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Document Creation Date: 
December 22, 2016
Document Release Date: 
December 2, 2009
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Publication Date: 
April 23, 1959
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PDF icon CIA-RDP62-00634A000100060068-6.pdf149.45 KB
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/02 :CIA-RDP62-00634A000100060068-6 ~~ ~-pril 1959 F`faa~s s vity Ytepc~rt ~1 ~ ~ $nLs have begin pleted for ~e AQen+cy e~plvyY~:es a~tts t~ ~o~ram, "P~ycxht~~gical Aspects caf Pa~?i~onc~ of '4N~ar ~tm, " tc be held ~t the Pet-LagOr~ opt 8 ~~ay. Cals~nel 1~a~rt Wttit'~., t'lf~c+e of the Assstax~ Sec~rets~ry cif I3efense fcar $e~ an+~' D~Iedine, gtartted us #IW@l1~. snb~tequsnt so s sma't}~r numbes- ~~;_ ~i+c~~~~ ,a~thc~id. J~ ~ett~ ~+r,~s s+~nt to ~v~~nel l~c~~ ~tating ~Eh3t s~ e~ g~cc~ple who will atte~td rundesrstd that the ~aterlal to be j,~#18d is fts? o~i~1 use only. v#~.1 9fl iTt a 25X1 cif soother perm who ~~as ~ncel+ed h request fast attencia~~ce. A w was rsade~ cif ~e ~tiana~ i'ra~tr'am {.Funds and e~; ~tegcexaent~~ for FY 6l frx SR snd ~S. ; showed a 25X9 f~c~ 1~LL~r~Y1~t with ~ lxatxea~e over` bG . 25X9 ~ 1 e~~ ~t~.et! ~ six less ~n required ixt 6C:~ . 25X1 mploytnent leased frcnn thirteen to frteen. Cis3~ ~~~Wlt Qf FY . Pez~aonnsl ~srquitre~nsnt re ~'t c~trsct employment lr~cxeed ftt~t ned the ss.me at "# ~~ program has n ap;~oved hY Gen+ersl Cabell. P is tG meet With ~~ Staff Q~~~': relaifve t4 W0~'k1ri~ ~t see prohtems {uas~eci.#i.ed~ raisesi by acme caf ~: sen3c~e people who cc~amente+d trrt the program. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/02 :CIA-RDP62-00634A000100060068-6 25X9 25X9 25X9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/02 :CIA-RDP62-00634A000100060068-6 ~t ~~spgn~a t0 c~mpla#t~.te by some Ct the e~~e~'attng dt. abt ~adur~as used by IAS and tha ~t~gist~, ~'PS has met with at~d e~~ per~son~t tie vielons to t~l.;~cu~e the prtahlem~ and ~saek ac~tutione. 25X1 I ~ 25X1 I 25X1 tc~n~ sst #airth. It la t~ be acs+aeyc~.natad ~vithln C?TR anc~ ~~~ .~$ can ~ ~. ~ ~ ~R ~~ ' t~C has been turned cc to Rey z ~n Time of cad ttt Patsc~aa S~aAdad ~~ t2tlt'd Ls~lsliCa $ami~x' st on ~1 A.. Its cif #~~~ itl~ti~'est will h~ r~" a of n+~tes to b~ ~ ~ ~rc~ me~nrx~~ndum Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/02 :CIA-RDP62-00634A000100060068-6 lce~ Cutds poc~paxed by ~ l~in~ i3 f+ax ad?~tic~n~ ~ dalstic>ns # cr ~ugg~~tic~.s. 'T'his wli b~ ac~ccitr~t~d ~rt'th Ragis~~x. ~-~ mado an aaa~yai~i ~ ~ublatc Law 85-S~i?, t~avarru~at~ ~s ~Yn~~ Act, t~ d~t~rn#ne v+rhet t~TR suet ~3c~ tp ~pl~ 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/02 :CIA-RDP62-00634A000100060068-6 ~U. ~~ nn ~l~k l~rav~ may. lAt+~t'~8t Lo awes dtn ~u?~art Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/02 :CIA-RDP62-00634A000100060068-6