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July 2, 1958
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PDF icon CIA-RDP62S00231A000100100071-5.pdf113.71 KB
M M. 14 ce memorandum UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT r% r, Q /Ir itize - roved For el - -RDP62S00231A000100100071-5 Chief, Industrial Division, ORR t6) Chief, Manufacturing Sectors Branch, D/I DATE: 2 Jul: 1958 suBJECT:Monthly Report fort' 1958. 1? Accomplishments. A. Branch Projects Submitted -- 25 Jun -- Transmittal of Section 64+, Manufacturing and Construction, NIB i4+ Poland., (ORR Project No. 30.1513). no y cause a delay of over two weeks. 32.488 -- Industrial Investment Policy in East Germany. The RAMP =+n+1- 1--J. B. Status of Projects -- 30.1535 -- Industrial Capital Investment in Communist China. An edited draft copy has been retyped. I intend to work on this project as soon as the Soviet NIE is completed. 30.20..3 -- Capital Investment in the Producers' Equiyxient Industry in Communist Ch na. Six basic research chapters are completed in draft form. Two others are expected to be completed by the end of July. A final basic chapter will probably be ready in early August. Material prepared up to the latter part of July will be given a preliminary review in the branch at that time. Recently acquired data on investment indicate the possibility of significant findings on the proportion of machine-building capacity devoted to military production, and, hence, the potential contribution of the present diversion of production capacity in military industries to civilian uses. Rigorous exploitation of these data is deemed necessary and justifiable, but this would nrobabl t return from vacation--on TJuly. We hope e to 1 have, a draft completed 1125X1 Aga July. 34.894 -- The Determination of Cost and Price in Soviet Machine Buildin . Little additional progress has been made on this project. as been engaged exclusively in Soviet con r bution. 3' preparing the 25X1A9a Sanitized - Approved F -rCIA-RDP62SO0231AO00100100071-5 Sanitized - Approved For Re - -RDP62S00231A000100100071-5 25X1X4 SUBJECT: Monthly Report for June 1958 34.1928 -- European Trade in Machine and Transport Equipment, 1950-57. Project returned t or revision; also 25X1A9a undergoing division reviezr. 34.1930 -- Fauns Production - A Major Bottleneck in Soviet Machine Building. No progress because of assignment as 25X1A9a 9 Jun -- Contribution on Foreign Trade in Machinery and Equipment for the Soviet 1IE, ORR Project No. -10.1806. D. Other -- 4 Jun -- Evaluation of Rtnnanian Light Industry. 24 Jun -- Review of preliminary draft of Section 60, NIS 22. 25X1X6 30 Jun -- Reading Requirements for 25X1A9a 2. Training. ing Seminars in French and Russiann. the Russian Economic Reading course. completed the Hungarian Area Study. 3. Trips. 25X1 A9a returned from foreign travel in Western Europe in connection with the trade control negotiations in Paris and an orien- 25X1A6a tation of in Western Europe. 25X1X4 fo 25X1A9a returned from foreign travel in Western Europe in connection with trade control negotiations in Paris. Sanitized - Approved For Release-,I 1rR62S00231A000100100071-5 Sanitized - Approved For eei: S00231A000100100071-5 SUBJECT: Monthly Report for June 1958 4. Administration. 25X1 A9a was transferred to I/ME. 25X1A9a Sanitized - Approved F 'A-RDP62S00231A000100100071-5