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Document Release Date: 
November 6, 2009
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L) (S ( a C ) - - - - > O / Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/11/09: CIA-RDP63-00309A000100020010-3 too ?r piiti=. soft for sic roomi die * r gifi+ tit 'ler&l r s an high for eetual. ASeW qutremwA . A eat+ of q tfted steal ra SWUM o be acrutitted, but wmW routine cx ric *1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/11/09: CIA-RDP63-00309A000100020010-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/11/09: CIA-RDP63-00309A000100020010-3 low t, Z ottor G s 's ftport 'aini In O U be quite ilia 4 in typim. riven t with the conoopt profeetiia . am ; tai an in trip ion of caimmumersr i of acre "feetiv 3i ie; on with the C Officers of the to see if owe pvatleal reserve LI G a*, teou d be handled by mobilization an ae'!"feaetive dt cy-serv t far terse o fio ers sbotgA be ""loped for their wre p icu3. utilization 4moins mobilization. XI establish an A ncy po iayy that all junior ice 400* not sear With We oncept of the J dam, of top f3 tes e the potential to UIUMU37 Dares o xeVdro# that these Sispecs . ba ling, tb&t they bey. ems! that they aadv== as M MY an officers enter Apany ea>ploy t om*% the .* of dvslc tng in e-r to retain and tieet3 -. Such a agram, 40 a ppliet ire8, to ,3 ' involves a IMA&%1 of select group same of ho should At the some time Van aft ma y' the :MF a houl& cantin *: r Iii: the Ag*r p - ,, job S M" witbin the orb saa-tion, and espeeier3y in ft"Ort conponents, ire noxwa recruitsent outside of Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/11/09: CIA-RDP63-00309A000100020010-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/11/09: CIA-RDP63-00309A000100020010-3 rn aox sills tion to the fe .bility isp*ctor t rs3.'s low dbUsh a JM selection tstlcaa fyrm the three brm4y it x p rie sUon mg. ft* Wit, .fir ibou : e C - ET e is the tst for ssti ions, eta. this P=- i #iti is tit pmel selection we the number of outside gt s fl t .c ug. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/11/09: CIA-RDP63-00309A000100020010-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/11/09: CIA-RDP63-00309A000100020010-3 SECRET In CIA stsz ing of the interrelationship of Agency functions." II i qualified officers to ass a brasftr favor development of training P"w=s beeartil3r ewe it. partieubmly in the field of eammend. should be given to developing son skills eel be the esx's at this :heel. We believe 1* puce- ae1 Y 33t. lresvesbly the poseess Age and skills has brought thri vel, howvsr their sesigzseent to ibil ty should be facilitated tbrough in t sad ervi*iof. alaap ftMWAUM and *V ustisg COMPO with into lli In the U.S. Ga etr *nt r in with the +iline described abwa ." e criteria as expressed In the prec d blr the Off ice of Truiz3wing,. ospee i tics will tineae to take advater of perti to or f overseas. have in mind such coursei "Aawricams Abroaed", strati ve ee eats, as'ea briefing. At ft e son tim ve will devel a and o ?tbo-3ab training, within the Office of r the .pecis3i performance of our career SECRET{ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/11/09: CIA-RDP63-00309A000100020010-3