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Approved FQj Release 2005/04/21 : CIA-RDP61 S005 7 -000200120004-9 CSM No. 624 NOFORN/CONTINUED CONTROL Copy No. 8 December 1958 (/ n2/c#/ CURRENT SUPPORT MEMORANDUM NEW SING-SOVIET BLOC SPONSORED TELEVISION NETWORK OFFICE OF RESEARCH AND REPORTS CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY This report represents the immediate views of the originating intelligence components of the Office of Research and Reports. Comments are solicited. This document contains information affecting the national defense of the United States, within the meaning of the espionage laws, Title 18 USC, Sections 793. and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. 1 Approved For Release 2005/04/21 : CIA-RDP61 SO0527A000200120004-9 Approved Fgelease 2005/04/21 : CIA-RDP61 S00a,000200120004-9 NOFORN/CONTINUED CONTROL NEW SINO-SOVIET BLOC SPONSORED TELEVISION NETWORK A television network called Eurovise* in to be set up by the Sino- Soviet Bloc International Radio and Television. Organization (OIR), ac- cording to a recent Czech radio-broadcast. This network is to be sim- ilar to "Eurovision" the Western European television network and is to interconnect television stations in all of the European Satellites, the USSR, Fin-land,; and several Asian countries. The United Arab Republic reportedly has asked to participate in. the network. 1/ The establishment of an. in.tra-bloc integrated telecommunications system has been set forth as an. objective of the recently established Q-xgan4zation for Cooperation among the Socialist Countries in the Fields of Post and Communications (OSS). The objective of the integrated tele- communications system includes provisions for a television network link- ing the European Satellites and the USSR by 1965. 2/ Since 1957, periodic exchanges of live television. programs have taken place between East Germany and Czechoslovakia and. between Hungary and Czechoslovakia. Program exchanges between Czechoslovakia and the Ty'Eurovision" network have taken place through East Germany. 3/ Inter- connection, of the "Eurovise" and the "Eurovision." networks will prob- ably take place for special event coverage in the future. The Czechoslovak broadcast stated that East Germany, Poland, Hun- gary, and Czechoslovakia will be linked to the television network of the USSR by 1962. This is possible since there are current plans for expanding microwave radio relay and coaxial cable facilities required to transmit video information in JW&,countries involved. No plans have been revealed to connect the television network of the USSR with Finland, or the United Arab Republic. Television pro- grams emanating from the Soviet transmitter in Tallin can be received in. Helsinki. These programs could be retransmitted in Finland. Soviet plans do provide for a microwave radio relay network that could connect with a similar network in Communist China. The completion dates for these networks, however, have not been given, 4/ It is unlikely, there- fore, that television. network facilities between the USSR and China will be available for several years. The establishment of that portion of the planned television net- work between the European Satellites and the USSR by 1962 will result 25X1 in, a greatly expanded telecommunications capability. The microwave radio relay and coaxial cable facilities required for a television network may be used to nrovide 240 nr mrarc* ?a'al anhi na r4i,bre,i F~ '1'1 * e tit e s not definite and may be changed to OIR-Vision. 8 December 1958 CURRENT SUPPORT MEMORANDUM 624 Page 2 Approved For Release 2005/04/21 : CIA-RDP61S00527A000200120004-9 Approved Felease 2005/04/21 CIA-RDP61 S00a4000200120004-9 25X1 Analyst: Sources: 8 December 1958 CURRENT SUPPORT MEMORANDUM 624 Page 3 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/04/21 : CIA-RDP61 SO0527A000200120004-9 Approved For Release 2005/04/21 : CIA-RDP61 S00527A000022000120004-9 Approved For Release 2005/04/21 CIA-RDP61 SO0527A000200120004-9