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September 11, 1998
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Publication Date:
February 16, 1960
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Approved For Release 1999/09/1 6 IA- 3-00314R000200140035-9
i JF,: 60 27:1
I'eoruary i-960
Scientific Research Institute (NII) 49
II . Military Artillery Comamand Academy
111, Naval Artillery Central Design Bureau (MATWM)
IN: Central Scientific Research Institute (TeIIII) 15 imeni A N ,Krylov
t)b,5ectives of National- Renown Justifying Visits to Leningrad
A.A.Zhdanov Leningrad State University Universite-skraya
it~sberezhnaya,7/9: one of fore st universities of USSR; 13
departments, ( institutes of scientific investigation, library
of n re than 3 mil-14-on volumes : enrollment exceeds 16, 00(:0.
2, YI.E.Saltykov-Shcheclrin State Public Library; Sadovays ul.., 18
rounded 1795; one of largeast public libraries in world, 12
million volumes; world's largest collection of books published
in RLlssian language: also holds printed publications in 85 other
1an,uaage s of WSF.
The I ermitage; Avortsova3a liaberezhnaya, 36: largest murieum of
UR, world'faarnous collection of fine arts from many centuries;
occupies former Winter Palace.
Ly Zavod "Elektrosila" imeni S.M.Kirova (Elektrosila Industrial
Plant) :~M one of oldest and lest electrical engineering
Industries in USSR; sr,ecializes in production of large steam
and hydroelectric turbines and generators of up to 105,OCO-?
kilowatt capacity.
N Information on tourist objectives listed by a rabic numerals can be
considered unclassified Shen i'?.n item is extracted individually.
Approved For Release 1999/09/16 CIA-RDP63-00314R000200140035-9
Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200140035-9
Cocai Qb,~cctives ustif7i. visits s to the Vicinity of sci ~c
itcaaea rch Institute ^ I y Z
GosudarstverWl y Ordna :mints Laetitut Uso rshenstvovaun . ,"
Vrache r ime111 S~M.Kis~?va~ .M, Xi.rov State Institute or tic
Irprove sent of Doctors); ul. .tykova-Shcheariass., 1:
scientific research and teaching institution for training
medical doctors from entire Soviet Union; progmrn conducted
by leading specialists of all branches of medicine.
i4auchno-Ises1edovatel's.Ki inatitut Perelivsani Krovi
~....,.,..~...,...,. _~..,...........
#3cientif3c~Reaea.*?cla Irssstit~ste o Blood Transafa~sioss_ ; 2?ya
Sovetska;P U., lb: engaged in research on preserving blood
and manufactu ing blood substitutes.
st t aigi.en v Trssc a
Gosuda:^stvenz> r L t . t u c h p o - 1 s s s 1e d o v a t e l `saki I n
I profess icinal.' 7~sbo1 to *an~ State S tific-Resseare'n
Institute of Hygiene cf I i +r? and Industrial Diseases); 2-.ya
Sovetskaya ulitsa-
9. Ieeni' e.$ki_ GoIuda,rBlvenn BD;1i'ssshoy Teatr Kv.ko1 (Leningrad
State Great Puppet Theater ; N~i;litasaa NekraaoVa, 10.
3.0. Leningrad Medical. Stomwto ca , In tttute; i..i.tsasa Peters:
TavricheckiX Yv^r? :tss end Park (t!l wricheskiy Palace and Park);
ul. Voinova, 4(: built during reign of Catherine II (1783) for
Prince Potemkir; classical Rtweis n architecture.
13..r Leni.ns?x .dtsk:iv Gazo_tn 4.ivni Tekhnikum (Leningrad G&-Fuel
Tec x caa ool) ; U].. SZtykova-Shchedrinsa, 54.
12. Lenin re.slsi~ir To r'a ichesk~ (Leningrad T'opo ;xaphic
Technics. School); U1. Ssltykova-S;xc;hedrlna, 45a.
Arts l ler a:omrraasa Xst2F ,
Visits to the Vicinity of Milita
Irini + RII kiy `okzal (Finland Railroad Station); P1oshcha ."
Lenina: one or main raiirosd stations in Leningrad; trash
service nor~t''egtwaro to (inland and northeastward to KK. lion
ASSR; has fam~suss monument commemorating Lenin ' as return from
Switzerland on 3 April. 1917-
14. Lenin .dskly Stenkosatroitel'ni Zavod imeni Ta.M. Sverl~.l.ova
Sverd oV Asschine Constrwction Plant ; at intersection of
Arsen&.'nays. L l.itsa and Sverdlovskaya imberezhnayat founded
i86$, forsierty called Fenika; one of the pioneers of Soviet
machine construction; produce1 heavy duplicating-milling semi-
automatic machines and specialized machines for developnent of
power and con.truction of transport equipment.
Approved For Release 1999/09/16 CIA-RDP63-00314R000200140 ~I9
Approved For Release 1999/09/16 CIA-RDP63-00314R000200140035-9
15x- Stad.ion imeni Kirova ,Kirov Stadiuu,); Morskoy pereulok: largest
sport ot-ucturein L ;ingrad and second largest, stadium in USSR.
i.6. Katolicheskoye Kladbishche (Catholic Cemetery); at internec:tiora
ci Arsenal'naya U1.itaFt'-rind Mlneruul'naya Ulitsa.
W. Local Obiect.lves Justif' : i Visits to the Vicinity of i AmIllex
Gertz Des frn 3 4reau~ ~Mk `aKB) (arg~:t III
17. Lenngre.dState Univer8 Planetarium; at intersection of
Krunshteyna. Naberezhnaiya and ui. Pisareva.
State Museum of ftisto-. , of Lenia rod; Nabereznnaya Kraanogo Flo':a.f
contains artifacts and docurnents illustrating history of the
city from time of its founding to present.
1.9. Main Post Office ; ui. Soyuza Svyazi, 9.
O. St. Isaac's Cathedral; on lsaakievskaya F'loshchad' : notable
architecturalr nwiert o the 16-ous; third highest dome in
world provides good c bservation of surrounding area -- v.Lsita
to dome may be perm-0- ~,ed; veritable geological niuseum, stones
containing 43 kinds of minerals used in construction.
M 181;
21. N . A. Rinvsk -Korss ov j eningrad State Conservatory of
Teatral `nays Ploshched ` , 3: oldest musical conservatory in USSR;
has had great influence in deveJ.opment of Russian music.
2E'. Akademicheskiy T,~atr qpa Baletarirseni 3.M.Kir'ova (S.M?KIrov
State Academic Opera and BaLiet Theater); Teatral'naya F'loshchad',
1., one of leading nn.>.sic theaters of USSR; has outstanding artists
of Russian ballet and opera.
2:3. Muzey. De~.,onstrattsian