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Document Release Date: 
December 2, 2009
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Publication Date: 
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/02 :CIA-RDP62-00634A000100060081-1 ta-~ Ttaiq eessed ~ #eelin~ that ~' s+~tly ac~tivlties ie a pc~.tc .~~q field ~t she ~:: tc~ cbseev+~r status ~ because ~'' parti.c~pation t#e:e cons~~ing in t~ ?f pa~eparatian as well -~s Parta~,~i~ e?c~ ail ~ C)p+~aEi4ns ~h+acl expr~~ss?~d en a~+r~r close ~r~w+r- s~ #aei~~ e~cae~re tb the ~r~~.,~ ex~resse~i ~e IItl`R. E~tive ?~~.ce~ sued th~~t fondle 25X1 ~ Matte a~b.~ fer tra~ef ~st~ f~ te~.scuaably s~vrt ~~~. ~t~ a~s~d that ~: L~~t of Mate j:n tb~s ~~'` bey t~-kex~ a pcssttian tit ac~axly we have s~ ~ter+~ st, butt atve pc~ipa~tc~n szust be carefully ha~dt since P~'*~~~..~n b}~ ~. ~. acials ez#ght be ct~st~ued by the press as fras~eca~tinq ftr~ur?: tT. ~, ply ac~i~. gh8ra~+GCe, ~ ~ticals 4i ~;fth~` agency will 25X1 ~~~ the ~ p#>1~1~ Cf.3@' ~ 'Mr~Gb tsa'y be held in ~e~ a iu April. Wit'. 0 keep u~ infc~ed oaf fiat e~ci Ai is p3~a.~faa~ to send abs~arv~s, he will ad~ri~e us ~ul"ii~lently in advance tc~ ~t the ~tq c? an 4?~ ?bs~Ter. .~ l~olovs ~3t~1 t~ ~q ~an~Y~ caree was held rd~itr~t dir. ~~ ~~y, C3ffic~ cf ~~al Crrut~el~ wi#~ ~ce~+~rex~ce tc~ ?b,#ectlc~ns rai~~sd ~' the ~e ~ustfce to ~e ~, request. far exempti?~n #rc~m seciian l 9 (~ , 19 reads as folbiws: 1~. be caastrutecl tc authr~i~ a Lh~ s~rra~ +~ say e~tpl+se bry, fs~, or through any ~ n- Gv~~nt f$~~lfty ar~y substan#fa2 ~ r~# Lk~e aefiv~ities t~ which is ~~ tyre +~rr~ing +~ +~# p~pagasda j car c?the~r-- ~~ a"Et'~11~1,p3t~s ti's ~u~riGe ~e~t~C-i'~ p~ctPS~;fc~i ~ #et~'Vex~t>n itl ~~cq 1~e pctYal~.s~-ing d~str#butirsp v~# s~ates~$nts) atlp pc~tcal canzpai ~r on be2~alf ~ agy candit~ate fc3r qublic o Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/02 :CIA-RDP62-00634A000100060081-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/02 :CIA-RDP62-00634A000100060081-1 ~tu~t+~d under' t~CrndiLi~n~ dl~r~tc~d ob+~v+~ ~ ~en~r$1 C~e~ isle ttt~t ~~tt~ er~u~~.#y A~ h,~ aa~erui~d a~rik11 pr~-id+~ ~u#.a~aSUr~:t ~u~hcar~i~~ arrt. ~'. ~~e~ !a d~~~ ~ ~~ rw~ith~$aw~.rtg t4, csb3ectic~zts tc ~9. ~+~ wa~- sect ~ hr's ~tti~cernsnt~ * the 8drtQ a~. ~rc~it~r cah~c~ca m~:ds the ~e ~ $eC~ty. ~uzth~e. st~~w~.d a~t~sta~uao +a~c;~r wh+~rel~ ~~ of any type wc~ilti be c~art- At the ~~~t +s+#' the bt4id~p~ il'tt>[~i~t~JCli, ~ k~,d tported ~ P~1~~ uaEtl ~5 F+~be~u~r 1559.. 4. ~~ . ~e ~atvzy. Ali ~~e~aial eae ars b+~tna ~revt~~v~d -s ? t~eaahed with the ~et2t ~t~i~1Qn. of di,~ ~minatt ~' ca~?n1~t sn~tsn ~e dire car with +~ quiet ~ra~ the ~e~tm~r~t ~ ~'~~~~. It v~~~ s~i t~ r~.~hcr-- rsq~ts~t ` +~etx~p'Rt~a ~t3 th~~ a~ctlc+r~ a~ ate' c~rv'~rt trai~~ !~~ ~q~tdut~tsd i~t e~bl~~rtny~ lx~~? ~i+~t.t'tts to the ma~tt~x~ wee a~~Ced to ~u~gest ~b6s flt' a+~e~ttic~t~ trr the ~ trt ~ that ~Ome~y ~re~ertt #~ ~+~ t'hs J~tsrtCy ~T Cta~mmitte~e t+~t` ~~prov{=~ wry. Pty was tnv~ted is at#~dnd the ~~ rtttr A~?~ meettr~~~ tt ~~ v~~hes u~ to da s~. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/02 :CIA-RDP62-00634A000100060081-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/02 :CIA-RDP62-00634A000100060081-1 `* r~i 25X1. d ~tt~ t~.~it ~'i# ~~~ ~artte~te~nc~ 8a~cx~I, art ~ntstic~nal i~rrmunfb=n end the d the Re~t~tr~r e~c~ ~ ~r11!e~d an #;~+~ c~orrgata~~-tion ~-nd ~n~ cad ~he~~ ~c3#.tvfti+~~-. s~~~ 25X1 25X1 ~~ ~hls ~p~r~x'#ts~ rl~t! dir. meat th4~ thief k#~m~ f~ the Record Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/02 :CIA-RDP62-00634A000100060081-1