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Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP61500750A000100160003-9 . To rosa alternatives for financing the NUS. Facts earls& Problem: The National Intelligence to be established, It st of the Act .1 1947 bat in IAC p was from raph 3 of deftoitive form in NXID-3 (for the text see Tab A). The NIS Standard prepared by a special c of the IAC and body and the NSC. All concerned have recognised portaat for the HIS to be developed es a broad, ongrange p Walt for ti as faced In 1941 when there was a vast * for strategic and operational parpo solid fosadetion of factual detail on which any reliable estimating pleasing meet be based. pr gen (such sic InteL I. bur*cment for N15 At th. inception of the NIS pr 47. arrangements were made for CIA to badget for all ction except that of the Defense Department intelligence Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP61500750A000100160003-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP61500750A000100160003-9 1.4 agencies. Ai. practically since the Department of State has had difficulty Units from the Congress to meet high priority needs of the Departu moot, lot alone h activities as NIS, which are of marginal in. Wrest to the areas of the Department, it seem., these" of fundainental intro twice to the Department's intelligence program 4. It to probably true that the iibfligence ed obtaining funds from CIA because it doubted that even moneyif the could have been obtained from the Congress. the De partmont would not have made full allocation to the NIS program in the face of other Departmental interests competing for the total Stat. Department appropriation. The Defense Department intent. genet** preferred not to participate in such badgeting, poas ground that they preferred to have complete control over deploymentthe of personnel working under their supervision in in teUlgenc., plus the fact that some in the military believed that the reapousibility to obtain necessary appropriation. went with the aflo cado of responsibility for production of intelligence. In 1951 G was ted in having the DCI budget for the Army contributions Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP61500750A000100160003-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP61500750A000100160003-9 This proposal was not acted h acUon would not have effected the personnel limitations ed by the Office of Secretary of Defense. 5. The r.apsaaibt*y to produce certain sections of the NIS en assigned to agencies of the Government outside of the in- nce Advisory Committee (lAC) namely, in the Department interior and the Department of Agriculture. Because the sub- tter in these mectione generally falls within the State Depart bailiwick. State has,fistlegated the reeponsibility by CIA to ease the G-Z learned te the Iund arc allocated altoc ted in 1955 NIS production by CIA to the eit of these non4AC agencies, directly to those agencies. State Dspartnaeat for NIS was of the USIA Sebrv*Y): to the and to the Department of Interior f Geographic Names). It is on assignments for NIS has, although The funds 50X1 50X1 50X1 50X1 50X1 Department noteworthy on the of Agriculture. average tor production Ni 4. schedule much MO V than State predaction which is CIA. program Tog principle, based on World War ? The development of the and the acceptance that when completed. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP61500750A000100160003-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP61500750A000100160003-9 it an irni The fruJ rent in prors have b,. several years. The use of NIS sting,for azaraplo became apparent in the recent EsUmste onAfghanistan, the discussion section taatiaUy N1S material. The direct application of a s of 3 to the needs of psychslo ical og TSAR ? was sled in the coarse ssbs.qasiatty. The toordtatator of the NiS t *overall menthA comtet.d en extensive survey of con- tons to the NIS which was geasiaLly favorable at all parUci4arLy favorable La the command While it dltttcalt to evaluate the N1 in at the conclusion Ls justified that tb. NIS is a wise pro y for its published predact, but also its cantribadon tantial planning, programming and prodactioa La the de- hes providing greater strength in estimating and special of the dollar coat.. reporting. ye labor-agency NM program mast be reason- ably consiatent from IritiLT to year amen this participating agencies to achieve a balanced protection effort. The inter-agency allocations Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP61S00750A000100160003-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP61S00750A000100160003-9 mem. capabilities for y At comptete sec O. as. Those die S requirements and by ? of NU considering how best the NIS, it is believed that a major objective should be reserve n4 strength** this prograui. While the proper method nancing should be established* ive must be mindful that the not be selected without careful consideration to it* Alt ant errata *meat. While the program Pr vet, there is danger that this method will 4 criticism from the Berea* of the Budget or the Congress. ra pressures will cocaina* for a more formally established financing than that at present. Furthermore robably costes* la obtaining balanced production of nprdaccified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP61S00750A000100160003-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP61S00750A000100160003-9 Alter C A ceo goal The D thy because by Li y to accept Ibis this t in the production of NIS is so marginal to its mai ponsibilities that it would sot want to take on the a4 irds parUcutarly as regards the Congress, eq r sonnet and additional funds. However, even 11 the De I quest the necessary Luida to continue the production ot e current rat. or with the expansion proposed in the USIA Su .4.46 and thelir regeoet got as far as the Congress, it is doobUu.t that the total appropriation from the Congress (which would likely be con Worst, y less than the request) would be allocated in the hill amount for NIS production. The earliest bud fiscal year 1957 and y 1936. Insofar as the apply would be sown definitely s and of the npriacsified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP61S00750A000100160003-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP61500750A000100160003-9 certainly Capt the effect. f the reductions. Tb.Department, when notified of this decision of the Dtrctor to canines reinibumment, ight refuse to accept the budgetingreaponaibtUty for for the NIS. in such an eventuality, CIA could iofcrrn the Department and the Bureau and of course ii the appropriate time, the Congress. that CIA intends to budget for and to develop the staff for the production of the requisite N1?in this Instance CIA will be open to charges that (a) it is Invading an area, of research the dominant interest for which rationally and bt.torlc*iLy belongs to the Department of State; te) that ell at the lb uir d with to latelAgeloce is to ac guments harsterepplicable for keeping the NIS La the Department Is through reimbursement flume', dominant Interact, compe. guided right falsehoods, or that the NI 4 will now be predaced less with less competence. and with consequently less quality. the transfer of the whole of that NIS new assigned to eatateacy, and quality) are new shown to have been have the effect of seriously weal ning the intelligence ex- Lt State. both InA.rrng of its coatributi?n to meet Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP61500750A000100160003-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10 : CIA-RDP61500750A000100160003-9 d.partmoutat needs and its contribatloes to . Relations t*t. are almost bound to d,t.riarats as State gets weaker mends tore. CL into developing int.lUgence fats basedon NL re eh but of a political estimating type. ft can also be snticLpst that with the State organisation now truncated, the Department will be encouraged to do what many of Its efficere hays long wanted to get rid of the intelligence organization I staff assigned to the Special Assistant for freed asset, in the political bureaus. MtarnattveIU. The DP to Prolarit :tkCOi Li de atm This Uk. Mtrnativ, two wool c approach the financing of the ms programt present. It mild take account of the probable dtfftcoltisa in the several te, sUowiug f,r individual difference, in the various agenciesbudgetary procedures. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP61500750A000100160003-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP61500750A000100160003-9 The 4 systematic app ch * cultkt be of both t and possibly blem of ?nani and able to accom alternativeto this alternative than ilL It might be necessary if this alternative were selected sr consultation with the EigirOitit of the Dadra. to propose to an anendment to NSCID-3 Specifically a now paragraph (7) * added to paragraph Is to read as follows: 0Th. Director of Central Intelligence shall also be reuw possible tar tinsa isally to the Bu.rean of the Budget statementcoordinated of geocies for the production DCI shell ssak the funds lox the productian. to be carried at *oder the aaspices of IAC and non-IAZ:prticifpating in budget requirement* of all the NIS. Where it is agreed tion. In each cases they shall together develop ado procedures which will provide to the Director hat these fends are being expended for National atelligeoce Sarv.y productions" the aims, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP61500750A000100160003-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10 : CIA-RDP61500750A000100160003-9 Al d to at there w y be that the Bur tot to make adiastmsT4a in the buds ting procedures of the tOr at Dotonso. La the vest be gTentez Under lability is with the schedules. This is eaPPlorted by "4' cotp*zing military productiim, the behind hedele more than State production. Budget and the Director of Defense tive were selected it would ably be desirable after constellation with the Bursas oi the bedget epos* to the MC on asnerabsont to NSCLD.3, paregreph la (5) to as fellows (deistical. in brackata) istearkiemssAanderlineal- "The Director at Central Intelligeace shall be umpoasible inwith the LAC, and publication and and Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP61500750A000100160003-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP61500750A000100160003-9 of these National Intelligeace h requests oft the wine ? colliery development and maintenance, making notes- f !made therefor. ready exists a only to make an *cc for NIS as far as State is concerned ted its internal administration utishct- Di Its stilisatios of MS fluids to CIA. This might be more difficidt for the military because of departmental I. The military woid probably object to the lack of flexibility In the utiliastios of NIS personnel Mat normally applies in the way in which they administer NIS pro- Thus, in times of crisis IS persouttel (it is understood) have bean drawn off almost entirely for critical work. ceiling. in the Defense 14. namely;vs IV CIA to budget to agencies (central budgeting). in the vsnt that the decision is IV or negotiations with the Bureau of the Budget and es veal this to be impracticable. die akeza boat way d tie NIS Alter Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP61500750A000100160003-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10 : CIA-RDP61500750A000100160003-9 sly: The DCI to prepare with the c of the IA C a statement dale annual budget needs of the IIC for NIS production end. to submit such statement to the Bureau of the Budget for its iaforrnsUon, the DCI then requesting funds for all of these needs except for these departmentswhere the peculiarities of the budget proc require them to submit budget re ithin Departments/ would directly. 12 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP61500750A000100160003-9