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Nvigi Sanitized - Appromsci For Release: CIA-RDP61-00.701084 000300090050-8 SUIT E0. 1 :INSTRUCT:MRS TO BIDDERS (Construotion Contracts) The ilarezcavh numbers IMO. In this supplement correspond to the xunbers of the paragraphs in Standard Forza 224, Revised 1.t.,brch 1953, to Yjlxteh they relate .- 14-A BID GUARANTY. Bids 1,n excess at. $5C0 shaLl be accco,pall.,.ed by bid 0.2arenty in one of the optional forms normitted. PoStel er, certified cheetr.j. 07e cashierIs c3,-ADel; ut,;ca LUIS e- s'e ,,ayable to the .01,-;,1.6r. bf. the Trozsux-cat of the Unj..teft- It the amount of the bid is 500 or 1e, seriti If the Eziamt-of the bid is 2.ore than ,tr500 c,nd ncf.DJA: the mlount ofNthe security choll be rnt lesu thz, t.,,aount of the bid;\ A bid bend is not seceptc easc. such a bid* The sectreitof the f..luccosofti will verment as a performancz.turanty and e returred ?e of tbe ccAroleted work* 1,.? the succc-.. bi1er dZ Covernment may apply the procecjNq of the 1c7trIty to rene(ly t'lLe 4:1.ofz nd the successful bidder will bb?or eny mo-ant of :/,01J5 Or dee the Coveranent m.,Ew sustan xcess of the r.,:voceds ol the ecurity* If the amount of the hid, ;Tilly shall be not less ? bid bond is used..1 oubmitted by the bidde thet.i.ype for is 0:cpeptedj! h 11 enter .63 more ; 20 percent 1 be en Standarc ezitY that he 5,a_ established in the Into afemal contra t2000, -3,11 or the the emount of the bid -13oii VI-. The sc not, tritl-gfilli7 znd eie perfoxv. ce and paytezt bonds as reguired. T11.0.0?scciii ic% by t sl:tacessfull bidder 1,411 be 7;:?etl.25:11Ca Tahont'Ituel. cre cs=proved? f the sucxessful bidder foils to th ;stated i ,ragraphj he shall be lieble ot.he COVernM---- elifterer betAfeen the szount of his bid.c?.,...nd eny greater 7.-Fhich sae Coverment may othemise 1.-XOCUro the recpire4.1 01 the cl-zity orbinitted by such a bidder la ether then a bid 4-. t way apply the. proceeds. of the security to defroY et ElEPARATION OF BIM, A bid by a person the ;Tol'.7s. "p'z'es:7,dent;1 "SecretaryA" '',aze-iltf4 'thout disctiosing his prinefipaa mey be hold to be the 1322',L on Lr' When wee4tested by the CatreriElOnt, of the caathori4 of the officer enzn n behalf of a cm.p.)::.r.tison be furnished* Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00763A000300090050-8 Ni ?00 Sanitized - Apprchosti For Release : CIA-RDP61-00047A000300090050-8 - 2 - 7A. RECEIPT AND OPENING or BIDS. Paragraph 7 of the Instructions to Bidders is deleted and the following cuhet1tutLx1 therefor: Vat., "(a) Bids will be submitted prior to the time fixed in the Invitation for Bids. "(b) No bid or modification received after the time set for opening will be considered, except: (I) those received before award is made, but delayed in the mails by unusually severe weather conditions, fire, flood, strikes, accident and similar abnormal occurrences beyond control of the bidder, if VirItton certification is furnished by cuthdr.ized pesta authorities to that effect and..; (2) when no bid is received by the time set for openi, and a bid or a bid and a modification, arrS.,ve by mail after the time set for opening: but before award is made to another late bidder qualifying under this exception; "(0) provided it is determined by the Government that ouch nonarrival on time was due solely to delay in the mails for which the bidder was not responsible. No responsibility will attach to any officer for the Ltre- mature opening of, or the failure to open, a bid not properly addressed and identified." . CONTRACT AND BONDS. If the amount of the contract in $2000,tUe successful bidder will be required to furnish ormance bond and?a.payment bond, each in amount as fol For Contracts civitr? ?AnTgL,C.Iiiya-- "'Amount of Bond $ 2,000 ,,o90000 $ 50000,000 $ 5,000,000 50% of contract 1170%-oZ contract $2,500,000.00r- Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00763A000300090050-8 Nee ',wee UgitigeginAppriaged For Release : CIA-RDP61-0083A000300090050-8 REVISED MARCH 1953 GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION GENERAL REGULATION NO. 13 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS (CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS) (These instructions are not to be incorporated in the contract) 1. Explanation to Bidders. Any explanation desired by bidders regarding the meaning or interpretation of the drawings and specifications must be requested in writing and with sufficient time allowed for a reply to reach them before the submission of their bids. Oral explanations or instructions given before the award of the contract will not be binding. Any interpretation made will be in the form of an addendum to the speci- fications or drawings and will be furnished to all bidders and its receipt by the bidder shall be acknowledged. 2. Conditions at Site of Work. Bidders should visit the site to ascertain pertinent local conditions readily determined by inspection and inquiry, such as the location, accessibility and general character of the site, labor conditions, the character and extent of existing work within or adjacent thereto, and any other work being per- formed thereon. 3. Bidder's Qualifications. Before a bid is considered for award, the bidder may be requested by the Government to submit a statement of facts in detail as to his previous experience in perform- ing similar or comparable work, and of his business and technical organization and financial resources and plant available and to be used in performing the contemplated work. 4. Bid Guaranty. Where security is require fah ie to submit the same with the bid ma cause or rejection. The bidder, at his tion, may fur *sh a bid bond, postal mo y order, certified check, or cashier's check, oritay deposit, in accordance with Treasury Department regula- tions, bonds or notes of the U3ited States (at par .,, 1value) as security in the a75unt required: Pro- vided, That where the t2tal amount of the bid is $2,000 or less, the corrng agency may declare tbid bond unacc,eptable 13Sr,so stating in the pecifications or Invitation for 13ids. In case s,sedrity is in the form of postal money rder, certified check, cashier's check, dt,bonds or hotes,.o(the United States, the Governmeht may aim' such disposition of the same as wit ac- ernplish the purpose for which subrnitte ?.. cics_spay be held uncollected at the bidders" risk. Cheats', or he amounts thereof, and bonds or notes of the Ifniffect-Ztkfeas- deposited by un- -- successful b. derr will be refin-ned_ as soon as tienb e after the opening. 5. Preparation of Bids. (a) Bids shall be submitted on the forms furnished, or copies thereof, and must be manually signed. If erasures or other changes appear on the forms, each such erasure or change must be initialed by the person signing the bid. (b) The form of bid will provide for quotation of a price, or prices, for one or more items which may be lump sum bids, alternate prices, scheduled items resulting in a bid on a unit of construction or a combination thereof, etc. Where required on the bid form, bidders must quote on all items and they are warned that failure to do so may disqualify the bid. When quotations on all items are not required, bidders should insert the words "no bid" in the space provided for any item on which no quotation is made. (o) Alternative bids will not be considered unless called for. (d) Unless specifically called for, telegraphic bids will not be considered. Modification by telegraph of bids already submitted will be con- sidered if received prior to the time fixed in the Invitation for Bids. Telegraphic modifications shall not reveal the amount of the original or revised bid. 6. Submission of Bids. Bids must be sub- mitted as directed on the bid form. 7. Receipt and Opening of Bids. (a) Bids will be submitted prior to the time fixed in the Invitation for Bids. Bids received after the time so fixed are late bids; and the exact date and hour of mailing such bids, as.shown by the cancellation stamp or by the stamp of an approved metering device will be recorded. Such late bids will be considered, Provided, They are received before the award has been made, And provided further, The failure to arrive on time was due solely to a delay in the mails for which the bidder was not responsible; otherwise late bids will not be con- 16-8030-1 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00763A000300090050-8 elet oft Sanitized - Ariproved For Release : CIA-RD111-00763A000300090050-8 sidered but will be held unopened until the time of award and then returned to the bidder, unless other disposition is requested or agreed to by the bidder. (b) Subject to the provisions of paragraph 5(d) of these instructions, bids or bid modifica- tions which were deposited for transmission by telegraph in time for receipt, by normal trans- mission procedure, prior to the time fixed in the Invitation for Bids and subsequently delayed by the telegraph company through no fault or neglect on the part of the bidder, will be considered if received prior to the award of the contract. The burden of proof of such abnormal delay will be upon the bidder and the decision as to whether or not the delay was so caused will rest with the officer awarding the contract. (c) No responsibility will attach to any officer for the premature opening of, or the failure to open, a bid not properly addressed and identified. 8. Withdrawals of Bids. Bids may be with- drawn on written or telegraphic request received from bidders prior to the time fixed for opening. Negligence on the part of the bidder in preparing the bid confers no right for the withdrawal of the bid after it has been opened. 9. Bidders Present. At the time fixed for the opening of bids, their contents will be made public for the information of bidders and others properly interested, who may be present either in person or by representative. 10. Bidders Interested in More than One Bid. If more than one bid be offered by any one party, by or in the name of his or their clerk, partner, or other person, all such bids will be rejected. A party who has quoted prices to a bidder is not thereby disqualified from quoting prices to other bidders or from submitting a bid directly for the work. 11. Award of Contract. (a) The contract will be awarded as soon as practicable to the lowest responsible bidder, price and other factors considered, provided his bid is reasonable and it is to the interest of the Government to accept it. (b) The Government reserves the right to waive any informality in bids received when such waiver is in the interest of the Government. In case of error in the extension of prices, the unit price will govern. (c) The Government further reserves the right to accept or reject any or all items of any bid, unless the bidder qualifies such bid by specific limitation; also to make an award to the bidder whose aggregate bid on any combination of bid items is low. 12. Rejection of Bids. The Government reserves the right to reject any and all bids when such rejection is in the interest of the Govern- ment; to reject the bid of a bidder who has previ- ously failed to perform properly or complete on time contracts of a similar nature; and to reject the bid of a bidder who is not, in the opinion of the Contracting Officer, in a position to perform the contract. 13. Contract and Bonds. The bidder to whom award is made shall, within the time estab- lished in the bid and when required, enter into a written contract with the Government and furnish performance and payment bonds on Government Standard Forms. The bonds shall be in the amounts indicated in the specifications or the Invitation for Bids. GOVUMILMT MIMING OFFICE 113-8630-1 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00763A000300090050-8 Sanitized - Approd For Release : CIA-RDP61-00743A000300090050-8 STANDARD FORM 20 REVISED MARCH 1953 GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION ' GENERAL REGULATION No. 13 INVITATION FOR BIDS (CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT) REFERENCE DATE 18 December 1956 NAME AND LOCATION OF PROJECT lenovation of Hangar Atsuki Naval Air Station Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan DEPARTMENT OR AGENCY ? STATI NTL BY (Issuing. Office) STATI NTL Sealed bids in duplicate for furnishing all labor, equipment, and materials and performing all work for the project described herein will be recived until 1 P.M., 28 December 1956 and held for opening at a later date. Information regarding bifiding material, bidsuartee-and bonds No bid guarantee, payment or performance bond will be required. Description of work STATINTL The work consists of furnishing. all plant, labor, materials, and equipment and performing all work in strict accordance with the specifications and schedules and drawings forming parts thereof for Renovation of Hangar at Atsugi Naval Air Station. Information regarding liquidated damages (if any), payments, etc-., is attached or made a part of the specifications. Bids shall be submitted on the forms furnished or copies thereof. Sanitized - Approved FOr Release : CIA-RDP61-00763A000300090050-8 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-0n63A000300090050-8 STANDARD FORM 21 REVISED MARCH 1953 GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION GENERAL REGULATION NO. 13 BID FORM (CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT) Read the Instruction to Bidders CTLindard Form 22) This form to be submitted in duplicate DEFERENCE DATE OF ION 28 Dec. 1'.-)56 NAME AND LOCATION OF PROJECT Renovation of Hangar, Atsugi Naval Air Station, Kanagawa, Japan. TO STATI NTL Date) In compliance with your invitation for bias of the above date, the undersigned hereby proposes to furnish all labor, equipment, and materials aid perform all work for the Renovation of Hangar at Atsugi Naval Air 7tation, Kanawaga, Japan, in strict accordance with the specifications, schedules, drawings, and condi- tions for the consideration of the following amount(s). and agrees that, upon written acceptance of this bid, mailed, or otherwise fur- nished, within calendar days (30 calendar days unless a shorter period be inserted by the bidder) after the date of opening of bids, he will within 2 calendar days (unless 4 longer period is allowed) after receipt of the prescribed forms, execute Standard Form 23, Construction Contract, and give performance bond and payment bond on Government standard forms, if these forms are required, with good and sufficient surety or sureties. Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00763A000300090050-8 Sanitized - Appromed For Release : CIA-RDP61-00-70A000300090050-8 The undersigned agrees that if awarded to contract, he will commence the work 2 after the date of receipt of notice to proceed, and that he will complete the work within 30 calendar days after the date of receipt of notice to proceed. The undersigned acknowledges receipt of the fllowing addenda to the drawings and/or specifications (Give number and date or each): The undersigned represents (Check appropriateboxes); (1) that the aggregate number of employees of the bidder and its affiliates is 500 or more, less than 500; (2) (a) that he nhasElhas not, employed or retained any com- pany,or person (other than a full-time bona fide employee working solely for the bidder) to solicit or secure this contract; and (b) that herlp has, T-1 has not, paid or agreed tb pay to any company or person (other than a full-time bona 'fide employee working solely for the bidder) and fee, commission, percen- tage,or brokerage fee, contingent upon or resulting from the award of this contract, and agrees to furnish information relating thereto as requested by the Contracting Officer. (Note: For interpretation of the representation, includ- ing the term "bona fide employee," see General Services Administration Regulat- ions, Title 44, secs. 150.7 and 150.5 (d) Fed. Reg., Dec. 31, 1952, Vol. 17, No. 253.) 1 Enclosed is bid guarantee, consisting of in the amount of NAME OF FIRM OR INDIVIDUAL (Type or print) FULL NAME OF ALL PARTNERS (Type or print) BUSINESS ADDRESS (Type or print) BY (Signature in ink. Type or print nate under signature) 'ITL (Type or print STATE OF INCORPORATION (Type or print DIRECTIONS- FOR SUBMITTING BIDS Envelopes containing bids, guarantee, etc., must be sealed, marked, and address- ed as follows: Bids will be submitted in sealed envelopes upon this bid form and its attachments and marked in the upper left had corner "Bid for l'tsugi Hangar to be opened 28 December 1956, CAUTION: Do not include in the envelope any bids for other work. Bids should not be qualified by exceptions to the bidding conditions. Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00763A000300090050-8 B-2 STATI NTL Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00763A000300090050-8 Next 4 Page(s) In Document Exempt Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00763A000300090050-8