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dEP 4 - - ? Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240006-0 8 August 1960 MF1I BANUTT.i FOFE ? Acting Assistant Director, Research and Reports FROM: Acting Chief, Geographic Research SUBJECT% GRA Activity Report for the month of July 3.960 A. Major Research and Technical Support Ac, t 1. The Geography Division completed and disseminated eigl":t Geographic Support Projects- GP 60-81:L, The Katat , was don or a high-priority, short-deadline basin as a component o a briefing being prepared for Democratic Presidential Nominee Kennedy at RyanniR, Port on 23 July and for the National Security Council meeting on 25 July; it consisted of a two-page report on the viability of the former Pelgim Congo and of its mineral producing areas. Two of the other GP reports were done in support of the GM Task Force, and one was a contribution to the OCI Daily. 9. The Cartography Division accepted requests for 133 maps and charts and completed M. Although requests were slightly less than the previous month, over-all demands upon the Division continued rt a high average rate and did not reflect the anticipated suvmer decline due to vacations. D/GC is currently on schedule for F'! 1961 eonO tments for the NIS program. Five maps on the Far East Area were prepared for two separate Iatioral Estimates; four maps accompanied SNIE 43-60 on the East China Area, and one map on Communist-China: R was done for PIE 13-60. 3. Production of maps on Africa assumed major importance during the month. High-priority support was given to Department of Stato requests for a new administrative map of Africa, a general reference mp of the new Republic of the Congo, and an ethnic groups may on the Congo. In addition, a m:p of South Africa and one on the Horn of Africa were produced for the Office of National Estimates. A number of Africa country maps being prepared for OCI Handbooks were processed through reproduction to till urgent requests from the May Library for up-to-date maps cn Africa. Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240006-0 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240006-0 8UBJE,"Ts GRA Activity Report for the Month of July 1960 4? An c~.:sperimental printing of the first all-color terrain map was published and, is available through the map Library Division (Map #29053). This may on Cuba represents the Cartography Division's efforts to improve graphic representation of the earth's surface, as well as the technical quality of maps having this type intelligence information. 5- The May Library Division forwarded, 29,071 items to requesters in response to 1,779 requests for maps, related geographic publications, and reference information. Requests for maps on the Belgian Congo and for Africa as a whole were particularly heavy during the month. Signifi- cant items procured during the month included: Part 2 of the two-part "Moscow Telephone Directory", 1960, and a new Haack wall map of Chime, B. Planning and Develoi ant 1 Dicsc i . uss oxas with 25X 1 Aga 25X1A9a 25X1A8a nave resulted in a request for ge c support on Ethiopia which may be followed by oasts f re o 25X1A9a Subcommittee rec .a draft report of tae ndatioms for the revision of the Chapter IX form-1t. The Subcommittee members will comment on the draft report by 15 Aug3t, prior to its submission to the MIS Committee for consideration. q r support on other non-Bloc areas. The following outline will. guide D/GG political level GG in its analysis: Current economi,~ opments; physical geography and strategic significance of the country; social and cultural groups in the population; major com- modities and trade patterns; and weaknesses in the economy. 2? The Geography Division assisted in the p 41dan of a reply by the Assistant to the DD/I (Planning) to Chief, concerning a t of the Army request for regional studies to be prepared in support of unconventional, warfare Planning. The request, a very broad and generaliZed one, had, been directed to DD/P and thence referred to DD/I for comment. 3. DD/P is to transmit a new um of request folly ri sg Chief, D/GG?s conversation with WE, to reaffirm the sra;- tional need for further WE studies, a list of countries to follow 25X1 X4 and the order of priority. 4. The NIS Chapter IX Coordinatevp Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240006-0 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240006-0 25X1A5a1 25X1A5a1 25X1A5a1 SUBJECT: GRA Activity Report for the Month of July 1960 5. A letter was received from the Director of the Institute of Geology, Geophysics, and Geography, of the Rumanian Academy, accepting the proposal of a map exchange with the Department of State, through the office of the Coordinator for Maps. This is the first such exchange with a Rumanian agency. , 6. A back-up paper was prepared, by GG/X for CSS on possible Soviet plans to place submerged instruments in the Gulf Stream for long periods as part of a scheme to establish recoverable positions for missile launching operations. The initial paper prepared, by OCI did not utilize this contribution, but the drafts are now being stufted by the Navy and a decision is to be made on whether a separate article is to be prepared for the OCI Weekly. 7. The delivered preliminary sketches of ll of the pee a purpose maps which they are preparing under con- tract for th C ography Division. Sketches of the other 6 will be Prepared by upon receipt of additional instructions from D/C, which will be worked out in conference with the mmsq Coimninications. 8. Planning for the exploitation of materials on West China continued, in anticipation the forthcoming visit of early in September. 9. A new project requiring the preparation of maps to acccaapanzt 0RB Requirements Directives was requested of D/GC in July. Because of the workload, no firm commitment for supporting this new series was made. However, sufficient man-hours were committed to process the initial requests in order to evaluate the over-all effect of this project. Until this study is made, the Division is reluctant to accept the project on a scheduled basis. 10. A concerted effort is being made by the Procurement Branch, D/GL, to build up stocks of maps on Africa, particularly the Ccago, for the Reference Collection. 11. The major effort of the Special Collection Support Branch, D/GL, went into continued support for TDY in Europe. 25X1 A9a Other activities included the c tion of preliminary drafts of target lists for the European Satellites, primarily for DD/P use; the preparation of support papers of various types,-in connection with coordination and planning with 1)I)/P components; the compilation of biographic data for Biographic Register files; publication of West European Mapping organization Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240006-0 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240006-0 SUBJECTS GRA Activity Report for the Month of July 1960 orts; and conference exploitation through CD/00, OCR/WD and 25X1 A9a Requirements were submitted to CD/00 and OCR/= for easese.ments for U.S. participants in the International Boil Congress ihich will be held in Madison, Wisconsin, in August 25X1X4 12. The following is a summary of Geographic Attache activity for Julys Dr. Bradley completed his Australian mission during July, is now in New Zealand, and plane next to return to Tokyo via Hong Kong. Dr. Chapman coupleted a mission to Bengal and returned to New Delhi on 16 July; he is scheduled to undertake a one-week mission to East Punjab on 23 August. Dr. Held spent the month in Beirut, where he concentrated on preparing reports. Dr. Niemela conducted a map procurement mission in Finland, and attended meetings of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics in Helsinki. Mr. Rogers has been in Washington for medical treatment during July; he will be on home leave during August, and is scheduled to return to Washington in September. Mr. Rugg spent the month in Bonn. 13. During August, Dr. Held, Dr. Niemela, and Mr. Rugg will attend the International Geographical Union meetings in Stockholm, and will consult there with Dr. Burt, who has already arrived in Stockholm to direct the setting up of the United States Exhibit prior to the Congress. C. Significant Outside Contacts and Activities 1. Chief, Cartography Division, as Chairman of the Foreign Names Committee and Agency representative on the Board of Geographic Names, 25X1 X7 s p e n t f i v e days during t h e m o n t h attending Joint c 25X1 X7RD very thorough review was made of world-wide R000200240SO iteration and transcription systems. The results of the Conference were hi gA fRISseful and matuaL y beneficial. 2. GG/X, prepared a proposal to the Secretary, U 51B Committee on Exchanges, for exchange of a U.S. scholarship in oceanography fqr a Soviet scholarship in geodesy at the Novosibirsk Institute of Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography as offering a potential net intelligence gain for the United States. The proposal, together with others, will be weighed by the Scientific Intelligence Committee. 25X1X4 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240006-0 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240006-0 25X1X7 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A6d SUBJECT: GRA Activity Report for the Month of July 1960 1. A meeting of the NIS Chapter IX Subcommittee was held on 14 July to establish the Chapter IX schedule for FY 1962, review the forecast for FY 1963, and outline a forecast for FY 1964. The schedules and forecasts have been forwarded to the NIS Committee for approval. 5. D/GG, participated in a series of meetings intended to clarify and solidify the ORB position concerning proposed changes in the services to be provided by FDrD and JPBS. 6. has reviewed the suggested list for the distribution o, e o waning At4N of Soviet AdmLtnietrative Maw and supplied the ESR Branch, D/GG, with suggestions for minor changes to meet the requirements of 00. 7. Two members of the Near East/Africa Branch, D/GG, met with the CIA Librarian and Mr. Conrad C. .Reining, newly appointed head of the new African Section, Library of Congress. 8. Mr. Henry Dunlap, USIA Program Coordinator for Africa, was interviewed by GG/N on USIA plans for Africa. 9. Map Library Division, met with Mr. Alexander and Mr. De Wald, ANS, to discuss the coordination of information on mapping in Communist China. 10. Briefings by the Special Collection Support Branch, D/GL, included those of a newly assigned EE/H Case Officer for map require- 25X1A9a mints, who was briefed on Hungarian topographic maps., requirements end collection suDnort functions Drovided by the Branch: and of ter was briefed on Map Library collection programs Eud. 25X1 A6d requirements relating to CD/00 operations. Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240006-0 25X1X1 25X1A9a 25X1A9a Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240006-0 SELECT: GRA Activity Report for the Month of July 1960 11. Personnel from OCR and the Records Center were briefed by the Reference Branch, D/GL, on holdings and arrangements of the ORB Vital Records Map Library. The briefing included the illustration of the use of various types of material filed at the Center. D. Miscellaneous GG/R, returned from a seven-week Area Fami]iax 9griP to Iran, Turkey, Lebanon, and Jordan. 4. left on July 1a4,o-week period to assist DD/P in a special ning Operation at The following organizational changes occurred in the Cartography Division during the month: With the abolishing of the Cartographic Lab Section, has been designated Assistant for Cartographic 25X1 Aga Research and transferre to the Office of the Chief, GC/C. - Cartographer, has been transferred from the Cartographic sea 25X1 Aga Section to the Drafting Section, GC/C, and C. designated Supervisor, Camposing Sect. p ,1 a Distribution: 1.- AD/RR 1 - Ch/E 1 - St/A 4 - D/GG 1 - St/I 3 _ D/ 1-St/I/R /P 2 - Ch/G 1 - St . ORR:Ch/G:RJV:,mc/4797(5 August 1960) Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240006-0 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240006-0 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240006-0 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240006-0 Month of July 1960 A. Major Research and Technical. Support Activity Summary of Cartographic Production and Accomplishments: In July the Division completed 129 maps and charts and accepted requests for 133 from the various components of the Agency and the Department of State. Completions during the previous month of June totaled 132. Although requests were less than the previous month, over-all demands upon the Division continued at a high average rate and did not reflect the anticipated summer decline due to vacations. However, with so many Area personnel attending we 25X1 X4 can expect a decline in production in August. Production of maps on Africa assumed major importance during July. High priority support was given to Department of state requests for a new administrative map of Africa, a general reference map of the new Republic of the Congo and an ethnic groups map on the Congo. In addition a map of South Africa and one on the Horn of Africa were produced for the Office of National Estimates. Also, on urgent requests from the Map Library for up-to-date maps on Africa, a number of country maps being prepared for OCI Handbooks were processed through reproduction for Library use. The month was also noteworthy for the completion of numerous NIB maps, particularly the base maps which are used by contributory agencies to the NIS program and for which D/GC has primary rerponsibility. In addition to 7 final maps, the Division completed 2 regular standard bases, 5 page size bases, 4 Chapter 11 bases, 2 section cover maps, and 1 Chapter I cover map. The Division is currently on schedule for Ff '61 commitments for the program- An experimental printing of the first all-color terrain map was published during the month and is available through the Map Library (map #29053). This map on Cuba represents the Division's efforts to improve graphic representation of the earth's surface, as veil as the technical quality of maps having this type intelligence information. Five: maps on the Par East Area were prepared for two separate National Estimates. Four maps accompanied SNIE 43-60 on the East China Area and one map on Communist China Railroads for NIE 13-60. These were in addition to those prepared for ONE on Africa. Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240006-0 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240006-0 25X1X7 25X1X7 Monthly Report - Cartography Division July 1960 B. Planning and Development During the month the delivered 25X1 A5a 1 preliminary gontract ll of t e 17 sppecial purpose maps which they are preps A for D/OC. Sketches of the other 6 win be prepared upon receipt of additional instructions from D/OC. These instructions will be worked out in conference with the Office of Cocunications. A new project requiring the preparation of maps to accompany ORR Requirements Directives was requested of the Division in July. Because of workload no commitment for taking on this new series was made. However, sufficient capabilities were committed to process the initial requests in order to evaluate the over-all effect of this project. Until this study is made, the Division is reluctant to accept the project on a scheduled basis. C. Significant Outside Contacts and Activities The Chief, D/GC, as Chairman of the Foreign Names Committee and. Agency representative on the Board of Geographic Names, spent 5 days du the month attending joint consultation meetings of 25X1X7 A very thorough review was made of world wide transliteratlo transcription systems. The results of the Conference were highly successful and beneficial. No significant problems ca, up during July. 25X1X4 S. Miscellaneous left. 2c,s July for a two- week training assignment. They will assist LDP in a special training 25X1 X4 operation will be Acting Chief of the Develop ant & Construction Branch during their absence. 25X1A9a Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240006-0 . Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240006-0 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a Monthly Report - Cartography Division July 1960 S. Miscelleaneoue (Continued) The fou.cving organizational changes occured in the Division during July : 1. has been designated Assistant for Cartographic Research and transferred to the Office of the Chief, GC/ C. 2. Cartographer, has been transferred to the Drafting Sections, QC/C. 3. Composing Section, CC C. has been designated Supervisor, Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240006-0 Approved For Relea . CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240006-0 S`.DWZ"11Y Y*-^'R -L,^ 1960 % of Total % of Total ncy Entered Entered Completed Complete. CIA: DD/I/ORR 62 47% 56 43% OSI 25 19 8 6 NIS 11 8 24 19 ONE 10 7 11 8 uC I 17 i.3 19 15 OCR 0 0 0 0 00 1 1 0 0 DD/S 0 0 DD/F 3 2 4 3 CIA TOTAL 129 97 ~:2 3 State/NIS 1 1 3 2 State 3 2 TOM 133 100% S 6 ?NTE stay New Maps and Maps and Reruns *Number Months Char ts Ent'd Charts Com ip eted Completed Processing Jobs July 133 129 63 June 168 132 co 79 may 134 182 39 76 April 139 147 14 March 183 196 43 83 ? February 163 103 920 896 5.12 * Except for find'. maps and reruns Approved For Release 1999/0 / A- P63-00314R000200240006-0 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240006-0 M AND CHARTS C0MFI IR PAST 6 mom AgeM Flebbrrua r CIA 77 CIA/}IS 30 State State/NIS 0 110 March mil r June LUA 171 125 ?65 104 1 18 15 15 24 - 24 6 1 196 1 3 3 129 St 4ARY OF WORK MAD, MAPS AND CHARTS, AS OF 1 A Xfl T 1960 - Does Not Include Service Jobs Completions Cancelled Entered 2?/-S 25 17 Reproduction 13 7 In Proof 22 In Check In Drafting 29 In Compilation 13 19 68 acL* 53 49 37 3 15 2SAL 25 2 44 28 TOTi AlS 129 5 133 51 98 6i 4 100 12 153 15 0 6 79 75-9- -ur 63- 12 *Excludes jobs assigned to Drafting Section from Compilation Branches Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240006-0 28 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240006-0 111B W.P COCRDM .T'R IRE PMT FM JW 1960 new To From in Remaining for FeSttestS ?Ap?~edj9 Aon erroduetion Repro?=. ton o saf r!- S Contributors: Finals 52 :o a NIS TOTAZS 36 54+ Service 9 6 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240006-0 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240006-0 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240006-0 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 314R000200240006-0 3 August 1960 MEMORANDUM FOR: Acting Chief, Geographic Research, ORR SUBJECT: Geography Division Progress Report for July 1960 A. Research and Technical Support Activity During July: 1. Reports Disseminated *CIA/RR op 60-72:L Part II CIA/RR GP 60-77:L *CIAA/RR GP 60-78:L CIA/RR GP 00-79:L *CIA,/RR GP 60-80:L *CIA/RR Gp 60-81:L *CIA/RR GP 60-82:L CIA/RR GP 60-83:L Soviet Strategic Interest in Gravity Data and Gravimeters Requester 25X1A6d Review of NIS 19, Hungary, Section D/M/AG/RR 61 Tourist, Industrial, and Professional GM/TTF Objectives Near Krasnozavodsk Annotated Translations of Soviet for M 25X1 X4 Activities in Geodesy and Meetings Gravimetry Tourist, Industrial, and Professional GM/TF Objectives in the Baltic Area The Katanga DCI Expedition Soviets to Emphasize Air for OCI Operations in Net Antarctic Doily Research Support for Plans of Selected Cities in the USSR: Nakhodke 25X1A8a With reference to CIA/RR GP 60-81:L, The Katanga, above, GG/N vas asked to contribute on a high priority basis a two-page report on the viability of the former Belgian Congo and of its mineral producing areas as a component of a briefing being prepared for Democratic Presidential Nominee Kennedy at Hyannisport on 23 July and for the National Security Council meeting at Newport on 25 Jutly. It was completed, approved by Acting AD/RR, and in use by OCI/SIDO in an elapsed time of 16 hours after the initial request. Timing of this sort was possible because of the earlier research done in the Branch on the area generally and for the MR article of July 1959. *Work initiated during month. BE* Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240006-0 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : - - 4R000200240006-0 2. New Projects Under Way 60.1801 Boundary Problem Inventory: Germany/Poland Boundary Problem Inventory: China/North Vietnam; China/Laos; China/Macao; China/Hong Kong; Chi North Korea 60.1820 NIS , USSR, Chapter IX (coordination) 60.1844 Boundary Information for DD/P: Borders of Guinea 60.1847 NIS 35, tea, Chapter I Annual (research) B. Planning and Dervel2Mnt The NIS Chapter IX Coordinator prepared a draft report of the Sub- acmmi.ttee recommendations for the revision of the Chapter IX format. The Subcoamittee members will comment on the draft report by 15 August, prior to its submission to the NIS Camosi.ttee for consideration. 25X1A9a 25X1A8a 25X1A9a physical geography and strategic significance of the country; social and cultural groups in the population; major ccmnodities and trade patterns; and weaknesses in the economy. have resulted 25X1A9a in a request for geographic support on }thiopia which may be followed by requests for support on other non-Bloc areas. The following outline will guide D/GG in its analysis: Current economic and political developments; the Geography Division assisted in the pre tion of a reply by the Assistant to the DAD/I (Planning) to Chief, Fl DD/P, concerning a Department of the Army request for regional studies to be prepared in support of un- conventional warfare planning. The request, a very broad and generalized one, had been directed to DD/P and thence referred to DD/I for caement. DD/P is to transmit a new memorandum of request f'ol2wing the Division Chief's conversation with WE, to reaff~e operational 25X1 X4? need for further WH studies, countries to follow and priority order. Preliminary plans were initiated by GG/F for a study of the role and utilization of geography and geographeft A unist China. 25X1A5a1 Planning for the exploitation of materials continued, 25X1 A5a 1 in anticipation of the forthcoming visit A back-up paper was prepared by GG/X for CSS on possible Soviet plans to place submerged instruments in the Gulf Stream for long periods as part of a scheme to establish recoverable positions for missile-launching operations. The initial paper prepared by OCX did not utilize this con- tribution, but the drafts are now being studied by the Navy and a decision is to be made on whether a separate article is to be prepared for the OCT Weekly. Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240006-0 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240006-0 The desirability of sending on a tour of SAC, Omaha, 25X1 A9a and ACIC, St. Louis, was discussed with various appropriate individuals. Such a trip would enable him to get a clearer idea of the total picture of RADII in connection with (Th1 localities in East Germany. 25X1X7 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a C. Significant Outside Contacts and Activities .~~.r+... r. r~.r~- w. r .r r w A meeting of the NIS Chapter IX Subcommittee was held on 14+ July to establish the Chapter IX schedule for FY 1962, review the forecast for FY 1963, and outline a forecast for n 19611. The schedules and forecasts have been forwarded to the NIS Cm ttee for approval. prepared a proposal to the Secretary, USIB Committee on Exchanges, for exchange of a U.B. scholarship in oceanography for a Soviet scholarship in geodesy to the Novosibirsk Institute of Geodesy, Photo- gramraetry, and Cartography as offering a potential net intelligence gain for the U.S. The proposal together with others will be weighed by the Scientific Intelligence Ccadttee. participated in a series of meetings intended to clarify and solidify the ORR position concerning proposed changes in the services to be provided by FDD and JPRS. has reviewed the suggested list for the distribution of the forthe arcing Atlas of Soviet Acmintstrative Maps and supplied the USSR Branch with suggestions for minor changes to lest the requirements of 00. Two members of GG/N met with the CIA Librarian and Mr. Conrad C. Reining, newly appointed head of the new African Section, Library of Congress. Mr. Reining is well aware that information and research activity on Africa has grown in a helter-skelter fashion. His principle tasks are to know what is going on and to organize as much of the material as possible -- tasks that will take him to London and Moscow this year and to Africa every year. Mr. Henry Dunlap, USIA Program Coordinator for Africa, was interviewed by GG/N on USIA plans for Africa. briefed Mr. Moser, new State Department PPO, Moscow, on branch functions and requirements. Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240006-0 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA RDP63=DC314R000200240006-0 In the last week of June the ES Committee chewged the F f 1961 schedules for Chapter I Annuals, originally established on 15 March 1960. The changes included a shift of NIS 5 from the first position on the schedule to March 1961. Since Section 19 contributions to NIB 5 were due on 15 July, some of them were already acopleted and others were in preparation. The shift therefore will necessitate additional research and a rewrite as of February 1961. 'It is hoped that any future changes in scheduling will give greater consideration to research work already completed or well underway. The. lack of potential replacement for , who is to 25X1 A98 resign in mid-September from the Coordination Staff, is a matter of Increasing concern. Also, word has been received that 25X1A9a 25X1 A9a who were being recruited for the Division, will not be available inasmuch as they have accepted teaching positions for the coming academic year. Action is being Initiated to screen applications of a number of other individuals who may be suitable to fill these vacancies. E. Miscellaneous 25X1X4 25X1 A9a returned from seven weeks in Iran, Turkey, Lebanon, and Jordan. 25X1A9a 25X1A9a The Division has been informed of the addition of two clerical slats to its Table of Organization, although to date the positions have not been tilled. Consideration of the third -- and much needed -- slot has been premised this Fall. typist, resigned, and 25X1 A9a typist, began maternity leave during the month. Acting Chief, Geography Division Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240006-0 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240006-0 Project Contro32/ '/ Eat. Date of Title Requester ~ Publication/ Ge hic Inteil ence Reports (for standard distribution), C RR GR 61.1212 Geog. of Sinkiang 64.1419 USSR RR (GR 60-2) 69.1655 Non$ov. Activ. in Antarctica during IGY 63,1720 Olsztyn Region of Poland 63.1767 Industrialization of Slovakia 63.1861 Roads in Yugoslavia. DD/P In abeyance Open St/Tit/RR In Reprod. Aug 60 Self-init. In abeyance Open Self-init. ** 11160 Self-init. In abeyance III 6D Self- snit . III 60 69.1279 Satellite Geod. Activ. since Sofia Conf. 61.1357 North Korea Target Study: Ch'ongjin 63.1728 Agr. Region, Rumania 60.1742 Annexes to The Kurd in 1959 (GR L-60-2) 64.1786 Underground Nuclear Explosions 69.1828 Analysis of Sov. Impact Accuracies, Pacific 69.1840 Paraguay Part I #62.1869 Ethiopia (for Economic Action Program) Geographic Intelligence Memorandum 61.1860 South Vietnam 1/ * In research and/or writing. - In Editing. In preparation for Reproduction. New project initiated during moth. Self-init. DD/P M/AG/RR OIS for ILEA Open Open Open Open Open An 6U Deferred. In abeyance In abeyance * In abeyance Aug 60 15 Aug 60 Aug 60 Deferred: Work scheduled; due date or other work -does not warrant beginning project. In abeyance: Some work done but higher priority work has taken precedence. Roman Numeral: Quarter of calendar year. Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240006-0 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240006-0 Project Control Geographic Su ort Projectss; CI RR GP 63.1341 City Plan: Sofia, Bulgaria 64.1437 USSR Atlas (GP 60-60) 64.1698 USSR City Plans 63.1715 Research for Agr. Daps of E. Germany 63.1741 index for plotting mapping Bur. Satellites 64.1745 Safe Areas: USSR 61.1774 Vul. Analysis of Supply Routes in Tibet 69.1776 Soviet Dev. in Geodesy, etc. (ICBM) 60.1801 Boundary inventory 60.1844 Article for Intelligence Studies 63.1824 Plotting Missile-Related Activities 63.1841 Determ. Location, Certain Instal. in E. Europe 60.1844 Borders, Com. Bloc Nations 62.1863 Copperbelt of Northern Rhodesia 60.1866 Population Data Nyasaland Extern. Research, CIA/RR X (OSU) 69.908 69.908 69.908 69.908 Sov. Geod. and Photogram. Instruments A Report on Sov. Cartographky Selected List of Ref. to Sov. Cartography Selected Bibliography of Sov. Geodesy * Ip research and/or writing. In Editing. In preparation for Reproduction. New project initiated during month. Deferred: In abeyance: Roman Numeral: Requester AG/RR Self-init. SAC DD/P Self-init. IRC/Gig/State Self-init. Self-init. DD/P Self- init. OSI Self-.init. Bat. Date o Status-1, Publication/ Deferred In Reprod. * Deferred In abeyance In abeyance * In abeyance * * * In abeyance * In abeyance Oven Aug 60 Open open open open Aug 6060 III 60 Feb 61 open Open open Dec 60 III 6o 22 Aug 60 Open In abeyance In abeyance In abeyance In abeyance open Open Open Open Work scheduled; due date or other work does not warrant beginning project. Some work done but higher priority work has taken precedence. Quarter of calendar year. Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240006-0 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 :. CIA-RDP63-00314ROO0200240006-0 Project Control Xatiaate Will dotoG I 60.1830 NIS 2114, Yugoslavia 31 Aug 60 60.1831 NIS 34, Afghanistan 31 Oct 60 60.1832 NIS 14M, Poland 30 Dec 60 ~6~0 .1833 60.1834 NIS 38, NIB 46, Burma Tunisia 31 Jan 61 21 Feb 61 its Section 19 60.1835 Nis 16, Austria 31 Mar 61 Chapter I 60.1836 NIS 53A, UAR: Part A, NIS 28A, Syria 31 May 61 Part B. NIS 53B, Egypt 31 May 61 60.1837 as 86, Venezuela 3d Jun 61 60.1838 NIS 35, Annex, Nepal 30 Jun 6 60.184? NIS 35, India 15 Sep 60 60.1848 NIS 17 25X6A Italy 17 Oct 6o 60.1849 NIS 11 Sweden 7 Nov 60 6 8 23 Nov 60 50 0.1 60.1851 NiS 48, Morocco 15 Dec 60 NIB 60.1852 NIS 29, Jordan 16 Jan 61' Section 19 60.1853 NIS 41B, South Korea 15 Feb 61 Chapter I 60.1854 NIS 5, Belgium 7 mar 61 ANNUAL 60.1855 NIS-24, Greece 23 Mawr 61 60.1856 NIB 41A, North Korea 17 Apr 61 60.1857 NIS 7, Denmark 15 May 61 60.1858 NIB 42, Thailand 15 Jun 61 60.1817 NIS 103, South Pacific Islands Oct 60 60.1818 NIS 50A, E3hana Jan 61 NIS 6o.1819. NIS 57, Rhodesia and Nyasaland Mar 61 Chapter IX 6c.1820 NIB 26M, USSR 115 studies' jun 61 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314ROO0200240006-0 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240006-0 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240006-0 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240006-0 ; MRM-4 R ~ Aeti r"r ` i af, (seog ph:Lc Res rch :mss Activg Chief, tXa Library Divi.;ioo D/t1i Ac: c ~I.vit ? F crow for the Month of ?Juty, , A. or Research 40GYd. J ecsb l ca . 4~IiFI" iwA Ai.tiY Lt.r 1. Of the 6,1.65 p sheets which "re obta!ned fxr? x. for-_Ax-i 5c: urce e during the months 46%. were recei. i on excham , 7 p r'e rr~ceiv e 47% were purchased. Si{ nif'.%caut item lnc1n ed.: PA 2 of gifts, aml the two-part "ibscow Telephone Directory," 1960, and Y. n.'=,` Haack it map of Cuba. 2. The Process tr t Branch da.~.ri the month cantaloge . 614 new s, adding 1,904 sheets to the Xovn Copy Collection. 171 new atlases and atlas-like volume were processed for the Reference Collection, ud 92 new maps were processed for Vitae. Storage. 255 new SAC charts, 1:200,000, were indexed by tho J42W tUxt. 3. 29,071 item i re for; auAed to requesters by t1e Reference Branch, in response to 1, ?79 requests for muse, relate,'( g gmhi:c publications, and reftiretnce iuformatin, as follows No . of o . of itms Requests 'or riled 1,208 21,265 108 197 118 7, c609 Place Name Requests 134 Miscellaneous Refermae P esttons 211 1,779 22-9.,07l The total umber of items serviced in J' y 1960 shored en increase of 4,3(9 items over Jt ]'. 1959. baps serviced included those which were fork ed, to the D-~rv:, :ut o State, for use by -the P:-).', itico-m:"At=7 Adviser, Bureau of Aa rictn Affairs, and for members of the p?xty of General Grorge Y. bbmtj, L?.; , on the:L official tour of Africa; maps ors Africa, the Belgian Conte, in particular, which were supplied to the U.S. Mission to the T-ThIted Nation,, for use b+, the U.S. Miss:`; . and for the use of a Se or etary- E l; and requests from igeneq, personnel. going abMo&.ri,, for the types of material d i.apl red. in m:3p kits in Central ocest>ir g . Requests for maps on the Belgian Congo and for Africa w s a whole were paa titularly heavy during the month. Maps Books A 7m-* Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240006-0 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240006-0 D/GL Activity ,-port for the Month of Ju, 3.960 B. El_a_nLa~ and. Develo nt 1. Geographic Attach; Activity: a. Dr. Bradley caMleted his Australian r .ssica during J' y and is now in New Zealand He plans next to return to : , via. Hong Kong. Dr. Chapmn coaeted a mission to Bengal "I . e- ayd to New Delhi on 16 July. He is scheduled to undertake a cae a ek mi3sion to East Punjab on 23 August. Dr. Held spent the mouth i2 Beirut, where he concentrated on preparing reports. Dr. Ni la conducted a map procurement mission in Finland and also attended meetivjo of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics in Helsinki. Mr. Rogers was in Washington during July, for medical treatment. He will be on home leave during the month of August, and is scheduled to return. to Washington in September. Mr. Rugg spent the month in Bonn. His itinera7 for September and October has not been established. If he spends September in Germany, he trill attend the annuml meetings of German geographers and geodesists, and also the Book Fair in Frankfurt. b. During August, Dr. Held, Dr. Niemcla, t V r . M win attend the International Geographical Union meetings in Stockholm, and will consult there with Dr. &art, who has already aa-riv. in Stocl;holm to direct the setting up of the United States Exhibit prior to the Congress. 2. A concerted effort is being made by the Procurem3nt Branch to build up stocks of maps on Africa, particularly the Cons, for the Reference Collection. 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 3. A letter was received from the.Director of the Institute of Geology, Geophysics, and Geography, of the Htam ien Aca:iemy, accepting the proposal of a map exchange with the Depax- nt of State, through the office of the Coordinator for Maps. This is the first such exchange with a Rumanian agency. 4. The major effort of the Special Collection Support Branch went into continued st ,-port for TI!t in Europe. Other activities included the ccagpletion of preliminary drafts of target lists for the European Satellites, primarily for W/P use; the preparation of support papers of various types, in connection with eoo.,dination and planning with DD/P ca zpouents; the coupilation of biographic data for Biographic Register files; publication of West European mapping organization its? and conference exploitation tbro h CD /06. OCR/LCD, and Requirements were submitted to CD/OO and OCR/LCD for assessments of U.S. participants in the Internetion 1. Soil Coss, -2 - Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240006-0 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240006-0 SU : D/GL Activity Report for the Month of July, 1960 25X1X4 which will be held in Madison, Wiscons 25X1X4 S_jiificant Outside -Contacts and Activit?es 1. The following briefings were conducted in the Libre dur 25X1A9a 25X1A6d a. Mr. Leo Moser, new Publications Officer assigned to .bsccw, was briefed in D/GL on 26 July. He replaces Mr. %Von M Orton., J. b. Maw Library, and (IL/P, 25X1A9a met with Y x. Alexander and Mr. De Wald, AMS, to discuss the coordintatioa of informtion on mapping in C st China. c. Personnel from OCR and the Record's Center were briefed by the Reference Branch on holdings and arrangements of the ORE Vit=al Records Map Library. The briefing included the illustration of the use of various types of material filed at the Centero d. Briefings by the Special. Collection Support Branch trclu ed those of a newly assigned EE/H Case Officer for map requirements, who was briefed on Hungarian topographic maps requirements and collection st)port functions Provided bar the Branch: 25X1A6d was briefed can ft Library collection progra am and reqplimm-t;; relating to CD/OO operations. Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240006-0 25X1A9a Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240006-0 -.+ate MAP LIBRARY DIVISI( smu OF STATISTICS - JUt! 1960 RECEIPTS (For retention in Ntq Library) Specialty Se'iea Trta1 Maps Sheets M She ts . e Pa. a. Made in CIA/D/GC 790 b. On automatic receipt and 8,346 purchases for stock 0 2,1, 33.1 7, 790 ~O,157 a. From other domestic sources 152 0 152 d. From foreign sources 884 e. From foreign sources for stock 568 1,jh4 0 2,228 63 Total 17, 740 13,1.55 s0, 5 Atlases axb3____ other reference materials Tota:, Volutes a. On automatic receipt and purchases for stock 916- b. From other domestic sources c. From foreign sources 31 363 1,310 PROCESSING Map Catalogue Titles Volumes a. Special maps made in CIA/D/GC b. Special maps - all others c. Series indexed and cataloged Total Cat_a_1% Aga, etc. of Reference materials 18 578 18 18 948 938 1,90# a. Atlases b. Place-name volumes C. Publisher's catalogs 12 3 17 32 3 34 DISBURSE 1TS 102 171 Mks Requests Titles Requests/Vo:uMe 1. To CIA 734 2,x"3 f 10,986 To Department of State 216 631 2,986 3. Foreign Service Posts 14 42 141 4. To Department of Defense 163 1,725 a Department of the Arm W 79 266 1,851 b Department of the Navy 21 775 919 c Department of the Air Force 48 579 2 122 d) Other components of Defense 15 105 , 740 5. 6. Other government agencies Miscellaneous 77 4 349 8 1, 506 14 Total 1, EM 5,x-1 2.1 , 265 Atlases and other reference materials a. To domestic establishments 108 170 197 b. To foreign establishments 1 168 464 Total 109 337 ' Information a. Place-name questions 134 b. Other reference inquiries 211 Total 3T5 *9 4 or these were separate titles -4- Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240006-0 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240006-0 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240006-0