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February 3, 1958
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emorunaun ? UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT nitize l.Approved For ReleaseA 2S00231A000100100132-7 Chief, Industrial Division FROM : Chief, Guided Missiles Branch SUBJECT: Monthly Report, January 1958 1. Accomplishments: DATE: 3 Febrltary 19% a. Branch Projects Submitted: Project 30.2049, "Location of Priority Collection Target Areas for Rail-Su)ported ICBM Launching Facilities'', was published as CIA/1-,2 RA-25 on 13 January. b. Other Projects Submitted: (1) Project 30.2058, resulting in a Current Support Memorandum wss completed 31 January. (2) Project 00.2053, evaluation of reporting of another Agency, was completed 31 January. C. ecial Research: 20 hours d. Other: 25X1A5a1 25X1A5a1 (2) Branch support; was provided for a scientific Pangl headed by Special Assistant Lo Dr. Killian, regarding the problem of assessing the comparative status of the U.S. and. USSR guided missiles program. (3) Branch support was provided for 6 regular or special meetings of G1r4IC and/or GMIC subcommittees. (4) A major branch effort went into preparing the drart of a joint ORR/OSI Staff Study examining the increased personnel requirements of the two Offices in the ?aided missile intelligence field. This Study also resu.-L._ted in a clear delineation of responsibilities between the two Offices in this field. Sanitized - Approved For R -IDP62S00231 A000100100132-7 Sanitized - Approved For Release CIA- DP62S00231A000100100132-7 SUBJECT: Monthly Report, January 1958. (5) Considerable Branch support was provided in translating the findings of Project 30.2049 into collection and analysis .requirements relating to a variety of ;sources. 2. Training: None 3. Trips: None 4. Administration: (1) The following personnel were assigned TDY to the Branch in January to augment, on an emergency basis, the ORR effort on the critical guided missile intelligence problem: 25X1A9a 5. Plans: No change 6. Problems: No change 7- Reconunendations : None 25X1A9a Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA'-RDP62S00231A000100100132-7