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SECRET Approved For Relecjftb 2000/08/26 : CIA-RDP61-0054!000200030026-3 USIB-D-32.2 /1 31 December 1958 DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE DIRECTIVE 3 /3 PRODUCTION OF ATOMIC ENERGY INTELLIGENCE >;E>, Pursuant to the provisions of NSCID No. 3 and for the purpose of strengthen- ing the over-all governmental intelligence structure, the following policies, procedures, and practices are hereby established for the production and coordina- tion of atomic energy intelligence. 1. Policies The following principles shall apply to the discharge of responsibilities by the departments and agencies concerned: a. No compldte separation of areas of interest is desirable or possible. b. Full and free interchange among all departments and agencies ..of all information which has utility fo.r .intellig:ence relating. to the This directive supersedes Annex C of DCID 3/4, dated 24 January 1956. For directives pertaining to Scientific and Technical and to Guided Missiles and Astronautics Intelligence see DCID 3/5 and DCID 3 /4 . Atomic Energy intelligence is intelligence related to: foreign research, development, production, and/stockpiling/: of nuclear weapons, special nuclear materials and other components of warheads; reactors, nuclear power, and propul- sion systems, and controlled thermonuclear reactions; installations, equipment, personnel, and other *esources related principally to these activities; but does not include intelligence on weapons delivery systems other than on the nuclear warheads or nuclear propulsion systems associated therewith. 1 / CIA, AEC, and State concur in the inclusion of "stockpiling"; Joint Staff and Air Force object; Navy and Army reserve their position. Approved For Release 2000/08/26 : ?&R161-00549R000200030026-3 SECRET Approved For Relftse 2000/08/26: CIA-RDP61-0034gD.094J.3;9pa6-3 national security is essential. This includes intelligence information, finished intelligence, and information on internal and external intel- ligence research programs. c. Each department or agency shall develop special competence in those intelligence fields directly related to its primary depart- mental: r`di P onsibi7itiesyaisd shall -normally ~carry..out 'the bulk of` the research in those fields. d. Each department or agency may make such studies as it believes necessary to supplement intelligence obtainable from other, depa.rtmex t.s. and -,agencies In order to ,m4~!et :its.'..departmental require - mcntn , bjt-ern cans axy_ duplicaticzn and-overlap, avoided. 2. Production Responsibilities The production of intelligence on atomic energy is a responsi- bility of all 'de'parfm&'nt"s' annd:-ageestcies..repre.sente:d. on -the United States'.Intel- ligence Board; : tci':be. coordinated' the Joint-Atomic Energy Intelligence Committee. 3. Establishment of the Joint Atomic Energy Intelligence Committee Tie Joint Atomic Energy Intelligence Committee is hereby estab- lished as a Committee of the United States Intelligence Board to coordinate atomic energy intelligence activities of the Government as set forth below. 4. Mission of the Joint Atomic Energy Intelligence Committee The mission of the Joint Atomic Energy Intelligence Committee (JAEIC) shall be to foster, develop, and maintain a coordinated community Approved For Release 2000/08/2?EE,DP61-00549 R000200030026-3 SECRET -D-32. // Approved Forlease 2000/08/26: CIA-RDP61-Ov49R 00030026-3 approach to problems in the field of atomic energy intelligence, to promote inter-agency liaison, and to give added impetus and community support to the effects of individual agencies. Specific responsibilities of'the JAEIC shall include the following: a. To provide a mechanism for the fullest exchange of atomic energy information for intelligence purposes related to the national security; All except /b. To recommend atomic energy intelligence objectives Air Force within the over-all national intelligence objectives, establish relative priorities on substantive needs, review the scope and effectiveness of collection and production efforts to meet these objectives, and provide the necessary substantive guidance,/ Air Force / b. To recommend atomic energy intelligence develop- ments within the over-all national intelligence objectives and .to evaluate the progress to meet these objectives; / c. To provide a mechanism for coordinating the atomic energy intelligence production efforts of the member agencies; d. To produce: (1) coordinated drafts of national intel- ligence estimates, (2) contributions to national intelligence esti- All mates, and (3)tl :" intelligence except _ - : Joint /.a.s appropriate] Staff and, Navy Joint Staff and Navy /as directed by the U. S. Intelligence Board/ ILLEGIB ILLEGIB Approved For Release 2000/086 RDP61-00549 R000200030026-3 SECRET Approved For Release 2000/08/26 : CIA-RDP61-0054TR000200030026-3 USIB-D-32. 2/1 All except Air Force, Army and Joint Staff Air Force and Army and to coordinate intelligence community opinion on significant foreign atomic energy developments including the production of appropriate re- ports to the Intelligence Board thereon; e. To determine deficiencies in atomic energy intelligence, to take appropriate remedial action, and to recommend to the Intelligence Board remedial action beyond the authority of the JAEIC; f. To provide coordinated staff support, as required by the Intel- ligence Board, for international conferences on atomic energy intel- ligence. 5. Membership of the Joint Atomic Energy Intelligence Committee The Joint Atomic Energy Intelligence Committee shall be com- posed of designated representatives of the United States Intelligence Board departments and agencies. Other departments and agencies may be invited by the Chairman to participate in the work of the JAEIC as agreed by the Committee. 6. Chairmanship of the Joint Atomic Energy Intelligence Committee The Chairman of the Joint Atomic Energy Intelligence Committee shall be designated /by the Director of Central Intelligence with the con- currence of the United States Intelligence Board. / /by the U. S. Intelligence Board./ Approved For Release 2000/08/28 ~IPP61-00549R000200030026-3 SECRET Approved For Relea'i 2000/08/26 : CIA-RDP61-005400200030026-3 USIB-D-32.2/1 Joint Staff /annually by the U. S. Intelligence Board. -7 Navy /reserves on this point/ The Central Intelligence Agency shall provide appropriate 'secretariat support. 7. Subcommittees of the Joint Atomic Energy Intelligence Committee The Joint Atomic Energy Intelligence Committee may establish All except / subcommittees and ad hoc! working group/ as appropriate. Air Force - and Joint.Staff Air Force /ad hoc subcommittees and working groups/ and Joint Staff 8. Inter-Committee Coordination Responsibilities The Joint Atomic Energy Intelligence Committee shall share with the Scientific Intelligence Committee, Guided Missile and Astronautics Intelligence Committee, Economic Intelligence Committee and other appropriate Board committees responsibility for the coordination of areas of joint or overlapping concern. Care shall be taken to avoid undesirable duplication in, activities and also to ensure that no important scientific, technical or economic intelligence matter is neglected or escapes attention by falling', between areas of established ILLEGIB ILLEGIB ILLEGIB SECRET Approved For ReJase 2000/08/26 : CIA-RDP61-0 v49R000200030026-3 USIB-D-32.2/1 separate committee activities. The chairman of each of these committees shall be responsible for ensuring liaison and coordina- tion with the other committees involved on any and all matters of joint or overlapping concern. Approved For Release 2000/08 g-RDP61-00549 R000200030026-3