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? Y~x++C~ Approved For Rele 2001/03/0 : CAA-RDP62-003200100510021-7 _,. ~- ~ . ~. C~ntra~ i~'t~ c, ~' "~...,~. ~ fix' ~. 1~1EMORANDi~3 F(~R: ~~s:Y1t3~~ l~efse Ita~.e~.i.~~n~e Gcarun~.$tee FRAM SJHJ~CT a r Gha~ ~, S~str~a~i6t .~~ ~u~~~Y ~f and Requir?rrent f~~~r 'Phthal~i~ r.~3ydrida F RRF~ItP;;~C~; ?~:,I~:~G G~s~ ; ~~ , ;^ g ~ SE t~tF.T The attached 1n~e1~.; g~n~s~ su~nary has besrt ~re~ared by CIA, in reep~nse` to the r~i?ertn+Ct~si ~?~IC Case Nsa ~ ~'~ initiated. ~y - ~.he l~pag?t~ttent ~sf C~~:~e~?Vc.:. I~ ~.~ =acra~? d:~.stributed .fir re~if:~t accegrtattce ~3llZC ~s.:~'~er~a If n? raga?~'~ fcr~? ccns$dati~n ~f this ewary in an SIC me~t:~ng is t?r-.~ei~~e~ ~a i.~r ~ _ H ~a A~ri~ ~9~8~ it ~ret~ ar:.d ~:llt:; !~e trio ~ 2~ ~~?~ 1 be x~e~~rdesi c~os~a Atta~~aeent e Sitlawa~r~t R~~c Lug--~~' ~~' ~,3 Rsquirem~mts fir i'~1~~~;~_!,~ A3'dz?ide Uistribu~~,ic~: Cs?.~o H ~ (~~,~ r ~~~. ~C,`? 25X1A9a li c ~AI~.; E ~, 25X1A9a *DOC Exemption Utter In EUR File* :14.: y lii,.V Approved For Release 2001/03/02 :CIA-RDP62-00328A000100~10021-7 .Approved For Rele 2001/03/O~~~l~~i~F~62-003000100510021-7 ~I~ ~: ~~ ~ ~ ~ . '~c ~.~~ ~~~~ s~~~~ '~~' . I~~~~e~,~ ~~ Ce~++terc~~ ~~ d~~r~h ~,958~ Zit'? 3%~P,~;. thy. R ~.:: a ?~~,.z ~, - --- ~~Y3 ~~Z~fi~'~~9o s PI~,ClP~~~ i~E nY -""''-'~iY T~ e~s3p~~:x~~ ~.~~ ~e~:a c~urM~~~.~,y `~~ct~z ~~n ~y ~ I~~~~x~~~~W~ of Csa~~?:~~ T;~~~:~~~,e~~ ~'~=..c~ tip ~.xs 6x?e~.~a ~,~ ~ ~te~ u1,:~rs~; ~ah~~I ~ gh~ka~.l~.r, ~c~:~~r~~ i~ ~~ ~..,~'.~~ ~yH~ tni~.i ~~,??~,,~. s ~~:.~~~~.~~ Yr~ $~ t~aa~.~ ~'~s ~.dc~.t~~~ ~ ~~e ~To~m ~a~~~,i.~s~ ~~~~,~~~ ~~~mix~h~~ ~. ~~-~tbzz~l~~ndu~ ~C(k~~~~,y~??~~gs~rya m~ EI~~C ~"~~~. ~1e~z .~~?n~s ~~:~ C~~~:~~ ~~4 C~sg E`1'a. 4e~.~.. tiJ6?ePe~J ~~ ~~ +'e~~Ff3.'. d-7~~~n yy'f L.t..iV ~JiVdJ ~.,e Bloc ~,s a tz~ ~, ~:~~. ~~ r~3~.~.:~~' :~, ~~.~~ arty ~~?P~~aa~ .y A tTCC~y i,, > ! ei;. ~i."..?'S~ ?ih~ lN7b~i1 hPi zv'.R.~'''Ii~~y;- g'{`~~.?Pa.~Jas ~~ ~g?, p~ci'~'F3 S'Sr .3a2. a~1~11~_t"3 "''$a;3~~p dt_.,.. ~L1~u33Tioc'3.T~~"_~.~, i{r ~^ a^~~59 r~~.,~~t?~',. .~~. 7t!?~Sf{, ~~~~ f3Z ~ .a?-~ B~cac ~~~t.z~cas~ ~y ~~~~:~ ~~ ,'~h~.~.~~ ~rn~y~~y~.s~~ ~-~ ~r~~~s~ c~u~ ~~ ~sig3.~~ ?f ~Gc:~~~ies'~~s~.t:w~.~~ p~~~'~~.c?~~ ~~ a~aZ ~uhh~~~ T,~a~~gt;,~;t~e ~qui~~iv~~ a-~~ 4e~~~~~3` ~s ~~~"' ~,e be rQS~c~~xs~.'~~e f~'~ the ~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ sk~a~ta a sa?` ~h~r~~ ~~ fi~~~s~~~~~ x'8'~h~Y' ~a ~. ~Y~ca~s ~ag~ ~~' tAh~ ltaas~ ~~.~ ~~~~.~.~, ~~~~~r~3'~~~~~ ~ ~ a xaf 't,i~~ ~~ ~~, c~~~~~~:~ h~v~ ~~ ~~ ixa~x~~~~ ~~~~_.~~~:~??^~ cry p~h~k?~:9.~~ ~:;~hyT= ~ ~9' ~, PZa?~h~i~ ~~?~~~ ~~ ~b~;~:~ by ~~~ c~~~~~~~~~ ~? ~~~~~k~a~':;~e:.~ ~ ~ ~~:~ t.~~ cad' 8 .~~~:~. ~;~~~~~~ ~~~~.~s~ ~rac3 ~?~xuu!~at~.~~t ~r the ~~.~~er3.f3$~ :4:.Rtr-a.~~~Q fitaa~-T.~~t~~~~ ~~.~~ ~~3..:~g~;#~~ ~~ Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : E~~~r[~I?.~~-00328A000100510021-7 Z~~~~~a Approved For Rele 2001/03/02 'SCE.~P~2-003200100510021-7 ~ M Om rY ~~ i ?it3F~tN . ~2~ Phtha~.c anhydride becamre sn important item during Wor3d y~az? II as a pl~istici~er for sa~okel.eas powder and as a base for inaeet repe],lantso A principal. use for phtbalic anhydride is in the p~duction of phthalate estate employed as plaatiai~era or softeners for' rCttsbeY and plasticsa Alkyd reains~, made tYosn phtha~.ic anl~ydridbn are used. for -autdoar paints and are of si~ificaace in the stiu~facte coat~g of naval veasels4, Antbraquittoas vat area for military ~aniforai.9 ue+s phth~rl$c ar~ydride as a bas9e PAOIXS CT1C~ ? l~aphttialener the rear matet~ial for phthalic anhydrides, iaa produced in several Bloc countrieso ~;stimated B'?o~ produatioa o# nap~hthalc~aa i~a 195? ~ as follartss . Coon Me?bcic Toms Cz~e haslorra~zia ~~OCOI ~a~ L~aat Germany ~a~ R~~ Poland 33.,~A00 Rimaa~a 809 USSR A20D000 . Altbc~ugki the abo~re quax~ti~iea of na~thal,ene eould~ffi~upport a subatantia]. is~arease in t~xe production ~of phthalic anh~i+.._. e~ the furthe~? of nap3~thaleno into phthaLtc air~d~ride has uYat~ nor bson ].iyaited by deficiencies in bath tcu=".r~,~al and pal,ant equipn~ent~ Only ~ pests havs~been identified es producers of phthalic anhhydride in 'the Bloc Froduct3aR of ph$halic an~dride in the Bloa in 1957 is est3aaiated as fal~.s~as: Coanxt~ty Cze~;hosl.ovak~.a fast ~ern~any Hungary Poland Rur~nia USSkt Totall Quaztti~ty , in M c Tom, 1~8t~ 9n~ 800 2D~0K~ X00 lQ~, =~ ~~000 21,~g8d~ ~ 2b~,80 The USa`R anuaunced in July 195 that new technoRogy and . squipm.~:~t for the o7ddat~,on of nagtztha+~.en? to phthalia anhydric~? hnvo been de~e~opBd~. An e~cpari.~ental workshop using the new grc~ese is echedialed ~~ ruct~ ntcsft~aadditioworkshops a othe~ a~Fr;.th subseq.>e~at c ~ ~~r~~~ari.scrna UPS ~. px^~?+i~~;i~~ ~f rh~.,~~ c ~,r',:rid? in 1$~ was Approved Few ~~:Osl I~Dg~~Rll2-00328A000100510021-7 S~E~G-R~~T Approved For Relea~s~e 2001/03/02 :CIA-RDP62-00328000100510021-7 ~. 3 ~, chemi~a~. p~~.arats,~ 'fie oorn'~jlrieu ~Rpac~,ty of fib:: %atter two shops ~:a..s plx~nnsd +~o be ~`~~,:r~~3~ mstr~~~~ urns Ava:I.~ab~.e data :From tae U,~So Dapartr~nt o~ ner~? on shipts ?f phtF~aa~.ic from ~-estern coun~r-ies ?~c~ the H~.s~ are ino~-ud~ ~.n '1'ab~.e ICY T~~,ese dvtafl i:~~gathar with regorts fob previous years ~, ~~~a~~ ~nci~?~`cs a rising tr~rzd jxn B~cno imports df phtha'~.c aiahy~:~~.da atad ghtha`~~t~5 frs~a the We4t~ The U5S~ ag~aea~?s to be the largest img~c?tsr a2fd :~ '~.9~`~ ~Sr~Psab~.y :~.mpcsrtad at lgast ~ thousand tons o If 1nfo~t~.on wex-e a.~.i:~,ab~,e on ?:~hi~`~exats fx~or~ osier Western countries stt~h a~ Be~ig~,rar?n ths- ~~e'es:r'tds~ S~teden and the 1~Y? a axe ~o~np~ete pif~~~u're of P'i~ isnpo~-aas ~rou.~d ~-~ c~b~;ai.nede t~ri:1~' shipments o.f ~xht~,a~i~ yei.~iie and ph}.?ha~.atc~s fx=oni r~~.e>~ ~+~aunt,es (~hi.e~y East i;er~~ ~.~o tho ~JeR~. bays boat c~bssr?~ed ~.l3 regent yea.~a~, tho B~~~ utldoLlbte~y has begin a rct i,~rp~rf;:~:r of these ~~hernioa~~r Somme iritra-:Bls~c :.~ipm~:nnts Yn$~e been obseed, Tl~e ind3~>ati.ons a~ that these k~~zv~: ~;:~1a3,~i~sd ~.arge~y ~~.n Ea.s~. p~er~ny. anc~ have be?n desti,rted mainly ,for the USSh,A .