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Document Release Date:
October 9, 2009
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Publication Date:
April 9, 1959
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Approved For Release 2009/10/13: CIA-RDP61-00442A000100030045-8
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1. OTR Emergency Planning
DATE: 9 April 1959
Per instructions from DTR, PPS is examining the status of
emergency planning within OTR. Arrangements have been made
with to obtain a copy of the Office of Security
emergency plans. DD/S regards the OS plan as a model which
might be followed by other components of the Agency.
2. Army Special Service Forces Contact OTR
PPS has called Colonel F. C. Fitzpatrick, Acting Chief, Un-
conventional Warfare Branch, U. S. Army, as a result of the letter
received by DTR. Colonel Fitzpatrick did not want to call on OTR
but instead was interested in arranging contact with us for a Lt.
on the afternoon of pr .
The purpose of visit was to obtain documents to
help him prepare a staff paper addressed to the following four
"a. To gain an appreciation of subversion against
a hostile state (Resistance)
b. To establish the relationship between resistance
and guerrilla warfare.
c. To determine subversive operations to be conducted
by unconventional warfare forces.
d. To determine concepts, doctrine, tactics, techniques
and materiel for the conduct of subversion by unconventional
TO Director of Training
FROM : Acting Chief, Plans and Policy S~
suBJECr: Weekly Activity Report #14
warfare forces. "
all 1111ML
Approved For Release 2009/10/13: CIA-RDP61-00442A000100030045-8
Approved For Release 2009/10/13: CIA-RDP61-0
r reg.,
These problems were copied from a draft study o
showed the group. PPS is forwarding a copy of t
he four problems
or his information. The problems, yo
u can readily imagin
25X1 led to questions by which your QTR rep
resentatives did not
25X1 feel free to discuss. Owas anything but
satisfied with our
response. After the meeting he cornere
in the hall. It
turned out has served with DD/P
and attended an Ops 25X1
25X1 Course where was an instructor,
the type
of material he had received during the Operations Course would be
helpful to him. Mis office is preparing a detailed report
of the conversation. Mr. has advised of
the meeting, as well as the fact the former and
Chief are old friends, having known
each other two years as officers in America's first parachute battalion.
Mr. stated that he would welcome the opportunity to serve
as the focal point of your Staff in OTR relations with. the Special Service
Forces if you so desire.
3. TOT Program
Incident to Mr.l lattendance at the Effective Speaking
Course, he gave a talk on the JOT Program. As a result, a fellow student,
Chief, Audio Support Division, TSS (extension
asked how his Division could recommend indi-
viduals for inclusion in the JOT Program. It seems TSS Audio Support
has already interviewed eight or ten young men graduating this June
whom they would like to hire but lack the slots to do this. 25X1
believes some, if not all, of these men possess the qualifications to
be T's PPS called and arranged for him to talk with 25X1
or screening.
relative to forwarding the personnel files in question to
4. OTR Tour
, Records Integration Division, has advised Mr.F-25X1
he would be interested in a tour as an instructor with OTR. PP$
has advised OTR Personnel, the Ops School, and the Management Staff,
Intelligence School, of Mr. interest.
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Approved For Release 2009/10/13: CIA-RDP61-00442A000100030045-8
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5. TS Document
Reviewed TS document covering the requirements for clandestine
collection in support of priority national intelligence objectives for
transmitted to C/QS for his information.
This is the first document of this type received and it was
6. Senate Bill 1243
This Bill is an amendment to the Foreign Service Act of 1946 to
establish standards of foreign language proficiency for the Foreign
Service of the United States. No action has been taken on the Bill,
other than referral to the Foreign Relations Committee, and no activity
is contemplated in the near future.
7. H. R. 3880
This Bill was introduced to create a Freedom Commission for the
development of counteraction to the world Communist conspiracy and
for the training and development of leaders in total political war.
There has been no specific legislative action on the Commission or
the establishment of a "Political West Point, " which is a vital portion
of the Bill. However, the thinking on this is still very much alive and
the Legislative Counsel is of the opinion that something may develop
during this session of Congress.
8. Emergency Force
r.l ~ is being named to replace Mr.
emergency roster that will operate at the
in case of national disaster.
9. Personnel
a. I I is continuing his attendance at the
current Effective Speaking Course. The course concludes next
b. Mr. will report to QTR for duty between 1 and 15
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Approved For Release 2009/10/13: CIA-RDP61-00442A000100030045-8
w ;fl tr
coming JOT Program. She expects to discuss her assessment with
c. is pleased with her grade raise to GS-7 and
is not disappointed because she was not selected for the forth-
Approved For Release 2009/10/13: CIA-RDP61-00442A000100030045-8