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Sanitized -Approved For Rele' -RDP62S00231A000100100036-4 Chief, Industrial Division Acting Chief, Producers E quipment Branch, ID/1/71R /font Report for Septestier 1958. 1. Status of Br a. Project No. 32.2119, Recent in the om Industry of the USSR, Analysts Work bei 25X1A9a pail-pow& pending data for the -year plan. been"mide? an& drat is to, be coo nated with S F and then 'Miele. and Tractors, Analyst: tevisrione :eve b. Project No. 32.21/0, Recent Dave ' in Trade of tor 25X1A9a submitted for VI review. c. Project No. 32.2363, Soviet olved in r- work baa b tailE postponed since Ile Iltrst ?rogress repor on this beck- Line 25X1A9a ri7 Compressor Work, Analye of analyst's; work on the East Oerman NIS. Research is to be xasumed after analyst's contribution to the USSR NIS. d. Project No. 32.2364, Production of bi Turbinee inea Po Po aka 8 in to be vistaed upon completion of analyst's coritribition to East German NIS. 25X1A9a *en po e. Project No. 32.2366, Thek ruction E nt Industof the USSR, Analyst: st 25X1A9a is be resumed w y s contributions to the last *man and USSR NIS's are completed. f. Project No. 32.620, Statistical Motor Vehicles in the USSR, again to SIM after some zeviaion and coordination with of 25X1A9a g. Project No. 32.883, SovietIpcomotive Industry 25X1A9a 25X1A9a Coanultation with 4f/PR for 1'71nal editorial 4banges. Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP62S00231A000100100036-4 Sanitized - Approved Foreirt=r1lerMRDP62S00231A000100100036-4 MBA I/FE Eonthly Rep Sep 1.1950. 34.1558, Prodpo?.on of Chemical Equipment in 25X1A9a ifoiir, 'has Seen postponed belanae $ contribution and administrative duties. R-Eviaions e and new information is to be incorporated intc the The revised draft for IA review Ohodld be ready amind I. Project No. 34.1927, Production of ai Aitting Machine Too it tellitoss ina/yet: 7ori t us A3eer otrasaarch for the East Berman NIS. The dasdline to /PR of 12 December 1258 will have to be postponed since ;he analyst has to contribute to the USSR NIS and the China NIE. 2. ptetus of Support Projecto and a. Proect Construction. Section j No. 30.1030, NIS cover ear cu tural mac inery, electrical equipment ant, precision and optical instruments, arti? locomotives and railroad cars, and chemical equin.5t. Several contributions are now being typed for subuinsior to the IS coordinator and the balance Shoold be completed stortly. an individual b. Project No, 30.1826, NIS 2.6 USSR and Construction. Upon compl an NIB, most oI tle Branch's analysts will work on their particular ',contributions. The commodities to be covered are agricultural equipment, electrical machinery? metalworking equipment, constructior equipment, mining machinery, locomotives and railroad cars, anti. frictiot bearings and chenical equipment. The deadline may be postponed, dspendicg Upon t release of the 7?year plaA goals. 3. Other Cat nents a.repared omments for the Deputy Director/ Intelligence on a manuscript to be published oetside the Agercy, eritten by Joseph A. Owye or the library of Congress an the Soviet machine tool industry. Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP62500231A000100100036-4 A ",.1?7,r, 25X1A9a 25X1A9a Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP62500231A000100100036-4 ly Report for sibor WO. 25X1A9a b. reviewed the proposed sample of chemical 25X1A5a1 equipment for the machinery ruble-dollar ratio study, and the problem o a representative ample is to be further implored with WA. 25X1A9a e. Anb7dttd a memorandum to ST/FM regarding the production of self-pro)elled grain combinen at the Taganrt g Combine Plants as compare4 to the estimate made by WPM. 25X1A9a Sanitized - Approved For Riguago6cara22500231A000100100036-4