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I 3 1960 Appro d For Release: CIA-RDP63-00~314R000100180007-7 RECIPIENTS FOR ORR. UNCLASSIFIED STUDIES American University. Washington 16, D. C. Prof. W. Donald Bowles Dept. of Economics Amherst College.-.mherst. Mass. Dr. Egon Newberger Dept. of Economics University of Baltimore. Baltimore Mz'. Vladimir Katkoff Bowdoin College. Brunswick. Maine Prof. Ernst C. Helrnreich Dept. of History Brown University, Providence. Rhode Island Prof. Merton Stoltz Dept. of Economics Prof. Philip Taft Dept. of Economics Universit of California Berkeley 4. Calif. Prof. J. M. Letiche Dean Ewald T, .Grether Prof. George L. Mehren Prof. Walter Galenson Dr. Choh-ming Li Prof. Woodbridge Bingham Prof? George M. Kuzneta Prof., Gregory Grossman Dept. of Economics School of Bus. Administration Dept. of Agricultural Economy School of Bus. Administration Center for Chinese Studies Dept. of History Dept. of Economics Dept. of Economics University of California. Los Angeles 24, Calif. Prof. J. E. Spencer Dept. of Geography Prof. Arthur Steiner Dept. of Political Science Prof. Armen Alclian Dept. of Economics Approved For Release : CIA-RDP63-00314R000100180007,,7 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP63-00314R000100180007-7 University of California, Santa Barbara, Calif. *Mr. Jerzy F. Karcz Clark University, Worcester, Mass. Dr. Samuel Van Valkenburg Dept. of Geography University of Chica o.,..Chicago 37, 111. Dr. Chauncy D. Harris Dept. Prof. Theodore W. Schultz Dept. Prof. D. Gale Johnson Dept, Prof. H. Gregg Lewis Dept. Dr. Nortom S. Ginsberg Dept. Dr; Milton Friedman Dept. *Mr. Arcadias Kahan Dept. Prof. Arnold C. Harberger Dept. Prof. Martin J. Bailey Dept. Prof. Earl H. Pritchard Dept. Prof, Morton Grodzins Dept. Prof. A. Rees Dept. of Geography of Economics of Economics of i conomics of Geography of Economics of Economics of Economics of Economics of History of Political Science of Economics Colgate University. Hamilton NY /I ~ GYM ri.~iY+~Y Prof. Theodore Herman Dept. of Geography Columbia UniversitX, New York 27 NY Prof. Carl S. Shoup Prof, Henry L. Roberts Prof' Peter B. Kenen Prof. C. Martin Wilbur Prof. John E. Orchard Prof. Arthur F. Burns Dr. Franklin L. Ho Mr. Walter C. Clemens. Jr. Prof. Michael T. Florinsky Prof. Alexander Erlich Prof. Ernest Williams Cornell University, Ithaca, NY Prof. Gardner Clark Prof. Frank H. Golay Ch., Dept. of Economic s Dir., Russian Institute Dept. of Economics Dept. of History Dept. of Geography Dept. of Economics Dept. of Economic s Russian Institute Dept. of Economics Russian Institute Dept. of Economics NY School of Industrial & Labor Relations Dept. of Economics nt est~y in studies on Soviet and Eastern European Countries Approved For Release : CIA-RDP63-00314R000100180007-7 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP63-00314R000100180007-7 rtrr.outh. Hanover. Y H Prof., Maurice 8. Harari Duke University Durham? NC Prof, Joseph J, Spengler Prof, Calvin B, Hoover Dept. of Economics Dept of Economics Ra% esne Universit ar'itteburigh 19 Pan Prof, Geza B. Grossch+rnid Dept of Economics University of Florida, Gainesville, Fla. Prof? William V. Wilmot, Jr. School of Bus, Administration CReor etovvn Universit Washin on ? DG Prof. James 1). Atkinson Dept., of Government Graduate School Harvard Universitv, Catnbrxdae Prof. Abram Bergson Prof, Adam Ulatr. Prof, Arthur Smithies Prot, John K. Fairbank Dr, Marshall Shulman Mr, Nicholas DeWitt Prof, Merle Fainsod Mr, Herbert S. Levine Mr, John M. Vii, Lindbeck Prof? Wassily W. Leontief Mrr. Richard Moorstein Prof, Thomas Schelling Dept0 of Economics Russian Research Center Dept.,, of Irconornics Dept. of History Russian Research Center Russian Research Center Dept. of Government Russian Research Center Center for East Asian Studies Dept? of Economics Center for East Asian Studies Center for International Studies l3avorford Colic Havcxford Pa. Prof, Holland Hunter University of Illinois,, Urbana, Prof? Dixrfitri B. Shirrnkin Mr, Donald R, Hodgman Dept, of Economics Dept, of Anthropology wept., of Economics Approved For Release : CIA-RDP63-00314R000100180007-7 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP63-01,0314R000100180007-7 University of Indiana. Bloomingtona Indiana rr..rr.. Prof. Norman J. G. Pounds Dept, of Geography Dr. Joseph Suttonepta of Government Prof. John P. Lewis School of Business Prof, Nicholas Spulber Oepto of Economics Prof. Taulman A. Miller Dept. of Economics Prof. Robert F. Byrnes *)epta. of Economics Mr.. Robert N. Taaffe A)ept. of Geography Prof.- Robert W. Campbell (after Fall of 1960)) State University of Iowa,, Iowa City,. Iowa Prof. Robert H. Johnson #Jept., of Economics Prof. Walter Krause dept. of Economics Prof. Harold Saunders Dept.. of Sock--logy Prof. Paul 019ou jaept, of }economics Prof. Harold H. McCarty Dept. of Geography Dr. Norman H.. Jones- Jr. Dept. of Economics Iowa State College, Amesg ,fovea Prof, Karl A. Fox ].)ept., of Economics Prof. Howard H. Hints Dept. of Economics Johns Hopkins Universa Baltimore 18 Mdo Prof; Simon Kuznets Dept. of Political Economy Mar ette Uuiversit aukce. *Dr., Yuan-li Wu Institute of Asian Studies University of Maryland=ol P!Lrk _ M? Prof. Charles Y; Hu College of Bus. and Public Admin. Massachusetts Institute of T'echlog~, Cambridge, Mass: Profa Wilfred Malenbaum Center for International Studies Prof. Norman J. Padelford Dept. of Political Science Prof,, Max Millikan Center for International Studies Prof. Walt W. Rostow Center for International Studies Prof. Everett E. Hagen Center for International Studies Prof. Evsey D. Domar Center for International Studies V terest ry in Chinese and Far Eastern Studies Approved For Release : CIA-RDP63-00314R000100180007-7 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP63-00314R000100180007-7 University of Massschusetts@ Amherst, Mass, Dr. Shannon McCune Provost Uuivei sity of Michigan$Ann Arbors Mich. ~ - i rr+r +rrrrr w+ ^ .nri rrrrrr~.rr ri Dr. John W. Hall Dr. Robert Ward Dr- Morris Bornstein Prof. Charles M. Davis Prof. Dwight Duxnond Prof. Shorey Peterson *Dr. Joseph K. Ysxnagiwa Prof. Wolfgang Ir. Stolper Prof. George Kish Prof. L. A. Peter Gosling Center for Japanese Studies Center for Jspaaese Studies Dept, of Economics Dept. of Geography Dept, of History Dept. of Economics Dept. of Far Eastern Languages Dept. of Economics Dept. of Geography Dept. of Geography Michigan State Universitye_ East Lansing, Mich. Prof. Clifford Hildredth Dept. of Agricultural Economics Prof. Glenn L. Johnson Dept. of Agricultural Economics Prof. Lawrence L. Boger Dept. of Agricultural Economics Prof. Boris Pesek Dept. of Economics Universiof Minnesota, Minneapolis 14, Minn. rwr ~ rr r Prof. John R. Borchert Dept. of Geography Prof, Francis Boddy School of Business Administration Prof. Torn B. Jones Dept. of kiistory University of North Caralins Chapel Hill, NC IYrYrlrrr111rilrrr Mr? M rlr+ rr - ~a.1i~ Prof. Milton Heath Sept. of Economics Prof. James H. Blackman Dept. of Economics Prof. John D. Eyre Dept. of Geology and Geography Northwestern University;. Ev&nston, r11. ** ]Profo Richard B. Heflebower Dept, of Economics Prof. Frank W. Fetter Dept. of Economics -si-e-litonly in Chinese and Far Eastern Studies ** Distribution will be handled by ORR Approved For Release : CIA-RDP63-00314R000100180007-7 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP63-00314R000100180007-7 phio State T, lniversity;Molumb!s i?u Ohio Prof. Mikhail Condoide Bureau of Business & Economic Research Prof, Guy-Harold Smith Dept, of Geography Prof. Clifford James Dept. of Economics Prof. Williarr. L. Henderson .Dept. of Economics University y of D n%uQenea areg., Prof. Robert L. Allen Dept, of Economics i'rof, Raymond F. Mikesell Dept. of Economics Prof. Paul S. Dull Dept. of Political Science & History Prof, Marshall D. Wattles Dept. of Economics treson State Collegef. Corvallis Oreg_ Prof, G. Burton Wood Dept, of Agricultural Economics University of Penns lv~auiag k'hiladelphtiaL Vag prof. Irving Kravis Wharton School of Business Princeton University, Princetony- NJ Prof, Lester V. "handler Dept. of Economics Prof. William J. t3aumol Dept. of Economics Dr. Warren W. Eason Dept, of Economics or, Richard E. Quandt Dept, of Economics Dr. Gardner Patterson Liept, of Economics Prof;, K.?aus E. Knorr Center of International Studies Prof, Cyril L. Slack Dept, of History Prof, Fritz Machlup after Fall of 1960) Dept, of Economics Purdue Univers t A Lafa !tte , Ind, Prof, Edward Ames inept, of. Economics University f_Rochester Rochester,, Prof:, Alexander Eckstein Dept., of Economics ""~~s` tru will be handled by ORR Approved For Release : CIA-RDP63-00314R000100180007-7 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP63-00314R000100180007-7 xjniversit~r of South Carolina Qoa 1urnbx Prof, Richard Walker Ucpt of nternational Studies Stanford UniversitloAlto, ,.,,.'a Prof. Theodore Kreps Prof. Kenneth J. Arrow Prof, Joseph k;: Williams Prof. Merrill K. Bennett Prof, Moses Abra&ovitz Cir,-4duate School of Business Dept, of Econoirdcs Dept, of Geography Food Research Institute Depto of Economics aracuse University, Syracuse 10~s.. Prof. Richard Lr Lonsdale Dept of Geography Prof, George B. Cressey Dept. of Ge~mia *Prof0 Joseph S., Berliner DePt, of o Tufts University, edford 5 Massa Dean Robert B. Stewart iietcher School of Law & t)iplomacy U iversity of liirginiag Charlam ville. Vae Pro?a Rutledge Vining Dept, of Economics Prof, G. Warren Nutter Dept. of Economics Prof., James Mo Buchanan Dept,. of Fconomics Universit of WashingtonQ Seattle 52 Wash- Prof. W a A, Douglas Jackson Prof. George F... Taylor Prof. John R, Huber Prof. Donald G. Hudson CPol. Donald G~ Fisken Mr. Franklin D, Holzman Pro?e Rhoads Murphey Dept' of Geography Far Eastern & Russian Institute D:~pt.; of Economics Dept? of Geography Far Eastern & Russian Institute Dept of Economics Dept, of Geography one University, Detroit Mich. Prof? Fred E~ Dohrs W elleelr Colleeaa We'lesl Dr Mar shall 1, Goldman istr ut on Wriil be handled by ORR Approved For Release : CIA-RDP63-00314R000100180007-7 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP63-00314R000100180007-7 University of Wisconsing Madison 6p Wis. ~r.rrr.n.rr rrrrrrrr.r r. - 3,zw.r' Prof. John W. Alexander Depto of Geography Prof. Glenn T. Trewartha Dept, of Geography Prof.. Theodore Morgan Dept. of Economics Prof. Paul T. Ellsworth Dept. of Economics Prof. H. Edwin Young Dept,, of Economics Yale University, New Haven Gonn Prof, Henry R. Bruton Dept of Economics Prof. Harold J. Wiens Dept, of Geography Prof. Lloyd G. Reynolds Dept. of Economics Prof. John Michael Montias crept, of Economics Prof. Raymond P. Powell Ueptm of Economics School of Advanced International Studies. 1906 Florida Ave, a Washin ov DC 's-~:az:ww.,...w+?.,.srs~-errs- r-r parr. - s+rr+~. Mr. Paul H. Nitze Prof. Philip W. Thayer Council of Foreign Relations,, 58 East 6th St, New York City. NY Mr. A. Doak Barnett Prof. Philip E. Mo s ely The RAND Corporation, Santa Monica. f, Mr, Norman M. Kaplan Mr. Joseph A. Kershaw Mr, Oleg Hoeffding Miss Nancy Nimitz National Bureau of Economic Research. Z61 Madison Avenues NY 16. NY Mr. William J. Caron Executive Director Mr. Solomon Fabricant .Mr. Raymond Goldsmith Drz, Thad P. Alton 425 Riverside Drive New York, NY Mr, George H. Bossy Interested only in Soviet and Mid-European Studies Center Eastern European Studies 4 West 57th Street New York 19. NY Approved For Release : CIA-RDP63-00314R000100180007-7 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP63-00314R000100180007-7 Mr? Leon M. Herman Distribution handled by GIA Librarian Legislative Reference Service Library of Congress Washington Z5a DC Mr, Hans Heymann.. Jr. The RAND Corporation 1000 Connecticut Avenue. NW Washington 6., i)C Distribution handled by ORR Mr, John P? Hardt. Corporation for Economic and lnduetr. a K,esearcJ.a 734 IL5th Street,, NW W"ashington. D. G. ter %Jale J, Technical Military Planning Operation General Electric Company Santa iaarbara,. California Dr., Harry Schwartz The New York Times Timers Square. New York cAity ' ir., Theodore Shabad T'b?e New York Times 'd'imes Square., New fork F.rity Dr. Charles Hitchcock Director,, American Geographical 3ociety 156th at Broadway New York.. NY rir. John A. Morrison Interested only in Soviet and 1845 Jersey Street i ast.ern European Studies Quincy, Illinois kit Herbert Stein C` innmittee for Economic 1)eveloprrent 1000 Connecticut Avenue? NW Waahington 6. D. C Approved For Release : CIA-RDP63-00314R000100180007-7