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September 3, 1958
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Sanitized - Approved For Rele P62S00231A000100100040-9
TO Chief, Industrial Divisi~rn
FROM . Chief, Guided Missile Bxrinch
SUBJECT: Monthly Report, August Ix. ?58
1. Accomplishments:
a. Branch Projects ?iubmitted:
The Branch contribution to Project No. 00.208,
Survey of U.S. Ed.rly Warning Capabilities, was
forwarded on 7 August. A major Branch effort was
devoted to detailed analyses of the current applica-
bility and probable validity of guided missiles
indicators as carried in the General Indications List.
While the ]Branch$ -7.n its contribution, recommended
modification in the statement of some indicators, it
also recommended deletion of many of the guided
missile-re.;..ated items presently carried. Two prin-
cipal factors led to recortrnending the large number
of deletions: (1) the almost total lack of current
information of the type required to make certain of the
indicators usable, and (2) in many other cases the
activity cited as an indicator, although of a type
applicable to cori-rentional weapons, was judged not
a valid Indicatos? of hostile intent with respect
to guided rrissilds because it concerned actions
which would be arv.icipated in the normal development
of a guided missitLe canabl.lity by the USSR. In
general the revieRr of indicators in the guided missile
field pointed up it:he need for a complete reappraisal
of the warning conditions which are likely to prevail
:relative to these weapons systems as they become
deployed in quant+ ty.
b. Other Projects Submitted:
(1) As the result of a request from the Special
Assi st ant to' the DDCI, an informal support
paper (5-361; was prepared, discussing the
changing nature of economic intelligence
collection .requirements stemming from Soviet
production and deployment of guided missile
sys atn:~ .
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SUBJECT: Monthly Report, August 195
(2) Special memoranda on current Soviet air-to-
>urface missile activity were prepared at the
request of 0SI for inclusion as articles in
the SID, and at the request of the DD/I
Coordinator for Guided Missiles Intelligence
for inclusion in his monthly status report
to the DD/I. The Branch will be. submitting
oJ_milar contributions in the future as part
of its regular reporting program.
c. Special Research: 39 hours
1) Project 37.2084: The Branch provided continuirg
uupport to the Board of National Estimates
sL connection with NIE 11-5-58 which was
approved by the IAC on 19 August.
Project 37`~?411+: Preliminary cost calcualtions
ovd product-,-on scheduling rates for a variety
of possible Soviet ICBM and other missile pro-
ggrams were urepared and the implications of
caeh discussed informally with an IAC Ad Hoc
Working Group established to assist in the
preparation of a set of intelligence assumptiors
'=r use by the Net Evaluations Subcommittee of
the h:SC. Tie Branch's initial formal contribu-
,; _on, in the form of a complete cost analysis
f an assumed Soviet guided missile program
through 19b-', will be forwarded to ONE in earl:
Project 37.._1122: Significant progress was made
on this collection guidance project, intended
to provide ;he DD/P a comprehensive listing
uitd cvaluat-i_on of reported guided missile
_ aunchin ; sites in the USSR. The initial
,cataloguing of all reports was completed during
August and the first of a series of formal
turi:erly reports to the DD/P on this subject
11 be forwarded in September. The material
coo ip led to date has already been incorporated
..n Branch requirements for exploitation of
:_11:_ec al soup ce materials.
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Sanitized - Approved For Re -RDP62S00231A000100100040-9
SUBJECT: Monthly Report, August 1958
(!i-) Project 37.2123: A draft of this project,
assessing the involvement of the former
Dnepropetrovsk Automotive Plant in the
Soviet,d miss_le production program,
is under review and will be forwarded in
In late August the Branch received an oral
request from the Chairman, GMIC, to Prepare
a dracrt of ? oropo>ed briefing on the pro-
v_i etas of co] lecti nt intelligence on the
production cf guided missiles. The Chairman,
G~.1IC, had bF en asked by the CCPC to prepare
suc?i a briefing for possible presentation to
selected menbers of the NSC. The Branch
=)rovect (5-357) will be forwarded for review
Ii, mid-September.
2. Training:
e Ite ix a, be low.
3. 't'rips:
25X1 Aga U. al;tended the one-week special weapons
orientate or_r course at Sandi a Base, New- Mexico, 11-15
~E. Administration:
Sanitized - Approved For Relea AiCJA 62SO0231A000100100040-9
Sanitized - Approved For Releas : Cl ~P62SO0231A000100100040-9
:SUBJECT: Monthly Report, August 1958
25X1A9a b .
left the Branch in August upon
completion of his 3 year tour of duty with the Agency.
c. was assigned to the Branch
during August, filling the IAC slot vacancy resulting
from the reassignment of 25X1A9a
Plans: No change
6. Problems: No change
Recommendations: None
Sanitized - Approved For Relee flD 62SO0231A000100100040-9