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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
September 12, 1951
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PDF icon CIA-RDP61S00527A000100140074-1.pdf126.64 KB
Silo :C'SR CIIO Sanitized - Approves 'or Ike ea e CIA-RDP61 S0052Q DD +Q4)I0OF49 0r7IC BR t.NGE IId=mmg0E CO RMI STAFF ECCNO C BRU40R ri et hire Manpower 'Section Chantioa1 & Finance & Rubbar Foreign Section Trade See. . Area Analyaia Group Transpor- tation Section Fuels and power Suction Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61 500527A000100140074-1 POLITICAL B_HANCl tinerala Production & Metals Equipment Section Section . Sanitizedu"Approved For Release : CIA-REW61 S00527A000100140074-1 3 E C R E T I. AREA ANALYSIS GROUP B& Room 25X1A9a 2174 2161Q 2174 2161Q 2174 2161w II, FINANCE j-ND FOREIGN TRADE 2732 211,2Q 2682 21h2u 25X1A9a 2682 2112211 3011 2],38Q 3011 2138Q 3011 2138Q 25X1A9a 2732 2142w M ECONOMIC 25X1A9a tlorell - Yaylonis Lisenman. '~:E/USSR EE/USSR Secretary /USSR USSR/Outer :Mongolia/Finance US&t/Outer Mongolia/Foreign Trade EE (Bulgaria, Rui nia, Yugoslavia, AlL a, Trieste) JE (Finland, Poland, Hungary) LE/USaH/East lest Trade and Clandestine Operations (Also temporarily handling Czechoslovakia finance and foreign tr`de) Secretary III0 ,UINELALS AND MWALS 2616 2153Q USSR/Outer irlongolia/NJon-Ferrous metals and Non-ttetallic tinerals 2616 2153Q EE/USSR/Metallurgy, Coke, Construction 25X1A9a Materials 2610 2153Q USSR/Outer Mongolia/Coke, Iron and Steel, Ferro-Alloys 2610 2153Q EE/Coke, Iron and Steel, Ferro-Alloys 2616 2153Q EE (Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Trieste, Sovzones), Non-Ferrous I4etals and Non-; ietallic Minerals 2610 2153Q BE (1-lbania, Bulgaria, Finland, Rumania, Yugoslavia), Non-Ferrous Metals and Non- Metallic Minerals 2616 2153Q Secretary IV. TRANSPORTATIGN 25X1A9a 657 2145Q 2370 2145Q 657 2145Q 2171 2161Q 657 2145Q EE/USSR EE/Transportation USSR/Outer Mongolia/Transportation EE/US$R/;-lerchant Shipping, Civil Air, Ports, Shipyards Secretary Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61S00527A000100 074-1 SECRET SanitizedeApproved S E Reel a : CIA-RDP'61 S00527A000100140074-1 V. AGRICULTURE AND UANPO:IE[3 rat. R 25X1A9a 2027 2134Q I E/U3SR 2027 2334Q F,4/USSR/Population, i 4mpower, Douestic 'wade, Cooperatives 2434 2001( EE (Poland, Sovzones), Agriculture,, For+mtry, Fisheries, Standard of Living 2434 20014 EE (Albania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Ruoania, Trieste), Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries, Standard of Living 2584 2001Q BE, (Hungary, Czechoslovakia), Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries, Standard of Living; Textiles for 1 /USSR 2584 200114 USSR/Finland/Outer Mongolia/Agriculture,, Forestry, Fisheries, Standard of Living 2027 2134Q Secretary VI. CI1MICALS AND RUDBk- 5X1A9a 2553 2133Q EE/US& 2625 233314 USSR/Outer ,iongolia 2625 213314 BE 2625 2133Q Secretary FUEL MD PCB' 25X1A9a 2173 2]1EI.~4 LE/USSR 2173 2141Q LE/USSR/Outer ;.iorgolia/Electric Power 3032 2137Q EL./USSR/ ;1ectric Power 2173 2141Q F.E/Petroleum, Natural Gas 301,2 2137Q USSR/Outer M4origolia/Petroleum, Natural C 3012 2337Q EE/USSR/0iter Mongolia/Coal 2173 2141Q Secretary VIII. PRODUCTION FA41P_ i!' a 713 2157 'g/mm 2744 2157 Agricultural, Construction, and oil Drilling 4;c.:uiprient, Abrasives, Tanks, Tractors 2744 2157 Precision Instruments, Bearings, Llectrical and Metallurgical Equipment 713 2157 Secretary Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61S00527A00010014 77A