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Approvp,d For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R0002002400 Janli L961 v 11CRAND FOR: Assistent Director, Research and Reports rp~: Chief, Geographic Research SUBJECT: (,',PA Activity Report for the Month of December 1960 A. ~ or kes~:arch axidP ec nica~. aIMoaj Activity 'k, The Geography Division completed and disseminated seven Geog,phic Support Prcj._ets duri:rig the month. Three of theae reports were done at the request of DD/P and tvo others were in support of the GM Task Force The Cartography Division accepted requests for 162 maps an t cheats and completed 99, The major efforts of the Division during Deceraber were directed io ?ard the following: (a) Considerable effort t e; --pended in sup port of collection requirements as requested by St/1. (b) Support. and guidance was given to the GM Task Force in the preps $ra- tion of current reports. Cc) One more city plan of the old schedule was completed for SR/DD/F. ~ d) Three State Department requests received coi, idarable attention. A Foreign Service Posts map was completed v%nd the D ,r1.aent was supp.Lied with a large number of copies for distr bution wort .,aide; a Latin American Profiles map, the second of a series of five similar maps, was prepared for distribution; and a World I Migration Quota Areas nap was forwarded to reproduction. _a. During December, the Map Library Division forwarded 31,791 items to requesters in response to 1,9314 requests for rdaapu, related geographic publications, and reference Information. Significant items received by D/GL iicluded; Ka) a nekw two-sheet map cf' Israel; (b) a ma showing, Pushtulaiatan as interpreted by the Afghar Government; and (e) a 190-61 raiixo'.d timetable for East Germany. ?. Support activities of the Specit1 Collection Support Branch, D/GL, included the following: (a) Four new requirements were implemented. during December. Two were general elicitation requirements for Poland and Czechoslovakia, which will be widely d:Lss.erinated through St/I. (b) Aerial photography of approximately 5,000 square miles of Somalia was received from a domestic source during the months. This material has been sent to Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240001-5 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240001-5 SUBJECT: GRA Activity Report for the Month of December 1960 ACIC for reproduction and filing in the Air Force film depository. Photography of a large section of the Ogaden area of Ethiopia was re- quested from another source and can be expected in the next, few months. Photography of approximately 60,,0 00 square miles of the western part of Mauritania will be available next spring. All 25X1 X4 of this photography has been, or will be, obtained at no cost to the U.S. Government. Army requests for procurement of photography of two high priority areas have not as yet been followed up by forte, requireneute. Collection of the photography for both area will almost certainly require covert collection methods and no collection action wil.1 be taken unless a high priority is established. B. Planning rand Development 1. Implementation of the revised Chapter IX outline has been cemrpl,icated again by unresolved dissension at the NIS Committee level. The Army representative has now stated that Array must unilaterally reduce its Chapter IX program from 8 units to 6 units per year. Production schedules thus remain unapproved pending NIS Committee action. Meanwhile, work is going forward on the development of new guides for the Chapter IX sections in consultation with the respective contributors. The Chapter IX Subcommittee will meet on 5 January to determine which NIS Area on the proposed Ti 1962 schedule would be the most practicable one for initiation of the new format. 2. Because of disagreements that emerged among various Agency r, resentatives at the President's Science Advisory Committee briefing, 25X1 A9a Chief, GG/X, is currently planning a paper that will re-examine estimates on Soviet geodetic positioning capabilities. At present, CIA estimates differ from those of 1ISC&GS and- NASA, despite the fact that presuauabiy coordination had already taken place. 3. The advisability of publishing a GM on South Laos and adjacent regions that would treat the area from the ICorat Plateau of Thailand eastward to the South China Sea was considered during the month. As anticipated by GG-/F some months ago, the concept of "another Korea" in Laos is now fairly common unofficial talk. Tentatively, no actual publi- cation will be undertaken, but research attention will be maintained so that rapid action may be taken when the situation should became stabilized. Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240001-5 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240001-5 0FO aUBECT: GRA Activity Report for the Month of December 1960 4. The new USSR town plan program calls for a detailed plotting of target installation, public buildings, landmarks, tourist points, rmd other items of operationaL interest. Work has been completed on data for the basic plan of Sverdlovsk. (with street news, building numbering system, transportation facilities) and data has been accumulated for many key items for the detailed overprint. Resolution of the remaining items from the fragmentary Information that is usually available on Soviet cities may take as long as two man months. Obviously, the point of dimi- nishing returns has been reaches,. It has therefore been decided that research should be suspended with issuance of the detailed plan as a "provisional" mep, which could be revised as information becomes more readily accessible. The same approach will apply to subsequent projects in the program. ;. Considerable time was spent by GRA divisions in connection with plans for moving into the new building. Because of its special equipment and space requirements, the Cartography Division has cooperated closely with the Building Planning Staff in resolving the peculiar obieme :related to the move. Also, representatives of D/GL and SA~/G visited the neir building to inspect D/GL space there. Measurement of the V.%p Collection areas revealed that one tier of six map case sections will not fit, as originally planned. Study of lighting plans for the Map Collection raised questions reg rding the effectiveness of lighting planned for the map stacks. 6. During the month, I/GM/RR indicated their need for support work in locating missile deployment and related activity in all the 3atell,ite countries. A project initiation covering all Leven countries has been ? ibmitted and work has begun on Poland, Hungary; and -Rtnnania. rk . The demand for copies of the recent Soviet produced ethnic. map of China, which was analyzed in our CIA/ER GP 60.107 disseminated :!..ant month, has led to a D/GL-D/GG-D/GC decision to reproduce color-separated copies, with translation of selected portions of the leg4 nd.. Conal-deration is also being givers to color separating a significant new soils map of China that recently became available, this will also be the subject of a brief appraisal for use in the D/GL accessions list. 8. Plans have been formulated to send 25X1A9a GG/F, and to ACIC, St. Louis on 26-27 January to con. e-r on problems of mutual, interest concerning cos-pilatton of the ACIC 1:500,000 sheets of West China. 25X1A9a Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240001-5 IF -V Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240001-5 SDBJ CP GRA Activity Report for the Month of December 1960 9. Consideration is being given to the production of a series of "profile" maps for five major intelligence areas of the world. Two of the five have been completed, one on Africa and the other on Latin America. The Far Tact, Middle Fast, and the USSR- Satellite are other areas for which -profile maps are planned. The profile map shows photo- aptis and thumbnail biographic sketches of individual country leaders 25X4' ''ing an administrative map or maps of the area. C. Significant Outside Contacts and Activities I. Chief/G participated in the sessions of the Nationa3. Research Council's Advisory Committee on Geography for the PAIGH. A plan for developing geographic research capability in Latin America prepared by Chief, D/GL, and Chief/G was studied by the group. Other agenda itenns concerned preparation for the forthcoming consultation to be held sometime In 1961. 2. Chief, D/GC, chaired a meeting of the Foreign Ines Committee early in December. He also attended the two meetings of the Advisory Committee on Cartography and the Nationall Atlas, both of the National Academy of Science. Considerable progress is anticipated with the prospect of the DSGS being assigned production responsibility for the Atlas. The advisory Committee on Cartography spent a full day on problems connected with the forthcoming General Assembly of the PAIGH in Rio in February 1961. 3. Chief, GG/X, met with Lt. Commander P. N. Smith and Lt. Commander G .P . HuuVhrries, 031 Op 922 F3W, to explore forthcoming intelligence problems in connection with U.S. planning for the inspection of Soviet facilities in Antarctica. Future intelligence objectives were examined and agreed upon in order to step up the intelligence surveillance c Soviet activities required to (3.) mordtor Soviet compliance with the 4 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240001-5 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240001-5 iC 't 1 SUB T a GPA Activity Report for the Month of December 1960 provisions of the Antarctic Treaty and (2) to uncover the developnent of Soviet -ca bi,lities that might be useable especial..1y against the 25X1A9a U.S. also attended several meetings of the Working Group on Antarctica, OCB, which is now engaged in drafting an OCB guidance pager for U.S. planning relative to the i -lementation of the impending Antarctic Treaty. 25X1A9a 4. GL/S, visited the Air Force U27th Field Activities Group, Fort Belvoir, Virginia, to discuss exploitation of sources of tua1 interest, mainly Air Force officers and civilian persal traveling to Western Dope for professional reasons. Arrange- ments were maw for a group from This organization to receive a briefing on domestic map collection and the Branch's special project, in the near future. A representative from the Air Technical Intelligence Center, Wright Patterson Air Farce Base, may also attend this briefing. 25X1A9a 5- Messrs. GL/S, and= GL/P, met on separate occasions 25X1 A9a with Army, State, and. ICA representatives to coordinate activities regard- ing a roach-delayed photomapping project . A staff study 25X 1X4 eut1ining the past history of the proposed project and recent suggestions for its imAAmentation was coordinated with the Army and provided to ICA. 6. A discussion of the general approach of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union to Black Africa at the December meeting of the Africa 25X1 A9a Roundtable vas led by Chief of Production in International Casanist Group,, DD/P. 25X1 A9a 7. OCI, discussed air activities and air defenses /ii the Soviet Arctic at the December meeting of the Arctic Area Discussion Grc up. a. Chief, GL/S, spent threa days in Lois Angeles visiting 25X1 A9a the CD X70 Field Office and a c?mercial organization in support of a new 25X1A9a tee. GL/S, visited the ACI:C installation in St. Louis for two days to discuss rU al problems of map collection and requirements. D. Problems 1. Problems related to the adoption of the new Chapter IX format and to Chapter IX scheduling are still of considerable concern. Because of the introduction of various schedx fir g and procedural problems at the f1I8 Committee level, it is temporarily at least difficult for the Chapter IX Subcommittee to function properly. Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240001-5 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240001-5 C3"C, 25X1X7 S JX' : G. a. Activity Report for the Month of December 1960 25X1A9a 2. In November, D/GG, requested expedite4 training facilities in conversational. Spanish to eid him on his forthcoming trip to Latin Americs, beginning the first of March. It was hoped that concentrated work during December, January and February would be of sufficient help to facilitate his contacts with Latin Americans. As of 22 December his training had not begun, nor had he even received records he requested for use at home. With all of the facilities and services offered by OTR, surely faster administrative machinery should be possible. 1. A letter was received from - commenting favorably on CIA/RB GRA.-SC-60-1 and expressing tentative agreement with the conclusions of that paper. 2. C?cief/G and Chiefs, D/GG and D/CC spent considerable time during the myth in support of a staff study relative to changes in position asai nts. Specific job descriptions in both Divisions have been rewritten. 3. Myers of GBA attended selected sessions of the annual meeting of the Ame:'ican ! societiori for the Advancement of Science, held in Nev York city-26-30 December ig60. 4. Each of the GR1. Divisions and Chief/G briefed a group. of six .J M"s an the activities of the Geographic Research Area. The JOT e a also visited individual D/GC and.D/GG branches to study in more detail the thods, resources and techniques utilized in the regional. branches. 25X1A9a Distribution: 1-AD/ 3. - St/A 1 - St/i I a St/I/R 1 - st/P a 1 - Ch/E 4 - D/GG 3 - NCFCRN 2 - D/GL 2-Ch/G ORR:Ch/G:JAB:RAW:jmc/]797(12 Jan 1961) Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240001-5 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240001-5 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240001-5 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240001-5 =$O A h - T CARTUAWW DTVTSION x tb of December 19W A. or t esc emit tool, leetinicat xl. Acw ivitY rr, c ct A. c:er a~~t pt c p'rt .=motion and Accoart -liaa2 en' : DurI ,ecewu ,c the . iviasion c u ted 99 mep& and cb"rrsa fo-v v*riau compozrent cd the Agency and the Department of State. The Division acceparte , L6;2- new job re4deots during the month frcjm various eon-pone to oY. the Agency and the r a rt of State. At the close of the reporting perx,.d talere vere '8 Jobs Lzs v'ar E.ous stages of production In the Di.vislon. The r 4 r e.fv:cts of the Divt.a ion during December was directed 1,miardo the production oX maps and etc* &a follava: a_ C rw-,m raxble effort x r er-pended In support of collection +en u eA requested by St/I: Six different RDA"s requiring MXC1r 4~rcxi~uctic~n of 18 maps were processed; work on the 25X1 X7 resulted in work on three USSR trip Mpg, one: of e 25X1 X7 va>a completed, and the final printing of Also a summary of sir ranter traveled in the VBM was sent to rep ctXon. L., Support s z i guidan=:e was given to the Support Stafa in the preparation of curzcrit, terAz s- c . One more city p].a w of the old schedule was acz 1ettd for DIP. Work an the preparation of city plans as listed in the new schedule has been affected art by current requirements of higher priorities. d. Three S tt+e Dep :nt rc,quewc s aruce~ v'eci eon,r.:1derable at - tentioa. K le' re.i n Service ?",to amp was ?p c-ted s the Department brtl>pl e` 1g-- a:fir of copies for distribu: ton wcrl.dVlde; a Latin i ricoa itofi],es map, the pond. of a series of 5 similar, w prep&red for c-iBtribution and a World Immigration Cotes Areas ash vaz forvarded to x p otion. This asap will be printed and distributed during Janos. wtderation iu seeing gii u R `i prr., suction of a setiee, of `profl e'' >."ps Zb .five major in .e il:ligence sears of t viorld. W o of the five have been completed, ore cz3 Africa v-nd, 's=he other on Latin America. The Far Zest, Kidd]* Mast, and tbe U:&SR?Sat to are other arm for which profile maps are planned. The profile map ahova photographs and thumbnail biographic sketches of Individual country leaders surrounding an map or maps of the area. Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240001-5 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240001-5 ! onth1y Report - Cartography Dv: j. :' or I' et: bear i96; cooperated closely with the Bui1=:t: gig ?T.a ini ,;Uaff Li rz~ ,c:1vi ng the 'Dec x'.w problems related to t;l.c mc;vc. cause of its special equip'ient aid apace L hr 3 C,;onaidcrable time as spe;it i s c c r,o s t>'::~ d iled pL s t,x fulfill icequiruiiients aasoci ';.? . w1th the mw?' l to t'.kv Y: `11r,;t's[:. 'kit-,n,:e hr_:'_d in L;.'te Decemi in Pew York City. Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240001-5 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240001-5 A. SAY Y"C?'! Nam 1960 0 of Total %of TDfal Rotor" Matered 40 25% 34' 34 21 3. 3 21 13 10 10 5 3 14 14 27 16 as 28 0 0 0 0 x 9 9 152 93 97 90 1 1 0 0 6 2 2 8. 6 num SUW4RY Naw 1Laps ar4 Maps and Reruns is rbe? R Nonths Charts nt'd CberCs CM leted C2wIGt!A r ^ Pcessi December 1622 99 16 57 November X 118 130 20 62 October 1,88 229 43 69 September 145 83 38 88 August 161 216 31 85 July 129 22 AL 907 886 170 424 CIA: W/Z/ORR osI 0 o,I Ni/s E 61P CIA TOTAL state% State *Except for final mpe and Approved For Release 1999/ - DP63-00314R000200240001-5 Approved For. Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240001-5 AM OWUM IN PAST 6 UMMS &WE't rtonber October November December illu 100 181 73 199 118 87 ww's 24 33 8 27 7. 10 state 1 2 3 state/no 3 0 0 Other 0 0 1 0 29 216 83 229 - 130 99 SUW-kR.M _" 7 L IRT. TOAD, 1MAPS AND ir'tR . AS OF I JAM MY 1 I - Does Not Include Service Jobs 2C.&* 18 6 4 29 42 99 Cayce. 0 0 0 0 0 0 'an't eyed. 23 7 11. 63 58 162 73 To Pry 25 15 108 aback 4 3 2 40 8 57 In Dre,i ti 10 12 84 14 inn c 4 i .,w. ?a 5 69 u R~. x.85 35 423 4li cl des jots assigned to Drafting Section fro-n Compilation Branebas Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240001-5 Approved For Release 1999/09/16: CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240001-5 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240001-5 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240001-5 i Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240001-5 Approved-.For Release 1999 -RDP63-00314R000200240001-5 (AI ]M FOR: Chief. Geograpbie Research, ORR Research and Technic-al Suo x.-rt Activity. Deeemb*r: 1,. Reports Disseminated Requester IA/RA GP 60..116: L ChinarMoogolia Boundary D1?/P JA/RR OP 6o-120:L Research Support for Plans of DD/P -_ _1t=tsted Cities in the USSR: f',IA/RR GP 60-M- L Research Support for Plans of DD/P ett Cities in the, USSR: r'I4/RR OP 60-124:L Review of HIS 23, Bulgaria,. M/PM/RR . c:.can 63,. mine 1 and - rIA/PB GP 6o-125:L Review of NIS 22, Rumania, I/MS/R'R on (A Vax=uf'a.:turing and -vu ~ ,; j motion 25X1A2g A/R 1P 60-126: L Analyttis of Reports by Hungarian ON Tack Force an. Possible Leoca? -:: of Soviet Rocket Base 1,&-/RR OP 60-127:L Overlays Showing Missile-Related v .5rities in East Oermany I/CM/RR and Tack Force New Projects Under Wav 4o 1832 HIS 14, Poland, Section 19 (coordinatiox 1 NIS Program. 1833 NIB S8, : ., Section 19 (research) NIS Program 1851 NIS 48. Morocco, Map and Chart Appraisal c. 'c .aner~ ; 4.f Mapter I Annual MIS Program A.I. 1.852 $18 29 a Jorden,. Next and Chart Appraisal NIB Pr cram r' ?? i'nr?n .n?: ri' Chapter J Annual (reseasrh Cjrk Initiated During t=he, Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240001-5 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 CI -RDP63-00314R000200240001-5 -11353 NIS LiB, South 1Coar.a. Map and Chart WT-8 Pxr r`W Cis on 9PA wo L-M; mil roe~.ese Miasi1 ?l 1e rA Artivities in Poland Miasi?ie..Re1pte4 Art?tities in Wmgaryr (0- 1905 Wss{?e-Relate Actiritjes in Ru~i . B Planning _Pe~nel0 'npl_e,enf tion of the revised Chapter i'X outline bas been co ipltert4 a gw i n by unresolved dissension at the S Committee level. The An W Representative has now stated that A .east unilaterally reduce its Chapter Ii program from 8 units to 6 units per year. Production sahedulea thus remain unapproved pending RIS Committee action. Wanw$ile, work is going forward on the development of new guides for the Chapter IX sections f n e;onsultation with the respective gontributors. The Chapter IX 8ubccgr.. mittee vill meet on 5 .Tan,!ary to deterneine which NIB Area on the proposed FY 1962 schedule would be the poet praaetie b1e one for initiation or the new format. 25X1X7 4ecauae of disagreements that urged among various Ageney resents- t ves at the President * s Selene^ Advisory Committee briefing, is currently planning a paper that will re-examine estimates on Soviet 25X1Aa geodetic positioning oepabilitiea. At present, CIA estimates differ from those of US%('GS and NASA despite- # fact that presumably coordination .. ad alr eMy taken plc e. The advisability of pxblitt5 ng a GM on South ILaog and adjacent regions that would treat the area from the Horat P7.ateau of Thailand eastward to the South China Sea was considered during the month. As anticipated by SC-fP some months ago, the eoneept of "1. othnr Korea" In Loa is now fatly common unofficial. talk. Tentatively, no actual publication vill be under.. taken, but research attention will be maintained so that rapid action may taken when the situation should beeome stablized. The new USSR town plan program calls for a detailed plotting of target installations. pubiie budld?ngs, leradmairks, test points, and other items of operational interests The W IS anal ys t has now completed work on the data for the basic plan of Sverdlovsk (with street namras, building nvabering system, transportation facilities) and Mn accurmulated data for many key items for the detailed overr rint.. Resolution of the remaining items fraee the i`ragmentary iaformatlon tbi et ie ua aUy available an Soviet cities may take as long as two man-month-e. Obviously the point of dimiai.shlt returns has been r. nehed . it hat heri fhr- been decided that research should be suspended with issuance of tht? detai l_ee plan as a "provisional" map, which could be revised as Infax -ti n bee"q more readily accessible. The seats approach will. apply to subseq ,ent pro'"-to in the program. Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240001-5 Approved For Release 1999/AeDP63-00314R000200240001-5 in a mew randuua of 6 ;ecss :s.,, i/GM indicated their used for. sup_ port work in locating missile depigytsent and related activity in all the Satellite countries. A pro jeect initiation covering a1.l seven countries has been submitted and work started on Polazti, Hun cry, and Rumania. The demand for copies of the rat , 3aviet-produced ie map of China, which was analyzes- in our UA/ 1 P 60-107 disseminated last month, has led to a D/GL..D/CJ -D/9C docisiou to reproduce color-separated copies, with translation of selected portions of the legend. Consideration is also being given to color separating a significant new soils map of (bins that recently became available; this will also be the subject of a brief appraisal for use in the D/ti. accessions list. in support of Uh/G, considerable progress was made during the mo3 tb. in developing new concepea end recommendations relating to iA staffing ,, tTems. Plans were formiulated. to send in caopeny 25X1A9a 25X1A9a with , to ACIC, 8t. Louis,, o>: 26-27 January to confer on problems of mut interest concerning campi.lation of the ACXC 1:.9DO,000 sheets of [dent China. C. Meant Outside Contacts and Activities Six JCT's were briefed on activities of the Geography Division on 21 December; on 22 December they visited individual geographers to study in more detail the methods, resources and techniques utilised in the regional branches. 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a A discussion of the general approach of the Communist }arty of the Soviet Upon to black Africa at the December meeting of the Africa round- table was led by Chief of Production in International. Ccen- muniet Group, P. The subject of air activities and air defenses in the Soviet Arctic were discussed by WI, at the December meeting of the Arctic Area Discussion ;3roup. met with Lt. Co manaer r B. Smith and Lt. Canmeander 1. P. Humphries, ( I Op 922 13W, to ee plore forthcoming intelligence problems iu connection with US planning for the :%Asppection of Soviet facilities in Antarctica. Future intelligence ob jecatives were examined and agreE4 upon in order to step up the Intelligence surveillance of Soviet activities required to (1) monitor Soviet compliance with the provisions of the Antarctic Treaty and (2) to uncover the development of Soviet capabilities that might be useable especially against the US. also attended several meetings of the Working Group on Antarctica, OCB, 25X1 A9a which is now engaged in drafting an OCB guidance paper for US planning relative to the Implementation of the impending Antarctic Treaty. D. Problems Problems related to the adoption of the new Chapter i? format, and to f'hapter 11 scheduling are at-i.11 or consiierable concern. Because of the Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240001-5 Approved For Release 199 -RDP63-00314R000200240001-5 25X1A5a1 25X1A9a introduction of various scheduling and procedural problems at the 1118 ,ccomittee level, it is temporarily at least difficult for the Chapter IX Subcommittee to function properly. R. Miseellalleous 25X1X7 A letter was received tract commuting favorably on CIA/RR 6;#RA-SC-60-1 and expressing tsntes ve agreement with the conclusions of that paper. Eight members of the Division attended selected sessions on geography of the annual ,meeting of the American Association for Advance of Belence, held in Now York 26-30 December. reported for duty in the Coordination Staff on 25X1A9a Chief, Geography Division Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240001-5 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240001-5 e al e e r standard da s r . ltz oza . 1212 61 eo? of Sinkai ; rn/F` In ebey :.f: 6 . 69.1655 NonSov. Activ. in Antarctica during 1GY Self-init In abeyac: 7e Ope 63 1 767 adu.str~i.alization cf Slovakia :' Self -snit Ira abeyaww^e Opera . . 63.1861 . Roads in. Yugoslavia ';_ F 5U-3`: Self-init. d~a Peprcd. .pan leo ra tLe Intelli ence E.pcxts (for limited and special. : ist- 1butian , 1279 69 Satellite Geod. Actin. since Sofia Conf. Self-init. Deferred ~;xrer.r . 13)7 61 North Korea Target Study: Ch=ongjin D:y/P In abeyar:' _pezi .. 8 6 Rumania ion Re A r M/.'/Fn In obeys:. a ri er. 3.172 60.1.742 g , g , Annexes to The Kurds ir. 19R ??--2 O1u for W 1.:A In abeyai .; a r'i;:er; r ' A 6i 1786 i ndergrouila Nuclear r!xpl.osio s T C 69.1840 Paraguay y876 69 Tuatemala W?., TD/P n s{}tir+ ta, r . Fn 1 T . 6' 1881 Govt. Role, ; eog. /Earth Sciences, ,.om.F. Europe ,ec ./Ear*. Zciei .'esa ' om .'y,. ?a 1'6010 Self -? iii t Fp?f-irft r,.r Eel: 6x+ 1883 , ?l,eog. /Fart-h Scien~-es, USSR Govt. Role Self-init * ipen ., 69 1887 , Dominican republic WV; rr/P * Feb 6-1 49 18 ?ait.t WI , TAD/P * I 61 69.1889 Nicaragua ice, DD/P ii agraPxzi.t intelligence Memorandum 62?1898 Rhodesia-Nyasaland Geographic Support Pro jests, :IA/RId ESC 63-1341 City plan: Sofia, Bulgaria 64.1698 USSR City Plane 63.1715 Research for Agr. Maps of E. (iermany 63.1741 `index for plotting mapping Eurn Satellites DD/P sa/6, DIV4- MAZAR Self-init.. Def erred, In abet'.,..,:: e Jan 6i Opera 3pei flpe " Ope a 'rr research and/or writing Referred: Work sched,a.led; due date or? other urea r +r* I:: Editing. dues not, warrant begz. '~'4 aZ ; : + * :In preparation for Reprod~iction. In abeyauee R Sore work done but higher rieri.ti New project initiated during month, has taken preeedenee n N\1;,d)tit tJ ti IMS r~ CTCk . U7 W C!Q to CIS C!! u co (ii Cf to .y U' LI 6) M *%' ) i` -- ry ri Oj G?1 V (it &( QK .(lU7W WallW -jW Wu r 1 r-: H I-C r4 r-1 r?i 2Is 1010\001O S'0 o Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240001-5 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240001-5 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240001-5 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240001-5 1IOED. LT t JW MEl~1ORA' UK FOR: l -ief, Geographic Research 4 Deceanher 1961 F4: Chief; Map Library Division SUBt1'F,CT: L/GL Activity Report for the Month of December, 1960 A. Ma or Reseax Technical Su ort Activity 1. I,797 maps and 858 related putblications were received by the Procurement Branch from forei4p sources in December, bringing the total figures for 1960 to 63,095 .:mess aud 12,084 related publications. Map receipts were below the 72,779 sheets received in 1959, but about 5,000 sheets more than the average: for the five-year period 1955-1959. Of the 63,095 map sheets, 43% were purchased, 12% were received on exchange, and 15% were received as gifts: 33% of the ;mss were retained In CIA, 37% were sent to the Ar y Map Service, 20% were sent to the Library of Congress, and the remazinlrAg 10% werq ded among several other U.S. m! ppi: agencies. S icant it = ed. during December included: c) a new two-sheet mr + of hd a shoving Pushtunistan era interpreted by the Afghan Government; and c) a 1960-61 railroad timetable for East Germany, 2. The list of Map Exchanges Leith lk?eign Agencies wW revised bf the Proeuremnt Branch to l December 1960, and distributed to interes ;ed. agencies. 3. The catai.,ogiag of 451 new titles by the Cataloging Section, Processing Branch, during December brought the total number of title.: processed for the year to 8,212, coo rising 44,i'Yj7 mW sheets added to the twain Copy Collection. 46,231 sheets acre added to the Collection in 1959. During December, 27 nev volumes were added D/GL catalogs. 315 obsolete volts were screened fro the Reference Collection and were transferred to the Library of Cmgress. 60 new ms. s were processed for Vital Storage. 4. All filing and servicing is current in the Collection Section, Processing branch, with the exception of a small back ,g at Vital'. Storage. 1960 totals, compared with 1959 totals, reveal a decrease of 7% in requests serviced, but an Increase of 12% In number of item supplied. The Increase in item supplied was in CIA-published maps mod maps furnished by the Distribution Unit. a. The Distribution Unit during December supplied 10,,662 items, in response to 399 requests. In addition, 5,359 maps and publications were fil .- FORK LIUTAD Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240001-5 Approved For Release IA-RDP63-00314R000200240001-5 19 C Y`l~a ;",1 it y C . 90'W C' V 'Jrji. s:ta' ' t~ C+ca ~ [ . x?f, cztts i s r?S i:w4 17 16, s t, :~n -0.., '1et $ 3" ,! ' . , .' '?bc 5. 31-791 I p~1t `ri to re+ u s = ?s IF -l e once :kRsxnch, .~ ,9 oqt s;-s for msip .phic pubUw ti c ? , aO '* fC` . `?iib.1:.c:at:ioi-1s 3113:.3 see1l ,neo s R(>f ,rer*,.'.e c' .7 tVls for all .servi+ .:s w ;te ha 'h fo`' - `'eirbe+'Y',, VI:?.eh to im .*?' P, ?emu' onth.. was h ;3 ri: a I ce 1b r on record.. A cc r a ;can of V1th z1_959 Is1pil -s ;>h r t'h1-,+at in ' 9' rr t revr..'--es$t.s w ~w ) 9 rt to ': ,7? ' T/5..t. li .cpe ('24.-.L ~ f P{4`.~! 'f~ a 1 ~ re.^.P so F=eau tt /e "i' q ~.7 ~9 ].26 feraer requests v ere. r ue .sec. or bar 1 2 x re r ; altcetionz t ?e r=) 2"? 'e ser ATM.' requests re received, bea't 5,509 xi ore I.,te s r :?ee se m c' ec'; A.) 2'?7 f'a re Lice no r ~~ t?ests were answered, owiflg to wi of r=azetteers; ate. 110 more genet :d. reference queot icnc , . w e,r.sawrer1 A Total .1960 Increases for all Reference sezvr?tees -_ re c;'; ='eau sts rind 7 { 72 items for ded 1960 was,, for the fek"t:~R+:'ra 2 1+~' fan L b-r" Y (-A.ASlest *'e r on re*co, 6, 1.n 1 , 229 r j._iu w? rr- 'rvi cep, by the Reference 3r ch as f311aws to Various U_9'. G^rreTrent R'-er9c .es 1~zhin- Loy" 21 re'gra SE'-'r .'c!`: P,)st.f, a ,her Goverment enc-,es :a nc t? a` 1kir, Interior ; .. 1 b Geol o& Bran i. F':A Ci Congre a;3 ,, Ate ' =' a re k a ~ t T131l f_L 'Jst Pi, S..E"h" Ets .b P.'.:.0. i'2 .'^g :3 92 716 Ea 18,_633 1~,~1 3 Pg 330 j// 1.8 9 924 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240001-5 -Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240001-5 i/GL Activity Re art for the mo ^S L of December, 1060 1 Kit-Ion. 427 maps were fox r&ad to reciuesters in reenor =c to mi sceUJs eous, non. Gave; nrsent r~ !guests (lag, eta.). 25X1A9a I. support activities of the F- eaial Collection Suppor. Lranca ~! eluded the f oll owin e- rn r new x ea:qu -cements were :gym ?lA nted during cem r. Tim were general elicitation requirements for Poland anel tzechaslovaki.a. which will be v'+ide?y di: ,semi,iated throurt. St/2 even additional r.'equfremeuts were prennred, but, owing to .t Ira e backlog of 'k ,,Ting, the',e will not be transmitted to the field until Januw.-y a (Secret). 1 , Aerial photo rAphy of Sproxis at;e1y 5,000 square miles of Somalia was received for a domestic source during the. month. This material has ben sent to ACIC for reproduction and, filing in the Air Force film positor;yp Photography of a 1.erre section of the Ogaden area of Ethiopia was requested frcu another source and can be expected. In the next few moathsa Photo r y of approximately 60,000 square miles of the western part of Mauritania will be avrd1able next spring. All of this photogr p t aeEn, and will , obtained at no cost to the U.S. Government. Arm requests for procurement of photography of two high priority cress have not as yet been folioved up by formal. requirements < Collection of the 'photography for both areas will almost eertSin1y require covert collection methods and no collection action will be taken unless a high priority is established. (Secret/]oforn/Limited). made a half-day tour of the aw o Printing Services Division. The tour wns a wit a vier towerd familiar- izin c 'Branch :personnel with the latest- reproduction processes a Several new reproduction processes were seen since the last tour about four years W. (Confidential), Planni end Devel of nt I. Geographic Attach# activity: Dr. Bradley will conduct a ten-week mission to Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonesia, and Burma, beginning in January. En route back 25X1X4 25X1A6d Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240001-5 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240001-5 =OM. 25X1A9a 25X1A9a SU JECT: D/QL Activity Report for the month of December, .1:9&) to To1jo, he will brief the ne Pubiications procurement Officer in Hong Kong. Dr. Cap ,n will conduct procurement in the Indiar, states of Madyha Pradesh, Gujarat, I razhtr~ , and asthan during January, Preparations are being made for sPeQial miss-ions to Brazil, Venezuela, and Colombia by Mr. Andrews, and to h -wee, Spain, and Ports-;el by W. Savard. C. S j ficant Ghats de Contacts d A.c .,iv 1. Dr. Held c leted the first PbE a of ,aping negotations in Iraq end returned to Beirut on 2 December. e- Un b I)eccember, 25X1A9a inspected D/GL space the Headq tere building. YA. acur .t of the Map Collection areas reveal . th .t one tier of six map case sections will not fit, as origin&Jy Plrn d. Study of lighting Playas for the Map Collection raised questions regarding the effectivene:3s of lighting planned for the map stacks. 3. The Special Collection Support 1-ranch conducted n eti gs as follows : a? .sited thn Air Force 1127th Field Activities Group, Fort lvoir, Virginia, to discuss explo:.tation of sources of m tuax,.l. Interest, miinl; r Air Force officers u rd civi3.ip personnel traveling to Westtudy outling the past history 0 he proposed project; and recent sn^_ggestions for its implementation Was coordinated with the ArW and provided to ICA. ( Secret/Noforn) . Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240001-5 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240001-5 y': ~. : ~u, ,tb1' Wit. / G L ActivIltv R txy:wt f o x ' the mmth f 1 r 1x960 25X1A9a 25X1A6d ks'=! i "F?t='- f. s in a .d eles vl s:.tin3- h arc : zatoon in strr, of 25X1A9a Probl-ens T ?r a pro s ?,-,e i t fh z foreIP soar c are :s the os with the r o? v r de x wp for 3' 1;R,cml ree.^ony of two, A tcchis frm the m p prosuxs* ent 25X1A9a v:. . c,, the WIC .,,,Vali t5on in St, . is ti R ~Yo A ?a r t %cv?fi s. 7y e p eI,6l. ^Zopjaer'nill mutual prp em Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240001-5 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240001-5 "pow ,~t 01 Gy H AR J,v -Lot E =v S T P I U S T . - D1 C 1960 in cC /D/G, .3 o. automatic receipt and :-~uechases for stock FTom other domestic sources ,, rrom foreign sources -W ram foreign sources :tor s-F,ock (:or retention. in Map Library) Specialty ?~7? ULLs~~t~ 339 40376 133 )94 autcmuat1c receipt wad purchrscs :tor stock es and other reference Tmate a. ials b, From other 1 stic sOVrce3 F-rt= foreign sources a. Special maps m a in b. Special maps - all others c. Series indexed and cataloged. Ti&AL i...etc. of Reference msterjal ao Atlases b. Place-sane Volumes c. Publisher's catalogs d. Other reference volumes Titles 61- 368 2 451 D1SsEMEIM 11 A 0 q, 4 1. To CIA 7 9 2. lb Department of State O5 3. Foreign Service Posts 8 4. To Department of Defense 265 e.) Deft of the Anr 111 b) Department of the Navy 46 c) Department of the Air Force 70 d) Other cmvonents of Defense 38 5. Other government agencies 120 6. Miscellaneous 2 1, 349 Atlase s and other reference materials a. To domestic estab11& rents 117 b, eirn establishments To fcmi 1 . In form a. ation :place-na pe questions 308 b. Other reference inquiries 377 '.i of these were separate titles Series katal y Sheets unee-i . , 539 10, 08- 14,960 634+ 83,4 1,59 Titles Requests Vohs 2 15..764 4426 2,912 17 1, I6 6 5, 632 580 197 310638 427. 1, 063 248 825 324 1,701 2b 2 5,015 ,3 7 i,868 1,008 Q7 141 1,917 2,0 01 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240001-5 5X1A1a Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240001-5 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240001-5