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Approved For Release' 1000%05/ 2S00346A000100220004-9 2 4 APR 1958 Total production of nickel in the Bloc is estimated at 54,148 metric tons in 1957, of which 54,000 tons were produced in the USSR and 148 tons in East Germany. T . , t Z r~ p -,4 1 S-ji / / c- " -. . r 1 e-?v Ac//-,C_ fo ...r ^~ ?-rr ? ? ~. t ~v v c_~,c_ /~, ,, ~/_of + ~k' /. /~ 1 I, b In the USSR, nickel refineries areAas follows: Severo e ' Metallurgical Combine, Monchegorsk; the Yuzhuralnikel Combine, Orsk; the Norilsk Metallurgical Combine, Norilsk; and the Ufaley Combine, Ufaley 'in East Germany, refined nickel is produced at the Aue Nickel Plant at Aue. 4. Molybdenum - Total Bloc production of molybdenum in 1957 is estimated at 7,400 metric tons (metallic equivalent of 65% molybdenite concen- trates), including 5,800 tons produced in the USSR and 1,600 tons in China. The concentrates produced in China are exported to the USSR. The USSR estimate may be as much as 25% high. (r?c. I-,, Mold 6d N .. /%.-a ,,._d n-re -+,.a n[@ A.yf?rf~. - In the USSR, the principal sources of molyb enum are at Tyrny-Auz, where ore is mined and concentrated and at Vostochno Kounradskiy, where copper molybdenum ore is mined for processing at Balkhash. The Chelyabinsk Ferroalloys Plant at Chelyabinsk is the principal producer of ferromolybdenum. In China, almost all production of molybdenum concentrates is at Yang-Chia-Chang-Tzu in Liaoning Province. 6. Carbonyl Powder - -d ~vhde Date: on production, of carbonyl nickel powder are not available for any of the Bloc countries. The USSR has ample supplies of nickel and has the technological capability of producing sufficient carbonyl powder to supply the relatively small quantities that are required, In the USSR, carbonyl nickel powder is produced at Krasnoyarsk and possibly at Monchegorsk. Approved For Release 2000/05/23 : 0346A000100220004-9 Approved For Rele : CIA-RDP62SO0346A000100220004-9 .x/93? Sino-3ovIet Bloc production and imports of mercury in flasks of of 76 pounds, as follows: Production -- USSR, 27,Q00; Communist China, 25,000; tea, 200; Czechoslovakia, 800; Tota 1 production, 53,000 flasks. Imports from the Free World: from Italy and Yugoslavia, 1,500 to 1,500. Exports to the Free World: negligible. Total new supply of mercury tx in the Sino.Soviet Bloc during 1957 ,41-e 4X00 A-V 1 1-11, estimated, therefore, at 51,500 57,500 flasks. 1 ,1,-4-, 6A i r .+ ., f /4,,- eJ ',-4 - FC.`~4 s ccl,?, Ie , rrJ /a,.~ et CLi.a,,e. V! _ tC ~ j ~ ? J i ~ ~ ' ~ ~?rA o .v e 0 { - C.. h ..v e f e ` ` l '$ 4 Y t Y #Y .0 I AC/.l `? .... ~.. i... or iFd fi i,/ ON A-...-40 Cl.. C-4,V, J f or.P- :_ . .y Ko fcr 4' c% A-.,,cZ Approved For Release 2000/05/23 : CIA-RDP62SO0346A000100220004-9 Approved For Relea ? IA-RDP62S00346A000100220004-9 CQ l tin / lA M /~ri ' R N GA Al to on Sino-Soviet Bloc production -ad sonva 4-1 of columbium and tantalum are not available. The Bloc is known, however, to have extensive deposits of columbium and tantalum bearing minerals. 4__-Inasmuch as no attempts have beem made to procure columbium from the Free World since 1955, it is presumed that the Bloc is self-sufficient in this material. Tantalum, however, appears to be in short supply, particularly in East Germany. Small quantities of tantalum metal have been ru smuggled into East German intermittently at least since 1953. * Since mid-1957 reports of such smuggling have increased. Available evidence indiates that at least 100 mzaxU pounds of tantalum metal have been exported is to East Germany from West Germany via Sweden and Switzerlandx in 1957,[. Approved For Release 2000/05/23 : CIA-RDP62SO0346A000100220004-9