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Approved For Release 2000/08/23 : CIA-RDP62-00647A000200070001-3 31 October 1950 25X1A9a MEMORANDUE TO; FROM: EN Bransh SUBJECTs Chronology of United States Export Control Policies toward Far Eastern Areas. ACR PD #239 of 5 October 1949 estatdibed policies and procedures for prooessing license applications for Far Eastern areas, This iD super- seded AR PD #105 which it is believed provided for general review of license applioatiorss for Far E,:stern destinations. PD 239 provided that 1-A casespin general, Should be held without action by OIT except eases rectomaended for approval should be refered to the R Procedure Suboommittee. ICA financial shipments of l.A items to South Urea could be approved without referal to the committee provided MME and AMC offered no objection. I-8 applications for shipment to North &ores end Manchuria were to be screened and permitted only in limited quantities for civilian use. I.41 applications for other areas were to be approved within limited quantitiez for normal civilian purposes. November 8, 1949, Amendment I authorised OIT to deny license applications covering 1-A items where evidence of transshipments existed. 24 February 1950: certain policies and procedures for processing license applications for Far Eastern areas were put into effect. In general, Class lisA cases for shipment to thee* areLs were to be held without action by OIT. 3pecifical17,0IT under PD #294 was to deny 1-A cases shore transshipmemt_possibilities to Eastern European destinations wasted. Exceptional I-A applications were to be referred to the R Procedure Suboommittes. ECA financed oases were to be approved if no objections were raised by INE or AEC. In general Dia commodities were to be soree.Ad by the R Proeedure Suboommittee. I-8 oommodities were to denied to North Korea where there was possibility of transshipment; they could be approved shore used for civilian purposes and were restricted to small Approved For Release 2000/08/23: CIA-RDP62-00647A000200070001-3 Approved For Release 2000/08/23 : CIA-RDP62-00647A000200070001-3 quantities. 1.1 shipments to other bar Eastern de-tinations were to be denied where possibilities of transehipaent existed; could be approved within quantitative limits to civilian me; could be approved to Taiwan , South Korea, Hong Icing, or Nemo Auendment I or March 28, 2950 prohibited shipments of motor ga6o1ine, kerosene, gas oill and distillate fuel oil to China ( excluding Taiwan and Hong long). Amendment II of fey 2, 1950 provided for OIT to authorise, validate or demy license applications for certain priseision instrussents ( radio receiving equipment ) for all Far Eastern destinations. No cases were to be denied mulassAhere was evidence of transshipment to Eastern European destinations and tuere had ben prior notification to the State Departaunt. Appnvele were to be rendered In amordance with Aft e294. Amendment IV ( undated) authorised OIT to aeny certain export applications for China. Amendsent 7 of June 8, 1950 provided that all I-A. cases for shipment to Communist China and North Korea /hall bee denied hy OIC. ACR PD 339 of June 28, 1950 provided that " validated export licenses are required for shipment of any oomodity or technical data to North Korea ( North of 38th parelle1)". Import liceme Applications to this area were to be denied and previously validated licenses suspended. ACR PD 341 of Juno 30, 1950 authorised OIC to deny export lieenses for 143 commodities for Communst China without refers' to the R Procedure Saboommittee. All cases not reeommended for denial were to beheld without action. ACR PI) 340 of June 30, 1950 authorised OIC to approve or deny with referal to R Procedure Subcommittee all applications for Taiwan after Ocarinas with State, Deem*, ICA (on ICA financed cases) and where appropriate A. In general applications for the Nationalist Chinese Government were to be approved. ACR PD 361 of August 14, 19501 This PD revoked previously established procedures with reepect to the Fir East a. North Xeres: OIC was to deny license applications for thip- meats of emmodities or technical data whether or not on the Positive List to North Korea. b. Communist Chinas IA eommodities were to be denied by MC. There was a basic preemption for denial of all 1.8 CAVAN4 MC was authorised, after consultation with State to deqy DiE applications without referal to the R Frocedure Subcommittee. Approved For Release 2000/08/23 : CIA-RDP62-00647A000200070001-3 Approved For Release 2000/08/23 : CIA-RDP62-00647A000200070001-3 o. long long and Meows OIC was authorised to deny I-A epplications where there was evidence of possible transshipment to Soviet bloc deetine. etions. All otherIA oases Should be referred to R Proo except that MC should process, (without referral), oases covered by established programs. OIC was authorised to deny I.B oases where transshipment possibilities existed. All other eases were to be reviewed by II Procedure except for those oovered by special quota programs. License applications covering all controlled petroleum products should be acted on in suoh * wny that adequate stocks to supply local civilian needs be maintained. No epplications were to be approved if * the approvals of the particular product plus the inventory for civilian :,urposee at Hong !Wag and Macao of the applicant or his agent would exceed a 90 del supply on arrival.* d. janakzin $ OIC was authorized to process all applioations on an ad hoc Iasi& after clearance with EGA, State, Defense and AEC e. OIC was authorised to proces5, without refferal to oommittee, cases for Taiwan after appropriate agency clearance. In general, Nationalist applicstions were to be approved but denial would follow where evidence of transshipment existed. Amendment 0 of Oetober 16, 1950 provided that: All export applications covering Lists I and D.A. shall be denied by OIT1 there ie a basic presumption for denial of all I.43 oases for Communist China. Approved For Release 2000/08/23 : CIA-RDP62-00647A000200070001-3 Approved For Release 2000/08/23 : CIA-RDP62-00647A000200070001-3 Wort PooUnties of Pm Muttoes 61101414 lissivplis ors Wen Ana 00 DOM Mead IND and ore pertinent to Os itersipaing studin Is rospeass ter derrelapsents etas* ths invosisa of 5outh east of Ommooroo host 2$ 1. basilrOaal ehlpeoeto of all ersmoditioo to North Norm. 2. Shopped the isomoneo of liosemoo to 0ouinutioloeontro11 Citins planed review of era opplimatione oa par with MIEN of looters Nuropoon oases i???? a straw prowomptioa for dogma of 11 oomeditios end ohm. or morr eamodities ova is as an Warta neawure, holding without action them oppliestioso os rhiolh validated color% lioossoo would otherwise be loosals 3. asihrood to NM tho SLY b Oennuois Shins and North Korea 4, las mob* outstandiset usligated overt licenses to the atima NoeinIsad? No Mite& to sepiolite all shipments to Tallow mad Os Ispuhlio of South Norm, respost to ths of import rostra% Us Stat. aliment has tales the followingvita other motional 1. Ortainsi ogremmemthesODOM amstays fear impositioa of mantra of Inter. satiomol Wits I am&U to China amti North Ursa mith th.sans oritorla as Amp ilmstern Num" (It should le noted that Osman ow not olio to Ore aantraeoe or formal oontrolo oiler Litt U to North Zeros hot les no leatiolo war List II items* anionted Niro losing taken over to North Ursa* sat that Donut 2, Maisel sormsment free VW INC to suspend shipment of International List its fres Nora tong and Singapore to Consuanist China and North Nom* 3? Obtained an oftiolol sommitment taws the Ispeiblis s tho Philippines to Institut* sontrol row isportont semority sommoditios to Censeenist Chios awl North IMIL (mat ?Oar disturbet lbw Nesters areas). 4. Aavilbal U.s. MAD (tge) of Amps la NA. pau?ir. AS & restate additioeol *outset writ Japers* trod* with Mao hos lumpa laposoll however. Japan ooreinmoo to nointain ammo trade with damoontot aim in ostaratogio eausoilitioog the ins* of centrelo of wash trade is 'understood to le mmestilmit. e? Maim* at WON ths addition of all major petroleum 'odusts to intereationsl List 1, Approved For Release 2000/08/23 : CIA-RDP62-00647A000200070001-3 44 2.) 414 211s, 1,4 aPPP r 94 Vass sat 100 els AA* 114 Mk* tires, spot 124 Dame ssolloss. If voller 124 341 sat Weis* botrings4 Approved For Release 2000/08/23 : CIA-RDP62-00647A000200070001-3 Approved For Release 2000/08/23 : CIA-RDP62-00647A000200070001-3