr. Wills would follow,
Mr. Massey, Mr, Chairman and gemtlemcn of the
committed, I have a very brief prepared statement.
Senator Chavez. I would appreciate it if you would
insert it in the record, and then higillig' lit it to the
M.r, Massey. All right, sir.
(The statement referred to follows : )
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Mr. Massey. I want to first say that there
appears to have developed some political jealousy or
discussion concerning two sites. I want to assure you that
the officials of Fairfax County are not here for the
purpose of arguing between two sites. We have made no
statements concerning the Winkler tract and intend
not to make any such statement. We do want to call
to your attention certain facts in connection with the
tract at Langley, and very briefly the presentations
which you have heard this morning, and certain material
which has been published in the local newspapers within
the past two days -- I think one of yoar own members
has somewhat challenged -- is the fact that to locate this
building on this site would cost the taxpayers $13 million
moxe than some other site. It would seem perfectly obvious
to me that not one penny of that expenditure would be for
the purpose of serving the CIA.
The oonstruction o~ the George Washington Memorial
Parkway has been a planned project for some time. The work
to be done by the State Department of Highways which they
have agreed to do in the amount of some three or four
hundred thousand dollars or less is a project which they
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have planned previous to this time ,
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Senator Chavez. That was to be located whether CIA
l~ca ted there or elsewhere.
Mr?. Massey. It a_s definitely Manned to bc, regardless,
and more than that. This is just one part of it. The
r.ost to the county of some $250,000 to $300,000 for sowage
disposal is not a contr ibution. It is not a cost to the
taxpayers. It is simply a financin program to
provide a service as is do.~e to any other situation in
the county, a -xl would be sell supportinb by virtue of its
revenue. We/~a~~$el not agreed to furnish CIA free sewer
service forever. We have agreed to put in an installation
and they become a customer as any other person would
become, paying their share of the .cost.
The Board of County Supcrvi~ors has consistently
welcomed CIA to this location. They have agreed to do
these things because in their opinion it is desirable
for the county, With the prof statement which I have here --
Senator Saltonstall. Let me asl~ one gLestion, please.
Does this contemplate a four lane, two width highway up
the ?till ou the present site of that road which goes uphill
there now to McLean?
M:?. Massey. The proposal that the highway has agreed
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to I assume is what you mean.
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Senator Salto?~stall. That .road will be widened?
Mr. Massoy. It will be widened from the proposed
intersection with the, proposed George Washington
Memorial Parkway past the CIA p~?oposed location, not to
Chain Bridge.
Senator Saltonstall. Up to the split of the road.
Mr. Massoy. That is correct, up Lo what we call the
Langley intersection.
Senator Saltonstall. So that would be a change that
would probably not be carried forward if the CIA building
did not go there .
Mr . Massey. No, sir , that is not correct , That is
part of the 123 highway that you heard about this morning
that the state highway department has already made a
survey on and plan to widen to a four lane road. They have
not planned to do it this year or next year, which is
also .true of the Goorge Washington highway,
Senator Ellender. How would the erection of this
building affect the; continuation of the buildinb of this
memorial highway to its destination?
Mr. Massey. I frankly can't answer that question
because I am not familiar with the detailed location.
Senator Ellender. Would it pass throu~.;h the Langley
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M:'. Massey, It would pass through the property
now owned by the Bureau of Public Roads.
Senator Know land. That is one thing I would like to
clear up, Mr. Chairman. It is a ~~uestion I raised before.
First of all, one of the seasons, as I understand it, for
the CIA wanting to get at one location is for security;
I son see where possibly they could work out so me kind
of arrangement in even a troubled peacetime to permit
traffic ~ to pass through there. But knowing what we do
in most of our installations, $ military posts and others,
when it comes to wartime, are they going to be satisfied
with haying free public access of thousands of automobiles
and tourists and others passing through the CIA place,
when they are having people oome in and out w hick they
would prefer not to havethe general public having knowledge
of them?
Mr. Dulles. Senator, this highway, the George Washington
Memorial~Highway, when constructed, would be no nearer our
building than the Shirley Highway would be. We would have
means of cutting off this highway completely from the
area where our building was. There would be no difficulty
as far as that is concerned. We have to have a major highway
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going somewhere near our installation to get our people
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there. There would then be access roads from this major
highway into our ~x own tract. Tk~y would be short. But
we would be completely isolated from the road by
adequate provision.
Senator Ellender. Would it be necessary to change
the p~~esent plans of erecting this highway?
Mr. Dulles. No, sir.
Senator Knowland. Do you need the entire Langley
tract for the CIA installation?
Mr. Dulles. No, we would not need the entire Langley
site. We did not intend to take it. The Langley site
is over 300 acres. W e would probably use around 100 acres
of that .
Senator Knowland. I think it is import~~t~to clarify
the record on that point.
Se..~ator Ellender. Would your 100 acres have to
border on this parkway?
Mr. Dulles. A part w aul~ border on the parkway.
Senator Ellender. Would it have to? Could you not
select it to be away from the highway altogether?
Mr. Dulles. We would be able to isolate ourselves
from the highway . For example, these other tracts on the
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Shirley Highway, Senator, we have exactly the same problem.
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There is a great highway which will run within 100 yards
of our building.
Senator Kn~wland. Would you ~~g~~~ be on the riverfront
or away from it?
Mx. Dulles. Away from the River.
Senator Saltonstall. This Washington Memorial highway
is the new highway through the parkway that will go along
by the river. That mill be a new road built up as far
as the CIA building at the present time.
Mr. Dulles. And eventually go further.
Senator Saltonstall. Route 123 which is a narrow
two width road at the present time is an existing roadway.
As I understand the county executive, that has already
been planned to be made into a four width road.
Mr. Massey. That i~ vorrect.
Senator Saltonstall. Up as far as this triangle
where the road goes left into McLean and right to Great
Falls .
Mr. Massey, It is planned even beyond that.
Senator Saltonstall. My question is this. If you
build that into a four lane highway up to that intersection,
What are you going to do beyond that? Is there any
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contemplation? If you have the CIA coming out there,
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with the government reservation on the right, which is
already fenced and everything, what is going to happen
beyond that Split in the road?
Mr. Massey. Yn other words, beyond the proposed
four laving in connection with this pro,j ect?
Senator Saltonstall. That is correct. You will dump
a lot of traffic into two narrow roads.
Mr. Massey. Yes. Let me explain it in this
fashJOn. The state not only has planned this section
for a four lane road, but has proposed improvement to 123
on through for miles beyond this point. This is one
section discussed because of this particular situation.
Senator Saltonstall. May I ask one of the CIA
personnel, which road would the employees of the CIA
come into the building on?
Mr. Pforzheimer. The majority will be using the
parkway except those who come from Virginia and who
would be coming in on 123.
Senator Saltonstall.. So the majority of the number
of employees that come into the CIA building would
come along the Washington Memorial Parkway and not come
up the hill.
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Mr. Pforzheimer. That is right.
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Senator Saltonstall. On present Route 123?
Mr . Pf orzheimer . That is correct .
Senator Chavez. Is there anything further, Mr. Massey?
Mr. Massey. Mr. Chairman, I think if I may file for
the record two or three actions for the record and leave
copies of the statement I have prepared, I think I have
tin fished.
Senator Chavez. Very well. They may b~ ine?erted
in the record at this point.
(The information referred to follows:)
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JULY 15, 1955
Mr. Chairman and (;entlemen of the Committee:
My name is Carlton C . Massey, County Executive of the
County of Fairfax, Virginia. I am appearing before you at the
direction of the Board of County Supervisors of Fairfax County,
Virginia, for the purpose of presenting to you. in person the position.
of the Board in connection with consideration by the Central
Intelligence Agency of a site near Langley in Fairfax County,
Virginia, for the erection of its office l~~uilding.
The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors has consistently
welcomed the Central Intelligence Agency to locate its office
building in Fairfax County and has expressed this welcome by
formal action on at least three occasions .
On March 18, 1955, the Board passed a motion inviting the
C . I . A . to locate in Fairfax County .
On May 4, 1955, a resolution was adopted by this Board
cordially inviting the C.I., A? to use the U.S.Bureau of Public Roads
property at Langley in Fairfax County, Virginia, for its future
offices, and assuring the cooperation of the County Government
in all matters under its responsibility
On May 18, 1955, a resolution was adopted by this Board
of County Supervisors giving assurance that within two years the
County would make available sewage disposal facilities to the
proposed site at Langley with no part of the initial cost to be borne
by the .Federal Government a.nd subject to the customary connection
charges and quarterly service charges as have been or may be
established for similar service in the County,
Officials of the County have conferred with officials of the
Virginia Department of Highways and. the Governor of the Commonwealth
of Virginia far the purpose of determining to what extent this State
agency may be able to provide improved highway facilities to serve
this proposed installation.
The Fairfax County Planning Commission has cooperated
in connection with this matter by making its staff available for the
preparation of information in connection therewith.
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Approved For Release 2004/08/31 :CIA-RDP63T00245R000100160001-2
At a regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of
Fairfax County, Virginia, held in the 8o~;rd Room in the County
office Building at Fairfax, Virginia, on Wednesday, Ma.y 4, 1955,
d t which meeting a i l members of sa i ;~ Board vaere p reser~ t an d
voting, the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
dE iT RESt3lVED by the Board of Caunty Supervisors of Fairfax
County, Virginia, as fcnliows:
Repre:~enting what we feel to be the preponderant sentiment
of Fairfax County, we most cordial ly invite ts~e C~yrttral Intell i-~
genes Agency of the Federal Go~jernment to use the lJ. S. Bureau
of Public Reads property at Langte~ for its tutu re offices in
Fairfax County, Virginia, We reLognize the excepio?~ail~F Migh
standards of character and citize~~shia of C!A sta~'f Enemb~;rs
and personnel, and we shall welcome those ~nen and women
to our community. You are assured that the Fairfax Cau~~ty
Government stands ready to cooperate fully in ail gr-atters under
its own responsibilities. We again invite the CIA wholeheartedly
to Fairfax Caunty,
BE IT Fi1RTHER RESOLVcD that copies of this r-vsolution be
forwarded to the honorable Allen W. Dulles, Director of Central
Intelligence, and the Honorable Joel T. i3rayhill, +Ve~;ber, House
of Representatives.
A Cary - Tcste:
Clerk of said Board.
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At a regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of
~~~~ i rf ax Cc~un t y, Virginia, he 1 d i n the Eoar d Roam i n the County
`;~f f i ce iiu i 1 d i ng at F3 i rf ax, Virginia, on Wednesday, May 18, 1955,
.,t which meeting all members of said 3oard were present and
eating, the follow(ng resolution was adopted:
:~E tT RESOLVED by the E3oard of County Supervisors of Fairfax
County, Virginia: