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1 4 JAN Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP62S00231A00010 7101.01A141016.. 13 January 1960 TO: Assistant Director for Research and Reports FROM: Chief, Economic Research Area SUBJECT: Activity Report for the Month of December 1959 t Activities Intra',ten.84PPPV: 1. During December the principal articles prepared by ERA in support of OC/ concerned the Soviet agricultural plenum, Soviet agricultural output in 1959, Khrushchev's latest electric power speech, the economic situation ix Bulgaria, Noland and East Germany, the decline in Soviet school enrollawnt, the North Korean program for 1960, and Bloc activities in Ethiopia, lenen, Latin America and in the world rubber market. in early December, the on Biweekly Survey of Communist Activi- ties was suspended. 2. Chief, DA briefed the DC/ on NIX 11-8-59, "Soviet Capabilities for Strategic Attack through Mid-1964," which by the end of December was successfully completed. Chief, ERA, Chief, D/I, and Chief, D/A, briefed members of USIB on general economic developments in the USSR, particularly with respect to the military expenditures implication of NIE 11-4-59, "Main Trends in Soviet Capabilities and Policies, 1959-64." 3. Premier Khrushchev's Budapest statement on missiles of 1 December led to a request for I/GM comment and support for an OCT publication. //GM also assisted Chief, D/Iiin preparing a brief comment for the DCI on an earlier Khrushchev statement on missile expenditures. 4. //GM provided extensive support, including the loan of branch graphics, to WI in the preparation of a forthcoming briefing for the DCI on new developments in the surface-to-air missile field. The briefing will be the first of a series of OSI briefings intended to apprise the Director of new developments in technical fields. Chief, 1/(34, has been invited to attend the briefing and anever questions on the economic, production, and deployment aspects should any arise. 5. I/GM prepared initial drafts of the production and deployment sections of a paper, dealing with the history of Soviet development of long-range ballistic missiles, to be emitted by the DCI to the President in mid-January. (34D/OSI is the action unit in the Agency for this paper, Sanitized - ApproveliolikiWasse : CIA-RDP62S00231A000100220009-1 Sanitized - Approved FaisAAVIA-RDP62S00231A000100220009-1 ar0 close coordination is being maintained with OSI on the subsequent drafts. 6, At the request of SR, DD P Mt. AWN I/GM, briefed the 25X1X7 Chief or on current problems of collecting information on the Soviet guided miesile program. Also, the Deployment Oection, I/GM, briefed 8 members of the Reports Branch of DD/P/ER on the role, within CIA, of ORE in the field of guided missile deployment. The meeting was arranged after learning that this group was unaware of ORR's interest in and responsibility for this type of information. M/CR provided special support to the pup in the form of back- ground information and reauirements relating to the Bloc position with regard to boron commands, which are potentially important as components of missile propellants. 8. M/FMand M/NF prepared a bibliography of open Soviet sources loformation on ferrous3 and alloying materials for the DCI. ,h3t1Y. 9 usrB Watch Coneettee support continued at a relatively by level with the food situation in the northern Satellites and arms traffic the chief items of continuing interest. 10. S/TD provided support and advice to the Port Security Committee in connection with the entries of the Polish ship, jantar, the Soviet ships, Jana and Seetlogorsk and the British ship, London Prestige. Also considered was the proponed visit of the U.S. cruiser Northampton to Gdynia, vith its possible implication of Polish requests for reciprocity. 25X1A9a 11. Mr. I/RE, was recalled to Paris in connection with the 1959 COCOM review of the International List of strategic trade items. 12. 14/FM provided intelligence support to the U.S. Delegate to COCOM regarding cobalt and vacuum furnaces. 13. 5/TD and I/PB also continued to provide intelligence support to 25X1A9a MAC for the COCOM List Review. Me. 1/PE, devoted considerable time to supporting the CIA position that Bloc countries are producing COCOM item 1016, grinding heads and spindle assemblies, a position which the Office of the Secretary of Defense has challenged. At the end of the mouth, the CIA fact sheet remained unchanged; however, OSD continued to maintain that CIA had not proved actual production order hea been plac 25X1X2 25X1X2 Sanitized - Approved FtrItegeerCIA-RDP62S00231A000100220009-1 25X1A5 Sanitized - ApprovesifsarBiliase : CIA-RDP62500231A000100220009-1 A?..? 25X1A5a1 14, MAN provided with background information cal iron aM steel facilities and prac ces in the USSR and the Eusats. is undertaking an eight months study of the comparative efficiency of the steel industries in the West, the 25X1A5a1 USSR and the Eusats. Basing his work at Geneva, he expects to visit several of these countries to supplement information obtained on two orevious trips. 15. Chief, API AU, provided information on the Soviet Budget and Plans to Mr. 25X1A5a1 16. TO support the in connectionvith its vork for theIIMMMMMM=111.1W as veil as for other projects, I/ME prepared and transmitted to extensive material on ruble ratios, military expenditures, Soviet Air Force personnel my, and the formula- tion and execution of poLicy for Soviet weapons. 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 17. M/FM supported AFCIC Missile branch with intelligence on alloying materials intim Sino-Soviet Bloc. 18, Or provided unclassified estimates of the production of aluminum in Communist China and the Eusats for the Department of State. 19. OP provided support to State regarding trade in petroleum between the Bloc and the Free World in 1959 and to the Air Force regarding petroleum pipelines in the USSR. 20. DiM, at the request of OCDM, provide an observer to the Interagency Committee to Develop Programs to Retard Western Europe's Dependence on Middle Nast 011. CIA has been asked to provide information regarding the Bloc's ability to influence the supply of petroleum to Western Europe. gpeechest Lecturest EpAa_BrAlEiga a. Ai% presented a lecture an Soviet Finance for the Office of Training. DM, briefed staff members of OCB on the subject of World Energy Problems. 25X1A5a1 25X1A5a1 25X1A5a1 3 Sanitized - Approvedaieugek~ : CIA-RDP62S00231A000100220009-1 25X1X7 Sanitized - Approved For 13elets,e,; c14-RDP62500231A000100220009-1 24. visited by that Chief, AP dC, an 11111111M on Soviet popu:_ation and labor the Bureau of thee Census Foreign staff'. 25X1C8c A/Pc, brief force data. Manpower Office and vas briefed 25. Members a Wm and OF, held discussions with representatives 25X1 X7 of on the USSR reserves, production and supply of nickel, cobalt, tungsten, gold, couper, tin, and diamonds. 25X1X1 Besearck FoTogr3111 Dayelsliztva4 ,gpeckig p:rp_tosl 33. Chief, 00 was designated OBR member of a WV DWI Committee examining the relationship of research on Sino-Saviet relations to the overall DWI research program. Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP62S00231A000100220009-1 Sanitized - Approved FoirjalaurimplA-RDP62S00231A000100220009-1 34. In connection with Project 36.2376, "The Impact of Guided ilea Miasile Reqpirements Cu the Electroeics Industry of the USSR," Mr. //EE, visited the Air Force Ballistio Missile Division (BMD) in Inglewood, Califoraia to obtain cost information an U.S. ballistic missiles. Aggregate program' data were obtained on the Thor and Titan missiles. In additioce requiremente personmel in the Office of the Chief of lava' Operations were consulted on the costs of operational missile systems used by the Navy. 25X1A9a 35. Ht. I/ZE, travelled to ATIO, Deyton, Ohio, to confer with personnel of AFCIN-4 on Soviet electronic data processing equipment and comounications facilities in the Soviet Air Defense System. Infor- mation received. 'es for use in MIS 11.3.59, "Sino-Soviet Bloc Air Defense Cepabilties." 36. I/GM, at the reepest of the Chairman, (IC, prepared draft terms of reference for a proposed GMAIC Subcommittee on Guided Missile Peoducteon. The GMAIC le considering recommending to USIB the establish- ment of several formal subcommitteee, one of which would deal vith predection. As of mid-December, the CIA and Priat members and the Chairman, amlac, favored the formation of subcommittees on Technical, Collection, Production and Astronautics intelligence; the other members either objected (jr, joint Steff and State), or reserved judgment (USAF, Army) pending examination of draft teems of reference for the proposed subcommit- tees. Despite the varied. positions' all (MAIC members agree that it has become virtually *possible for them to keep informed on the vide range of topics now regularly considered at GMAIC meetings, and reported on to the USIB. Champ in Estimates 37. A number of sigeificant changes in the projected course and mix of Foviet 'military procurement have been inn ?orated in I/ME's recent contribution to MIE :. In the aggregate, the value of Soviet procurement is now estimated to have been lover in the recent past and is projected as appreciably smaller rates of growth. Thus, instead of doubling over the period 1958-63, it is estimated that the increase will be on the order of 55-60 percent. The most strikimg change in the mix is the drastic downward revizion with regard to sire craft throughout the period. From being the dominant element of procure- ment for noet of the eeriod, it is now but a relatively small part. Expenditures for guided missiles have become the dominant element (although at lower levels than in lest year's estimate) and are respone Bible for most or the growth projected for the period. ? WVA4M4P4M0 Sanitized - Approved Fr se CIA-RDP62500231A000100220009-1 25X1 A9a 25X1 A9a 25X1 A9a Sanitized - Approved Forpirlisi 6CIA-RDP62S00231A000100220009-1 25X1 A9a 38. The DD// and the AD WE have commended the outstanding contribug. tion made by and those who worked with him in the preparation of NIE U-8-59. According to AD/NE, the "performance --- proves the indispensability of the integral research capability 'which we have in his division of ORR." 39. MAO, has received a commendation from the Deputor Commandant of the Industrial College of the Armed Forces for his effective participation in a seminar on the communist world's agricultural resources. 4o. OR, has received a commendation from the Director, Office of Security Trade Controls, USRO for his contribution to the recent COCOM List Beviev in Paris. Miscellaneous 41. A donation of $73 was made as a result of the area program sponsored by Mrs. 1/014, to collect contributions for CARE in lieu of Christmas card exchange among office colleagues. 25X1 A9a Distribution: 1 . OAR/RR 1 - as Division, Branch aud Staff Chief 1 - St/I ociVo - stir' OCir2 -.St PR 25X1 A9a St/PR/RR :MMI:blv/4017 (13 Jan 60) tiFelEmPl!".? Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP62500231A000100220009-1