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Document Creation Date: 
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Document Release Date: 
December 1, 1998
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Publication Date: 
September 2, 1958
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PDF icon CIA-RDP62S00231A000100100044-5.pdf117.53 KB
8TWM?^'K?3?a' 17-ed - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP62SO0231A000100100044-5 Office Memorandum ? UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT TO Chief, Industrial Division, ORR FROM : Chief, Military Economics Branch, D/I suBJECT: Monthly Report: August 1958 1. Accomplishments None. 2. Training 25X1A9a DATE: 2 September 1953 Beginning Russian Reading, 10 March - 20 De--ember 1953. 3. Trips None. 4. Administration 5. Plans There are five studies in preparation. These deal with: military pay and allowances, military personnel, the price aspects of the studies of military expenditures, a system of accounts de3igned primarily to aid in the reconciliation of estimated military ex- penditures and budgetary outlays, and an aspect of Soviet accounting. 6 Calculations and the preparation of draft contribution are being carried out for NIE 11-4-58 (ORR Project No. 30-1305)- 6. Problems 7. Recommendations 25X1A9a Distribution: Original & 2 - D/I 25X1A9a 2 - I/ME San ~&/- P&AII'Ud CId RDP62SO0231A000100100044-5 Sanitized - Approved For Release CIA-RDP62SO0231A000100100044-5 2 Spt unbar 1 25X1A9a h - 20 ZW-iember 195U. le. Mgnl titration . s in reparation. Tbese deal a taxy pers 1. f the prise aspects of the primu' to aid in the mcmeill&tiou of eat mated ai1itar7 ex- pm .tares and 4st a 7 out ys, *Ad an as oct of Soviet accountiiag. stual" of military exp d .t gyres, a s76tes Of aaCOOM CaLms'-stiondi esd the krapamUou of draft coutribution ac's being e a r ied o n t f e a r 2U U -4 - 58 ( O M PrIDJOCt MD. 30.1&)5) 25X1A9a 25X1 A9a San iep RDP62S00231 A0001 00100044-5 SECRET Sanitized - Approved For Release C!:.IA-RDP62SO0231A000100100044-5 D/I 25X1A9a DO& Ihmod an 25X1A9a 25X1A9aSaA -d a Mp-RDP62SO0231A000100100044-5