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ce Memorandum ? UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT anitized -Approved For Release IA-RDP62S00231A000100100068-9 Chief, Industrial Division Acting Chief, Electronic D.quipnent Branch, ORS SUBJECT: Monthly Report - June. 1. Accor:mlishJ ents / a. Branch Projects Subrzi_tted b. Other Projects Subuitted 10.2029 - Production Series for Selected ite;:is of Sov-- et llectricai Machinery for the Years 19+7-57, Two draft CSM's were subsitted during June. These were, "A Trend toward R?gional Self-Sufficiency in the Sovet Electronics Indus ry," and "Expanded Production of M:1litany Radar in Poland." c. Special Research None. 2. Training None. 3. T'rips 25X1A9a returned Crom TDY 9 June 1958 and Mr. P. 25X1 A9 a on 3 June 1958 in support of the COCOM Dele;ation in aris. I+. Administration Two _u n- .oaths of Branch analyst time were expended during May and June on TDY trave3 in connection with providing intel'.ience support to the COCOM list review. Because this cane at W, critical time in the production schedule, some Branch research resothedulin r/ will be required. Action is being taken to adjust present: research to enable the most pressing NIE support contributions to be Piet on schedule. So'.e of other Branch effort will be reqnfired. !m adjusted schedule is being; drawn up and will, be forwarded for approval. . DATE: 1 July 1958 Sanitized - Approved F- ??Ic,ca - f'IA-RDP62S00231A000100100068-9 466166- Sanitized - Approved For Releas k- DP 62SO0231A000100100068-9 SUBJECT: Monthly Report June. 5. Plans At the invitation of the Chief, Electronics `W2ibn, OSI, the Branch has been partscipating in the Ad Ho Intelligence Conference Subcommittee. The first two mee'.,ings were held on 13 June and 24 June 1958. The purpose of the rtectings of this subcommittee is to lay initial plans for the theme : ,nd agenda of the next remilar session of the C on- 25)1(7 Terence. 6. Problems In connection with current Branch difficulties in obtaining adequate coverage of Soviet periodical literature, a meeting was held on 27 June with the Deputy Chief, FDD. ORR representatives present 25X1A9a included As, sur? aces ;mere iv _ ..~ . . ue y by ,he reassuuption, on the pant of FDD, of the exploitation re.,ponsibilAty / over Soviet electronic industrial production. An inforii.ul draft copy of a Branch r_eaorandun formally requesting this act:'.on was _,rovided for the use of FDD in making their plans. The :,'orrlal cony Is being for-warded. 7. Recommendations 25X1X7 8. Other Information Projects Due in D/I During July Final Contribution - 10.1806, Soviet Capabilities 36.1556 - The Electron Tube Industry of the Sino-Soviet Bloc. 36.2081 - Reorganization of Soviet Electronics Industry. 36.1935 - Trends in Electronics Industry of USSR. 25X1A9a Sanitized - Approved For Releas