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Publication Date: 
January 1, 1959
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Approved For Release 2000/08/23 : CIA-RDP62-0068OR000100020107-8 *)NTHLY REPORT FOR THE MAP LIEI(ARY DIVISION January 1959 to During Januarys 22,371 map sheets were forwarded to requesteara in response to 1,135 map requests and 277 items, in response to l14 requests for atlases, gazetteers, and other publications. 684 of the map requests were placed by CIA peraonnelo The following three groups accounted for the bulk of the requests: offices of the DD/I (except 01M)2 271; ORR, Geographic Area, 150; and DD/P, 120. Among the requests for maps was one from the White House Staff for city plans of all cities in the United States with a population of 50,000 or overo 124 place name questions were answered and 216 requests for miscellaneous information. During the month,.29 persons from the Department of State came to the Map Library to request 2e In addition to the above-mentioned requests, the Reference Branch forwarded to requesters 2,817 maps to fill 109 chart and map requests for ATW materials, and 122 text items, to fill 18 requests for ATMP publications. 3o Processing Branch annual statistics for the years 1957 and 1958 have been summarized and the comparative totals are presented in the following tables CataUffing "' ; Wt Itles Map sheets 11 38,135 27,342 Collection Loan fps filed 6(,3O6 61,802 Requests 879 6 O CIA 0"1aps filed 463,289 3661,008 Requests 4,550 3,336 Maps supplied 3392909 3310021 ATMP ""Z'Sarts filed 167,767 200,633 Requests 1,0696 1,210 Distribution ' Ted WF8 163,653 88,315 Requests 4,613 4,622 Items supplied 1:05,084 97,740 The intensive effort conducted in the Cataloging activity Approved For Release 2000/08/23 : CIA-RDP62-0068OR000100020107-8 Approved For Release 2000/08/23 : CIA-RDP62-0068OR000100020107-8 Is reflected in the increased production, A general increase is noted in all segments of the filing and servicing functions of the map collections A revised ordering policy is reflected in the decreased receipts of AT11+iP charts. Ito During January, the Cataloging and Indexing Section added to the Loan Copy Collection 838 new map titles, comprising 2,892 sheets. 61 new SAC charts were indexed and 70 maps were processed for Vital Storage, Policy regarding retention of old editions of Guide Books, Timetables, and Telephone Directories was reviewed and modified,, with concurrence by D/GL/Po This is the first step in an effort to refine D/GL holdings of publications, The next step will be to draw up similar guidance for atlases and "atlas-like" volumesa 5. The Chief, Map Libre? attended the Vth Consultation of the Commission on Geography of the Pan American Institute of Geography and History, at Quito, Ecuador, during 7l6 January 19590 In addition to serving as a member of the U0S0 delegation, he placed want-lists with the Embassy for acquisition of maps from many Ecuadoran organizations, and obtained photo-copies of several Ecuadoran and Maxicare manuscript mapsa 25X1A9a 6. mr, entered on temporary duty in the Map Library and has been assigned, to the CIA Unit, 7o 7,785 foreign nxblished maps were received by the Foreign Procurement Branch during January, Among the chief map sources were Brazil.. Nepal, Uganda, Tanganyika, Venezuela, Switzerland, and 25X6A the USSR. 8. Significant items received from foreign sources included Brazilian city plans, a 1958 tourist map of Rumania at lsl,000,000, a 1958 climatic atlas of Czechoslovakia, and plans of a number of East German cities. 5 C1 A9a qq 9o Mr, undertook nig L~iemant missions 25X1 A9a in January: o Portugal; and Mro in the Netherlands. Mr, conducted procurement in German and is cted to go to 25X1A9a Austria soono Dr, d remained at their home pos a 25X1A9a 10, Dr, reporting on Jordan Government attitudes toward the mapping pro ec in East Jordan was a factor in revising the scope of the ADS mapping project to include mapping additional, to that originally planned. U0 272 naps of foreign areas were received from domestic sources. Significant items included: map of "Eastern Sahara Concessions and Drilling Development," 1:2,004,000, December 1958, Standard oil Company -2 Approved For Release 2000/08/234RDP62-00680R000100020107-8 Approved For Release 2000/08/23 : CIA-RDP62-0068OR000100020107-8 r 25X1A5a1 of , Jsrsey (O FICIML USE O LY)j map $ .,rrd rag LOO tom' tr m ion icy the USSR D3ecembe;:- 1957., S, S. Rokotyan and f c, P. I. bedew (Ui C ? $SIFII,D); and 153 reaps of i42 countries and islands shovr.Lng ci.ocaa;es of the Rome i:r~to1:ic Church:, Amorican Institute of MP- ge nt (CowrL.O dTIAL 'CIA INT NAL USE ONL). 12, Fro carer t of maps of :foreign are&3 .fro nZ don tic sources tctaie 2149h. in I.95-3t, 1.` ,, 17 mspoxrse s were recei-kred in am er to specific requirements e', ie on domestic source;a by the L,&ap yibr?ary* Two new requirements were aub ..tted to 00,/0 for coflection aa.ction,.. and three a?eg2iren ntr wc-ra coygplet 5X1 A9a 5-4, , Do st .c Procurtarria :t Section visited the offices the mp files of the 'arm am(( to obtai . related rw,.p iz zs matione A clet.: ed list of available mac,eriais was compiled,, to b c, used as the ba i,,i or future pro ni ;axt;. on 29-30 Dece-tuber to review a) outgoing C#x:.r ii a4i.or..s for January totaled 23$ fl 176 it ems reel t#J4:. to foreign j cux F E3nt and 39, to domestic oorreeporxdenoe, Approved For Release 2000/08/23 : CIA-RDP62-0068OR000100020107-8 Approved For Release 2000/08/23 : CIA-RDP62-0068OR000100020107-8 S B-C-R-T MAP LIDRARY DIVISION SUMiRY OF STATISTICS - JANUARY 1959 RECEIPTS (For retention in map Librar ) y Series Total Made in C"/GC b Sheets ~a p SSheets Map Sheets 0 o On automatic receipt and purchases for stock co From other domestic sources d, From foreign sources ea From foreign sources for stock Trw AT. Atlases and th 6,481 70 1,408 596 i9 97 7*711 145 943 0 Til"M s215 2,351 596 M767 o er reference materials ao On automatic rece pt and purchases for stock b. From other domestic sources co From foreign sources Total olum~es 555 7 590 PROCESSINf Map Cataj go PL maps made in CIA/b/GC Titles Sheets bo Special maps m all others co Series indexed and cataloged 720 34- j247 1 TOTAL 74 .Pat aloging, etco of Reference materials 174 a ao Atlases be Place-name volumes o Publisheres catalogs do Other reference volumes TOTAL 50 6 18 87 MT 91 18 43 190 DISBURSE ENTS URDS Requests 'I-. To CIA Titles R oasts olumss 2e To Department of State 166 7 3e Foreign Service posts 1 0 1,9 4o To Department of Defense 7 188 5 2 6 9 7 a) Department of the Army 82 14 4 7 T ,779 b) Department of the Navy 24 6 70 70 5,1 5 c) Department of the Air Force orc? 46 d) Other 595 3 l s208 20 components of Defense Oth 5 1445 1 230 e er government agencies 6 e Miscellaneous 80 0 324 , 1, 040 TOTAL 0 0 Atlases and other reference material, aQ To mes tic establishments 113 256 b, To foreign establish t 277 men s 1 3 00 TOTAL Information ao P =ace-name questions 124 be Other reference inquiries 216 TOTAL OT ese were sopara e S-E-C--R-FIT Approved For Release 2000/08/23 : CIA-RDP62-0068OR000100020107-8 Approved For Release 2000/08/23 : CIA-RDP62-0068OR000100020107-8 g!SCAL STATEMENT 25X1 Al a 06 Printing and Reoroducticn fl7 Other Contractual Services National Archives 0 Su -lies and ,aterial8 AM Plastic Maps Paper laps NGS USGS Supplies Materials 09 E ui ment S?EmC-HEEIT Approved For Release 2000/08/23 : CIA-RDP62-0068OR000100020107-8 Approved For Release 2000/08/23 : CIA-RDP62-0068OR000100020107-8 Approved For Release 2000/08/23 : CIA-RDP62-0068OR000100020107-8