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Approved For Release 2001/08/27 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000100020013 7' 8 December 1961) AWA'M = PCM: Assistant Director, Rsseaureb and Reports rRE is Chief, Geogmpbic Research SU JW A Activity Report for the 1 th of November 1960 A. a l(l r Rauh a4d Teabnl mal ftapart Activity 30 The Cartogmpby Division accepted requests for 3.18 maps and czaaste and cc feted. 130 o Roth aletio a and requests decreased sa but frcz last month, leaving a backlog of 365 Jobs in progress Among the major accc nplieb; eats of the idvision d-turi r was the cc pletic of two significant ips on Africa for the Deper ent of State--tom Administrative .D=ivisions p of Africa is lrevis :d and brought up to date, and a aap, Africa - New Nations a Rev I ers, Was prepared for the Depertemaet 0 2. '. urben program for the production of USSR city IxUws advanced to the extent that 3 city p: of the old sdwdule were painted and published and a grog .Yas in the collateral research phase of the now t1 ies Ms acca ..lased. In a ttoe, the Division oceepleted the printing 25X1X7 of 3 rum is now current on requests for this, typo of assists e x 3. Geograpixy, Diviaio t cuawleted and ciisemiinatadi one Oeographi' Intelligence Ymomw1un ( 60?4 South Viet ), and serimb Geographic Sort Projects. Gems of the lujxport Projects (OP 60 0111:L., C Utz Pertinent to the AAraleal of 1~O11cy and the Operations Plan for tai ctk;t'.~ w was dtaoe at the request *t the DC1, and two others ? rare requeate by DD/p. in addition, overlay,-3 t Fast Ger Oy showing e t .a: o:F' byste ? missiles and LOX auanufaotarir. , as well as two overlays of M! s?.t:;a in Bulgaria were ccapleted. and passed to 1/GL 4- The Map Li racy Divietva fox 23,353 itews to requesters ill psizaz to 95 . + t4'wes s for __,al sag isI;Ir-tad gZO 7 .pbmac :P tlicat1=6 and reference info a,`id.on. Cub't anc1 Africa were the areas of gzeatest concentration during t Le month. 2Ups on all countries of Africa r i sent to the Rug of Cul`turai Ai rairs, : a nt of State, to two ditf arort e onents of CIA 0 A . Ax shiers, of maps was sent to the 1 r ~ rat of State's Vital. Nester aal.s I(x-a iw . A vialt was made to the office of )k 0 Foy D. Kobler,, AskcLs- -nt Se retary of State for European Af irs, to survey the map :!dings of the office$ is order to bring the sap to date's Stag Dept. declassification & release instructions on file Approved For Release 2148312-S 4PA-RDP63-00314R000100020013-7 Approved For Release 2001/08/27 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000100020013-7 C L-C R z-T 11 5. Significant items received by the May Library Division included: a) a 1960 administrative-territorial handbook of the 1ISSIt; b) an Administra- tive handbook and a 1:200,000 administrative slop series of Caen boslavakiaa, both based on the arm administrative divisions effective 1 July 1964; a) a 1960 economic geography of Rumania and ac :aapeenying, atlas of 25 eccna is maps; and d) 1960-61 timetables for railroads and buses of Yugoslavia. 6. Support activities of the Special Collection Support Branch, D/GL, included the following: a) a requirement for the collection of Soviet- produced topographic maps of Northern Afghanistan was submitted to St/I for transmittal to M /P. This requirement supplements a previous -- o n D)/P for collection of maps in Afstan. In addition, fourteen other requirements were submitted to St/X, or CD/C4, nine pertaining to Slaoo-Soviet Bloc collection and five to non-Bloc collection, mostly from U. S. oil cocas anies . b) In response to a 4L/8 requirement 3,841 aerial photograph negatives were obtained on a loam basis in November, This photogra? which is scheduled for publication in early spring. 3. The WS Chapter IX no Jules and forecasts for FY e s 1962-(A still have not been approved by the MIS Committee. The Chapter XX Subea .tt ban deferred further action on the ianpl ntaation of the agar pter IX format until the forests are given final approval. However, the Coordination Staff has initiated work on revision of the Chapter U 0aatline Guide for the 18 Standard Irstructionhs, which viii be subject to the apprtmal of the Chapter IX Subcommittee and the NIB Ccm aittee. 4. material pertinent to the plan of contra is for external research or, Africa has been exadned and briefly written up by the Nisar East/,Africa i tsp D/OG; these working notes will serve as a basis for planning .ttiartber action. Approved For Relea-s '" ffr 8727 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000100020013-7 ~.1aa~'(. Approved For Release 2001/08/27 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000100020013-7 r $_z_ R-L-T NW- CHN 5. Lack of interest on the part of the An W., Air Force, State end Do/P has caused a reduction in scope of the initial phase of the planned external project on photo interpretation keys of Africa, and a geed to establish an area priority within C.A. Further comments from another 25X1A9a part of DD/P, to be available early -in Date r, should facilitate the estaaabliasbwent of such a priority. 6. GM Task Forge, conferred with on the feasibility of preparing a Geo, ras s cn study outlining the precision surveying procedures that would be followed by Soviet authorities in establishing a specific missile site in the Western 1tik acne. The purpose of the report would be to increase our ua rsta sd S of the capabilities of this site and to improve intelligence collection efforts against other suspected or potential sites. 7. Plsnning is in progress for foreign travel by Geography Division personnel as follows: Area famiuftion travel by to the 25X1A9a Par East and Southeast Asia, beginning aappr xI ,itely Aid-Irch? and combined 25X1 A9a area familiarization and procurer nt missions for D GL by to Latin A rica, beginning mid:4 Arch, and by to Western E e~25X1A9a being early February. Plans a are also being asad~e for two na esbers of C to attend the symposium on the Sciences in Goaae unist Chimp to be conducted in Now York on 26-27 December as s part of the neetings of the American Association for the Advancement of Stdencor. 8. The following reaasig nt of area responsibilities within the 0 Branch and mtsrn Had spbere loch : Bulgaria, Greece, Cyprus Prance, ltaaaly, b'pa1n, Protugal, ritsmrl , fugoslavia, and Albania Benelux, Poland. Finland. Noranav. Iceland Greenland. , Czechoslovakia, TIuagary, Rumania.,s &Ahlaa , Denszar'k, Austria 25X1A9a 25X1A5a1 90 has reaffirmed his interest In zw pproject or lore ra on of an Explorer' as Atlas of West C , 25X1A6a utilizing original materials Dina lions tiorxaern his plans Included exploration of aa, a: .bility of funds for finesncia a trip to to confer with Also, in correction with exploitation or 25X9A6 25X9A6 t., Approved For Reled` 1t81T7 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000100020013-7 Approved For Release 2001/08/27 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000100020013-7 S-E-C-R?E-T NCPCRN materials., /tSia visited the Crops Research , nt of Agriculture Plant industry Station, Beltsville, to examine the files of photograply held there. Regatives will be borrowed from Beltsville for reproduction of the relatively small but highly selective collection. 25X1C4d 25X1A9a 25X1C4d 10. Efforts are being a to place Oa/S, on U. Two scheduled D/GG projects were cancelled during the month: PH 6 2.1863, The Rhodesian CoVerbelt, was cancelled in favor of a comprehensive GM on the Federation of Rhodesia and ll asalassd, already scheduled as FN 62.18+980 19.l U, Ane1lrsis of Soviet $ct Accuracies was dropped because of disc=repancies in data between a Hof this project and a special GMA.'IC study using data not available for use its the project. 12. As a result of a meeting with Col. Krause, Chief of the Target Material Division at SAC k adquarters, and. Major Wright and Mjor Wsh of the SAC Deta ent in D. C., it was decided that an employes at SAC would be detailed to GL/S. The individual chosen has Russian, Polish, Czech, and Germ n language capability, and has been in intelligence for eighteen yea's; his experience includes agent band1.i u in the 7000tb in Germany Arranaments were also coerpleted for GL/S, to spend his 25X1A9a two -weeks ? Air Force active duty at SAC under Col. Krause. 25X1 C Dent of State has been asked 25X1A9a 13- will rermain during Dace s Over-all restrictioLs on tca?~el will be 25X1 Cod resigned from his position as entered on duty with the Geof7aphy Division. l4? Plxantr and final, details for the publication of the Acquisitions List for Antarctic Cartographic Materials are mixing completion by the Yap Library Division. The first list is tentatively scheduled for Januawy 1961. S'E-C-R-E_T NQ~RN Approved For Release 2001/08/27 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000100020013-7 the 25X1A9a Approved For Release 2001/08/27 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000100020013-7 -E-C-R E-T us= 25X1A5a1 25X1A5a1 25X1A 25X1A9a 25X1A9a C. Significant Outside Contacts end Activities 1. In accordance with an C instruction to the Working Group on Antarctica, a series of ~eretings have begun in order to deve 25X1A9a icap V. S. guidelines for the future preparation of operations plans; attended these stings during absence. Other contacts of interest concerning Antarctica was was briefed at the r mr nt of State prior to his departure during the coming season. 2. representatives confirmed to OG/E, that 25X1A9a RSA now accepts the grid. plotting suggestions are uses set forth in our ORA-sc-6o-1. OG m has prepared a i e reMi t reviewing the project to date and aura rising the latest discussions. 25X1A5a1 00/3, iciPPa in the first meetiUg of the 25X1A5a1 among -- a me"Iqr dum was prepared for use in briefing the O on the situation rag ling the handling of mars of Cuba during the -t year. At tine tt r tiDg of the Arctic Area Discussion Group, Y iss presented a briefing on economic develo nt in the Soviet Arctic. . 6. The Africa. Roundtable met 18 November to discuss source3 of infozaation and finished inteUigenen production on Bloc activities in Africa. a ?E-C-R-?E-T Approved For Release 2001/08/27 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000100020013-7 Approved For Release 2001/08/27 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000100020013-7 8-F. -E Z-T "0N 25X1A9a Gtr/?, eonferrwed with =t concerning plans for resumption of meetings or the 8out~lls,at Asia Discussion Group, of with the latter is Chain=. vii]. 25X1A9a call a meeting in Deter at which, because of the pressure of other duties., he will surrender the abairrtaaship. Be seemed to view favorably the idea of having the cba. nahip pertly vested in Qd// and probeloly will make such a par+oposal. 25X1X7 8. is oea vbere he is conducting rater tiatirxts re tiding the revision of 1:9$0,000 p sheets. 25X1A5a1 9. The following m tings were conducted by the Special Collection Support Brwwh, D/GL, during the mouth: a. briefed. a source who travelled to Tot Poland an an a n i several The Source was able p some or ation regarding the use of topographic maps in: Poland for agricultural purposes. b. Nr. Emmml, ACIC Washington representative, was briefed on the Branch project. He g ranised. to obtain an ACYC evaluation (substantive intelligence) of t l:25,,040 sheets of }test Germany that have been collected in tL3e ?past few yes. Be will also arrange for a priority listing of specific tgets in Chinao for use in a supplement to the China Collection Guide. Targets furnished by APCIN previously were limited to specific tbeater targets for a particular weapons syateng and were not deemed appropriate for our purposes. c. Nareroua contaa ng the month. '.Lases incllu All of these discussions were related to a iftc operations and operation s port activities. 10. The retention of item 1. F. (relating to geodetic and target locationa_ data) as a first priority category item in the priority T&tiona t, Intelligence Obj a;tiv free defer b Chfe3 25X1A9a y before a meeting of the Board of gati ates,, t;L. 11. Ch/G participated in the Clandestine Services Rev-Lowpresenting not o Geographic Area activities but the as well. l2 ? was briefed an scurm imterlals relating to an external re+ earth project be is is "rag for the Department of the Azar. 6 Approved For Release 2001/08/27 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000100020013-7 Approved For Release 2001/08/27 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000100020013-7 3sr ~inR wr~~,~~ D. miscellaneous Several (WA persOnne1 attea led a3 se m on the Development of x,formtion Processing F rate presented by the Ageuty oal 30 rpvembe at the Isper taint of state Ae for Distribution: 1 - AA/RR 1 - St/A 1 - St/1 1 - St// /R a - Ch/E -D/PG 3 - D/aC 2 - D/GL - Ch/G GAR/ ,/G: :RAN:nmk/8867 (8 December 1960) Approved For Release 2001/08/27 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000100020013-7 Approved For Release 2001/08/27 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000100020013-7 Approved For Release 2001/08/27 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000100020013-7