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Sanitized - Approvect-For Release : CIA-RDP61-00762A000300090049-0
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00763A000300090049-0
Sanitized - Approved Fbr Release : CIA-RDP61-007.14A000300090049-0
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00763A000300090049-0
A.M. Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00746A000300090049-0
Description of Work
Principal Features
SC-1, Commencement and Completion of Work
SC-20 Drawings
CC-30 Government Furnished Materials
SC-3A, Contractor Furnished Property
SC-3B * Contractor's Camp Site
SC-40 Water
SC-5, Electricity
SC-6, Rates of Wages
50-7. Bonds
50-8. Emergency Lighting and Signals Required on Airfield
Construction and Elimination of Hazards
20-9. Shop Drawings
2C-10, Liquidated Damages
SC-11, Layout of Work
SC-12. Quality of Articles, Materials and Equpment
SC-13. Security Requirements
50-14. Record Drawings
Sanitized - Approved For Releaei: CIA-RDP61-00763A000300090049-0
Sanitized - Approliel For Release : CIA-RDP61-00748A000300090049-0
,tion Title
1, Liavation, Filling, and Rackfilling
2, Dlsmantling and Salvage
flsonry, Concrete4-Masonry-Unit
eet Metal Work, Battened Roof and Miscellaneous Metal,
8, oustical Treatment
9. riaste ing
10. Flooring, Asphalt Tile
IL Glass and Gla7ing
Painting Protective on Metal
-Painting, Genera1
Finish Hardware
15. Plumbing
16. Interior Heating System
17. Air-Conditioning System
18, Klectrical Work, interior
19. Security Fencing
20. Installation of Goverment Furnished Fcuinment
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00763A000300090049-0
A.H. Sanitized - Apprwd For Release : CIA-RDP61-00.743A0013300090049-0
a. Work to be dom. The work consists of furnishing all
plant, labor, materials, and equipment and performing all work in strict
accordance with these specifications and schedule and drawings forming
parts thereof for the Renovation of Hangar at Atsugi Naval Air Station.
b. Locatiork. The work is located at Atsugi Naval Air
Station, Kanagawa, Japan.
SW-2. PRINCIPAL FEATURES: The project includes the following
principal features:
a. Add new partitions, reconstruct and rearrange existing
b. Provide acoustical and thermal insulation.
c. Install asphalt tile flooring.
d. Repaint interior of building.
e. Construct bins, counters and racks.
f. Install security bars on all exterior windows.
Install lighting fixtures and special purpose outlets.
h. Provide heating in hangar area.
1. Install air-conditioning equipment in new equipment room.
j. Construct concrete pads for electric generators, trans-
formers and frequency converters.
k. Construct security fencing and install floodlights.
1. Construct jet blast deflectors at existing hardstand in
front of hangar area.
m. Install underground storage'tank for generator fuel.
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00763A000300090049-0
Sanitized - Approve41.-For Release : CIA-RDP61-0074,W00300090049-0
be required to commence work under this contract within two (2) calendar
days after the date of receipt by him of notice to proceed, to prosecute
said work with faithfulness and energy, and to complete the entire work
ready for use not later than thirty (30) calendar days after the date of
receipt of notice to proceed. The time stated for completion shall
include final clean-up of the premises.
SC-2. DRAWINGS: Five (5) sets of contract drawings and specifi-
cations will be furnished the contractor without charge. Additional
sets will be furnished on the request at the cost of reproduction. The
work shall conform to the following drawings, all of which form a part
of this specification, and are available in the Office of the Director
Facilities Support.
Drawing No Sheet Nog,
Date of Dwg.
Rev or Last RBI,,
18 Dec.
18 Dec.
18 Dec.
18 Deco
18 Dec.
18 Dec.
18 Dee,
18 Dec.
Location & Floor Plan
Detail Plan I & Details
Detail Plan II & Wall Sectior-,
Window & Door Details
Misc. Structural retails
Finish Schedule
Door & Window Schedule
Security Fence Plan &
Air Conditioning, Heating &
Ventilating - Floor Plan &
Air Conlitioninp & Ventilat-
i)rw, retails
1-17.bing & Comprr-ssr-d Air
Supply Floor Plan R., Details
Lighting Plan
56. Power Plan (Part
95 Power .an (Pert 11)
56 Lighng, Fixtures, Symbols,
Miscellaneous Plans & Details
Panel Board Details
SC-3, GOVERNMENT FURNISHED MATERIALS: The Government will furnish
to the contractor the items as listed by the Contracting Officer.
a. The contractor will furnish all the materials necessary
to complete the work under this contract.
Sanitized- Approved For Releastc;ZIA-RDP61-00763A000300090049-0
. Sanitized - Approred For Release : CIA-RDP61-007t3A000300090049-0
b. The contractor will furnish all the construction
equipment and vehicles of the character and in the amount necessary
to complete the work under this contract Within the specified UM:0c.
SC-3B. CONTRACTOR'S CAMP,S4$1, The ecntrantdr shall be rea-pOisOle
for arranging with the landowners for the location of its nampfleiall-
paiall charges involve4, and shl_ bear OWthe expense of developing
itcamp site. The Government w4.14 no be rasponsible in any manner '
for furnishing such camp site. ,
SC-4. igat: The responsi$14ity 'shall' be upon the oDntractOr
to provide and maintain, at his 4tn expense, an adequate supply for
his use for constructing and do stic eonsu4tion, and to install and
maintain necessary supply connec iOne and piping for same, but only
at such locations and in such ma ner as may be approved by the Con-
tracting Officer. All water she. 1. be carefully conserved. Before final
acceptance, temporary connection and piping Installed by the contractor
shall be removed in a manner sat sfactory to the Contracting.Officer.
c. The contactor will furnish the lumber for plant
and materials required tor the constructions of temporary
SC-5. ELECTRICITY: 'All electric current required by the con-
tractor shall, be furnished at hit expense. All temporary connections
for electricity shall be subjectAo the approval Of the Contracting'
Officer. In the event electrieity is made available by the Government
the contractor shall, at his own.expenset.install a tater to determine
the amount of current used by him, and such electricity will be paid
for by or charged to the contract at prevailing rates or at reasonable
rates as determined by the Contracting Officer. All temporary lines
will be furnished, installed, connected and maintained by the con-
tractor in a workmanlike manner satisfactory to the Contracting Officer,
and shall be removed by the contractor in like manner at his expense
prior to completion of the construction.
SC-6. RATES OF WAGES: Wage and hour and other laws and regulations
when applicable, pertaining to the employment of labor prescribed by
the Japanese Government, the government exercising jurisdiction where
the work is being performed, shall be observed by the contractor and
all subcontractors for the duration of this contract.
SC-7. BONDS: No payment or performance bond will be required.
all ground equipment, mobile or stationary, required for construction,
repairs or any other purpose within the landing areas of all airdromes,
shall be governed by the following regulationS.
Definitions The term "landing areas" shall include all
runways and taxiways, plus 75 feet On each side and a zone 1.000 feet
long at each end of each runway, or to within 0 feet of the boundary
Sanitized - Approved For Release: CIA-RDP61-00763A000300090049-0
Sanitized - Approveeffor Release : CIA-RDP61-0074A000300090049-0
Of the airport. On allover landing fields, the entire Area available
for landing and taxiwaying of aircraft is included in this term.
a. Landing areas, hazardous to aircraft, shall be outlined
by yellow flags by day and red lanterns by night, except that where
contact lights outline the runway, no red lanterns shall be placed on
obstructions outside the contact light area.
b. In the landing area, during daylight hours, all equip-
-Mont shall be Parked WithinternatiOnaliorange and white checkered -
flags, and materials with Yellow flags. Ail night, equipment and materials
Shall be marked with red lanterns, except that where contact lights out- i
ne the runway, no red lanterns shall be gelded on obstructions Outside
contact light area,
c. Nothing shall be placed upri a landing area without
Othority of the Contracting Officer.
d. Neither equipment nor per4nnel shall use any runway for
any purpose other than aircraft unless therunway is closed by order of
the Contracting Officer, marked as indicated above.
e. .The contractor shall report to the Contracting Officer
before initiating any work and shall notify the Contracting Officer of
proposed changes or locations of operations. At all airdromes where
flying is controlled, additional permission must, in each and every
instance, be obtained from the control tower operator before entering a
landing area unless such area is parked as hazardous to aircraft as
indidated in (a) above.
f. Work will be carried on in such a manner as to leave the
portion of the landing area, which is available to aircraft, free from
hazards at all times. There shall be no ruts, holes, material piles, or
projecting shoulders which might damage an airplane tire. Paved surfaces,
such as runways, taxiways and hardstands, shall be kept clean at all
times and specifically must be kept free from all small stones, which
might damage propellers. No separate payment will be made for this
lighting and protection; all costs in connection therewith shall be
included in the cost of the work.'
SC"-9. SHOP DRAWINGS: The contractor shall submit to the Contracting
Officer for approval six (6) copies of all shop drawings as called for
under the various headings of these spedifications. These drawings shall
be complete and shall contain all required detailed information. If
approved by the Contracting Officer, each copy of the drawings will be
identified As having received such approval by being so stamped and dated.
The contractor shall make any corrections required by the Contracting
Officer. Five (5) Sets of all Shop drawings will be retained by the
Contracting Officer and one (1) Set will be returned to the contractor.
Sanitized - Approved For Relea?2e.5 CIA-RDP61-00763A000300090049-0
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-007634000300090049-0
The approval or the drawings by the Contracting Officer shall not be
constr?eq is a complete check, but willindicate only that the general
method:of construction and )detailing is satisfactory. . Approval of such
'drawinawili not relieve the contractor of the responsibility for any
.:errorWhich may exit; as the contractor shall beresponsible fur the
.dinens.tons ad desigu of adequate connectiona details and satisfactory
construction of ork.
No liquidated damages will be assessed.
SC-11, TPTDMAYFYORK: The contractor shall lay out the work from
a base line 40 *4.6m a bench mark established by the Government.' The
contract9t-shall-furnish without cost to the Government all stakes,.
templates, platforms, ranges, equipment, tools and materials, and all
laborrequired-in setting or cutting or laying out the work, including'
measurements" and computations and shall be responsible for the proper
execution or the work to the 6overnment.sstablished line and grade AS
shown on the drawings specified in the attached Technical Provisions or
fixed by the Contracting Officer at the project site. All stakes and,
other marks eotablished by the Government shall be preserved by the
contractor until their removal io authorized by the Contracting Officer.
a. Articles, materials and equipment to be incorporated
into the work under this contract shall be new and unused unless other-
wise specified.
b. Unless otherwise specified OT approved, materials and
equipment which are specified to conform to the requirements of Govern-
ment specifications or standards, shall also conform to the amendments
thereto it effect on date of issue of the Invitation for Quotations.
SC-13. SECURITY REQUIREMENTS: The contractor shall comply with
all rules and regulations of the military Installation where the work is
to be performed, including proper identification of personnel and the.
use of vehicles and equipment; and shall use only such roads, parking
areas and storage areas as are designated by the Contracting Officer.
SC-14. Egg0.1.MAIHO.; During performance of work under this
contract, the contractor shall accurately record and delineate on one
(1) set of Osalid transparencies of contract drawings (which will be
furnished to him by the Government) all changes in such work, which
constitute departures from the original contract drawings. The set of
drawings thus corrected and changed, usually referred to as 'as-built"
drawings shall show the work as actually conatructed. Such set of
"as-built" drawings shall be delivered to the Contracting Officer at
the earliest practical date prior to completion of all work under the
contract, in any event not later than the date of acceptance of the
completed work by the Government.
Sanitized - Approved For Releme4: CIA-RDP61-00763A000300090049-0
Sanitized - Approvei;l0For Release : CIA-RDP61-007630p00300090049-0
1-01. SCOPE: The work covered by this section of the specifica-
tions consists in furnishing all plant, labor, equipment, aepliances,
and materials not furnished by the Government, and in performing all
operations in connection with the excavation, filling, and backfilling,
complete, in strict accordance with this section of the specifications
and the applicable irawings, and subject to the terms and conditions
of the contra-et.
1-02. WORK NOT INCLUDED: Excavation, filling, and grading for
roads, parking areas, sidewalks, aprons, drainage and other subsurface
utilities siOtems, and excavation for the building utilities beyond a
point 5 feet outside the ,building line are not included under this
section of the specifications except as other specified.
a. General. The site indicated on the drawings shall be
cleared of all natural obstructions including clearing and grubbing and
existing foundations, pavements, utility lines, and other items which
will interfere with the construction operations. The excavation shall
conform to the dimensions and elevations indicated on the drawings for
the building. In conditions where suitable bearings are encountered at
different elevations from those indicated on the drawings, the Contrac-
ting Officer may direct in writing that the excavation be carried to
elevations above or below those indicated on the drawings. Unless so
directed by the Contracting Officer, -excavation shall not be tarried
below the elevation indicated on the drawings. Where the excavation
is made below the elevations indicated on the drawings or directed by
the Contracting Officer, the excavation, if under slabs, shall be re-
stored to the proper elevation in accordance with the procedure herein-
after specified for backfill, or if unier footings, the heights of the
walls or footing shall be increased, as may be directed by the Con-
tracting Officer. Excavation shall extend a sufficient distance from
walls and footings to allow for placing and removal of forms, instal-
lation of services, and for inspectinn, except where the concrete for
walls and footings is authorized to be deposited directly against ex-
cavated surfaces. Undercutting will not be permitted. Topsoil, and
suitable excavated material which is required for fill under slabs,
shall be separately stockpiled as directed by the Contracting Officer.
b. Drainage in Vicinity of Buildings and Other Structures:
The contractor shall control the grading in the vicinity of buildings
and other structures so that the surface of the ground will be properly
sloped to prevent water from running into the excavated areas. Any
water which accumulates in the excavation shall be removed promptly.
c. Shoring. such shoring, including sheet piling, as nay
be required during excavation shall be installed to protect the banks,
adjacent paving, structures, and utilities.
Sanitized, - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00763A000300090049-0
Sanitized - ApproveleVFor Release: CIA-RDP61-00763A000300090049-0
d. Excess Material. Excess material from excavation, not
required for rill or backfill, shall be wasted where directed by the
Contracting Officer. Wasted material shall be spread and leveled or
graded, as directed by the Contracting Officer.
e. Bamszal_ca:11411.1121. When utility lines are encountered
within the area of operations, the contractor shall notify the Contract-
ing Officer in ample time for the necessary measures to be taken to
prevent interruption of the service.
1-04. FILLING: Where concrete slabs are placed on earth, all
loam and organic or other undesirable material as determined by the
Contracting Officer, shall be removed. Where fill is required to raise
the subgrade for concrete slabs to the elevations as indicated on the
drawings or as required by the Contracting Officer, such fill shall con-
sist of broken stone, sand, gravel, or other material approved by the
Contracting Officer. Where broken stone, sand, or gravel, is used for
fill, it shall be placed in layers not exceeding 12 inches in thickness
and thoroughly compacted with a roller of a type approved by the Contract-
ing Officer. When earth is used for fill, it shall be placed in layers
not exceeding 8 inches in thickness. Each layer shall be moistened
during compaction to a moisture content such that the required degree of
compaction may be obtained. Compaction shall be in a manner approved
by the Contracting Officer, to a density of not less than 95 percent of
its maximum density.
1-05. BACKFILLING: After completion of foundation footings and
walls, piling, and other construction below the elevation of the final
grades, and prier to backfilling, all forms shall be removed and the
excavetion shall be cleaned of all trash and debris. Material for
backfilling shall consist of the excavation, or borrow of sand, gravel
or other materials approved by the Contracting Officer, and shall be
free of trash, luxber, or other debris. Backfill shall be placed in
horizontal layers not in excess of 9 inches in thickness, and shall
have a moisture content such that the required degree of compaction may
be obtained. Eech layer shall be compacted by hand or machine tampers
or by other seitable equipment to a density that will prevent excessive
settlement or shrinkage. Backfill shall be brought to a suitable ele-
vation above grade to provide for anticipated settlement and shrinkage
or the backfill. Backfill under slabs or footings shall be placed in
accordance with the requirements of Paragraph 1-04.
1-06, GRADING: Necessary grading in the vicinity of the building
shall be etcomplished to the elevations indicated on the plans and
shall be such as to provide proper drainage away from the building.
Embankments shall be compacted to 90% maximum density, except that the
top 8 inches of areas to be surfaced shall be compacted to 95% maximum
density described in Paragraph 1-04.
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00763A000300090049-0
Sanitized - ApproverFor Release : CIA-RDP61-0076YA000300090049-0
2-01. SCOPE: The work covered by this section of the specifi-
cations consists in furnishing all labor, equipment, and materials,
and in performing all operations in connection with the dismantling
and salvaging of buildings, structures and utilities, complete, in
strict accordance with this section of the specifications and the
applicable drawings, and subject to the terms and conditions of the
GENERAL: All Government properties which are to be
dismantled or salvaged shall be carefully executed and storaged in
such manner and place as directed by the Contracting Officer.
-03. DISCONNECTION OF SERVICES: When it is necessary to cut
off water service in the mains for any purpose, prior permission of
the Contracting Officer shall be obtained in writing. During such
times as it becomes necessary to have the water service cut off in
any area, adequate precaution shall be taken to insure maximum fire
protection for that area.
a. Schedule of work. Work shall be started and completed
in order of precedence as established by a schedule of work,approved by
the Contracting Officer, and prepared before any work is begun.
b. Structures. Provisions, approved by the Contracting
Officer, shall be made to avoid interference with the use of adjoining
buildings or the interruption of free passage thereto. Operational
procedures and sequences for dismantling shall be optional with the
contractor insofar as they do not infringe on the work schedule ap-
proved by the Contracting Officer or the salvage requirements. The
sequence of operations shall be such as to afford maximum practicable
protection from inclement weather to materials in partially dismantled
structures, and to provide safe working conditions. Operations, unless
directed otherwise by the Contracting Officer, shall be designed to
produce a maximum amount of salvage with a minimum of scrap.
c. Defective construction. Any construction and structur-
al timber framing members shall be carefully inspected and all existing
defective members shall be restored, spliced if allowable, or replaced
to meet the original strength of the member at the direction of the
Contracting Officer.
. d. Burning of materials and debris. No materials or debris
shall be burned on the premises except under such provisions and in such
manner as specifically approved by the Contracting Officer.
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00763A000300090049-0
Sanitized - Approver' For Release : CIA-RDP61-0076ff000300090049-0
-=05. PREPARATION FOR DISPOSITION: Salvaged materials shall bp
prepared for disposition by stacking, bundling, crating, packaging,
and shall be provided With skids, all as required by the Contracting
-06. DISPOSITION: Dismantled material and equipment shall be
salvaged and prepared for disposition, and delivered to the designated
storage area as directed by the Contracting Officer.
-07. CLEANING UP: Material designated for scrap shall be dis-
posed of as designated by the Contracting Officer. When scrap is
burned, proper precautions and provisions shall be effected for the
protection of property from effects of the fire. The burned over area
shall be raked clean and any unburned debris shall be disposed of as
fill or as otherwise directed by the Contracting Officer.
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00763A000300090049-0
Sanitized - ApproveltrFor Release : CIA-RDP61-60767A000300090049-0
3-01. SCOPE: The work covered by this section Of specifications
consists in furnishing all plant, labor, equipment, appliances and
materials, and in performing all operations in connection with the
installation of concrete work, complete, in strict accordance with this
section of the specifications and the applicable drawings, and subject
to the terms and conditions of the contract.
j-02. APPLICABLE SPECIFICATIONS: The specifications noted below
form .% part of this specification and shall be the latest issue in effect
on date of invitation for bids. Materials used under this part of the
specifications shall meet the requirements of the following U.S. Federal
Specifications and equipment Japanese Industrial Standards and in each
case that specification requiring the higher standard of appearance,
quality and performance shall govern.
a. U.S. Federal Svectfications.
b. Javanese Industrial Standards,
H&F...334 ----- Filler, Expansion-Joint
QQ-B-71 G-3110 Bars, Reinforcement
SS-C-192 R-5210 Cement, Portland
' S5-A-281 ------ Aggregate; for Concrete
A-1101 Method of Slump Test
A-1102 -Sieve Analysis of Aggregates
A-1105 Organic Impurities in Sand
A-1106 Flexural Strength of Concrete
c. American Society for Testing Materials Standards,
A185 Welded Steel Wire Fabric for Concrete
A 82 Cold-Drawn Steel Wire for Concrete
C 143 Slump Test for Consistency of Concrete.
C 39 Test for Compressive Strength of Concrete
C 156 Test for Water Retention Efficiency of
Methods for Curing Concrete.
C 713 Test for Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete.
-03. GENERAL: 'Full cooperation shall be given other trades to
install embedded items. Suitable templates or instructions; or both,.
Will be provided for setting items not placed in the forms. Embedded
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00763A000300090049-0
Sanitized - Appromeckfor Release : CIA-RDP61-0076*000300090049-0
,items shall have been inspected, and tests for concrete and other ma-
terials or for mechanical operations 'shall have been completed and
approved, before concrete is placed.
?. a. Aggregate. Coarse and fine aggregate shall consist of
crushed limestone and screenings, or other approved granular materials
of similar characteristics, and shall be Composed of hard, tough,
durable and uncoated particles. The equipOent and plant used in the
production of, coarse and-fine-aggregate shell be designed for the
aggregate conforming with the requirements- of these specifications.
Dust shall be removed by adequate washing. The particle Shape of the
Smallest size of crushed coarse and fine aggregate shall.be generally
rounded or cubical, and the tolerance of flat and elongated particles
in all sizes of the coarse and fine aggregate Shall be governed by the
inherent placeability requirements of the structure in which the mix-
ture is to be placed. Rock which breaks down into thin, flat, elongated
particles, regardless of the type of processing equipment used, will not
be approved for use in the production of coarse and fine aggregate. A
thin, flat and elongated particle is defined as a particle having a
maximum dimension greater than five (5) times the minimum dimensions.
Aggregate shall not be manufactured from rock which is subject to
weathering or disintegration when exposed to air or moisture nor from
rock containing opaline or other active minerals.
(1) Coarse Aggregate. Coarse aggregate shall consist
of clean, hard, washed stream or river gravel, or crushed stone, and
shall be hard, sound, of durable particles, free from dirt, silt, clay,
or organic matter. The deleterious substances designated shall not be
present in excess of the following;
Soft fragments ...... ........ .....
Clay lumps 4.04.0b002001.1140"4,000 .
Coal and lignite ..... ............
Material finer than the No. 200
sieve (JIS 0.075 mm)
PerFent by weight
.... 2.0
..... 0.25
Other deleterious substances (such
as alkali and decayed, friable,
thin, elongated, laminated, or
honeycombed pieces) 3.0
Of coarse aggregate shall conform' to the following requirements:
Total passing Percent by weight
Sieve 1-1/2 in (JIS 40 mm) 100
1 in (jIS 25 mm) 90 - 100
1/2 in (JIS 15 ml 25 - 60
tr No. 4 (J1S 5 mm 0 - 10
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00763A000300090049-0
Sanitized - Approv& For Release : CIA-RDP61-007MA000300090049-0
(2Y Fine aggreqate. Fine aggregate shall be river
washed and consisting of uniformly graded partieles of clear, hard,
sharp mineral aggregate, free from dirt, silt, clay, or organic matter.
The delOterious substances designated shall not be present in excess of
the following amounts:
Percent by weight
Clay lumps 11.4Fee0eoosoo ****** 1.0
Coal and lignite OOOOO . O ....... ****** 0.25
Material finer than the No. 200
sieve (JIS 0.075 mm) * . **** 300
Grading of fine aggregate, except as modified
form to the following requirements:
Total passing
shall con-
rcent by wel=
Sieve Noo 4 (JIS 5 mm)
f.... 95 - 100
16 (JIS 1.2 mm)
- 80
50 (JIS 0.3 mm) 00O4r1.01,0MIOLM?
- 30
100 (JIS 0.15mm)
- 8
b. Cement. Only one brand of cement shall be used for
exposed concrete in any individual structure. Cement reclaimed fram
cleaning bags or leaking containers shall not be used. Cement shall
be used in the sequence of receipt of shipment, unless otherwise
directed. Portland cement shall conform to JIS R-5210. ,
a. Curing materials.
(1) Waterproof paper. JIS A-6001.
(2) MALE. Commercial quality of type used for purpose,
(3) Burlap. Commercial quality.
d. Drainage fill under concrete floor slabs and elsewhere
required shall be porous, free-draining material such as broken stone,
gravel, cinders, or sand.
e. Expansion joints.
(1) Premolled expansion-joint filler strips., These
shall be of premolded asphalt composition, with a melting point of not
less than 1100 C, a penetration of 250 (1? - 1/10 mm) at 25? C, and a re-
covery at 250 C of not less than 70 percent in an hour's time after the
specimen is compressed to 50 percent of its original thickness. Mate
rial shall be equal to expansion joint fillers as manufaCtured by.Nisshin
Kogyo K.K., Nihon Rekisei Kogyo K.K. or other approved manufacturer.
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00763A000300090049-0
Sanitized - Approved-for Release : CIA-RDP61-00763.A000300090049-0
(2) Expansionejoint compound. Expansion joint compound
shall be as manufactured by NiSthin KohgYo K.K., Nihon Rekisei Kogyo
K.e., or an approved equal.
f? Forms Wood forms shall be used unless otherwise speci-
fied by the Contracting Officer.
g. Reinforcement.
(1) Baca. Reinforcing bars shall be intermediate grade,
new billet steel reinfsing bars, conforming to JIS G-3110, SSD-39 or
t'eSD-49, as required by the drawings. Reinforcing steel shall be free
from rust, scale, grease,:or other coatings that would destroy the bond.
Reinforcement reduced in section by rusting shall not be used.
(2) mkgutintaratamt, ASTM Standard A 185, except
as specified otherwise hereinafter. When indicated in slabs on fill
mush shall be of the sizes indicated, and gage shall be American steel
wire gage.
h. Water :hall be clean and free from injurious amounts of
oils, acids, salts, alkalies, organic matter, or other deleterious sub-
a. General. Testing of the aggregate, reinforcement, cement
and end items shall be the responsibility of the Government. Sample of
concrete for strength tests of end items shall be provided and stored by
th., contractor when and as directed.
b. Cement shall be tested as prescribed in JIS R-5201, 5202,
5203 and 5210, and shall be sampled either at the mill or at the site of
the work. Tests will be Made by or under the supervision of the Con-
tracting Officer, at the expense of the Government. No cement shall be
used until notice has been given by the Contracting Officer that the
test results are satisfactorY. Cement which has been stored, other than
in the bins at the mills, for more than 4 months after being tested shall
be retested before use. Ordinarily, no cement shall be used until it has
eatisfactorily passed both the 7- and 28-day tests; but in cases of urgency
the Contracting Officer may waive the 28-day tests and permit the use of
cement which has satisfactorily passed the chemical, soundness, and 7-day
tests, provided it is the product of a quarry and mill which have estab-
lished a reputation of not less than 3 years' standing for the production
of high-grade cement. Any cement delivered at the site of the work and
3ater found under test to be unsuitable shall be removed from the work
and its vicinity.
pa LEatalt shall be tested as prescribed in Federal
Specification SS-A-281. .In addition, fine aggregate shall be tested for
ereanie impurities in conformance with ASTM Standard C
Sanitized - Approved For Release,: CIA-RDP61-00763A000300090049-0
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00743A000300090049-0
3-06. STORAGE accommodations shall be subject to approval and shall
afford easy access for inspection and indentification of each shipment
in accordance with test reports.
a. Cement* Immediately upon receipt at the site of work,
cement shall be stored in a dry, weathertight, properly ventilated
structure, with adequate provision for prevention of absorption of
b. Aggregate. Storage piles of aggregate shall afford good
drainage, preclude inclusion of foreign matter and preserve the grada-
tion. Sufficient live storage shall be maintained to permit segregation of
successive shipments, placement of concrete at required rate, and such
procedures as heating, inspection and testing*
3-07. FORMS, complete with centering, cores and molds shall be
constructed to confers( to shape, form, lineand grade required, and shall
be maintained sufficiently rigid to prevent deformation under load.
Where hardboard formsSre usedvstuds shall be spaced sufficiently close
to prevent deflection of hardboard and consequent waviness in surfaces
of concrete,
a. pesign. Joints shall be leakproof and shall be arranged
vertically or horizontally to conform to the pattern of-the design,
Forms placed on successive units for continuous surfaces shall be
fitted to accurate alinement to assure a smooth completed surface '
free frost:irregularities. In long spans, where intermediate supports
are not possible, the anticipated deflection in the forms due to
weight of fresh concrete shall be accurately figurid and taken into;
account in the design of the forms, so that finished concrete membets,
will have true Surfaces conforming accurately to desired lines, planes'
and elevations. If-adequate foundation for shores cannot be secured,
trussed supports shall be provided. Temporary openings shall be arr.
ranged it will and column forms and where otherwise required, to facili-
tate cleaning and inspection. Lumber once used in forms shall havia
nails withdrawn and surfaces to be exposed to concrete carefully
cleaned before reuse. Forms shall be readily removable without ham-
meting ot prying against the concrete.
b. Form ties shall be of suitable design and adequate
strength for the purpose* Wire ties will not be permitted where die-
coloration of the finished surface would be objectionable. Bolts and
reds which are to be completely withdrawn shall be coated with grease.
c., ,Joints. Exterior corners of columns, girders and beams
and other exposed joints in more than one plane, unless otherwise in-
dicated on the drawings or directed, shall be beveled, rounded or cham-
fered by moldings placed in the forms*
Sanitized - Approved For Release: CIA-RDP61-00763A000300090049-0
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-007641A000300090049-0
d, 2211112g. Forms for exposed surfaces shall be coated,
with oil before reinforcement is placed. Surplus oil on form surfaces
and any oil on reinforcing steel shall be removed, Forms for suneaces
not exposed to view or normal weathering may be thoroughly wet with
water in lieu of oiiingimmediately before placing of concrete, except
that in cold weather with probable freezing temperatures, oiling shall
be mandatory. Wood forms for concreteethat is to be painted shall be
coated with sealer instead of with oil.or water. Sealer shall be a
water-repellant wood preservative.
c. RemoVal. Forms shall be removed only with approval of
the Contracting Officer and in a manner to insure complete safety of the
structure, Where the structure as a whole is supported on shores, the
beam and girder sides, columns and similar vertical forMs may be removed
after 24 hours, provided concrete is sufficiently hard not to be injured
thereby. In no case shall supporting forms or shoring be removed until
membere have the strength specified in subdivision (1) below. Care shall
be taken to avoid spelling the concretje surface, Wood forms shall be
removed completely from under steps and similar dead spaces, through
temporary openings if necessary.
(1) Control tests. Results of suitable control: tests
will be used Ss evidence that concrete has attained sifficient strength.
to permit remOval of supporting forms. Cylinders required for control
tests shall be provided in addition to those otherwise required by this
specifioat1on0 Test specimens shall be removed from molds at the end
of 24 hours and stored in the structure as near points of sampling,aS
possible, shall receive insofar as practicable the same proteeSdon from
the elements during curing as is given thotee portions of the Structure
which they represent, and shall net be removed from the structure for
transmittal to the laboratory prior to expiration of three-fourths of
the proposed period before removal of forms, In general, supporting
forms or Shoring shall not be removed until strength of control-test
Specimens.has attained a value of at least 1,500 pounds for columns and
2,000 pounds for all other work,: Care must be exercised to epicure that
the newly unsupported portions of the structure are not subjeeted to
heavy construction or material loading,
(2) Fames. Tie-rod clamps tty be removed entirely from
the wall shall be loosened 24 hours after concrete is place, and form
ties, except for a sufficient number to hold forms in place, May be
removed at that time. Ties wholly withdrawn from walls shall be pulled
toward inside faces,
(3) Filling tie-rod or bolt Holes Holes left by bolts
or tie rods shall be filled solid with cement mortar, Holes passing
entirely through walls shall be filled from inside faces with a device
that will force the mortar through the outside faces, using a stop held
at the outside wall surface to insure complete filling, Holes which do
not pass entirely through walls shall be packed full, Excess mortar
at faces of filled holes shall be struck off flush,
Sanitized - Approved For Releas3a6 CIA-RDP61-00763A000300090049-0
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00763A000300090049-0
a, General. The contractor shall furnish and place all re-
inforcing bars, stirrups, hangar bars, Wire fabric and other reinforcing
materials as indicated on the project drawings,- together with all neces-
sary wire ties, chairs, spacers, supports, and other devices necessary
to install and secure the reinforcing properly. Shop drawings showing
bar lists and bending details shall be furnished, ifTequired.
b. Forming and placine Reinforcing bars shall be formed to
the dimensions indicated on the project drawings. They shall be fabri-
cated correctly at normal temperature, Bars of more than 1/2" diameter
shall be bent to 180? angles, the radiue to be not less than six times
the diameter of the bar. Extended length of bend shall be not less
than four times the diameter of the bar. Bars of less than 1/2" dia-
meter shall be bent to a 900 angle with e:radius net less than six
times the diameter of the bar. Extendedllength of bend shall be not
less than six times the diameter of the'ber,-
c. Splicing. Splices shall be,saade at points of least
strain, and shall be staggered. Length of Splices shall be greater than 40
times the bar diameter in main bars, and 25 times the rod diameter in dis-
tributing'bers. Ties shall be made with 20 gage annealed steel wire,
e. Spacing and cover. Distance between bare shall be such
that the introduction of coarse aggregate will.notbe retarded or impedecL
Cover shall be as follows:
Slabs, walls
Beams ..... ........,.
Foundations .....
m4re than 3,/4 inch
........, mre than 1-1/2 inch
'WO .....m6re than 2-1/2 inches
a. nuagla_reeuirements. Concrete of the various classes
required shall be proportioned and Tidied for the following strengths:
Class of Condrete
Minimum allowable compressive
strexgth at 28 days
A 3,000
b, Usage. Concrete arthe varlous classes shall be used as
Sanitized - Approved For Relea: CIA-RDP61-00763A000300090049-0
Sanitized - ApprovOrr For Release : CIA-RDP61-0076,A000300090049-0
(1) Class A concrete. For all reinforced work as noted
on the drawings or specified.
(2) Class B concrete. For all reinforced work not
otherwise shown on the drawings or specified.
(3) Class C concrete. For all concrete not reinforced
except as otherwise shown on the drawings or specified.
DISSIMPIINC'CONCRETWMX: Concrete shall be proper-
tioned by weight.
a.. Measurements. One bag of cement containing 1.17 cu. ft.
will be considered as 110 lbs., and one gallon of water as 8.33 lbs. If
bag batching is used the quantities will be such that there will be no
fractional bags,
b. ga=stilaul=120 to remedy deficiencies in aggregate
gradations shall be used only with the written approval of the Contracting
Officer. When such additions are permitted, the material shall be measured
separately for each batch of concrete.
c. .9.2aImIla In the field, consistency shall be determined in
accordance with JIS A-11010 The slump shall fall within the following
limits, provided the required strength is obtained: The slump shall be
2 inches minimum and 3 inches maximum for vibrated concrete. When placing
of concrete without vibration is approved, slump shall be from 3 to 6 inches.
mixed by a mechanical batch-type mixing plant provided with adequate
facilities for accurate measurement and control of each material enter-
ing the mixer and for changing the proportions to conform to varying
conditions of the work. The mixing-plant assembly shall permit ready
inspection of operations at all times. The plant and its location
shall be subject to approval.
a. Batching units shall be supplied with the following items:
? (1) Weighing unit shall be provided for each type of
material to indicate the scale load at convenient stages of the weigh-
ing operation. Weighing units shall be checked at times directed by
and in the presence of the Contracting Officer, and required adjustments
shall be made before further use.
(2) Water mechanism shall be tight, with the valves
interlocked so that the discharge valves cannot be opened before the
filling valve is fully closed, and shall be fitted with a graduated gage.
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00763A000300090049-0
Sanitized - ApproverFor Release : CIA-RDP61-00769A000300090049-0
(3) 212.24a12_012 shall controlthe mix to produce a
ribboning and mixing of centent-with aggregate, Delivery of materials
from the batching equipment to the mixer shall be accurate within the
following limits:.
by weight
by weight
1/2 Fine aggregate. 1* 1e1/4"
1/2 Coarse aggregate 2 2-1/2
* Concrete w/reinforeement ** Plain concrete
b. Mixing units.
(1) Operation. Mixers shall not be charged in excess
of rated capacity nor operated in excess of rated speed. Excessive
mixing, requiring addition of water to preserve required consistency,
will not be permitted. The entire batch shell be discharged before
(2) Mixing time shall be measured from the instant
water is introduced into the drum containing all solids. All mixing
water shall be introduced before one-fourth of the mixing time has
elapsed. Mixing time for mixers of 1 cubic yard or less shall be
1-1/4 minutes; for mixers larger than 1 cubic yard, mixing time shall
be increased 15 seconds for each additional half cubic yard or fraction
? thereof. If an air-entraining agent is used, additional mixing time
shall be such as to provide the specified air content,
(3) Dischare lock. Unless waived by the Contracting
Officer, a device to lock the discharge mechanism until the required
mixing time has elapsed shall be provided on each mixer?
3-12. EXPANSION J,IpINTS shall be constructed as indicated on the
drawings and as approved. In no case shall the reinforcement, corner
protection angles or other fixed maal itpms embedded in or bonded into
concrete be run continuous through an expansion joint.
a. Join-is between sjabe on eiarth and vertical surfaces
where indicated shall be premolded expansion-joint filler strips. Unless
otherwise noted or specified, such joints shall be 1/2 inch thick and
the full depth of ?slab,
b. Joints with cemneund, Where joints are indicated to
receive joint compound, the premolded expansion-joint filler strips,
or other approved premolded strip material, shall be installed at the
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00763A000300090049-0
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00763A000300090049-0
proper level below the finished floor with a slightly tapered dressed-
and-oiled, wood strip temporarily secured to the top thereof. The wood
strip shall be of sufficient depth to form a groove not less than 1 inch
deep. After the concrete has set, the wood strip shall be removed and
the groove shall be filled with a light-colored calking compound or with
compound for poured application, Joint grooves shall be filled approxi-
mately flush, so as to be slightly concave after drying.
C0 Finish at Joints. Edges of cement floors or concrete slabs
along expansion joints shall be neatly finished with a slightly rounded
edging tool.
3-13, CONSTRUCTION JOINTS: The unit of operation saIl not exceed
80 feet in any horizontal direction, unless otherwise required by the draw-
ings. Concrete shall be placed continuously so that the unit will be
monolithic in construction. At least 48 hours shall elapse between the
casting of adjoining units, unless this requirement is waived by the
Contracting Officer. Construction joints, if required, shall be located
near the midpoint of spans for slabs, beams or girders, unless a beam
intersects a girder at the center, in which case the joints in the girder
shall be offset a distance equal to twice the width of the beam and provi-
sion for shear shall be made by use of inclined reinforcement. Joints in
columns or piers shall be made at the underside if the deepest beam or
girder framed thereto. Columns, piers or walls of ordinary height shall
be poured at least 2 hours before any overhead work is placed thereon.
Joints not shown or specified shall be so located as to least impair
strength and apperance of work,, Vertical joints in wall footings shall
be reduced to a minimum. Except where indicated on the drawings, no
jointing shall be made in footings or foundation work without written
approval. Placement of concrete shall be at such a rate that surfaces
of concrete not carried to joint levels will not have attained initial
set before additional concrete is placed thereon, Girders, beams and
slabs Ohail be placed in one operation, In walls of buildings having
door and window openings, lifts of individual pours shall terminate at
top and bottom of openings. Other lifts shall terminate at such levels
as are'indicated on the drawings, or as conform to structural requirements
or architectural details, or both, as directed. Special provision shall
be made for jointing successive pours as detailed on the drawings or
required. To insure a level, straight joint in exposeevertical sur-
faces, a strip of dressed lumber shall be tacked to the l inside of the
forms at the construction joint. The concrete shall bepoured to a
point 1 inch above the underside of the strip. The strip shall be re-
moved 1 hour after the concrete has been placed, any irregularities in the
joint line leveled off with a wood float, and all laitance removed.
-14, INSTALLATION OF ANCHORAGE ITEMS: Anchors Shall be secured in
position, inspected and approved before placing concrete.
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Sanitized - Approvell,For Release : CIA-RDP61-00700A000300090049-0
3-15. PREPARATION FOR PLACING: Water shall be removed from excava-
tions before concrete is deposited, Any flow of water shall be diverted
through proper side drains and shall be removed without washing over
freshly deposited concrete, Hardened consrete, debris and foreign materials
shall be removed from interior of forms and from inner surfaces of mixing
and conveying equipment. Reinforcement shall be secured in positions in-
spected and approved before pouring of concrete. Runways shall be provided
for wheeled concrete-handling equipment; such equipment shall not be
wheeled over reinforcement nor shall runways be supported on reinforcemnat,
The subgrade shall be finished to the exact section of the bottom of the
floor slab and shall be maintained in a smooth, compacted condition, in
conformity with the required section and grade until the concrete is in
place, The subgrade shall be thoroughly moistenedllout not Muddy, at
the time the cbncrete is deposited,
3-16, PLACING CONCRETE: No concrete shall be placed in final posi-
tion except in the presence of a Government inspector. The use of belt
conveyors, chutee or similar equipment will not be permitted without
written approval. Concrete shall be handled from mixer or transport
vehicle to place of final deposit in a continuous manner, as rapidly as
practicable, and without segregation or lose of ingredients until the
approved unit of operation is completed. Concrete that has attained its.
initial set or has contained its mixing water for more than 45 minutes
shall not be placed in the work. Placing will not be permitted when,
in the opinion of the Contracting Officer, the sun, heat, Wind or limita-
tions of facilities furnished by the contractor prevent proper finishing
and curing of the concrete. Forms or reinforcement shall not be splashed
with concrete in advance of pouring, Concrete shall be placed in the
forms as nearly as practicable in final position. Immediately after
placing, concrete shall be compacted by thoroughly agitating in an of
deposit as practicable. When pouring in intermittent, the chute shall
discharge into a hopper. The chute shall be thoroughly cleaned before
and after each run, Waste material and flushing water shall be discharged
outside the forms,
3-17. COMPACTION: Concrete shall be placed in layers not over 12
inches deep. Each layer shall be compacted by mechanical internal-
vibrating equipment supplemented by hand-spading, rodding and tamping
as directed, Vibrators shall in no case be used to transport concrete
inside forms, Use of form vibrators will not be permitted-, Internal
vibrators shall maintain a speed of not less than 5,000 impulses per
minute when submerged in the concrete. At least one spare vibrator or
sufficient parts for repairing vibrators shall be maintained at the
Site at all times, Duration of vibration shall be limited to time
necessary to produce satisfactory consulidation without causing object-
ionable segregation and shall be at least 20 seconds per square foot
of exposed surface, The vibrator shall not be inserted into lower
courses that have begun to set. Where absorptive form lining is used,
the vibrator shall not be placed between the forms and the outer row of
reinforcement, and in no case shall the vibrator be allowed to touch the
absorptive form lining, Vibrators shall be applied at uniformly spaced
points not farther apart than the visible effectiveness of the machine,
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Sanitized- Approve4 For Release: CIA-RDP61-00763A000300090049-0
3-18, BONDING AND GROUTING: Before depositing new concrete on
or against concrete that has set, existing surfaces shall be thorough-
ly roughened and cleaned of laitance, foreign matter and loose par-
ticles. Forma shall be retightened and existing surfaces slushed with
a grout coat of neat cement, New concrete shall be placed before the
grout has attained initial set. Horizontal construction joints shall
be given a brush coat of grout consisting of cement and fine aggregate
in the same proportion as concrete to be placed, followed by approximate-
ly 3 inches of concrete of regular mix except that the proportion of
coarse aggregate shall be reduced 50 percent, Grout for setting column
bases, wall plates and other metal items shall be composed or equal parts
of sand and portland cement, with water sufficient to produce required
eele, FLABS ON GRADE: The installation of underground and embedd-
ed items shall be approved before slabs are placed, Any fill indicated
or required to raise the subgrade shall be installed as specified in the
section on EXCAVATION, FILLING, AND BACKFILLING. Gravel or sand'drainage
fill, 6 inches thick, shall be installed under interior floor slabs, shall
be leveled to a reasonably true and even surface, and shall be covered
with kraft paper of the kind used for cureng, or with 30 pound asphalt-
saturated felt, lapped at least 4 inches at edges teed edne, The concrete
shall have a slump of no more than 2 inches unless specificaley authorized.
Concrete shall be compacted, screeded to grade, and prepared for the spe-
cified finish, Contraction joints shall be provided in large slabs by
pouring the slab in altereate checkerboard sectione approximately 800 square
feet in area or, at the option of the contractor, the slab may be poured -
continuous, as limited by expansion and construction joints, and contract-
ion joints may be cat with an approved concrete-sawing machine or may be
formed by the insertion of fiberboard strips in the wet concrete, Sawed
joints shall be cut at a time to be determined by the Contracting Officer
and shall be 1/8 inch in width and approximately. 1/4 of the slab thickness
in depth, unless otherwise shown on the drawings or directed, sludge and
cutting debris shall be removed from cut joints. Fiberboard joints shall
be made with a strip of 1/8-inch-thick hard-pressed fiberboard approximate-
ly 1/4 of the slab thickness in width and in ae long lengths as pract-
cable. After the first floating, the concrete shall be grooved with a tool,
to a depth approximately equal to the width of the strip, at the desired
joint locations. The strip shall be inserted in the groove until the top
edge is flush with the surface of slab, using a U-shaped device of sheet
metal fitted over the top edge of the strip to maintain alinement, When
the concrete has set sufficiently to retain the strip, the sheet metal
device shall be with-drawn. The slab shall be floated and finished as
specified, using an edging tool on each side of the inserted joint,
e-20e Ejle_Hell'...11SHEeHFLOOF Slight
honeycomb and minor defects shall be patched with cement mortar of 1
part cement to 2-parts fine aggregate. Exposed surfaces shall be given
one of the following finishes, as indicated on the drawings or specified:
Sanitized - Approved For Release: CIA-RDP61-00763A000300090049-0
Sanitized - Approved For Release: CIA-RDP61-0076aA000300090049-0
a. aoligh_14121211. Concrete for which no other finish is
indicated or specified shall have fins and rough edges removed
b. Smooth finish. Unless otherwise shown on the drawings,
smooth finish shall be given to all exposed exterior and interior con-
crete surfaces which are not to be covered by other construction and
shall be obtained by use of hardboard or plywood forms, form linings,
or forms specially designed for reuse. Forms and form linings shall be
used in as large sheets as practicable, with smooth even edges, and
forms and form linings shall be installed with close joints. Joint
marks shall be smoothed off and blemishes removed, leaving finished
surfaces smooth and unmarred, subject to approval, except that joint
marks resulting from the use of forms specially designed for reuse
which produce a pattern regular and pleasing in appearance and which
do not impair the integrity of the surface need not be removed.
3-21. CONCRETE FLOOR FINISHES: Concrete slabs Shall be finished
as hereinafter described. The dusting of wearing surfaces with dry
materials will not be permitted. In preparation for finishing, floor
slabs shall be struck off true to the required level, at or below the
elevation or grade of the finished floors as shown on the drawings.
Floors shall be level with a tolerance of 1/8 inch in 10 feet except,
where drains occur, in which dase the floors shall be. pitched to the
drains as indicated on the drawings or as directed.
a, Monolithic finish. Floors where no floor covering is
specified shall be finished by tamping the concrete with special tools
to force the coarse aggregate away from the surface, then screeding. and
floating with straightedges to bring the surface to the required finish
level shown on the drawings. While the concrete is st4l green but suf-
ficiently hardened to bear a man's weight without deep.imprint, it shall
be wood-floated to a true even plane with no coarse aggregate visible.
Sufficient pressure shall be used on the wood floats to .bring moisture to
the surface.- The concrete shall then be hand-troweled to produce a smooth
impervious surface free from trowel marks, Additional troweling shall be
given the surface for the purpose of burnishing. The final troweling
siaall produce a ringing sound from the trowel.
b. Wood-float finish shall be given to tops of walls and
similar exposed surfaces and shall be obtained by tamping with special
tools to force aggregate away from the surface, then screeding with
straightedges to bring surface to required line as shown on the drawings.
While the concrete is', still green but hardened sufficiently to bear the
cement finisher's weight, the surface shall be wood-floated to a true
and uniform plane with no coarse aggregate visible,
;c.. malnar_Au4isa&191. Hardener shall be applied to concrete
floors where scheduled on the drawings. The floors shall be thoroughly
cured, cleaned, and perfectly dry with all work above them completed*
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Sanitized - Approv&f For Release : CIA-RDP61-007648wA000300090049-0
Zinc and/or magnesium fluosilicate shall be applied evenly, using 3
coats, allowing 24 hours between coats; the first coat shall be 1/3
Strength, second coat 1/2 strength, and third coat 2/3 strength;
each coat shall be applied so as to remain wet on the concrete surface
for 15 minutes. Sodium silicate shall be applied evenly, using 3 coats,
allowing 24 hours between coats; the material shall be applied full-
strength at the rate of 1/3 gallon per square feet. Approved proprieta-
ry hardeners shall be applied on conformance with the manufacturer's
instructions. After the final coat is completed and dry, Surplus
hardener shall be removed from the surface by =rubbing and mopping
with water.
-22. CURINg shall be accomplished by preventing loss of moisture,
rapid temperature change and mechanical injury or injury from rain or
flowing water for a period of 7 days when normal portland cement has
been used, or 3 days when high-early-strength portland cement has been
used. Curing shall be started as soon after placing and finishing as
free water has disappeared from the surface of the concrete, Curing
may be accomplished by any of the following methods or combination
thereof, as approved.
a. Moist curing. Unformed surfaces shall be covered with
burlap, cotton or other approved fabric mats, or with sand, and shall
be kept continually wet. Forms shall be kept continually wet and if
removed before the end of the curing period, curing shall be continued
as on unformed surfaces, using suitable materials. Burlap Shall be
used only on surfaces which will be unexposed in the finished work
and shall be in two layers.
b. Waterproof-paper...airings. Surfaces shall be covered with
waterproof paper lapped 4 inches at edges and ends and sealed. Paper
shall be weighted to prevent displacements and tears or holes appearing
during the curing period shall be repaired immediately by patdhing.
c. Membrane curing compound shall be applied by power spraying
equipment using a spray nozzle equipped with a wind guard. The compound
shall be applied in a two-coat, continuous operations at a coverage of
not more than 200 square feet per gallon for both coats. When application
is made by hand sprayers, the second coat shall be applied 'in,a direction
approximately at right angles to the direction of the first coat. The
compound shall form a uniform, continuous, adherent film that shall not
check, crack or peel, and shall be free from pinholes or other imper-
fections. Surfaces subjected to heavy rainfall within 3 hours after
compound has been applied or surfaces damaged by subsequent construction
operations within the curing period shall be resprayed at the rate specifi-
ed above. Membrane curing compound shall not be used on surfaces which are
to be treated with hardener. Surfaces coated with curing compound shall
be kept free of foot and vehicular traffic and other sources of abrasion
during the curing period.
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Sanitized - Approve4 For Release : CIA-RDP61-0074A000300090049-0
3-23. CONCRETE SLAB: Generator pad and transformer pad shall be
concrete slab steel mesh reinforced. Foundation of room # 15 and. roof
slab (4 rooms # 33 and # 34 shall be reinforced concrete construction.
Concrete deflector slab shall be provided facing runway.
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Sanitized - Approved.For Release : CIA-RDP61-007634900300090049-0
4-01. SCOPE: The work covered by this section of the specifi-
cations consists in furnishing all plant, labor, equipment, appliances,
and materials, and in performing all operations in connection with the
installation of concrete-masonry-unit, complete, in strict accordance
with this section of the specifications and the applicable drawings,
and subject to the terms and conditions of the contract.
a. Japanese Industrial Standards:
A-5406 Hollow Concrete Block
G-3101 Rolled Steel for General Use
a. agaitgait shall be as specified in Section 2, "Concrete"
of these specifications.
b. Anchors% ties, and joint reinforcement shall be of approved
design, and unless otherwise specified herein, shall be heavily galvanized
metal of the following types and shall be furnished as specified herein-
(1) Wire-mesh tiep shall be of steel wire not less than
0.0625 inch in nominal diameter (16 gage), 1/2-inch mesh, 3 inches wide.
(2) Wire t121 shall be of steel wire not less than 0.1350
inch in nominal diameter (IO gage):, looped at both ends.
(3) Corrugated or crimped metal ties shall be not less
than 7/8 inch wide and of sheet steel not less than 0.0299 inch in nominal
thickness (22 gage).
embedded slots or inserts shall be of sheet steel not less than 0.0598
inch-TEWiTTi 1-inch-wide flat anchors for concrete masonry units and
structural clay tile and of steel wire not less than 0.1483 inch (9 gage)
for brick facing.
(5) Rigid steel anchors for anchorage of interior walls
where bonding is impracticable shall be 1-1/4 inches by 3/16 inch with
ends turned up not less than 2 inches.
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Sanitized - Approvedofor Release : CIA-RDP61-0076241000300090049-0
(6) Re nfoi_i_s and rods shall conform
to Federal Specification QQ-B-71, type B, grade 2, 3, 4, or 5, except
that bars less than 1/4 inch in'cliameter may be type 8, grade 1. Defor-
mation shall conform to ASTM Standard A 305.
(7) Joint reinforcement shall be flat strips of welded
steel wire fabric. Longitudinal wires may be smooth or deformed and
shall be not less than 0.1620 inch in nominal diameter (8 gage). Cross
wires shall be not less than 0.1046 inch (12 gage), spaced not more than
6 inches center to center for smooth longitudinal wires,. and not more than
16 inches center to center for deformed longitudinal wires. The spacing
of the longitudinal wires shall be 2 inches less than the nominal width of
the block. Cross wires may be placed between and in the same plane as
deformed longitudinal wires, but shall intersect above or below plain longi-
tudinal wires with ends of cross wires not extending beyond the outer sides
of the longitudinal wires. Joint reinforcement shall be furnished in flat
sections ranging from 10 to 20 or more feet in length. Reinforcement
furnished in rolls will not be permitted. Special shapes shall be provided
for corners and wall intersections.
c. Cement used in the manufacture of concrete masonry units
shall conform to JIS R-5210.
d. Concrete masonry units shall be of modular dimensions
where available, and shall .be made from portland cement and aggregate with
or without the addition of other suitable materials, shall include all
closer and jamb units, and shall be of the sized and special shapes re-
quired to complete the work as shown. Units shall be of the same manu-
facture and composition for each building or group of buildings, unless
otherwise approved. Where units of more than one manufacturer are ap-
proved for use in the same building or group of buildings, the units
shall be of similar composition, size, and appearance, and shall Secured
by the same process. Units shall be sound and free from oracles, chipped
edges, or other defects that would interfere With their proper setting or
Impair the strength, appearance, or durability of the ConstruCtion.', Units
shall conform to JIB A-5406, class C. heavy weight. Units shill be free
from of any deleterious matter that will stain plaster or corrode metal.
shall be adequately cured before shipment, and shall have a moisture
content, at time of delivery to the building site, of not more than 10
percent of the maximum percentage of totall'absorption of the units when
tested in accordance with test methods described in JIS A-5406.
e. Mortar and mortar materials. A batch-type mechanical
mixer of a type approved by the Contracting Officer shall be used. Mix-
ing time shall be not less than 5 minutes, not less than 2 Minutes of
which shall be for the mixing of dry materials. When approved by the
Contracting Officer, mortar may be mixed by hand for not lees than 20
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00763A000300090049-0
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00764A000300090049-0
minutes in a water-tight mortar box. All mortar shall be used within
90 minutes and any left for longer than this period shall be discarded
as waste material. No remixing of mortar with additional water, cement
or other materials will be permitted. Proportioning of mortar shall be
as follows:
Cement I c41L p
Lime Putty 2 cu. ft.
Sand (dry) 7 cu, ft.
4-q4. HANDLING AND STORAGE: Masonry units shall be Stored in an
approved anner that will protect them from contact witi soil and exposure
to weather. Representative samples shall be taken from on-the-site stock-
piles periodically for testing the moisture content. Units that fail to
meet the moist re-content limitation at any time during storage on the
job shall not be used until dried and proved to be satisfactory by test.
Care shall be taken in handling masonry units to avoid chipping and break-
age. Storage piles, stacks, or bins elan be So located as to avoid being
disturbed. or shall be barricaded to protect these materials from damage by
construction activities.
4_005. ERECTION:
4. General: Mosonry shall not be erected when the ambient
temperature is below 35?F. on a falling temperature except by written
permission of the Contracting Officer. Masonry shall not be erected when,
in the opinion of the Contracting Officer, the sun, heat, mind, or limi-
tations of facilities furnished by the contractor prevent proper setting
and curing of mortar joints or obtaining proper bond in the mortar. No
frozen work shall be built upon. No units having a film or water or frost
on their surface shall be laid in the walls. Concrete masonry units shall
not be wetted before laying. Masonry shall be laid plumb, true to line,
with level and accurately spaced courses and with each course breading
joints with the course next below. Bond pattern shall be kept plumb
throughout. Corners and reveals shall be plumb and true. Structural bond
shall extend not less than 4 inches into the backup unit masonry. Courses
shall be so spaced that backing masonry will level off flush with the face
work at all bonding courses and at joints where metal ties are used in
lieu of masonry bond. Chases and raked-out joints shall be kept free from
mortar of other debris. Spaces around metal door frames and other build-
in items shall be solidly filled with mortar. Anchors, wall plugs, ac-
cessories, and other items required to be built in with masonry shall be
built in as the masonry work progresses.
b. Masonry-unit walls: Each course shall be solidly bedded in
mortar, unless otherwise shown on the drawings or specified, with'vertical
joints slushed full with mortar and breaking halfway over units in the
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00763A000300090049-0
Sanitized - ApprovetrFor Release: CIA-RDP61-0076W00300090049-0
course next below. Mortar joints shall be approximately 3/8 inch
wide. Mortarsjoints in piers, columns, and pilasters, and starting
courses on footings or solid foundation walls, except the first course
in panels of cavity walls containing weep holes, shall be full-bedded
under both face shells and webs. Other joints in exterior walls, in-
cluding starter joints containing weep holes, shall have full mortar
coverage on horizontal and vertical face shells, but mortar shall not
extend through the unit on the web edges. Mortar joints on the weather
side of exterior walls, other than walls to be stuccoed, shall be finished
flush; however, the mortar shall be thoroughly compacted and pressed
tight against the edges of the units with a proper tool. Units termi-
nating against soffits of beams or slab construction shall be wedged
tight with slate wedges, and the joint slushed solid with mortar. Each
course shall be bonded at corners and intersections and shall be either
bonded into the adjacent construction or anchored thereto with metal
anchors spaced not over 2 feet on centers in each direction. Jamb units
shall be of shapes and sizes required to bond with wall units and shall
be built in where shown or required. No cells shall be left open in face
surfaces. Sections of brickwork shall be incorporated in the masonry
work where necessary to fill out at corners, gable slopes, and elsewhere
as required. Masonry-unit walls or partitions supporting plumbing or
heating fixtures or other items, voids at door and window jambs, and
other spaces requiring grout fill shall be filled solid with mortar
mixed to pouring consistency. Cells of hollow masonry units shall be
filled completely with mortar, maintaining all reinforcements carefully
in place.
c. Lintels. Lintels in masonry-unit partitions and furring,
unless otherwise shown on the drawings, shall be constructed of specially
formed lintel blocks filled with class B concrete as specified under
CONCRETE using coarse aggregate of 1/2-inch maximum size and shall be
reinforced with not less than two 1/2-inch rods the fill length of the
lintel. Lintels shall extend at least 8 inches on eaCh side of the
2-.06. SHRINKAGE-CRACKING CONTROL: Shrinkage cracking in concrete-
masonry-unit construction shall be controlled by the following joint
reinforcing. This control may consist of control joints spaced ap-
proximately 12 feet apart in walls with joint reinforcing above and below
openings as specified hereinafter.
a. Joint reinforcement with control joints approximately
12 feet on centers, shall be placed in the first two bed joints under
window sills, except where control joints are located at both ends of
the sill, and reinforcement shall be placed in the first joint above
a lintel, except where control joints are located at both ends of the
lintel or where a bond beam is located not more than 16 inches above
the lintel. Reinforcement shall extend not less than 20 inches beyond
4 -4
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Sanitized - Approvarfor Release : CIA-RDP61-00763A000300090049-0
the end of sills and lintels or to be end of the panel if less than
20 inches. Reinforcement shall be lapped not less than 6 inches, and
the lap shall contain one cross wire of each piece of reinforcement.
4.-07. BOND BEAMS: Bond beans shall consist of special bond-
beam units filled with concrete and reinforced as indicated on drawing.
Concrete shall be class B as specified under CONCRETE. Bond beams shall
be broken at expansion joints and shall be broken at control joints
where indicated on the drawings. Where control joints do not cross
bond beams, dummy control joints shall be formed in the bond beam.
a. Location: Expansion joints shall be located where shown
on the drawings.
b. Size: Joints shall be not less than 1-1/2 inches nor more
than 2 inches in width.
c. Metbod of installation shall be as follows unless other-
wise detailed on the drawings. Blocks on each side of joint shall be
metal-window jamb blocks having a 3/4- by 3/4-inch groove near center
of the block. A weather seal consisting of a flexible joint-filler
strip 1/2 inch thicic and of sufficient length to reach continuously the
entire story height shall be set into the grooves of the blocks and
calked with plastic calking compound. The weather side of the joint
shall be covered with an 8-inch-wide bellows strip of 0.044-inch-thick
hard copper suitably secured to the block wall with corrosion-resistant
fasteners. The interior side of the joint shall be covered with a sliding
steel plate of 14-gage metal prime-coated for painting, secured with
suitable fasteners to one side only of the block wall.
A-409. PRECAST TRIM: Precast trim shall be set with faces plur0o and
true, in a full bed of mortar, except that sills with lugs shall hame
mortar beds under the ends of the sill only. Sills shall be leveled and
tapped in place on these beds. Upon completion of the walls the remainder
of the bed joint shall be filled solid with mortar from front and bEfIck,
and the exterior face of the mortar tooled smooth.
CUTTING AND PATCHING: Cutting and patching of masonry re-
quired to accommodate the work of others shall be performed by masonry
4-11. EhEINISHED WORK:' Unfinished work shall be stepped back for
joining with new work; toothing may be resorted to only when specifically
approved by the Contracting Officer. Before new work is started, loose
mortar shall be removed and the exposed joint thoroughly wetted before
laying new work,
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00763A000300090049-0
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-0076aA000300090049-0
masonry not being worked on shall be properly protected at all times
during construction operations-. At such time as rain or snow is im-
minent and the work is discontinued, the tops of exposed masonry walls
shall be covered with a strong waterproof membrane, well secured in
place. Adequate protection against damage to masonry walls resulting
from wind action of backfilling operations during erection, shall be
the responsibility of the Contractor, and any walls danaged by such
causes shall be replaced at no cost to the Government.
4-13, CALKING:- Calking compound shall conform to Federal Specifi-
cation TT-C-598 for gun application. Calking shall be applied as specified
under CALKING. Calking shall be installed at the following locations:
exterior face of control joints, wall and column intersections, interior
face of wall at junction with floor, and as required around door, window,
and other openings in walls. In addition to applying sealer to the joint
groove prior to application of the compound, as specified under CALKING,
a coating of the sealer shall be applied to the surface of the calking
compound prior to finish painting?
4-14. POINTING AND CLEANING: At completion of the wend., holes in
joints of exposed exterior masonry surfaces shall be filled with mortar
and suitably tooled. After pointing has set and hardened, exposed
masonry surfaces shall be cleaned with stiff fiber brushes, leaving the
masonry clean, free of mortar daubs, and with tight mortar joints through-
out. Immediately after cleaning, the masonry surfaces shall be thoroughly
rinsed down with clean water.
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Sanitized - Approver'For Release : CIA-RDP61-00763A000300090049-0
5-01. SCOPE: The work covered by this section of the specifi-
cations consists in furnishing all plant, labor, equipment, appliances,
and materials., and in performing all operations in connection with the
installation of sheet metal work,- complete, in strict accordance with
this section of the specifications and the applicable- drawings, and
subject to the terms and conditions of the contract.
5-02. APPLICABLE SPECIFICATIONS: The specifications noted below
form a part of this specification and shall be the latest issue in ef-
fect on date of invitation for bids. Materials used under this section
of the specifications shall meet the requirements of Japanese Industrial
JIS G...3302 Iron and Steel, Sheet Galvanized
JIS A-6001 Paper, Waterproef
JIS B-1151 Screws and Nuts
JIS A-5508 Nails
5-03. . GENERAL: Surfaces to which sheet metal is to be applied
shall be even, smooth, sound thoroughly clean and dry, and free. from
all defects that-might.affect the application. Materials furnished
under this section which are to be built in.by others shall be de-
livered to the site in time to avoid delays to construction progress
Al]. cutting, ?fitting, drilling, and other operations in connection
with. sheet Metal required to accommodate the work of other trades
,shall be performed under-this-section. All accessories or other items
essential to, the completeness of the sheet metal installation, though
not specifically Shown or specified, also shall,be provided under this ?
section. All suchitems,- shall be galvanized ferrous metal where
employed With galvanized iron or steel; Nails, Screws, and bolts shall
be of the types- best Suited for the intended purpose, and Shall be of.
a composition that will not.8upport,galvanic action in. the installation.
Where sheet metal exectted in a satisfactory manner. Waterproofed
paper, except as otherwise specified, shall be provided, 4s an undere
layment for all ?sheet-metal linings or coverings.
a. Galvanized steel sheet. Galvanized steel Sheet will
be hot dipped in zinc. The zinc coating shall be 0.8 oz. Per square
foot and shall be smooth and free from chips and cracks he finished
surface shall show no exposed surface of base metal. Shees will with-
stand 90 degree bends around a 1/8 inch rod without damage to the coating.
Sheets will conform to J1S C-3302 and shall be of gage indicated on the
drawings. Sheet steel shall conform to the product manufactured by
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00763A000300090049-0
Sanitized - Approveelofor Release : CIA-RDP61-00769A000300090049-0
Osaka .Teppan Seizo K.K., Toho Tokyo K.K., Tokyo Aen Mekki
approved equal.
b. Solder. Solder for galvanized metal will be tin lead
type, conforming to Federal Specification QQ-S-571.
c- Soldering flux. Soldering flux shall be resin, muri-
atic acid properly killed with zinc, or zinc chloride.
d. Nails and screws. Nails and screws will be hot-
dipped galvanized or of non-ferrous-material-
e. Calking compound. Calking compound will be a bitumi-
nous mastic type of a consistercy which is specified on Section
"Cal king".
f. Other materialsand_eauipment. Other materials and
equipment will be of the types and characteristics as indicated on
the drawings and specified hereinafter.
5_05. SHOP DRAWING: Prior to the initiation Of any work, shop
drawing shall be submitted to the Contracting Officer for approval.
Shop drawings will be required at the discretion of the Contracting
Officer for whatever shop-fabricated sheet-metal items he deems -
a. Nailing. Except as otherwise specified or indicated
on the drawings, nailing In general shall be confined to sheet metal
having a width of less than, 12 inches. Nailing of flashing shal1Hoe
confined to one edge only. Nails shall be spaced eVenly and approxi
mately 4 inches apart.
a- Soldering. All edges of uncoated sheet metal to be
soldered shall be pretinned!before soldering is begun. Soldering
shall be done slowly with-heated coppers so as to throughly heat
the seam and completely sweat the solder through the full width of
the seam. Ample solder shall be used and the seam shall show not
less than one full inch of evenly flowed solder. For all materials,
soldering shall follow immediately after application of the flux.
Upon completion of soldering, acid shall be neutralized and surfaces
shall be thoroughly cleaned.
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.u. Sanitized - Approvesi For Release : CIA-RDP61-00763A000300090049-0
b. Seams shall conform to the following requirements:
inch high.
inch wide.
one-inch wide.
(1) Standing seams shall finish not less than one-
(2) Flat lock seams shall finish not less than 3/4-
(3) Soldering lap seams shall finish not less than
than 3 inches wide.
Unsoldered plain lap seams shall lap not less
(5) All seams shall be made in the directio vof the
5-08. FLASHINGS: Flashings shall be installed at all inter-
sections of roofs with vertical surfaces, eave edges and at other
places shown on the drawings or as otherwise required to provide
weathertight protection. Exposed edges of all flashings shall be
folded back 1/2-inch to provide stiffness. Except as otherwise
specified hereinafter or indicated on the drawings, cap flashing
shall be provided. .
a. Drip flashing. Drip flashing over windows shall be
28 gage galvanized steel sheet and shapll extend up not less than 4
inches between the exterior finish sheathing, also under window sill.
b. Cap flashing,. Gap flashing shall turn down not less
than 4 inches over base flashings. On wood construction, cap flashing
shall extend up not less than 4 inches above the roof. The cap flashing
shall be formed to provided spring action against the base flashing.
5-09. HANGING GUTTERS: Hanging gutters shall be constructed of
26 gage galvanized sheet metal as indicated on the drawings. Hanging
gutters shall be provided in sections approximately 6 feet long, joined
by one inch soldered laps in the direction of flow. Supports shall be
galvanized iron gutter hangers and shall be secured at spacings not
greater than 36 inches on centers. End pieces, caps, miters, and
reinforcing member 6 shall be provided where indicated or required.
Slip joints, where required, shall have grooves filled with 'white-lead
5-10. DOWNSPOUTS: Downspouts shall be galvanized iron not lighter
than 26 gage and cast iron pipe for lower part of the design and sizes
indicated on the drawings. Except as hereinafter specified, downspouts
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Shall be provided in sections approximately 6 feet long. They shall be
joined by lapped and soldered joints, and shall have 1-1/2-inch wide
slip joints for each approximate 20 feet of length. Downspouts shall
be set plumb and clear of the wall-by 1-inch-wide straps secured to the
downs out and firmly secured to the subporting construction. Material
for straps shall be as indicated on the drawings. Straps shall be
placed at top and bottom of downspouts, at each floor level, and at
interMediate points as indicated or required. Elbows, offsets, and
shoes shall be provided as indicated on the drawings, and elsewhere as
required. Basket strainers as shown in the drawings shall be set in
loosely at gutter openings into downspouts or elbows. Concrete splash
blocks shall be provided -under downspouts.
a, Materials.
(); Galvanized sheet metal. Galvanized iron sheet
roofing shall be No. 28 gage, galvanized by hot dipping in zinc. The
zinc coating shall be not less than 0.8 oz. per square foot, and smooth
and free from chins and cracks. The galvanized surfaces shall show no
exposed areas of base metal. Sheets shall conform to JIS G3 302.
(2) Cleats shall be of the type required to fasten the
sheets to the wood battens and shall be used in sufficient quantity to
withstand the designed load, 24 gage galvanized iron sheet.
(3) Nails shall be zinc coated and enough size to secure
wood battens and metal sheetto sheathing.
(4) Calking, compound shall be bituminous mastic type of
a consistency that can be worked with a nutty knife. Compound shall
adehere to wood, masonry and metal, and Snail not track, or shrink more
than 20 percent.
(5) Asphalt felt shall conform to the requirements of
jiS A-600.1, weighing 15 pounds per 100 square feet, rag type.
b. Application. One layer of felt shall be laid over the
roof sheathing, with all ends and.edges lapped 6 inChes, secured with
galvanized nails and washers. After that wood batten shall be placed
in the direction of flow, and securely nailed to sheathing board.
Sheet metal cleat 24 gage, 1-1/2 inch wide shall be nailed on top of
batten 12 inches on centers staggered for both sides. Metal pans shall
be formed out of 28 gage galvanized iron sheet, ends' stand up on si:les
of battens and lock hooked with cleats. Lay top cover strip of 28 gage
galvanized iron sheet, both ends lock seamed securely to ends of pans.
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Sanitized - Approved' For Release : CIA-RDP61-00701A000300090049-0
Flat lock seams shall be not less than 3/4 inch. Eave end of pans
shall cover sheathing and securely nailed to soffit of sheathing ends
Hided I inch. have end of battens shall be covered with the same
metal and soldered. Ridge battens shall be covered similar to roof
battens. Intersection of roof battens and ridge battens shall be
locked and soldered.
Metal door.
(I) Flush hollow metal door shall be of the thickness
indicated on the drawing, and shall be constructed of two sheets of
f7nest grade 16 gage cold rolled stretcher leveled steel. Vertical
reinforcements shall be lock-clipped and welded, and shall run the full
Inngth of the door 5 inches on center. Stiffeners shall be2-1/2-inch
wide channels formed into male and female interlocking members and spot
welded to each inside face of the door. Top and bottom of door shall
be reinforced by a l4-gage channel, full-width, spot welded every 4
inches on both sides. Each eds of door shall be reinforced by 16 gage
channel to run full height. joints on the edge of door shall be arc
welded 3 inches on center, ground smooth and filled with metallic filler.
:e.or shall be accurately mortised for locks and hinges. Adeeuate
fercement shall be provided with steel plates welded to the interior
reinforcing channels, and drilled and tarred. Reinforcement shall al so
be provideu for door check and other surface applied hardware, if any,
for which drilling and tapping is to be done in the field.
(2) Poor frame, shall be of sizes and design shown and
shall be fabricated of sheet metal, patent leveled, full pickled and
free from blisters, pits; burns and other defects. Frame shall be of
12.-sage material. Where plaster occurs, the edge of the frame shall
be flanged to form a plaster ground, unless indicated otherwise on the
drawings. Corners shall be reinforced and shall be mitered and welded
their full length, and dressed flush on the exposed surface. Miters
shall be well formed and in true alignment. The finished work shall
be strong and rigid, neat in anpearance, and free from all defects.
Frame shall have steel adjustable anchors for each jamb, spaced ap-
proximately 2'-0" on centers, or be provided with other means of
secnring to structure as approved by the Contracting Officer. Anchors
shall be set prior to placing of concrete and during erection of metal
'ed,h, partitions. Where possible, steel spreaders shall be provided
at the bottom between jamb members, so formed and secured that they may
remain in place and be concealed in the finished work. Frame in masonry
construction shall be filled solidly with mortar. Suitable means for
anchorage of frames to floor shall be provided, so arranged that vertical
adjustment of frames may be obtained.
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Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00706A000300090049-0
b. Cyclone mesh guard. Cyclone mesh shall conform to
requirements of Federal Specification RR-F-191, 9 gage zinc coated
steel wire, 2 inch mesh. Ends of woven mesh shall be securely
riveted to angle framing with flat bars. Angle framing shall be
screw fastened to window frames.
5-13. CHAIN HOIST RAILS: Rails of the size and weight indicated
shall be provided where shown on the drawings as required for the chain
hoist, Rails shall be installed in accordance with the details shown
on the drawings and shall be adequately secured for a maximum dead load
plus 150 per cent of specified net capacity or weight, Rails &lail
conform to ASTM Designation A2-49T, "Specification for Rails, Open-
Hearth, Steel Girders, of Plain Grooved, and Guard Types,"
Sanitized - Approved For Releasp .6CIA-RDP61-00763A000300090049-0
Sanitized - Approved,Por Release : CIA-RDP61-00763U00300090049-0
6-01.% SCOPE: The work covered by this part of the specifications
consists in furnishing all plant, labor, equipment, appliances and
materials, and 4n performing all operations in connection with the
installation of carpentry and joinery, complet, in Strict accordance
with this part of the specifications and the applicable drawings and
subiect to the terms and conditions of the contract.
6-02. APPLICABLE SPECIFICATIONS: The specifications noted below
form a part of this specification and shall be the latest issue in ef-
fect on date of invitation for bids. Materials used under this part
of the specifications shall meet the requirements of the following U.S.
Federal Specifications and equivalent Japanese Industrial Standards and
in eadh case that specification requiring the higher standard of ap-
pearance, quality and performance shall govern.
a, U.S. Federal Specifications.
b. Japanese Industrial Standards.
J.I.S. Material
FF-H-191 A-6001 Building Paper
B-1151-52-53-54 Screw and Nuts
FF-B-5/1 G-3121 Bolts and Nuts
FF-B-561 B-1131-32-34 Bolts Lag
FF-N-101 A-5508 Nails
C3-45-48 Plywood .
CG-451 K-6803 Glue, Animal, (non-
CG-456 Glue, Casein Type
PM-L-736 Lumber and Timber,
Iv*-1,-751 Lumber and Timber,
K-5444 Varnish, spar, Water
TT-W-251 K-5103 White Lead, Past-in-Oil
4. ALL structural timbers and lumber, insofar as they meet
the foregoing specificationa'and the requirements of the drawings, shall
be Japanese products and species. Where lengths or sizes exceed Japanese
market sizes least cost will govern the choice of Japanese special-run
or imported timbers.
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Sanitized - Approved'For Release : CIA-RDP61-00764A000300090049-0
h. It shall be the contractor's option to make substi-
tutions of species within usage classification provided the charac-
teristics required by such usages are fully met or exceeded by the
species so substituted.
c. Framing and Structural Luther.
Stress-Grade Lumber, Allowable
App. IC
Matsu (Pine)
Stresses, 1125- p.8.1. in
Structural Quality
Extreme Fiber in Bending
Stress-Grade Lumber, 1125
App. IC
Pine or Douglas Fir
Joists Headers, Sleepers
App. ID
Sugi (Red Cedar)
Studs, Girts Plates, Caps,
App. ID
Sugi (Red Cedar)
Bracing, Furring, Grounds
App. ID
Sugi (Red Cedar)
Wall Sheathing, Roof
App. ID
Sugi (Red Cedar)
Sheathing, Subflooring
d. Exterior Woodwork.
Facia, Trim
App. IC
-Sugi (Red Cedar)
Doors - Exterior
App. IC
Hinoki (Cypress)
Door Frames - Exterior
App. IC
Sugi (Red Cedar)
App. IC
Hinoki (Cypress)
Window Frames Exposed
App. IC
Sugi (Red Cedar)
Members not Otherwise
App. IC
Sugi Red Cede
c. Interior Woodwork
Interior Trim
? App.
Sugi (Red Cedar)
Nara (Oak)
Interior Doors
Hinoki (Cypress)
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Sanitized - Approved' For Release : CIA-RDP61-00764A000300090049-0
(4) Shelving and Closets
(5) Counter Tops, Uncovered
App. ID Hinoki (Cypress
App. IC Nara (Oak)
6-04. MOISTURE CONTENT: Unless otherwise specified, lumber shall
be either air-dried or kiln-dried and the moisture content shall not
exceed nineteen (19) percent. Exterior and interior finishing lumber
shall be kiln-dried and at time of delivery to the building site the
moisture content shall not exceed twelve (12) percent for material one
inch or less-in thickness, and shall not exceed fourteen (14) percent
for material,over one inch in thickness. Millwork; which is assembled
or built up of more than one piece at the mill, except doors, shall
not have a greater moisture cOntent than twelve (12) percent
6-05. STORAGE AND PROTECTION: Stack framing lumber and plywood
to insure proper ventilation and drainage. Protect lumber and plywood
from the elements. Protect millwork from dampness during and after
delivery. Do not store or install any millwork in any part of building
until concrete and plaster work are dry.
6-06. SIZES AND PATTERNS: Unless otherwise indicated sizes of
wood members are nominal rough dimension sizes, milled as specified
and/cr as called for on the drawings except as may be marked net sizes.
Unless otherwise indicated all lumber shall be surfaced 4 sides subject
to the following option. All plates may be 31S2E. Al) studs and joists
may be S2E. All sheathing may be 3132E. Solid blocking may be 32F.
Lumber shall be tongued-and-grooved, shiplapped, or worked to such
patterns as are indicated on the drawings.
. .
A-07. PLYWOOD: Plywood shall be of shina, nara or tame for ordi-
nary use, Type 2, and of sen for exterior use, Type 1. Plywood for
doors shall be of nara, tame or shina, Type 2. Finish surfaces shall
be smooth, flat and free from cracks and splits. Individual plies
shall show no separation. Plywood shall be one or two sides good as
required. Plywood for door panels or flush door facings shall show
no knots. Types are those approved by the Ministry of Agriculture and
Forestry, in the publication, "Export Plywood and Veneer Chests (fabri-
cated products) Standards".
All plywood shall be bonded with phenol resin glue unless shown or
specified otherwise. Items shall be equivalent to the best products
of Tokyo Cohan, Akita Mokuzai or Mitsui Kokuzai Co., Ltd.
a. Glue. Glue for all exterior plywood and joinery shall
be phenol-resin type, and for interior work animal type and shall con-
form to Japanese Industrial Standard K-6803 or Federal Specification
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00763A000300090049-0
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00764000300090049-0
b. Rough hardware shall be hot coal-tar treated, and
shall conform to the following specification requirements:
Straps, Clamps, etc., of Steel.. (I'S G-3101
,nchor Bolts, and Other Bolts, Steel JES 100
ugb and Finish Nails JIS A-5508
c. !Asbestos cement board shall be a composition of
asbestos fiber 4nd portland cement, containing not more than 1 percent
organic fiber bY- weight. Unless otherwise indicated in the drawings
asbestos cemem4;board'shall be supplied in 3/16 inch thickness,
"flex.ible" type, haying a maximum water absorption (24 hours) of 22
percent by weight.
d. Celotex shall be 1/2 inch thick semi-hardtex an4 best
quality of.ASano Bussan K.K. or equal.
e. Waterproof sheathinq,paPer and felt. Sheathingipaper
shall be waterproofed with asphalt, but shall not stick when rolled 4
and shall not crack when bent. Paper shall not break under 20 pounds
per inch width-, and shall resist water for 24 hours and shall be a
product Of the Daiken Kogyo Co., Osaka,; Japan, or equal, and shall
weigh not less than 8 'pounds per 100 sclUare feet.
f. Coal-tar creosote. Coal-tar creosote stall be a
distillate of coal-gas"-tar or coke-oven tar. It shall have no More
than 3-percent water by volume, be no 4iore than 0.5 percent insoluble
in benzol by weight, and shall have specific gravity of not less than
1.03 at 15.5?C.
TREATED LUMBER: All lumber coming directly in contact with
concrete floors or foundation walls shall be given a treatment of
pentachlorophenol (5 percent solution)'in petroleum, or approximately
one pound of oil soluble pentachlorophenol in powder form in 3 gallons
of petroleum, as manufactured by the Mitsui Chemical do. or an approved
equal, and conforming to the requirements of JIS K-I551 or shall be
treated with coal-tar creosotes. Lumber shall contain Creosotes in
amount of 6 pounds per cubic feet.
(-10. FRAMING: Framing lumber and other rough work shall be
properly framed, closely fitted, accurately set to required lines and
levels, and rigidly secured in place. Where required, timber con-
nectors and their installation shall conform to the best Japanese
practice. Rafters and joists shall be set with crown edges up and
bottom edges shall be free from pronounced defects. Studs and joists
shall be sized to provide even surfaces for finish. Framing .shall be
done so as to avoid cutting structural members. Framing members shall
be cut, notched, or bored only where necessary. Framing members weakened
by cutting shall be reinforced as directed by the Contracting Officer.
- 4
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Sanitized - ApproVed For Release : CIA-RDP61-00706A000300090049-0
ipecial framing of construction, not explicitly shown or specified,
- shall be provided as required to complete the work in the best and
most workmanlike manner. Nails and bolts shall be of the sizes and
quantities shown on the drawings, or as appropriate for the various
a. Partitions and walls. Partitions and walls shall be
framed with 2 by 4 inch and 2 by 6 inch studs spaced 18 inches on
centers, unless otherwise shown on the drawings. Plates of partitions
and walls resting on concrete floors shall be anchored in place with
1/2 inch bolts spaced not more than 5 feet apart, unless otherwise
shown. Studs and headers at openings, more than one foot from other
parallel studs or belting, shall be doubled or shall be solid members
of similar sizer Corners shall be throughly spiked and made solid.
Studs shall be framed As shown or required for proper installation. Of
trim and other work.
? 6-11: SHEATHING: Roof and roof sheathing shall be 3/4 inch
thick, unless otherwise shown and shall be even-width, dressed stock, ?
matdhed, shiplapped, or square-edged,, applied diagonally or horizontally
as indicated on the drawings, and blind nailed to each bearing using two
eightpenny nails for 8 inch boards and three nails for 10 inch boards.
Courses shall be driven up tight and end joints closely fitted. With
square and lumber, all joints shall be over supports and well dis-
tributed; with end-matched lumber, end joints may occur at random with
at least two boards between rafters, and no piece having bearing on .
less than two supports.
6r12. SHEATHING PAPER: Sheathing paper shall be installed over'
all wood sheathing. Edges and ends of the material shall be lapped at
least 6 inches. Paper shall be laid horizontally beginning at the
bottom and shall extend back of window casings and other finish work.
6-13. EXTERIOR FINISH: Exterior finish shall be finished with
stucco, wood sheathing and metal lathing is necessary. Door and window
trims and sills shall be in single length and trims shall be rabbeted:
for stucco finish.
Eave soffit board, 5/R r-ich thick, shall be shiplapped and securely ?
nailed to b6ck furring providing metal screen vent,
EXTERIOR DOOR FRAMES: Exterior door frames, unless other-
wise shown,. shall be 1-3/4 inches thick and double-rabbeied from the .
solid for doors and screens of thicknesses specified. The frame shall
be secured. to studs and plates with double wedge block and fastened
with nails at top, bottom, and intermediate points. Shop drawings
shall be submitted.
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Sanitized - Approve For Release : CIA-RDP61-0070410A000300090049-0
WINDOW FRAMES AND SASHES: Window frames shall conform to
the following requirements.
a. SEding window frames shall be of the sizes and
thickness indicated, head grooved for the sash, sill provided with
brass track rails.
b. Sash. Sash shall be of size and design indicated.
Windows shall be built in the shop and not aite fabricated. The each
shall be of mortised or mitered construction. Phenol resin glue shall
be used to reinforce all joints. All sash shall be rabbeted for putty
glazing on the outside.
j)-16. INTERIOR DOOR FRAMES: Interior door frames shall be 1-3/8
inches thick, full width of finished wall or partition, double-rabbeted
'from the solid. Frames shall beset plumb and square, and secured with
finishing nails. Double-wedge blocking shall be driven back of jambs
at nailing points, also at back of butts and lock strikes.
6-17. DOORS: Door shall be of the sizes, thicknesses, and
designs indicated on the drawings, shall be of the construction and
species hereinafter speciried, and shall be of the grade hereinafter
specified for the finish indicated on the drawings or specified. Top
and bottom edges of doors: shall be given two coat of spar varnish at
the factory before shipment. Exterior doors shall be fabricated with
water-resistant adhesives.
a. Exterior panel doors. Panelled doors shall be of the
sizes,- thicknesses and designs indicated on the drawings, and shall be
constructed of the species hereinbefore specified. Doors shall be the
best products of the manufacturer and shall not be site fabricated.
Doors shall be of mortise and tenon construction glued with phenol-
resin glue. Rails and ,stiles shall be free from loose knots, warpage,
cracks and other defects. Panels shall be of solid boards or of
water-resistant plywood. Panels shall not be glued at the edges but
shall be capable of self-adjustment within the stiles and rails to
prevent splitting. Glass panels shall be provided as daown set with
putty and glazing beads or moldings. Louvered doors shall have solid
frame routed out to receive the louver slats. Doors shall have 1/16
inch clearance at the sides and top, and 3/16 inch clearance at the
bottom. The top and bottom edges of doors shall be given two coats of
spar varnish at the factory before shipment.
b. Flush doors. Doors shall be constructed of thoroughly
seasoned uniform moisture content of not over 6%.
Face veneers on all doors shall be of nara unless otherwise specified,
and shall be No. 1 grade for natural finish, No. 2 grade for painting
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00763A000300090049-0
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and Shall be machine sanded. -Edge banding on sides of doors shall be
a matbhing hardwood 3/4-inch thickness, Edge banding on top and bottom
shall be any sound and compatible hardwood, not less than 1" thick,
Cores shall be pine, or sugi, laid up in vertical block or stile and
rail construction.
/1-1.1 glue used in fabricating doors shall be of the wateproof phenolic
resin. type.
Plywood for toilet partion doors shall be wateLproofing. quality. Coors
to be paintedishall be given a shop prime coat. Doors to have natural
frlish shall be factory sealed with a first class clear sealer or white
shellac suitable for subsequent natural finish at job site,
Louver on flush door shall be the same wood as the face of door.
c. Dutch door shall be flush plywood door in two sections.
Lower section shall be provided with 1 inch thick hardwood counter board
at the top securely fastened to the door with steel angle brackets as
shown. Hipper section shall be ordinal flush door.
Poor sections shall be provided with barrel bolts to act the doors in one
6-18. FITTING HANGING AND TRIMMING: Windows and doors shall be
fitted, hung, and trimmed as hereinafter specified and as indicated on
the drawings. Doors shall have 1/16 inch clearance at sides and top,
and 73/16 itch clearance over thresholds, unless otherwise directed by
the Contracting Officer, Doors 1-3/4 inches or-more in thickness shall
have the lock or latch edge beveled at the rate of 1/8 inch. in 2 inches.
Doors shall be hung and trimmed with hardware as specified on Section
.-1.1\liSH HARDWARE. Locks with standardized cases shall all be installed
at the same height. Knob locks and knob latches shall have the 'center
of the knob 42 inches above the finished floor. Cylinder dead locks
shall have the center of the cylinder at the same height as the center
of the cylinder of the knob locks.
6-19. INTERIOR. FINISH: Walls shall be finished with celotex board,
asbestos cement board or plywood as shown on the drawings, nailed to
studs and girts 9 inch on centers. Joint shall be V shape and tightly
fited. Ceiling stop mold of the same wood shall run at the top of wall.
Ceiling shall bc finished the same as wall and nailed to suspended furring
as shown. Joints shall be equal to wall. Nail holes shall be predrilled
for Asbestos cement boards, not less than 2 inches from the edges.
6-20.. INSULATIONt.BLANKET TYPE shall be mineral wool and conform to
JIS Z-9504.
a. Material. Wall insulation shall be class G mineral wool
having one inpermeable and one permeable membrane face. Ceiling insula-
tion shall be either class C or class B mineral wool having an impermeable
membrane on one face only. Mineral wool shall be rock wool or glass wool.
Adhesives used to bond facings to insulating materials shall be insoluble
in water.
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Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-007,3A000300090049-0
h. Installations
(1) Wall insulation shall be centered on stud space,
providing equal air spaces on both sides,
(2) Ceiling insulation shall be installed tight against
the upper surface of the ceiling material,
(3) Membrane tabs shall be securely stapled or nailed
to inside faces of studs and upper edges of joists or shall have batten-
strips nailed to sides of studs or joists in order to assure airseal.
6-21. SIDING: Asbestos cement flat sheet 1/4 inch thick shall be
used for exterior aiding, size as shown on the drawing, and the best
products equal to the manufacture of Asano Slate Co., Ltd.
The sheets shall butt the vertical joints and these joints shall be
covered with waterproof metal fleshings from the backside of the sheets.
The horizontal joints of the sheets are made by having the upper dleet
overlap the lower one a minimum of 5/8 inch. Fasteners shall not be
placed through fleshings. Spacing of studs and girts shall be 16 inch
to 24 inch on centers. Fasteners shall be nails, screws or bolts. Holes
shall be predrilled. Fasteners shall be placed not less than 1/2 inch
from edges of the sheets. The sheet shall be durable, dense, light, and
shall be handled with care against impact shocks and dropping. All sheets
shall be piled on firm, level supports enough to support extending full
width of the sheets,
6-22, WORKBENCH, COUNTER, RACK AND SHELVES shall be constructed as
shown on the drawing. Rough framing shall be softwood and securely
fastened to floor with angle clips. Finish framing shall be hardwood
shiplap jointed. Plywood shelving and doors shall be provided with
necessary hardwares. Shelves for Racks shall be adjustable, using supports
Type 1067 of Federal Specification FF-H-111a or equal,
Sanitized -Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00763A000300090049-0
Sanitized - ApproveerFor Release : CIA-RDP61-007645A000300090049-0
7-01. SCOPE: Furnish all plant, labor, equipment and materials
and perform all Work in connection with calking, complete, in strict
accordance with this section and the applicable drawings, subject to
the terms and conditions of the contract.
7-02. APPLICABLE SPECIFICATIONS: The specifications noted below
form a part of this specification and shall be the latest issue in ef-
fect on date of invitation for bids. Materials used under this part of
the specifications shall meet the requirements of the following U. S.
Federal Specifications and equivalent Japanese Industrial Standards and
in each case that specification requiring the higher standard or quality,
performance and safety shall apply,
a. U.S.F,S. .I.I,S1. Material
Compound, calking, plastic
7-03. SAMPLES: Before the work of application is started, samples
of all materials proposed for use shall be submitted to the Contracting
Officer for approval.
a. Calking compound shall be composed of pigments with or
without fibers uniformly mitced in a liquid vehicle to a consistency
suitable for calking joints in wood or masonry structures and at the
periphery of wood or metal frames therein. The composition of the ma-
terial is not further specified but is subject to the approval of the
Contracting Officer. The standards of performance, quality and perma-
nence shall be not lesser than the Standard Johns-Manville project for
knife and gun calking of structures. The compound shall remain perma-
nently slightly plastic and ihall show an ultimate Shrinkage of not
more than 20 percent which adhere to concretes, wood or metal perfectly0
b. Sealer. Sealer for calking joint, when required? shall
be a quick-drying liquid recommended by the manufacturer of the calking
c. Rope yarn. Rope yarn shall be the ravelled strands of
rope fiber free from oil or other staining element.
7-05. COLOR: Unless otherwise specified, color of calking com-
pound shall match adjoining finish or as directed or approved by the
Contracting Officer,
a. Preparation. Except as otherwise indicated in the draw-
ings, calking in joints shall be a minimum of 3/4 inch in depth and 1/4
Sanitized - Approved For Relegs! : CIA-RDP61-00763A000300090049-0
Sanitized - Approwx1 For Release : CIA-RDP61-00,06A000300090049-0
inch in width. All particles of mortar, dust, and other foreign matter
shall be brushed out and, just prior to calking, the joint grooves shall
be coated with an application of sealer. Where a suitable mortar back-
stop has not been provied, the back of joint grooves shall be packed
tightly with rope yarn.
b, Ealgeg,? The compound shall be driven into the joint
groove with sufficient pressure to force out all air and to fill the
joint grooves solidly calking, where exposed, shall be free of wrink-
less, and shall be uniformly smooth Calking Calking around all openings in
masonry shall include the entire perimeter of each opening* Upon com-
pletion of the calking, any calked joints not entirely filled shall be
roughened and filled and the exposed surface tooled smooth.
c* Cleaning. The surfaces of all materials adjacent to
the calked joints shall be cleaned of any smears of compound or other
soiling due to the calking application.
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00763A000300090049-0
Sanitized - Approve*For Release : CIA-RDP61-0076.A000300090049-0
8-01. SCOPE: The work covered by this part of the specifications
consists in furnishing all plant, labor, equipment, appliances and
materials, and in performing all operations in connection with the
installation of acoustic tile, complete, in strict accordance with this
part of the specifications and applicable drawings, and subject to the
terns and conditions of the contract.
O2. APPLICABLE SPECIFICATIONS: The specifications noted below
form a part of this specification and shall be the latest issue in effect
on date of invitation for bids. Materials used under this part of the
specifications shall meet the requirements of the following U.S. Federal
Specification and equivalent Japanese Industrial Standards are in each
case that specification requiring the higher standard of quality, per-
formance and safety shall apply.
Tile, acoustic
a. Acoustic tiles shall be 12"x12" 2" thick all-mineral
fiber butt edge units With 1/8" bevelled face edges. Tiles used shall
have a noise reduction, coefficient of not less than 0.72 based on the
average of the sound absorption coefficients at 250, 500, 1000 and 2000
cycles. Acoustical units shall be of such a nature that 6 sprayed-on ...
coats of resin-base emulsion paint will reduce the noise-reduction co-
efficient by no more than 0.05. Factory finish for tile units shall be,
a flame-proof paint containing an anti-fungus agent.
b. Adhesive shall be a natural resin base in petroleum
naptha solvent adhesive similar in quality and performance to the prodlet
of the Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company's EC-461.
Surfaces to receive adhesive and tile shall be clean :
nnd dry.
b. Adhesive shall be applied in strict accordance with
the manufacturer's recommendation for the weight of tile being used.
c. Tile shall be pre-primed and worked into place in the
approved manner. All tile shall be bonded within 20 minutes after
applying adhesive.
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a. The following samples shall be Submitted to the Con-
treating Officer for his approval prior to staring any acoustical tile
Four 12" x 12" acoustic tiles
One quart adhesive
b. Unless otherwise directed by the Contracting Officer,
acoustic tiles shall be furnished with a factory pre-finish in "eggshell"
8-06. ACCEPTANCE AND REPAIRS: All acoustical tile work shall be
accomplished to the satisfaction of the Contracting Officer. Any repair
work resulting from inadequate workmanship or materials for a period of
12 months from date of acceptance shall be done by the contractor at his
own expense.
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A i . Sanitized - Approved For Release: CIA-RDP61-00743A000300090049-0
?,9-01. SCOPE: The work covered by this part of the specifications
consists in furnishing all labor, equipment and materials, except those
furnished by the U. S. Government, and in performing all operations in
connection with plastering in strict accordance with this part of the
specifications and the applicable drawings, and subject to the terms
and conditions of the contract.
9-020 APPLICABLE SPECIFICATIONS: The specifications noted below
form a part of this specification and shall be the latest issue in effect
on date of invitation for bids. Materials used under this part of the
specifications shall meet the requirement of Japanese Industrial Standards.
J.I.S. 0-3501
J.I.S. A-5504
J.I.S. R-5210
J.I.S. A-6902
Wire, steel (carbon)
Metal lath
Cement, Portland
Lime, hydrated
9-03. GENERAL:
a. Plaster work shall be done only. at temperatures of 400 F.
or above, subject to the approval of the Contracting Officer.
b. Plaster work shall be -3 coat work not less than 3/4 inch
thick unless otherwise indicated in the drawings.
a. Portland cement shall be a standard product of approved
manufacture, free from contamination?
b. Lime shall be hydrated lime in which the total free
(unhydrated) calcium oxide and magnesium oxide shall not exceed 8 percent
by weight, ground so that 85% passes a No. 200 seive.
c. Lime putty shall be made from hydrated lime and water
and shall be stored for 72 hours before use.
d. Sand shall be siliceous material, clean, hard, free from
loadm, silt, or other impurities, and well-graded from fine to coarse with-
in the following limitations:
SieVe No, Percentage Minimum Retained Maximum
8 - 10
30 15 80
50 , 76 95
00 95
Sanitized - Approved For Relewl : CIA-RDP61 -C:10763A000300090049-0
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-007W000300090049-0
and amounts of material finer than a No. 200 sieve Shall not exceed 5
percent; and, in addition, all sand for finish coat Work shall be white
and shall pass a No. 12 sieve.
e. Acoustical plaster shall conform to the Federal Specifi-
cation SS-A-111.
f. Water. Clean, fresh, and free from oils acids, alakalies
organic or other injurious matter.
g, Metal lath, Type F, type FR, or type F3/8R, expanded
metal lath cut from copper bearing open hearth, re-annealed, hot-process
galvanized sheets, weighing not less than 3.4 pounds per square yard.
h. Nails and staples. Specification No. FF-N-101, for
attaching metal lath ovet sheathing shall be large-head galvanized nails
with an approved furring device that will permit the formation or keys
not less than 1/4 inch in thickness between the lath and the backing,
and for attaching to horizontal wood supports shall be 1-1/2 inch, 11
gage, barbed roofing nails with 7/16 inch diameter heads, and to verti-
cal wood supports with 4d common nails or 1 inch roofing nails with 7/16
inch diameter heads driven to a penetration of at least 3/4 inch or I
inch, 14 gage, wire staples driven home. Nails or staples for attaching
3/8 inch rib lath to horizontal or vertical wood supports shall be 3/16
inch longer than those specified above, unless attachment is through rib
in which case equivalent penetration into supports shall be provided,
Common nails shall be bent over to engage at least strands of flat lath
or rib of 3/8 inch rib lath. Nails and staples used shall be galvanized.
Hair and fiber shall be clean and free of balls and knots,
1/2 to 2 inches long. Hair shall be from cattle or goats. Fiber shall be
a vegetable ptoducts,
j, Water repellent shall be stearate or oleate of ammonium,
sodium, or calcium in either powder, liquid, or pasts; or a commercially
manufactur0 product approved by the Contracting Officer who shall be
furnished with the manufacturer's written stateMent indicating the fatty-
acid content of the waterproofing compound submitted for approval,
a. Samples of the following materials shall be submitted
for the Contracting Officer's approval before doing any Plaster Work,
(1) Two panels of the specified plasters about 12 inches
square, showing color and texture.
(2) Ten pounds each of mill-mixed colored plasters.
(3) Two panels, 12"x24" cement Plagteriandaeoustical
plaster applied.
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(4) Two 12-inch squares of metal lath.
(5) Five pounds of sand.
(6) One-quarter pound of nails or staples.
(7) Two pounds of water repellent,
b. Colors shall be as noted in the Finish Schedule in the
drawings or be as directed by the Contracting Officer.
9-06. DELIVERY AND STORAGE OF MATERIALS: All manufactured materials
shall be delivered in the original packages, containers, and bunciles bear-
ing the name of the manufacturer and brandy Plaster, cement, and lime
shall be stored off the ground under water-tight cover, and away from
sweating, walls and other damp surfaces, until ready for use, Damaged or
deteriorated materials shall be removed from the premises.
9-07. INSTALLATION OF METAL LATH: Metal lath shall be applied in
such a manner to form true surfaces, without sags or buckles, and with
long dimension of lath at right angles to supports. Metal lath shall
be applied to ceiling and secured to supports not more than 6 inches on
centers. Side laps on ceilings shall be tied not more than 6 inches on
centers, Ribbed metal lath shall be fastened with staples over supports
spaced not more than 21 inches on centers.
a. Mixing of plaster. Plaster shall be mixed in accordance
with the printed instructions of the manufacturer. Copies, in duplicate,
of the manufacturer's printed instructions shall be submitted to the
Contracting Officer, Except when hand-mixing of small batches in speci-
fically approved, mechanical mixers of an*approved type shall be used
for the mixing of plaster. Frozen, caked, or lumped materials shall not
be used. Mechanical mixers, mixing boxes, and tools shall be cleaned
after mixing each batch and kept free of plaster from previous mixes,
Plaster shall be thoroughly mixed vith the proper amount of water until
uniform in color and consistency. Retempering will not be permitted,
and all plaster which has begun td stiffen shall be disearded Plaster
for scratch coats shall be fibered, by the addition of one (1) pound of
hari or fiber per bag of cement.
b. Cement plaster. Cement plaster shall be mixed in the
following proportions by volume, for every coaty
One part cement,
2 parts sand, ,
part lime putty,
If the sand is rather coarse or fine and/or too uniform in size of grains,
the proportion of sand given above may be reduced to 2-3/4 parts in the
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scratch boat. One lb. of hair shall be added to scratch coat only, The
quantity of compound used shall provide 0.2 pounds of fatty acid for each
100 pounds of cement in the finish coat.
9-09. APPLICATION OF PLASTER: Temporary heat shall be provided
during cold weather to protect the completed plaster work from damage.
The use of salamanders will not be permitted. Surfaces that are to
receive plaster shall be clean and free of defects. Where necessary to
reduce suction, masonry surfaces shall be dampened evenly, but not soaked,
with a fog spray. Regulated ventilation shall be provided, Plastering,
except as otherwise indicated on the drawings or specified, shall be
three (2) coat work with the scratch and brown coats. Ceilings shall be
level and walls shall be straight and plumb. Corners and interior angles
shall be square, with arrises slightly rounded. The thicknesses of
interior plaster, from the face of plaster base to the finished plaster
surfaces, shall be not less than 3/4 inch. Special care Shall be taken
in mixing colored mortar to secure a uniform color throughout in the finisheo
work. Mortar that has begun to set shall not be used. A water repellent
Shall be added to the finish coat. If in powdder form, the water repellent
shall be well mixed dry with the cementing materials. If in liquid or paste
form, the repellent shall be added to, and mixed with the mixing water. If
surfaces become dry in spots, the dry areas shall be dampened again to
restore uniform suction. Plaster coats shall be applied continuously in
one general direction, without allowing plaster to dry at edges? Where it
is impossible to work the full dimension of a wall surface, jointing shall
he made at a break, opening, or other natural division of the surface.
Edges'to be joined shall be dampened slightly to produce a smooth con-
9-10, 140PKMANSHIP: All plane surfaces shall be level or plumb and
shall contact a ten foot straightedge its entire length with not over 1/8
inch variation either way. All corners and angles shall be true, plumb or
level with arises slightly rounded, Plaster shall be carried well up to
grounds and frames. Surfaces shall be clean, free from cracks, blisters
pits, checks, crazing and discoloration. There shall be no visible junction
marks where one day's work adjoins another.
a. ',ctratch coat. The scratch coat shall be approximately
7/8 inch thick over the reinforcement and shall be applied under suffici-
ent pressure to form good keys and to completely embed the reinforcement
Before the scratch coat has set, it shall be well cross-scratched to pro-
vide a strong bond. The scratch coat shall be dampcured 2 days before the
brown coat is applied.
b. Brown coat. The brown coat shall be approximately 3/8
inch thick, The scratch coat shall be dampened evenly with a fog spray
to obtain uniform suction before the brown coat is applied. The brown
coat shall be applied to the scratch coat with sufficient pressure to
force the plaster into the scratches and shall be brought to a plumb,
true, even surface, but left rought in textare. When set sufficiently,
the brown coat shall be floated with a dry float and evenly cross-
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00763A000300090049-0
Sanitized - Approveiffor Release : CIA-RDP61-00763A000300090049-0
scratched to form a bond for the finish coat. Rapid drying of the brown
coat shall be prevented by spraying or by other method approved by the
Contracting Officer. The interval between the application of the brown
coat and of the finish coat shall be at least 7 days of dry weather.
C. Finish coats. Surfaces of the brown coat shall be
dampened several hours before the finish coat is to be applied.. Ad-
ditional dampening at time of application shall be by fog-spraying.
Dampening by brush will not be permitted. Trowel finish shall be ap-
plied over a base coat, which has set and is surface dry, shallbe
scratched in thoroughly, laid on Well, doubled back, and filled- out to
a true, even surface. The thickness shall be 1/8 inch. The finish shall
be allowed to draw a few minutes and then, shall be well troweled with
water to a smooth finish, free from blemishes. In the application of
trowel finishes, the use of excessive water shall be avoided.
a? Materials
(1) Acoustical plaster shall be composed of a cementi-
tious material such as gypsum, portland cement, or lime, with or without a
granular aggregate; with or without chemicals for producing gas when water
is added.
(2) The material, wten installed, shall be of wish nature
and thickness as to have a noise-reduction cosfficient of not less than
0.65, based upon the average of the sound absorption coefficients at
256, 512, 1024and 2048!cyclese
(3) All of the ingredients of the material used shall be
(4) Acoustical plaster shall be of such a nature and
thickness that -6 coats of resin-base-emulsion type paint, applied to,
the finish side, shall not reduce the toise-reduction coefficient by
more than 0.05
b.i Application shall be it strict accordanCe with the manu-
facturer's recommendation. The plastO shall be supplied dry, with
ingredients uniformly mixed, ready for use with the addition of water
only, The material shall be applied with a plasterer's trowel to surfaces
lAwlicated in the drawings. Nhere plaster is applied applied directly to
concrete, care shall be taken to assure that concrete surfaces are clean,
free from oil,Haust and loose particle of concrete. The plaster, upon
drying, shall be teasonably hard and durable, of uniform thickness and
finished with a cork float, steel trowel, roller or other means to a true. .
surface. WorkLanship shall be the saMe as described on para. 9-9, and
Sanitized - Approved For Release ,;41A-RDP61-00763A000300090049-0
Sanitized - Approveet For Release : CIA-RDP61-00768400030000049-0
9-12, SAMPLING OF PLASTER: . Samples may be taken by the CprAracting
Officer at any time from plaster work in place. Areas represented by
samples which show .cover-sanding will be rejected,
9-13. ACCEPTANCE AND REPAIRING: Plaster with cracks, blisters,
pits, checks, or discolorations will not be accepted. Plaster shall be
clean and sound and in accordance with the requirements of these speci-
fications. After all other related workhas been completed, pointing
aroud trim and set work and repairing of damaged portions shall be per-
formed to the satisfaction of the Contracting Officer,- Repairs shall
match existing plaster in texture and color.
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00763A000300090049-0
Sanitized - Approved For Release: CIA-RDP61-007601A000300090049-0
4010 SCOPE: The work covered by this part of the specifica-
tions consists in furnishing all plant, labor, equipment, appliances,
and materials, and in performing all operations in connection with the
Installation of flooring, asphalt:tile, with rubber bass, complete, in
strict accordance with this part of the specifications end the appli-
cable drawings, and subject to the terms and conditions of the contract.
?02. APPLIgAUL_SyECIFICATIONS: The specifications noted below
form a part of this specification;and shall be the latest issue in effect
on date of invitation for bids. Materials used under this part of the
specifications shall meet the reqUirement of the following U.S. Federal
Specifications and equivalent Japanese Industrial Standards and in each
ease that specification requiring the higher standard of quality, per-
formance and safety shall apply*
SS-T- 306a
? Material
Asphalt Tile
a0 laplalt?1112 shall be 12 by 12 by 1/8 inch of one type
and grade, color of asphalt tile shall be selected by the Contracting
Officer, and best product of Tajima-Oyo-Yako Co., Fujimori Kogyo Co.,
or approved equal.
b. Primer for asphalt tile shall be cut-back-type. Out-
back-type primer shall be a thin liquid composed of an asphaltic base
and a suitable light volatile solvent, made specially for has with
asphalt tile, and weighing approximately 10 pounds per gallon.
c. Adhesive. Cement for asphalt tile shall be the same
quality as primer made specially for use as an adhesive for bedding and
fastening asphalt tile to subfloors, and shall be of a heavy consistency
that can be applied and effectively spread with a toothed trowel. Primer
and adhesive shall be the best product of the manufacturers metioned on
Section 11-03a.
d. Wax, shall conform to Federal Specification P-W-151a,
except non-slip type.
e. Metalesiging_Etrip. Extruded brass as detailed and
fastened to slab with brass screws in lead or fiber plugso
PREPARATION OF SUBFLOOR: Surfaces to receive asphalt tile
shall be swept clean and shall be free from moisture, plant, oil and wax*
Concrete floors shall have a smooth and even steel-troweled finish, and
Sanitized - Approved For Release ? CIA-RDP61-00763A000300090049-0
Sanitized - Approvita For Release : CIA-RDP61-00743A000300090049-0
shall have any cracks, rough areas or other surface defects filled
with plastic material.
a, Primine_Coat? A cost of cit-back-type primer shall
he well worked into the surface of the concrete with stiff brushes or
a etreight-edged steel trowel using the minimum quantity that will
ensure covering the complete surface with a non-absorptive base. Primer
shall be allowed to become thoroughly drY0
b, Adhesive. The cement shall be applied to the floor with
a notched steel trowel and allowed to set up until the surface is tacky
(30 minutes to 3 hours). The notches in the trowel shall be not over
1/16 inch deep and spaded 3/16 inch deep and spaced 3/16 inch on centers,
The notches shall be maintained at the specified depth, and when reduced
by wear, shall be removed with a fine V-shaped file.
c, AaRhe1t_TA1211 When the cement is sufficiently dry, the
asphalt tile shall be installed in accordance with the design layout
herein spe*ified. Tile shall be laid in such a manner that the entire
under surface will be securely bonded in place. Asphalt tile shall be
laid out in a square pattern symmetrical about the center lines of each
room, apace or panel Tile Tile layout Shall eliminate cut tile to the great-
est extent possible. Cut-tile misfits shall be replaced with properly
cut tile. Tile shall be tightly fitted so that each tile is in contact
vi_th the surrounding tiles and all Joints are in proper alignment. The
graining in alternate jeeps or marbolized tiles shall be reversed,
10-06. RUBBER BASF: '
a. ,Rubb,..era'ile shall conform to Federal Specification
ZZ-T-301. The base shall be sufficiently flexible to allow for irregula-
rities in walls and partitions. Special one-piece internal and external
corner sections shall be provided for all right angle corners. Base shall
be topset cove type, 3/16 inch thick by 6 inches high, unless otherwise.
indicated on the drawings, Color of base shall be as noted on the draw-
ings or as selected by the Contracting Officer.
b, Vetermef cement for rubber tile base shall be that
recommended or supplied by the manufacturer of the rubber tile base, and
approved by the Contracting Officer,
c. Installation, Rubber tile base shall be secured to the
walls and partitions with waterproof cement. All joints shall be tight and
the base throughout its entire length shall have its top and bottom edges
in firm contact with the walls and floor,
3.07. SAMPLES: Before the asphalt tile work is started, samples
of materials listed below shall be submitted to the Contracting Officer
Sanitized - Approved For Release:?tIA-RDP61-00763A000300090049-0
Sanitized - Approved For Release: CIA-RDP61-00760A000300090049-0
for approval before purchase and/or delivery to the site.
Asphalt tile, 3 pieces of size and color specified.
Rubber tile base, 3 pieces of size and color specified.
Primer, one quart.
Adhesive, cut-back and waterproof, one quart each type
Wax, one pint.
CLEANING AND WAXING: Floor olid base tiles shall be thoroughly
cleaned of all cement spot* dirt, and other soiling and shall be left in
a condition satisfactori-for waxing. Spots shall be removed by reeans of a
putty knife and steel wool, Or by a cloth moistened with a neutral soap of
a type approved by the manufacturer of the tiles. The use of solvents and
wet mopping and: washing ia.prohibited. Two coat of wax shall be applied
at the time designated by the Contracting Officer and ea(th coat shall be
polished with mechanical or hand buffer,'
9. PROTECTION: After cleaning, floor and base tiles shall be
properly protected until acceptance by a covering of heavy paper, and by
board walks in all areas where damage to the floor may occur because of
subsequent building operations, and shall be closed to all traffic until
adhesive has fully set.
Sanitized - Approved For Release-`?dIA-RDP61-00763A000300090049-0
Sanitized - ApprovetlPfor Release : CIA-RDP61-00764A000300090049-0
,11-01. SCOPE: The work covered by this part of the specifi-
cations, consists in furnishing all plant, labor, equipment, ap-
pliances, and materials, and in performing all operations in con-
nection with the installation of glass, complete, in strict ac-
cordance with this part of the .specifications and the applicable
drawings, and subject to the terms and conditions of the contract.
-02. APPLICABLE SPECIFICATIONS: The following specifications
form a part of these specifications and shall be the latest issue in
effect on date of invitation for bids. Materials used under this
part of the specifications shall meet the requirements of the follow-
ing U.S. Federal Specifications and equivalent Japanese Industrial
Standards and in each case that specification requiring the higher
stanuard of quality, performance and safety shall apply.
Glass, flat
Putty, oil
l-03. GENERAL: The sizes of glass indicated on drawings are
only approximate and the actual sizes will be determined by accurate
measurement of the frames. Each pane of glass will be factory labeled.
Glazed panels in exterior doors will be wire glass unlesd otherwise
shown in the drawings.
a. Clear window glass shall
minimum thickneSsos for corresponding m
Min. Thickness
, (Inches)
:be supplied in the following
aximum pane sizes:
: Max. Area of Pane
(Square feetl__
b. Wire glass, type IIIa shall be 1/4" thick, either'
clear and polished both side or figured and smooth one side, as Selected
by the Contracting Officer, the wire used shall be in the form of
twisted hexagonal mesh with openings about 1-1/4" x 7/8" of wire'
diameter not less than 0.02".
c. Putty for wood sash and back putty for doors and fixed
glass, shall be white-lead-whiting in a vehicle of boiled linseed oil
containing a liquid oil drier of not more than 10 percent.
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Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00764A000300090049-0
d. Glazing points shall be 0.035 inch thick galvanized
iron placed approximately 9 inches on center, not less than 3 to a side.
_1-05. SATIPLES: Samples of 011 types of size 10" x 12" shall be
submitted to the Contracting Officer for inspection and approval prior
to purchase and delivery of material to the site.
J-06. PRIMINg: Before glazing, sash rabbets and glazing beads
will oe primed with linseed oil, or a thin mixture of linseed oil and
lead, or with zinc base oil paint. Putty will not be primed for painting
and will be thoroughly dry before painting.
U-07. INSTALLATIOL: All glass shall be accurately cut to fit
the space glazed. Glass shn11 be set Carefully without springing or
forcing and shall be secured as detailed or specified.
a. Clear glass in sliding sash shall be installed from
the outside with putty secured with glazing points. Bed and back-
puttying shnll be solidly packed, free from voids and shall be cut true
and straight.
b. 1110._glau in exterior doors shall be installed from
the outside with metal beads screwed, interior door the same.
1-08. ACCEPTANCE: Glass shall be protected against damage. After
inspection, labels and paint smears and spots shall be removed from the
glass. Damaged or broken glass shall be removed and replaced before
acceptance at no expense to the Government.
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Sanitized - Approvtd For Release : CIA-RDP61-00700A000300090049-0
12-01, SCOPE: The work covered by this section of Specifications
consists in furnishing all plant, labor, equipment, appliances, and
materials, and in performing all operations in connection with pro-
tective painting on metals, complete, in strict accordance, with this
section of the specifications and the applicable drawings, and subjeot.
to the terms and conditions of the contract.
12-02. APPLICABLE SPECIFICATIONS: The following specifications
form a part of this specification:
JIS K-5620 Method of Test for Rust-Inhibiting Paint
JIS K-5622 Paint, Lead-Base; Linseed-Oil, 'Ready-Mixed
12-03. GENERAL: Unless otherwise specified, all exterior and
interior ferrous metal except reinforcing steel, bblts, rough hardware,
and metals with non-ferrous coatings shall be given a shop coat of
protective paint. Paint shall conform to the requirements of paragraph
12-C below or subject to the approval of the Contracting Officer, may
be alpaked-on shop coat of rust-inhibiting paint of a type standard
with the manufacturer, provided such coat has proved performance
characteristics at least equal to those of the materials specified
12-04. NAMRIALS: Paint for exterior and interior metal shall
conform to the requirements of JIS K-5620 and K-5622. They shall be
the best products of Nippon Paint Company, Ltd., or approved equal.
12-05. APPLICATION: Surfaces to be painted shall be thoroughly
cleaned of scale, dirt, and rust by the use of steel scrapers, wire
brushes, sand blast, or other equally suitable tools or methods. Oil
and grease shall be removed with benzine or other suitable solvent.
Paint shall be kept well stirred while it is being applied. No paint
shall be used after it has caked or hardened- Paint shall be well
worked into all joints and corners. Paint shall not be applied to
damp surfaces not when the temperature is below 40 degrees F.
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00763A000300090049-0
Sanitized - Approvet1 For Release : CIA-RDP61-00746A000300090049-0
J-01. SCOPE: The work covered by this part of the specifications
consists in furnishing all plant, labor, equipment, appliances, and ma-
terials, and in performing all operations in connection with the paint-
ing and finishing, painting of mechanical equipment in unfinished spaces
complete, in strict accordance with this part of the-Specifications and
the applicable drawings, and subject to the terms and conditions of the
a. Glass and Mirrors
b. Plumbing Fixtures
c. Galvanized Piping or Sheet Metal Work Concealed in
J. Hardware or Other Trim Which has a Bronze or Plated
Metal Finish
a. The specifications noted below form a part of this
specification and shall be the latest issue in effect on date of invi-
tation for bids. Materials used under this part of the specifications
shall meet the requirements of the following U.S. Federal Specifi-
cations and equivalent Japanese Industrial Standards and in each case
that specification requiring the higher standard of quality, per-
formance and safety shall apply.
b. Outline
ties, AFM 88-15, dated 1
TT-E- 506b
Specifications for Standard Air Force Facili-
November 1954.
K5453, 5463
K5620, 5621
Varnish, asphalt
Paint, cement-water
Paint, black
Paint, oil, exterior .
Paint, enamel, interior
Paint, enamel, interior
Paint, primer, exterior wood
Paint, primer,
.Paint, primer,
Paint, primer,
Paint, primer,
zine coated
Varnish, spar
interior wood,
ferrous metals
ferrous metals
metal, zinc or
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00763A000300090049-0
Sanitized - ApproVeid For Release : CIA-RDP61-0074ZA000300090049-0
U.S.F.S. J.I.S. Material
TT-B-251a Remover, paint & varnish
TT-S-176a K5534 Sealer, synthetic resin
TT-F-336a K5533 Filler, wood
TT-P-381 K5101-5214 Pigments-in-oil
TT-B-651a Drier, liquid
TT-0-_;56 Oil, flatting & mixing
TT-0-364 K5420, 5421 Oil, linseed, boiled
TT-0-369 Oil, linseed, raw
TT-T-291a Thinner, oil paint
TT-T-306 K5571, 5572 Thinner, synthetic enamel
TT-T-801 Turpentine
TT-W-251b K5103 White lead
TT-Z-301 K1411 Zinc oxide
TT-R-191a K1409 Red lead
TT-S-271a Shellac
c. Paint described below shall satisfy the following
conditions in additionto General Conditons:
(1) Rubber based p...4.4.nt, shall be certified to contain
at least 50% of the vehicle solid as rubber, and be applicalbe to one
day old paster and seven day old concrete with satisfactory adhesion.
within 48 hours after application, shall withstand scrubbing test con-
sisting of 300 fiber brush passes without appreciable change of color,
texture or loss of adhesion. Withstand 2% caustic solution and 26
acetic acid solution, contain no turpentine nor other ingredients
harmful to food and contain no ingredient upon which bacteria can
feed. Film when dry and applied directly on the flame of a bunsen
burner will not itself ignite.
-04. MATERIALS: Painting material shall be equivalent to the
best product of the Nippon Paint, Kansai Paint, or Dai-Nippon Toryo Co.,
Ltd. All materials shall be delivered to the job site in the manufacturer's
original sealed containers identifying the brand name and number, and
shall be stored as directed until they are necessary for use. The
contractor shall submit a color chart from which the Contracting
Officer of Construction can select the desired colors. All painting
materials shall be mixed at the factory to conform to Federal Specifica-
tion Standard Color Charts to obtain the color approved by the Contracting
Officer of Construction.
?05. GENERAL CONDITIONS: Paint shall be well ground and
capable of being readily mixed to a smooth consistency with good
brushing and covering properties. Color pigments shall be pure, non-
fading, and finely ground. All paints shall contain an effective
amount of fungicidal and mildew-proofing agent which shall prevent
Sanitized - Approved For Relea2se : CIA-RDP61-00763A000300090049-0
Sanitized - Approftd For Release : CIA-RDP61-007e6A000300090049-0
paint from showing a mold growth, when tested in a manner equivalent
to that described for mildew resistance in U. S. Federal Specification
No. TT-P-18. Color pigments shall be pure, non-fading, and finely
ground; and in addition, where surfaces require, shall he lime-proof.
Cr6. SAMPLES AND TESTS: Samples of each type of paint, and
each color proposed for use shall be submitted to the Contracting
Officer for approval prior to application. Samples shall consist of
one pint of each kind of paint and three displays of each type and
color of paint, applied to wood strips two inches by six inches.
In addition, when so directed by the Contracting Officer, contractor
shall submit authenticated reports of tests of such material proposed
for use as designated by Contracting Officer. Tests shall be in
accordance with U. S. Federal Specification No. TT-P-141b.
a. Exterior Primer Paint. Ready mixed primer paint for
use on exterior wood surfaces will be composed of the following in-
(1) Pigment Approx. % by Weight
White Lead 50
Titanium dioxide 10
Barium sulphate 40
(2) Vehicle Approx. % by Weight
Raw linseed oil 30
Boiler linseed oil 25
Resin 3
Thinner and drier 42
b. Exterior Oil Paint. Experior oil paint will be con-
posed of the following ingredients.
(i) Paint Apox. % by Weight
Non fading mineral
(2) Vehicle Approx. % by Weight
Linseed oil 80
Varnish 10
Drier 10
c. Interior Oil Paint. Interior oil paint, for walls
in Toilet Room and Office will be semi-gloss enamel and will be com-
posed of approximately 60 percent non-fading mineral pigment and 40
Sanitized - Approved For Releass3 CIA-RDP61-00763A000300090049-0
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00743A000300090049-0
percent non-volatile vehicle. If necessary the paint will be thinned
to brushing consistency with mineral spirit thinner, using not more
than one pint per gallon of paint. The primer coat on wood will
consist of interior paint thinned with one pint of raw linseed oil
per gallon of paint.
d. Cement - water paint. Cement water paint shall con-
tain no organic binder. It shall be as manufactured by Kowa Kagaku
K.K. Yasuda Sangyo Co., Ltd., or approved equal, and shall be composed
of the following ingredients.
Approx. 21. by weight
White portland .:ement
Hydrated lime
Water repellant (stearate)
Hygroscopic salts
a. General. Except as therewise specified, all surfaces
to be painted shall be clean, smooth, dry and free from dust, grit and
frost. All work shall be done in a workmanlike manner, leaving the
finished surfaces free from drops, rigges, waves, laps, and brush marks.
Paint shall be applied under dry and dust-free conditions and, unless
otherwise approved by the Contracting Officer, shall not be applied
when the temperature is below 50?F, nor when a temperature drop of
20?F., or more is forcast nor when the temperature is over 90?F. All
primer and intermediate coats of paint Shall be unscarred and com-
pletely, integral at the time of application of each succeeding coat.
Each coat of paint shall have a slight variation of color to dis-
tinguish it from the preceding coat. Sufficient time shall be allowed
between coats to insure proper drying. Paints shall be thoroughly
stirred and kept at a uniform consistency during application and
shall not be thinned in excess of the printed directions of the
manufacturer. Paint containers shall not be opened until required
for use. Paint may be applied by the spray method except during cold
bather or when in the opinion of the Contracting Officer, spraying
in any particular application would produce unsatisfactory results.
Floors and other adjacent work shall be properly protected by drop
cloths or other coverings.
b. Metalwork. Shop-primed metalwork shall be kept clean
and free from corrosion following the installation. Abraded surfaces
shall be retouched prior to finish painting, using the same type of
paint as the priming coat.
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Sanitized - Approvet1 For Release : CIA-RDP61-00748A000300090049-0
c. Woodwork. All millwork and all other woodwork, where
required, shall be sandpapered before application of the primer. Small,
dry, seasoned knots shall be thoroughly cleaned and scraped, and shall
be given a thin coat of orange shellac varnish before the priming coat
is applied. Large, open, unseasoned knots and all beads or streaks of
pitch shall be heated by a blowtorch and then scraped off, or if the
pitch is still soft, it shall be removed with mineral spirits or
denatured alcohol. Resulting voids, if any, shall be filled with putty.
Nails shall be set. Painting shall proceed only when, in the opinion
of the Contracting Officer, the wood is satisfactorily dry.
(1) Priming. All millwork specified to be painted
shall be primed on all sides before installation, with particular
attention being given to the sealing of cross-grained surfaces.
Woodwork other than millwork shall be primed on exposed surfaces only.
(2) Puttying. After the priming coat has been
applied nail holes, cracks, and other depressions shall be filled flush
with putty, colored to match the finish coat and sandpapered smooth. '
Putty shall be dry before subsequent painting.
d. Concrete surfaces to be painted shall be prepared by
removing all dirt, dust, oil and grease stains, and efflorescence, and
by roughening, when necessary, to provide good adhesion for the paint.
The method of surface preparation shall be left to the discretion of
the contractor, provided the results are satisfactory to the
Contracting Officer.
a. General. All painting materials shall be throughly
stirred or agitated until the ingredients are completely intermixed.
Commencement of painting on any surfaces will be construed as con-
tractor's acceptance of surface as ready for painting. Painting on
surfaces, unless specified otherwise, shall be 3-calt work, including
priming coat. Shop coat, if specified under other sections of these
specifications, shall be considered one coat, except for exterior
woodwork. Successive coats shall be of slightly different shade to
facilitate coverage and inspection.
Exterior millwork shall be primed at mill. Exterior
trim and finish woodwork shall be back painted before erection and
primed as soon as practicable after erection. All edges, tops and
bottoms of doors to be painted shall be painted after necessary
fitting is done.
Finished surfaces shall be uniform in gloss, finish
and color, and free from laps, brush marks, runs, blisters, cracks and
i - 5
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open joints. Surfaces which do not comply with requirements as to
gloss, color, sufficient hiding power, general appearance, relative
freedom from brush marks and other objectionable characteristics (in the
opinion of the Contracting Officer) shall be repainted by the contractor
at his expense as directed by the Contracting Officer.
Hardware, lighting fixtures, switch and receptacle
plates, and all similar items shall be removed wherever practicable
before painting and replaced after completion of painting. Those items
which must remain in place shall be adequately protected during painting
operations. Equipment adjacent to surfaces which are to be painted
shall be disconnected and moved, if necessary, to provide sufficient
room to complete all painting as specified, and shall be replaced upon
completion of painting. Removal and replacement of fixtures and equip-
ment shall be done by trades responsible for their installation.
Prop cloths and protective coverings shall be provided
to protect floors and work of other trades during painting operations.
Paint shall not be left on hardware or other unpainted surfaces, and
surfaces on which unauthorized or misplaced paint has been applied shall
be cleaned and refinished at contractor's expense.
in Plywood. Surfaces shall be clean, dry and smooth with
joints well-filled and sanded smooth.
a. Woodwork (Exterior oil paint) Exterior woodwork shall
be painted one coat of exterior-primer paint and two coats of exterior
oil paint. Exterior woodwork shall include all millwork, frames, doors,
sash and similar work. Runs of window frames and edges of sliding sash
shall be treated with raw linseed oil. Top and bottom edges of doors,
screens, and sash, after fitting, shall be given two coats of spar
b. Metalwork (Ferrous) - (Red lead and oil paint)
(1) Prime coat. Red lead or iron exide.
(2) -Body coat. Red lead tinted with lamp black if
red lead primer used. Iron oxide if iron oxide primer used.
( -3 )
Finish coat. Exterior oil paint, color as
c. Metalwork (Galvanized) (Zinc oxide and oil paint in
case required)
Prime coat. Zinc dust-zinc oxide primer.
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(2) Body and finish coats. Exterior oil paint, color
of finish coat as directed.
a. Woodwork (Semi-gloss enamel)
(1) Prime coat. Primer-sealer brushed and cross
brushed over all surfaces.
(2) Second and third coats. Semi-gloss enamel; color
of finish coat as scheduled. Primer and second coat lightly sanded and
surface dusted before succeeding coats.
b. Woodwork (High gloss enamel)
(1) Prime coat. Primer-sealer brushed and cross
brushed over all surfaces.
(2) Second coat. Semi-gloss enamel.
(3) Third coat. Gloss enamel, color as directed.
Prime and second coats lightly sanded and surface dusted before succeed-
ing coats.
Plywood (Semi-gloss oil paint)
(1) Primer-sealer brushed and cross-brushed over all
(2) Second and third coats.
TWO coats semi-gloss oil paint except that at
utility and service areas.
d. Concrete, interior. Two coats of rubber base paint.
e. Buried piping. All steel piping and all exposed threads
of galvanized piping, where run in or through concrete, or buried under-
ground, shall be given one coat of an approved asphalt varnish.
f. Pipe covering where shown will be given a heavy coat of
glue size, followed by two coats size and to each coat of paint a suf-
ficient amount of a fungicidal agent to render the fabric mildew proof.
The fungicidal agent shall be of a type which will not adversely affect
the color, texture, or durability of the paint. Color to be as directed
by the Contracting Officer.
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a. Preparation and application. All rust, dirt, scale,
grease and other foreign matter shall be removed and surfaces shall be
dry. All specified tests and welding inspection shall have been per-
formed and accepted by the Contracting Officer. All piping and
equipment shall be in place with attachments.
b. Surfaces to be painted. All interior exposed ferrous
pipe and conduit, fittings and fasteners, pipe covering shall be
painted to match adjoining wall or ceiling surfaces, except that at
mechanical rooms these ?items need not be painted. All equipment which
does not have a complete factory-finish and Which is specified to
receive a prime coat in Mechanical and Electrical Specifications, shall
receive 2 coats of oil paint in an Air Force gray color or as otherwise
directed by the Contracting Officer.
1 -13. CLEANING: All cloths and cotton waste which might con-
stitut, a fire hazard shall be placed in metal containers or destroyed
at the end of each work day. Upon completion of the work, all staging,
scaffolding, and containers shall be removed from the site or de-
stroyed in a manner approved by the Contracting Officer. Paint spots,
oil, or stains upon adjacent surfaces shall be removed and the entire
job left clean and acceptable to the Contracting Officer.
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Sanitized - ApproVed For Release : CIA-RDP61-00706A000300090049-0
14-01. SCOPE: The work covered by this part of the specifications
consists in furnishing at the site, all Builder's Hardware, complete, in
strict accordance with this part of the specifications and the applicable
drawings, and subject to the terms and conditions of the contract.
14-02. APPLICABLE SPECIFICATIONS: The specifications noted below
form a part of this specification and shall be the latest issue in effect
on date of invitation for bids. Materials used under this part of the
specifications shall meet the requirements of the following U.S. Federal
Specifications and equivalent Japanese IndustriallStandards and in each
case that specification requiring the higher standard of quality, per-
formance and safety shall apply. Precedence of J.I.S. Standards and
indigenous materials shall obtain, subject to the approval of the
Contracting Officer.
J.I.S. Material
FF-H-116b A-5501-2-10
14-03. DOORS:
a. Butts.
Locks and lock trim
Shelf and miscellaneous
-11 Hinges
(1) Interior doors. Full-mortised brass-plated steel
with loose-pin, button-tips, and self-lubricating bearings, in numbers,
sizes and minimum thicknesses as noted in table below.
(a) Door Height (inches) Butts Required
60 - 90
90 - 120
(b) Door Thickness
1-1/4 to 1-1/2
Door Width
36 or less
36 or less
over 36
Butt Size
4 x 4 x 0.132
4i x 41 x 0.134
5 x 5 x 0.146
b. Locks and latches: All locks and latches shall have
bevelled fronts; strikes and bolts standardized to a single mortising
pattern for interchangeability with 2-1/2 inches, backset. Cylinder
looks shall have armored fronts, not less than 5 pin tumblers and change
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00763A000300090049-0
Sanitized - ApproVell For Release : CIA-RDP61-0071N3A000300090049-0
number and set symbol stamped thereon in a concealed location. Case may
be cast iron; all other parts, non-ferrous. donstruction, in general,
shall conform to U.S.F.S. Series 86 for doors 10.3/4 inches thick and
heavier, except that types similar to Series 160 shall be acceptable
provided the specifications teet the approval of the Contracting Officer.
c. Door holders shall be cast bronze case; steel catch plate
and steel or malleable iron Plunger rod with rubber tip. Steel parts
plated; rubber tip replaceable. Size approximately 7 inches overall
height, minimum throw of plunger, I inch.'
d. Chain and footbolts.
(1) At interior doors - 4" wrought steel? brass plated,
round or square case.
Length of Bolt
Minimum Thickness
of Plate (inches)
e. Coat hooks shall be cast bronze With 3 inch projection,
bent upper prong, 2 screws.
a. Pulls. Plated wrought steel, approximately 1-3/4" x 39
flush sash lift type with beveled edges, square outside corners, side
screw holes, surfaces smooth and free from sharp or rought edges.
b. Fasteners. Cast or wrought bronze screw bolts of approved
c. Sheaves & track. For sliding sash shall be furnished in
brass for bottom of sash application.
ponding sheaves.
Weight of Sash
Size of Sheave Size of Track
(diam. inches) (inches)
7/32 x 8/32
8/32 x 9/32
9/32 x 10/32
Track shall be rounded bar type, to fit for dorres-
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00763A000300090049-0
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00762,A000300090049-0
al,. Doors.
1 (1) Butts. Top hinge, 5 inches from jamb head to top
of barrel; bottom hinge 10 inches from finish floor to bottom of barrel;
other hingesNquidistant between top and bottom hinges.
, (2) Locks, latches and strikes. Center of knobs 43
inches above finish floor, strikes perfectly matched to boltsi
above finish floor.
(3) Door pulls. Middle of grip 45"
b. Windows.
(1) ,Sash pulls. At tenter of side stiles.
(2) 'Fasteners. At center of meeting stiles.:
- -106. KEYS AND!KEYING: Two keys shall be provided for each lock;
locks shall be master-keyed and grand-master-keyed, and tagged, as di-
rected by the Contracting Officer.
L4-07. PATTERNS AND FINISHES: All finish hardware items shall be
furnished in plain patterns. Brass finish items shall be furnished in
bright polished brass, clear lacquer coated.
14-08. SAMPLES: Samples of all litems of finish hardware shall be
submitted for the approval of the Contracting Officer.
14-09. CONTRACTORS HARDWARE SCHEDULE: Subsequent to the approval
of sampleseand prior to the delivery of finish hardware, the contractor
shall prepare and submit to the Contracting Officer, four (4) copies of
a complete schedule of all finish hardware necessary to the completion.
Type numbers described in the specification are mentioned in United States
Federal Specification. Those items of Japanese manufacture which conform
to the above will be approved by the Contracting Officer.
,4-10. PACKAGING AND MARKING: Each item of hardware, complete with
necessary screws, keys, instructipns and installation templete shall be
packaged separately in individual containers. Each container shall be
marked with item number corresponding to number shown on Contractor's
Hardware Schedule.
NOTES: 1. Hardware in any one room or space shall be consistent in
2. Screws and other fastenings shall be of the proper types and
materials of the same finish as the related hardware.
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Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-007faA000300090049-0
3. Wherever this specification calls for cast or wrough bronze,
cast or wrought brass may be used in lieu thereof.
4. It is the contractor's option to furnish hardware items
specified as ?Steel, Brass Plated" to furnish those items
in brass.
L.',11. REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT: All existing hardware which does
not function properly shall be repaired or replaced with new hardware
as directed by the Contracting Officer. New hardware shall match the
existing hardware as to type, material and finish.
14-12. HARDWARE SCHEDULE: Door targets on drawings under cross
line indicate hardware set numbers which designate hardware set for
that door.
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4
f7,et #5
Butts - 3 pairs, exterior type
Chain and foot bolt - 1 ea - type- 1201A & B
Lockset 86A-4
Door closer - 1, type 3000, size III .
Door holders - 2, type 1149
Butts - 3 pairs, interior type
Chain and foot bolt - 1 ea - type 1201A & B
Lockset 86D-4
Door closer - 1, type 3000, size III
Door holders - 2, type 1156
Butts ?.3 pairs, interior type
Chain and foot bolt - 1 ea - type 1201A & B
Lockset 86M-4
Door closer - 1, type 3000, size III
Door holders - 2, type 1156
9utts ? 3 pairs, exterior type
Chain and foot bolt - 1 ea -type 12011 & B
Lock - type 192A
Friction catch - 1, type 1070
Door pulls - 4, type 1275
Door holders - 2, typo 1149
Butts - 3, interior type
Lockset 85D-4
Door closer - 1, type 3000, size III
Door holder - I, type 1156 ?
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00763A000300090049-0
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00763A000300090049-0
At ff7
Butts - 3, interior type
Lockset 86M-4
Door closer - 1, type 3000, size III
Door holder - 1, type 1156
Butts - 3, interior type
Latchset 86N-4 II
Dnor closer - 1, type 3000, size IT
Door holder - 1, type 1156
Get #8 Butts - 3, interior type
Lockset 86J-4
Door holder - 1, type 1156
Type numbers described above are mentioned in U.S. Federal Specification.
Those items of Japanese manufacture which conform to the above will be
approved by. the Contracting Officer.
Sanitized - Approyed For Release : CIA-RDP61-00763A000300090049-0
Sanitized - Approvce For Release : CIA-RDP61-00764000300090049-0
GEN4RAL REQUIREMENTS: The work covered by this section
consists in furnishing all labor, appliances and materials, and in
performing all operations in connection with plumbing, including the
replacement of all cold and hot water piping and all changes affected
by raising the floor levels, complete, in.strict accordance with this
section of the specifications and the applicable drawings.
_ ?02. MATERIALS AND ERUIPMENT: All materials and equipment
shall be of Japanese products wherever possible, and shall comply to
applicble Japanese Industrial Standards (JIS) or Japanese.Engineering
Standards (JES) if in the scope thereof. Material and equipment
complying to JIS shall carry the JIS approved markings and shall be of
products of reputable JIS approved manufacturers.
a. All Cast-Iron Soil Pipe and Fittings shall meet all
requirement of the Japanese Society of Sanitary Engineers. All pipe
and fittings shall be of standard weight and shall be coated with
coal tar.
b. Steel Pipe. Steel pipe standard weight, seamless
galvanized pipe and shall comply with the requirements of JIS G-3427.
c. Fittings.
(1) Drainage Fittings. Cast-iron screwed or hub
drainage fittings shall be coated, made of high-grade commercial,
grey cast-iron.
(2) Malleable Iron Fittings. Malleable iron screwed
fittings shall be 250 psi (175 kg/cm), class, galvanized of commercial
grade malleable iron, heat treated so as to be strong, tough and of
even grain. These fittings shall comply with the requirements of
JIS B-2311.
(3) Nip0.es shall be of the same materials and
class as the pipe system in which they are used.
(4) Unions shall be malleable iron galvanized with a
high type Frount joint.
(5) Pipe flanges. Pipe flanges shall be cast iron
or cast steel, galv&nized with true faces.
(6) Gaskets. Flange gaskets shall be the best
quality asbestos, fiber, plastic or leather.
Sanitized - Approved For Realise : CIA-RDP61-00763A000300090049-0
Sanitized - ApprovetWor Release : CIA-RDP61-00769A000300090049-0
do Calking Lead. Calking lead shall be processed pig
lead, and shall conform to the requirements of JIS H-2105.
e. Twisted Jute Packing. Twisted jute packing shall
conform to the reeuirements of JES specifications. Type II (tarred)
shall be used for calking cast-iron soil, or concrete pipe when joints
are sealed with with lead or cement-mortar.
f. InsuJ?ion. Insulrtion shall be wool-felt, antisweat
type, not less than 3/4 inch in thickness, sectional removable type,
lined with asphalt-saturated asbestos paper and fabricated of either
solid wool.
the floor level, all fixtures shall be disconnected and reinstalled.
This work shall be done by skilled laborers in a workmanlike manner
to the best standard of the trade. All the plumbing fixtures shall
be tightly covered and protected against dirt, water and chemical or
mechanical injury. Pipe openings shall be closed with caps or plugs
during installation. At the Completion of the work, the fixtures, ?
materials and equipment shallbe thoroughly cleaned in a condition satis-
factory to the Contracting Officer.
a. Underground:
(1) Soil waste and drain pipe. All underground
soil, waste and drain pipe to a point at least 6 inches above the
finished floor line shall be cast-iron pipe and fittings. Lead pipe
connections to waste outlet of any fixtures shall be used only where
specifically approved by the Contracting Officer.
(2) Water Service. All underground water service lines
shall be galvanized steel and cast-iron flanges water pipe and fittings.
Pipe larger than 3 inch shall be cast-iron. All underground water
service line 2-1/2 inch and smaller shall be galvanized seamless steel
pipe with malleable iron threaded fittings.
b. Aboveground.
(1) iSoil, Waste. Drain and Vent Piping. All above
ground soil, waste, and drain piping shall be load or galvanized steel
pipe as required. All vent pipes shall be lead or galvanized steel pipe
as fittings except that for dry vents malleable-iron pipe fittings may.
be used.
(2) Water Piping. All water distribution piping shall
be galvanized seamless steel pipe. All pipe fittings shall be malleab4e
iron galvanized.
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Sanitized - ApprovetWor Release : CIA-RDP61-0076M000300090049-0
a. Joints.
(1) Cast-Aron Pine, Joints in bell-and-spigot, cast-
iron soil, waste, and vent pipes, .or between cast-iron soil, waste,
and vent pipes and threaded pipe or calking ferrules, shall firmly
packed with oakum or hemp and calked with lead at least one inch deep.
(2) Thrsged Pipe. Threaded joints shall have
proper taper screw threads in accordance with JES specifications, with
graphite and oil compound applied to the male thread. Connections
between threaded pipe and soil pipe shall have a rink or half coupling
screwed on to forma spigot end.
15-06. FLASHINGS: Vent pipes shall be flashed and made watertight
at the roof with a galvanized No. 26 gage (0.0179 inch in thickness)
adjustable roof flange. Roof flashing shall be adjustable from flat
to 45 degrees and shall be provided with a clamp to securely fasten
the collar to the vent pipe. flashing shall extend not less than 8 inches
from the vent pipes in all diroctionp.
15417. OR miggit Floor drains shall be made of high-grade,
strong, tough and even-grained metal. Castings shall be free from
blowholes, porpsity, hard spots, excessive shrinkage, cracks or other
Injurious effects. They shall be smooth and well cleaned both inside
and outside, and all fins and roughness shall be removed. Castings
shall not be repaired, plugged, brazed or burned in. The wall thick-s
ness of iron castiigs shall be not less than 1/4 inch. The size of
the drains shall be determined by the branch sizes indicated on the
a.. Installatlop. A gate valve and drain on the service
line shall be. installed inside the building. The piping shall be
extended to all fixtures, outlets, and equipment from the gate valve.
The cold-water system shall be inStalled with a fall toward the shut-
off valve. Outlets shall be capped or plugged as indicated on the
drawings, and left ready for future connections.
(1) WAS. Branches and Apriputs. Pipe shall be
cut accurately to measurements established at the bOilding by the
.contractor and shall be worked into place without 4ringing or forcing.
Care shall be taken not to weaken the structural portions of the buil-
ding. Piping above ground shall be run parallel with the lines of the
building nless otherwise shown or noted on the dragings. Branch pipe
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00763A000300090049-0
Sanitized - ApproverFor Release : CIA-RDP61-00760000300090049-0
from service lines may be taken off top of main, bottom of main, or
side of main using such cross-over fittings as may be required by
structural or installation conditions. Service pipe, valves, and
fittings shall be kept a sufficient distance from other work and
other services to permit not less than 1/2 inch between finished cover-
ing and other work and not less than 1/2 inch between finished cover-
ing on the different services. No water piping shall be buried in
floors unless specifically indicated on drawings or approved. Changes
in pipe sizes shall be made withreducing fittings. The use of long
screws and bushings will not he permitted.
(2) Pipe drains indicated on the drawings shall con-
sist of 1/2 inch globe valves with renewable disks and 3/4-inch hose
nipples. Additional drains shall be installed at low points on the
hot-water piping, and all piping shall grade down to the drains.
(3) Expansion and Contraction of Piping. Allowance
shall be made throughout for expansion and contraction of pipe. Hori-
zontal runs of pipe over 50 feet in length shall be anchored to the
wall or to the supporting construction about midway on the run to force
expansion, evenly divided toward the ends.
b. Joints.
(1) Tlireaded Pipe. After cutting and before thread-
ing, pipe shall be reamed and shall have burs removed. Screws joints
shall be made with graphite or inert filler and oil or with an
approved graphite compound applled to male threads only. Threads
shall be full-cut, and not more than 3 threads on the pipe shall remain
exposed. Callfing of thraded joints to stop or prevent leaks will
not be permitted. Unions shall be provided where required for dis-
connection. Threaded swing joints shall be used for branch connections
to risers and mains.
(2) FltIred. Sweatedt and Brazed Pipe and Tubing.
Tubing shall be cut squares, and burs shall be removed. Both side of
fittings and outside of tubing shall be well cleaned with steel wool
before sweating. Care shall be taken to prevent annealing of fittings
and hard-drawn tubing when making connections. Installation shall be
made by competent workmen in accordance with manufacturer's recommenda-
tions. Mitering of joints for elbows and notching of straight runs
of pipe for tees will not be permitted. Joints for soldered fittings
shall be made with a noncorrosive paste flux and solid string or wire
solder composed of 40 percent tin and 60 percent lead. Cored solder
will not be permitted. Joints for flared-type fittings shall be of the
compression pattern. Brazed joints shall be made 1..ith silver solder.
Threaded swing joints shall be provided on all branch connections to
mains and risers to provide for expansion and contraction d' tubing.
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Sanitized - Approveal For Release : CIA-RDP61-00764A000300090049-0
(3) Sterilization. The entire water-distribution
system shall be throughly sterilized with a solution containing not
less than 50 parts per million of available chlorine. The chlorinating
material shall be either liquid chlorine conforming to U. S. Army
Specification 4-1, or sodium hypochlorite solution conforming to Federal
Specification 0-8-441, grade D, and shall be introduced into the system
in a manner approved by the Contracting Officer. The sterilizing
solution shall be allowed to remain in the system for a period of
8 hours, during which time all valves and faucets shall be opened and
closed several times. After sterilization, the solution shall be flushed
from the system with clean water until the residued chlorine content is
not greater than 0.2 parts per million, unless otherwise directed.
a. Pipe Covering shall be 3/4 inch thick nonconducting
mineral wool as shown on the drawings. Hot-water, hot-water-circulating,
and cold-water piping shall be cleaned and covered after aatisfactory
tests have been completed. Branches to fixtures installed in finished
rooms shall not be covered. Straps shall be placed over the covering
not over 18 inches apart. At e. ch elbow there shall be two and at ,:ach
tee there shall be three bands. Covering shall be neatly finished where
pipe hangers occur. Fittings and valves shall be covered with plastic
material containing not less than 85 percent magnesia or asbestos
finished with a hard smooth surface flush with pipe covering. Where the
fixture branches are exposed and drop from overhead, the covering shall
stop on vertical pipes 6 feet above the floor, and supplies from this
point to fixture shall not be covered. A ceiling plate shall be
installed at point where covering stops. No unions of any kind are
to be covered, and covering shall be neatly terminated on each end of
such unions with plastic material.
and set in proper permanent locations, pipe sleeves, pipe hangers, pipe
supports and fixture supports.
o. Pipe Sleeves. Pipe sleeves shall be installed and
properly secured in place at all points where pipes pass through walls,
floors, pnrtitions and footings. Pipe sleeves, except sleeves in
footing, shall be if sufficient diameter to provide approximately 1/4
inch clearance around the pipe and, in the case of insulated pipe,
approximately 1/4 inch clearance around the insulation. Pipe sleeves
in footings shall be of cast iron or steel pipe and shall be not less
than 2 inches larger in diameter than the pipe to be installed. Pipe
sleeves through walls above grade, floors and partitions shall be of
twenty (20) gage galvanized sheet iron. Sleeves in floors shall extend
not less than one inch nor more than 2 inches above the finish floor and
after installation of the pipe, the space around the pipe hall be
calked with oakum and elastic cement.
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Sanitized - Approvecnor Release : CIA-RDP61-00763*000300090049-0
b. Pipe Hangers. Hang horizontal piping securely with
perforated hangers or strap iron spaced not over 10 feet on centers.
Support all vertical piping passing through floors by friction-type
straps at each floor.
c. Fixture Supports, Where fixtures are supported on
frame walls or partitions, provide ample backing. Use steel screws
for fastening fixtures to wood partitions.
5.11. F;00R4 WALL, AND CEILING PLATES; Uncover exposed pipes,
where passing through floors, finished walls, or finished ceilings,
shall be fitted with chromiumplated or enameled plates. Plates shall
be square, octagonal, or round, with the least dimension not less than
1-1/2 inches larger than the diameter of the pipe. Plates shall be
secured in an approved manner.
15-12. TESTS: All soil waste, vent and water piping shall be
tested by the Contractor and aproved by the Contracting Officer
before acceptance.. All soil or waste pipe located underground shall
be tested before backfilling. All equipment required shall be tested
before backfilling. All eauipment-required for test shall be furni-
shed by the contractor. If inspection or test shows defects, such
defective work or material shall be replaced and inspection and tests
repeated. All repairs to piping shall be made with new materials.
No calking of screwed joint or holes will be acceptable.
15-13. LABORATORY SINKS: Laboratory sinks shall be 16 U. .
Standard Gage-TTW-7EE'e7T7Corrosion resisting steel conforming to
the requirements of Federal Specification QQ-S-766a, Class 7 (type 43()
unless otherwise specified. Tops shall be reinforced with heavy longi-
tudinal steel channels running the entire length of tops, except at
sink openings. Tops and/or drainboards, rims and backs shall be formed
from one sheet of Metal. Drainboards shall pitch toward sink and shall
be sound deadened by approved methods. Intersections where back splash
and return and splash meet dra inboard or top shal be rounded to a 1/4-
inch radius. Thickness of back returned ends shall one inch. All tops
shall have edges, folded down and returned with a total overall thickness
of 1-1/4 inches, EdgeS. Where sink bowls and drainboards meet shall be
rounded to a 3/8-inch radius. All corners of sink bowls shall be
rounded to a 1-3/4 inch radius.
15-14-. COMPRESSED-AIR PIPING: Compressed-air piping shall be
installed as specified for water piping, except that insulation of
piping will not be required. Drip pockets shall b provided at low
points for eliminating moisture and collecting scle. Sharp bends or
e.lbws shall be avoided Where possible to keep friction at a minimum.
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Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00763A000300090049-0
a. Compressed-air piping shall be plain-steel or wrought-
iron, and fittings shall be malleable-iron, for 150 pounds per squares
inch working pressure, except that piping below the first floor shall
be wrought iron with butt welding fittings.
h. Compressed air valves shall be globe valves except that
where plug valves are shown on the drawings the plug valves shall be
cast-iron body, threaded ends suitable for 150 pounds per square inch
working pressure. The plug- shall be brass or iron with an integral.
c. Compressed-air balancing receiver shall be vertical
type, sized as shown on the drawings and shall be complete with inlet,
plusged outlet, valved drain, safety valve, and pressure gage con-
nections and accessories. The receiver shall be stamped for 200
p.s.i?.g. air service and shall be constructed in accordance with the
ASME Code for Unfired Pressure Vessels.
d. C.eanzeeeekmairs_nining under first floor slab, after
being tested and accepted as leakproof, shall.be,wrapped and coated,
(1) Pipe shall be thoroughly cleaned of scale with
scrapers and wire brushes after Which the surfaces shall be cleaned of
grease and oil with napththa.
(2) Priming coat, consisting of coal-tar pitch and
refined coal-tar oils suitably blended to produce a liquid coating which
can be applied cold and which will effect a firm bond between the metal
and the subsequent coating of enamel, shall be applied in accordance with
the manufacturer's instructions and allowed to dry hard to the Alouch.
(3) Enamel coat, consisting of a processed coal-tar
pitch ?combined with an inert mineral filler to produce a waterproof,
adhesive surface, shall be applied hot in strict accordance with the
recommendations of the manufacturer and in a manner to produce a smooth
surface, free from pinholes, honeycomb; ridges, and sags. The coating
shall, be 3/32-inch thick plus or minus 1/32-inch and shall be allowed
to dry sufficiently to avoid distortion from subsequent operations,
(4) A single wrapping of 15 pound asbestos pipe lane
felt shall be applied over the enamel coating in an approved manner to
provide a smOoth, uniform and securely bonded wrapperst.fithout air
pockets or spaces. The felt shall be applied with side laps not less
than one sixteenth the width of the felt used but not less than 1/4-
inch, and with end laps not less than 10 inches. During the Wrapping
operation enamel shall be applied ina manner that will bond thoroughly
the felt to the surface under it. At joints and fittings the wrappers
shall be bonded to the enamel and shall overlap the wrappings oh the
pipe at least 6 inches with all laps cemented carefully with enamel.
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P H. Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00761A000300090049-0
(5) After thorough hardening of the enamel bond and
cementing, the surfaces shall be wrapped.closely with 80 pound kraft
paper which shall be sealed and secured with enamel or an approved
(6) Factory wrapped lengths of pipe will be permitted
provided that the joints are left exposed for testing.
ELECTRICAL WORK: Manual or automatic control and pro-
tective or signal devices required for the operation of the heating
equipment herein specified but not shown on the electrical plans shall
be furnished and installed under this section of the specifications.
Wiring recuired for the operation of the heat'ng equipment but not
indicated On the electrical plans shall be furnished and installed
under this section of the specifications in,accordande with ETRCTRICAL
15-16. PAINTING AND FINISHING Ferrous metal not requring
finish painting, such as pipe supports and unnsulated piping outside
finished rooms,.shall be thoroughly cleaned and given One coat of
asphalt varnish. Unless otherwise specified, ferrous metal specified
to receive finish painting shall be primed as specified in PAINTING:
PROTECTIVE, ON METAL. Pipe covering concealed or installed external
to finished rooms shall be given a &wit of glue sizing and two coats
of lead-and-oil paint in a color selected by the Contracting Officer.
The finish painting of heating units; and piping or pipe covering ex-
posed, in finished rooms is covered under PAINTING.
structions. covering the operation and maintenance of each item of:
equipment shall be posted at locations designated by the Contracting
Officer,. Upon completion of the work, and at a time designated by
the Contracting Officer, the services of a competent engineer Shall.
be provided for a period of not less than 1 day to instruct a repre-
sentative of the Government inthe operation and maintenance of the
heating system.
a. Tests for plumbing systems.- Soil, waste, vent, com-
pressed air and water piping shall be tested by the contractor and
approved by the Contracting Officer before acceptance. All piping
located underground shall be tested before backfilling and/or wrapping.
Equipment required for tests shall be furnished by the contractor.
) Drainage system.
(a) Water test. The entire drainage and
venting system shall have necessary openings plugged to permit the
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entire system to he filled with water to the level of the highest vent
stack above the roof. The system shall hold this water for 30 minutes
without showing a drop greater than 4 inches. Where a portion of the
eestem is to be tested, the test shall be conducted in the same manner
as described for the entire system, except that a vertical stack 10
feet above the highest horizontal line to.beested may be installed
and filled With water to mantain sufficient pressure, or a pump may
be used to supply the reeeired pressure. .The pressure shall be
maintained for 30 minutes.
(b) Air test. If tests are made With air, a
pressure of not less than 5 pounds per square inch shall be applied
with a force pump and maintained at least 15 minutes without leakage.
A mercury-coluem gage shall be used in making, the air tests.
(c) Final test. The final test of the Completed
drainage and vent system may be either a smoke or peppermint test. ? .
Where the smoke test is employed, the smoke shall be produced by a
smoke machine and a pressure equal to 1-inch water column shall be
maintained for 15 minutes before starting inspection. Where the
peppermint test is preferred, 2 ounces shall be introduced -into each
line or stack.. Defects discovered shall be eliminated bY resetting
the fixtures and equipment with new gaskets.
(2) Water system. Upon completion Of the roughing-
in and beofre setting fixtures, tjhe entire hot-and-cold-water piping
systems shall be tested at a hydrestatic pressure of not less than
100 pounds per square :inch gage, 61-id proved tight at this pressure
for not less than 30 minutes in order to permit the inspectipn-of all
joints. Where a portion of the Water piping system is to be con-
cealed before completion, this portion shall be tested separately in
the same manner as described for the entire system.
(3) Compressed-air system. -Compressed-air piping
shall be tested at a minimum air pressure of 225 pounds per square
inch and proved. tight ,at this pressure for a length of time that will
permit inspection of 411 joints.
(4) Defective work. If inspection or test shows
defects, such defective work or material shall be replaced and in-
spection and tests repeated. Repairs to piping shall be made with new
material. No calking of screwed joints orholes will. be acceptable.
(5) Cleaning and adjusti4g. At the completion of the
Work, all parts of the installation shall be thoroughly cleaned. Equip-
ment, pipe, valves, and fittings shall be cleaned of grease and metal
cuttings, and sludge which may have accumulated by operation of the
system for testing. Any stoppage of discoloration of other damage to
parts of the building, its finish, or furnishings, due to the con-
tractor without cost to the Government. At the completion of the work,
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the hot-water system shall be adjusted for uniform circulation. Flush
valves and other barts of the work shall be adjusted for quiet operation.
Automatic control devices shall be adjusted for proper operation.-
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Sanitized - Approvetl.for Release : CIA-RDP61-007624000300090049-0
16-01. SCOPE: The work covered by this section of the specifi-
cations consists of furnishing all labor, equipment, and materials and
in performing all operations in connection with the installation of the
Steam Heating System, complete, in strict accordance with this part of
these specifications and the applicable drawings, and subject to the
terms and conditions of the contract.
16-02. GENERAL: The contract drawings indicate the extent and
general arrangement of the heating system. If any departures from
the contract drawings are.deemed necessary by the contractor details
of such departures and the reasons therefor shall be submitted as soon
as practicable to the Contracting Officer for approval. No such de-
partures shall be made without the prior written approval of the
Contracting Officer.
1-03. MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT: The following materials and
equipment shall conform to the respective specifications and other
requirements specified below:
Asphalt varnish. Asphalt varnish shall be composed_
of native asphalt or asphaltics, fluxed and blended with drying oils,
and thinned with solvents and necessary driers. Asphalt varnish shall
conform to the requirements of JIS K-5449, Class A.
b. Pipe. All heating system piping shall be seamless
steel pipe of the standard weight and shall Conform to the requirements
of JIS G-3421.
C, P:ne
.class, black,
of JI3 B-230).
drawings shall
(1) Malleable iron fittings. They shall be 10 kg/cm2
commercial grade and shall conform to the requirements
(2) Flanges. Flanges of the design called for on the
conform to the applicable JIS requirements.
(3) Nipples. Nipples shall be seamless steel pipe and
shall conform to the requirements of JIS B-2301.
(4) Unions. Unions shall be of the class and type to
. meet the pressure requirements and shall conform to the requirements of
JIS B-2301,
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d. Valves.
(1) Gate valves, threaded. They shall be all
bronze conforming to the requirements of JIS R-2023.
(2) Globe,valves, threaded. They shall be all
bronze conforming to the requirements of JIS B-2021.
(3) Check valves. They shall be all bronze con-
forming to the requirements of JIS B-2025.
e. Gaskets. Gaskets shall be made of asbestos packing
of the type and thickness (1/16 Inch minimum thickness) suitable for
the service intended as shown on the drawings. They shall conform to
the requirements of applicable JIS.
f. Mechanical equipment. Major items of mechanical
equipment shall be of the best quality normally used for the purpose
in good commercial practice and shall be the products of reputable
manufacturers. Each major component of equipment shall have the manu-
facturer's name, address, and calatog number on a name plate securely
affixed in a conspicuous place. The name plate of a distribution
agent only will not be acceptable. Belts, pulleys, chains, gears,
couplings, projecting set screws, keys, and other rotating parts lo-
cated so that any person may come in close proximity thereto shall be,
fully enclosed or properly guarded.
g. Electrical materials_enl_appilances. ELECTRICAL
WORK, INTERIOR of these specifications.
'A-04. WQRKMANSHIP: Equipment shall be installed in accordance
with the recommendations of the manufacturer and the best standard
practice for this type of work.
16-05. PRESSURE GAGES: Pressure Gages of an approved Bourdon
Spring type shall be installed as indicated on the drawings. Gages
shall be installed in such manner as to be accessible and easily read.
Gage dials shall be set in iron cases with baked-enamel finish. Gages
shall be equipped with integral or separate siphons, and shall be con-
nected by brass pipe and fittings with shut-off cocks. The gages
shall have a minimum dial diameter of 4-1/2 inches and a pressure range
of 0 to 1040, psig.
16-06i. WET! VALVES: Suitable pop safety valves shall be
installed in the isteam lines at the locations as indicated on the
drawings. they shall be set to open automatically and relieve steam
at the pressure as specified. All the safety valves shall conform to
the requirements of applIcable JIS.
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A ,
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16-07. PIPING: Pipes shall be cut accurately to measurements
established at the building, and shall be worked into place without
springing or forcing properly clearing all windows, doors, and other
openings. Excessive cutting or other weakening of the building
structure to facilitate piping installation will not be permitted.
Pipe shall have burs removed by reaming. Changes in direction shall
be made with fittings, except that bending of pipe will be permitted,
provided a hydraulic pipe bender is used. Rent pipe showing kinks,
wrinkles, or other malformations will not be acceptable. Unless other-
wise indicated, horizontal supply rains shall pitch up in the direction
of flow and return mains shall pitch down in the direction of flow, with
a grade of not less than one inch in 40 feet. Open ends of pipelines
and other equipment shall be properly capped or plugged during instal-
lation to keep dirt or other foreign material out of the system. Pipe
not otherwise specified shall be uncoated.
a. Branch connections. Branches from the maine shall
be taken off at an engle of 450 above or below the horizontal, unless
otherwise indicated on the drawings. Connections shall be carefully
made to insure unrestricted circulation, eliminate air pockets, and
permit the complete drainage of the system. Branches taken from the
tops of mains shall pitch up, ,nd those taken from the bottom shall
pitch down from the mains, with a grade of not less than one inch
in 10 feet (unless otherwise shown).
b. Risers. The locations of risers shown on the drawings
are approximate. Exact locations of the risers shall be as approved
by the Contracting Officer.
c. Joints. Screw joints shall be made with tapered
threads properly cut. Screw joints shall be made perfectly tight
with a stiff mixture of graphite and oil, or equal, applied with a
brush to the pipe threads only, and in no case to the fittings.
Flanged joints shall be faced true, packed, and made up perfectly
square and tight.
d. Pipe supports. Horizontal runs of pipe shall be
securely supported. Suspended pipe shall (unless otherwise shown) be
held by adjustable expansion pipe hangers having threaded rods and
turnbuckles, where space permits. Pipe in unexcavated areas beneath
buildings shall be hung from above. Supports for pipes shall be
spaced 10 feet on center (approximately).
e. Anchors. Pipe anchors shall consist of heavy steel
collars with lugs and bolts for clamping and attaching anchor braces,
unless otherwise shown on the drawings. A nchor braces shall be
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installed in the most effective manner to secure the desired results.
No supports, anchors, or stays shall be attached in places where they
will injure the construction wither in installing or by the weight or
expansion of the pipe line. Detailed drawings of pipe anchors shall
be submitted for approval before installation.
f. Ei2Leejseeves. Unless otherwise indicated pipes
passing through masonry construction shall be fitted with sleeves.
Each sleeve shall extend through its respective floor or wall, and
shall be cut flush with each surface unless otherwise required.
Unless otherwise specified, Sleeves shall be two pipe sizes larger
in diameter than ?the passing pipe when uncovered, and one pipe size
larger than the .over-all .Ontside diameter of the pipeWhen insulated!
Sleeves in. bearing walls shall be made of steel. or terracotta pipe.
Sleeves in other masonry walls shall be. 20 gageemetal, fiber or other
.approved materials. Sleeves shall be properly installed and securely
cemented in place.
g.-Floor, wall and ceiling plates. Pipes passing through
the floors, walls and ceilings .of finished room shall be fitted with
floor, wall, or ceiling plates, securely fastened in place. Where
pipes pass through combustible materials, the openings shall-be suf-
ficiently- large to provide 1 inch -clearance between the pipe and the
floor or partition.
? 16..08. HEATING UNITS:_ The drawings indicate the general lo-
eation, sizes and type of heaters. Central factory test reports shall
furnished to the Contracting Officer for all newly installed heating
Unit heaters.
(1) General. Unit heaters shall be of the propeller
eype, suspended from the roof structural Members and arranged for
horizontal discharge. Casings-shall be solid and rigidwith a factory
finish of a Color. approved by the Centracting Officer. Heaters shall
have a BTU capacity not in excess of 125 percent of that specified.
Balancing cocks shall be provided to reduce or regulate the BTU outputs.
The unit heaters shall be quiet in operation.- Upon completion of instal-
lation, unit heaters where are considered by the Contracting Officer to
be objectionably noisy shall be replaced with'acceptable heaters at no
additional cost to the Government.
(2) Heating elements. Heating elements, made of a .
Guitable non-ferrous-alloy, shall be free to expand or contract without
developing leaks and shall be properly pitched for drainage. The elements
shall be tested under a hydrostatic pressure of 200
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(3) Motors. Motors shall be provided with three-
position manual seleeticn switches for "ON" "0'1E" and "AUTOMATIC"
oreration, shall be eouipped with thermal-overload protection, and
shall be of suitable eiee and speed to operate the fans at their
specified capacities.
(4) Thermostatic control. The unit heaters shall
be controlled automatically by thermostats located where shown on the
drawings. The thermostats shall be adjustable and fitted with ther-
mometers. Each thermostat shall operate on not more than a 3-degree F.
differential over a temperature range of approximately 55 to 85 degree
F. The thermostat shall start or stop the respective unit heater fan
motor when the room temperature falls below or rises above the pre-
determined points.
o. Relocation of steam radiators. Existing radiators
shall be relocated at the locations indicated on the drawings. The
radiators shall be carefully removed to insure no loss for, breakage or
disfigureuent. All broken or disfigured parts will be replaced by the
contractor with no additional cost to the Government.
16-09. PRE3SURE PreDUOING VALVES: Pressure reducing valves shall
be installed at the locations shown on the drawings. The valves shall
be the standard product of a reputable manufacturer and shall be rated
at not less than the capacity shown on the drawings. Each valve shall
be operated by means of a diaphragm or piston and spring and have a
regulation such that the delivered pressure will not vary more than 1
p.s.i.g. from the desired terminal pressure, regardless of fluctuations
in main line pressure. All parts subject to wear shall be renewable.
The valves shall reduce and regulate steam main pressure down to
pressures indicated on drawings. Valve bodies shall be iron or bronze,
screwed or glanged, and suitable for working pressure of not less than
125 p.s.i.g. The valves may have either a remote or an integral pilot.
L7team bucket traps. inverted bucket type steam traps
or vertical .bucket type traps with automatic air discharge, designed
for a working of 150 o.s.i.g, shall operate under a steam supply
pressure of approximately 20 to 75 p.s4.g. as required. Each trap
shall discharge into the medium pressure return main. Each trap shall
have a heavy body and cap of fine-grained gray- cast iron. The bucket
shall be made of braes or eeually serviceable material, and the mechanism
shall be of hard bronze. The valve and seat shall be constructed of
corrosion-resistant metal. The traps shall be tested hydrostatically and
proved tight under a gage pressure of 200 p.si.g. Traps shall have
capacities as shown on the drawings when operating under the specified
working conditions. A suitable strainer shall be installed in the. suction.
connection to each trap.
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b. Float-thermostatic steam trem. A flat-thermostatic
steam trap shall be installed at the discharge end of the flash leg.
The trap sha11 be designed for a steam working pressure of 15 psig. but
shall operate with a supply pressure as shown on the drawings when
operating undeir the specified working conditions. Each trap shall
be provided wifth a mechanism and valve seat of hard bronze and a'
float of brass all of which shall be easily removable for inspection
or replacemeni without disturbing the piping connections. The inlet
to each trap hall be provided with a brass strainer either as an
integral part of the trap or as a separate piece of equipment.*
STRAINER: Basket or "Y" type strainers shall bele
the same size as the pipe lines in which they are installed. The
strainer bodies shall be heavy and durable, of the best grade gray
cast iron, with bottoms drilled and plugged. The bodies shall;have
arrows clearly cast on the sides to indicate the direction of flow and
the working pressure. Each strainer shall be equipped with anleasily
removable cover and sediment backet. The basket shall be of not less
than 0.025 inch thick sheet brass, having perforations to provide a
net free area through the basket of at least 4 times that of the
entering pipe. The flow shall be into the basket and out through the
1')712. INSULATION: Piping for both steam and condensate lines
except branch piping in heated rooms, shall be insulated with pipe
covering of 1" magnesia. Covering shall be held in place with metal
strips not lets than 3/4-inch wide. Strips shall be spaced to hold
the center and edds of each section and in no case shall the spacing
exceed 18 inches. Valves and fittings except unions and flanges,
shall be covered with magnesia cement of the same thickness as the
pipe covering.
1e-13. PLASH LEG: A flash leg shall be installed when indi-
cated on the drowings and ehall be constructed as shown on the drawings
or as recommended in the Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning
Guide of the American Society of Heating and Air eonditioning Engineers.
The discharge line shall be equipped with a float and thermostatic trap.
The vent pipe shall be galvanized steel and the fittings shall be
galvanized malleable iron. The vent shall be extended through the
roof as directed by the Contracting Officer and shall be properly
16-14. CONNECTIONS TO EXISTING M;_ J. Art the steam and
.:!o-ndensate piping and conduits shall be connected to existing,mains.
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16-15. ELECTRICAL WORK: Manual or automatic control and pro-
tective or signal devices, required for the operation of the heating
equipment herein specified but not Shown on the electrical plans,
shall be furnished and installed under this section of the specifi-
cations. Wiring required for the operation of the heating equipment
but not indicated on the electrical plans shall be furnished and
installed under this section of the specifications, in accordance
16-16. PAINTING AND FINISHING:- Ferrous metal not requiring
finish painting, such as pipe supports,. shall be thoroughly cleaned
and given one coat of asphalt varnish. Unless otherwise. specified,
ferrous metal specified to receive finish painting shall be primed
as speWied in PAINTING, PROTECTIVE, ON METAL. Pipe conduits ex-
posed to airshall be given a coat of:flue sizing and two coats of
lead-rand-oil paint in color selected by the Contracting Officer.
The finish painting on radiators or piping exposed in finished rooms
is covered under painting.
16-17. TESTS: The whole heating system shall be tested and
nroved tight under a pressure of 40 p.s.i.g. Upon completion and
orior to acceptance of the installation the contractor shall subject
the heating system to such operation tests as may be required by the
Contracting Officer to demonstrate satisfactory functional and
operating effectively operating tests shall cover a period of not less
than 6 hours for each system and all tests shall be conducted atsuch
times as the Contracting Officer may direct. All instruments, fa-
cilities, and labor required to properly conduct the test shall be
provided by the contractor at no additional cost to the Government, and
all steam, water and electricity required will be furnished by the
Government. The contractor shall be responsible only for the portion
of system which is covered in this contract.
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17-01. SCOP: The work covered by this section of the specifi-
cations consists in furnishing all plant, labor, equipment, appliances,
and in performing all operations in connection with the installation of.
the air-conditioning system, complete, in strict accordance with this
section of the specifications and the Applicable drawings, and subject::
to the terms and conditions of the contract.
17-102. APPLICABLE SPECIFICATIONS: The following specifications
form a part of this specification:
a. Japanese Industrial Standards,
JIS B-2023 Valves, Bronze, Gate; 125- and 150-Pound,
Screwed and Flanged.
JIS B-2025 Valves, Bronze; Check and Globe, 125- and
150-Pound, Screwed and Flanged.
JIS B-2301 Pipe Fittings,
JIS G-3302 Iron and Steel; Sheet, Galvanized,
JIS G-1427 Pipe; Steel, Galvanized (10 kg/cm 4 Class)
JIS H-3601 Tubing, Copper, Seamless (for use with
Solder-Joint or Flared-Tube Fittings).
JIS L-1001 Canvas, Linen, Impregnated,
JIS L-1019 Duck; Cotton, Plied-Yarns.
JIS Z-95C4 Mineral-Wool, Impregnated; Blanket, Block,e
and Pipe Covering. .
JIS 2-9506 Insulation; Magnesia, 85%.
JIS K-544.5 Varnish; Asphalt.
b. American Society of Refrigerating Engineers o Standard.
No, 15 Safety Code for Mechanical Refrigeration.
c. National Board of Fire Underwriters Pamphlet,
No. 90 Air Conditioning, Warm Air Heating, Air
Cooling and Ventilating Systems,
17-03, GENERAL: The contract drawings indicate the extent and
general arrangement of the air-conditioning systeM. If any departures
from the contract drawings are deemed necessary by the contractor,
details of such departures and the reasons therefor shall be submitted
assoon as possible to the Contraoting Officer for approval. No such :
departures shall be made without the prior written approval of the
Contracting Officer. The air-conditioning system Shall conform to
Pamphlet No. 90 of the National Board of Fire Underwriters. The di-
mensions of the mechanical-equipment room are as indicated on the
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drawings. Equipz4nt and piping arrangements shall provide adequate and
acceptable clearances for entry, servicing, and maintenance,
a. Standard products. The equipment to be furnished under
this specification shall be essentially the standard product of the
Manufacturer. Where two or more units of the same class of equip:Oat
are required, these units shall be products of A single manufacturer;
however, the component parts of the system need not be the products of
the same manufacturer.
b. Material and equipment schedule. As soon as practi-
cable and within 30 days after the date of award of contract and before
commencement of installation of any material or equipment, a plan and
necessary elevations of the equipment-room layout showing the proposed
air-conditioning equipment., ductwork, etc., with clearances, together
with a complete schedule of the material and equipment proposed fpr
installation shall be submitted for the approval of the Contracting
Officer. The schedule shall include catalogs, cuts, diagrams, drawings,
and such other descriptive data as May be required by the Contracting
Officer. In the event any items of materials or equipment contained in
the schedule, or the plan and elevations of the mechanical-equipment
room, fail to comply with the specification requirements, such items or
layout arrangement may be rejected,
c. Shop drawings. As soon as practicable after award of
contract and prior to installation, complete shop drawings of the
piping layout, showing all refrigerant, water, and vent lines, shall be
submitted to the Contracting Officer for approval.
d. Capacity information. Prior to installation, the con-
tractor shall furnish the Contracting Officer with manufacturer's
published capacity information, including tables, curves, and other data
that may be required in order to determine the capacity of the condensing
equipment under the design conditions indicated on the drawings.
17-04. MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT: The following materials and equip-
ment shall conform to the requirements specified below:
a. Evidence shall be furnished that there is an efficient
service organization which regularly carries a stock of repair parts
for the air-conditioning equipment proposed for installation and that
the organization is conveniencly located for prompt service.
b, Mechanical equipment. Major items of mechanical equip-
ment shall be of the best quality used for the purpose in commercial
practice, and shall be the products of a reputable manufacturer.. Each
major component of the equipment shall have themanufacturer's name,
address, and catalog number on a name plate securely affixed in a
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conspicuous place. The name plate of a distributing agent only will not
be acceptable. Belts, pulleys, chains, gears, couplings, projecting pet
screws, keys, and other rotating parts located so that any person May
come in close proximity thereto shall be fully enclosed or properly
17-05. WORKMANSHIP: Equipment shall be installed in accordance
with the recommendations of the manufacturer and the best standard
practice for this type of work.
17-06. PREVENTION OF RUST: All surfaces of ferrous sheet metal
not otherwise specified shall be given a rust-inhibiting treatment.
Special care shall be given to the inner surfaces of the steel cooling
tower. Unless otherwise approved by the Contracting Officer, the rust-
? inhibiting treatment shall consist of hot-dip-galvanizing after fabri-
cation, or bonderizing followed by the application of a suitable rust-
inhibiting primer and finish paint.
17-07. GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The air-conditioning system shall
consist of a self-contained air-conditioning unit, having a cooling
tower, together with the necessary ductwork, piping and controls. The
air-conditioning equipment and installation shall conform to Japanese
Engineering Standards and to the American Socity of Refrigerating
Engineers' Standard No. 15 and shall be installed as shown on the
17-08. gommuluiL The compressor unit shall be a recipro-
cating or rotary type, with electric-motor drive, motor starter, scale
trap, strainer, suction and discharge valves, suitable means of de-
termining oil level, and all recessary accessories. The compressor
shall be of vertical, V, or radial design, suitable for use with Freon
12 or Freon 22 refrigerant. The compressor capacity based on the
specified suction and discharge conditions shall be not less than indi-
cated on the drawings. Compressor speeds shall not exceed those for
which they are designed and indicated on standard rating sheets. The
compressor shall be either directly or indirectly connected to ,the
driving electric motor. CompxLessor motors shall be a suitable induction
type with continuous-duty rating, and shall operate with low starting
current and high starting torque, unless automatic unloading is pro-
vided for starting, in which case the motors may be a normal-torque,
low-starting-current type. The V-belt drives shall be? designed for at
least 50-percent overload capacity. Motor starters shall be magnetic,
across-the-line type equipped with thermal-overload protection.
17-09. CONDENSERS employed in self-contained air-conditioning
units shall be a water-cooled type.
a. Water-cooledcondenset shall be Of the shell-and-tube
or shell-and-coil typej and may also serve as a receiver if standard
with the manufacturer. The condenser shall consist of a cast-iron or
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steel shell with finned copper-alloy tubes. Fins shall be securely
bonded to the tubes. Condenser capacity shall be not less than indi-
cated on the drawinFs, and shall be adequate to condense the vaperized
refrigerant, when delivered with 100 F, superheat, and when supplied
with condensing water from a cooling tower operating in an atmosphere
with wet-bulb and dry-bulb temperature as indicated on the drawings.
The condenser shall be equipped with necessary accessories such as
fittings and valves.
17-10. RECEIVER: The liquid receiver shall be constructed of
steel, with welded seams. The inner surfaces shall be thoroughly
(-leaned by sand blasting or by other suitable means. The receiver shall
be supported and shall be equipped with inlet, outlet, drain, charging
valve, and safety connections. The liquid receiver shall have a storage
capacity of not less than 25-percent in excess of that required for the
fully charged system,
17-11. COOLING TOWER shall be of the water turbine-driven fan
type, in which the fans are direct connected and driven by water turbines,
The turbine head shall be of oast journal bronze, and shall be statically
balanced to give a smooth vibrationless motion. The turbine bearing
post shall be of corrosion reaistant copper nickel alloy tubing, centerlpss
ground for smooth, quiet operation. The cooling tower Shall .have a capa-
city not less than indicated On the drawings, The cooling tower shall be
complete with structure, casing, water connections, air inlet and dis-
charge openings, The air inlets shall be provided with screens con'
structed of 1/2-inch mesh gal4anized-steel hardware cloth, securely at-
tached. Wood deck filling, shall be either seasoned cypress or heart
redwood, Removable panels shall be provided for easy access to all
parts for servicing and maintenance. Where steel is employed in the
construction of the tower, the casing shall be not less than 0,0747
inches in thickness (14 gage), the louvers shall be not less than 0.0359
inches in thickness (20 gage), and the water tank shall be not less than
0.1046 inches in thickness (12 gage), All steel surfaces contained in
the cooling tower shall be given a rust-inhibiting coat ashereinbefore
specified. The float valve shall be heavy duty of bronze body and shall
have a replaceable disc. The float shall have a heavy wall of spun
copper,. The cooling tower shall be the standard products ofthe Carrier
Corporation No. 22E-12 or approved equal.
17-12. COILS shall be of the extended-surface type, arranged in
a rectangular form to suit the space requirements within the cabinet for
the air handling unit. All coilsshall be properly supported by means
of suitable frames constructed of galvanized-steel angles, or other
approved devices,
a, Cooling coil shall be constructed entirely of non-
ferrous alloys with the fins securely bonded to the tubes. The coil
shall be designed and serpentined for freon as the refrigerant in
Sanitized - Approved For Releasei:7C4A-RDP61-00763A000300090049-0
Sanitized - Approvttl For Release : CIA-RDP61-00760A000300090049-0
accordance with design conditions. An equalizing liquid distributor
header shall be used to assure equal distribution under varying load
conditions. The cooling coil shall be tested pneumatical4 and proved
tight under a gage pressure of 300 psig, The cooling coil shall be
dehydrated and sealed at the factory. The cooling coil shall be pro-
vided with a suitable condensation gutter and a drainage line installed
as indicated on the drawings'or as directed by the Contracting ?Meer.
The cooling coil shall have sufficient surface to provide the capacity
indicated on the drawings under the specified operating conditions.
17-13. CIRCULATING FANS: Fans shall be of the centrifugal multi-
blade type. Each fan unit shall have an air capacity not less than
that indicated on the drawings when operating against the static
pressure indicated. Each fan unit shall be installed complete with
electric motor and drive equipment, The fans shall be rated and con-
structed in accordance with the requirements of Japanese Engineering
Standards. Fans shall be statically and dynamically balanced at all
speeds, Each fan shall be provided with two or more self-aligning and
self-oiling bearings with adequate oil reservoirs. The fan shafts shall
be made of steel, and shall be provided with key seats and keys for the
impeller hubs and fan pulleys or with other equally positive fastening
approved by the Contracting Officer, V-belt drives shall be designed
for at least 50-percent overload capacity. If required, fan outlets
shall be equipped with removable angles and bolts for attaching canvas
connections. Each fan motor shall also be provided with a magnetic
starter with thermal-overload protection and with a manual push-button
Station installed in the location shown on the drawings,
17-14. AIR FILTERS: Fectional air filters of the permanent,
viScoult, washable type, shall be installed in ,the air cond tidning
cabinets in such manner as to filter both fresh and recirc lated air.
The .filter sections shall be a standard commercial sie, 2,inches'in
thickness and shall have a resistance when clean not in e4ess' of
0.125 inch of water when handling 2 cu. ft of air per minnte per
Aquare inch of face area. The dirt-holding capacity of ea01 unit,
lithen the static pressure drop through the filter becomes 025 inch of
water, shall be not less than 370 grams. The filter sectilons shall be
,vomposed of an all-metallic filter medium enclosed in a snitable frame,
All materials used in the construction of the filters shall be rust,
17-15. CABINPS: The self-contained air-conditioning unit shall
be housed in a casing, constructed of' steel sheets of not less than
1:40478 inch in thickness (18 gage). The cabinet shall bc. adequately
reinforced and stiffened with steel angles or other structural members,
Sanitized - Approved For Release741A-RDP61-00763A000300090049-0
Sanitized - Approvtmel For Release : CIA-RDP61-0076.1A000300090049-0
and shall be provided with all necessary interior panels supports for
equipment, access openings dampers and insulation, All openings in the
cabinet which are connected to ducts shall be equipped with removable
angles and bolts for attaching canvas or other flexible connections.
All interior surfaces of the cabinet shall be rendered rust-resistant
in the manner hereinbefore specified? The cabinet shall be insulated on
the inside with not less than 1/2-inch of moisture resistant, moldproof,
varmin-proof, and termite-proof insulation, Removable panels in the
casing shall provide easy access to all parts for lubrication and
air conditioning unit of floor type, as indicated on the drawings, shall
be installed where shown. The unit shall have a capacity not less than
that indicated on the drawings and shall consist of a cabinet containing
the compressor, condenser, coils, filters, fans, motors and controls and
provided with all necessary air inlet and outlet openings. The cooling
coils and sprays shall be provided with a suitable drip pan constructed
of sheet steel not less than 0,0478 inch in thickness (18 gage) with
rust-resistant coating as hereinbefore specified. A drain line from the
drip pan shall be run as shown pr as directed by the Contracting Officer,
The cabinet, coils, compressor, condenser, fans, filters, receiver,
strainers, piping, and expansion and service valves used in the self-
contained air conditioning unit shall conform to the requirements of the
applicable paragraph herein, The unit shall have a completely assembled
control panel consisting of across the line type starters with thermal-
overload relays of the conditioner fan, motor, condensing fan motor and
compressor motor, high-and-low pressure cutout, oil pressure safety
control and one recycling control relay, The unit shall be the standard
products of the Carrier Corporation No. 50 K12 and Westinghouse Model
114 2001,
17-17. PRESSURE GAGES shall be installed on both the high- and
low-pressure sides of each compressor, and elsewhere, if required for
the proper operation of the air-conditioning system. The gages shall
be Bourdon-tube type with dial diameters not less than 4-1/2 inches
and operating ranges as follows:
High side - - 0 to 300 p.s.i.
Low side
30-inch vacuum to 150 p.5.i4
Pressure gages shall have iron cases with a baked-ens-Mei fi.nish. A
suitable shut-off cock shall be installed in the line the each gage,
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00763A000300090049-0
Sanitized - ApproverFor Release : CIA-RDP61-00763M00300090049-0
' 17-18. REFRIGERANT STRAINERS shall be installed in the refriger-
ant line on the inlet side of each thermostatic expansion valve and
each solenoid valve. Strainers installed in conjunction with ex-
pansion valves may be an integral part of the expansion valve. Inde-
pendent strainers shall be provided with brass or cast-iron bodies
designed for a working pressure of 250 p.s.i, with strainer baskets
constructed of noncorridible sheet metal with small perforations of
sufficient number to provide a net free area through the basket at
least 10 times that of the liquid refrigerant line. The basket shall
be removable for cleaning without breaking the inlet and outlet con-
17-19. SCALE TRAP shall be installed in the suction connection
to each compressor unless the compressors have built-in traps The
scale-trap bodies shall be constructed of cast iron, and the screens
shall be made of sheet brass or other suitable material. Independent
scale traps shall be designed to permit cleaning withcilit breaking the
inlet or outlet refrigerant connections.
17-20. VALVES; Valves required for the proper operation and
servicing of the air-conditioning system, including solenoid valves,
expansion valves, back-pressure valves, steam valves, and service an
integral part of the equipment, additional valves serving the same
purpose will not be required,
a. Solenoid valves. The solenoid valves shall be designed
for the operating pressure, and the valve capacity, as listed in manu-
facturer's catalog shall be sufficient for the requirements of the air-
conditioning unit.
b. Evansion valve of the proper capacity shall be
installed in the refrigerart supply line to each evaporator. The valve
shall be of the diaphragm or bellows type with external superheat ad-
justment set for 100 F. superheat.
0. Service yalVes shall be installed where indicated on
the drawings, where specified, or where required for the proper
servicing of the equipment. Refrigeration valves shall be installed
In the suction and discharge lines adjacent to each compressor unless
built-in valves are furnished, the suction line near each evaporatOr
and in the liquid line on the discharge side of each receiver. The
refrigerant valves shall be designed for use with Freon and shall be
provided with seal"caps, Unless otherwise approved. The water-supply
line to cooling tower shall be provided with a brass globe or gage
valve of the same size,asithe pipe line.
17-21. H10E-PRESSURE SAFETY CUT-OFF: An automatic high pressure
safety and cutoff switch hall be provided for each condensing Unit,
and shall operate to stop: the compressor whenever the pressure within
the condenser exceeds the pre-determined safe limit. The cutoff switch.
shall be a type requiring resetting.
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00763A000300090044-0
Sanitized - Appro4rd For Release: CIA-RDP61-007,6A000300090049-0
:1-22. THERMOMETERS: Thermometers of the separable-socket type,
with not less than 5-inch scales and stems of appropriate length for
indicating representative temperature, shall be instelled in the ducts
where indicated on the drawings or where specified. The thermometers
shall have suitable operating ranges and shall be installed so as to be
conveniently read.
17-23, AUTOMATIC CONTROLS: Automatic controls shall be as indi-
cated on the drawings or as specified and shall be the electric type.
Unless otherwise approved by the Contracting Officer, the entire
automatic control equipment shall be standard catalog products of a
single reputable manufacturer. Before the air-conditioning installation
is accepted, the contractor shall deliver to the Contracting Officer a
statement from the manufacturer or his authorized agent, certifying that
the automatic control equipment has been inspected and found to bold
properly installed and functioning satisfactorily. The inspectioirshall
be at the contractor's expense with no additional cost to the Government.
17-24. REFRIGERANT: Refrigerant employed in the air-conditioning
system shall be Freon 12 or Freon 22. Each system shall be completely
charged with refrigerant, after which it shall be tested and proved
tight at all joints. Each air-conditioning system shall be subjected to
the operating tests hereinafter specified. Upon satisfactory completion
of the teats, any refrigerant which has been lost from the system shall
be replaced.
17-25. LUBRICATING OIL: The contractor shall furnish two complete
charges of lubricating oil for each compressor crankcase. The oil shall
be of type recommended by the manufacturer of the equipment. One charge
shall be used during the testing Period, and upon the satisfactory com-
pletion of the tests, the oil shall be drained and replaced with the
second charge.
17-26. PIPING: Refrigeration system and water piping shall be
complete, and water piping shall include connections to the cooling
tower as well as piping between oUtlets indicated on the plumbing
drawings and the respective float valves and sprays. Refrigerant pipe
sizes shall conform to the Equipment Standards of the Air Conditioning
and Refrigerating Machinery Assoc'A.ation, Inc. USA, except that Freon
suction risers shall be sized for :a gas velocity not less than 2,000
feet per minute. Flexible connections of a type approved by the
Contracting Officer shall be provided at equipment which is mounted on
resilient supports.
a. Pipe and tubink. Refrigerant lines shall be seamless
copper tubing suitable for a working pressure not less than 300 psig,
or standard weight black steel and steam pipes shall be standard weight
black steel pipes.
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00763A000300090049-0
Sanitized - Appro41 For Release : CIA-RDP61-007W000300090049-0
b. Fittings. Fittings for copper refrigerant lines shall
be wrought copper or brass, shall be suitable for use with high temper-
ature solder, and shall be designed for a working pressure of 300 psig.
Fittings for steel refrigerant lines shall be a forged steel welding
type suitable for the steel pipe used. Fittings for water and steam
piping shall be standard weight malleable iron, designed for a working
pressure of 150 psig, and shall be threaded. Joints in water pipes
shall be made tight with graphite and oil or equal applied to the pipe
threads only.
17-27. DUCTWORK- All ductwork shown on the drawings, specified,
or required for the air-conditioning system shall be a)nstructed and
erected in a first-class, workmanlike manner. Ductwork shall be
fabricated or zinc-coated iron or steel sheets. All ducts, unless
otherwise directed by the Contracting Officer, shall conform accurately
to the dimensions indicated on the drawings, and shall be straight and
smooth on the inside, with joints neatly finished. Ducts shall be
securely anchored to the building in an approved manner, and shall ,be
installed so as to be completely free from vibration under all con-
ditions of operation. Air turns shall be installed in all abrupt elbows.
The air turns shall consist of curved metal blades or vanes, arranged
so as to permit the air to make the abrupt turn without appreciable
turbulence. Air turns shall be the manufacturer's standard products,
and shall be quiet and free from vibration when the system is in operat-
ion. Sheet-metal ducts shall be properly braced and reinforced with
galvanized steel angles, or other structural members approved by the
Contracting Officer. The internal ends of all slip joints shall be
installed in the direction of flow. The weights of the sheet-metal
ducts and stiffeners shall be as shown in Tale 1 and 2.
Longest Dimedsion I
of Rectangular Ducta
or Diameter of Round
Ducts (Inches)
Up to 12
Over 12 to 30
Over 30 to 42
Over 42 to 60
Over 60
(Pounds Per
Square Foot)
Galvanized Steel
Sheet Gage Number
Thickness of
Alum m
inu_ l?
0.051 '
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00763A000300090049-0
? A.11.,
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00743A000300090049-0
Surface Width Steel Angle Center Weight of Angle
or Height of Stiffeners Spacings (Pounds Per Foot
Ducts (Inches) Sieze (Inches) (Inches) Before Galvanizing)
Up to 18 Not required
Over 18 to 36 lx1x1/8
Over 36 to 54 1ixlix1/8
Over 54 to 72 *1173/16
Over 72 to 96 2 x 2 x 3/16
Over 96 24x2Ax1/4
48 to 60
48 to 60
48 to 60
48 to 60
48 to 60
17-28, DUCT HANGERS: All duct work shall be supported and/or
suspended by 114-inch rods attached to 1" x 1" x 3/16" galvanized steel
angles mounted on the bottom of the ductwork.
17-29, DOPERS:
a. Multilouvered and splitter dampers. Multilouvered
dampers shall be installed where indicated on the drawings, and shall
be constructed of zinc-coated iron or steel sheets weighing not less
than 1.6562 pounds per square foot' (20 gage), or of other suitable
materials approved by the Contracting Officer. Dampers shall be
reinforced to prevent vibration, and shall be equipped at both ends
with bearings. Each damper shall be close fitting, and unless automatic
in operation shall be provided with an adjustment quadrant and locking
device. Dampers shall be designed to offer a minimum of resistance to
the flow of air.
17-30. AIR VOLUME EXTRACTOR AND CONTROLLER: Air volume extractor
or controller shall be installed at the locations as shown on the draw-]
ings. The controllers shall be the standard products of the manufacturers,
They shall be capable of Moving from full open to full close positions
bringing even distribution to entire auxiliary duct or grille. The
controllers shall be provided with an adjustment quadrant and locking
device. The controllers shall be rattle free and shall be made of 14 and
26 gage steel,
17-31, FLEXIBLE' CONNECTIONS: Unless otherwise indicated on the
drawings, or otherwise specified, flexible connections shall be pro-
vided between the air-conditioning units and the ducts with which they
are connected, The flexible material used shall be close-weave canvas
cloth 16 ounces per square yard and shall be treated or impregnated
so as to be rendered practically airtight. Necessary angles, bolts,
clips or other fastening for securing the flexible material to the air-
conditioning units or fans and adjoining ducts shall be furnished,
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00763A000300090049-0
A ; : .
Sanitized - ApproNd For Release : CIA-RDP61-007116A000300090049-0
17-32. REGISTERS AND GRILLES shall be installed where indicated
on the drawings. Unless otherwise specified, air-supply grilles shall
be of the air-conditioning type, with adjustable directional vanes
for obtaining the desired air distribution. Each supply grille shall
have a net free area as indicated in the schedule on the drawings, and
in no case less than 70 percent. Exhaust registers and grilles shall
be either of the air-conditioning type, unless specifically described
on the drawings, and shall have dimensions and net free areas as indi-
cated. No exhaust grille or register shall have a net free area less
than 60 percent. Adjustable volume dampers installed back of the
grille or register face shall be as hereinbefore specified. Key-
operated dampers shall be provided where indicated on the drawings.
Registers and grilles shall be standard catalog products, and shall be
given a rust-inhibiting primer at the factory.
17..33, DUCT DISULATION: 'Unless otherwise shown or specified on
the drawings, all supply and return ducts shall be insulated with not
less than 1-inch of block type impregnated mineral wool, glass-fiber or
other equally suitable material approved by the Contracting Officer.
The insulating material shall be set in suitable asphalt or other water-
repellent cementing substance that will provide an effective vapor
barrier and prevent condensation of moisture on the outer surfaces of
ducts. All insulation exposed within equipment rooms or other room
where it may be subject to damage shall be protected by means of a
-suitable coating of hard-finish cement plaster not less than 1/4-inch
thickness, applied directly on the insulating board on wire mesh, as
approved by the Contracting Officer. All insulation shall be applied
by a method recommendation by the manufacturer, and shall be approved
by the Contracting Officer.
17-34. PAINTANG AND FINISHING: Ferrous metal work not specified
to receive finish painting shall be thoroughly cleaned and given one
coat of asphalt varnish. Ferrous metal specified to receive finish
painting shall be primed and given two coats of oil base paint.
Finish painting as specified under "Painting - General" of these
17-.31. ELECTRICAL WORK: Manual or automatic control and pro-
tective or ape' devices required for the operation of the air-
conditioning equipment herein Specified but net shown on the electrical
plans, shall be furnished and installed under this lection -of the
,Specificatione. Wiring required for the operation If the air-condition-
ing equipment but net indicated On the electrical Plans Shall be furnish
' and installed under electrical'sectiOn'of the specifications, in accord-
ance with "Electrical Work, Interior" of these specifications
covering the operation and Maintenance of each major item of equipment
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00763A000300090049-0
Sanitized - ApproVed For Release : CIA-RDP61-007V3A000300090049-0
shall be posted at locations designated by the Contracting Officer.
Upon completion of the work, and at a time designated by the Contract-
ing Officer, a competent engineer shell be provided by the Contractor
for a period of not less- than 3 days to instruct a representative
of the Government in the operation and Maintenance of the air-condition-
in g systems.
MTSt Upon completion of the air-conditioning system
installation, and at time designated by the Contracting Officer, all
water and refrigerant piping shall be pk-essure-tested for leaks as
hereinafter apecified. All water piping shall be tested hydrostati-
cally and proved tight under a gage pressure of not les a than 1-1/2
times the maximum operating pressure. All refrigerant piping shall be
tested pneumatically with CO2 or dry air and proved tight by swabbing
with a soap solution, or other equally effective means. The high side
of each refrigqration system shall be tested at 300 psig and low side
at 150 psig. After evacuating the system and charging it with ,redriger-
ant, the piping shall be tested with a halite torch and proved tight
under actual operating conditions. After the above tests have been
completed, and before each system is accepted, capacity and general
operating tests on the air-conditioning system shall be conductpd by
a competent and experienced engineer, and the tests shall demonstrate
the specified capacities of the various pieces of equipment. Aldi-
rect-reading velocity instrument that has been recently tested end
calibrated shall be used to show that the air flow in the various ducts
has been so regulated as to deliver or remove the required cubic feet
of air per minute at each supply and exhaust opening respectiveky, The
tests shall be conducted in the presence of the Contracting Ofilicer or
his authorized representative. The general operating tests shall cover
a period of not less than 12 hours for each system, and shall demon?
strate that the entire equipment is functioning in accordance with the
specifications and to the entire satisfaction of the Contracting Officer.
The contractor shall furnish all instruments test equipment, and person-
nel that are required for the tests and the Government shall furnish
the necessary fuel, water and electricity,
Sanitized - Approved For Releals7e4CIA-RDP61-00763A000300090049-0
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00748A000300090049-0
18-01, GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: The work covered by this section
consists in furnishing all labor, equipment, supplies, and materials,
and in performing all operations, including cuttings, channeling, and
chasing, necessary for the replacing of complete interior wiring
system, electrical service connections, in strict accordance with
this section of the specifications and the applicable drawings.
specifications form a part of this specification and shall be the
latest issue in effect at date of invitation for bids.
a. Japanese Induqtrial Standards.
0-8304 Small Switches for Indoor Use
C-8305 Electric Conduits (Steel)
C-8309 Flexible Electric Conduit for Electric
C-8314 Cartridge Fuses and Holders
C-8332 Bushings for Steel Conduit
C-8336 Outlet Box for Conduit Pipe
0-8339 Box Cover for Conduit Pipe
0-8340 Circular Furface Boxes for Steel Conduit
C-8341 Surface Switch Boxes for Steel Conduit
C-8343 Connectors (for Conduit Tube)
C-8346 Grounding Camps and Bushings for Bolders
0-8370 Circuit Breaker for Wiring
19-03. GENERAL: Before removal work is started, prior permission
of the Contracting Officer shall be obtained in writing. The instal-
lations shall comply with the applicable rules of the National Electric
Code or equivalent Japanese work codes. All electrical materials shall
be new and shall comply with the applicable Japanese Industrial Standards
and other recognized codes. Defective equipment or equipment damaged
in the course of installation or test shall be replaced or repaired in
a manner meeting with the approval of the Contracting Officer. The
contract drawings indicate the extent and general arrangement of the
conduit and wiring systems. If any departures from the contract drawings
are deemed necessary by the contractor, details of such departures and
the reasons therefor shall be submitted as soon as practicable, and
within 30 days after award of the contract, to the Contracting Officer
for approval. No such departures shall be made without the prior
written approval of the Contracting Officer0
a. a.,E2._.ndaisLaroc1ucts Unless otherwise indicated in writ-
ing by the Contracting Officer, the materials to be furnished under this
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00763A000300090049-0
Sanitized - ApproVed For Release : CIA-RDP61-00763A000300090049-0
specification shall be the standard products of manufacturer regularly
engaged in the production of such equipment and shall be the manufacturer's
latest standard design.
b. Materials and equipment schedules. As soon as practi-
cable and within 30 days after the date of award of contract and before
any material or equipment is purchased, the contractor shall submit to
the Contracting Officer for approval a complete list, in triplicate,
of materials, fixtures, and equipment to be incorporated in the work.
The list shall include catalog numbers, cuts, diagrams, drawings, and
such other descriptive data as may be required by the Contracting Officer.
No consideration will be given to partial lists submitted from time to
time. Approval of materials will be based on manufacturer's published
ratings. Any materials, fixtures, and equipment listed which are not in
accordance with the specification requirements may be rejected.
18-04. GROUNDING: The conduit systems and neutral conductor of
the wiring system shall be grounded. The ground connection of the electric-
system neutral and conduit system shall be made at the main circuit breaker
panel. A bare copper ground conductor, correctly sized and in no case
smaller than No. 8 Aug., shall be extended in conduit or tubing from the
main service equipment to the point of entrance of the water service. Con-
nection to the water pipe shall be made by a suitable ground clamp or lug
connection to a plugged tee. If flanged pipes are encountered, connection
shall be made with the lug bolted to the supply side of the flange con-
nection. The ground shall serve for both the electric and equipment ground.
The bonding conductor may be either of flat-strip or round copper, in one
piece if practicable, secured with bolted connections. The grounding system
shall be installed in a workmanlike manner and shall be inconspicuous*
18-05. WIRING: Branch-circuit conductors shall be not smaller than
No, 12 Aug., and conductors for branch circuits whose length from panel
to center of load exceeds 100 feet shall be not smaller than No. 10 Awg.
Conductors for signal and pilot control circuits may be No. 14 Awg. Con-
ductors shall be continuous from outlet to outlet, and no splices shall be
made except within outlet or junction boxes. Junction boxes may be
utilized where required. Wire connectors of insulating material or
solderless pressure connectors, properly taped, shall be utilized for all
splices in wiring where possible. Soldered joints insulated with tape
shall be kept to a minimum. Rubber and friction tape shall be first
quality. Vinyl plastic type will be acceptable in lieu of rubber and
friction tape. Branch circuit maximum voltage drop shall be 2% for
lighting and 3% for power. Maximum voltage drop for feeders from en-
trance point to panel board shall be 1% for lighting and 2% for Power.
a. Conduit and tubing systems. Conduit and tubing systems
shall be installed in accordance with the applicable provisions of the
Japanese Electrical Standards. Rigid steel conduit shall be zinc-coated
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00763A000300090049-0
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00743A000300090049-0
and shall conform to the requirements Of J1S C-8305-32-33. Electrical
metallic tubing shall be zinc-coated and shall conform to JIS C-8305.
No conduit or tubing smaller than, 1/2 inch inside diameter shall be used.
(1) Installation. Conduit and tubing shall be con-
cealed within the walls, ceilings, and floors, where possible, and
shall be kept at least 6 inches from parallel runs of steam pipes, or
hot water pipes. In no case shall tubing be installed in concrete.
Exposed runs of conduit or tubing shall have supports spaced not more
than 8 feet apart and shall be installed with runs parallel or perpen-
dicular to walls, structural Members, or intersections of vertical
planes and ceilings, with right-angle turns consisting of cast-metal
fittings or symmetrical bends. Joists, rafters, studs, and/or other
framing members shall not be notched. Bends and offsets shall be
avoided where possible, but where necessary shall be made with an
approved hickey or conduit-bending machine. Conduit or tubing which,
has been crushed or deformed in any way shall not be installed. Ex-
pansion fittings or other approved devices shall be used to provide
for expansion and contraction where conduit or tubing crosses expan-
sion joints. Wooden plugs inserted in masonry or concrete shall not
be used as a base to secure supports. Conduit and tubing shall be
supported on approved types of galvanized Wall brackets, ceiling trapeze,
strap hangers or pipe straps, secured by means of expansion belts in
concrete, machine screws on metal surface, and wood screws on wood con-
struction. Nails shall not be used as the means of fastening boxes or
conduits. Conduit and tubing shall be installed in such manner as to
insure against trouble from the collection of trapped condensation, and
all runs of conduit shall be arranged so as to be devoid of traps wher-
ever possible. Contractor shall exercise the necessary precautions to
prevent the lodgment of dirt, plaster, or trash in conduit, tubing, fitt-
ings, and boxes during the course of installation. A run of conduit or
tubing which has become clogged shall be entirely freed of these ac-
cumulations or shall be replaced. Conduit and tubing shall be securely
fastened to all sheet-metal outlet, junction, and pull boxes with con-
nectors or galvanized locknuts and bushings. One locknut shall be placed
outside the box and one inside, after which both shall be drawn tightly
engough to assure firm electrical contact with the box. Care shall be
taken to see that the full number of threads project through to'permit
the bushing to be drawn tight against the end of conduit. Full wiring
only shall be installed in telephone system conduits.
(2) Conductors. A complete system of conductors shall
be installed in the raceway systems. Conductors installed in ordinarily
dry locations shall be rubber-insulated, or thermoplastic-insulated
first quality.. Conductors installed in wet location such as in direct
contact with earth, subject to moisture or condensation shall be rubber-
insulated moisture-resistant type or thermoplastic-insulated first
quality specifically designed for, such application. Home runs may be
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00763A000300090049-0
Sanitized - Approvrd For Release : CIA-RDP61-0071,3A000300090049:0
combined in one conduit provided all connections are in accordance
with the Japanese Electrical Standard requirements and the maximum
unbalanced current in the neutral does not exceed the capacity of
the conductor. All wire terminals shall be identified at devices,
terminal blocks, and panel-boards.
b. Armored cable. Armored cable shall be "DA" cable as
manufactured by Izawa Kogyo Co., or approved equal conforming to
JIS C-8309.
(1) installation. Armored cable shall be concealed
within walls, and ceilings, where possible, but not embedded in con-
crete and shall be kept at least 6 inches from parallel runs of steam
pipes, or hot water pipes. Armored cable shall be secured by approved
straps, staples, or similar fittings, so designed and installed so
as not to injure the cable. Concealed cable shall be secured at
intervals not exceeding 4-1/2 feet and within 12 inches from every
outlet box or fitting. Exposed runs of cable shall closely follow the
surface of the building finish or running boards and be secured at
intervals not exceeding 2 feet and within 12 inches from every outlet
box of fitting. When armored cable is run through bored holes in studs,
joists, or similar wood members, holes shall be bored at the approxi-
mately centers of wood members, or at least 2-1/2 inches from the
nearest edge. Joists, rafters, studs, and/or other framing members shall
not be notched. At all points where the armor terminates, a fitting
shall be provided and an approved insulating bushing or its equivalent
shall be provided between the conductors and the armor, All bends shall
be so made that the armor of the cable will not be injured, and the
radius of the curve of the inner edge of any bend shall be, not less
than 5 times the diameter of the cable.
28-06. OUTLETS: Outlets shall be installed in the locations shown
on the drawings. The contractor shall study the general building plans
in relation to the spaces surrounding each outlet in order that his
work may fit the other work required by these specifications when ne-
cessary, the contractor shall relocate outlets so that, when fixtures
or other fittings are installed, they will be symmetrically located
according to room layout and will not interfere with other work or
epuipment. Only zinc-coated or cadmium-plated sheet-steel boxes
conforming to the requirements of JIS C-8336 of a class to satisfy
the conditions for each outlet, Shall be used in concealed work. Boxes
shall be installed in a rigid and satisfactory manner. Fixture outlet
boxes on ceilings shall be not less than 4 inch octagonal. Switch, and
receptacle outlet boxes shall be not less than 4 inches square, fitted
with appropriate plaster covers, where necessary, to set flush with the
finished surface. One piece gang boxes not less than 2 inches deep
shall be utilized where necessary. Outlets in exposed work shall be
of east steel or alloy fitted with appropriate covers.
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP,61-00763A000300090049-0
Sanitized - Approtird For Release : CIA-RDP61-00748A000300090049-0
a. Pull boxes. Pull boxes shall be constructed or code-
gage galvanized sheet metal, of not less than the minimum size recom-
mended by the Japanese Electrical Standards. Boxes shall be furnished
with screw-fastened covers. Where several feeders pass through a
common pull box, they shall be fagged to indicate clearly their elec-
trical bharacteristies, circuit number, and panel designation.
b. Device plates. A device plate shall be provided for
each outlet to suit the device installed. All plates on unfurnished
wells or on exposed fittings shall be of zinc-coated sheet metal having
rounded or beveled edges. All plates on finished walls shall be of
brass having a polished finish with plain polished borders. Screws
shall be of metal with countersunk heads, with finish to match the
finish of the plate. Plates shall be installed with all,four edges
in continuous contact with finished wall surfaces without the use of
mats or similar devices. Plaster fillings will not be permitted.
Plates shall be installed vertically and with an alignment tolerance
of 1/16 inch. Device plates shall be of the one piece type, of suita-
ble shape for the devices to be covered. The use of sectional device
plates will not be permitted.
a. Telephone outlets. Each telephone and/or communi-
cation outlet plate shall be 'provided with a 3/8,1 hole in the center,
metal plates shall have a bushed hole.
a. Wall receptacles shall be rated at 10 amperes at 125
volts, 3 pole, 2 wire with the third pole grounded. Bases shall be
constructed of brown phenolic composition. Terminals shall be mounted
9n the sides of the base with two screws per terminal. Mounting straps
shall have plaster ears. Heavy duty receptacles shall be of the single
type, having capacity to carry the load continuously without damage,
and shall be furnished with a suitable cord-grip-cap. Receptacles shall
be of the three hole type, with third hole to receive ground.
b. Grounding for convexlience outlets.
(1) General. Convenience outlets shall be provided
with a grounding pole electrically connected to a suitable grounding
(2) Methods of grounding. The grounding conductor
normally will be an integral part of the electrical system. The system
neutral shall not be used for a grounding conductor except where speci-
fically directed in each case. A continuous metallic system, which is
suitably grounded may be used as a grounding conductor. The sheath of
metallic armored cable connected to metallic and non-metallic sheathed
1 6.5
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00763A000300090049-0
Sanitized - Approvied For Release : CIA-RDP61-00743A000300090049-0
cable supplying outlets with grounding poles shall have a ground wire
inclosed in the sheath. Grounding poles shall be incorporated in the
body of the outlets and the arrangement of poles shall be sueh as
to permit the use of a standard two pole attachment cap as well
as a three pole cap containing grounding pole. Three phase outlets
shall include a grounding pole incoporated in the body of the outlet.
13-08. WALL SWITCHES: Wall switches shall be of the totally
enclosed tumbler type and shall conform to the requirements of JIS
C-8304. In addition to the spring actuating the satch, the operating
mechanism shall include a positive mechanical means to initiate motion
tending to close and/or open the circuit. Enclosures shall be of pheno-
lic composition. Not more than two switches shall be installed in a
single gang position of a switch box. Single-pole three-way and four-
way switches shall be of the tumbler type, rated 10 amperes at 125
volts. All switches shall be suitable for the control of gungsten-fila-
ment lamp loads.
PANEL BOARDS: Panle boards shall be of first grade ma-
terial and workmanship and shall be of the dead-front safety type and
shall be suitable for operation on a 105/210 volt, three-phase, 4 wire,
grounded soild neutral system. Panel boards shall be provided with the
size and number of single, double or triple pole branthes as indicated
on drawings. Panel boards shall be provided with lugs only in the
mains, except as noted. Circuit breakers shall be of first grade ma-
terial and workmanship approved by the Contracting Officer.
a. Circuit breaker type. Circuit-breaker-type panel
boards shall conform to the requirements of U.S. Federal Specification
W-P-131, class 1.
b. Eys_p_lag-2. Fuse-type panel boards shall conform to
the requirements of U.S. Federal Specification W-P-146. Feeder or
power-distribution panel board's shall be provided with hinged-door or
removable-holder type of combined switch and fuse units. Switch-and-
fuse units acting as motor-circuit disconnect switches shall be horse-
power rated.
18-10. CABINETS: Cabinet boxes shall be constructed of zinc-
coatec sheet steel and shall be of first grade material and workman-
ship. Trims and doors shall have a suitable primer coat and a finish
coat of a color specifically designated by the Contracting Officer.
a. Panel board cabinets. Cabinets for panel-boards
shall be provided with not less than 4 inch wiring gutters at the
sides, top, and bottom. Cabinet heights shall not exceed 72 inches.
Cabinets shall be mounted so that the distance from the floor to the
center of the top switch or circuit breaker will not exceed 6 feet
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00763A000300090049-0
Sanitized - Approled For Release : CIA-RDP61-00746A000300090049-0
6 inches-. Flush cabinets shall be provided with trims having adjustable
trim clamps. Trime shall be fitted with hinged doors having combination
lock and latch. All locks shall be keyed alike. A directory holder
with glass plate and metal frame shall be mounted on the inside of each
doer. A neatly typed directory', properly identifying each circuit,
shall be mounted under the glass.
b. Telephone and signal system dabinelt. Cabinet box
shall be located approximately as indicated on the 614ifiga. Each trim
shall be fitted with hinged doer and flush catch. POOrp:shall provide
maximum-size openings to the box interior! Box shall be provided with
3/4-inch weather-proof-grade plywood backboard having a 'two-coat in-
sulating-varnish finish.
18-11. FUSES: The contractor shall furnish a complete set of
fuses for all fused type switches and panels. Fuses of 30 ampere
125 volt capacity, or less, shall be of the non-renewable type. Fuses
in excess of 30 ampere capacity shall be of the renewable cartridge
type with links not separately enclosed and shall OonfOrm to the require-
ments of U. S. Federal Specification W-F-803, Type II,
13-12, MOTORS: Motors shall be of sufficient size for the duty
to be performed and shall not exceed their fully rated load when the
driven equipment is operating at specified capacity under the most
severe conditions likely to be encountered. Unless otherwise specified,
all motors shall have open frames class A insulatien and continuous-
duty classification based on a 406 C., ambient temperature of reference.
Motors shall be first grade material and workmanship of Standard Manu-
facture approved of by the Contracting Officer.
a. Fractional-horse-power motors. Fractional horse-
power motors of single-phase laternating-current and universal types
shall conform to the requirements of the Japanese Electrical Standards.
Motors shall be of first grade material and workmanship approved of by
the Contracting Officer.
b. Integral-horse-power alternating-current motors.
Integral-horse-power alternating-current motors shall conform to the
requirements of the Japanese Electrical Standards and shall be of
first grade material and workmanship, approved of by the Contracting
Officer. Polyphase motors shall be Class 130 squirrel-cage type, haying
normal-starting-terque and low-starting-current characteristics unless
other characteristics are specified elsewhere.
c. Other motors. Motors not included within the scope
of paragraph (2) and (b) above shall conform to the design, con-
struction, and performance requirements of the Japanese Electrical
Standards and shall be of first grade materials and manufacturer,
approved of by the Contracting Officer.
4 -7.
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00763A000300090049-0
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-007.63A000300090049-0
18-13. MOTOR CONTROL: Etch motor, or group of motors requiring
a single control shall be provided with a suitable controller and de-
vices which will perform the functions as specified for the respective
motors in other parts of these specifications. Each motor, 1/8 horse-
power or larger, shall be provided with thermal overload protection.
The overload protective device shall be provided either integral with
the motor or controller, or mounted in a separate enclosure. Unless
otherwise specified, the protective device shall be of the external
manually reset type. Single or double pole tumbler switches may be
used as manual controllers for motors of 1/4 horse-power or less in
rating. Manual controllers for motors larger than 1/4 horse-power
shall be specifically designed for the purpose and shall have a horse-
power rating adequate for the motor. Automatic-control devices such
as thermostats or float or pressure switches may control the starting
and stopping of motors directly, provided they are designed for that
purpose and have an adequate horse-power rating. When the automatic-
control device does not have such a rating, a magnetic starter shall
be used, with the automatic-control device actuating the pilot control
circuit. When manual-automatic centrol is specified, a selector switch
shall be provided. The selector switch shall be of a 3-position enclosed
type, externally operated by one handle and marked "Manual-Off-Automatic".
18-14? MOTOR-DISCONNECT MEANS: Each motor shall be provided with
a disconnecting means when required as directed by the Contracting
Officer even though not indicated on the drawings. A horse-power rated
switch or a conduit breaker in a panel-board will be acceptable as a
disconnecting means, if located within sight of the motor controller.
A quick-make and quick-break general-use tumbler or snap switch will be
acceptable for capacities less than 30 amperes provided the ampere rating
of the switch is at least double the rating of the controlled equipment?
Switches of 30 to 400 ampere capacity shall be of the enclosed, quick-
make and quick-break, horse-power-rated, externally operated, safety _type.
Switches shall disconnect all ungrounded conductors.
.38-15. FIXTURES: Fixtures shall conform to the standard types
called for on the lighting fixtures sheet which shall serve as a guide
to assist the contractor in selecting the fixtures. The fixtures as
finally selected shall be similar in design and equal in quality to those
listed and be a standard cataloged item. The actual size of the fixture
shall correspond with the wattage listed in the schedule. Before ordering,
contractor shall submit to the Contracting Officer for approval a complete
list of the fixtures be intends to furnish, showing the manufacture and
catalog number for each item. In any case where the catalog does not
show a cut of the fixture, a photograph or detail drawing of the fixture
showing complete details shall be submitted. All lamp holders shall be
of a percealin material. Fixture wires shall be asbestos and varnished
cambric type No. 14 on wattages over 300. Roughing boxes for recessed
fixtures shall be galvanized steel. Porcelain-enamled-steel fixtures
shall be of first grade material and workmanship. In general, all hinges
Sanitized - Approved For Release: CIA-RDP61-00763A000300090049-0
Sanitized - Approkied For Release : CIA-RDP61-003A00000090049-0
shall be completely concealed and cover fastened with flush pushbutton-
typo catches. No mounting screws shall be visible when unit is closed
and mounted in place. Metal parts on interior fixtures shall be cast
brass, 22 gage brass or aluminum spinning or steel stampings. Fitter
supporting glassware shall have full beaded edges. Self-aligning
joints shall be provided for all fixtures employing hangers, located
just below the canopy, of the type which entirely conceals the wiring.
This joint shall be fastened to the fixture stud in the outlet box.
Canopy shall be provided for each fixture, adjustable, with full
beaded edges; shall have a means of support which does not employ
visible screws. here installed on concealed wiring work, the diameter
shall be of proper size to conceal the outlet box; where installed on
exposed wiring, the diameter shall be of proper size to fit the con-
duit fitting. Finish of metal parts shall be chromium plate, satin
finish, unless otherwise noted? All exterior fixtures shall be of
types manufactured for outside uSe.
18-166 FLOODLIGHTS: Floodlights of the size noted shall be instal-
led where indicated on the drawings. Floodliphts shall be of the enclosed
type equipped.with provision for horizontal and vertical adjustment. The
housing shell be constructed of a cast corrosion-resisting alloy and shall
be dust-tight and weatherproof. The reflector shall be of silvered glass
or aluminum and shall be removable from the housing. Aluminum reflectors
shall have a polished, permaneat, non-tarnishing, reflecting surface, and
shall be Alzak, or similar and equal. A gasketed hinged door containing
a gasketed clear, smooth, convex,? heat-resisting, cover galss shall be
held to the housing by a clamping arrangement. Floodlight installations
shall include corrosion-resisting mounting brackets of suitable design
for the applicable method of mounting, The beam characteristics of flood-
lights shsll'be such as to provide a concentrated distribution of light
over the area to be lighted, with a minimum of wasted light against build-
ings and in unused areas. The fixtures shall be those shown on the drawings,
or similar and equal.
1C-17. NUIPMIINT CONNECTIONS: Equipment connections shall be made
with flexible conduit not less than 18 inches in length, Controllers
for motors, disconnect switches, and all control, protective, and signal '
devices for motor circuits, except where such apparatus is furnished mounted
and connected integral with the motor-driven equipment, shall be installed,
connected, and left in operating condition. The number and size of con-
ductors between motors and control or protective apparatus shall be as
recommended by the manufacturer of the apparatus.
18-18. FUEL OIL STORAGE, TANK: Fuel oil storage tank for generators
shall be of capacity not less than that indicated on the drawings and con-
structed in acaprdance with details shown therein. Tanks shall be of steel
not less than 3/16 inch thick and provided with welded, reinforced threaded
openings or flanges for all pipe connections including oil full, vents and
supply and return lines. Concrete saddles shall be provided as shown
complete with all bolts and straps. Straps and bolts not embeded in concrete
Sanitized - Approved For Releaseii 9A-RDP61-00763A000300090049-0
Sanitized - ApproVed For Release : CIA-RDP61-007,43A000300090049-0
shall be throughly coated with coal tar. A calibrated sounding rod shall
be furnished with the tank.
18-19 REPAIP OF EXISTING WOR: The work shall be carefully laid
out in advance, and where cutting, channeling, chasing, or drilling of
floors, walls, partitions, ceilings, or other surfaces is necessary for
the proper installation, support, or anchorage of the conduit, receways?
or other electrical work, this work shall be carefully done, and any
damage to buildings, piping, or equipment shall be repaired by skilled
mechanics of the trades involved, at no additional cost to the Govern-
18-20, GUARANTY: The system furniShed under.this part of the
Specifications shall be guaranteed for a period (:)f one year from the
date of final acceptance thereof agaitst defective materials and work-
manship. Upon receipt of notice from theGovernment of failure of
any part of the guaranteed equipment during the guaranty period, the
affected part of parts shall be replaced promptly by and the expense
of the contractor.
1E-21 TESTS: After the interior-wiring-system installation is
eompleted, and at such time as the Contracting Officer may direct,
the contractor shall conduct an operating test for approval. The equip-
ment shall be demonstrated to operate in accordance with the requirements
of this spucification. The test shall be performed in the presence of the
Contracting Officer or his authorized representative. The contractor shall
furnish all instruments and personnel required for the tests, and the
Government will furnish the necessary electric power,.
Sanitized - Approved For Releasie :191A-RDP61-00763A000300090049-0
Sanitized - ApproVtd For Release : CIA-RDP61-007,63A000300090049-0
19-01.? SCOPE: The work covered by this section of the specifi-
cations consists in furnishing all plant, labor, equipment, appliances
and materials net furnished by the Government, and in performing all
operations in connection with the construction of security fence,
complete, in strict accordance with this section of the specifications
and the applicable drawings, and subject to the terms and conditions
of the contract.
t.-3-02. APPLICABLE SPECIFICATIONS: The following Federal Speci-
fications, of the issues listed below but referred to thereafter by
basic pesignation only, form a part of this specification:-
FF-B-571a Bolts, Nuts, Studs and Tap-Rivets (and
Material for Same)
RR-F-183 Fence-Posts, Gates and Accessories
RR-F-191 Fencing, Chain-Link or Welded
WW-P-406 Pipe; Steel and Ferrous-Alloy (for)
Ordinary Uses (Iron-Pipe-Size)
WW-P-521b Pipe-Fittings; Malleable Iron (Screwed)
GENERAL: Gages of wire indicated on the drawings or
specified herein shall be Steel Wire Gages and shall he the minimum
acceptable. All steel and iron parts shell be zinc-coated. The zinc-
coating shall withstand six 1-minute dips of the Preece Test as prescribed
by Federal Specification RR-F-183. Fences and gates shall be of the
sizes and designs indicated on the drawings.
a. Chain-Link fabric shall conform to Federal Specification
RR-F.,101, type A, class 1. Fabric shall be 2-inch diamond mesh, 6-gage
wire (0.192 inch in diameter).
b. Bolts, nuts and washers shall confo
Specification FF-B-571, zinc=coated.
to Federal
c. 1410_,_e_Ral_aarner and gate posts and braces shall be
7inc-coated steel pipe (:.onforming to Federal Specification WW-P-406, and
shall be of the sizes and lengths indicated on the drawings. The term
"corner post" as used herein shall be a post occurring at any deflection
angle of the fence in excess of 10 degrees. Precast concrete and R.,
beam posts shall be as hereinafter specified.
d. Stretcher bars and, clips.
(1) Stretcher bars shall be zinc-coated steel not
less than 3/16 by 3/4 inch in cross section or equivalentcrosasectional
area and shall be of lengths equal to the full height of the fabric
with which they are to be used. The stretcher bars shall be arranged
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for attaching to the fabric by threading through the fabric, by
clamps Or by other positive mechanical means.
(2) dlj,ps of adequate strength shall be provided by
sufficient number for attaching the fabric and stretcher bars to all
posts at intervals not exceeding 15 inches.
19-05. al4.21110210-452-MaLLAIIE:
a. General. Finished fencing shall be in proper align-
ment as far as practicable in conformance with the finished grade,
with posts plumb and all wire work taut. Care shall be exercised to
equalize the tension or pull of the wire on each side of the posts,
and all corner and end posts shall be braced as shown on the drawings,
or required. All hardware shall be thoroughly secured, properly
adjusted and left in perfect working order.
b. Concrete foundation for posts shall be of the sizes
indicated on the drawings. Exposed top surface of concrete base shall
be bevelled as shown. Concrete shall meet the requirements for Class
B concrete under section on CONCReTE, including requirements for
materials, proportions, mixing, placing, protection, curing and the
furnishing and construction of forms and steel, if any.
c. Chain-link fence:
(1) P6sts shall be spaced as indicated on the drawings
and shall be Set securely in concrete to the depth shown. Posts shall
be securely held in position with temporary bracing while placing the
concrete for the foundation. Bracing shall not be removed until the
concrete has hardened.
(2) Braces shall be accurately fitted, attached to the
Posts and properly set and welded. Post braces shall be provided for
gate, corner and end posts.
(3) Chain-link fabric shall be stretched taut and
clipped to each post at intervals Of not more than 5 meshes. The top
and bottom:se:Mtge wire shall be pulled taut and thoroughly secured to end
and bottom posts and clipped at intermediate lire posts. Fabric shall
be attached to each gate and end post by one stretcher bar and to corner
post by two stretcher bars. Stretcher bars shall be threaded through the
fabric and attached to the posts by clamps or by other approved mechanical
d. Gates shall be ewing-type, complete with latches,
stops, keepers, hinges, locks and fabric.
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(1) Gate frames shall be constructed of zinc-coated
steel pipe, truss rods and turnbuckles, to the details shown on the
drawIngs. All joints between members shall be made by heavy fittings,
providing rigid and watertight connections. Truss rods shall be not
less 3/8 inch in nominal diameter.
(2) Chain-link fabric shall be as hereinabove specified
and shall be attached securely to the gate frame with clips at inter-
vals not exceeding 15 inches.
(3) Hinges shall be of heavy pattern, zinc-coated steel,
wrought iron or malleable iron, of adequate strength for the gate and
with large bearing surfaces for clamping in position. The hinges shall
not twist or turn under the action of the gate. The gate shall be
capable of being opened and closed easily by oneperson and shall be
arranged so they may be swung back parallel withthe fence.
(4) Latches, stops and keepers shall be provided for
all gates and shall be of zinc-coated steel, wrought iron ar malleable
(a) Latches shall be of the plunger-bar type and
shall be of the full gate height and arranged to engage the gate stop,
except for single gates for Openings less than 10 feet wide a forked
latch may be provided subject to the approval of the Contracting Officer
Latches shall be arranged for locking.
(b) Stops shall consist of 4-flash plate -with
anchor arranged to be set in concrete and to engage the plunger of the
bar latch, except that for single gates for openings less than 10 feet
wide other approved types of stops may be provided subject to the
approval of the Contracting Officer.
(c) Keepers shall consist of a substantial mechanical
device for securing and supporting the free end of the gate in the full
open position.
(8) 1,elcks, for gates shall be of substantial construc-
tion zinc-coated case, and shall be accessible from both sides of the
gate. Three keys shall be furnished with each lock.
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A,}1.Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP6r0763A000300090049-0
20-01, SCOPE: The work covered by this section of the specifi-
cations consists in furnishing all plant, labor, equipment, appliances
and materials, and in performing all operations in connection with,.
installing Government-furnished equipment, complete, in strict accordance
with this section of the specifications and the applicable drawings, and
subject to the terms and conditions of the contract.
- 20-02. GENERAL: The Oovernment-furnished equipment to be installed
under this section is listed complete in Schedule "B?.
20-03. INSTALLATION: Unless otherwise specified. or directed, all.
equipment shall be assembled and installed in accordance with the recom-
mendations of the manufacturer. If there are no manufacturer's recom-
mendations for, or if the manufacturer's recommendations are not appli-
cable to certain installations, the installations shall be made in
accordance with the best practice known to the trade, unless otherwise,
'directed. -
a. General. The Contractor shall inspect all Government
furnished property immediately upon arrival and report any damage or
shortage to the Contracting Officer in writing within 24 hours as required
by the Special conditions. Since apparently minor damage may require
replacement of an entire piece of equipment or costly repairs thereto,
the inspections shall be throughly made by competent employees experienced
in such work,
b. Respensibility, The Contracting Officer ill be responsi-
ble for all Government-furnished equipment up to point of arrival, and_
the Contractor shall be responsible for unloading and thereafter through
installation complete, the Contractor shall only be responsible for damage
to such equipment caused through his own fault or negligence,
e, Repair, All damaged or broken equipment ?r which- the
Contractor is responsible shall be replaced with new equip ent unless
the Contracting Officer grants permission in writing for t e Contractor
to make repairs. All repairs, unless otherwise directed, 8 all be made in
accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00763 A 000300090049-0