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Approved For Release 2001/08/15 : CIA-RDP62SO0346A000100106027-7 BEST COPY A VAILABLE Approved For Release 2001/08/15 : CIA-RDP62SO0346A000100100027-7 Approved For Release 2001/08/15 IGiA-RDP62S00346A000100100027-7 IAA I =Alloms file owl" 48 Ow VA.: I 25X1X7 ~ 25X1X7 25X1A9a a_ MW a OClE! M - --- EM MMAMi Uwe 25X1X7 ? f r~ M-wMM ~t l~M M-M ~INLt~i/! A M a Sma ~ goes 25X1X7 Approved For Release 2001/08/15 : CIA-RDP62SO0346A000100100027-7 Approved For Release 2001/08/15 : CIA-RDP62S00346 Qt) 100027-7 we omm. be inter sled in aieerta d dli D+.dtet ia.:s?s i 2l15~ (MPW ate 111! ~M i Ll ' aleoss tape pessib4litF that etch 1t404 as radar Mdlrrt aoi ? which probably w .d have bean ,alwed at 'M7 ~t1 pr'i and fa! whLok ori$Lnal oeots eotiiratss oast "7 PO' .stns to lack of fwiliarity with those 1tear 1 have aaeountsd for sack of this overf+alfillweut. Ws woul4 be i*lseNtsd in a.eartainins aw this. 25X1X70 wqmii ow o eras ashie~lsd. Its be" belt atm M to leNSr sommm. 'L'abs we 6m wt the SsvIaft MAW" r- 1 O pm 1%O Ails the etrldirl pyn sm1LM 46OW -- _... S" dot i v. a !alts is mmddm -m- $a no l40MEMMMM war y i.ant effet) pe price way have bad a very dgaif Md bssa L There is r'aso? to bell eve that by 1950 the S d eft bid -- t 4 " ems: fr awe rat i e re the delivery Sr adliyrsy awd itewe ei tested, and prep em"d pre d* 1 ? It WWA14 thsrafoeo, iM1 extersa4 avente such as the !.rats w had very little rolaKMt to the d.1nse Mds1 increases is thaw yows~ for the iasw~sss>s~. that external evewts War pr i rill respros .r.~ru ~ia-i r sr+l ..: v 1MIwrlw ONW6111106 46 VMS of the ease sr tm esetro abm and MA erye No wage frrro edrtwltaeswl vw oMeiaL. Ms. 1A"tie Ma ~' ton we V. would be interested is the f.Uosisj lips at reasoning oowosrw:ef the effect of apiealtws"a st Stl.ee es Smew1 rocwoMd.o arvelop-t. - The balk of ssviW availsM* fir i t stM*1Mtrs is rap cowtsd b prsfifd (erd pelits teas) stlrl Mwwma' to cowl so that Om could all^fem tae zs rrvmwm'athe apparently oocorred for 19S"1?~53. Wat, PPOWMA planners to oaesese this course of sanest shortages of Noel to utilise the capecit7 far other items - if s% ei rdlitsi y items? 25X1X70 Approved For Release 2001/08/15 : CIA-RDP62S00346A000100100027-7 I. M 1.s lllrl . M .s % W 0 0. !M arlosis rYw~ '~ $ I4 I shi a ltttt*or r ti we D dais - tbral+ers atrios1 's rif.A Mrlt the '-""I I b.sn aantrtbutiai a oaosta t or dowessift Idle the 000"W as a Whs3 WW sIV sais! saoraws7. eonstllst w a sw'iem problem far long twgvwt- a[ p~Mlss1 D. !fs asst at t+rl rw~ M 00 prLASipa1u OW wt fe ts~wrMwt am Jaws of Via IN Mrw towage" tir r~r1 tM postow p iM1 Approved For Release 2001/08/15 : CIA-RDP62SO0346A000100100027-7 Ow Oda w* Is tr &A is s.t swtit3 to tan ?s. amduMm trrM sow alas ire sn' pow .sM a1 M1La..* ww e~w +rW? -. On a/r'd alit to tit !!So bM b rrt w asswwt. "w moftw to twMw *map In is WWAs 1- i. last y" la go tali St ar.alr-M ad "Ad ? $. As sa6ar4s th. in ew to M AI" e.ssWwu.s in no e~rw &h4 I "m most librly ..tones to Ow wook2du to tb0 V Zw~.ie. M at is 19 0 L do be is .e tM ' N"W Abda1t shmm aA r l: *Is tlr i_ s r tL.. bMLl *i I IM !a s. mwmmt6&4 cn au tiw tranrlstLaa of t 1040% $-T 11th mm"k 1%6. Uis am so. I .t xn6$ rp 111. tit P A,*. P*Uamd is Immod.a, a* 190 Wo LM is W -NI slid II .& L mftd&& UNCIAL ewe arrS.wt. as veil is to v wr "Ir De.m it a..e ter te.tiM !a daarl 44 , , 19-90 oett,. Me ssv bew a1. 3wd. tlr dM" to tW% a ees~.e.d sits ~rre-wr' i. la..sve t. T t ~0 i t rs ONSW to tim wvd"tsas at pmt Mo met to w.ms. b ' a ? io tar a. ttr ia.rwe Is 0s SevLt r 1LIs - bs4ista Sir 1* MO 00 wM tww +Mw . sda s es t1w twat.. !s a IMrr 8 as ttsisat`t mod Mrt arsrwwM p1rra por..lers~? *ru"w!a'r W1sa - ~~ M. "we also br.r t- ab.rt by ' atssv.l iw.ts", bet We %M4 1s ie1.d ..Lahr Ww L.r 1950 *6 IM. Us LMSe ss In MOMAO ss as r Ap- .'y r Ot ? oa.i WSW PUM. .Ia Ow ""to et ia...siw to TE *a Ift 4w It- ia?...r-..s sl.strle ? 30 0 1* ~O 40 Approved For Release 2001/08/15 : CIA-RDP62SO0346A000100100027-7 It swan th t the tail to the pa+a&st/ss at sum leso~sU s as to ~tt Oftettlb or a mew type (the fl-t) is JMaa'M. The eM tMrMa Mdimag if $$ nmwi v ;also builds rdira mom, but then is no .videos that tea's +ratprt +te ioaroaaod is 1950. to pr lvid? amposLi - II is pia? 4Lng ps'sdataM. The tall is tits N adnettn of than La 1950 to 395? tees prsb p *40 110 the. e in Pi tattoo La 1$) We do not yet knew bow the U.$.8.*.. god to aohiavs snob a IMP i? stoma ldmosottvo prodastiaa botuses 1952 sad 103. ht 'w weft *at it is Vp0mble t*t by 1953 the no" for aors locoaotivs. bad awe owe besets sosM of the now limes blot b%llt. Muse , eroortaim Wavy tierta Yo ease, et eateoa, Meg the tailor at the a itarai to an !!a a the locoaotiva works to the new factories. e Approved For Release 2001108/15 : CIA-RDP62SO0346A000100100027-7 tram"A of heavy 11salda?ry. Itsswse 1am to sueia said" Its~q ? inane eahmasu. ?rs_ esasas+stsa at at 100" M stew l wee awmatsrd with a dMiaiea I. mammal asrMis latortLas V111116319 W Srtllg rtive werhs and /Yiperi prMriag 3assrtiras oeeltiy to prodrstiss was alms a sostrlhtiag fte k" O As tae as a asalrias soo? just bosh enoeplated and % big permitted a transfer of heavy The peasc7niap suggested for the stasnsties of agriasltore is sot is sir naing. The =%changed level of turnover taxes my well be du, to otter sources of revenue and to the effect of falling pries level. It is t price Cuts of food since 19L7-19L8 have reduced their oattribotim to the ted Char. of agrieultusl produstea be. rust eosddwab1y saws Z anti t sad the iatzwa is spsMiag as the. X.T.S. taut sa r CW dim 1953-195L the iwrsass is adriaultural NO _0 two the St*M tsM redaction in tex per =It bas been partially offset by isar acrd blob. routes is roo?$pts is kIM file want dome by We e.t.a. 'aa rs?oetroes to agrisoltuve. '. rretsrtts bays ehanged tbispr m sh - Ww iallj awed peimtaii) by d&NW%llg with tie Qoa-ape tbo $saMr osanougr. Approved For Release 2001/08/15 : CIA-RDP62SO0346A000100100027-7