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Document Release Date: 
December 18, 2009
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Publication Date: 
September 30, 1959
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/18: CIA-RDP61-00442A000200040049-2 c P H IA 'L Office Memorandum ? UNITED ST%MF ATES GOVERNMENT TO Chi ef, Langua ge and Area School DATE: 30 September 1959 FROM Dep SUBJECT : Wee uty for La kly Activi nguage Training ties Report A. SIG NIFICANT I TEMS Non B. OTH e to repor ER ACTIVIT t. IES 2. Intermediate German RSW (FT) began on Monday with three students from F.F. Division. All are graduates of the preceding Basic course. 3. I is supervising the production of recorded drill materials to be used in basic German instruction. These drills will be a valuable addition to our German materials. 4. LAS is providing instructor guidance and training materials for two external tutorial programs in French starting immediately and continuing to the end of the year. The tutors were given a preliminary briefing by and the Romance Language staff on Tuesday. LAS will continue to support this activity within the limitations posed by schedules and personnel. 5. Part-time Basic Spanish, Phase I began on Monday 28 September with six students, one from USIA. 6. The first full-time Arabic course in LAS history got underway on 28 September with four students. Afifth, who has already had some Arabic, is scheduled to join the class 15 October. is being assisted in this course by who is on indefinite loan to LAS for this purpose. We have a so received clearance to hire he is to come to Washington on 5 October to discuss possible employment. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/18: CIA-RDP61-00442A000200040049-2 ww Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/18: CIA-RDP61-00442A000200040049-2 0[1F IJETIA 7. A full-time Chinese course also began 28.September, with six students. One of these is the dependent (and pregnant) wife of another. The plan is for her to continue in this course for about a month until her baby arrives, and then, after a suitable interval, to join the part- time Chinese course beginning 12 October. Her place in the full-time course will be taken, about that time, by another student now away on TDY, who has had some Chinese before. In this course is being assisted by We still hope to find a replacement we have one prospect on whom we have requested contact clearance. 8. The following Slavic language courses began this week: Basic Full-time Russian; four specialized Russian reading courses; Basic Russian (RSW), Phase I; Basic Russian (RSW), Phase II; Intermediate Russian (RSW), Phase I; Integrated Language-Area Course, USSR, Phase I; Russian Familiarization; Basic Serbo-Croatian Readin ; Basic Polish Reading, Phase II; and Hungarian Workshop. is teaching all the East European language courses other than Russ an. 9. Two students have submitted applications for admission to the next Basic Polish Reading course, which will probably be offered the spring semester. During the past five years Polish has consistently held its place as the number two East European language, after Russian, from the standpoint of Agency interest. 10.~has been elected Vice President of the Washin ton Linmila is Club. Carleton Hodge, FSI, was chosen President and Assistant Director, Center for Applied Linguistics, Secretary- 12. Final statements of achievement were sent out this week to 26 students who completed the Elementary or Intermediate courses in Arabic, French and German during the summer trimester of the VLTP and achieved satisfactory scores on the Agency Proficiency test in August. The results in German were the best yet recorded at the Elementary level. The French students did very well at the Intermediate level. The best performance of all was that of the four Arabic students, three of whom, after the Elementary course (Arabic 101 - 104) achieved Intermediate proficiency in the spoken language; the fourth achieved the established goal of Elementary. i Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/18: CIA-RDP61-00442A000200040049-2