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June 30, 1958
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Sanitized - Approved For Release I 62S00231A000100100069-8
Chief, Industrial Division
FROM Chief, Guided Missile Branch
SUBJECT: Monthly Report, June 1958
1. Accomplishments:
a. Branch Proiects Submitted:
DATE: 30 Juice 1958
No numbered projects were submitted during the
month. However, the branch continued its active
support to GMIC in connection with r?IE 11-5-58 (ORR
Project No. 37.2084), which has now been submitted
by GMIC to ONE.
b. Other Projects Submitted:
(1) A Current Support Memorandum which reviewed
and analyzed all available evidence of guided
missile activity in Communist China was pre-
pared and submitted to St/CS.
(2) A Part II item was prepared for the OCI Current
Intelligence Weekly Review which reported recent
developments concerning the Soviet air-to-surface
missile training program.
c. Special Research: 55 hours
This includes six briefings and conferences
on various problems of mutual interest.
d. Other :
25X1 C8c
(2) Chief, I/GM, in conjunction with Deputy Chief,
GMD,OSI, initiated a series of briefings for
selected DD/'P personnel as part of the joint
Sanitized - Approved For Release ? 'I'ii- P62S00231A000100100069-8
Sanitized - Approved For Rel
u` ^?~4=DP62S00231A000100100069-8
SUBJECT: Monthly Report, June 1958
ORR-OSI effort to improve and expand guidance to
clandestine collectors. During June, officers
of WH and EE were briefed; other FI/DD/P operat_Lng
components viii be briefed during July.
An agreed listing of First Priority Guided Miss-1 ' le
Targets for clandestine collection was prepared
jointly with GMD/OSI for the IPC.
Other activities included support to ONE in con-
nection with a Staff Memorandum to the Director
on the possibility of an earth satellite launching
from China; support to an inter-agency conference
on the problems of an effective guided missile
inspection system under a possible US-USSR disarma-
ment agreement; a joint I/GM-GMD request to the
Geographic Area for an analysis of the most
favorable locations in the USSR for launching ICBM's
against US targets; a special briefing arranged for
the Chairman, GMIC and the DD/I Missiles Coordirator;
preparation of comments on the guided missile and
space flight sections of OSI's FY 1959 research
program; and participation in a number of briefings
and debriefings, including a conference with a
number of the USAF liaison team at~ 25X1 X7
2. Training:
a. Chief, I/GM participated in the OSI Special Management
Course, 9-13 June.
b. Two members of the branch, 25X1A9a
completed the ORR Photo Interpretation course /
during June.
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP62SO0231A000100100069-8
Sanitized - Approved For Releasj c-,
SUBJECT: Monthly Report, June 1958
3. Trips:
to discuss ballistic missile nose cone development and
production in connection with the inter-agency conferencf~
on disarmament and inspection (see item 1.d.(5), above)-
4. Administration:
a. During June, interviews were conducted with eight Agency
employees who applied for I/GM professional vacancies.
Except for one ORR applicant (see item 4+. b., below) and X'
one possible candi;.date from OSI, these interviews did
not produce any candidates with the desired qualifications.
25X1 A9a b. transferred from St/PR to
I /GM effective 30 June.
The branch will continue its efforts to find qualified
personnel for its remaining professional vacancies.
6. Problems: No change
7. Recommendations: None
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP62SO0231A000100100069-8