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April 25, 1956
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Approved For Release 2000/08/26 : CIA-RDP62B00844RO 0? 0060045-8
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25 April 1956
SUBJECT: Observations at on Photographic Equipment
During the period of 9 April through 13 April, I had an opportunity
to observe during simulated operations the photographic equipment and
Configurations A-1 and A-2 constructed for AQUATONE and the activities
of the personnel comprising the photographic unit of Detachment A. Based
upon these observations it would be my judgment that. in spite of deficiencies
which are set forth in more detail below, both the equipment and the personnel
now exhibit a limited operational capability which can be materially expanded
by reasonable efforts directed toward equipment improvement and further
personnel training. It must be noted, however, that even for this limited
capability to be profitably applied competent technical representatives of the
equipment manufacturers (i. e., Hycon and P & E) wilt be required at Base A
to ensure that approved procedures are followed, that operating difficulties
are recognized and overcome, and that modifications necessitated by diffi-
culties already observed are accomplished,
The particular equipment observed included the 6-inch focal length
tri-metragon cameras produced by Hycon, the 24-inch focal Length K-38
cameras (both in the rocking mode embodied in Configuration A-1 and the
fixed three-camera unit comprising Configuration A-2), the charting or
tracker camera produced by P & E, and the drift-sight and its associated
Six-Inch Focal Length Mapping Camera:
These cameras appear to be of good design and workmanship. Two
points are noteworthy. The fiducial marks can be reversed without affecting
camera operation and the shutters while of proven design according to Hycon
standards have not been completely checked out. On the latter point, there
appears to be little reason why under proper maintenance and inspection the
shutter should not function well for a reasonable lifetime.
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c. L E TT
K-38 Camera:
The reworking of these cameras appears to have been reasonably
well accomplished. However, operation of the cameras in either of the
two modes of Configuration A-1 or the single mode of Configuration A-2
appears to rest largely upon the reliability of the shutters. Under present
operations these shutters originally designed to operate at a maximum
shutter speed of 1/150th of a second, are called upon to operate at 1/250th
of a second. Hycon data indicates that, at 1/150th of a second speed,
shutters can reliably be expected to function through 3, 000 to 5, 000 cycles;
at a speed of 1/200th of a second, the same shutters can reasonably be
expected to operate through 1, 500 to 3, 000 cycles; at 1/250th of a second,
experience now indicates that even with rehoning and other precautionary
measures anywhere from 50 to 1, 500 cycles can be expected. These data
indicate that at the present shutter speed the shutters are unreliable. Since
the same shutter was contemplated for incorporation in the B Configuration
and operation at 1/250th of a second was also contemplated, one is forced
to the conclusion that unreliability is being built into the B Configuration
just as it now exists in the two A Configurations. Realizing this, Hycon
recently decided to undertake a shutter redesign for B Configuration. Why
this was not also done for A Configuration is not clear. In any event, from
the data noted above it would appear to be essential that immediate teats
be carried out in order to ascertain whether the A-1 and A-2 K?38 cameras
could be operated at 1/150th of a second or even at 1 /200th of a second
without seriously impairing resolution, If the shutters can be operated at
these speeds, a far greater degree of reliability will be achieved and opera-
tional capabilities will be materially enhanced. To alter the shutters to
bring about operation at the reduced speed is merely a matter of changing
the spring tension in the shutters -- a very simple procedure.
The Tracker:
This camera represents a real advance in reconnaissance photo-
graphic equipment. Several design features however will require modification
in order that complete reliability can be realized. Some of these modifications
are already under way such as, for example, redoing a previous modification
which led to a high probability of a power short circuit through the clock
mounting. The intricate relay arrangement bears re-examination. In view
of the possibility that moisture conditions which can be expected in the Field
may well pose a serious maintenance and operation problem, hermetically
seated relays should be considered in conjunction with a standard maintenance
procedure which calls for replacement after a predetermined number of
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missions. The four-second scanning period, during which power shut-off
must not take place to avoid jamming the camera, presents a small problem
which can be taken care of in the check-out procedure. It would be far
better if some foolproof mechanism could be incorporated into the camera
so that during this four-second period a power shut-off would not be effected.
The Configuration Mountings and IMC Action:
By and Large the configuration mountings and the IMC drives and
action are satisfactory. Several points, however, demand early attention.
Small pins with finger rings are used to connect the mountings to the bulk-
heads to the equipment bay of the airplane. This type of mounting requires
hoisting the entire configuration carefully into position so that the pin can
be inserted between the bulkhead fitting and the bearing portion of the mount.
This calls for a considerable amount of tugging and holding on the part of
those engaged in loading the configuration into the plane in order to accurately
position the mount with respect to the bulkhead fittings. While this procedure
is bad enough, removal of the configuration from the plane is even worse
because too much attention or too little attention on the winch cable causes
the pin to be bound and removal becomes most difficult. A quick connect
fitting is indicated as the required modification. On the A-2 Configuration
the IMC motor is unprotected and should be covered to avoid damage white
installing the configuration in the plane and removing it from the plane.
Also, in connection with the A-2 Configuration, the ground handling doily
support for the forward mounting point of the configuration is a threaded
screw over which the configuration is required to move. During the loading
or unloading operation, the screw is bound to be damaged and will not serve
its intended function of locking the configuration to the mounting point. A
pin and a locking arrangement would be far better for Field use.
Two points must be mentioned in connection with the periscope --
modification of the present system to avoid difficulties in operation, and
redesign of the present system, The following modifications of the present
system appear to be essential: (a) Insulating the handle pin of the control
mechanism so that short circuiting to the bail contact can not occur, and
(b) incorporating an appropriate cable lock on the control cable so that when
the periscope and control mechanism are operated by removing the cable
from the periscope neither element can be moved so as to destroy the bore
fitting alignment. Such a modification would reduce the number of bore
fittings which would have to be accomplished in the Field. It is strongly
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recommended that immediate steps be taken to replace the electric
mechanical control system by an electric servo system in its place.
The difficulties in ensuring that too much pressure would not be applied
by the pilot in coming across the pole of the electric mechanical system
appear to be insurmountable. Breakage wilt be great and maintenance
in the Field difficult. The freedom of motion inherent in a mechanical
servo system would avoid this difficulty. It is regrettable that training
in the use of the periscope as a drift-sight was not possible as a con-
sequence of a misunderstanding on the construction of a training stand.
Such a stand has now been constructed and training of Detachment B
personnel will be possible. It is suggested that such a stand be incor-
porated in the hangar facilities at Base A so that ground training can be
carried out before operational missions are flown. The stand is a
relatively inexpensive item of construction -- a few hundred dollars is
involved and the benefits in northern latitudes where winds aloft may be
above 50 knots would be well worth realizing.
The personnel of Detachment A in the Detachment A photographic
unit are reasonably well versed in their basic duties. Strong leadership
and supervision are required, however, in order to ensure that jobs are
not done in a merely routine manner. Thus far, not all of the people have
an appreciation of the fact that they are handling delicate and precision
equipment. As a consequence, operational failures may be more frequent
than necessary. While one must note that the writerts observations took
place during a period of great stress and the people concerned were work-
ing at their physical limits, it appears nevertheless that, until there is a
full appreciation of the nature of the equipment and dedication to the accom-
plishment of the mission, procedures must be applied which will force
the personnel involved to be extremely careful in carrying out their
responsibilities. The addition of to the Detachment A unit
will unquestionably help but even this fact will not take the place of
procedures which will bring about orderliness and care in the handling
of the photographic equipment. The check-out procedures now being
followed are not considered adequate. The question and response system
should be used throughout the handling of the photographic equipment
either in maintenance or in pre-flight check-out and a detailed check-out
sheet should be kept. In addition, equipment is not being fully and properly
tagged so that its operational status is clearly evident from the equipment
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itself without reference to a record file. At one time during the period
of observation no lees than six pieces of equipment were in the shop for
correction of malfunctions and none of the pieces were tagged to indicate
exactly what the malfunction was. If nothing else, a tagging procedure
would merely be an additional step in indoctrination of personnel to order-
liness and cleanliness so essential in the maintenance and operation of
precision gear.
HIM:gjg (23 Apr 56)
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6-Project Director
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8-Project Reading
Approved For Release 2000/08/26: CIA-RDP62B00844R000200060045-8