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D FORM NO. M ~T"`approved For Releas2000/08/17 :-CIA-RDP61-00442A 00100050022-1 Office Memorandum ? UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT TO Director of Training THRU Chief, Operations School FROM . Chief, Field Training suBJECC: Weekly Activities Report #10, Field Training, Period 9 to 13 March 1959 25X1A 25X1A 1. On 13 March, we had the sad occasion of saying farewell to who was on his way to a three-week stint at Headquarters prior to his eventual assignment on - As I 25X1A have pointed. out to you, each man brings different qualifications and views to a new job, but in many ways it will be a challenge to do as well as Spence has done. I am sure that it is the wish of us all to bid Spence the best of luck in his new work. 25X1A 2. I can speak for the staff in saying that it was a pleasure to have ou here on the 10th and 11th of March, not only to bring he training to an end but to discuss our various problems. 25X1A t Perhaps due to the high level nature of the _ project, it was 25X1A a welcome relief to close this episode as successfully and without incident as it was. It had been our hope to be able to present you and thereby the interested division and desk with our final report 25X1 A on -training within a very short time of - departure 25X1 A from here. This report in the form of a diary, faithfully kept by Ted's shop, will be processed as rapidly as possible and forwarded with appropriate comments. It had been m hope to include a well considered and intimate evaluation of been himself, feeling that the 25X1A man's importance warranted a special effort along this line. I am not sure this will be as complete as I would like it to be, as the suggestion to include such a study was not made until about one month ago and found. Ted's personnel unable to comply fully. 25X1A 3. On 13 March, contacted me as a follow up to y our suggestion that he come here to assist us in planning for our briefing of the Kilday Committee. I advised that it 25X1A would be a pleasure to have him come here as of TE March in order that the initial plans be formulated. Tentatively, it was our plan, following your instructions, to draw up a briefing which would relate our activities more closely to actual field operations. It is our desire to forward to you some time during the week of 16 March a tentative outline of that briefing, in order that you might indicate any desire to include or exclude parts of our planned presentation. DATE: 17 March 1959 Approved For Release 2000/08/17 : CIA-RDP61-00442A000100050022-1 Approved For Releas x2000/08/17 : CIA-RDP61-004427 00100050022-1 25X1 A 4. On 9 March moved up to the office of the DCF/OS and effective 16 March he assumed official duties as DCF/OS. I am sure that Bob's previo e here, coupled with his five years operational experience will prove to be a valuable asset to Field Training, in general. 5. Following some confusion at the time of their arrival on 9 March, the 00/Contact group settled down to a seemingly productive period during the reporting week. The original requirement laid on us was to provide this group with quarters and a classroom, but, as it turned out, they needed certain audio-visual facilities as well as field clothing. However, we were able to meet these requirements. By the evening of 9 March we furnished the audio- visual requirements and clothed the group by 10 March. The group was addressed by specia llowed them from Headquarters, including r and our own 25X1A who informally assisted and also participated in the 12 and 13 March activities of the group. 25X1 25X1A 25X1A 6. has continued his testing of - personnel 25X1A 25X1 A and has been able to ascertain that at least one, possibly two individuals in this group, are not able to comprehend at the same level as the others. Bill has also been working with 25X1A in connection with the writing of student evaluations for the 25X1A Branch. This work has also included a series of con- ferences devoted to the study of course objectives. This preliminary 25X1A work with the = has as its ultimate objective - the committing to raper of the necessary teaching materials in order to assure continuity As well as make possible a continued improvement of the course. 25X1A The last running of the = was well received by the students and the new planning problem was apparently highly successful. 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 7. During the reporting week, our group was touched. by the beginning and end of the life span. We were all saddened to hear of mother's death in - John's father and mother had been living in the land of their birth for some time and John found. it impossible to return there on this occasion. He did, however, go to New York on 12 March to attend with others of his family a memorial service in New York city. At the same time, OC student, became a father and was on leave as of 11 March. 8. has continued. to visit nearby installations to lay the ground work for their doming industrial tours for SOC students. Approved For Release 2000/08/17 : CIA-RDP61-00442A000100050022-1 Approved For Releaso2000/08/17 : CIA-RDP61-004424000..100050022-1 25X1A In company with Mr. security Officer, visited 25X1A re resentatives of the 25X1A 25X1A has also been busy in work on the new range facility and is presently engaged in acquiring new materials for this project. 9. As you are aware, during the reporting week, I participated in two panels in the OC on subjects dear to my heart and I believe tremendously important in the training of case officers; that is, motivation and cover. Also, in accord with your wishes, by lecturing on CI Requirements in the Audio Management course, I was able to substitute for at least one visiting lecturer who has regularly been called upon from Headquarters to deliver this lecture. In regard to visiting lecturers, I am convinced that a great deal more can be done by planned use of all personnel stationed. here, irrespective of their assignment to one particular branch. 10. On 13 March, we completed. the 5th week of OC. In trying to increase my knowledge of all the training activities and the actual quality of training here, I am slowly enlarging my contact with student groups. Insofar as the OC is concerned., it appears that morale and enthusiasm remaino high. In fact, as the students settle into their routine and as the operational horizons broaden, they become more and more challenged by what is after all, one of the most interesting jobs in the world. Those OC students who are eminently interested in human relations are just beginning to appreciate that the conduct of espionage is after all, in its final and most important stages, a task of truly understanding and handling people. This realization is creating in many of them an even greater enthusiasm and interest than they had upon arrival here. On the other hand, this same understanding on the part of those who are not truly interested in dealing so closely with people, may slowly result in some loss of interest. Individuals in this latter group are not yet readily identified. 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/08/17 : CIA-RDP61-00442A000100050022-1