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Publication Date: 
July 31, 1958
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STANDARD FORM E-10. 64 Sanitized Approved For Releases S00231A000100100056-2 Office Memorandum ? UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT TO % Chief, Industrial Division FROM . Chief, Guided Missiles fi3ranch SUBJECT: Monthly Report, July 1918 1. Accomplishments: 25X1X6 a. Branch Projects Submitted: DATE: 33. i y 195 Project No. 37.276, "Economic Intelligence Explonxting was compieted on 25 July 1958. A complete list of TEG reports and cables to which I/G4 analysts contributed, and which constitute the end product of the project; has been forwarded to St/PR. b. Other Projects 31ibmitted: _nt orma1. ma ioranda were prepared for Chief, Std CS in support of the Watch Committee and the National. Indications Center on Soviet ICBM and. IRBM capabilities and on the current operational status of the Moscow 3AM complex. The later project has been established or a continuing basis until further notice. c. Special Research: 29 Hours (1) (2) The branch provided support to the Board of national Estimates in connection with its consideration of NTE 11-5-58 (Project No. 37.203+) ann to two IAC Ad Hoc Working Groups established to assist ONE with a special study for the Net Evaluations Sub- comnittee (Project No. 37.21.14). Chief, I/GM completed a series of briefings given (together with Deputy Chief, GMD/OSI) for all DD,P Division and Staff Chiefs and briefed the Reports Branch of SR/DD/P on the mission and requirements of I/GM. The Sanitized - Approved For Rele mRDP62S00231A000100100056-2 VOLM 914606 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP62SO0231A000100100056-2 SUBJECT: Monthly Report, July 1958 25X1X4 O PJi member of the Guided Missiles Task Force and his OST counte+-part have begun a regular briefing program for all. DD/P case and reports Two members Of the branch briefed FDD on I/GM's miss? o:i and reo~3iirer