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Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/02 :CIA-RDP61-005498000300120001-9 ~~ LA.C has the resp+c~t~blltty tar este~h~d r41es ~ oti~~inos within tiie int~etlidence cnmss~aity, ~ establish pari~ttli!#ss Ioc ~.s-tsl3i~~t~ce gath~sxiAg, and. ttt~r sstiasating the a~ltl~de of sv~zsits. It was to-the lut'lllg+es~ae Adr~!' Cassrrs!#tee that ws wemt in 19~d with the problem of how tq ~s'E the yq~tlque i f #~ required by the laafaaraaat~sn .~.deacy. The Intel2iee ~d~rsarir Com-a~-i~t+re .eetablishe?l a wt-rki.Ad grasp to study the problems, and 1ss~d tAt?~~ whis~#~dall~ et~tablished our role and ~aaissit~n within. ate 1~s21iges~~ easxxga4anlt~. 'I'he report re~o-+as~t~t ag~-tx+tst `i~~IA being ~- rs+~h~r` ~f the 1..4C b~ meted that '?IAC messbszsl~~ should fat se-+~ataaained tr~tt ~. sufficient ac~ouz~t v# time has passed for the ia~pler~+~#~ts of this rept.'~ ?a 1947. -19;Z when th? I+iattonal Sa~~cx~ 6~ocil and the CIA ~rere crsatead by law, ~ Istellig~rh+ce Ad~isox"Yr Coesotee ~~} '~~~ test ap to advise the Presidet~ sad the CQas~II. The ~I die+~t+td`that the 9f~~ ~ the IMreetos arf GIA s~a-d the at+r r~~ber~ ~d be Axe*, Navy, fir Faxee~ do~R Ch#efs ad aaff, I~sta~~ vat ~- A. sod ~`Hi. 'The latter two ccb~tte sp-a+~ihlised iticrx-i as ~ rat"; t~StA would take a similar pbsiti+~-. 1'hisrs ha~r_~ s~ ode !~ IA+~ ~,ursbtp The report also x~eeme~ende~ ~C7gIA ~tauld be imritad to pa-rtieipate vr~sa ea:at#exs vuithlo sett purview were berg +~wrcussed. Wt hsvs n:oar ~rs~ invited. .After a yag~r a;nd s had' string whi+~h the Adeac~yr ~i~ within g~rveru- ment had materially itnprsa~sd and during which aa~r i~ts~lgextca assets had been developed, the issu-s e~ oar cnea~tbsrship wss ~d f~-reoslly by ~Ir. g!t#lbsxt befor+ie ~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/02 :CIA-RDP61-005498000300120001-9 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/02 :CIA-RDP61-005498000300120001-9 Y d sew be ~at+ed getbl#+~3y. .~Str. Streib~zt he#e3re the tA~ Qn Ma-y ~, t9~b. _~t the tt~e Cdr. btresibert a>~d I both wades a presesa~tatie~s - a esma~etar~ eef ~+t-~- is et~cl~e:d. i~~hiles there e.ares many ~sgsavrmeexats #ex its atem3~~rship, I thf~rek eaves eaaE the streragest i~r that the I~i~ is ~ l:t~esgls~ Pam ,~ ~Iatie~aa.l aete:s~xritYr Ceacil str~tsret atean~g with the ~~ds~ raar~i and t~he- ~t~~. Yvt~ arc a ~,ar>~er af' the ~~C13. Yae~t are: re:prereeas~e~ .e{ ~~g ~ea~ard asd attend the Natioasai Semis,=tl~r Csea~cil. I this thetret~#oxe, t the .A.~tep hare: the rim and the: s~ese;d is be srtpareaaaaa~tetd''ia~ the tRet~a~ing }part a! the ~tatinxial Seerurft~ ~a~rcil a~p~,aratu~t. ~eeet e:ea~ta~d well asrh, thee aresr-earsee einc~ioa -- 1~~h~r rhrat~le! Ligtti ~ ber ~- mese~-t-er Bar feyrm~ai ~-eaia~n ~ T 19. ~b tha ,~ tsra: e~awa tha >re~ssat ~atr a-deaittance. Neg raas~ we:e wed, ~ ~~ad, ~unrevcr, thz~ ea~a~g CiA and A~:C vsttesel it eae~r fave-r. 'ohs I z'h~8. ~ ebEhexc w+eaee segatlYes: I bealieves, lax~ra~ic a$d eeastti~ gs+~ade rrritich 1 Siae~e that tix~et sv fesrmal a~c~ief-~ had 1~et~raQ takeaea, 1 e~Jte~resrsetd it bs~iel~,y with A~[r, Irson het hauei ea~acaea~ ~lcraeat to we~rx~r aaatd it eeeeped a little tttc soon. This ia~ a itartie:z~,arly ea,eaxt~e me:saw! tae- xafee: iae agate Y'?ner $tari~al, ~rana exp~rie4nce ~d x >celatie>a~shilrc w ~e ~ega'xteat~eht all add sew fe-ctexr~-. Sete: eaaate~y, then man ~aarittea ~'r ~resdas~t' ? Retard e~# Ce3nealtu~s on ~'ea~retign Iastet~eet Aetivitie3s~ h~ x~,ca~d,+ee9 that atl the erxierting Pi'atietsal Secsrl lXi~aa~cs+ lixektr 4t~S~lE~f be3 reviewed asd brunt sg to e~ttet. '~ ~'~ G'i * wilt such ~stteret as rule and caa-er>s:benxehip ef# the: ~~ and thet Ye~sposlslhl.litie~~s ' each i?tetlligeea~e: or~astsatiss. C3nr views eea-nle~i ~rhs~- bs sasrc ~~~~ ~a lhier tlul~t aitsation. C'ne peaetsr3hle a-pproacb ~~td be ~'nx potal t~ diae:e~rr tcx with The Prestielet>s~'a $etaxd eat C~~Itas~k? ~t !`sseai~s ~telig~ae-..~ctivitiea# n#' which tBr. i~vett may Ire #hn new cheiaraaaaa~. ~nclvsnret: as statetei. cc: CIA-Amory ~~CKI~T w------......~. ~_ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/02 :CIA-RDP61-005498000300120001-9 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/02 :CIA-RDP61-005498000300120001-9 Membersh ip was declined on June 19, 195 Arief for U,S, Information Agency Membership in the IAC RA CKGROtJND In the st~rir~ of IgStte the U,."?a Information Agency (USIA) re= quested the DCI to study its intelligence needso DCI agreed9 and the coral i eted study was submitted as IAC b=82, The ?IAC atproved9 in July of 1959 lertinent sections of the studyg ineludin~ the conclusion that "USIA should have an intelligence orgaT,ization designed to ensure that full use is made of the resources af' the intelligence community and to be resTonsive to those TTSI~', needs which cannot be met by the comr~unity,tt ?:chile Tr.L' T)-82 held that UST. should not become a member of the 7.~:C at that tir.,e9 it recorrr::ended that ~rthe r~uestion of IAC membership should be reexamined after sufficient tine had tossed for i.rtrle:^~enta~.,ion of -she report,,t. AAV.4TITA('T~S off' USIA MT~F3T??1.SRTP IN THF: ZAC The fri.r,ary mission of tISIA is to engage in activities desit-ned to affect Public olinion and combat hostile prot-aganda abroado To assist the At-envy in its missiang the inte2li;-Pnce Yes~onsi- bilities of the dffioe of Research and Intelli?:ence (IRI) include measurement of foreign t: ublic of inion and attitudes and the analysis of hostile lro}aganda~ Membership of U5I1~, in the I1!C would benefit both the irtelli~ience community and T7STl; 9 with the t. rind} al advantages including: fuller anc more timely use by the IAC of tT;Tk~s unique assets and resources; Increasett resX onsiveness of the IAC to t,oth iong~ ran?e and im Mediate USIA requirem~:nts; Deeper awareness ari.thin the intelligence community of T rot~agand3 intelligence as a vital segs7ent of tha comt-lPte intelli;-ence Picture of any area or cauntrye Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/02 :CIA-RDP61-005498000300120001-9 Declassified in Part - S anitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/02 :CIA-RDP61-005498000300120001-9 _.~._a=:. w: ~. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/02 :CIA-RDP61-005498000300120001-9 ?li 9'~e .. .:. N...!w Zi; `...'+S.~l,f~w ~~'q1~ii~.~.:. c!uuL VV ~1U. iCl an.~..1 ~: ?~.'~e:s .,~._ 'r..a~.''r: f .4 .f r ii ~~~,(. i? li~i1l:~ .~. LA.?.v iry 2~~ ..~;~ ~ i.+~.:~~~ ~.~{~..~ cL1 4~.' ;. s .: .. ~ ~t~.,'.'. Y.,;;y 1~~. ~'~.}:~ ~4:: J M1 l z? ~~. .l cat',' .ii.','1nj 'r.F~;3 ~ a is u i1 ci~i:L QI:'.~~' ~~%r~'w~ o .L yA n~~Ip1cor~~iuc,~y~d~.i,.,n I~e~and ~.~c~~srn~~te1,~ T~":~s~~ti~,,,;~y' ti~~ ?~lYlp~.6~.u~ie t~iVQ.~,{j~}Ti~n'~ ~~~~sy fiSillQ ci11Ld U,~S? airb~~ ~.rt tha1; t;ottnlxy? Il sat;~~:.~ ;~tt?~t?t~~ eta,:? ci ravo bE3e3n conducted. 7.n! for c~xa~~?.~ q . Ce;~-;1..~. ~x ~,s~r ~,,o t'.~o ree:c~.t eleeticzr~s~ Tlx:i serv:i.ceA td~o r~niy pt1~3 t~f 3.'~s ~,~..nCI ~n ~~~ `~.r'~)tJC2':~~C':xt~ r-.a.~ ~~r baon ~gr;ested ~~;~ t~~?~ ~y:li; anc? L'SXr"~ -- v:rcc~ it 3.s not ~~~~t i~~~.-~~L of, T~V ;~k3J :~.~?Lt7`'u.'~.rJ1?!".3 ~ ~1FLci Zt~ ~~ ~X3HX1 J"t23 2.., r ~,".-.:LC:I.~T? %:'.`- ?a. s~?' '~il?P s ~a.1.~.'~ ~'~, ~.~?''}~.49]?$'.~.Lf~.C-2 ~?.~f.~3~2 ~~~ A ~F ut~3..'~. {`~.1..~. ~~c:I'.9GI2*~.E'Z ~ ~Il~itai~`32'~.3i~; ~p's'~QQ ~i"'~C:?'7.5::~.'~3?~ ~zzd 7~,04~ :i.~aZ. c:?-rn)_~~~~~e~ ~ a-~ ~r~r~ ,;.~ ,.,;= 1~, .. ~~:~ . ? (~Q i ~:;l~:l4 ~,T ~.'~ 'e`.7'~v v3~ 4~ (:,ni ~:2~~~'4 ~ .?";iii?'? 3.`~.1:C3'.3~CA~'r _..~~ ___.. ._ n w ,.. ._ ,}. _ E., 1 ~ F'..~'?1,~ C:%a, (~. :,o ~yY.. t~.l~ r~` n~ trli~w' ~..L~ l~ld~::2.`Y~ i.~ _. _ .. _.,~, ~ 'i ~ r, d xC.t,~.ta.G_..7 '~',' ~y t-,m lt3;j a"ed1"vim ei`~~.T'r;S~^y =t.?I'~ G~ic2n..Y'iC3Z.u i%v._'.~_' ?!~-;'~ ?~k.- ,~. ~, .....I L.....L`.O cu_ C, ~.~5a.?s?r3 m,~' `i,U ~'1f~,3o i:i sl Fi3.~;a8[-.1.E:~'d'~ I1LT'."'!~3i? C7~."? '-?iSc`l: - h ~i~k~~ ~~' vV F ~4a IJiw.b~fT i G`/~+i Wi L r~',!5 i. C)..l~l d-'i+N ~s~3~ e: i,LL: ~'S'~ I+f v 1C.~3rauf3f.~ ~.':C Y'Qv~)OT[+S':I:B:iQ ~ iiii~'": t~la~.I~~l~-`.~?''i>t"r^ '`:'~':~~.fL'`-. ~~ .~x:s~.4 ti.:~l~t rc3c~~L~t '~y 1J5~:~`1 of 9_t~-~:~ i!.c;'~; t~,J~x (uv~.~, cues 7~t~ :`or ?.a :~f?~.~t,~,r,,_ ~~~: ~? ~J" I ~ _ CrJYtlsc:,'~ .. ..' 'i S T~'+`?.g'?M1C2S3t f2t~:3I?I~ tt? t:C}:'?;~.':.,~_' mg's ,z'+~Ain ^t"f ct'r, ?cu-~ t"i ~ ~~~~ .c ?tiC.L - ' - _~;^ "' .. ... ?.,'.~-.. ,,: L, ?'? C9f ~l'.~.i:~ria i.1.0 '1C.') t~r'C?1.i','k'1~L?: iii S'~+SiYO~ tl~e''L+~t ~_;'4..-x~. ate? L' li ~ a j -;, - - .I Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/02 :CIA-RDP61-005498000300120001-9 llf~i .k~L'~'t:+~",a~`iQLL ~.Z J(~~~Z~i~N ~S i~~Qpc1~~7-nMcB ~n~~+Q ti~,1Z~'~3'..l li ~. c 5 Ck ;~,~"~.~.~ :~o~ ~~nt of i:~:t~ co;~lc~y~ intell ~.~,ence p1.e?t:?x?+~ t~~:a~~~.c~. ..t9' ,?.,,,,, i~,.i, WJ CAtLta Ct7Ti1~Y'811CiIl."i'~.YQi2.C3~f3 c2.?~t~ '%^Fa,?li~;`a.!'.'~7' '? iy:~~~+3,`_"~~~;~31:LA1 '.i,s 'lsryuiC3ry't~:.ty:~2St t":r(y7]~.'C~s{).Sj~3JiJ{~8.n,{ j:1;~'":,j~.ygl'(1'-t~, b.L Vr~.~.i~CLeJ JQ ~ "L y~J .1 NAG ~J~l Gil ti.~i Vt~ lAJ ai' ~:i 4/:~Li.i CCU or u~,.a-~~~?"tents u~ nG~tXona3. leadars' ~:x~re tl:a.~~ a sla~,ted f il~? Tt a~co onto-zpassss acti~rs.-;;:ie:; l3,kc~ trade fai~.?s, cultural excgBan~;es, ~:i ~^ a ar Px~apa4arzda ;rie;.~d in zts ontixety 7.s a t;eagoar~ u.,o~' err ~e er;~=z"i`fs ~.zsa3 by us. I"t is, ii~3't~"1Era`a a :~--~:~gan z~cd ~sB g7rrtli cold and hot trar4a It is a ~ ualcon dQ,~ g~' ed t~a?t to x.17, pvog~le or de~.c? c~.r; cos, but ra?t}Qr to c 2~eat~ fat*orable a-~t:s?tz~ciQs and ~;~..c:~t deNs red act:i.ons, The rises of T7ro~aga:lda ham a7-t Tz;;y s P1? 5'e~'; a cenj;.~1, role Zt2 co:?rnunis ?G s"tr, a~te~~ ~iis ct~untry has neves? f~,~]r ~ac~.,~~d t~ t-=is rte'>ct, i~erl'z~ps because, until cor~pi~rata.?u~7,~r recen ~;,~~ this caurttry Yzatt ro nragl~~.~-~nCla appar~.t-L~s ~"r I?t ic11o?,;, -that n1~pa~;anda intslZi~nce Zs pro ?tI>~. sift:?ri? b~' ~-#'B"t:3I1.~.~;~aa for i?Le~ ~a~.a~.c .?.s ay~~r.~.zi~, iivna PY~ga~z;_;e:n~a :~:;A~11it;cnce :nLSt ~1sa cs-t;L.x.t;o tht3 E'~Q Y;T',^a j1x'L~',~v ~+~tUa ].n'fiQ12t7.Ons0 x V :"?iTl.t.".'G ~?:a r~'. C,~,i i~ thQ Yf.:ect~.xone:-3s of h:i.s g~ropa~andaa ,,.ne1 ~.t ;-r6~t iuclut~ a:Zal,~rsis of his ;mapa~ancla aFroar:~~;"zs -~?. ~.~s COr'L~1a:1C~ St2',:Ct'x.'A, CUntral~ pol~Cies, T24'Z;l~dti~ Snd fillc1nC121~,0 ~ Uhat i~ropag,~rxcla :isif,o].?.a.g;~ncs c.auld cvrtz.ibtitt3 to thQ izir~7~.i~roncct piLtut'e, t2ic~n, aro such f"~zctrars and considesticyns as: pab7.xc attitudes on ~,~a.~r~.n issues, i3robablc; pyab2ic reaction tv ~;:~van Nit~:~::~:~ C~> ar aven?uss an::