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February 15, 1954
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Approved For Release 2002/07/31 : CIA-RDP63-00084A000200060076-6 S-E-C-1t-E- T Control Noo 447529 15 February 1954 MEMO& NND ! FOR: IWG Members Mr, Spencer M, Beresford, FQA-/MD C 25X1A2g Mr, Douglas Coster, State/EDS SUBJECT : Clearance of date of information 4 February 1954, 1, Enclosed herewith is a copy of the text of the subject communication, Permission has been granted to disseminate further this communication as follows: 25X1A2g To FOA/Mi.C/Washington and USRO/Paris FOk ItiFOi TIGN ONLY, classified SECRET/US OFFICIaIS ONLY; to posts at Hamburg, Bonn, London and Santiago FOR ACTION, classified SECRET, Neither the source of the information nor the source agency may be revealed, 25X1A2g 2, probably refers to the shipment reported in (see Ind ssemination memorandum, Control Number 447235, of 26 January 1954). It is not clear, as yet, who owns the copper referred to in 25X1 A2g I -J Under terms of the contract signed in 1953 between NORDDEUTSCHE AFF'INEHIE and Caja de Credito y Fomento Minero, if the two parties can agree upon price the refined copper becomes NDA property; if price agreement is not reached Caja de Credito retains title to the copper, paying NDA its refining charges (see Hamburg D'298, 3 February 1954) If Caja retains title to the copper it is believed that diversion may be a possibility, particularly in view of the information contained in 25X1A2g a, Query AmConGen hamburg as to the possibility of securing on a current basis from 1VDA information on all copper refined on a custom basis,, including mount, origin and identity of owner, as well as proposed disposition if that information is available to NDA. b, In view of the strong possibility of diversion of the copper on the Bolivia, request AmConGen Hamburg to determine its ownership and final disposition, State Dept. declassification & release instructions on file 4, Suggestions for the development of further intelligence are as follows: S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2002/07/31 : CIA-RDP63-00084AO00200060076-6 S-E='C-R-B-T 5. It is requested that this Agency be advised of further use of the foregoing information by the addressees of this memorandumo 25X1A9a Executive ease Intelligence Working Group Enclosure (1) 25X1A2g S-IE-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2002/07/31 : CIA-RDP63-00084AO00200060076-6 Approved For Release 2002/07/31 : CIA-RDP63-00084AO00200060076-6 date of information 4 1'ebruury 1954 25X1 A2g bwedish vessel, Bolivia, owned by Johson Line, transited Panama Canal on 4 February 1954 en route to Hamburg, Germany, carrying 860,000 kilos copper in bulk, consigned to.horddeutsche &ffinerie, Hamburg 36, by Ca Ja De Credito Hinero, Chile. -. Shipment was loaded at Coquimbo, Chile, for Hamburg, S-E-C-H-E-T Approved For Release 2002/07/31 : CIA-RDP63-00084AO00200060076-6