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Approved For Release 2000/08/26 : CIA-RDP -00647A0 SECRET CHINA CON1V ITTEE 22405QQ CH Document #139 July 7, 1953 DRAFT REORGANIZED CHINA SPECIAL LIST References: Documents CH Sub-C(53)5; CH/125;?CH/13$; CH/141. Attached is a draft reorganization of the China Special List, intended to bring the form of the List into closer correspondence with the form of the International Lists. Thi.: principle of such a reorganization was agreed by the Commit- tee on June 29, 1953 (Document CH/138), after which the matter was referred to the Sub-Committee on Lists for examination. This re- sulted in the suggestions contained in the Sub-Committee's report (Doc. CH Sub-C(53)5) and in the attached working draft, based on the contents of the List being issued as Document CH/125. After considering the draft on July 2, 1953, the Committee thought it desirable that it should be examined in the capitals be- fore adoption. Therefore, it was concluded (Document CH/141), that the working draft be referred for such examination and that, in the meantime, the List as set out in Document CH/125 should be issued now subject to later reorganization. Accordingly, Document CH/125 is being issued separately and the working draft is attached hereto for examination and subsequent dis- cussion in the Committee. This draft is being issued only in the English text, but in its final form it is planned to incorporate also the French definitions. SECRET *DOC Exempt Letter On File* Approved For Release 2000/08/26 : CIA-RDP62-00647A000200050004-2 Approved For Release 2000/08/26 : CIA-RDP62-00647A000200050004-2 SECRET Doc. CH/139 July 7, 1953 DRAFT REORGANIZED CHINA SPECIAL LIST CHINA CON1~1ITTEE CHINA SPECIAL LIST (1st Revision) ILISTE SPECIALE POUR LA CHINE lereRey. ) 1. Attached hereto is the "China Special List (1st Revision)", which supersedes-original list issued on January 30r 1953 as Document CH/32 and includes all items agreed by the Committee, as of the date above, for embargo to China and North Korea, in addition to the items on International Lists I, II, and III. In an Annex A to the List, agreed Interpretative Notes are set out. 2. The "Source" column in the List shows, for each item, the Document recording agreement on the definition as listed (subject to any subsequent editorial changes)a In addition, for items originating from the proposals in COCOM Docu- ment #509 (and Addendum), the num- bers subsequently assi nod to them by COCOM Document 782 (Annex) are shown in parentheses. A complete cumulative list of reference docu- ments concerning list items is set f out in CHINCOM Document 1',"125. 3. All definitions in the at- tached List (whether or not marked ,tn.e.s.T1) should be construed as exclusive of all types and varie- ties covered by the International Lists. 4. The attached List includes a number of items on which the waiting, period for any Government reserva- tions has not elapsed. Each of these items is marked with an as- terisk (*) and the date of the end of the waiting period is shown. } Eventually, a supplementary notice reflecting the final status of those items will be issued. SECRET Approved For Release 2000/08/26 : CIA-RDP62-00647A000200050004-2 Approved For Release 2000/08/26 : CIA-RDP62-00647A000200050004-2 SECRET - 1 - Item No. Definition in English Definition en Francais ;Source METAL WORKING MACHINERY 001-099ries I General C140 Machine tools and acces- sories, as follows: a) Metal-working machine tools (except those de- signed specially for the production of civilian hardware, such as - but; not limited to - needle,: pin, button, and nail- making machinery); and accessories therefor. b) Engineers' cutting and forming tools, n. e. s . CHEMICAL AND PETROLEUM EQUIPMENT (101-199 eries) A. Chemical Equipment (Sub-Series 101-149) Containers Containers, n.e.s., suita- ble for use in storing or transporting petroleum, with handles and water- tight lids, of capacity of 4 gallons or more such ! as jerry cans or containers I for similar use). (Rearrange) CH/108 (,#20 ) (#3) CH /33 0151= B. Petroleum Equipment ub-Series 150-199) Petroleum refinery equip- ment, n.e.s. SECRET (#2) CH /10 5 Approved For Release 2000/08/26 : CIA-RDP62-00647A000200050004-2 Approved For Release 2000/.T'CIA-RDP62-00647A000200050004-2 Item ++ No, Definition in English Definition en Francais Source ELECTRICAL AND POWER- GENERATING Q (201-299 Series A. Electrical Equipment (Sub-Series C201-249) *C210 Welding machines and equip-! (Rearrange) (#24) ment; and parts therefor, } CH/120 including electrodes (rod and wire . *(Reservation deadline: July 30). B. Power-Generating Equipment, C260' Electric motors, n.e.s. C265: Internal combustion en- gines, n.e.s. C266 Power equipment, as follows *(Reservation deadline: early August.) a) Electric generating, trans- forming, rectifying and- converting transmission, power distribution, con- trol gear and accesso- ries ineluding sub- station equipment and parts thereof; b) Plant for the production of fuel gas. c) Boiler house plant for use with (a) and (b) above. GENERAL INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT (301-399 Series) Metallurgical, Mill and Foundry Equipment C301 Foundry plant, n.e.s. C302 Furnaces and ovens, resis- tor-type heat-treating and annealing; and electrical component parts thereof. C315, Hard chrome plating plants (except small barrel-type electro-plating plants for decorative purposes). C316+ Metal-spraying equipment i CH/108 { (#4) CH/108 CH/135 (#32) CH/26 (Rearrange) CH/94 CH/104 CH/50 Approved For Release 2000/08 %G TA-RDP62-00647A000200050004-2 Approved For Release 2000/08/26 : CIA-RDP62-00647A000200050004-2 SECRET - 3 - Item 1 t No. Definition in English Definition en Francais Source Construction and Conveying Machinerry. *C321 Road and airport machinery: (Rearrange) NCH/120 self-propelled tandem and three-wheel road rollers, steel-tyred type, s-ton un- ballasted weight or over. (Reservation deadline: early_August.) 0325; Excavators (including power shovels, n.e.s. . 0326' Bulldozers, angledozers; trail-builders C3271 Air-operated spray guns capable of placing 132 cubic (#9) CH/26 (#10) CH/26 CH/77 feet or more of wet mixture of cement and sand per hour; and. accessories therefor. Equipment for Other Specific Industries. C3511 Mining equipment, n.e.s, (#25) CH/87; Other General { Industrial Equipment. *C374 Jacks, 10-ton capacity { CH/120 C375 and over. -(Reservation deadline: July 30) Materials-handling equipment,1 CH/114 as follows: a) Fork-lift trucks. b) Platform trucks. c) Other industrial-type trucks, trailers, and stackers. (Note: The above item covers only equipment specially designed for material-handling, such as { those equipped with crane booms and winches.) SECRET Approved For Release 2000/08/26 : CIA-RDP62-00647A000200050004-2 Approved For Release 2000/08/26 : CIA-RDP62-00647A000200050004-2 SECRET -4- Item] No. Definition in English I Definition en Francais 'Source TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT (401-499 Series) Vessels C4011 Watercraft, n.e.s.; and important components,n.e.s. CH/21 Automotive Equipment (except tyres) C450 Motor vehicles and equip- (#5) ment, as follows: CH/77 a) Motor vehicles (includ- ing tractors, trailers, and motorcycles), n.e.s., except the following: scooters and tricycles under i-ton loading ca- pacity; and private touring (passenger) carst designed or constructed to carry not more than 6 persons. (Note: the foregoing ex- clusion does not apply to the following, even if apparently designed or constructed to carry not more than 6 pera*is :! crew cars (personnel carriers); station wag- ons; utilities; pick- ups; buses; kit cars.) b) Chassis, components, andi spares, n.e.s., for the , C471 c) Servicing equipment and materials, n.e.s., for the above vehicles. above vehicles. Railway Equipment Railway rolling stock, ! n.e.s.; and parts therefor.! (#6) 0000M #1051 Approved For Release 2000/08/26 : CIA-RDP62-00647A000200050004-2 Approved For Release 2000/08 R,gA-RDP62-00647A000200050004-2 -5- t Item) No. Definition in English Definition en Francais ELECTRONICS AND PREMTMTTM~ 7 R 1 NTS (501-599 Series Source Radio, Radar, and Other Telecommunications Equipment *C501! Telecommunications equip- I (Rearrange) 1 0"17) ment, as follows: l 1 CH/120 a) Telecommunications cable,iNote sub-Committee sugges-! I n.e.s. ( tion for insertion in b) Telegraphic instruments. French translation. ce.) Telephone switchboards and other telephone instruments (except domestic telephone in- struments). d) Radio transmitting appa- ratus { and tubes, n.e.s. e) Radio communications re- ceivers, n.e.s.,(except domestic radio receiv- ers). *(Reservation deadline: July 30 (part)). C502 where the exporting gov- ernment has made sure that the equipment is in- tended for medical pur- poses and reports the ex ports in accordance with the "exceptions" proce- dure in paragraph.-3-of Document #782). in small quantities, Other Electronics and Precision Instruments. C561, Telescopes and binoculars (r#16) (except opera glasses hav- CH/33 ing no prisms and ma nifi- cation less than X3. C5621 Cartographic equipment, as (Rearrange) (#29) follows: CH/26 a) Nap-making instruments for use with terrestrial or aerial photographs. b) Instruments for studying and interpreting aerial photographs. Detection apparatus, as (Rearrange) CH/77 follows: a) Ultrasonic detectors n.e.Is b) Electrocardiographs ex- cept those being exportedl SECRET Approved For Release 2000/08126: CIA-RDP62-00647A000200050604-2 Approved For Release 2000/08/I tA-RDP62-00647A000200050004-2 -6- Item } No. Definition in English 05631, Measuring and testing in- struments for use in en- ineering workshops, n.e.s. (See Interpretative Note No. 1 in Annex A hereto.) 0570 Surveying instruments, as follows: a) Base line equipment. b) Geodetic theodolites (first order instruments)f. c) Precise theodolites hav- ing an accuracy better than 4 sexagesimal sec- 1 onds by direct reading. d) Theodolites, tacheometers and transits with a tele- scope magnification of X15 or higher and read- ing direct to 1 sexa- gesimal minute or better., e) Precise levels for first- } order work. f) Surveyors' and engineers' telescopic levels having telescope magnification of X15 or higher and an object glass aperture 1.2" (30m/ms) or larger. i *C571' Precision, scientific, and optical instruments capable _ of being used in the develop- ment, production and testing of military equipment, n.e.s. (See Interpretative Note No. 2 in Annex hereto. (Reservation ea line: July 31.) Electronic heating instru- C572- ments used in the metallur- gical industry, n.e.s. 'Source Definition en Francais (Rearrange) 1!(#22) } CH/77 {#2$) C H/77 (#21) CH 112't Approved For Release 2000/08/26 : CIA-RDP62-00647A000200050004-2 Approved For Release 2000/O IA-RDP62-00647A000200050004-2 - 7 - Definition in English METALS, MINERALS AND THEIR MANU (601-699 Series (Metal and Mineralanufacturej C610 Flexible metal tubing,n.e.s. C616 Barbed wire Base Metals and Mill Products, 0635; Iron and steel products, as follows: C680 j C790 a) b) c) Alloy steels containing any of the following al-! loying elements, n.e.s. 1) 0.1'/'0 or more molyb- denum, vanadium, columbium or tanta- lum. 2) 0.02% or more titaniu m. 3) 2.0% or more cobalt. 4) 1.0jo or more nickel. 5) 17 0 or more chromium. 6) 12% or more manganese 7) 3.5% or more tungsten Armour plate. Heavy Siemens Martin steel sheets of thick- ness over 5 mm. Minerals Raw and manufactured as- bestos, n.e.s. (except the following: asbestos cement products; filter asbestos; asbestos jointing and packing). CHEMICAL AND PETROLEUM PRODUCTS (701-799 A. Chemicals 701-770 Sub-Series) Cresylic acid (including para-, meta-, and ortho- cresol; xylenol). B. Petroleum Products Sub- eries 770-799) Paraffin wax; petroleum jelly. Definition en Francais Source ~ #26) CH/2E (#12) COCOM #1051 (r14) CH/67 (#34) CH/65 ('~1} CO~OM 41051 Approved For Release 2000/08/Z6.C 'Ji-RDP62-00647A000200050004-2 Approved For Release 2000/08/26 : CIA-RDP62-00647A000200050004-2 SECRET - 8 - Item No. Definition in English RUBBER AND RUBBER PRODUCTS 4 -lei 11 nn Rubber and Rubber Compounds C8011 Rubber solution, n.e.s. Tyre s and Tubes C$201 Tyres and tubes, n.e.s. (except those for scooters and pedal cycles). Other Rubber Products C8401 Rubber MISCELLANEOUS Definition en Francais Source C9101 Photo-plan printing machines. !1 ~ i SECRET (#30) CH/$7 (;'15) CH/87 '(ir31) COCOM 1051 (#35) CH/26 Approved For Release 2000/08/26 : CIA-RDP62-00647A000200050004-2 Approved For Release 2000/08/26 : CIA-RDP62-00647A000200050004-2 ANNEX A to DOCUMENT CH/139 SECRET July 7, 1953 INTERPRETATIVE NOTES { NOTES EXPLICATIVES Agreed Interpretative Notes of various items on the List are set out in CH Document 125. Note 1 - Measuring Instruments i The following is an illustrative list of the kinds of instruments covered by Item 0563; (Schedule attached to Document CH/106, reproduced in Document! CH/125.) Note 2- Precision Instruments (C571) The following is an illustrative list of the kinds of instruments covered by Item C571: (Schedule attached to Document CH/107, reproduced in Document, CH/125.) SECRET Approved For Release 2000/08/26 : CIA-RDP62-00647A000200050004-2