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December 9, 1959
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Sanitized - Ap v rR 6[6ase :1 C' A- DP62 WA580R0002001200`Qj -3 c aiSi' ?A3', :.;:JT L .,I" ENJE 191W MY! F- Street, :.E.SY 25, 0.1- 9 Dc-,i;:=abrwr 195 i4fQ4YORA UM FOR: ilesrte t s of CV,p^ er? )X E:>utcc rived .';tee SUBJECT : Minutes of : a (aia er ix E u bco ittee Wetings x 2 jecerbe?- '_943 Or. vTul.iwm Miss Mary Ssaaa,ai.ig LTSi O Charts (mciner) Mr. Norman J An.3a:a tJS' O Charts Mr. Robert '?c .aer 3SIiHO 0ceanogra shy a1te : e) W. Robert N. Tinso? OYI discussed. The follovIng w :rc i t's;er aace: Mr. Arthur CE3 va'3a{ h C C (member) Mr. Alvin tunr ACSI (member) ..,< Al x (alterIattc ) 1. A meetilu, Of the ap r.e a Sunoco L ittee was held st 1330 u n 2 December 1959 to revi?,w ar-i grove new procedures that .ill govern the preparation of the E:awit-1 ~?h~)tWraplby subsection of Chapter IX Matters related to the #o-,-ec:af :,s for FY l96 and FY 1963 ,. ve also 25X1A9a CIA k chaixsi u) CIA The Air Weather Se vi i.ce not x p vesented . 2 , The chai3 ?nlarn n w;j a ? wr j1 .nti ia~: y announce nests a. That the, t :Tj not fiod the Chapter IX Koordinatoi on 2 November 1959 that Tr. W W.1li m 'rr nk of OCE war r,-,-placing Major Roy W. Gill,'. g of PIS! as the Army alternate m4nlber on ti Chapter W Subrs:sesnKK ae . b. That the !1CS Cc> r xttee t. ad a r arcived the substitution of ISIS 57s Rhodesia 1 yF:.:3r and. for 1g IS 25A., GibrTr 1tars on the Chapter W schedule for "*'Y 19(T.. 3. In ana er to ? qut:s";lOri ralst.d by the Chief of the Coordi a-,.tion Staff, the Ar y and WHO Charts nembure conf rraed agrecaint on th definition of 3.nx an-1 , r i.4 ~r wa.=; s as l rod vsf?d by the Army Val) Service on worm l ,g c, :m or exrtr at ncerned have been taalified t :t All 1059 M . . a ay i the policy outlited in U e A'` yxoss in efft ct . 4. The c irrran ii;h?=_n sr = ari .ed the d >?~7 1oti`~t3 ;o date in d s,.e consaideration of res_ on ib?.1 t, for t i se , erial yhotogrnl'bY contributions 'W reer?en`; m a rea,chod by the : uhcoam:.tte . te ? t.. He rye N 2-g96i 3oR01020 200~k1-3 Re refer Sanitized - ApprovI For Release : CIA-RDP62-00 C}R000200120001-3 SUBJECT: Ninaxttes of NIS C":Aa{:,tc Subcormittee Meeting, 2 Dec?enb r' c )rk the 20 October meeting and the prof osc 1. procedures ow lined in an ,z-nW memorandum distributed for study on 16 November. Re noted also that correspondence eceive-0. f'rnm the Navy indicated that. .iht- c.zsr-nt t,,eatmeni: of aerial photography in the Chapte:A 7X satisfies Navy rc cjiirennnt~r. 5. The Subcommit.:e i discussed t1 :a Dropo;ad sug,go-:, loxes and p oce du The genes?a f procedure E3 :ar p, Kip ax ai; 5 or a a o *ie-~ of d?ro as outlined in the Ar yr x nor?arium ere approved with sc,iie adclfti.ons and modifications. The ch-.ef paint of discussion we s ti .a treat: ?n of photography not available In wha Unite,-.l :Mates- 6. The ACIC member ecxmr;en'ed thet the tabular sh?e :.x3 atinrrs proposed by the Air Force and t -ze Army a,te basically the c ca , and that the one illustrated in the Army memoranda m is ecceptc.ble to At :L C . The chief difference is in ti- ,C. ;= xi.ssion of a " 1e arks" coolumn, pr?og aced by ACIC . Consensus of opinicr.:~,', as that .his information gill gener ally apply or contribute to the ei r"Il!ration of the photography ore. shout c therefore be incorporated unc'. r the "E ra;.uation" heading; 7. The members canc erne