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SECRET Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP63-00313A000600030017-5 copy 2 April 1959 OLAMMU TE qty Director (Plow) S tBC'T My thoughts on this matter are as follow. suggested that it might be advisable for ma BPD-PD/P team that is planning to make a visit to raw .;Eastern units. This thought is prompted by the possibility that there may be baestuess of a reapeireaa>aeo 25X1A 25X1 C 25X1 C conclusion of the Alt C to that the treataency of lesions over the CtUC< area, wherein those missions are primarily for the collection of FLSiT, is excessive to terms of the need to update C COM sir defeat informal. V the flights are wade for other reasons, there woid4 be sea, per pose served In not including XLJ T Soar. The eoflection of CLINT htond the Manchuria. border would be a first priority Objective and would, probably ovU.s valuable i ormation oaf I at ether These views, or as they may be modified, will be confirmed to me by thae members of the AEC within the most week. It may be that deers would be some value in discussing thee* coaelwions with PACAF and the StbG Air Force as well as Acting Chief DPD*t)D/P ChiefIAdmin Branath/DPD-DD/P Upcoming Far Eastern Trip of the DPD-DD/P Team though I am net convinced at this time that it would be imperative for me to to this in person and, in any event, this would have, be worked out with ATCIN before any communication was undertaken with PACAF lead 5h. U. Some g 1/2 week ago to a very brief coetversatian in yaw office you outlined the extension of my requilrema a responsibilities as including the requirements for air activities which come witte Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-R UCRET This docu e @ oK. this hriformation Approved For Release 2002f99q lA-RDPr&3-00313AO00600030017-5 the purview of DPI. except for transportation. You also indicated that there were differences in what this responsibility would entail is the instance of PP and PM activities as distinct from intelligence requirements although beat did not permit a fail *xp atton of these differences. I construed these remarks as an indication of the trend of your thinking rather than fall conclusions. It has seamed to me on reflection that wets I to exercise 25X1 D aoy respinsibility with regard to requirements, say, for leaflet drops I would necessarily have to asae>wiase the necessity for such drops stimulated Or initiated by 25X1 C The requirements responsibility which I have tried to exercise is that of trying to order multiple demands of different grades of importiance on limited capabilities on the one d and establishing the validity sad relative importance of any requirements. To de the, latter Is the case of PP or PM activities appears to me to req+aire at least an intrusion into the specifically assigned responsibilities in this headquarters of the area divisions. If I did this and asked as many questions as I would have to, they would probably either ask, "When did you become our supervisor?" or, "Weald. you pleas to to bell?" While I am quite willing to pursue any responotbiii direct in the above: regards, I would feet Oat I seed to know pre, clearly what you want also I fear I would be complicating rather 25X1 D than helping in this aspect of DPD business. Until this matter were clawrifted. It would be to my Opinion uaeeise to go to the fi ld to took into the PIP or PM regsirementsl 25X1 D On t h* other hand, it may be that these would be some vata, to you to have me get an ow-ftoapot backgrou d without any instruction for a formal sus 'isatian as an assist in devele DPD thinking on bow best requirements for PP and PM ass of air should be handled. net the "Organisation. I would eelfer the two following comments which e cements from such observation as I have had a chance to make Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP63-00313A000600030017-5 Approved For Release 2002/&%REIA-RDP6a 00313A00D600030017-5 C L-0407 25X1A 25X1A are admittedly outside of my rseponsibility bat do bear upon the procedural relationships and possible effectiveness of DPI action as s hole in carrying out what seems to be an intention of the reorganisation. They are: 25X1 C a. It would seem that where air lift is required In operations of either intelligesece or PP or Pled con ection an individual from DPI), possibly from Operations, seeds to be brought in at an early stags on & fully-cleared basis. ?allure to to this might well binder the effectiveness of DPI) support, b, If DPI) is to be the oempstsat and esepuos"ble I. authority on all of the Agency's air activities (except proprietary)* than in every case the % #tion most be asked specifically in what regards is this technical competence to apply and specifically boars. should begin to collect the necessary field background, and I spa of it now particularly with regard to the Tar Last.) kinds of responsibilities then it would Seem to me that 0 should be applied is any air operation. If DPI) is to have these e embarrassingly isvolved, the *am* standards of operation. practice in the case of CHALICE operations. It is oleo my under- standing that in terms of maintenance of high sods at operations in CHALICE no sacrifice of procedures is made just because we are evsrflylag a less sensitive area such as the Middle Zest than s ponetration. That this should be true seeress to me obvious. Where there is a possibility that the Agency or the US Government could I. Coatalusiosrn: It is not intperstiv 25X1 A ~tlssstt the us tdersigsssed join the DPD town to the Tar int. It Might be helpful as indicated in paragraph i s above with regard to PACE` and gt& ass +sa The requirements responsibility for PP and Plot is not clear as yet to me, It may be that discussion in the field 'Would help clarity this matter. Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP63-00313A000600030017-5 ~7-CRET SECRET Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP63,-00313A000600030017-5 4, Rete ssendattoa: That tit. 25X1A Ch SSRS/DPD?DD/P:JQReher:cw Cy 1&Z Addressee 3-Acting Chief DPD?DD/P 4.Chief/Adxnie Branch/DPD-DD/P 5-Chief taps/DPD?DD/P 6-Ch SRS/DPD.DD/P CIA..-"$? aot join the DPI? bald team to the Chief, Special Rogmborsata Swf UPD- DD/ P JAMALS Q. SIMIM Reeommee4stion axe paragraph 4. APPROVED: ' t RICHARD M. SELL. 3R.. Deputy Director (Ptaei) Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP63-00313A000600030017-5