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PDF icon CIA-RDP61S00750A000600110086-8.pdf55.29 KB
TOP SECRET TCS-3780-58 Approved For Release tO,00/08/26,. CIA-RDP61 S00750 0600tf 68e-81 *USAF Declass/Release Instructions On File* py MEMORANDUM FOR THE PROJECT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: Proposed Peripheral FLINT Missions 1. Your understanding of my position relative to Chalice peripheral ELINT activities is substantially correct. In this regard, I concur with the Leningrad sortie proposed in your memorandum dependent upon its being conducted over international waters or friendly territory. I make this point because the sorties forwarded to us on 8 July were, in some in- stances, planned over Soviet territory. As you are aware, reaction to overflight, inadvertant or otherwise, can cause serious reprecussion. I cite as an example the RB-47 incident of 26 July which resulted in the establishment of an arbitrary border over the Caspian Sea. 2. The question of territorial claims has prompted the USAF to examine all areas that might evoke a situation similar to the Caspian Sea incident. In this respect, the State Department is making a survey to determine whether there are other areas around the Soviet periphery, one of which is the Gulf of Finland, where territorial prerogative is in question. Until this question is resolved, it would appear no flight should be made into the Gulf of Finland (Leningrad) without overflight approval. 3. Though I agree to the Gulf of Finland sortie subject to the con- ditions above, I do not view the Barent Sea mission with similar urgency. Whereas Leningrad represents one of the highest priority ELINT objectives known to us and has rarely been reconnoitered, the Barent Sea area is frequently covered by Air Force operations. As a result, I am of the opinion the necessity for this sortie should be reevaluated. FREDERICK J. SUTTERLIN Brig. General, USAF Deputy Director Directorate of Operations, DCS/O O-Ops by SA/PD/DCI' 2-SA/PD/DCI -Series A, I of 1, PS/DCI Approved For Release 2000/08/26: CIA-RDP6150075~i 0 UU8'8`LENT CONTROL SYSTEM ONLY