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February 18, 1998
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Publication Date:
October 13, 1959
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M EC-T/,CTS 3-1
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New Work
a. D GC
Work seems to be on a more even keel. Work continues on
high-priority DD/P requirements. commented that 25X1A9a
the proposed D/GG project on the Arctic looks good.
b. D/GG
The Black Sea Study has been issued. EE/DDP has cancelled all
urban area studies, with the exception of the one on Sofia. Presently
working on a GM on Tirol; D/GG plans to put out a questionnaire along
with the next GM to see what use is made of them and by whom.
2. Travel Plans
Will be leaving for Europe early in November.
3. Significant Conversations and Contacts
a. Tour to FBID
"Wo-announced that he has arranged a tour to FBID for himself
and his Branch Chiefs for Friday, 16 October.
b. Visit to NSA
stated that he plans to visit NSA in the near future.
25X1A9a indicated interest in joining him.
25X1A9a ~ w:L" check this out with 25X1A9a
25X1 X7 c.
is scheduled to meet with ww~~~
toge per with the AD/RR and Ch/E.
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25X1 Abb Problems
asked when the "Guide to Collection of
Topographic Maps of Czechoslovakia" would be issued, and was told that
it is presently being edited and should be issued within a couple of weeks.
5. Personnel Matters
a. Report on Status of ORR Personnel
25X1 a
read the current figures for on-board personnel in
each of the divisions.
b. Competitive Evaluation Panel
In view of the changes and promotions since the last CEP list
25X1A9a was drawn up, asked that convene the 25X1A9a
Competitive Evaluation Panel and update the list.
c. ERA Recruiters
At the request of briefed the ERA recruiters
on the kinds of people needed by GRA. The recruiters were also provided
with the names of the Heads of the Geography Departments at the
universities involved.
d. Approval of Recruitments and Appointments
read a memorandum from the DDCI to the Deputy Directors
which requires that the DD/I and the Director of Personnel sign off on
all appointment actions of GS-7 and above.
6. External Research Funds for FY 1962 and 1963
informed the group of what has been proposed to the DD/I
by the AD/BR for GRA External Research Projects for FY 1962 and 1963. An
authorization of is being requested, divided as follows:
25X1 Al a - Hemisphere Stereographic bases
Polar Gnomonic base
Azimuthal Equidistant bases
-- PI Keys for Africa and SE Asia
suggested that the divisions begin laying the groundwork for
project proposals on these in the near future. It was also indicated that
it may be possible to start some projects toward the end of FY 1961, if there
should be any unused funds at that time. The study we had suggested on
"Sectors of the Economy Vulnerable to Soviet Economic Penetration" is being
referred to EIC. The one concerned with "Basic Studies on China" will probably
be undertaken as D/GG projects after we have been given specific requirements
by ERA.
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1 z.s
Private Travel to IGU Meetings
a. Security Approval and Cover
It was decided that would act as coordinator with
Cover Branch in setting up cover for those going to the Stockholm
meetings on their own. It was urged that the memos requesting
security approval and cover be submitted as soon as possible, as
cover will have to be established prior to registration.
b. IGU-sponsored Excursions
The questi l 4inancing IGU-sponsored excursions for personnel
travelling to as private citizens was brought up for
discussion. In view of the budget situation, only those trips which
can be justified from the point of view of area responsibility will be
8. Exchange Proposals
a. City Planning Exchange
reported that the information transmitted by D/GG on
the city planning exchange has been forwarded to who has
expressed satisfaction with our evaluation. 25X1 A9a
b. Cartographic Exchange
reported that the draft proposal on exchange of
cartographers prepared by has been typed up and sent out 25X1 A9a
to the military, who have been invited to attend a meeting to discuss
the proposal on Monday, 19 October, at 10:00 in office25X1A9a
were asked to attend the meeting, at which
the draft proposal will be reviewed and revised.
9. Trip
asked that the Division Chi's caution their people to be
more cautious in talking on the phone about trip and activities.25X1 A9a
10- PNIO `25X 1 A9a
announced that the proposed revision of the Priority
National Intelligence Objectives is being placed before the USIB next week.
This revision places geodetic and locational information under "First Priority
Objectives", due in large part to efforts in this matter.
5X 9a
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11. Hull Committee Report
complimented the group on their contributions to the
Hull Committee Report. All items submitted by GRA were included in the
DAD's report to the DD/I.
12. Status of ORR Projects
informed the group that from now on only the maps
completed will be included in the Quarterly ORR Status of Projects Report.
Maps scheduled for completion in subsequent quarters will not be listed.
13? FE Town Plans
questioned whether we should be doing something on FE
25X1 Aga Town Plans. It w decided that he would set up a meetin with 25X1A9a
to discuss the matter, and that
25X1A9a would also attend. 5X1A9a
14. E&E Orientation
stated that he thought it would be beneficial if more of
his people could participate in an E&E field orientation. He is going to
look into this possibility with St/A and OTR.
15. Relations with ONE
asked for guidance as to whom he should go in ONE to get
a rea appreciation of what is wanted in NIE contributions. 25X1A9a
suggested that a meeting be arranged with the AD (Sherman Kent).
25X1A9a indicated interest in accompanying- to this meeting to discuss an 25X1 A9a
ONE coordinator for map requests for the NIE.
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