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PDF icon CIA-RDP62-00328A000100110016-7.pdf65.98 KB
Approved For Releas000/08/26 : CIA-RDP62-00328AM0100110016-7 CONFIDENTIAL The Intelligence Community is requested to prepare a paper providing the necessary background information for an evaluation of the adequacy of current shipping controls under the prevailing international situ- ation. The topical outline presented below represents the opinion of the EDAC agencies regarding the specific information which such a paper should contain if it is to satisfy the needs of Working Group I for background information. I. Introduction (Background - What the paper will do) II. Composition of Present Sino-Soviet Bloc Merchant Fleet (Including Naval Auxiliaries) by Type of Vessel, Size, Speed and Age Group. Comparison Bloc Fleet with That of Free World III. Sino-Soviet Bloc Requirements for Merchant Shipping A. Ocean Going Vessels 1. Sino-Soviet Bloc Shipping in Bloc World Trade as .Indicated by Voyage Analysis, 1955-1956 b. Dry Cargo Vessels 2. Western Shipping in Bloc World Trade as Indicated by Voyage Analysis, 1955-1956. a. Tankers b. Dry Cargo Vessels 3. Estimated Total Bloc Requirements 1960 a. If all trade moved in Bloc Ships, Allowing for repairs and Replacement of Bottoms now in Service b. If Western Shipping Continues Available to the Bloc (1) At 1955-1956 levels in Actual Tonnage (2) At 1955-1956 levels as the Percentage of Total Bloc Shipping Requirements CONFIDENTIAL State Dept. declassification & release instructions on file Approved For Release 2000/08/26 : CIA-RDP62-00328A000100110016-7 Approved For Release2A00/08/26 : CIA-RDP62-00328AQQ0100110016-7 CONFIDENTIAL B. Coastal Vessels 1. Current Bloc Position 2. Capability to Supply Future Requirements IV. Bloc Capabilities to Supply Its Merchant Shipping Requirements A. Given continued availability of 1estern Shipping Under Current International Agreements B. On the Assumption that western Shipping Would not be Available for Sino-Soviet Bloc Trade V. -Vestern Capabilities to Construct Shipping for Bloc A. Tonnage Currently Constructed or Repaired 1. During 1955 2. During 1956 3. Under Construction or on Order as of January 1957 B. Prospects for Providing Tonnage in Addition to that Already Under Construction or on Order as of January 1957 VI. Summary CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2000/08/26 : CIA-RDP62-00328A000100110016-7