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November 7, 1958
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Actin, Chief,,. Economic Research Ate'
Activity Report for the Mo~ f October l9 8
25X1 X ons were held by various " A representatives with
Sanitized - Approved for Release CIA-RDP62SO
and f'leap for rardF' programs Bloc area P_ , F
agricultu ?ev and,. the, Soviet seven year plan,
14:a A joint CRRRRROCI Current Jiltcelli.genz:e Weekl_iy item on the Chinese
cormnunes was separately distributed at the ;direction of the DCI to members
of the BEG.
5, Efforts are proceeding on several fronts aimed at improving the
collection of guided.missile intelligence. A briefing pointed at improving
rr . e to rrloc ew no c p
Trades Economic Penetration9 Pricing, and S' no-Soviet Economic
Relations were particularly stressed,,
217 The MU Branches have con pleted a review of their Biographic
sit r OCR for
Data requiiremeftc which is being sent to the Biographic B.egi
the fu uxe guidance of that component and of the State Depar
Division of Biographic Information.
3_, Current support activity in October c ntinaed at a high level
reflecting the unse wtlec conditions.: in the i~ art East an the Middle East.
tither subjects xrceiui significant attendon- included the Chinese comes
ecommunication9 Bloc
+ Bin to
re a men a iet 141..tart' Econmicse Bloc
Sanitized Aaaroved For Release : CIA-.RDp.62SOO234AWO.-14O22OO23=5-
Sanitized Approved For Relea'se':,- C A-RDP62S00231AO0Qj 02.20023-5
New suggestions for collection are. being devised fraan I/G V s study and
evaluation of the Soviet ICBM estimate (115-58)a Mr. is,
representing the Office 'in an Agency group which will visit the Ballistic
Missile headquarters to survey BMD document output and arrange for Agency
receipt of selected reports on a continuing basis,
6, The UTSIB A& Hoc Panel of Consultants is being convened on 12 November
to consider GI 1IC u s evaluation' of NIE 11-5-58 (Soviet ICB14 Estimate)? The
Guided Missile Branch is to -brief this Panel on the production and deployment
aspects of the guided missiles program., Some reservations are being
entertained on theusefalness of the contribution which the Ad Hoc Panel
can make iii a three day consideration of the whole program, which allots
one day for briefings, one day for discussion,, and one day for the prepara-
tion and presentation of a report.
The Guided Missile Branch u s contribution to GMIC u s evaluation has
been singled out for informal commendation by the ONE Staff.
7, At the z equest of Dr? Kistialcowaky of the US delegation to the
Geneva meetings on ins pection systems against surprise attack, Chief,
Industrial Division, prepared a study on the feasibility of developing
indications of a surprise attack from an agreed upon inspection of the
Soviet industrial system. The study concludes that observation of industrial
activities would be most useful if the agreement includes limitations on
size of strategic attack forces.
es t show an interest in
r to
9, As previously repor u.ed, AFCIN continu
110i.taxy Economics Branches military costing techniques? The branch briefed
25X1 A9a Dr, - (AFU d T~~, on methods and problems of military costing. At
25X1 A9a s .a.ggestion Military Economies Branch will participate in a
tinStiff in 1+Fov?niber
s :l r T-nffearrr+a
25X1 A9a 4_1!111-4 "?~ r ? ?i Tribx?a of r-^ s
r9' ?
..._xzg _ ~
x . ~
25X1 ASa l
13r, is also to arrange Frith o5X o 5a 1
10 The et :Cc Economic Working group continued its series of meetings
throughc,ut C--to ber. By month ? s end coordination had progressed to the point
where .a wind up of cork on the contribution to NIB 11-2-59, The Soviet atomic
y a M, wa assured for early loge be ?E.
Sanitized_i- Approved_:For-Rele se - CIA,RC P62S00.2.3.IA000I.002.20023-5----
Sanitized Approved For Release CIA-RDP62S00231A000100220023-5
1 11. Analysis Division harp been provided with the substantive content
25X1 A5
of personal discussions between
problems facing the Soviet economy.
Mr. A3.khi ov has shown unusual- candor in his willingness to discuss leading
Advisors and Mr? Al khi mov) the 8yo
since aiaaly& ts aiaact now await the rival of formal putbleatioris as opposed
to informal. telephone calls which were formerly- or s e cline t:ay to interested
analysts the FJJD translator in advance of U?ne formal publication date.
There has been defira:ite improvement in the quality co`" sr)irct; J'A'RS publications
but., in general JP'f qua:} ty in no -Tay approa.che;s the : vel which axway8t&
have beew-ae accustomed to receive from FDD
currently being received from 412 to 6 months following the broadcast dates.
)S IMD Ser%-Ice has seriously declined., particularly in the European
Satellites ?e,&.,, since the FD.i reorganization this past year. JPRS work
does not begin to vproach the work formerly performed by FDD from a
tihceliness po:tht of view, Delays of as much sr 3-6 month: - are, not unusual
l?;, Y W ai Ar ..aa is r - L4t Over the ear, in both quantity
and timeliness of the FBTS. service for its areas of interest, has again
been expressed Those sections of the FBXS
R ms era economic Beres are generally found, have
S .lys in which
decreased in number of pages by approximately one-third,, The economic
abstract cards, which are now supposedly ,rr?ying the material which is
screened firm the Dail, for lack of space., are heavily backlogged and
16. Duriyig October ft ne = profeasion a1i entered on duty with ERA
and one transferred from D:D/P 0 Unfortunately th3 , number of prospective
employees currently' being processed is quite lows. and. it appears aznl.ikely
that the special recruitine, tr .ps$ which c;~r Ta enc. d tli'--s izanth and -All
continue throughout November, will produce enough candidates to fill the
Sanitized Approved. For Release : CIA-RDP62S00231A000100220023-_5
gap*, One of the more effectivesnuripe
pel?sor . ref?rra :s , volunteered b s n poter~tia3 esrp oyees:.ha beep
Y 1~vsts already on-board; ;Recently'
Several such referra].ra have produced good. res ] tse
to continue to recd rend potential candidates from their ] perg ed
nal' or
professional contacts,
25X`1 A9a
.Dietw .butibn e
I - OD/RI`,)
ea Divis:Lon, Branch,
& Staff Chief
l - Och/E
2- St/PR
St/PR/PR: : bl /2803 (7 Nov 58)
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