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Document Creation Date: 
December 27, 2016
Document Release Date: 
December 18, 2009
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Publication Date: 
September 30, 1959
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PDF icon CIA-RDP61-00442A000200040047-4.pdf48.83 KB
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/18: CIA-RDP61-00442A000200040047-4 Office Memorandum ? UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT 11 Director of Training FROM : Chief, Language and Area School SUBJECT: Weekly Activities Report #37 A. SIGNIFICANT ITEMS None to report. B. OTHER ACTIVITIES National Defense Education Act, came for about two hours with DATE: 30 Sep 59 TS S Auth: ~. ~? Date: _ ~I ;gip: 1. On his initiative, Dr. Faust, who is responsible for the area aspects in development of language and area centers under the Most of the time was consumed by Dr. Faust in telling about the HEW programs, plans and problems. 2. ~ has returned from Syracuse where he went on invita- tion as one of several persons being considered to direct the next overseas program in Japan. Syracuse was attracted to Omainly because of his stature reflected in his editorship of a recent volume of The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science dealing with Japan. he5 long detail to the Intelligence School. 3. It is pleasant for all to have 4. will not be able to attend the area and language Roundtables at ext week, and has indicated a desire that 5. has asked if 25 YEAR may be used 14-16 October as a residence for top-most executives during a conference including the DCI and DDCI, et al. RE-RE Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/18: CIA-RDP61-00442A000200040047-4